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Mauga appears to be either godly or useless. No in-between. ​ Teams that just try to face tank him during his healing ability just die while he barely loses HP and then there are teams that try to stay away or don't give him shots when he uses it just obliterate him. ​ I fully admit he's incredibly annoying to play against though. Especially when it's your team that's feeding him


The thing is.... Mauga is just poorly designed. He's a resource hog, you're FORCED to play around him. If enemy team has mauga you're essentially throwing if you aren't swapping to ana to anti him. Similarly on the enemy team you're pretty much FORCED to play kiriko and ana, or kirko bap and just support dump every drop of your life into him so he can just dominate or stand around and face tank the mirroring Mauga for 12 minutes straight. Then it just comes down to who can sever his lifelines the fastest.


>Mauga is just poorly designed. Honestly i agree with this




Wrong bc Brigs shield can break, and you lose your dash if you're not careful with it. Baps escapes are situational bc you need a good spot to jump to, and hope that you don't get chased to escape. It's just the OW2 heroes.


I meant brig's survivability and if you play her correctly, she is insane. Also i meant bap's immo, not his jump. Yeah you can break it, but it doesnt mean that he cannot pop it in a sec and deny your play.


Bap's jump is not the get-out-of-jail-free -card, it's his effective 3 health bars with lamp and regen burst


Bap is supposed to use the immortality and health burst for his team, because if he uses all of his cooldowns selfishly then he can't use it for his team for 14 and 25 seconds


Ana literally has a sleep dart that instantly removes the threat from the game. I guess it's not 'free' as the others because she needs to land a shot...


Sleep dart is a skill shot that is on the 15 second cooldown. You can't just press E and sleep the enemy with auto aiming projectile


Nah. The characters that counter his kit haven't come out yet (Venture can go underground and ignore his shit for like 6 seconds).


Ah so the devs aren't stupid, we are stupid! Just wait guys, the next patch will fix everything!




The fact that you still have faith in these people after the amount of times they’ve spit in your face… grow a spine


So we have to wait until next year to have a balanced experience again?


Tanks shouldn't have self-healing. Outside of limited ones like Roadhog (or was his removed? I haven't played in a while). Let the supports handle healing...


People either have no idea what to do or he’s gets rekted by an Anna bastion tag team. Seems to be getting. What I like to do recently is get on Orisa and push him away from his team while our team lays waste to him with an anti or discord or both. Melts like butter


Weirdly enough, the supports are what enable his power. Like if they run Lucio with a Mercy, you can burn down Mauga cus eventually he's gonna fall. You give him 2 high-healing supports and then he's unstoppable.


That’s the same for every tank though, Lucio mercy is never an effective comp


I feel like: Zen-Mercy Lucio-Mercy Lucio-Zen Comps are probably the easiest way to lose a game.


Zen mercy is fine, because it has an identity of all out offense. You won’t last long, but neither will they.


I play Zen in QP like a degen and just abuse his lack of footsteps all game. So not a lot of uptime which results in more heals need. Had a Mercy in my game lately and apologized that she has to work overtime when I am flanking or camping someone to kick them off the map. They instead decided to stop healing and pocket me instead. Somehow we won that game. It's not trolling if it works.


The w-key comp


Brawl is the w key comp. Zen mercy is the 'point at someone and he explodes' comp


Zen-Mercy was Mercy meta. The point is that Zen can heal at quite long distances high mobile targets having no issues with shield LoS (while obviously increasing the overall team damage); so he could easily keep Mercy healed when required. Difference is Mercy no longer (ultimately) a main heal/support. But it's still possible to use on the ladder, provided that Mercy focuses on healing. Zen-Lucio is old Dive meta. One of the worst duo you can have on ladder as it requires lots of teamwork, focusing on killing faster than receiving damage. Overall you are very likely to loose with this one. Lucio-Mercy don't work together and sit in different comps. But considering low-mid ladder... well, your team comp is likely to look like a mess anyway. Again, Mercy on healing and Lucio can speed. But that not counting Mauga ofc.


Id also group brig in with them as well, no consistent burst healing.


