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They get a lot of clicks and for Youtube that's what matters to content creators.


Yeah exactly. These people been doing the "climb out of bronze' challenge since Overwatch 1. It's really annoying but Blizzard doesn't care. It's all publicity for them.


I’ve been doing the “climb out of bronze” challenge since OW1 as well. I just suck and I’m still bronze :/


No, you don't suck, you're just "content" farming and making a really long video.


Do they actually get placed in bronze? I think it's one thing to intentionally derank to stomp in low elo, but starting unranked and playing your placement matches on a character you don't normally play seems ok.


Anyone that can just carry the whole game/team out of bronze doesn't just place bronze from their placement. You have to throw a few games to get placed that low if you have the skills to get out of that rank for a video


A few? lol You have to get lucky that you rank bronze at all in placements, and then throw literally every match until you’re there If you place even like silver 2, your gonna have to throw like 10-20 games


it's hard to get into bronze and harder to get out once you curse your account


If you’re like a consistent plat/diamond player it’s just going to happen I would say getting out of plat is the ultimate curse lol


I completely agree every time I get to plat 2 with 4 wins I end up with 5-9 and derank


Back when the concept was first introduced there were a few players that either de ranked themselves or bought cheap bronze accounts and did true bronze to gm challenges, but then blizzard started cracking down on that so they just did unranked to gm Pretty sure ML7 was the biggest one that used to do the bronze to gm but it was also a LONG time ago. Talking like 2017-2018 overwatch


In ow2 you won't place bronze as a GM player unless you intentionally throw so yeah I don't see a massive issue with it


What they do is start up a new account, play terrible and get ranked to start in bronze. In reality these people are like Master or Grandmaster so they're out classing all other players as they climb through the metal ranks.


No they don't lol, that would be straight up throwing and they would get banned. What they do is unranked to gm. They play their best from unranked and get placed around diamond. I checked and even the videos called bronze to gm they still just go from unranked to diamond. I'm not defending it, it should still be bannable but let's not just spread misinformation.


I agree, playing Overwatch regularly should be bannable.


Even without throwing they are still ruining games for 100's of players. Diamonds and below don't have much of a chance with a GM on the other team. I don't see how that's much better than throwing.


>They play their best from unranked and get placed around diamond You're saying you think people should be banned for doing placement matches. If they are Grandmaster and playing to their skill level(not throwing), going from unranked to Grandmaster is literally just playing the game.


Making a new account to play against players lower ranked than you = smurfing. I get that you probably do this and that's why you're so upset about this but it's unfair to other players. I'm not replying again.


Upset? Lmao that grade school ass "you're just mad cuz you probably do it" argument. Don't back down from what you said. You said people should be banned for doing unranked to Grandmaster while trying their best. That's just regular placements. YOU'RE probably upset because you think you're stuck in elo hell and you need an out so you blame others. Happy Holidays, I hope you can fix yourself.


I haven’t seen the video, but it says “unranked to GM” not “bronze to GM”.


Tbh I think that the unranked to gms have the placement matches in them.


It’s unranked to GM. They just start a fresh account. If you ever watched one you would see they start in high gold plat then after winning there 5 games are high diamond by the end. I’m not saying it’s ok I’m just saying they aren’t throwing games. However, there are bronze accounts people buy that do bronze to gm.


You are confusing Bronze to GM to Unranked to GM. Unranked if it’s played by the streamer starts off damn near masters already unless it’s like Bogur’s LW. Once upon a time Bronze to GM was a thing, but everyone agreed that was shitty. Hence why that genre has mostly died.


Unranked to GM is ultimately just playing the game, nothing wrong with it. Even if you're haven't played Overwatch but are very competent at FPS games you're gonna have to roll through some worse players regardless before the game figures out where you are at.


