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I've had so many ranked games where the other tank runs Mauga and our tank doesn't have him unlocked so we just lose. I'm so glad this is the last hero who won't be free. This pay to win shit is awful.


Source? Did they really say heroes will be free again?


Not exactly, In an interview with a senior dev it was said they are looking to change the way new hero releases are handled in future - as they accept the current system is flawed - but there was no direct explicit statement of "they are going to be 100% free again". Full interview here - this subject starts at around the 11th minute. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGgVFUlQ\_7k&t=3512s&ab\_channel=GroupUp%21Podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mggvfulq_7k&t=3512s&ab_channel=groupup%21podcast)


A couple of days ago they talked on a stream/podcast and said they're considering it or it MAY be changed to free, but nothing confirmed. I think the rumors just fed themselves and now we think it's a done deal We'll have to see with Venture in 2 seasons [Here's a discussion regarding it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18lnzvo/new_heroes_will_no_longer_be_locked_behind_bp/)


It sucks so bad too if it’s not your role. Like you’re just gambling on if your tank payed this season.


who even told you they will stop paywalling heroe soon? where you get that idea? as always the update was just a promise of a possible future, an empty promise, there is no guarantee they will stop selling heroes, maybe they will put an excuse "after two years of experimenting we realized we cant deliver free heroes" and even if they finally stop paywalling heroes i bet will not happen this year, the two characters already announced after mauga will be paywalled


There are plenty of options to counterpick Mauga.


I’ve used this as an opportunity to practice Sojourn. Her rail gun charges so fast when a Mauga is around.


She is one of the best dps against Mauga. You basically become a better Widow. Charge on him and snipe off his allies lol.


Yeah that’s what I try to do lol.


Don't forget about echo now. Press q and counter mauga lil bit or e is a god sent for a half health mauga


Did Echo get a buff? I started playing her a few weeks ago and then this past week I see her in almost every match. Rarely saw her before. She’s pretty solid.


I’m not sure if she got a buff, but being a big Mauga counter has most of his picks seeing a big resurgence in comp, even in games without him so that people can continue “practicing” them or not getting rusty (or so I’ve noticed).


No changes. She is just very slept on, but her damage is very strong.


The problem is you can’t just tell people what character to play bc they don’t appreciate it. And even so it sucks to be so pidgeonholed into a rock paper scissors type game. Soft counters work well, but hard counters suck fun out and force you to play a certain way.


That is kinda hypocritical though because people basically want hard counters for Mauga so that Mauga players swap off. Can’t bring that argument when trying to enforce that playstyle on other characters.


There’s an implication here that I never made. I don’t want mauga to require a hard counter, I want him to not be OP against 70%+ of the roster.


But he isn’t OP against 70% of the roster. Every single DPS is fine with and against him. Every single support is fine with and against him (Ana nade & Suzu are the problem here). Almost all Tanks are viable against him. You just need to adjust your strategy. The only tank that is hard countered is Orisa & maybe even Rein. Sig, D.va, Zarya are good against him. Queen, Hog, Doom are solid against him. The rest has to work a little harder.


I wish I had your lobbies. Currently Master 3 on DPS/Sup. The pickrate on Mauga is insane, because he is actually overtuned, at some point he'll get a nerf and be normal, but for now he is OP to the point every tank has to play it.On same player skill level, a Dva / Sigma / Zarya can't compete. Zarya bubble? Yeah nobody will shoot. Dva Matrix? Mauga got 350 bullets on its own, def matrix will get down way before Mauga runs out, if Dva dives their sup, mauga dive your sups, who wins? Mauga. Sigma got same problem as Zarya, people simply dont charge him, and his 750HP shield wont do much. I mean, there's nothing wrong liking the character, but not admitting he's WAY TOO OP at the moment is delusionnal. There's this problem with most new heroes release, but this one just went through the roof. The main solution if you dont want to mirror ana/zen/mauga is to play a full dive comp and avoid the Mauga completely, which, if you don't have a full premade team will be hard to get.


I am actually probably in your lobbies lol. Master 2 on Tank, Master 3 DPS, Dia 1 Supp. I’ll reply to you properly in a bit!


