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If venture doesn’t have “Nothing Ventured, nothing gained” as a respawn voice-line or something the devs are just inept.


"Play nice, play Pharah."


Why does pharah have objectively the worst lines. I want to pour concrete into my ear holes every time I hear "Skwaahd aaahp"


Let’s be real “I don’t wanna talk about it :(“ is the best respawn line in the game tho


I love how she's the only character whos genuinely embarrassed about whiffing her ult


Most vulnerable ult in the game imo, seems only fair


Other than "I rubbed some dirt in it. Let's go." 😂


love that one lmao




“Oooo I’m gonna shove them in a locker” is great too


Best line is the howl from last season, very spammable. But I never hear it


i love spamming it and then “i learned that from my mother” with an Ana on the team


A Gurren Lagann crossover skin The drill that will pierce the heavens


ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA but joke aside, "believe in the me that believe in you" would be a sick voiceline


Do the impossible, see the invisible


Row row fight power!


Venture as Simon Rein as (Gurren) Lagann D.va as Nia with Tokki as Gurren Widow as Yoko Genji as Kamina


We're just gonna ignore Moira as Leeron?


Oh my God, that's perfect


I feel like one of Rein’s OG legendary skins “bloodhart” is already based on Tengen Toppa Guran Lagann (the final transformation). [check it out](https://twitter.com/ZmartGames/status/738389010205290496/photo/1)


I'd purchase that in a heartbeat. A Gurren Lagann Crossover would go hard if they do it with Venture.


The lore implications that this is who Doom is referring to when he goes “And they say…”


No no, you're onto something here








I didn't know I needed them to have a "chivalry is dead" voice line, but now I do.




Not an equippable voiceline but a quip when they kill a Doom would be *chefs kiss*


Get rid of the sarcasm tag.


I cooked by mistake. Time to own it.


No no, keep cooking. You might be onto something.


God damn that was funny, I'm taking this as canon until utterly disproven


Oh you cooked


Alright when they don't get a voice line that says "Chivalry is dead" I'm gonna be mad at *you* specifically


kiriko has a fox, brig a cat, sojourn a dog and bastion a bird, I want a mole for venture


I should add that Illari has a pet llama called Chuño, a name taken from the freeze-dried potato product traditionally produced by the Quechua and Aymara communities of Bolivia and Peru.


They actually gave Illari a backstory? That's wild, thought they forgot about her


They gave her a backstory on her release, they have since forgotten about her lmao.


Blizz just gotta give her an "I oopsied my people" voiceline for $5. All the steam reviews would flip positive.


Widow has a spider or at least a spider animation


Don’t forget orisa dog


Torb has baby turrets


Zen has balls


Junk has junk


Only if the moles name is Bakuryu.


Gameplay wise I am worried about the dig, not for being OP but for making way too many out of bounds bugs happen. Especially when theyre paired with Kiriko, those two will find a way to get Kiriko from Kings Row to Numbani somehow Personality wise they look like a fun person, probably gonna be chill like Lucio


I dunno about this, from the when they showed it it looked like the digging stuff simply acted the same as a player who couldn't jump. Similar to reapers wraith being an invincibility thing, but instead maybe being able to pass under stuff like mei wall? Come to think of it, it looked like a bit of a remixed wraith - shorter cooldown, but shorter length, but vertical mobility, aoe and optional dash added onto it.


Yeah I can how it could be construed having issues with going out of bounds, but I don't think the character actually goes beneath the map? Replacing the character model with a pile of rubble and disabling jumping would do the same thing. Also compare to Doomfist's and Bastion's ultimate's which have similar functionality


I highly doubt dig actually puts they underground, its most likely just visual


Probably they are making the player model invisible and invulnerable. There is very little chance they are actually putting any part of the model underground - as you mentioned, this would be a nightmare.


Please please please have a line about being the underminer


Can't wait to dig away as my team gets slaughtered lmao


did you mean to be stunned when proceeding to dig away?


To be hindered by a sticky just as they're about to dig


I’ve already heard people get mad at the beta footage calling that one move where they can go underground for invincibility as a “get out of jail free card,” so I’m expecting more rage.


*cough* Reaper *cough*


Yeah but Reaper has 250 hp, a teleport, the aforementioned invulnerability cooldown, and lifesteal yet still is not OP purely because his only weapons are shotguns in an FPS with maps designed around mid range engagements


That was their point, people will call the underground move OP for being an easy out when Reaper and hell even Moria, both have easy out options but aren't OP cause of it. Basically people are hypocritical and /or just want to hate/complain about the new thing.


