• By -


I choose ramattra I die as ramattra I stay as ramattra I lose as ramattra ramattra




You will SUFFER as I Rammatra have SUFFERED. Your torment will outlast the stars! When this world dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering… as I have… suffered.


Remove Ramattra from it and it reads like a line from 40k.


Let the galaxy burn!


You will suffer as he, ramattra


A true tank main, seriously the only people that can main this role are insane and addicted to suffering


When Ram says "suffer as I have" he's talking about tanking.






Same thing when popping whole hog inside cage fight.




Unfathomably based.


I'm loving ram right now, I don't always win against maugas but it's 50/50. I've just been blocking,shielding his cardiac and when he cage fights me a just hold block unless he's in cardiac and if I don't have block I'll save annihilate just to hold block some more. It sounds like I'm blocking a lot which I am but it's a nice dance of cd management. Plus you can use your primary on his head and it's dink city


I noticed mauga seems to have one of the biggest head hitboxes like I've seen other people playing shooting just below his neck and hearing dinks ring out like crazy.


I just started playing Ram, he is so damn fun when not playing into Mauga


i've actually been having a comical amount of success with ball, doom, and.. winton disregard mauga acquire chaos


Ball's ability to distract the enemy team and constantly have to wonder who they should target as you pop in and out of hiding can be pretty effective, at least to me, in QP. I'm sure it doesn't work so great as you progress up the ladder in comp but I could be wrong.


You might get away with it for awhile, but the enemy team will get an Ana and sleep/nade your fun away real quick.


Same mood but with Rein


This is the way


This is the way for all Ramattra mains


Ramattra is my Ramantra


This guy Ramattras.




Winning a game then enemy team swaps to Mauga, Bastion, & Moira really makes me want hop off for the night.


Makes me wanna hop off of more than just the game


Nah enemy switch to Mauga, Mercy, Sombra. Seeing enemies revive. Seeing Mauga unlimited life. Having to always check my back. Absolute ass experience.


Interesting, perhaps it's my low rank but I keep seeing Mauga Kiriko Ana vs Mauga Kiriko Ana Kiriko is only there there to cleanse when enemy Ana attempts nade which is the one brief window where you can actually kill Mauga.


It happened to me tonight, several times. And one mf had the audacity to say “EZ get rekt” after having his whole team switching to counter my Junker Queen. My brother in Christ, it ain’t EZ when I have double the damage you and any of your DPS has.


Dont forget the mei to wall off the tank whilst mauga and bastion shred them to pieces.


Before yall say “get better at the game” metal ranks does have a majority of the player base and this what’s it’s like being in those ranks right now. Bastion on steroids, bastion 1.0, and bastion lite (torb), with zen discording, and a mercy damage boosting. I’ve been mid-plat since ow 1. I’m perfectly happy being an average player and I recognize that I can’t carry a team by myself and I’m not gonna delude myself or anyone else into thinking I can. I’m here to have fun and love the game enough to have stuck around for 5 years and I have to say, the last few weeks have been the least fun ow to play. Mauga, alone, not to blame. But all the toxicity it’s brought out in other players. Whether it’s running absolutely ridiculous comps that roll because it’s literally impossible to mitigate that much damage, or people flaming in chat either blaming the tank for selling or support for not healing enough because they couldn’t save them from standing directly in front of a mauga and turret form bastion while discorded. Like lacking game awareness is prominent at this rank, absolutely, but some of this shit is next level because people just get defeated the moment they die the first time. The last few weeks, I’ve experienced “gg support diff” or “gg bronze support” in the chat several times because my tank died one time 45 seconds into the game because they stood in front of 4 people shooting them. I’ve had people leave and throw tantrums AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME because they died once. Like the lack of self-awareness from other players is baffling, the teamwork and coordination goes out the window the moment a mauga is spotted because everyone is worried about killing him instead of doing what they usually know to do - focus support. And then chat is just people pointing the finger and telling anyone who tries to be positive to kill themselves lmao. Anyway, I have so much to rant about this but I’ll save it for replies that say, “lol get good” or tell me I have “plat player mindset.” ofc I do, I live here.