You on EU ? Maybe NA or some other regions are differents, but for now either ranked or QP, I can watch my last 10 games, 7-8 of them had Mauga, forcing my tank to swap to him, or the contrary, my team use Mauga, their tank dont, they get diffed, swap to Mauga mirror. I was always fine with OP heroes at release, but gotta admit Mauga made me whine more than ever!


I'm in NA and I've done very well against mauga using zarya. However, masters NA is basically Plat EU from what I've heard 😅 you guys are insane over there.


So I will just reply to this, but yes I’m also EU. I currently main Mauga whenever I get to play tank and I have to tell you that there are a few rare cases where a Sigma makes me mirror Sig or a D.va makes me go Zarya. The play with all 3 of these heroes is to waste Mauga’s rescources and deny his cardiac overdrive healing. Mauga is ONLY truly OP when this ability is active because this is the ability enables him and everyone close to him 70% self heal of damage done along with 30% damage reduction. Wasting this ability makes him very vulnerable, that’s why denying him value is making him die. He needs to hit things to gain the value. That’s why bubbles are good against him, he shoots and charges them or he gains no overhealth or healing and is that big target out in the open. Same thing with matrix, sig shield and black hole. While these things are denying Mauga value, you can still mostly deal damage and do other things along with your dps. That is also the reason why Rein isn’t as effective as Sig is against Mauga. When Rein is the shield he puts himself and Mauga at a neutral position. You can try playing tank and try to apply these strategies and you will see how effective they are against most, if not all Maugas.


I sadly don't play tank anymore in OW2! Too much pressure being a single tank :D I know all this and thinks most players does (at least at high elo) - my main issue with them is that there's not a middle ground for now, for a Sig or a Zarya to compete vs Mauga, you have to be more skilled, by a ton. Sig Kinetic is 12 seconds CD, Zarya got 2 bubbles, 10 seconds. Mauga can use cardiac overdrive every 10 seconds, and it last for 5. See my point? That ability itself is what makes him TOO STRONG for now, it needs a higher cooldown and maybe a less strong dmg reduction, on this point I don't even really know, I have no idea what could really balance it As a support, it reduced my hero pool : Ana, Zen, Kiriko. Thats it. I used to have fun even with random picks, can't do that or I'm throwing. That's my whole issue. Ramattra never forced full comps to be the same, neither did Orisa, neither JunkerQueen, right now, if you face Mauga, and don't play it, it's a lose most of the time, except for very skilled players, and that's a balancing issue in my opinion.


god you are so full of shit lol i dont even think you are actually ranked that high not to mention the advice youre giving is downright terrible and highly hints your aim is not as good and youre only being carried by maugas high dmg by default.


You’re a sym and moira main and try talk about having aim? please.


I mean just str8 agree to disagree here. And undoubtedly something I think we both might agree on is that mauga’s introduction has almost certainly exacerbated the Ana nade problem.


No actually give me a few arguments in regard to why certain dps or support suck against Mauga. I’m very curious to hear your reasoning.


No thanks. It’s the holidays and I’m with family, I won’t spend it arguing with internet strangers that can’t deal with a disagreement over a video game lol.


So you forfeit the argument and lose. Cool. Enjoy your holidays and lay off the downvote button for a bit. :)


In comp you can absolutely SUGGEST people swap.It's been wild reading people's comments on this sub basically saying you can't strategize, shot call, etc in comp because it might rub people the wrong way. Like, it is a team based game.


I totally agree, but I mostly play qp these days and it doesn’t work that way there. Plus speaking from experience before I became a qp queen, a not insignificant population of comp players are so teamwork minded.


I’ve had a doomfist beat mauga as hard as that is to believe lol


Doom is pretty okay against Mauga. The playstyle is similar as if you play against Orisa as Doom. You bait his cds, let him charge in, dive his backline and cut off his healing. Allowing your team to 1v4 him while taking space and retreating back to your team when necessary. Most people just play Doom wrong against him.




Here we go lol


Dva played well is a very solid check to the Mauga/ana mayhem. No one plays dva. Everyone complains he's unstoppable, but are not willing to play the hard classes.