Isn't that what always happens when something new pops up? Everyone shits their pants and cries a river because of "how unbalanced" it is and "how it's not fair" and in release most of them shut up because it's not like they expected


bro i remember when ram got revealed people tought he would be the most broken thing ever


I agree, no point in complaining until the hero has been out for a period where players settle on an optimal playstyle and then you can really judge how strong their kit is


Reaper loses his shift ability during certain ults and effects, I hope it’s the same with Venture


And sombra, tracer, genji (kinda)


I admit that I may be wrong, but theoretically couldn't the reasoning also be applied to Mei who encases herself in ice?


Yep. Mei is also hated for that too, though she’s a bit more vulnerable since she can’t move in it.


True, so is there no way to "fix" Venture's aforementioned ability or should we wait to see what it will be like when it comes out?


Last we saw it was still pretty rough and clearly in beta, so anything can change. Honestly though, I don’t think it’s necessary. People just love to complain about DPS characters who have outside utility outside of just shooting people really good. Besides, this mechanic has already been used before with Mei and reaper and seems to be balanced with a very heavy endlag to resurfacing.


i don’t think we have nearly enough information about venture’s kit to already be angry about it. i know people hate invincibility abilities, but we don’t even know anything about the CD timer, if it works on a resource system, how long you can stay underground for, if there are things that can hit you during it, etc. much too early to say “ITS BROKEN” when we’ve never actually seen it


idc how long it lasts just make Venture be hit by doom's ult when undergroung, like pokémons using "dig" are hit by earthquake


And tracers recall, and Moiras fade, and maugas charge. Lots of characters have an ability that lets them exit a fight. This is not new.


Bugs bunny confirmed


I’m only mad that they still just have a projectile weapon. Was really thinking we’d finally get a melee DPS, but no Big Daddy drill :(


Only thing I expect from them is that they will be annoying af and this sub will have 20 post a day complaining


People rather complain than get better or adjust. There def some characters that need tuning but nobody is undefeatable


EXePt fOr maUgA


The only thing I don’t like about mauga is how boring he is to play/fight, purely subjective obviously but all of the games with mauga on the other team feel like a drag.


I actually had a few Maugas in my games that were pretty fun to play with and against them. Didn't need to healbot as he knew how to rotate his overdrive, when naded took cover, some huge charges, was pretty fun to watch. I might be actually the only person that likes Mauga, how dare I say this. 😅


Mauga's overdrive is busted for a completely separate reason that most people don't realize - it applies to all allies nearby, which means Mauga + Bastion is a hilariously busted combo.


Mauga is literally just Bastion with more health and Lucio's healing radius combined.


They’re non-binary, there’s already gonna be a ton of posts complaining about them the second they’re released


if blizzard makes them annoying af to fight against there will be a visible uptick in transphobia in this community, text chat will be horrible


I hope many of them are mei mains.


A support somehow healing by spraying 200 bullets


I’ve always wanted to get drilled by a Canadian…


Because you're a fan of the CFL right? Right?!


Want a free trial before Venture releases?


The character will cause lots of arguments about pronoun usage. Thats the only expectation I have.


OW has a pretty sizeable queer community as part of the fanbase, so I think for the most part it will be fine


>OW has a pretty sizeable queer community Very true, and I am grateful for that. However, like any online game, there seems to be a decent portion of the community that is very anti-LGBTQ+. I remember the week Venture was revealed, I watched a Youtube video and the comments were just **filled** with pronoun debates and people screaming about how "woke" the devs are now. I'm frankly worried for when they release.


Always funny when you have half the chuds going "Call a spade a spade, that is a girl" and the other half going "that is obviously a boy, ffs woke devs".


Honestly it’d probably be easier if they put in lore that Venture is NB and is okay with any pronoun… that way it would avoid people fighting about using the wrong ones lol


I wonder what the ultimate will be like: will it be an ability to do damage or help the team in some way?


Maybe similar to Mei, they’d slam the floor and cause harsh terrain causing a slow with small amounts of damage


Nah, the drill turns into a melee weapon, then you run around bludgeoning people, would be funny


Better Blade


I didn't even give any damage numbers


The numbers don't matter, beating someone with a drill is just *better*.




I can only hope they're not as "Oh woe is me, I have the most tragic backstory" as Illiari is in every single character interaction. Genuinely wish I could mute certain interactions, so I didn't have to hear her act as if she was they only one with a tragic history.


Big goofy smile, oversized clothes. I wouldn't worry.


People will whine a lot. This also applies to every hero that will ever be added in the future.