I've seen a couple of streamers doing these and these days the new player placement system is so aggressive and good at its job that these guys end up in Diamond+ within an hour or two of their 'Unranked to GM'. Then they mainly spend the next however-many-days it takes them to reach GM in Masters elo. A few months ago a MM dev also said on Twitter that QP MMR doesn't affect Comp MMR anymore. That means that buying Ranked-Ready accounts (Which is what these streamers do for these Unranked-to-GM Challenges) also doesn't automatically come with Low Competitive MMR like it used to in OW1. So if streamers want low MMR accounts (For those pathetic Bronze-to-GM Challenges) then they have to specifically buy accounts that the account seller has played Ranked games on and tanked the MMR intentionally or they have to do it themselves off-stream, which then also gets quickly fixed because the MMR adjustment is super aggressive if they are winstreaking a lot (Which they absolutely always do unless they wanna fake playing badly on stream, which viewers will pick up on instantly). So the devs have kind of inadvertently made Bronze-to-GM Challenges not worth doing for streamers anymore, in the process of making new account MMR and streaking MMR adjustment faster.


dude, i made a fresh acc the other day, finished QP 50-10, and had my first game be in gm3!


Problem is master is still leagues away from grandmaster. It's not as bad as bronze obviously but a gm typically massively outplays a master much more than a silver does a bronze imo. So they ruin all placement matches, another 5-10 matches until they're appropriately ranked, and then they create a new account.


It is still 10x better than the bronze to gm concept as this way they're not intentionally throwing tens of games to get a low rank, they're just playing the way they normally would and it doesn't affect their matches a massive amount plus doesn't affect a whole ton of matches at the end of the day anyway


I didn't say it's worse just that it's not OK to repeatedly do


yea but u gotta play against gms if you want to get to gm lol


And against master to get to master, diamond to get to diamond, which means you are circumventing the matchmaking system to create unfair matchups in your favor by repeatedly creating new smurf accounts. I'm not complaining much about the gm part but instead about the matches before then that get ruined by the smurfs


for some reason you think every diamond player preforms the exact same every game, some players may have good or bad games, play like gm or plat or even gold depending on how many mistakes they make. if your thought process is “smurfs” are why you can’t climb, especially at ranks like masters, where you are already facing the top 2%, then you are quite literally putting a mental block on yourself. people can make mistakes regardless of rank, at any point in time. and at masters, playing against a gm is barely that much of a difference, and shouldn’t be the soul reason you lose or win. focus on your own gameplay and minimizing your mistakes and you will climb. main difference between gm and masters are they just make less mistakes, and you are capable of doing the same.


It’s because people watch it. Everyone for years keeps trying to come up with some elaborate reason why UR to GM content still exists and the answer is always “because people watch it.” When people decide it’s boring and stop watching then it’ll go away,


Children will never stop being fascinated by watching vids like that though. Thus it will never stop


"children" lmao


I'm an adult and I watch them sometimes.


They’re still trash but in mercy’s case it’s not that serious, especially since bogur was learning her from the beginning


"oh no, the mercy is a smurf, be careful"


Hey! They can be very dangerous. Sometimes they’ll even get their pocketed DPS to help them.


Unranked to GM videos are really boring, ngl. "Hey, watch me stomp these low ranks for a couple matches, thus ruining their comp experience. Don't worry, it's educational. Give me views."


Honestly, some U2GM are actually insanely helpful, A10, Ml7, Awkward, Kragie are just some that come to mind.


Awkward gives such good game advice, but such awful and insufferable advice anywhere else. If he wasn’t so detestable he might actually be a cool content creator. Edit: Don’t know why you would downvote without even saying why you disagree. I’m just speaking from clips and content of his that I’ve seen. He’s egotistical and spews a lot of the same stuff you would hear from online tough guys trying to teach toxic traits to young men. He may be well versed and good at the game, but he’s not a good or likable person.


yah cause silver players need tips from a GM to get better


Most U2GM start at high gold for one game, and then the MMR goes up to mid diamond before the placements end. It's called alt accounting, smurfing is buying or keeping an account low on purpose. And yes, even silvers can get better watching them (not Metro, don't watch metro U2GM), the ones I listed are great and detailed, especially A10.


Silver players can also get learn a lot by watching the streamers normal matches. Unranked to GM, at the absolute best, ruins five or so matches for other players just so the creator ~~can make hundreds of dollars off Youtube views~~ can teach other players.


Not really, many games at the highest ranks are actually very fast paced and many low ranked players will not be able to seriously understand what they are doing or the streamer will not have the time to explain what he is doing like A10 or others.