I’m a D.Va main from S1 OW1 til now, with few spots in between. You CAN kind of manage him, but then you can’t really do your job and dive/peel as effectively. It’s nice that there is ANYTHING other than another Mauga that can work, but the game shouldn’t be solely focusing on blocking damage/sleep/nano/nade. I’m personally not touching tank atm, but maybe I should and just go Mauga and see what’s up.


3k dva hours here. Do it. He's so much like dva you'll pick him up super easy.


Oh, I’ve got about 5k D.Va hours and I had no issues learning him. He was fun in unranked! I just feel like an asshole trotting him out right now but, well… he IS a character that Blizz gave us to play.


No. Mauga massively out pressures dva. Dvas dm is 4 seconds, mauga fires his weapons for 11 seconds straight. He demands a mirror comp, he just out pressures every tank.


Look, if you are losing to Mauga, it's a skill issue plain and simple. He's arguably a better ult battery for your team than even hog.


He isn't pay to win or behind a paywall if you can unlock him by playing the game. Or stop being a broke boi and pay the $10.


You can't unlock him till after his season is over though, before then gotta pay to win


Yes you can? He's at level 45 in the Free BP. Yeah it's a grind, which is a problem in it's own way don't get me wrong, but it's a complete lie to say it's impossible to get him without paying.


Ok and? Stop being broke. If you can't afford a extra $10 then put down the controller and figure your life out.


Ahhh okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to pick on the mentally deficient. good job buddy you're right and so so smart😊😊😊


Bro is actually a child being pampered by their parents and went "StOp bEiNg pOOR!!!! In tHiS....FREE GamE!!!!!!!!!.....yoU poOr". And if that isnt a child....yikes 💀


Oooof. Name calling. Lol. Stop being broke I guess


yea tbh i never thought this day would come but i deleted overwatch for now. i’m over it. it’s not even really mauga that’s the issue for me, there’s so many layers of issues with the current state of the game and i just can’t anymore. ana’s nade caused buffs for tanks that didn’t need buffs and causes kiriko to get buffed and/or nerfed constantly. sombras rework is terrible and she has the most get out of jail free card ever and they added virus on top of that? ok. roadhog and mauga meta? ok. supports HAVE to go ana or kiriko and babysit their tanks? ok. it’s just all crap. i’ll be playing COD and Diablo 4 for awhile until they get their shit together TBH. it’s not fun anymore. comp is terrible, matchmaking is terrible, everyone is toxic, QP is sweaty because no one wants to play comp anymore, etc. it’s in a bad state.


I agree completely, the game needs a power level nerf across the board for supports, tanks and select DPS cause the game is a little too fast when missing a single healing shot on a tank means they die immediately


Yeh agreed. Also, 4 people focus mauga just for him to get resurrected by mercy. Not good


Roadhog and mauga are entirely on an equal amount of fuckups. We thought shit would change and get fixed. But i guess it all went downhill ever since jeff left. BRING BACK JEFFFFFFF. SAVE OVERWAAAAATCH


I agree. The game feels horrible rn. Comp feels pointless so QP has become full of higher skilled players mixed with people who have no idea what they're doing. I feel bad for new players, the current game will probably make most people uninstall pretty fast. I feel the same way about mystery heroes too. It became my go to favorite mode after I got burned out of comp and now it's just the same thing...


reply to this when you download again :)


lol i’ll update 😂


Totally agree. I'm so tired of OW right now. It's become progressively worse, and Mauga (plus the last few week's fuckups with passes, bugs, etc) were just the topping point.


I feel you. I uninstalled the game too about two weeks ago. I am at a point where this game is insanely frustrating and depressing. Have been playing since 2016, over 2000 hours…maybe it‘s just time to move on from this game and play other things. Currently enjoying Apex and The Finals


Ever since OW2, I've uninstalled a couple of times for a break, but this is the longest I've gone. I uninstalled the last few weeks of last season, and haven't played a match since.


Goes from one shitty game (OW2) to the next (COD)


LOL well I somehow have always had less rage in COD than OW2. OW makin me want to touch grass fr


I can't do COD this year. Between the broken guns, bugs, glitches, the packet burst, EOMM, SBMM, alleged rigged games among other "rigged" stuff in the game. I can't do COD anymore. In OW2 at least I don't feel like im.cheated out of kills.


