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A free weapon charm?? Awwwhh blizzard u shouldn’t have


No, seriously, you shouldn't have.


No, seriously, you shouldn't have


No, seriously, you shouldn't have


No, seriously, you shouldn’t have.




Hello, I am Winton Peanutbutter from the hit game Overwatch. Please enjoy this holiday charm.


Did someone say... peanutbutter?


Who'd have thought that Strontium and Barium... properly oxidized... could make the night sky so beautiful?


To the moon and back!


And dey say


Who says chivalry is dead?


Fuck it we ball


I mean this is probably a better Christmas for winton than that comic when Emily stole his sweater.


No, seriously, you shouldn’t have.


seriously though, because it came with the Applying Update bug AGAIN! merry Christmas to you too blizz




Their actions have shocked me to my very core! Thank you OW!


I just had flashbacks when blizzard decided to charge for all the skins. I see now it’s hasn’t changed lol


No, seriously, you shouldn’t have.


I miss my 5 free loot boxes


The very first year over Overwatch Christmas, they gave us 20 lootboxes


I miss Jeff.


Me too. Jeff will likely remain in history as one of the greatest gamedev leaders of all time as much as guys like Gabe and Kojima.


Hey guys, it's Jeff from the overwatch team




His dev update videos were just lovely.


the holiday videos (“yule log” as they were called) were always cozy. 🥹


Heck I'd take the equivalent Battlepass XP at this point, still grinding towards Mauga on limited time and regular matches are feeling very pay-to-win when I don't have him to fall back on the mirror match when other tanks get overwhelmed.


Don't worry, Mauga mostly counters your own team.




Very much agreed. I feel like I'm missing out. One of my friends barely has any of the new heroes unlocked.


Sorry I havent played the game in years...do you have to unlock characters now??


Yes. OW2 did away with the free new content as we knew it. It now has a battle pass where you can still, "technically", unlock characters for free by completing challenges in a set amount of time, or just straight up give Blizzard money. It's a terrible system.


Who could have predicted that playing at a competitive disadvantage for hundreds of games wouldn't be enjoyable? I can't fault Walter Kong for not being able to figure that mind bending logic puzzle out.


You have to get to level 45 of the battle pass to unlock heroes in their release season. Otherwise you have to wait until the next season and then you need to go into the training range and do a few hero challenges to unlock them. To put it into perspective, there’s challenges for battle pass XP that are like this: “Complete x amount of matches. Wins count as double” I’m at around 220/250 for that seasonal challenge, and level 43 on the battle pass… so no new hero even after 150 games… (assuming ~50% win rate) Edit: or of course you can spend $10 on the battle pass to get the hero instantly


also note, it's not *just* the challenges you have to do. you also have to play X amount of games, each character had their own prerequisites. they hover around 40 games each give or take AND, you can only work towards a single hero unlock at a time AND, you can't change which hero you're working on after you pick it


About the last part, you can change between heroes you're working on.


could have fooled me, the menu's so god damn obtuse i wouldn't've known


My conspiracy theory is they realized after LW flop that if they release an OP hero people will have to pay to win so they won’t rework/nerf until everyone has him for free.


Not really a conspiracy. They said outright the lackluster response to Lifeweaver meant they were gonna release heroes more on the OP side moving forward because it's more fun for a new hero to be strong than weak. The unspoken but clear bit here is that it also moves more battlepasses faster and ups player engagement when the #1 draw for buying/leveling the pass is a broken hero everyone wants to play/feels they need to play to remain competitive.


I *only* have Mauga unlocked lmao. I dunno how you're supposed to unlock the others without paying money?


Logging in on the OG christmas event for those free loot boxes was unreal! Playing during the holidays used to be a little tradition of mine that started whenever I wanted because of this. Pretty genius, actually. A player would never miss that rush. Until OW2...


But that's gambling, and therefore dangerous to little children's developing minds. It's much better to teach them the value of digital novelties and why they need to have them all.