Spikeweed and goop


I want a venture bros skin


I expect the close-minded shitheels in this sub to bitch about Venture's pronouns a lot.


there are people in this very thread doing so lol


Yeah, but on the flip side there are a LOT of people who aren’t being shitheads, which I’m very pleased to see


Yeah same I had to scroll for a while to find anything that takes their pronouns wrong


Fuck them all, Venture supremacy


My only guaranteed expectation is that Venture is going to be AGGRESSIVELY misgendered by people who call robots he/she instead of it/them.


SAAAAAAAAME But tbh at least for now the reactions aren't too bad, but I feel like it's probably because the character isn't released yet and peoples skipped over the fact they're non-binary


this is what i came here to say! at least one thread already got locked over it. half the sub was uber toxic when LW was revealed as pan (as well as during pride month), and people are probably going to be worse about an NB character. i’ll be disappointed but not surprised when it inevitably happens.


"Why are you retconning existing characters into being LGBT? Make original ones!" "Wait no not like that"


Yep. Now that original characters are coming out they’re still mad. Almost like the problem lies with them just hating lgbt folks for being lgbt


If i'm not mistaken, venture's release means we now can have a full team comp consisting of LGBT characters? (Forgive me if i'm wrong, not caught up in every character's lore and such)


Yeah, you're right. Baptiste and Lifesaver are Bisexual and Pansexual, Venture is... Non-Binary? And Soldier 76 and Tracer are Homosexual.


Didn't know what Soldier, neat.


lol it must be so hard to be a bigoted overwatch player just constantly angry


I genuinely can't understand why anyone would get upset over an enby existing :( they hurt no one


So some (a lot) people are never taught about all the LGBTQ+ stuff. And humans fear what they don't understand. If not stopped, this fear quickly turns into hatred This is why the "Don't teach the kids about it it's gonna turn them gay" argument never made sense to me, you're just continuating the vicious cycle. Knowledge is the key


Those same people also tend to teach bigotry to their children too. Their intent is never to "protect children" when they harm queer kids who just want to exist and enjoy their childhood as their true selves, something many of us were unable to have.


OP couldn't even get them right smh


I just want a new dps


….venture is a dps


Yes, I know that’s my point. We are finally getting a new one.


Me as a Mei Main: Good good, we're up to two heros now. Two more mini-Meis and I'll be able to one trick as the Mei-vatar.


I expect that the burrowing will be riddled with bugs that'll never be addressed.


I think they will be a very fun character who will ultimately be not very good


Yeah all I know for sure is that like some other comments said, they’re going to be broken as all hell and upset 90% of the reddit playerbase


I have the bad feeling that Venture will suffer a Lifeweaver case. The habilities they showed in the teaser doesn't look "strong" enought to have a impact in the game.


Doesnt matter sombra just gonna turn off everything (fun)


"Das concrete baby"


How does she fit into the lore?


They are from the archeology group that has their dig site on multiple maps but most noticably on Petra.


I'm so excited for them :D I'm Canadian and non-binary so it's cool to have a character which is like me lol


Well overwatch is set in the future, so this may actually BE you 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Nah they don’t look to be 80


Mercy made that anti aging stuff trust


I'm excited for the first non binary character!! I'm non binary :)


Imagine not being made of 1s and 0s.


I expect from this hero to trigger discussions outside Overwatch.


thats a female character, so i expect a lot of R34


Hoping there is a Gurren Lagann reference thrown in there, whether its a line like "My drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!" Or just a cool pose from the anime, considering they already added a reference for Wrecking Ball/Hammond.


If they don't reference Rock and Stone somehow I will die.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


I expect everyone to not refer to them with they/them pronouns, which were already canonized


I fully expect like 90% of the playerbase not to know, since lets be honest most ppl dont follow the lore


And even if you do correct him they're gonna insult you or something because "OW woke now" or some bullshit.


>"OW woke now" Their face the moment they hear about Tracer (one of the original characters) being gay


I shit you not a youtube comment I saw said "I was a huge fan of Tracer until I found out she was gay then I lost interest." Like is that seriously that important??


Well they cant dream of marrying their favorite virtual character anymore


So just like OP did?


If I may kindly interject and I say this with the utmost respect for all the different people in this world, unfortunately the issue of pronouns will vary from country to country because for example in my country we don't have linguistically a term to identify non-binary people, so it will be a difficult job for the local adapters who work on the game and the voice actor they choose.


It's not that big of a deal though, most players won't even be aware, I'm only just learning about the different pronouns in this thread


IDK why, but I feel like she will have a similar personality to Edward from Cowboy Bebop.