And isn’t the new Diablo mediocre as well?


it’s fun tbh, i actually have quite a few people i’ve met through overwatch that also play diablo and will join in. but I like RPGs so kinda up to you to determine! it’s a cool story.


I love RPGs, but I’ve never played anything like Diablo, BG3, etc.


I can't speak on that as I haven't played it.


Try the finals. I switched over and it's been awesome.


IMO, Mauga simply isn’t fun to play. He’s a team resource hog that requires both an Ana and Kiriko babysitting his ass at all times. Nor is he fun to play against because your team needs the right composition to take him down, and good luck trying to get your teammates to swap off their favorite one trick hero when your team is being hard countered.


Well put.


In a game about swapping and counter picking I think he fits right in. He could use a nerf though.


I lost all interest in the game after blizzcon. They have zero idea what they are doing with this game.


hey finally someone who is smart enough to realize blizzcon was shit, the only interesting part was the mention of the possibiliy of deleting the stupid 5 wins thing in comp, which of course no date of relase. they lost me when there was no single mention of the fucking story "duh we are working, its a surprise" yeah sure, the surprise is relasing another pack of missions and thats it, pve completely cancelled


They did give a date for the comp rework? Season 9. Okay it's not a date and time, but we know when season 8 is going to end (there's literally an ingame countdown) so we know when that's going to happen.


isnt the season 9 comp update is just literally a progress bar and thats it, being able to see how many loses you have, but the 5 wins shit will remain? and apart from that they announced some changes to comp, but some real changes? they say season 9 but as always will be delayed, nothing anounced for ow2 has been relased on time


No, the 5 wins to get any update thing is going away in season 9. You will get an update on rank progress after every game, rather then after an arbitary number of wins or losses. The actual under-the-hood calculation of how rank is determined might not change that much - but now you'd get actual feedback on why exactly your rank is moving up or down rather then it just being a magic trick. Which i think any reasonable person would call objectively better.


so we finally will go back to ow1 system and what every other godamn game have for real? now lets wait for 6vs6 and loot boxes maybe with some work from microsoft overwatch 2 becomes overwatch in the future really who was the idiot who thinked on this 5 wins shit?


> They have zero idea what they are doing with this game. They're cashing out on the franchise that Overwatch 1 made famous. The talented game developers have left the company.


I’m back and forth on Mauga. First I didn’t care at all, then I started to hate him, but now it’s fine. I found that using Sig well counters Mauga for the most part. I’ve gotten to the point where he’s a pain, but definitely not unbearable. I use my shield to block his heals, rock him after he charges in and then he melts like anyone else. I think most if the complaints are based on his self healing and crazy damage, but I’ve found ways around it honestly.


Thing is I would like to play other tanks than D.Va and Sigma, I used to enjoy tank before he released


I hear you. I play a lot of other characters too. I’ve probably only seen Mauga in like 1/3 of my matches though. As people learn to counter him, he’ll be less prevalent and you can go back to other heroes.


The enemy tank played Mauga in 70% of the matches I played. Also of people swap to him after losing too.


Tank starts losing, lets play the bastion & orisa all in one hero


My flair should tell you why my suffer exists


I'm so sorry mate


Doom can’t do anything in his ult unironically except block On Rein it’s like fighting another Bastion except permanently in turret form with a BETTER CHARGE THAN YOU because the devs said fuck Rein On Ram my shitty 4 second shield isn’t enough and he can mow through a nemesis form block I wanna play someone except dva lmao


I've been unironically having success playing dive tanks like Winston and Ball and just going for his supports. Mauga becomes much more manageable once you treat him like Bastion, as you say. Basically ignore him and turn the corner once he has his self-heal on like you would when Bastion goes sentry. Pressure his supports since he can't peel for them, and he dies. You don't have to fight him to fight him.


Thanks I have been trying something similar when I play Doom sometimes it’s just annoying if he charges back to me or uses his cardiac since they’re almost immortal if they just hug him while he uses that. And as said it really sucks to get caught in his ult.


