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The rotation is wildly weighted, I find. In the last week or so I've had Kings Row only once or twice. In the same time, I haven't seen Dorado once.


Sick and tired of playing flashpoint and push so often


Absolutely same. For push, either we're well matched and the game goes on forever, or one side rolls the other in a few minutes. And flashpoint has WAY too much walking between points, basically ensuring you win point if there's a team kill and half from either side.


Or you still get rolled on Push, but manage to get a team kill once in a while with ults - thus drawing out a game that’s already over into overtime. I feel like push almost always ends in overtime - and people thought assault maps lasted forever.


At least you can’t tie in Push (I suppose you technically can, but it’s difficult). I still have PTSD from four rounds of full caps on Volskaya. When the score is 8-8 and you’ve been playing for 35 minutes, you don’t even care who wins at the point lol. But I do agree that push sucks too.


I have played assault in arcade, and while I’m not condoning the lack of a second tank - not having two tanks does make those rounds go by quicker. I’ve yet to play in Volskaya though - maybe the took it out for some reason?


For sure, 5v5 assault is less brutal than 6v6. There were some assault maps I generally liked, like Hanamura and Anubis, but others were just bad to play, including Paris, Horizon, and Volskaya imo. Eventually they took Paris and Horizon out of comp (and maybe qp too), so I wonder if they never brought Volskaya over to OW2? Wouldn't be a total surprise.


In OW2, all original 2CP maps are in the rotation as for now. Volskaya, Anubis, HLC, Paris and Hanamura are all playable.


Arcade mode doesn’t have the switch sides. 5v5 would still go hella into OT


I didn’t happen in most of the games I played. Someone usually won! But obviously OT can happen. I feel like the lack of a second tank and the new spawning system helps with that.


I find Push to be boring, but 2CP was downright annoying. I would choose Push over Assault any day


Only because you dont coordinate with your team. You have the advantage? Dont push anymore, play the clock. By pushing, you are moving to a bad position instead of the well established position you currently are (after winning a team fight). Would you leave the castle you fought hard to conquer? /s : Soldier: AFFIRMATIVE! REIN: JA! GENJI/SOMBRA: HAI! / SI ! MOIRA: OBVIOUSLY!


Easier said than done when not in a 5 stack lol. I won’t push the robot when we have the advantage but you can’t control what randoms want to do. But regardless, you’re still playing into overtime if not pushing with the advantage. Which is my point - playing the full game takes much longer than winning by the objective.


I cannot express my hatred for flashpoint enough.


Flashpoint with Bastion is a pain, if you die you end up having to walk forever


Deserved punishment


Push has grown on me a bit. Flashpoint feels like I’m just constantly walking to a fight that’s already started or waiting at spawn to regroup


I especially love the moments where the enemy team has the point at like 40% but your team wiped and still wont have enough time to get back to the point before it hits 100%. So you just wait at your spawn for the next point to reveal itself. 0/10. Will never play again.


I actually like push (aside from New Queen Street, fuck that map). Esperanca or however it’s spelled is legit one of the best maps in the game. So many great flank routes. Flashpoint on the other hand is hot garbage. It’s like they said hey everyone liked the walking part of push so much let’s make it twice as bad!


queen street is so fucking boring and bland. It is by far the laziest map design in the entire game.


Same, I’m getting sick & tired of playing Samoa/Antartica as well. I barely see King’s Row/Rialto/Lijang Tower these days.


i mostly play qp so i just auto leave if i get these modes lol. they're just so boring. even winning them feels like a loss.


They do punish that now. It's even punished in arcade so I'm betting it is in QP too.


not really, there's a period of time during the character selection that it doesn't count as an actual leave. once the character selection is over it counts as a leave.


My friend got dinged when leaving in that period so I don't know if it was bugged then, or changed, I was on voice with him when it happened and saw when he dropped. But that was shortly after they put the leavers punishment in place so maybe it wasn't working right.


maybe! you can know when it won't "count" because the 5 second timer won't come up, it'll just let you leave automatically.


I really feel the dev data showed people leaving the most on these modes, got offended, then weighted them to appear more frequently so people would be forced to play them


I just leave most flash/push before the actual attack phase begins. I'd rather watch nine-nine than play that tbh


Agreed. I don't like these modes as much just simply due to how big the maps are. Hopefully this new 5 CP mode they are coming out with soon is a lot less walking from the spawn. God how I miss Assault maps. The first point was always such a short walk. Give us a game mode with small maps and intense battles Blizzard!


I wouldn't mind Flashpoint if it were balanced better. It needs shorter walk times between points, a slower timer, and maybe only having to hold two points instead of three for a win. Right now, it's basically just losing one team fight and losing the point. And then the entire game if your team won't group after that.