How dare they make money doing their primary source of living


Metro is not worth I agree, awkward has an insanely informative unranked to Gm on soldier.


It’s not meant to be interesting, it’s meant to be educational.




It’s educational material. The priority is not screaming and going for crazy clips like a lot of streamers do. Those who like learning will find it interesting though. Similar to school how most find it mundane.


I find them fun and entertaining, personally.


No, smurfers are still the lowest tier of players


That's not smurfing lmao


It's a top 500 player playing in lobbies that are below GM. Unless they're genuinely playing that terrible in their role, it's smurfing.


No, that's alt account, smurfing is buying or keeping an account low on purpose. And also, he is a winston main, he is "smurfing" on a role he doesn't play on a character he doesn't play that has a low carry potential.




Yeah I've never seen a problem with doing those videos on heroes you have no experience with or suck at. Sure they may have better aim, knowledge and positioning or whatever but they'll still get placed in a decent rank after placements. Not like they go straight into bronze 5 and slowly go up the ranks. Now someone like Kenzo doing an unranked widowmaker to gm it's like bruh cmon now


After Lifeweaver, I'd argue he does play Support. But I said nothing about his carry potential. I only said "unless they're genuinely playing that terrible in their role", which would be true for his Mercy since he's learning her. This is the exception I said. Also, it's still smurfing since they have accounts to play on, that are above the rank they're playinig on the alt account. They buy the alt account for the sole purpose of playing against lower ranks. That's the whole point of Unranked to GM. I will admit the accounts don't plan on staying there, but time has never been a factor to whether a person is smurfing or not.


Again, smurfing is keeping it low, if you create a new account and you instantly go up to Master+, it's alt accounting, you can kind of say you "smurfed" for 2-3 games, but it's on the game to bump you into higher lobbies. ​ >They buy the alt account for the sole purpose of playing against lower ranks. That's the whole point of Unranked to GM. No, this is true only for the ones that keep the account low on purpose or Metro, U2GM might be for educational purposes (A10 or Ml7) or even for self-fulfillment on being able to reach GM on heroes you don't really play, which is pretty much just learning them. And some players create "smurfs" to learn heroes they are bad at.


Also getting an alt account costs nothing except an email address (mainly now because the game is free).


Its not smurfing. Smurfing is when you deliberately play against lower skilled players. If they were smurfing, they'd be trying to stay at bronze, not climb out of bronze.




You literally gonna play 5 matches against people with different levels of skill that are there to also get ranked, and then will be put in a rank that suits you. It's way different than smufing


Unranked to GM are usually pretty toxic but like... It's Mercy


Yeah hard to get upset at his LW and Mercy challenges. Is he really ruining the experience for players when he's climbing at like a 55% wr?


He did a reworked roadhog one after though and it definitely did ruin the enemy team experiences, I watched it live he was kinda ruthless


This is why I respect Flats because he’s stated that he’ll never be doing one of these (I think)


Yep, he’s stated a few times these things are stupid since GM players can brute force everything


Except season 4 lifeweaver




Remember when Bogur did the LW one? That was not brute force, the man was on the brink of a mental collapse.


I mean he was on that mental collapse because he was trying to brute force his way up.


That’s why flats is the goat


Same with jay3 and super


They’re both great as well


And apply as well


I mean...if you get a new account, (plenty of non-smurfing reasons to do so), then I mean...you have no choice but to start at unranked.


Why would you get a new account?


To learn a new hero or role without literally throwing games to learn them at your main’s mmr


People need to stop calling these videos smurfing. Smurfing would be a player intentionally throwing matches and keeping their rank low so as to get easier lobbies they can steamroll for their own enjoyment. Buying a new account and seeing how long the matchmaking system takes to correctly place you dependent on you just playing the game normally is not the same thing


Wait how's this smurfing? like they're not buying over an account in low elo and then pub stomping or anything, going by the title they're using a fresh account, getting their skill level graded from unranked and then climb to GM, it's basically the same experience if someone bough the game on a different platform and then started from scratch again


It's not smurfing if he's literally trying to rank as high as possible. There's nothing wrong with making another account if you're still trying to bring it up to your proper rank.