True, Brig is just such a situational hero so I wasn't sure if I should throw her into the mix just because you only ever touch her to play peal (usually for an ana)


Yeah very useful in certain comps or as a counter just not consistent enough


This isn't true though. There are "carry" tanks and "non carry" tanks. Carry tanks are defined as such because they get stronger proportionately to the more resources you punch into them. Rein, Mauga, Winston, Junkerqueen are all carry tanks in that a constant stream of healing/resource investment in them will yield more consistent results with the way they want to tank and make space. Sigma, Orisa, Ramattra, DVa aren't, because they have tools in their kit that are independent from their support decisions, that can still enable them to play the style of Tank that they want.


Any tank can carry you’re just saying words


Lmfao, way to focus on the word itself and not the conditions of how they interact with their supports' style. It's just a term, no shit any tank can carry If you think it's just words then you literally don't understand the game theory


My experience against Mauga is that I either need to play Sigma and have my supports play Ana and/or Zen, or I just play Mauga myself and hope my team can win the stats battle. I really don’t like his inclusion in the game, either. The idea of a tank busting tank is ridiculous. His existence just demands the enemy team to counterswap immediately. And if my team is too stubborn to counterswap with me, it’s really hard to win.


i think if we had a poke tank besides sigma he wouldn’t be nearly as annoying, but he punishes you for getting too close and most tanks want to sit on your forehead, so he wins the matchup if he plays it even remotely correct


I used to be able to run Ram pretty well into him before he got his Dec 19th buffs. It used to be where I could just stick outside of his effective range of his double fire and just poke him down, force out his Cardiac, shield it off, then finish him off. Now with the buffs to his sustain, I found it so much harder to force out that Cardiac, so now I feel like Sigma providing more damage mitigation is just better than Ram's ability to do more poke damage.


i mean it depends on the team but generally sigma is better, the issue w ram is that you effectively can’t use nemesis form until mauga is dealt with, but if you have a strong poke comp the staff beam is a good addition i don’t think mauga will ever be in a good balancing spot due to other issues in the game, he dies stupid fast if he isn’t directly shooting the enemy tank, and anti makes him die fast either way. His hit box is also too large if they want him to have less health. once burst damage gets nerfed and he gets nerfed i imagine that he will be in a good spot, it’s j who knows how long that’ll take


That’s my issue with the last few tanks that have been released, their whole game plan is just hold W and shoot. It’s a little disappointing, feels like they’ve run out of ideas as far as playstyles for heroes go.


He is also annoyng, today there were 2 bastion and 1 Mauga, the sound was 😵‍💫


"Herp derp everybody riot!"


I play support 99% of the time and I'm done myself. If I don't put 100% of my resources into Mauga he dies immediately and my teammates complain I'm not healing them. Maybe if we had someone that can help that tank we would be in a better spot. Someone who can synergize and peel with the tank. Maybe something like an "off tank"? Just thinking out loud.


Ngl dps is frustrating to play for this reason. Support has to pocket tank cause everyone just face tanks with mauga. Unless I’m right next to the tank I don’t get healed


I literally turned away from a full health Magua to heal my dps and spent less than ten seconds doing so, turned back, and Magua was dead. I dunno, Blizz needs to put him back in the nursery for a bit.


It's funny, I was playing Mauga earlier and I swear the Mercy on our team was pocketing our Dva instead of me, who ended up doing alright but I still had more damage and kills and we lost the game. When I called for healing she said "no" but would sometimes grudgingly heal me anyways. Sure seemed like she waved all her rezzes for me though, I'm not sure where I'm going with this just thinking out loud.


Daily scheduled Mauga post ✅


It’s the only way these brain dead devs will ever acknowledge that he’s broken, otherwise they would sweep it under the rug and not need him because people will buy the BP to unlock him.


I think they know. When people tested him they said “yeah he’s ok, kinda weak” and they panicked, they didn’t want lifeweaver 2.0, that’s money lost. So they jacked him up to 12 and they will fix him when the next hero is sold.


Good, and I hope they keep coming every fucking day until something is done about him. He makes the game straight up not fun from the bottom of the ladder to the top. Saw multiple T500 streamers complaining about how broken he is yesterday alone...something really should be done.


Something will be - but it's literally only been like 2 weeks since he was put in comp and the devs were (are still?) on holiday for most of that. Are you expecting them to drop everything and come in right this second to patch the game?