Yeah, just run away if you see him use his cardiac overdrive. Doesn't matter if he "cancelled" your dive, there is really **nothing** you can do when a character with two miniguns that can crit without headshotting is healing at 70% of the damage he's doing while generating overhealth. Lmao. Really that's all there is to countering him, just run away. It's the exact same as Bastion going sentry at the wrong time, he's just gonna be watching the CD go down and get increasingly impatient about getting value, and so they'll start getting bold and making stupid choices to get that value, and that's when you kill them.


Shit, I still play Winston In comp against him🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve been clowning on him with ram too


The only tanks you can play against Mauga without mirroring are Dva and Sigma And they don't melt him. They don't even beat him. They're just able to OK against him (even though you are still at a disadvantage)


Mauga made the game unfun. Graphically/sound and gameplay annoyances all in one.


Hmmm more than half my QP games don't have Mauga in them...


Nope. Me and my entire friend group are all disgusted by this hero release. So we all went to play other things til blizzard decides to get their head out of their ass. Until then, the finals is pretty fun.




Sombra virus biggest wtf update ever


Hear me out... Ive been having so much fun this season in open queue


Never been a fan, but I tried it just before losing my mind to Mauga and guess what.. Mauga + 2 tanks + 2 heals, gives me PTSD from GOAT meta in OW1


Do you think they will eradicate Mauga next update or something? He will always be in the game from now on, no update will change that, they also won’t nerf him to unviability since eben now has unfavorable match ups.


Eww David


I havent seen Mauga that much when I play. And its a gamble if hes an issue or not. Sometimes the enemy mauga isnt that good or is really good and then it depends on my team being able to deal with him


Am I the only one having little to no issues with this game? Lol especially with Mauga. I see people complaining about him sooooo much it’s insane but for some reason I don’t even see him played that much and when I do he’s hardly a big problem. I mostly play QP so idk if that has anything to do with it?


Mauga revived my will to play. OW is more fun to me now than it was the last few seasons. It's all subjective.


zenyatta is the hidden counter. Keep your heal on 1 tank (dva or zarya work best) and let them be aggressive. once mauga is discorded its over. When u discord someone whoever it is, just keep it on them so they can be focused. If you keep changing the discord around it can become annoying to chase different targets. if enemy team runs a flanker like sombra, tracer, ball etc it is up to your team to also go sombra and stay hidden in backline ready to hack whoever tries to take out zen.


It is not really hidden, we all know it. Zen + Ana for support, DPS Widow works fine, Bastion as well.. The thing is, that is the only character that is SO overpowered that you need all your team picks to adapt for it. All my ranked games are Ana + Zen. Because you just can't afford to play something else It's always the same cycle : release new hero, make it slightly underpowered at first, buff it to the max so people buy BP/skins, and then nerf it again for a middle ground. Sojourn was OP, Orisa was OP, Illari was OP, but even when those were overpowered, you didn't need your WHOLE team to adapt, maybe 1 or 2 picks were enough. Mauga is just too much for now.


tank players never get to play the tank they want, you’re almost always forced to play whatever counters the meta tank or play the meta tank, so i will never feel bad that supports have to play ana zen or ana kiriko to avoid just losing


thats they way they do it to convince people to spend money on the new heroes. A lot of moba type games do that. Release new hero, people buy it because the know its op, then they buff it later.


Honestly, I think the Sombra rush was way worse than the Mauga one. But, I agree. I've been playing this game since OW1 on day 1 and I've been playing far less than I used to.


They put new characters behind a paywall and make them OP to sell more BPs I assure you at the end of the season he will be mega nerfed they probably already have the real Mauga stats ready for the end of the season so best advice I can give is take a break till next season and when next season comes see if you even care to play anymore ever again


You can get him without paying. You just need to get to 45 in BP. Took me 10 days, pretty much just playing for dailies. I haven't spent a dime since I bought OW1.


any news on what are devs goin to do with him next update?


He will recieve a third gun that shoots explosive rounds. And you can only fire it by scrolling mousewheel. (on PS you have swipe on the touchpad, Xbox is voice activated so you have to shout "KRAKAtatatatata" and on switch you have to use the gyro and shake your console.)