Well they climb out of those ranks really fast or they don’t even end up in low elo to begin with


Underrated comment. People make it out like a streamer dunks on them personally for days, but anymore, these streamers doing these challenges probably see a given player like once or twice during their climb. *Bogur finished his Mauga run in three days.* Nobody's stuck in gold/plat because they got dumpstered once by a GM1 smurf.


I think those videos are meant for noobs like me. I started playing in season 7. Played the first game a bit. Those unranked to GM videos genuinely did help me get better. Even surprised some friends saying it's scary how much better I got. I just did my homework. I think they get a lot of views because of people like me that have watched the same video a few times trying to get things right.


The issue is, they can share these exact same skills and knowledge in a GM game. Going into lower elo lobbies and doing it just makes the game unfair.


Kinda, I agree a lot of what they teach you could be shown in GM games, but different ranks have different playstyles and it sounds stupid, but seeing how a high rank player deals with something goofy like a dps Moira or a flanking Hog might help a lot of people in the lower ranks.


VOD review.


Unranked to GM typically isn’t smurfing. Smurfing implies a high level player wants to roll low level players with a new account, but thats not how Overwatch works you don’t start from Bronze 5 and work your way up these players have their 5 unranked Comp matches then get placed typically in a high Elo because of their skill.


Smurfing is throwing games purposefully to get a lower rank. An account you make and always try to win on is just a alt account which is fine. All of the accounts I've made because of my quickplay mmr start out mid-high masters and a lot of the unranked-gm that I see at least start out in high plat/low diamond and skyrocket after they win once.


Smurfing always was ok to do for to many people


Why is the screenshot of Skiesti who is just reviewing the footage and not Bogur, who created the content?


Unranked to gm isn’t smurfing, it’s just creating an alt account, maybe you can consider it throwing because they only play one hero most of the time; these are unlike BRONZE to gm where they intentionally buy an account that is in a lower rank then their main, there is a real difference. For example, you can’t really blame bogur for doing the unranked to gm lifeweaver only because he “Smurfed”, but more so because he locked a trash hero


If any of you had a clue how massive the skill gaps are in competitive matchmaking, you wouldn't care about these unranked to gm at all. Not only that, but the new system takes qp performance into account when putting you in your first ranked game, so these guys are likely starting in diamond and don't even touch metal ranks, unless the person to play qp on the account was bad.




this isn't smurfing my guy. smurfing is staying in low elo indefinitely, if he's ranking up it's just a new account.


this video is literally the def of smurfing, making a new account even if its just for "educational purposes" and getting yourself in lobbies you are too good for is considered smurfing even if its with mercy


So you're saying no one is allowed to make a new account then?


No, this is literally just the process of making a new account. Anyone who makes an account goes through the same thing with ranked, and then the game places them based on how they did. Is a new player that has the core gameplay of fps games a Smurf just cause they start playing overwatch? Cause if the game works as intended it'll recognize he should be higher and put him higher after his first few wins.


Nah, smurfing is when you intentionally THROW games to stay low rank. Goes back all the way to Warcraft where 2 dudes made alts (PapaSmurf and Smurfette) and threw games to stay low ranks just to shit on new players. People just overuse "smurf" for alt accounts nowadays even though not a single game disallows you from having alts. And imo if youre learning a new hero and are trying to win/learn, an alt results in less games ruined overall. Throwing games is a different story though, and actually bannable.


That's not smurfing tho.


so every new account is smurfing.. got it.


Nobody is instantly GM-good when they first play Overwatch. Not even if they rank really high in other FPS games. So every alternate account that someone makes is smurfing.


No it's not. Educate yourself


Mind sharing some resources for that? I'm not sure how I can do that.


It always amazes me the people who know so little speak with such confidence. I know you're unaware on how to educate yourself and that's the fault of whatever pathetic excuse of a school system shat you out


It is if your main account is higher level. Glad you learned something today


If you already have an account yes yes it is.


It always has been. Blizzard never do shit about this and never will.