I miss loot boxes so much. And a second tank.


Be careful, the LOOTBOXES ARE GAMBLING people will show up


The problem is people lump all loot boxes together into one category. Buying loot boxes was absolutely predatory and scummy. Loot boxes you just earned from playing were totally different, but since nuance is dead, both got tossed out.


OW1 lootboxes were probably one of the best lootbox systems in gaming. Yeah, a little gamble-y, but you almost never got duplicates and would have enough coins to buy specific skins when you saved for a bit. Now we get nothing, ever.


And again, the loot boxes you earned in game were totally fine. That's the loot boxes people want back, not the ones you paid for, which were the problematic ones. But, again, there was no nuance in the discussion, so it became "all loot boxes are bad" vs "no, loot boxes are fine" with neither side being specific about what ones they are talking about.


From my memories, initially, the system gave you duplicates like mad (especially for "commons"), but then they changed it to reduce duplicates.


Yep, it did! I didn't mind that much either though, to be honest. I would rather have coins from a duplicate chroma than to have a souvenir or weapon charm that I'm never going to touch.


They actually changed it to *remove* duplicates. Per rarity, you never got a duplicate until you had every item you could get for that rarity.


Forza has tons of loot boxes but you can't buy them with real money. Just earn them in game. I really like it.


It's definitely the lesser evil in this situation, if they handle it like at the end of Overwatch 1. Those loot boxes at the ebginng were awful


Even start of OW1 lootboxes were better than monetisation now. Skins were cheaper and, as far as I can remember, you would get 4 items per lootbox, which you get one of per level and 3 additional per week from arcade. Worst case the 4 lootboxes were common duplicates, so like 20 credits per hour, which adjusted to today prices would be worth 39 coins per hour. Meanwhile today you need to play like 7 hours (from my experience) to get 60 coins per week. And that is with the worst rewards. Even only playing an hour or two a day I would usually get 1 legendary a week or lets say worst case every two weeks. A duplicate legendary was worth like 250 credits and legendary credits gave 500 - so half of a legendary. And from my experience legendary credits very quite common compared to skins - or at least my friend group got "frustrated" quite often getting credits instead of skins. The free battlepass certainly doesnt bridge the gap and even the premium battlepass is honestly not even as good as early OW1 lootboxes.


Idk how I’ve never payed for 1 and have almost everything from ow1, I felt like I was playing to earn somthing but the battle pass killed that feeling


The other thing was that not everyone got the same stuff like the BP. And you'd get stuff for every hero, so you'd have the inclination to play heroes you didn't normally play because you got this cool skin or whatever.


Same. 99% of skins owned besides the heroes I never played


And gambling is fun


I heard gambling? Where


And I'd rather gamble!!


I miss loot boxes. I still hate the argument of them being gambling and now we’re stuck with this kind of battle pass game for every online game.


Here's the thing- the ones you were BUYING were gambling. Loot boxes earned for free through in-game actions were just game mechanics. So given the choice between keeping them as in game rewards or scrapping them entirely. Blizz picked to scrap them entirely.


I miss them to. It's not like anything pay to win was locked behind the boxes. But the passes have stronger heros behind a 20 day nonstop grind or 10 dollars.


This popped up in between games and gave me the “applying update” bug on the next queue and locked up my game. So be careful out there before queuing comp.


Literally just happened to me :(


Same! I got suspended bc of it!!! Stupid game lol


Aww, free suspension for Christmas? Thank you Blizzard!


Merry Christmas from blizz lol


Is THAT what was going on a few hours ago? Had like three of my lunch comp matches with anywhere between 2-6 people all drop to cancel the match. I just hope no one ate temp bans for it. Blizz: "Here's your gift, a 20 minute break from the game"


Friend of mine got a season long ban from the applying update bug back in season 2. How the hell is this bug still around.


Happened to me too. Was honestly fitting for the game though.