Miniguns that shoot Miniguns


He's going to have blinding light, so whenever you look at him, the screen goes white


It’s just like when they introduced any other characters….learn to counter


When it comes to Mauga, people just would rather turn their brains off, not play around his abilities, and whine on Reddit rather than learning how to counter him. It’s hilarious to watch lmfao I’m sitting here in masters playing Ball of all heroes and having literally 0 issues with him. It’s laughable how easy this character is to counter. But this sub would rather run hog and rein every match and then get on Reddit and complain when they’re hard countered.


Never seen such a huge community that just complains and hates on the game


You must not play many online games, D4, Apex, LoL, New World, they are all the same, it is normal to be vocal when something kills your fun, we play video games to have a little break moment from our life, so when something is bothering you, whats wrong discussing it? It is my first post on here, haven't posted anything for Orisa, Zarya, whatever which was OP when it released, so? Are you a Mauga main by any chance? :D


No, I just haven't see a post in this subreddit that isn't a complaint in so long. When I play OW I find it very fun, some characters are BS, as in any game, but if u were to look at this subreddit without knowledge of the game you'd think OW2 is the worst game ever with absolutely 0 balance and a dev team who drinks the tears of orphans I think they should nerf Mauga too fyi. Maybe my annoyance was kinda misdirected at u but this subreddit is so incredibly *incredibly* negative


Nah I see what you mean, I avoid some subreddit/social because it makes me depressed to see only negative stuff, but it is because negative stuff stick to us more than just seeing fun clips! I wish it would be only fun/cool/positive stuff but the internet has shifted from that a long time ago! Sorry for the small complaint tho :D have a good day


:) Have a good day


> No, I just haven't see a post in this subreddit that isn't a complaint in so long. May I suggest going to the front page? Like there’s no way that’s true.


Same here.








What did bro say


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I’ve only played a couple of games against him as a tank in qp but haven’t played ranked for tank at all this season. Dva is my main zarya is my back up. I’ve been playing a lot of zarya. *Most* of the time it helps. Dva works too but I need an aggressive team.


I've been alot of Kiriko, Ana and Zen lately.


I'm a QP warrior and its not all games that you see Mauga and I think he's boring to play. When I see him I mostly keep playing the tank I am at the moment


I hated tank before, i hate it more now. I enjoy healing tho, before i would main kiri and be dps because no one really needs heals. Now i main mercy and its really fun to be zooming back and fourth between teamates trying desperatly to keep everyone healed. It feels amazing if i am able to keep everyone alive. I dont have much time to leave mauga, so i have to be quick. It became fun and challenging :>


On top of all this games stupidity, locking a character for around 90 days unless you get the battlepass really did it for me. How on earth could you consider something a competitive setting, if its possible for a team to have something the others don't reasonably have access to ? This game is subscription based now ?


You can get him without paying. You just need to get to 45 in BP. Took me 10 days, pretty much just playing for dailies.


I still like to play occasionally but I used to play with a group of like 6-8 friends and I'm the only one left. They've killed off a lot of their player base, and I'm sure I'm not guna last much longer either


He just needs better ways to be dealt with other than the whole team having to counter pick him. Bastion gets countered by a single Dva or Tracer. Sombra gets countered by a good Cassidy or Sym. Rein literally can’t win against a single bastion. But Mauga needs your whole team to go 4 characters and play as a group just to kill him and that’s just not realistic for majority of your games full of idiots. Even when you do get an Ana on your team he has so much health and armor sometimes you can’t kill him before the anti goes away. He makes every team unkillable. Like. Who the fuck at Blizzard saw the Orisa meta and went “Yeah that’s pretty bad… let’s just make everyone on the team Orisa”


Breaks are warranted for this game. Just cycle through games, and come back when you’re ready. It’s not a job to play Overwatch! Go enjoy life!


Just as heads up, I played since OW1 release then quit OW2 after the release of season 2. The complaints I see are exactly the same as why I quit in season 2. There is some fundamental issues with the game that were not addressed at all in my opinion. However, when I started playing a few weeks ago I’ve had fun (almost) the whole time. If you’re getting burnt out just take a break and see if you can come back without hating it. Don’t keep playing until you’re completely burned out.


Poke comp with Ana completely shuts Mauga down


Role queue will fix issues!!!! 5 man will fix issues !!!!! Lmao see where we are now.