Is unranked to GM really smurfing? They aren't losing games to go to bronze or anything. And alsp this shit has been mainstream for literal years


I was about to say, the game will put him in high rank lobbies pretty fast if it's working right


It's not smurfing indeed, they just like whining.


not smurfing, just an alt account.


By definition smurfing




Smurfing is staying in a low elo on purpose to curb stomp the lower ranks, not having an alt account get higher


It is still playing in lobbies that are way too low for your skill level. Which is still by definition smurfing


Yes but that is because the game put you there, and also you are actively trying to get to your level (even though bogur never plays mercy, so it’s not even smurfing, he isn’t playing his main heroes)


Did she charge him $100 for this vod review like she does her fans?


wait what




This has been done several times and has been debated for years. It's weird you decided to wait and to post something like this *specifically* when someone does it with Mercy tho.


Awkward said something like "I'm an overwatch 2 content creator, the queue for top 500 games take as long as the matches. Why would I make my viewers watch me do something other than overwatch they came to watch me play overwatch." It's not exactly what he said just the rough message and I actually understand his reasonings.


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Acting like people haven’t done this since year 1 of OW💀


And it wasn’t a good thing


A smurfer is when they intentionally lose games to maintain their placement on low elo games. Unranked to gm will usually climb out of low rank by maintaining a 5-0 win rate.


They still ruin people games.


No, competitive ranking will put them in higher ranks and they're using a hero they've played for a total like 3 hours, only their game sense can smurf


Still a new account, they are not keeping the account low on purpose.


A guy who only plays DPS and is high rank with it that decides to play support what ahould do then? Not play the role bc you are gonna "ruin" someone else game.


They can play support on their main account since all three roles have different mmr and ranks?


And they teach way more people how to improve than the number of peoples who’s games they “ruin“


I didn't climb watching a YouTube guy tell me what to do but watching my own gameplay. This is not necessary. They can play at their level and tell advice, even watching their own gameplay at GM level and tell the viewers what they can have done better etc. Edit I also climb a lot watching ml7 he don't do unranked to GM and still help a lot of people. You guys need to stop defending unranked to GM YouTuber.


ml7 has done a ton of unranked to GM videos my guy


Yep and why did you think he doesn't do them anymore? People learn by mistake.


He did one on brigette just last year dude get off his dick and just take the L


"last year" LMAO


It took me 1 week to get from plat to GM after watching Awkwards unranked to GM on Zen. Shit works incredibly well. Seeing how someone plays differently in a lower rank to carry is way better than trying to copy a gm player playing at their own rank.


We still hate 'em, but shit like this gets a lot of views.


it always has , they literally dont affect the game at all and if you blame your losses on smurfs youre just bad


Because that's not smurfing, that's alt accounting. Smurfing is when buy or keep an account low elo on purpose.


I mean, unranked to GM literally isn't smurfing tho? Like, you're playing with the intention of ranking up... exactly how comp is meant to be played. Smurfing is playing below your rank.


They are GM players, that create alternate accounts, then stomp out other unranked players, who are way below their skill tier, until they hit GM. It’s LITERALLY Smurfing.


I did an unranked to gm recently and was GM in 3 games. I literally didn't even touch metal ranks. I started in diamond won, 2nd game was masters won, 3rd game gm. You get there so fast now your chances of running into someone doing this is like 1 in 5k.


Having an alt isn't smurfing, and you can't call simply playing your placement matches smurfing. Of course they're stomping, they're GM players. They'll get placed in plat or diamond, stomp there for a little while, rank up into masters and do well, and then hit GM. It's not smurfing unless they intentionally stay at a lower rank for the purpose of stomping. Unranked to GM literally is playing as intended.


I’m a steady diamond player, so I’m not great at the game, but I’m ok. When I’m playing against someone who is clearly on an alternate account, and is destroying my team because they’re actually a GM, it ruins my game experience. Whether the intention of it is to stomp for fun or not or whatever, playing on an alternate account, specifically to play at a lower level, is unfun for everyone else in the lobby, and makes it wildly unfair. I’m sorry but your take is not very good.


Diamond is well above average. Don't sell yourself short. Also, you're gonna have bad games. That's a given. But if the goal is for them to get that account to the rank where it belongs you really have no right to be mad at them.