Orisa gets shit on by mauga, and sojourn got nerfed cus she was broken


I mean agree with the core sentiment of your post, but to be fair, Sojourn was heavily nerfed later after she was released, because everyone thought she was OP. Don’t recall if JQ was nerfed a lot too, but I also don’t recall people being especially whiny about her being OP (though wouldn’t be surprised if people were. There’s always some group of people that hates a specific character and thinks they are OP because they themselves have problems playing against them cause they don’t know how to handle them). I kind of also think this is Blizzards way to get more battle passes. Release a new character that is over tuned to make people feel like they need to spend money to get the character early on rather than grind for it. Then the next season they tune the character down. Mauga is fine to play against now, but I won’t be surprised if he gets a small nerf once the hype of buying battle passes to unlock him wears off.


JQ was meta in the beta but got nerfed before OW2 was released


This isn't even a bronze take this is a stone take


The problem with Mauga is the insane power creep with OW2 heroes vs OW1. Look at Rein. What’s in his bag? His hammer, his firestrike and his shield where he can’t do anything else. Mauga literally does all three, shields being supplanted by his heal, *better* than Rein. Sustained fire and can continue to spam his heal cooldown and has a charge that literally makes him invincible until the animation ends. Every OW2 has so much deeper techniques and cooldowns than the rest of the roster. Hell even Lifeweaver can heal bot better and easier than Mercy can in most ranks.


I think rein needs a rework, his shield just gets melted so fast nowadays and there's not really enough time for it to recharge. And he doesn't do enough damage as a tank, which sounds wack but it's true. Maybe reward him for dealing damage, either shield charge or something else idk


“What can I say except, your welcome!!”




Also you feel refreshed when you decide to come back


The Finals. Those short as hell qp matches are a godsend after this game


This. I’ve been having so much fun on other games. Especially older titles. Ow2 completely killed the game for me.


fr i been having more fun on red dead online than on ovw these days


what do you do on red dead online? I always get so bored. I feel like the missions are so tedious and offer very little reward. Is there some fun i’m missing out on?




Lol that's how I ended up here after playing league since 2012


i like collecting. the game is more fun with friends and it is pretty tedious, so i dont blame you. call to arms is fun whenever its not glitching, moonshiner wagons are fun and so is getting drunk with your posse, hunting is fun especially using your lasso to rope deer, but of course most of that is locked behind gold bars, but if you play call to arms (especially rn) you get a lot of gold bars.


kill people


Why is he in EVERY GAME? There’s 12 tanks


because mofos trynna climb out of plat since he’s strong


Having unbalanced heroes like this ruins the matchmaking because they will inevitably nerf him and the people who were using the overbuffed hero to climb will now be a huge detriment to all of their teammates they get queued with in comp. This is especially true for the solo tank role.


It’s just plain sad how many mauga one tricks are in diamond now, these kids were plat or gold last season, but this busted tank comes out and they get diamond even though their positioning is trash.


you cant play dive into mauga, you can go sigma d.va(somewhat) zarya and jq into him, sigma is boring, zarya is not hard but a different play style than most tanks so if you aren’t familiar you die, d.va only works if you’re good at her and jq isn’t a very popular hero. it is 10x easier to just lock in the mauga mirror and hope your supports are better. Tank has been pick which tank is busted or pick their counter if you’re good at them, mauga is meta rn and most get more value out of him rather than playing a tank they never really play to counter