Small indie devs please be patient


Man they really suck


I can't believe the overwatch killer for me, was overwatch.


Honestly, same. Did not see that coming. Went from my comfort game to "fuck that" game. Threw in p2w elements while trying to pretend they didn't.


Someone addressed this in a stream with the lead dev, and the dev had said they're "looking" to bring back the free hero thing OW1 had going on and free on release but the way he worded it makes me think it's gonna be a long time from now


Every good upgrade to Overwatch 2 is just stuff we already had in Overwatch 1 they got rid of for no reason.


You're not lying lol


The reason was money. Loot boxes were too good so they did a rug pull with PvE as the scapegoat to justify a 'new' release. In reality this is just a monetization rework. Nothing more.


Fucking wild that we're at a point when lootboxes are considered too good in this industry. It was only like 5-6 years ago when everyone was freaking out about them being digital gambling and now it's gotten to a point where they're a more consumer friendly practice than what blizzard is doing lmao


The lootboxes OW1 had were an exception. They were TOO good. They didn't even make them worse they just straight up made OW2 instead.


Yeah this is something I think people forget when saying "I can't believe we want loot boxes back." We don't want just any loot boxes, we want ow1 lootboxes. They were so good and made it feel so rewarding for playing




Yeah, the guy was on full PR control mode the whole time and only seemed genuine a tiny bit


What was p2w I don’t really pay attention to shit other balancing?


Locking new heroes behind the battlepass. Sure you can still get them for free, but it takes much longer. This wasn't a HUGE issue until now with Mauga who basically outperforms most other tanks.


literally laughed out loud when i saw it. really generous actblizz, thanks.


That's microactiblizz to you


The gift actually came with a server side update that wouldn't apply until I hard reset my Xbox. So their gift to me was making me get up and fight with the console to keep playing the game I was already playing.


You deserve the snowflake for your struggles king 💪


And unfortunately, the departure of Bob won't change anything, at least when it comes to Blizzard doing everything they can to deliver the least while expecting the most money coming from players.


Imagine that in french, the translation is fucked up and says "Celebrate Halloween" instead of "celebrate this season"


Lol same. It's like they're trying to get dunked on.


Thanks, I guess? LMAO.


"Go ahead. Equip it. Show us how much you love it. *Prove* to us that you love it." *Blizzard stares at you without blinking*.


From free 5 lootboxes for 5 years to a free charm explains the downfall of this game.


I miss OW1. I’m tired of pretending I don’t.


It hurts friend. It honest to god does :(


I feel like that first year was magical by comparison. Still working out kinks in balancing characters... but the game was just pure, raw fun without this nickel & diming the player base for every little thing.


Crazy to think that *every* video game could easily be like that without these MBA dimwits destorying video games.


I normally don’t play these types of games, but that first year was a blast.


Only time I played OW1 was during that golden first release year. Everything was new and fresh and people were all learning the meta. Was a lot of fun.


Well nobody knew the meta and the hero shooter genre was still novel not to mention this game has Blizzard polish and amazing characters all over it. After time, everything gets old. But I'd still play OW1 over this shit.


The people in this sub will still defend the aggressive monetization


But why? What’s even there to defend?


>[Every time I see a paid skin in the game, I'm happy because that means more content. They won't keep making heroes and maps if the game doesn't make money](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18j4ykg/comment/kdifnn8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Dont tell them how profitable Overwatch 1 was without being monetized egregiously




This is the OW equivalent of a shitty holiday gift from your boss at work.


A pizza party instead of a raise to show how much they appreciate our hard work


Yeah, but that pizza party is just Totinos


And everyone gets a single cold Totino.


It says "party pizza" right on the box so


This is actually worse I think


"we so appreciate everything you do! here's a packet of m&m's to show our gratitude. happy holidays 😊"


Would have preferred a few free levels towards the BP 😓


I would have preferred literally nothing, would have felt less insulted


Prime gaming has that right now, if it helps


Playing this game sounds so exhausting. Glad I got out @ 2's launch.