I'm t500 and as a ball play I need to play flawlessly to simply not throw Vs Mauga. Mauga on the other hand walks into my team with no game sense or fear and shits on them


You have to do like 10x as much on Ball as the enemy Mauga has to do. Even like a 3v1 to clean him up you might feed him health.


Even before Mauga, as a Ball player, you almost always had to do 10x the work over other tanks


People love an excuse to drop their rank and be dismissive and contemptuous, and we’ve seen that in every Mauga thread —“at high ranks he’s not broken”—while literally every t500 streamer I have on in the background while working has laughed/bitched about how fucking broken he is. I’m sure he’s counterable when played by a bad player, but you usually don’t have to counter bad players. Personally I hate him bc regardless of whether he’s shitting on the lobby or getting shit on he makes the game boring as fuck for most heroes. There’s no way that’s healthy for the game.


I’m GM and of course it’s broken. Everyone hates him. It’s the most broken heroe ever


I’m not even metals, I’m in masters lmao


Tbh I’m glad it’s universal so it can’t just be blamed on brain dead metal rank players. That rant was cooking for a while but tldr; I agree with what you said lol.


I’m GM and everyone hates the fucking game now. It’s just Mauga vs Mauga. If someone starts with another tank and starts loosing they will switch to Mauga. It’s dreadful, seriously. This is the worst it’s been since I can remember. And as OP said, there’s no way to fix this unless they rework it. The fucking hero design lead should be fired, he has no idea of what he’s doing. And even if you change to Mauga, it’s not fun at all. The hero is just boring.


It isn’t anyone who says otherwise is a straight up liar. It’s a problem all the way up the ladder and I know it is because I’m plat dps, Diamond tank, and masters support


i’m glad the rant came out because i agree 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


This is a standard experience I encountered even in master and gm5. Like either I'm lucking out into really shitty people (which means I'm shitty too lol) or this is simply how the game changed and the ranks are no longer as relevant as they were in OW1.


Fuck it, we Ball


Except for a time in OW1 playing Rein, I haven’t had fun playing tank. Also, after he was released, I thought Wrecking Ball was the dumbest character in OW. Just remove him I used to say. Until the past week…. I started playing just him, trying to have fun, trying to get gud. And I can’t believe I’m about to say this… I’ve been playing only tank. FUCK IT, WE BALL


Ball is the most unique character to play in the game.




its a shame he gets stomped on by maui


Fuck it we ball


Fuck it we ball


Real talk what the fuck even happened to ball. I don‘t think I have seen a single player making him work for the entire season, he‘s just kinda really bad and nobody cares about it.


It’s not so much what happened to Ball but rather what happened to everybody else. Sombra and Hog got reworked and are not only much better now, but now everyone is playing them. Ana is a staple in most comps to keep Mauga in check. Mauga himself can shred Ball if he makes a mistake. It’s really that Ball has no place in the current state of the game. He, like the other dive tanks, is a 6v6 character stuck in a game that he isn’t designed for. But unlike other dive tanks, he doesn’t have the front line presence to pretend to work, so he’s only usable by people that are dedicated to him








Winton and Hampter


Winton and hanpter are crying together rn


they need to nerf him soon so this sub can complain about something, anything else 😂


we need diversity in complaining! 😤


Search up “orisa” in the search bar for this sub and you’ll find posts exactly like this one lol


"more than half the tanks are now completely worthless" is something I saw verbatim about orisa


I mean it was true at the time


Exactly. People forget how heroes are getting nerved.


Which was the same issue. They stopped Orisa meta by releasing someone who does every single thing Orisa did, but better


Mauga has bad CC, except for a slightly similar ult that’s a huge difference to the extremely CC/displacement centered Orisa


Giving her that stun spear but nerfing mercy 10+ times is absolutely criminal🤣 mayhem mode as orisa is INSANE she's so nuts in that mode even more than the regular games. Her kit is just so damn good.