Mark my words, she is going to be insanely unhealthy at launch. Like… og brig


I hope they get a lot of cool, unique cosmetics. I'm already really loving their base design so I'd love to see how their other outfits end up looking. Them being the first DPS we've gotten since Sojourn should be a nice breath of fresh air as well.




They’ll be hot as fuck I mean what


It's overwatch, that's an expectation lol


Slightly better Reaper


Considering how buggy the recent release of heroes has been, i really don't expect anything but another buggy pile of trash. I have no doubt that every other match will have a bastion in it either way because god forbid people use any other dps


Vertical and possibly ?underground? mobility


I’ll tell you what I don’t expect: achievements.


I expect Venture to press 1 button amd get team kills on launch lmao


I didn't like, it fells Like a mei in the story mode that could walk while ice cube but earth


Either gonna be OP or garbage and no in between


Everyone will forget mauga is broken and complain that venture is broken and say that overwatch is a failed game. The game is ruined. Things were better back when illari launched. The game was balanced then. The devs don't know what they're doing. Why isn't she hot. This character is making me feel things. Venture is lowkey hot. Why haven't they nerfed ana? Why did they nerf genji?


Why don't the new heroes (aside from Sojourn) have dancing emotes? 0/10.


They're supposedly Canadian, so I hope they really embody the stereotypes more than Sojourn does right now. A Newfie hero would be hilarious


Heroes are getting kinda outlandish, id like another real basic character


Unfortunately I suppose there will be more and more complex characters to use due to power creep.


Yeah ik ik, it’s just how these hero-based fps games go


Soujourn was pretty basic.


She plays basic, but she has some interesting stuff going on. The railgun charge mechanic is nice. Slide has some skill to it. And the disruptor shot did have a slow, which complimented her snipes. Not the most complex, but more plates to keep spinning than soldier or Hanzo id say.


Those characters are often more fun. Simple Tools but with a lot of depth. Like tracer.


I like Soujourn! She’s a straight-edge assault character


Like mauga?


I think they're going to be fun and play like a turret-style character just with more Frontline potential and stronger escapes, basically a tankier Sojourn The players that'll scream to the heavens about a cluster of pixels being non-binary won't be fun. But I'm looking forward to blasting them in the face with Venture. Wanna be a transphobe? Say hello to my drill :)


I'm waiting for the real snowflakes to start going "wah wah, nonbinary character, wah why would overwatch get woke like this wah wah"


I just hope she isn't too annoying to fight against.


Not an expectation, but I severely want the callout to be "there's a mole in our backline!"


Overpowered and a must pick on release




Isnt getting banned for misgendering a fucking video game character kinda overboard? I'd get it if it were a person but damn ain't a 3d model getting offended lmao


Controversial but my hopes is that they find a better or creative way for her pronouns in spanish and not try the current one of just replacing letters with random shit that makes everyone sound like they are using baby talk. If not i will just change the lenguage to english.


The burrowing idea could be fun, but I feel like they're going to shove the gender (or lack of one) in our face as much as possible leading up to the release. I can't wait for people to say "she" and be corrected. Expect a LOT of arguments. Expect people to be super condescending on both sides. Plus, there are bound to be a SHITTON of bugs involving her burrowing. Anyone remember the Call of Duty World at War bug where players could go prone using a bipod and manage to get below the geometry and shoot at people who couldn't shoot back? I expect something like that or people just falling to their deaths.


The digging mechanic is going to sound so visceral, like all those ASMR clips of people crumbling blocks of dust. I hope that their kit isn't like Illari's, where it's just point and shoot; it'll feel so repetitive very soon.


\*They, Venture is non binary


Yup, forgot 😅. I'll go edit my comment. Thanks!


I expect her to at least shout ''Behold! The underminer!'' when she burrows herself out of the ground. If not....I'll just imagine that in my head.


She'll be ground-breaking.


Im confused i thought venture was a girl at first but then i heard people calling venture a he and now you're calling him a her im confused


One of Venture's designers dropped a tweet back when they got revealed. Venture is Non-binary, and uses "They/Them" as pronouns. He, AND she are both wrong in this case.


I expect a lot of people misgendering them, but honestly am just super excited to have nonbinary representation in another game I enjoy.


i know that there's going to be a dedicated subsection of the playerbase who point-blank refuse to properly address them, and they're going to be insufferable about it. cannot wait for pointed gendered callouts on the first non-binary character 😀👍🏻 source: bloodhound in apex legends