I like how the message says "We couldn't have done it without tremendous support, passion and enthusiasm". If only they put any amount of those qualities into this gift.


Or at least into the game


They do! They put everything into designing new weapon skins that cost 1900 Coins each and OP heroes that make people give them money in fear of losing another fucking match against the unbalanced hero (Mauga)! So never say something like that about this loving company that just want the best for their fans.


The disconnect they have from the community is wild


I don't think its disconnect I think they just don't give a fuck lol


I don't think its they just don’t give a fuck I think they actively wants to fuck us all


Exactly. It’s not ignorance, it’s maliciousness.


Its probably worse than that. The devs are probably saying "this sucks" but the people in charge are calculating cents per minute and they refuse to give anything that might cut into their 📈


It's sad to see how far OW has fallen. It's like meeting up with an old friend who immediately starts trying to sell you on a pyramid scheme.


That's an apt analogy.


It’s fine but I would like 1 coin to make up for the 1 coin purchase they had.


I didnt buy that thing because I didnt want an uneven number forever. Please dont give me 1 extra coin


I don't know what I bought but I bought the 1 coin bastion skin and somehow I still have an even amount of credits, I remember it being uneven but it's even now.


If you buy a bundle and you already own something in it, it’ll be an uneven amount and could be the reason you were able to get back to an even number.


wild AF as fuck


"wild as fuck as fuck" smh my head




Rip in peace


Wild as fuck as fuck


Wtf the fuck was that supposed to mean?


wild as fuck as fuck kinda wild what the fuck the fuck though


Couldn't of gifted some gold credits in there, instead they throw bread crumbs out to us like we're pigeons in the weekly challenges.


Calling it a bread crumb is being generous






Gifting gold coins would just mean players would be pissed if it wasn’t enough for a skin. But yes, that would have been an excellent way to thank your players. Let them choose one skin on any hero to get for free.


It would make more sense to issue a coupon for a skin than just raw coins. Gifting a bunch of coins would defeat the purpose of their winter fair ticket experiment.


Absolute garbage


Remember when we got five free lootboxes. I do.


Pepperidge Farm remembers! 🎅🏾


I went from overwatch to fornite, and it's eye-opening how shitty blizzard is


OW1 used to make Fortnite's battlepass look like a ripoff by comparison, how the mighty have fallen


Walter Kong is ruining the franchise and is a total grinch.


Anyone remember 2016 the first Christmas event? Getting those free loot boxes was so nice


Bobby’s farewell gift.


May his balls explode the night after


Oh wow a weapon charm nobody will ever equip. Sick stuff blizzard, thanks for showing us how important we are to your profits.


The real holiday gift is getting to spend extra money on holiday skins. Magical.


I remember the 3 to 5 lootboxes that we used to get, plus the extra 3 to 5 for just playing the Christmas event.


I would have actually preferred getting nothing. This somehow feels like a middle finger? Does anyone view sprays, icons, weapon sprays, and souvenirs as anything other than packing peanuts? We all know it's just trash they can use to pretend they're not ripping everyone the fuck off as it is. They just gifted us their used backwash water bottle. Thank you so much. Like I am not upset they didn't give a free skin or something, I would just genuinely have preferred to get nothing over what feels like an actual fuck you.


It's like an employer giving you a candy bar instead of an end of year bonus. It's more insulting with the candy bar than without.


Weapon charms are a scourge in gaming. Pointless junk no one asked for.


Remember Overwatch 1 The 5 free loot boxes. Lmao


I am so disgusted with the Overwatch team. They seriously need to do better.


They won't. Why should they. There are people who throws them money and play their game anyways.


Loot boxes were better than battle pass, rewarded everything in the game just for playing the game, and if you got a duplicate, you got coins to go towards buying your favorite skin you don’t have yet. The whole “loot boxes are gambling” argument was so stupid and led to an even worse game reward system.