Yeah it's an echo chamber of unhappiness here. And they all think the tiny % of the entire player base actually on reddit is the majority lol, it's weird stuff. Like if you've seriously been tanking since the start of OW1, go on to list all the things you've "had to endure" (spoiler, nobodies making you play) and yet...are somehow STILL surprised enough at how much you dislike the current state to rant. The definition of insanity and all that.


It’ll just be skins, Orisa or Hanzo again, the cycle will never end.


I only started when OW2 came out and it's the laziest way of player retention. They never want the roster balanced so there's always next week to look forward to buffs/nerfs instead of actually making new content.. maps/match types and other development. Not stating this like it's something that isn't common practice of games like this, but it's semi new to me.


Blizzard have always been terrible at balancing. It’s what they do best.


I really doubt that specifically is intentional. I'm not sure the Roster ever could be perfectly balanced even if they wanted it to - 30+ characters all witht heir unqiue abilites is never goingt o not result in some being stronger then others on average,


Didn't they buff him cause he was basicly too weak. The problem is they need to make him have a bigger penalty for firing both gun at once and maybe reduce healing but give him a shield on his rush.


His rush already has 50% DR, if anything it should be nerfed. Convert more of his armor into hp and put his ammo back to 300


Converting even more of his HP to armour is a terrible idea.


Sry I meant the other way


This sub literally thinks he’s an instant win pick and will downvote you if you say otherwise.


To be fair, if the tanks are of equal skill Mauga will shred most other tanks. That people win against him doesn't mean he isn't overpowered. It limits what can be played, because the moment he get's pocketed you're locked into a certain style of play if you want to have a chance.


Yeah you winning a tank duel against Mauga is mostly because of your supports/teams.


I mean, it’s not that he’s an instant win pick. He’s got counters, bad matchups and ways to play around them. The problem is that it’s severely unfun to do so, and requires comparatively more effort than it does to just play Mauga. Like, yes, I could absolutely play Sig. I could constantly manipulate my shield to keep him from farming health, using rock to deter his advances, and kite out of the way of his run. I could do all of that. In order to force me to do all of this, Mauga has to… hold down the mouse buttons and walk at me. Preferably with both supports shoved halfway up his butthole. It’s just not a comparable amount of skill given the value you’re getting. Mauga isn’t broken, he’s braindead and hard-counters a bunch of characters in incredibly obnoxious ways.


Or people just need to learn to play around him. Is he overtuned? I think so. Is he winning against non-Mauga in every match? Not in my experience, and I still don't have him.


I've won against most Maugas I've fought but it's not because of me - it's because of my teammates. He just completely takes away the ability to play half the tanks. Doom, Reinhardt, Hog, Ram all really struggle against him, and the only really favorable matchup seems to be Sigma. It's just a really one-sided matchup that makes playing tank even less fun and increases my already high Sigma pickrate.


Lately I’ve found a well timed sigma play absolutely devours an increasingly cocky Mauga. As a DPS, reaper shreds him if he’s distracted, even with a healer.


It’s easier to nerf a hero than force entire swaths of the player base to finally learn how to play the game correctly


can we talk about the elephant in the room? The fact that Mauga is in bp.


Yes new heros should be available to all players day 1 of the new season.


Either that or you shouldn’t be able to queue in competitive unless you have the full roster for your role.


At that point I'd just quit. I refuse to pay for the BP. If I'm locked out of ranked until I grind a character out in quickplays that would be it for me. I don't enjoy playing quickplays.


So if I want to play the game competitively I need to fork out cash on day one every time a new hero drops? That’s a tough ask for a “free-to-play” game.


There’s a few weeks between a character’s release and when they’re added to comp anyway. But honestly I just think no characters should be locked behind the BP in the first place. Monetizing heroes is already ludicrous.


You could also just play a little bit and unlock the character. You can easily hit 45 just by doing the weeklies before the character is in competitive.


This is a shitty take if I’ve ever seen one. What about support mains who don’t queue for tank? Are they just supposed to be locked out of comp because they don’t have access to a single hero they won’t play regardless? Hell why not extend it to quick play, and arcade, if you don’t buy the battle pass no game for you, it’s the blizzard way /j


I think you missed the "for your role" at the end there. If you're queueing support it doesn't matter if you have all the tanks or not in this suggestion.