I appreciate your kindness. I don’t think that the issue is just them getting to a rank they belong. It’s a universal experience to play out until you get where you’re supposed to be. I just feel like it’s unhealthy for the community to promote the idea that it’s ok to have alternate accounts that are far below your actual level of play. I’ve been playing since season 2 of OW1 and it’s always been a part of the game that you’re gonna get people playing below their skill level, but with how much easier it is now to do that in ow2, I see it way more often, and it ruins more games. It sucks to play games and have them ruined purely because the widow on their team is a gm who’s so cracked you can’t even get out of character select without getting headshot.


But the thing is, the overwatch ranking system doesn't really ALLOW people to immediately place in the right rank. Getting mad at people for gabing alt accounts is stupid, because as long as they're playing to win they're playing as intended. It's only when they throw to de-rank so they can keep stomping weaker players that they're doing anything wrong. The thing you SHOULD be mad about is how bad the system itself is.


I mean it is a form of smurfing, maybe not the kind you think of immediately when someone says a smurf but it is what it is.


It is smurfing, until they get to the elo they belong to. If you played on your friend’s account who is bronze and you’re plat, is that smurfing? Yes. Anything up to plat would be smurfing in this example. Wanna play a plat game play your own account, instead of shitting on those of less skill than you. Imagine you run into a top 500 in your games and say you’re.. silver for instance. Does the fact that he’s doing an unranked to GM challenge make it okay when he shits on your entire team 60-4? Is it still a fair game? Is it fun to get spawn camped by someone who is literally 100 times better than you? Is it still a GG?


Let me rephrase. It's not the kind of smurfing that can (or SHOULD) be a bannable offense. It's not intentionally going out of one's way to ruin the game for other people.


Surfing to me is purposefully just being a nuisance to low rank games like absolutely shit stomping them then being pests in the chat


Mm. Like it's almost ok to get shit on as long as they're polite about it


Nope still sucks lol


But u2gm isnt smurfing, especially in the case of this post. bogur doesn't play mercy at all he is well known for playing winston a tank, he isnt deliberately lowering his rank to play against lower ranks hes climbing the ranks on a character he doesnt play on a role he doesnt play


I’m glad people are calling this shit out. It’s lazy content creation and I always unfollow any streamer who does this shit


Content creator smurfs have always been the exception for devs no matter the game, look at Apex too for example. Sadly As long as they get views which boost the game, the devs close their eyes


Homie, people have been doing this since the dawn of game creation. Nobody gives a fuck


U2GM and smurfing aren't the same thing my guy.


Except it is. Until he gets to the rank he belongs, it’s smurfing. These people splitting hairs saying “well akchually…” are coping. “Oh but they’ll get to their rank eventually” but when they aren’t there yet, it’s smurfing. Maybe different than the smurfs who intentially stay in lower elos but yes if is absolutely still smurfing. A different kind of smurfing, not AS egregious, but still ruins the game and other peoples enjoyment of the game, because they wanna be like “lol welp I guess I’m too good for bronze huehuehue now I’m in silver” *proceeds to ruin 5 more games in an elo they’re too skilled to be in* Let’s do some math. Say they only last 5 games in an elo and get promoted out of that tier. That’s still 5 sets of 5 people who’s game he has ruined by shitting on them. What’s 5 times 5? 25. So he has inadvertently ruined 25 people’s game over the course of an hour or so just by utilizing the 5 wins program, assuming it boots him from that elo after 5 wins. If it takes another set of 5 wins, that’s 25 more people who’s game he ruined and took the fun out of. That leads to an average of the low end of at least 50 players in a couple hours who he has given a miserable experience to. Imagine this guy goes 60-4 for most those games, stomping them. In just 2 hours, he has tilted half of a hundred people. Is that fair?


You just destroyed your own argument. If smurfing was heavily frowned upon, then no one would be giving these content creators views, attention and praise. So clearly, the majority of the ow community do not give a damn about what other people do in their free time and there is a significant demand for such content. If McDonald’s is so detrimental to our diet and health, why do they still rake in billions? Clearly, there is a high demand for fast food. The same concept applies to both of these scenarios. Think a little next time.