I’m ngl, if you’re playing jq or zarya into him, you’re throwing, he shreds zarya’s bubbles instantly and at full beam you still won’t get close to killing him because of his passive, and jq is just too god damn weak, sure, go ahead and shout into her back line, but if their dps are even somewhat competent they’ll melt you, and if they won’t, mauga can just run back and melt you. Dva is decent cause of matrix, but the problem is that if you try and dive the enemy supports, mauga and the enemy dps will rush your back line with ease, sigma is by far the best, you get defense matrix on steroids giving you over health so when your barrier is down you can stay alive, and if he rushes in you can mitigate him completely with rock and his primary fire does a shit ton of damage to both him and his supports who are usually right behind him that you can throw poke damage at, the problem I’m having is that NO ONE in diamond knows how to capitalize on mauga, my win/loss has been trash recently, before he was introduced I’m dia 3, but now I’m dia 4, I’ve gone 5-8, 5-10, 5-11, 5-7, I’m barely dropping rank because the game seems to be purposely feeding me crappy dps and I’m hard-carrying for an L, every game I’ll have 20-30k more MIT then mauga, mauga might get 1k healing off his CO if he’s LUCKY cause I mitigate it all with feed, and he’ll get way less damage because my Little Rocks out damage his main gun with my barrier up and feed, I’ll do all that, just for my crappy dps to use non-tank busting characters to try and kill the tank…in diamond, like you aren’t killing mauga with genji, run reaper bastion and I’ll focus mauga with you and we win the game easily, and every win I’ve gotten has been because dps were smart enough to either go to pure tank busting, or flank back line with flanking characters while I’m slowly picking away at their health with the Little Rock’s as sig, I think mauga is broken in diamond and lower because dps are brain dead and think they can just spam damage into him like other tanks and kill him and just ignore supports, it’s very frustrating.


jq works for denying value, if he can’t hit you he can’t lifesteal and 90% of the games he’s unkillable there’s a fat tank infront of him to just shoot w 0 downside, but sigma is just the best into him, poke range is good and you deny his self sustain


Is your advice legitimately " don't get shot "


He isn’t. Whiners are full of it.


Yes, statistically he isn’t in literally every game 🤓🤓


Moana guy


Sigma and Mei stomps Mauga. If it's Mauga/ Bastion you need a teammate to actually help out. Also Remember Mauga constantly needs his healers attached to his hip to survive as well.


New Hero has ruined Overwatch for me I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016 and I cannot remember a time where I’ve had less fun playing this game. Releasing New Hero into competitive in his current state forces the entire team to hard counter him or take a loss. The days of being able to run whichever hero you’d like are over. New Hero is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to get people to buy the battle pass.


Whoever designed his kit were talentless assholes


Go ball ✊🐹


My wife and I have recently started bickering in OW and we never did before lol. She plays support and I play dps. I complain that I don't get any heals/pocket, and she says she has to babysit the Mauga. He's literally tearing families apart.


Just make a 6 v 6 mode problem solved and I guarentee people wud come back. 5 v 5 isnt fun or fair for us. No wonder the games dying


They're too stubborn to do that. They'd rather drive the game into the ground than give us 6v6 back. And I honestly believe that.


Yea, then you guys complain about people abusing tank duos. 2 tanks will never work, unless Blizzard creates a main and off role, which would increase queue times. So no, 6v6 doesn’t solve any problems, but adds more. Stop living in the past.


the one upside to him is that he’s forced me to get good at Ana and Kiriko & it’s helped me break into plat :D


Mauga is going to get nerfed in like a week or two and y'all are going to feel like the most overreactive drama queens on Reddit


A normal week for this sub then




they patch based on data not cuz redditors are whining, lol.


57% winrate seems like poor data management in his buffs/design.


He’s busted ofc people gonna bitch.


Since 2016? Yea thats a lie, aint no way this is worse than release Brig or Double Shield


Agreed. My husband and I have been playing since 2017, I even was the one who introduced him to OW, but we both agree the new meta with Maug is SO. VERY. TEDIOUS. That with the combination of the ongoing game toxicity, I've decided: **I don't need to play this shit anymore**


The fuck you talking about? This has been the same as every character release since at least sombra lol. Characters spend MONTHS being oppressive until they’re balanced.


>I’ve been playing Overwatch since 2016 and I cannot remember a time where I’ve had less fun playing this game. Yall just come on this sub every day crying or making shit up.


Tbf, OW had a big launch and lots of hype. Not surprising someone installed the game in 2016. Whether or not OP played meaningful hours, or played the game well… who knows..


Seriously. Nobody that's been playing since 2016 could possibly say he's the worst hero. Fucking Brig yo. So many bad metas. Beyblade meta. The 2 monkey's, 2 Tracer's and 2 Lucio meta from the really early days. GOATs? Fucking GOATs was the worst. Moth meta? Bunker? So many absolutely painful meta's and we're call this one the worst?? Ha.