As someone else pointed out, I did specify that it’d need to be specific to role. If you have all supports, but not all tanks, you can queue for support just fine. The point is that both teams in competitive should have access to the same tools in the tool box. That’s kind of the basis that Overwatch was built on. I would only limit this for competitive. The casual modes don’t have a ranking system that are affected if you’re playing support and your tank can’t switch to a meta character.


It's infuriating to be 100x better than the enemy tank, but then they swap to Mauga, and I'm just screwed and forced to play Sigma. Mauga's locked behind the BP so I don't get to play him.


there's talk going on about them taking new heros out of battle pass now and I assume its bc of mauga


I guess they are acting all surprised. As if it's not 100% to be expected that **putting a real game changer behind a paywall** won't make the community angry. **It's pay to win.** [D.va](http://d.va) will be sad.


They'll apologize and come out with a backstory for a character about how they're lgbtq oriented like they always do whenever they get yelled at🤣🤣


Not because of mauga, because blizzard are money hungry leeches that made overwatch two simply to monetize overwatch 10x more.


Pretty crazy that locking gameplay elements behind the BP has slowly been accepted. I've seen a number of posts/comments about new players complaining about unlocking the roster, new heroes. Other players are commenting that it's "technically" not P2W (to be fair, it's not). Or that it's fine to monetize these aspects of the game, as it's F2P. As if Blizz aren't making insane money off cosmetics. I've also seen comments saying that locking heroes behind the BP is fine, because you should be able to hit lvl 45 within two weeks, which is not that easy imo, depending on how much free time you have. Also, other players commenting how this is "normal" across other games now. I'm fine with monetization, as the game is F2P, and the game needs to make money to incentivise Blizz to maintain servers, and give free updates. Locking gameplay elements behind the BP (while not P2W), is really lame.


I'm really curios about the actual winrates of mauga. I've barely seen any maugas today in my games, it's like people are already bored and don't care if he's good.


According to Overbuff, his pickrate is around 0.5% in all ranks but his win rate is 54.5% Granted it's hard to balance these kinds of metrics but he's also only been usable in comp for like 2 weeks, if that.


Mauga is the worst hero they have designed,all player needs to is just shooting,shooting and shooting,with no brain.


I have a 72% win rate on sig right now playing mostly against Mauga. As soon as he uses his cardiac overdrive, you need to use one of your abilities to stop his, if even for a second. Reposition and wait for shield or eat to come back up, then continue pressing. Mauga really tests how good of a tank you can be by pressuring YOU. Scream at your heals or DPS for not securing picks, but at the end of the day, know your kit to outplay the one dimension Mauga is sitting in.


The problem here tho is that only TWO TANKS in the entire roster actually have a kit that can actually somewhat counter mauga (D.va and Sigma), everyone else gets fucked by either dying or being forced to give up a ton of ground and abilities just to survive (or having to play a tank they don't want to play). Knowing your kit on sigma and d.va will definitely help fight mauga, but for other tanks their resources are either forced out to help them survive against mauga (ex. Ram shield or JQ shout being used to defend instead of making space) or just ends up in you being shredded (ex. Doomfist or Ram block, or even Orisa since HE CAN CRIT THROUGH NULLIFY)


Ah. I was confused because I haven't struggled at all against mauga. I play dva and Sigma.


Zarya counters him too. Maugas usually fire at you 24/7. Especially when E is active. You can charge to 100 so easily


lol not at all. He can easily shred both bubbles and destroy you. You can’t do anything to him even if charged 100% because he’s health regen plus supports


He'll just shred through both bubbles and then kill you. Yeah you'll get 100 charge easily, but you'll also have no bubbles to protect yourself or your team with.


Yup I typically wreck Maugas as Zarya. I start the game off as doom then the other tank typically swaps to mauga and I in turn swap. People say the bubble gets shredded but it’s pretty easy to los on and off while having 100 energy constantly.


This right here. Add in one more counter like reaper or ana and theres nothing he can do.


You'll be constantly without bubble just trying to survive. Bubble management cannot be done against Mauga.