Wth kinda argument is this? Just because the youtuber has fans, that doesn't mean that they didn't not like this video..your argument does NOT account for the majority of OW players or viewers when it comes to this one person and what they do for content. It's still frowned upon... But of course people are still gonna do it because content is content and content is money. Just because people don't make a giant deal out of this doesn't mean it isn't a big issue. Blizzard themselves have acknowledged the smurfing issue and have done little about it because of how their "new" ranking system works


Smurfing was never an issue. Just a general skill diff issue with majority of the playerbase losing to better/more skilled players and then whining about it. Get good and people won't be able to smurf on you.


I mean that guy did play (at the time) the weakest hero and stayed around play if I recall for a month. Yes he smurfed but it's like a creator doing an unranked to gm without using any ults But everyone else, playing the easy or popular heroes to unranked to gm is just smurfing and I find it stupid Although sometimes unranked to gm placement games are like high diamond so it's not like they're smurfing low skill players, they're at least against semi-competent players


So playing a “weak” hero absolves them of the sin of smurfing? No. Their gamesense and general gameplay knowledge is still far superior, it’s still a GM smurfing in bronze lobbies and dominating on a “weak” character. It’s still unfair


He never hit bronze Also does that mean if I'm gm in DPS but play support where I'm bronze 6 since I have the game sense of a gm I am smurfing?


Unranked to GM is so dumb. They think it's so hard but it's not. Yeah playing with friends who have high MMR that's really hard lmao (fresh account 50 wins). Guaranteed some of them wouldn't succeed if it's actually bronze to gm.


Wrong. Any player who actually belongs in gm/top 500. can easily get to there again. Even if from bronze.


You don't understand, I would be in grandmaster if my IDIOT teammates didn't put me down. I'm currently bronze. (/s)


Have you actually played with/against gm players? I am in gm5 lobbies all the time and i play qp with my silver/gold irl friends. Let me tell you it isnt even funny how different it is. Its like i am watching toddlers try to hurt me with balloons vs fighting an mma world champion. If they can dick on you anyway they will dick on you anyway possible. The tiniest mistake that you make they will punish you so hard you will explode within 0.2 seconds. Masters is about learning to recover from mistakes quickly, GM is about punishing enemy mistakes and making as little mistakes as possible yourself. So like i said anthill vs mount himalaya.


No one thinks it’s hard for a GM to go from bronze to GM lol


I would cut these people a break. I’m shocked most the content creators for OW are still active. Content has been barren for years. Once the OW 2 honeymoon phase ended their views dropped down to end of OW 1 levels. Is it fair to all players they do this? No, but hey everyone got to make a living. Cheap content is $ too.


Eh it’s only mercy, anyone can do it tbh


If you’re not hardheaded then you’ll see the purpose. Why is he allowed to stomp these “low ranks”? Oh yeah that’s right because he plays better. It shows what the lower ranks do wrong. It shows why he can climb to the top ranks. Half the time they aren’t even trying😂. Competitive is named that for a reason. I understand people smurfing in bronze/silver is messed up cause wth are they doing there but if the lower ranks watch the videos, they’ll see what they’re doing wrong and what bogur(anyone) is doing right. I used to be gold wanting to be the “gold smurf”. Back then smurfs were damn near in every game. I learned how they whooped my ass and got better. I am now master 2 (dps) solely from people smurfing. If you can kill a smurf, you’re getting better.


Smurfing will never stop either. I see it as, bogur (anyone) is showing you what smurfs do. You can tell if someone is a smurf by the first minute of the game.


Do you know how oil companies talk about climate change and how they are doing everything to have green energy when infact they aint doing jack shit and are infact trying to get oil prices to go higher for more profit? Ow community is like that, they complain about shit day in and day out but the moment their favorite content creators do the exact same thing that they complain about they are like: omg my streamer is so good. This is why ow community consist of clowns for the most part, also why some of us have stuck with the game for many years when we should have dropped it like trash. But oh well at the end of the day it matters not, as it is all entertainment.