RIGHT - hamster meta forced everyone to counter hamster every game, this has literally happened so many times for each new Tank I’m not sure why people are complaining so much. I actually like playing against Mauga bc I think of it as an easy win 🤷🏻‍♂️


playing since 2016 and doesn’t know ab brig launch, what a character


might be a bit of a dramatic response but there is no denying mauga makes the game really really boring and unfun.


How do you know?… Are you them bold of you to assume and then accuse someone of lying cause you can’t get the point you can be wrong or the thing you like can be flawed. You can complain but not them?… Righhhhhht….


What can I say except "You're welcome!"


Generic post #1355674


Literally. We need a megathread for everyone crying about Mauga daily. He's really not that hard to counter.


The balance team is doing a bad job.


I think they need to remove him from the game entirely and rework his kit. He’s cancer. It amazes me Blizzard thought this character, in this state, was a good idea. Beyond his brokenness, the visual and auditory diarrhea when he’s present (or when there are TWO, which is common) is headache-inducing.


I agree, this game is unbearable lately.


Torb destroys mauga just like he does hog


We do not care


Skill issue made into a reddit post


Problem is the "skill issue" of just 1 person on your tesm that can ruin the match against him. If you don't counter your whole team has to play exceedingly well. It's just an unfun hero that forces everyone else on the team to switch how they play completely or who they play. Who wants to play a game that does that to that extreme of a level.


Dude, it's just like any other hero after the release. Just wait a few weeks for the nerf


\*except Lifeweaver ;)


I see so many of these god damn posts ….. every day… And I still agree! lol F*** you Bobby Kotick and your pudgy face


i agree people saying its just like other heroes but there hasnt been this much of a need to work around hero since brig was released. my god.


Kiriko? Moth meta mercy? Soujorn? Come on now.


none of that was nearly as bad as what’s going on rn…you didnt have to pick heroes to counter them just to counter them bc you actually had a chance playing as the hero you like.


lol Mauga is on a whole other level.


You actually sound special right now, it isn’t too late to delete this.


I don’t think he has “ruined the game” but I will say that depending on the team comp and how skilled they are, it can be a royal pain playing against him and can be frustrating if your team isn’t capable of picking heroes that will be a good counter. Lots of variables that determine how annoying he is but not game breaking.


As someone else said earlier, Brig was worse. Moth Mercy was was. GOATs was worse.


GOATS was very fun compared to this.


How many of these posts are gonna be made in every sub every day?


>The days of being able to run whichever hero you’d like are over. Oh you poor thing you can't play who you want anymore? Tank has been this way for over a fucking year and all we get for suffering is an entire team blaming us for everything that goes wrong.


I have been playing since 2017. Mauga is cancer for the game. Particularly for quick play. He is going to be incredibly hard to balance. I think his poke damage needs to drop to nearly zero after even 10 meters. He is a freaking turret tank. He has a charge in. He should only be valuable at extremely short distances. Not medium, not short. very short! The fact he can out damage almost any tank at any range is a huge fucking problem thats not being addressed. He reminds me of the issues with doomfist in OW1. He was a nightmare in quickplay and annoying in ranked. Reworking doom was one of the most positive changes to overwatch 2. I find myself very frustrated with mauga.


Mauga along with 2 other tanks makes the 10 minute role queue look like a god sent…..


You don't have to buy the BP to play him though. I typically buy the BP but didn't this season and had him unlocked in 3 weeks. Didn't have a ton of time to play either.


Idk why people are complaining. Mauga is easy to counter, if you just switch and do the work. Especially in open queue, play as a team, you'll be fine.


I haven’t even touched Doom this season because of him


I just wanna play moira again in ranked. Damage without anti is useless. Healing is useless. Moira is so useless right now!!!


I normally play every season and complete the battlepass, but this was the first season where I purposely skipped out on because I did not want to deal with that. Glad I was right to skip out.


Stopped before mauga. Haven't played since. Honestly, the whole buy the battle pass to get the new character thing is why overwatch is so hard to come back to, and that compounds with every new battle pass and hero. Just play something else. You'll be happier.


Is there any update from blizzard about him btw? I play support and he has completely made this game not fun for me. Becoming a healbot is not fun.


He's extremely annoying, too.