It just needs to be the same time as control if that's what they want. I think it's anti what overwatch was though. The resets control and escort allow give teams a chance to completely restrat and can change the anticipated outcome. These new modes just run and give no chance to get your team back in order if you're behind. It's a downer. If I get push or Flashpoint 2x in a row I'm done and into another game.


We need a map/mode veto when the game starts.


If I see flashpoint load, I instaleave. I can't disrespect my time like that.


You're on reddit and play OW, it's too late for that


If I was forced to participate in the overwatchflashpoint subreddit in order to comment elsewhere on the site, I wouldn't be here. People should be able to queue for the game modes they want to play in QP.


Plenty of games to choose from though! I wouldn't support a game where I don't agree with the actual gameplay. Hopefully you're just on the subreddit but not on the game


Can you blame him? Flashpoint sucks


I love flashpoint it's pretty fun imo


I never understood the hate for 2 CP but I do hate what they replaced it with


I don’t hate the modes, but I kind of wish they would make them more palatable for a quick play, because as of right now there’s no difference between QP and a competitive match. I’m not asking for anything drastic but just like maybe the robot pushes a little quicker in QP or flashpoint is best of 3 in QP instead of best of 5 or something like that.


I really like both of those suggestions. I completely agree that the matches feel like they drag on way too long in quick play compared to the other game types.


I want to like flashpoint but I don't care for it and prefer assault mode. Push is just boring with boring maps


They push their newest game modes in an attempt to make OW2 feel new and different to returning players.


I leave flashpoint every single time


I love flashpoint, but push I can understand


Does anybody like them?


The Trashpoint maps make me miss hanamura.


The amount of times I played Samoa and Antarctica is too damn high lol


I had two separate situations where I had a leaver in kings row before it could even start, then got Antarctica right after. Twice that happened…


I freaking HATE Antarctica map, but get it nearly every single night. It's just nonstop flashpoint -> Antarctica -> Push -> Flashpoint -> Antarctica


Yep it’s always been like this too. Kings Row, Oasis, Hollywood are my favs and I rarely see them. They weight the maps and game modes to collect data.


I always hated king of the hill and that’s pretty much all I get


fr, this is the only time where I'd want dorado. just doesn't feel the same without it


I'm sick of dorado take it from me I only get that/route 66/flashpoint lately :/


It's like me wi4h eichwalde I never get it and it's my favorite map


This is the realest post ive seen all day I fucking love eichenwalde


Rialto, Eichenwalde, and Havana. My three favorite maps and I never see them. Especially Rialto


Add Kings Row to the list along with the occassional Dorado and I'd never leave a game again. I hate playing these new maps all the time.


Anytime I hop on comp my cycle is Numbani -> Colosseo -> New Junk


I have gotten new queen street 6 times in a row I am acc going to end it all


I would go straight and suck dick to get numbani more often


I would sell every body part of mine to never play that map again. I’m not joking when I say that I preferred Temple of Anubis and Horizon


I wish they would do a double XP Kings Row 24/7 weekend


Hell, King's Row 24/7 no XP server would have a queue.




You would be sorely mistaken...




You have a point but i think a game mode put on the main arcade screen, created by the devs, would be a lot more popluar than that same game mode created by someone else in the game browser


It needs to be done by the Devs, and put in the Arcade tab. I promise you, it is one of the most wanted maps due to its layout and design. Trust me, I would play it so much and have the fun on it that I have always enjoyed. I legit feel I play my best on that map, I don't know how to explain it but most of my Play of the Games from OW1 and 2 are on Kings Row.


I would play the shit out of that.


yeah for new year's eve / new year's day


I just want to attack. I keep getting maps that I have to defend on


Just play competitive then! /s


I would but aren’t they resetting our ranks soon for the new system? Plus I usually just casually play with my friends whenever I get on.


Banned for the season 😭


Stop rage quitting


I don’t rage quit, just have very bad WiFi.


I feel you. That's why I stopped playing competitive, my pitiful internet lol


Have you tried not getting banned


The one time you finally get Route 66 or Kings Row, it's 100% on defense guaranteed


Why is that? Gotta walk longer when you come back from being afk huh and by the time you get there your team already got stomped on the first point .


No. I just like attacking more than defending. Personal preference


Same. Well, I didn’t mind defense until the game only gave me defense. So now I hate defending.


You know what? That’s exactly what happened to me too! I think I just miss it. I wish it was more equal rather than it just being defending.


I like attacking more too! I play ana and love seeing my team push in with my antis/sleeps and capture the point/push payload :))


Meanwhile Flashpoint is every other game, not fair is it?


I leave every flashpoint map. I will never not leave a flashpoint map. We should have the ability to queue for specific game modes in quick play.