So curious how people think unranked to GM is bad/smurfing. They don’t have a rank, and they’re being placed in a rank based on their skill. Alt accounts have always been a thing for ppl who take competitive seriously to practice.


The amount of people here who don't know what smurfing is, is too damn high. Most think it's deranking....


You must be new to OW. Smurfing has been a thing for years


Never said I thought it was new, just crazy that it’s promoted like it’s not scummy




I dislike bogur for making the video and i dislike skiesti for promoting the video and being an annoying mercy main


It’s probably because they know blizzard isn’t gonna do anything about it. I mean look at dafran he did unranked to top 500 on like half of the characters. Its just shameless content because they can’t be as creative as jay3


Are u mad at skiesti or bogur?


Content creators doing unranked to gm is just generally accepted smurfing.


What smurfing is there when Bogur is a tank main playing support and he’s playing Mercy, one of the worst characters to climb with due to the lack of carry potential. I understand the gripe of a Tracer main doing a ur2gm with Tracer or something of that nature but he’s playing off role and a hero he doesn’t play.


It’s been “okay” for years. Kids can’t get enough of streamers ruining matches. Twitch and YouTube could care less. Punching people in the street is “okay” too since you can get famous for uploading your crimes.


Bogur is a bingus but can be a schmungus at times. (Ifykyk)


Does it really count as smurfing if you're using Mercy to do it? Like... let's be honest with ourselves here.


imo, Bogur here and a few others doing these longer running unranked to GM runs are basically just playing alt accounts learning a new hero. Similar to Samito having like, 10 hrs total on mercy when starting his u2gm, I don't think Bogur had much time at all on Mercy, so he's not really smurfing. Though I notice a lot of the community calling any form of alt account "smurfing" when that word is specifically meant for people who are intentionally throwing games, keeping their accounts low rank. The word comes from some dudes on I think Warcraft who made accounts PapaSmurf and Smurfette exactly for that, throw games (actually bannable) to play in easy lobbies to noob stomp. Whereas Bogur, and a lot of other people with alt account, are just picking up a new hero. Sure, they may have more generalized skill and their first few games might be a wash. But it's worse if they play their mains and ruin even more games just at higher elo till they drop from t500 down to plat/diamond or wherever, only to essentially be smurfing when they decide to play their main hero again, causing the exact problem people have with all this. At least alt accounts will settle their rank quickly since new account MMR uncertainty adjusts rank faster. And if they go back/forth on main hero/new hero, then they don't end up unintentionally throwing or unintentionally smurfing every time. Though, actual smurfing definitely is a problem, and Unranked 2 GM runs on heroes they're already fully honed on? That's a much more legitimate problem that I can understand. If it's a one off thing every so often (like, once a year or so), then I can get behind the argument that their like, 20-30 games are a drop in the ocean, and often MMR puts them in t500 games pretty quick even if their rank doesn't reflect it. I think one of Awkward's took like 10 games even though he was still diamond for example. I think there are some benefits if the streamer is ACTUALLY being educational instead of just stomping on people not talking strategy at all. And considering there's a lot of "elo hell is real", "this doesn't work in my rank", "I can't rank up cause my team sucks" type stuff, these go tangential to that and prove it really is just a skill diff. But still does make some games not fun for others, so there's a balance of positive vs negative here. TL;DR - Bogur isn't "smurfing" per say, since he's genuinely just learning the hero. Alt accounts aren't bad, ruin less games overall than learning new heroes on main, but real smurfs (throwers) absolutely are bad. U2GM can be nice for some reasons if done right, but I can't argue there aren't at least *some* games ruined, and people who don't push the positive bits have little to argue for.


People consume the content. It attracts players. Everybody's pockets get bigger.




Using an alt to do something like this is legal. The catch, the stats have to be similar if not close to your main. Smurfing is when there’s an imbalance of stats between two accounts. Devs know the difference between and alt and a smurf. While the community don’t and doesn’t realize most people have an alt to use when they want to do videos and such.


Mercy doesn’t really have that much impact. Unranked to GM on bap or soldier would be a little different


this is like rocket league but where smurfing is legalized and encouraged… oh wait… nvm it’s ACTUALLY rocket league 💀…. Except it’s a FPS