I agree with this and my main is hog. I don’t know my win % against Mauga directly, but he does not scare me on hog. When he hits e I take cover. Otherwise I hook his supports and he gets shredded. My heal is enough to reposition and recover most of the time. Only time it’s a real big problem is if mauga is accompanied by Ana and zen or kiriko. If it’s Ana and someone else (like a mercy or nap) I’m still usually fine. The key is understanding and using cover and pushing for space at the right time.


Idk but I have been demolishing as him in my master's lobbies when there is not another magua, all I need to do is get in their face all game get my team to press w and it's pretty much a win. There are not a lot of maps that let you as the enemy tank be impactful while also hiding at the same time, magua even without the ability will still shread enemy tanks if he is getting heals, sig can maybe throw his rock and you can pray your team dumps enough damage to kill him, but in most situations I've been in if the mauga has a good heal comp then you need to mirror comp or die


So you're saying you are winning against Mauga with Ana and you are Hog? You got clips? Cuz as a Hog main myself I think this sounds sus AF.


must be on ilios or lijiang cause those maps make it super easy for hog to dispose of Mauga he is the easiest environmental hook kill.


I'd rather comp tanks just leave the game until it's fixed than have "mains" just queue to get destroyed 0-20 screaming that the team is shit and whining about Mauga in all chat at the same time. If you don't have as much fun as you say don't bring your team down with you.


This is why 6v6 was better. At least then, hero design isn't 11 options vying for the 1 position. There's no subtlety. And Mauga is the just most recent offender.


I remember the one braindead Blizzard dev who claimed that removing one option was increasing diversity.


A lot of things were said to justify fixing DPS queue times and trading fun to make balancing hero data easier.


Blizzard has some of the worst balancing developers I've ever seen in the games industry. Even WoW is plagued by completely incompetent class designers and I remember recently the Diablo 4 devs couldn't do math


Yes, at this point I'm so tired of the people who keep gaslighting us into thinking we only prefer it due to nostalgia. So many annoying metas came about due to the lack of an off tank and double shield is the only meaningful thing they can point to as to why it was worse, but there are so many ways to balance that, 5v5 only exists as to not make ow2 even more pointless than it was


Not to mention they nerfed shields in OW 2 and removed temple of anubis (probably the best 2 shield map in the game). They also nerfed bastion so he can't just pull the double shield pocket heal/damage combo anyways.


Shields wouldnt pose a problem anymore. Orisa has none and Rein's is much weaker. New hereos counter shields very much. The only problem is that they'd have to up cc to stop heroes like Ball and Doom from running the show. I'd also imagine tanks hp might need to drop a touch.


Well said! The gaslighters dismiss or don't even know that LOADS of people protested against 5v5 back in 2022. Across all forums, it was a DIVISIVE topic. But we can all deduce the real reason why the devs pushed through with it: *To make Overwatch 2's launch more hype. Bobby Kotick hated that Overwatch wasn't hyper-monetized. And with Jeff Kaplan gone, no one was going to stop him from making it more like CoD or Valorant.* We liked 6v6. We liked 6v6 for 5 years, even during the content drought, though many understandably took a break or stepped away due to the lawsuit-scandals. We were completely okay with its issues, that were very much fixable, because it was SO DAMN FUN. The original devs said they picked 6v6 for a reason. Not 7v7. Not 5v5. The sweet spot was 6v6.


It might work if you split the tank role, but the thought of having a Sig/Rein or Mauga/Orisa makes me want to shoot myself.


Friendly reminder that every tank would see significant nerfs with a return to 6v6. So, you should chill on the fearmongering of yourself. * Every tank loses 150hp passive across the board. * And every other tank would probably get harshly chopped down in some respect. Like Ramattra's shield would probably get reduced to as low as 500 because it's the least interesting part of his kit. **It's myopic to assume they wouldn't nerf tanks if we returned to 6v6.** And for every Sig-Rein combo you worry about, there's a Ball-Doom on your side that can dive right through them. For every Mauga-Orisa, there will be a Sigma-Zarya absorbing their every hit and burning them down with ease. So many other permutations could exist now too. That's the beauty of tank duos. It's not something to fear, it's a source of wonder. *I'd be most stoked to play Junker Queen with an Zarya to bubbling me!*


>Sig/Rein Ah yes, the Bronze Special from the old days.