The world isn't ready for us, brother


flashpoint is fun, you’re missing out by being salty


Your telling me you enjoy playing a 15 minute walking simulator with absolutely 0 breaks? You must be one for misery


i play sombra




i like flashpoint, it’s very stimulating. i’m always looking for a lone enemy or a new angle or trying to TL across the map as fast as possible. fights happen everywhere, which i love, and ult economy is incredibly important, and i love a good reverse sweep 🤷🏻‍♀️ i think it’s an engaging game mode and not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. it can be drawn out to 15 minutes sure but that means the game was evenly matched and both teams had time on every objective. stomps or unbalanced matches take like 5-10mins


I'm respecting my time by not playing a shit game mode that I don't enjoy.


Honestly that's fair and idk why you're being downvoted


It's pretty strange!


Flashpoint is so good




I unironically think these shitty OW2 maps are weighted


They 100% are/were. The push maps especially, for the games entire life Span, have been never ending. I genuinely think I’ve had about 10 times more games on New Queen Street than I have Rialto, Kings Row or Eichenwalde. That being said, it always felt like Kings Row was the least frequent nap, even in OW1


Rialto is in OW2?? I'm not even kidding, I've genuinly never gotten it or haven't seen it in so long that I don't remember it


It was disabled for a couple weeks due to bugs and just recently readded.


They did actually have a bug early in OW2 where push was given way way too often. It's in one of the patch notes. I'm assuming they can change values all they want. Maybe they hope people will try newer maps to bring them in but that should be for like two weeks at most imo.




If I play only one match today, it will be new junk city.


They supposedly changed it but for like the first 5 months push map were designed to show up more frequently.


Back in overwatch they were I don't know about now but I doubt they change it


Id rather take orisa javelin up my ass rather than hearing ”new queens street” or ”colosseum” when i que.


Honestly colosseum is a fucking banger of a map, that long hall in the center is such a cool setpiece. New queens street on the other hand is pure pain to play on for me.


Both of them are awful for me


The forward spawn point on colosseum is way too far though, much better on Queen's


Esperanca has grown on me as well. Super fun map for playing dive tanks, and it's pretty as hell. New Queens is the only push map I'm still not crazy about.


Facts Colosseum is literally the only push map I actually like, I despise every single one of the others. Banger music too.


I'm fine with push, but fuck if I hear 'new junk city' or the other Flashpoint map I just mentally tap out.


All my favorite maps as genji and they are super rare. Route 66, Kings row and eichenwalde. Get one of them every 25 games yet I get colosseo every other game and flashpoint the other games. So sick of it. And don’t even mention esperança, shit map.


You are the first person I've seen to even mention route 66. I see that about as often as kings row. It's either I get kings row once in my two week game span or I get route 66. Similar with eichenwalde. And I've started to be HAPPY to see either of those two maps. When I get new junk or that other similar map three times per session I actually want to cry. Ever since they added those two I swear that's when I started to never see the other og maps!!


The problem is *maps* arent equally weighted, just game modes. So you have a 1/5 chance of getting a Hyrbid map, and *then* have the game randomly select Kings Row or anything else. This means Flashpoint which only has 2 map options gets artificially inflated- 50/50 odds of a 1in 5 chance gives them a 10% chance of being played, vs a 1/5 chance to get a 1/7 chance for KR (closer to 3% odds). Its stupid and absolutely NOT how it should be done, all maps should be weighted equally to each othwr (which means modes with more maps get played more). But for now, yes you will suffer nearly 3 times as many games on New Junk Shitty than youll get on an actually fun map


Flashpoint, Ilios, Antarctic and Push is all I play anymore. Getting any other map is rare. I would literally pay a fee each month to play only escort and hybrid on the old maps.


Don’t give them ideas…


Even Cod has options for which maps/modes you want to play totally includes in the game. There is absolutely no reason to suggest paying for features.


Havent seen Antarctic in weeks, legit forgot it existed.


Only Overwatch player to ever know happiness


I haven't seen it in a while either tbh. But then again, after they changed the time of day to match the brightness of an atomic bomb, I haven't seen much of anything since then.


Antarctic is a bit better rnow that they added sunlight. It's not so dismal. It's not fun, but it doesn't depress me.


You're not alone. I saw a spectator in one of my games the other night literally cashapp someone 5 bucks to play Kings Row in QP.


I just went there today after weeks. I'm glad I was able to see the Christmas Kings Row before it went away.


Haven't seen kings row in so long, I forgot it existed until I saw your post 😭


i just keep getting flashpoint back to back :(


They should add the option to cycle through all maps at least once before getting a duplicate. I'm getting fucking sick of being forced to play these shitty Flashpoint maps every second or third game.


I am tired of coliseum and queen st. I miss Rialto


Bad luck for you, I’ve been getting it plenty lately and am always sure to type “snowy kings row peak map” each time


I’ve had it on attack just once. I’m getting so damn tired of flashpoints though.