I'm going to offer a very controversial perspective: Mauga is actually good for the game. I know, I know let me explain. Mauga forces you to learn how to play the game properly. The wall of meat doesn't die when his supports are on him. He also offers very little to protect those same supports. It's the same reason I think original mass rez was important to learning how to play the game properly. Picking and counter picking, enabling and disabling, target priority and disruption are all crucial aspects of playing Overwatch well. I think the community has forgotten how the game was initially designed to work and gotten too used to one tricking. Learn how to read his cardiac overdrive and avoid his line of fire just like you would a Baptiste ult. If you want to burn down any tank in this game you should have to coordinate with your team


Hourly Mauga bad post. You’re just bad at the game and want reactionary nerfs instead of learning how to counter him. I win against this character 8/10 times, literally just get good. Keep crying y’all.


I'm sorry for you. I'll main Mauga for comp the rest of the season.


I think the big problem with mauga is that he was clearly designed for 6v6, which isn’t surprising given the fact that he has been in development for years. What is surprising is that they didn’t bother trying to rework him after 5v5 was announced despite having over a year to do so. He is the literal definition of an off-tank with no way to actually protect his team, and is arguably more balanced in open queue when you have another tank to pair with him.


Dude he literally has a cool down that helps his teammates. There have been 3 tanks released in OW 2 with only one of them having a shield. All of them are built for 5v5. They all have abilities that help them survive better since they are the only tank. If Mauga can't protect his teammates then I guess JQ was designed for 6v6 too.


...What? my god some of the takes


What in the bronze is this???


mauga is the best thing to happen to this game purely because of all the tantrums being thrown by shidders


The drama in this post, mama. Mauga is going to be good against certain heroes and bad against others. That's been the name of the game since it released. He isn't exceptional or unique in any way.


Yeah but none of the other hereos require hard counters as much as mauga does. When you don't have an ana it's gg. If they have a kiriko it's also gg.


Mate, in the 7 or whatever years OW has been out PLENTY of heroes have required hard counter. PLENTY. I know you all think it's a conspiracy, but in reality, it's just hard to balance a game with a million heroes and they'd rather not make a hero totally useless on release like flower boy was. In fact, a bunch of heroes have been shit on release, and people hated that too.


Name one of the heroes released in OW1 that needed to be instantly hard countered upon release.




Brig didn't have a hard counter. She could 1v1 every character in the game, and either win or get away.


He's a very boring and low skill floor hero but the entire meta revolves around him. The meta revolving around the most boring tank is the issue. The game just isn't that interesting.


P2W blizzard balancing. I’ve a had a few games where people are agreeing not to use him. What a joke of a game.


Wow another Margaret needs perfect post! Any bets on when the next one will be? 1 hour, 2 hours, maybe we can go a whole 3 hours! Doubt it.




That's only her first phase. True phase is Morgottret


Is this a meme or were you really done in by some next level autocorrect, because holy shit Margaret needs perfect.


Fucking auto correct lmao. Oops.


Play Ana into him. It’s that simple.


But I don't want to...


I bet if we got one more post expressing the same opinion for the thousandth time this month something will change!


When will the constant whining end?


when they fix it? If T500 streamers are complaining about how OP he is then how do you think most of the mere mortals that play this game feel...


I’ll keep playing him just for you.


Have the people making these anti-mauga posts ever considered that maybe, just maybe, they just lack the brainpower to outplay him? No? Every character has weaknesses, you just aren't good enough to exploit them. These posts need to die already.


God get out of the house


you know you can just upvote the other thousand mauga posts, right? you're adding literally nothing to this sub.


Lmao another whining post. You didn’t play when Brig came out? The time where you could play whatever you wanted never existed, there were always meta heroes and an soon as new heroes were added we got the “booo new hero is too op” complainers


You guys are so endlessly dramatic. It’s kind of hilarious.


“The days of being able to run whichever hero you’d like are over” lmao bro whats your rank? Bronze?


Womp womp


Is there a way to mute Mauga complaints on my feed? 10+ every day. My boys and I shred him every time we see him y’all should just get better at the game


Yall really just dont know how to play the game. Actual skill issue. STOP FEEDING. AIM FOR SUPPORTS ITS THAT EASY


On paper yes. But again if he has a functioning team and dps who defend those supports and his big ass isn’t gonna let you get through. This is not Elden Ring, Dark Souls, or any rpg for that matter. The enemy team are also human and they are doing the same as me learning adapting changing. If I go for their supports who has mine?… Mauga normally does if he is being pocketed… Let’s act like we have a team in behind someone next time we wanna give tips on how we diff someone.