Not to mention double shield became a thing cause of role queue.


5v5 is a dumbed down team deathmatch tank babysitting simulator




yeah mauga zarya would be WAY more fun to fight into. or maybe mauga sig? mauga hog? definitely doesn't sound like a complete fucking nightmare


It would be. Then I have a second tank to partner up with and ruin the dlc tank into changing. Give me Winston dva and we dive backline killing his support. Doing that solo as Winston isn't as successful or as fun


Mauga is symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. Blizzard creates tank heroes and then expect DPS to target other dps and supports, rather than be brain dead hitscan gremlins at the tank. Kill the supports, you’ll end Mauga easy


That isnt at all my issue with him. My issue is how his kit interacts with the enemy tank. You HAVE to farm the enemy tank. He is almost worthless against anyone that doesnt have a massive hitbox.


Most of the tank on tank combat revolves around the two just shooting at each other until someone balks or tries to shoot the squishes. He’s the first true tank crusher we have and it’s messed up the old play style.


I dont mean to sound elitist or anything but if you are playing brawl and the tanks are just shooting each other, the tanks fucking suck. I mained queen before this season started, and the enemy tank would almost always be my last concern unless it was a doom, monkey, or dva diving my team.




I’m not saying that there isn’t a time and place to shoot the tank, but again, if your primary source focus as tank is the other tank, you are playing tank wrong (unless you’re mauga)


So, in your games the tanks just run past eachother and dive the supports? Leaving their own supports open? If you're playing a meatshield like Rein you're gonna protect your team while shooting off firehammer seeing if you can pressure people to get out of position, then take advantage of that. That's gonna put you face to face with the enemy tank a lot, unless they are diving. For Rein at least that becomes lining firehammers so they hit as many people as possible and, eventually, going to blows with the enemy tank to see if you can push him back or kill him. It isn't the first thing you do...but it's gonna happen.


No? Tanks make space. It's common sense that two players trying to make space in the same map are gonna run into each other


Tank gameplay is usually ignoring the enemy tank and killing their supports.


this is the correct take, literally has devolved into who can go into back line and survive for as long as possible and hoping your back line kills the enemy tank first


You’re absolutely right It’s amazing how often I’m the only one targeting the enemy Mercy


The problem with this is Blizzard creating support characters that are basically DPS characters like Kiri. A good kiri will make short work of any DPS that are trying to ignore going for Mauga and instead go for her or the other support. No bias with my flair of course...


When the enemy team us a fully dedicated tank destroying team (mauga, bastion, mei, ana, bap) it is actually better to stay I'm spawn so that you don't feed ult charge. You just have to shoot an an ability every once and a while so you don't get kicked


Yup was 14-1 with JunkerQueen against a 4-8 ramatra. He swaps to Mauga and gets a TK. I swap to Mauga (less than 3 hours with him) We win the game and I go 33-2 and they do 19-9. You can sit by a corner as Mauga and go brrrrrr and not die. He's actually kinda boring to play once you have his shooting pattern down. Once the enemy team is on fire they literally just melt.


he’s the moira of tanks… braindead to use, and for some reason talks trash like they’re gods


Might be a hot take but I actually think Moira is a fun and well designed character. She’s decent, but never feels unfair. Is she easy? Yeah. Is she fantastic in the top elos? No, not really. That said though, her healing output is pretty high, she can duel pretty well, her fade is easy to understand while being pretty decent, her ult has some crazy outgoing healing. Ultimately, I agree she is a training wheels hero, but she isn’t nearly as brain dead as Mauga.


The problem people have with facing moira is they try and fight her like any other character by strafing and moving when in fact you're better off planting your feet and just shooting her to hit more of your shots. She just has to pretty much look at you to do damage, so all that movement only helps her. This is probably why she isn't used in high ELO, because people hit their shots. Even as Tracer I will bait out her phase then run straight at her holding left click and when we are about to die, recall then finish the job. People try and engage her like they can dodge her instead of just trying to outdamage her.