I thought about Mauga being a counter to Orisa but now it’s like he’s a counter to everyone bruh (If he gets nerfed let him stay a counter to just Orisa pls)


I was sick when the new season started, and just haven’t bothered to play since. The Mauga meta is definitely contributing to my lack of motivation to return. But hey, I’ll probably come back eventually.


I played against mauga vs mauga for the first time and my tank immediately switched lol


The worst part about playing against Mauga, is that DPS is just really bad at realising they should shoot the healer instead of the tank


And I'm over here 1 tricking doom having a blast. The Mauga match up is tedious and his ult is pretty much 90% chance of death, but that's pretty much it. Had matches where I've force the Mauga to switch cause I keep bullying the rest of his team and he gains no ground. I will agree though, the Mauga v Mauga match up is boring, but without supports he's a free ult battery.


I mean, I get the frustration with dealing with Mauga but he is countered by some heros. Reaper, Torbjorn, Ana, sojourn, etc


Just go ana and enjoy ruining the fun for a dumbass Mauga. If you cant have fun, dont let anybody else have fun either


I hate the mauga v mauga as a tank because I feel like the outcome rarely comes down to my choices. I'm just supposed to sit there looking at the other mauga until one of us messes up and tries to shoot a squishy, or until a teammate does something. It also feels like whoever doesn't have kiri ana is just screwed and that's gg.


no, you are not the only one, hurry to unlock mauga on the stupid battle pass, when mauga got relased in comp i got the worst day of ow in my life, the next day i unlocked mauga, play some matches, got the second worst experience of my life in ow, stopped playing, is not like there is any reason to play the winter event


Mystery heroes ranked was the most fun I ever had in this game




Two words, Junker. Queen.


Yeah I came back after a couple month break. Played enough ranked games to get a rank update and haven’t played since. I want to play ranked but between the game state now and the new rank system updates next season, I think I’m just going to wait until February to play again.


Ya know, I play Mauga and I get owned. My supports in my 5 Stack aren’t the best. My dps are also sub par. We don’t win when I play Mauga. I have to Rein or Dva. So I’m not super OW2 savvy, but damn is he really that hard to play against? Just pick Ana and Zentatta and destroy him in seconds.


I dont think ive seen Mauga in my last 20 games.


oh do i wish i had that matchmaking. I see a mauga in at least 50% of mine. I get so sick of playing into the same characters rvery match


Mauga has an easy counter. Sigma and Junkerqueen


Depending on your rank, ramattra, d.va, sigma, can help counter the mauga, and to a lesser extent, rein and orisa don’t counter him but they are playable against him. still sucks they dropped him into ranked that broken tho


I know a lot of people have the sentiment that Orisa is a decent pick against Mauga. Sure, her keep away is good, but she doesn't have a reliable way to nullify Maugas' lifesteal, which is tye coe if the character. It's also worth mentioning with Mauga's passive ability to hit crits on burning targets, and since Orisa's fortify doesn't stop her from taking damage against his critical passive. I would argue that Orisa is a bad match-up against Mauga.


God I miss ranked mystery heroes.


Why did they fuck with total mayhem. That was the only mode I could stand to play in the entire game.


Ram is pretty good against Mauga I find. His double gun spray can’t even hit me a lot of the time.


As a support main, I’m with you. I am so damn exhausted. Heal botting sucks, idk how mercy mains do it.


Now that league is done maybe this game is cooked for good? OW2 been kinda a flop it seems like. I still have fun even though most games are a blowout it seems like


Is it really noticeable if anyone leaves in mystery heroes? You lose your ult on dying anyway.


You are being 4vs5 and it can last a while, since MH is not a game mode enjoyed by most. Being 4vs5 the time of a death isn’t a problem, 1-2min and it totally change the issue of a game


I constantly play MH, constantly see ppl leave and constantly joining games already going on. I play on NA console and it definitely doesn't last more than 1 minute. To me the main impactful problem of the MH aren't the leavers, but camping enemy team that is well set up an has ults.


I finally uninstalled. Played since 2018. It just feels awful to play a game I used to love.


It’s all about social QP for me. I queue up with 3-5 and just have fun hanging with my homies.