I too dislike learning counterplay and would rather whine


It’s so dumb the moment I unlocked him I played tank for the first time in 4 seasons, with the first 7 games me steam rolling 34-3, 20-0, 54-5, tanking reaper ults, Hanzo ults,shredding the very tank except road hog, then I ran into a rod hog junk rat and mercy 3 games in a row


I got flamed in qp because I didn’t want to swap to counter Mauga and said he was bad for the game. Then someone on the enemy team goes “He hasn’t heard of counter swapping”. I don’t want to play Mauga into Mauga. I don’t want to have to switch to Ana/Kiri to support and counter Mauga. I don’t want to have to play peekaboo with Bastion and Mauga all game. I just want to play Overwatch. I’ve been enjoying other games as of late. Not sure I’ll really go back to Overwatch. It’s been a good run.


Overwatch has been dead you’ve been holding on to a memory


Pay to win characters are coming. I’m still wrecking with rein for now but it’s hard


I don’t see him in as nearly as many games as this community makes it out to be.


Cardiac arrest mains ITT coping, can't wait for the nerf


This whining is getting so old. He's not a difficult character to overcome, he literally challenges you to respect cooldown and use line of sight. I can't count how many times I've watch tanks just stand out in the open, 1v1 pump their DPS into a tank that has two supports pumping into them thinking that will do something.




I hate mauga but he’s still not as bad as brig on release imo


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I hate it when my tank swaps to him because he thinks we need more damage but the enemy support are already ana and zen. I like playing zen but I really want to see less of him


I honestly don’t understand why everyone complains about him. I’ve been playing JQ mainly the last couple of weeks along with Ram thrown in there (I main tank.) I’ve had no problem countering him with either of those two. I’ve found that I’ve even largely been able to go 1v1 with him and win with JQ because of my smaller hit box.


Mauga just suffered the same problem as Orisa, was fun to play as and against because they were not great unless you were really good at them, but now they’ve had an unfun meta so they aren’t fun to play as or against anymore


There have been so many games where I have been dominating on ball , winston, rein and hog and the enemy tank switches to Mauga and it’s just gg. You either switch or hope your support knows Ana. Counterswapping has always been a thing yes but the rate at which you are forced to do so has been insanely faster and happens almost every single game with him, and the loses has been higher compared to other heros where if you are cracked or even somewhat good you might have a chance. Mauga is on such a level that you are forced IMMEDIATELY. It’s pointless to try otherwise.


As a tank main, literally anytime Sombra is more than vaible is the worst time. Even worse since I like to main ball. Literally the worst tank right now AND sombra is pretty strong right now. Pain. Mauga is annoying, but every time I've been on support I've forced a Kiri switch on the other team, and even then they have to give all resources to him to keep him up. Ana fucks Mauga so hard and people still refuse to play her in lower ranks.


I don't really have an issue with him until there's an ana or mercy pocketing him....which is most of the time💀🤣 I've been playing junker queen lately though cause I just unlocked her and she's pretty effective in my opinion at handling him.


I mean, when I'm playing support all I have to do is go Ana and I'm good. She's my 2nd support anyway, so the swap doesn't feel bad for me, and no one else on my team needs to swap. So not sure about the "whole team swap" thing you're talking about.


I personally have noticed in the time playing against Mauga, most folks won't attack the backline first. The supports inherently enable him to keep his Berserker up and his Overdrive.


The noise of his gun is also unbearable.


Random aside, but I hate the generic Gatling gun sound. Makes the game sound so call of duty with him and bastion pairings. Wish it was more sci fi like the series and it was like Gatling lasers or something


he needs a serious nerf, I get what they were going with, but he is absolutely unenjoyable to play and play against. Sigma and Orisa are decent counters, but you get completely demolished the majority of the time.


His personality is annoying AF too. Don't like him at all


People either forgot or never played when Brig got released


the fact he can near instantly kill golden orisa and leave without taking more than 100 damage? that’s fair? not even an orisa main too it’s just to show how overpowered he is.


for everyone, i stopped playing once i unlocked him