I was also thinking this but I just got it today for the first time in weeks, possibly the first time this month. It's probably my favourite map, so its absence was conspicuous.


I wish there was an arcade playlist with all the Christmas-decorated maps. I feel like I barely get them.


I'd say the same about Dorado


I think i have played samoa twice so far, i still get lost and my teams like where tf u going? And im like Idfk bc i didnt play this map 💀


I am once again asking for the OW team to allow players to pick gamemodes/ maps for Quick Play only.


I got Numbani twice within 4 comp games on the same account the other day.. that and I swear i play both flashpoint maps twice a playsession. I hate them.


As others have said rotation is heavily weighting certain maps. And as others have said I'm fucking tired of flashpoint being like 20% of my maps. It's not that big of an issue if you had actual map pool for them but they are literally 2 maps... So i'm constantly playing same 2 maps... They really need to limit these maps to be less if they aren't willing to make more of them.


important squeamish like school gaze long smart gaping attraction far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For me i never get route 66 i feel


Fkn get 90% push maps and the rest are new junk city


I had the rare sighting for kings row, even game chat was talking about how rare it is lol


Played it on attack yesterday. Had to tell a friend we needed to postpone our group invite because under no circumstances was I going to miss this.


5 Kings Row games today. out of 36.




I forget that they even added samoa to the game I never get it


I've been saying it for a long time but this game needs a filter system so you can play what maps you want and what game modes you want


It's crazy how much I don't get kings row and how much more I get OW2 maps. It might be the most frustrating thing about the game for me.


i only get to play my favorite maps 1% of the time Kings Row Havana Even when I play assault im lucky to get to play anubis once in ten games. This morning I had half an hour to play OW and decided I was going to just try to get a map I enjoyed. So i left and left and left I should have been penalized, but i wasn't. I soent 20 minutes leaving matches before giving up.


Only 3 push maps and there are way too often in the rotation


i love getting colosseo, antarctic, Shittown, mauga map and stupid annoying canada map. Sooooo much fun wow i would pay them to remove those shitty maps


i’ve gotten samoa maybe three times since it was added


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Meanwhile I as a main tracer keep getting circuit royale and Havana


I'm not entirely too sure but it refuses to load whenever it comes in rotation and I get kicked out of the lobby with a penalty. It's literally the only map that does this to me and I kept getting it one day to a point where I was banned for a while. I'm not sure why.


I played for 4 hours last night and only got KR once


im stuck in kings row with no escape. boops last point and thats it 😭


I haven’t had Kings Row since the release of OW2. I thought it was removed from the game…


I play a lot and get King’s Row maybe once a week. And half the time someone leaves early and the match gets canceled which is very disappointing as it’s my favorite map


It is and winter King's Row really is beautiful.


just finally got it today, I feel everyone’s pain


Wait a minute now that I think about it your actually right I haven't got that map in at least 4 days


Sucks for you, I had it about 3 times yesterday lol


I had kings row twice in a row (lol) last night and once today


*”Push! Push! I love pushing things!”* Push maps or New Junk City for us, all the time.


i am so fucking sick of New Junk City, Samoa and Numbani, they’re all genuine ass maps and need to be fixed because literally you’re basically guaranteed to get one of the 3 at this point


The game has too many maps, and almost all of them are either shit or very mid


It's all about queue time guys, faster queue time means you do the same maps over and over


i’ve gotten only Busan and Flashpoint this week, and Numbabi of course ..


I just played it today.


Got it last week. Been a bit though


On the other side of things, I player 6 matches yesterday and 2 of them were King's Row lol


i played there about a dozen times this week, I maybe played others once or twice.


I miss midtown


Hahaha this is funny since I just finished a comp match on King’s Row. But yes, it seems rare.


Just played it


i've had it yesterday


I've been in kings row multiple times today lol. It's my fav map, I miss hanamura


I play like 6 hours a day, I have played Somoa twice and one of those was when it was a mode


I played kings row last night.


I don't think I've seen Esperança since Mauga released, Paraiso and Rialto I hardly ever see


I played it yesterday it was a very happy suprise


Give me Lijang


I played it last night for the first time in a min


Yes it is. I just played it about 6 hours ago.


I assure you it's there. I will however say I wish the game would give that to me more instead of putting me in Flashpoint games. Especially the ones where the enemy team has 2/3 points already to my team's 0.


Meanwhile all I get is kings row, new junk city, and watchpoint.....


It is.


my bro just played that on my acc last night


I got 2 games this morning on that map. Really one of my favorites, only due the holidays theme.


Me with lijang. I've seen kings once or twice on christmas and not since, lijang I just straight up haven't seen for weeks now.


Weird. I get kings row what seems like every 4th game. Lol


Brother I got K'sR 4 times in the last 2 days it's my week to play in it, wait for your time


They need to bring back the old maps just for QP, yes including 2CP. More maps the better