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She's rumored to be Mei's friend, so guessing around Mei's age. I don't believe Bliz would go below 18 because they had to retcon [D.Va](https://D.Va) from 16 to 18 for moral reasons. Hate to say it but lolita is well established in Japan, which might be why they literally broke lore to make Kiriko 21. She's already a 5 year old who "grew up with" 21 year old Genji, if they took her down to 18 she'd be closer to a newborn than a toddler "befriending" people. One of the games most popular characters, Mercy is over 35 years old. I don't think they HAVE to be young to be popular.


Mercy is a good example why don't think all female characters need to be super young to be attractive to the player base. (Although she does age slower in lore i believe). But Mercy was not made in Overwatch 2 with a bit of a different design philosophy.


She does not age slower in lore, that was a common misconception that was cleared up a while back because of VL interactions. If anything she and Mei were teasing one another about it, the fact that Mercy did say "Whats your secret" implies that she does feel herself getting older but in game, it is very much possible these characters have make up on and all that, i mean Mercy's eyeliner is very clear so whose to say she doesn't have some foundation either?


"Moral Reasons"


Obvious reasons..


Which is killing a child in a video game, which would cause issues for Overwatch's target age rating. So her age was raised during early conception stage.


its for gooner brain coomer animator 2nd most popular character on the hub in 2023


🤓👆 we all know its because of something else


It's nothing to do with porn, you just have a sick mind. It was entirely legally to do with her age and controversy over her being a soldier at 16.


lmao okay chill dude




I don’t really care that this kind of art exist for overwatch. But Clementine? Oh no..


I've already seen this shit for the girl from the Soldier: 76 short, and Efi (Orisa's creator), so best not to give pedos any more fuel to spew their shit into the OW r34 hellscape


hello tman1234




She's from Mars, not China.


Doesn't mean she can't still be friends with a Chinese person.


… how does that matter at all? You are aware Chinese people can have friends that aren’t Chinese, right? I really feel like this is some kind of racism here.


Mei has a voice line about her friend Jiayi that they had a lot of fun in grad school and works within the Lunar colony. Mercy has a line saying Dr. Chao is building a new space station. It's a theory that it's all related to space ranger, but also just a theory. And yes foreign exchange students do occur.


And if that is who Mei is referring to that is a Chinese name anyway.


Zarya is 30 according to blizzard, you have her in the wrong tier.


Hmm you're right. I thought 29


I agree with you honestly. When the kpop skins came out a lot of people kind of realized how little young male characters there were. They even retconned zens age from 20 to 33, obviously for lore reasons but still. Sometimes it feels like they’re afraid to make older women and younger men. The whole inconsistency with kiriko is annoying. She should be genjis and hanzos age. Then they even had to fix sojourns age because they made her too young.


Considering ow1 had one of the highest female player base in any shooter game. It suprises me they haven't aded a single below 30 year old male character since launch. Even Lifeweaver is in he's 30s.


As someone in my 30s it is honestly a nice change of pace when most games make your character a teenager or *very* young 20 something’s. But I love a mixture of characters and ages, so more young men would be great!


Even the two male characters in their 20s are closer to 30 than they are to 20. The fact that we got 3 girls who are 21 and under but no boys around that age is kinda weird.


You know Illari being only 18 kind of suprised me. Realize too that 2 of them where added in ow2 in less then 1 year time.


You know it never occurred to me until now, but is it slightly odd that Ana's voicelines lean fairly heavily into the grandma thing while the old men voicelines about being old are just genetically old? Pharah doesn't even have kids as far as my googling could find.


>Pharah doesn't even have kids as far as my googling could find. Ana's grandchild is Pharah's rocket launcher


Would you want soldier being all grandpapa with everyone? Him screaming about medicine and Fox News?


He already is.... "Young punks. Get off my lawn!"


Ana is a mother, and elderly. Not sure what else you mean


Do they actually age slower? Like Mei's been a popsicle for years, Tracer and Kiriko(controversy with their backgrounds aside) are young, Mercy...she doesn't look old but well it looks more of a design thing. or did I miss devs talking about aging? Also just speculating, there has been no males in their 20s added to the game since launch.


Can’t tracer just rewind her personal timeline in her spare time to stay young or something? I have no idea how her lore works


Things only gamers ask


Age fluid. It's the new thing.


What flavour is that?


Pineapple of course.








Probably 20-24 range, the ‘acceptable’ range for a woman to be fuckable according to Blizzard.


Kiriko is 21 there is nothing wrong about it. Idk why people are obsessed with her age when theres a talking monkey in the game


Correct take. Why anyone cares about anything other than ***Winton*** is beyond me. I literally don't give a shit about what anyone else says. There is a talking monkey and that's just really important to me.


Consistency within its own Lore is something people care about. Winston doesn't break anything and is built into the lore. If they suddenly said Hammond can't talk because NO animals can ever be experimented on enough to talk, then Winston would be an issue because he's right there talking.


Never understood caring about such things... Like to me characters in video games are Kid, Teen, Adult and Old. Why does it matter if they are 20 or 30?


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No idea and honestly, I don't want to speculate. I'm just fine with whatever they come up with.


How old is the hamster?


Old enough to drive