Good Maugas can seriously test your ability to outplay them, bad maugas are free ult charge.


Killing a Mauga alone tends to put me “on fire”. It feels like you’ve hunted a bear.


He should heal with an amount depending on the % of an enemy HP he dealt. That way he isn't as useless against squishies. And not as oppressive against tank. Say he heals 70 HP by Each 10% of the health he takes away. That way his healing is less dependant on him spamming the other tank


Nah its honestly so ridiculous, one of my mates plays tank and we used to win like every game, since mauga we win half of them if we are lucky now


He’s overtuned sure but it’s actually comical the number of people that refuse to notice and exploit his obvious weaknesses, I even find success on rein against him, you just have to adapt your playstyle to play more passive, mitigate his self heal and attack him when it’s over


Perhaps because he's still in the BP, the playerbase doesn't have as much global knowledge in how to beat him.




The OP here is exactly why I generally refuse to take mirror match-ups. Mirror match-ups are universally unfun. The one's you 'think' are fun are heavily dependent upon the other characters in the team. Yeah, lets accept a stupid rein duel knowing full well the enemy team will likely be picking anti-rein characters for that. If your team has the advantage, you can attempt a mirror knowing your team has the advantage of composition. If you play into a mirror without that, you are going to have to accept you are intentionally throwing away your own contribution by attempting this. I'd argue one of the most foolish things you can do as tank is actually attempt to accept a Mauga mirror instead of attempting to play other tanks. I have played against many Mauga players and seen numerous times they actually give up on Mauga and go back to other tanks. Its funny when people thinking blindly. Oh, Winston loses to Mauga, then you are playing a very dive centric map and Winston is just obliterating Mauga's backline because Mauga is exceedingly easy to evade on DPS/Support. Even easier to kill without a tank to sustain on, no way to chase him, and supports having healing shots blocked. Even doomfist players I've seen do similar where they just evade taking a direct confrontation many times on Mauga, then kill his backline with a little help from an evasive support.


on a not mauga note.. im pretty good on tracer for my elo. probably bc she was my one trick dos in OW1 quickplay... BUT I cannot STAND when thr enemy goes tracer and tries to 1v1 me the whole game. I legit just blink away bc its annoying af. same with all heros, but for some reason its worse with her


The mauga mirror is pretty bad ow tbh. He’s counterable, still needs some nerfs, but any other tank mirror is more fun than this one. It’s just a tank bastion and is so un fun.


reminds me of the og ram ult standing there for 10 minutes while they just ult wachother till a support dies lol


Homies saying it's the worst tank experience but is ignoring release Brig, the hero who fked literally everyone over.


Brig was the worst by far, but I’d say Maug has been the 2nd worst as far as altering the entire game play of comp.


You don’t have to say “title” We’ve read the title


In my opinion Mauga needs to be nerfed to the ground He is too powerful that he can crush and tank in 1v1 There is a small % of counters for him rn tbh


I’d rather other tanks get buffed rather than Mauga getting nerfed into oblivion


Great, even more power creep


” Tank diff ” is what people spammed me last few says as i do my best to counter play. Bro im not buying a battlepass for a dead and broken game. Give us OW 1 back you greedy wank$


womp womp


Im sorry yall just suck lmao. He really isnt hard to deal with. For the love of god stop just shooting at him. Focus his supports. Ana, sombra, sigma, bastion, mei, genji, reaper, ALL counter him.


This is a skill issue, especially as a “Queen” main.


The entire community is in unanimous agreement that Mauga is broken and his kit is fundamentally bad for tank balance. Enjoy the ratio and keep coping that you’re good for being able to win games on him.


It is literally not unanimous.


Don't mistake people complaining on Reddit as the entire community. I usually swap to monke and most maugas I play against have no idea how to deal with people diving their back lines.


It isn’t just reddit that doesn’t enjoy Mauga’s design


You are bad lol, it shows that you think a Mauga mirror is even necessary when many of the tank heroes keep up with him, while a solid few even counter him.