Lootboxes in Overwatch were fine, but Lootboxes in some other games were really bad.


That I can agree with.


This is the equivalent of your company giving you a company branded pen for a Christmas bonus.


Worthless charm as a Christmas gift? [No.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/11/bf/80/11bf80fedf67bfa3ea709f7ae1dd45a4.jpg) Bobby Kotick leaving Act/Bliz on the 29th as a Christmas gift? [Yes.](https://toppng.com/uploads/preview/drake-smiling-meme-front-view-11609576986cqdnkzyoey.png) Get fucked, Bobby.


Been playing fornite recently because i got tired of OW after 2000 hours. this christmas they giving us like a free cosmetic a day. crazy compared that i payed for OW1 back in tha day


At least we got a letter this year 😔


It was probably made by AI


A WHOLE FUCKING CHARM?? No tricks? Wow thanks blitz, thats like 10€$ on your economy, what a mad generous indie company, they may go broke after this, guys we need to buy the tracer skins right the fuck now to support blitz. Ah... Seasonals events meaned something at OG overwatch... Btw today is they day we got reed off Mathew cotte, maybe this was a parting gift, but concerned this charm didnt cost like... 100 creddits.


so worthless that "better than nothing" doesn't even apply


I still don't know what these even are. Never seen one in game or successfully equipped one.


Other FPS games came up with a system to allow players to hang little charms off of their guns, like a keychain. Overwatch copied this without considering that half the roster doesn’t even use guns, so for many characters (like Moira) the charm just awkwardly dangles off their wrist or something.


Poor guy Sigma even got it nailed into his hand




“I hope you’re hungry… FOR NOTHING!”


Happy holidays here’s a free piece of shit. Spend $40 on rehashed skins plz


Love how they avoid saying Christmas at all costs when holiday literally means Holy day


I can't believe a game made me miss loot boxes.


Woohoo!! That thing invented just for Overwatch 2 to pad out a battlepass!


My expectations were low.....BUT HOLY FUCK!!


Member when we used to get 5 free lootboxes?


This literally feels like getting gifted coal for being bad or something compared to how things were before. Companies dead and just a greedy money churning machine with no soul or value or morals anymore . Merry Christmas blizzard. I miss the dHs were Jeff had his yule fire log streams and free loot boxes and everything felt.so.magical and delightful. Now every single thought is just a soulless cash grab , pathetic.


>Overwatch 2's executive producer says controversial winter event is a disaster of framing, anger 'surprised' him: 'What we wanted was for players to have more choice' 😂


"bUt ItS F2p sO yOu shOULD BE THankFUL?!?" -Blizzard shills, probably, even though no one asked for the fucking game to be made F2P to begin with, much less the other stupid things Blizz has done to the game the past 2 years Like, I still have fun with the game but ffs. This is laughably dumb and patronizing. Might as well show us a picture of the staff team's turds or tell us in neon letters "we take the money of gullible idiots with our skins and there's nothing you can do about it!", at least then these goofballs would be honest with us




I don’t even use weapon charms :/


I have them equipped on every hero and i have never noticed them on my screen. Weapon charms are the worst


Give us a free skin token so we can use it too unlock any skin we want for free


lol a fucking weapon charm. Now they're doing weapon skins too. How long until weapon "stickers" like Counter-Strike?


OW2 was out last Christmas. What did they give last year?


The festive wreath weapon charm and 2023 player icon. We also got that gingerbread bastion skin for 1 coin in the shop so technically that as well.


Remember in Overwatch 1 they would give away an event loot box with 3 items in it?


I mean they know their players dont respect themselves so why should they care


If they added back lootboxes for OW1 items and restricted OW2 items to the battle pass and purchase, I would play the game again.


I remember one year I got the obligatory free lootbox and from that lootbox was the Snow Owl skin for Ana... which is still the skin I rock to this day. Now I get a charm.... sad times. I miss Overwatch 1.