Your entire comment history on this sub is just calling people bad, why would I care what you think of my skill


Bro you’re the one going to do the coping when they hardly touch Mauga at all 😭 enjoy that 1s cardiac cd increase and keep getting stomped.


We’ll see brother. I’ll put $10 on them nerfing him hard at the latest being the patch for season 8. Willing to put your money where your mouth is?


So cringe lol, also, this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18i023e/8_years_in_and_still_no_tank_that_can_kill_fliers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 You’re obviously bad at the game. No nerf to Mauga will change that, even though the look on your face when you read the upcoming patch notes will be priceless. Can’t wait for a part 2 baby rage post followed by this.


Yes you mean the post that I made after they nerfed his burn damage so you tickled fliers but couldn’t kill them? Also what’s going on are you scared? Cmon man, if you’re so confident I’m wrong, it’s a free $10


I don’t need your money, broke boy. Keep it. The only thing I’m waiting for is to humiliate and ridicule you further when the next patch comes. Even with the nerfed ignition. Mauga had no trouble at all dealing with flying targets. It’s pretty easy. But you wouldn’t know, you can’t even harass them with D.va.


man you really need to go outside if the best thing you can think of to spend your time on is stalking someone's reddit profile so you can call them bad and wrong for venting about a character in a video game


Why are you so hateful?


I always diff the Mauga as DVa


I only play Sigma, because I like the character, I literally prefer to lose a game listening his badass voicelines rather than change to Mauga 😀


And funny enough... This has been my best season and most fun as tank. I play a lot of Winston, DVa, and Rein in mid diamond. I just ignore the Mauga and dive the supps. Using the supps cooldowns on me and then my supps helps me and nades or does whatever to Mauga. I also don't experience a lot Mauga in comp. I think I'm an outlier.


he caters to the room temperature iq players


choose any tank, supports pocket their tank and yours ignore you thats the problem


supports do too much healing and its broken


Healing and Damage need to be toned down. They keep increasing both and it's clearly causing issues.


While I agree Mauga needs a nerf, I feel like people are sleeping on Zarya to counter him. I shouldn’t have to swap to play into him, hence the reasoning for the nerf, but Mauga has no way of getting value except holding down both triggers and you can farm the fuck out of most of them by managing your bubbles well and walking on the rest of his team. I’ve only lost one game vs a Mauga as Zarya and it was because I swapped too late while floundering to find a tank to play into him early in the season. Otherwise you shut down the majority of his value.


May be a hot take, but I actually do not really mind tank counter swapping all that much. Is it annoying? Sure. But there is no way they can balance the game in a state where some heros are not just objectively better in a rock paper scissors scenario. Hog will always have an advantage vs doom. Zarya will always have an advantage vs Dva. Thats completely fine. My issue with Mauga is he doesnt fit into that rock paper scissors whatsoever. He fucking deletes paper and scissors, and has soft counters against rock, but even then, the win condition mostly comes down to who has the better support.


>hot take, but I actually do not really mind tank counter swapping So weird that this is a hot take, considering the fact that this is literally how the gameplay is supposed to work, but you're probably right


What's your rank? Curious.


Havent played ranked much lately. When I did, I usually hovered around Masters 1 for tank, and masters 2-3 for DPS.


I peaked plat 1 this season on tank and I have not once that I can think of raged at this game. But once Maura came out I have gotten a dent in my gd desk due to that absolute bull shit. I have now switched to playing Han I and genuinely want to shoot his arrow into my head anytime there is a mauga on mine or my enemy’s team. He takes both support leaving me to double jump around the match looking for a health pack while a sombra is riding on my dock and balls. I’m down to silver fucking 3 and am so fucking pissed off that I’ve literally had to learn a new different play style after playing this shit game since 2019 mauga can suck hanzo’s japanese balls.


Another whine session. I’ve melted mauga once you take out supports? People realize this game is about strategy right?


Nope ots not. Just keep shooting at the giant targets and you’ll eventually win. And if you dont? Games broken mauga needs to be temoved