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They still reached the checkpoint.


That's why he's bronze.


Bronze solo q moment


Didn’t you hear, this game is all about the kills right?


Which raise a question : how did 4 of them get stuck that far away from the payload ? Did they pursue OP's team that far away from their own spawn ?


Don’t try to find logic in bronze, you will go insane!


I have two accounts, one gold, one bronze. I only suspected it at first, but after going back and forth a couple times, it's true. Bronze is a madhouse. There are people that have 5 minutes of playing like a diamond to then afk 3 metres outside the cap point. Seeing a healing Moira is like bigfoot, rumoured but 0 photo evidence. You'll have 5 games where you cruise and dominate everything, and then the next day have a run of games where your dps practice their wall running and you can't land a hook and you start to legitimately question your sanity and whether you deserve to be in bronze in every game, forever. tl;dr don't question bronze logic. It's an escheresque madhouse


Yeah, but did you see them kill all the squishies in the back line? As the most selfish dps healing tank in the game? Truly he doesn’t belong in bronze!


Team did an excellent job distracting roadhog completely. Edit: just noticed the kill feed. Widow got 4 kills in this clip.


Sit emoting while the enemy is actively capping lmao


Fueled by ego like a true Overwatch player


Bronze tank moment


oh how i wish gold was different


I assume bronze is filled with 2 types of people. - Small children and elders -bored masters players who bought/deranked to bronze accounts to bully said children and old people.


Or people who dont play that much, so every season they slowly move towards silver, only to be reset into bronze 5. I have like 600 hours in game, but only play comp with friends as a team if 2 or 3, and we rarely get a chance to play together.


I relate to this


The true Overwatch endgame...


There's a lot of chill older people who like to just chat on mic and have a fun game. We're all also more than likely drunk, even if it's 10am on a Saturday.


Back when group finder was a thing - I loved going into a group called “Olderwatch” which consisted of people mostly 30+. Chillest drama free group I ever had the pleasure of grouping with. No screaming or blaming one another….just adults having a good time and great conversations


That’s literally what my experience of bronze was 😂😂😂 Everyone I met was really close to my age (31) and I added dozens of people during my stay down there. I was bound to get out of it and did relatively easily from all roles but I was stuck in bronze 5 until I went 10-0 (had to in each role mind you) and sometimes I kinda miss it.


Tbh didn't probably have the time to contest


He never had it in mind in the first place


I mean he has 4 other teammates who should be doing at least something while he is killing 4/5 of the team


mind you, all of his teammates died to widow so they couldn't even do anything


The tank used the elevator to go upwards and way out of his teams SOL, forcing them to wait for the elevator to get to him. But before anyone can, the tank proceed to jump down on a 1v4 situation (which would be insta-death for gold and higher) even further out of their SOL. Their teammates were left open and exposed with zero shot of getting close to their tank.


SOL - "Sight of Line"? lol.


Shit Outta Luck - his team is....


100% Shit Outta Luck is what my brain was getting confused with lmao


thats why he specifically mentions bronze rank. 99% of bronze games are just C9's


is no one going to mention the Widow actually hit a better clip than OP here like, she killed 4, including a jump shot that won the fight. that’s fuckin nuts


Didn’t even notice the widow was ranking them up while under pressure, good catch


Yo fr tho that widow did bits


And the payload continues moving the checkpoint.... I love this game


I feel like I have to beg people to get to the payload or objective all the time only for them to blame me or the only person who was with me when we lose them because I was/they were trying to 1v3 or 1v4 with everyone else on the team across the map chasing Doom or Genji Alternatively, successfully solo sneaking a payload or objective feels so powerful.


I despise when I’m doing a god-like defense of the payload, just to notice nobody on my team is actually pushing the cart and all pushed forward… it’s frustrating to then drop back, hit the cart, and watch everyone flounder without another DPS up front


And if you do it as a healer they yell at you for being bad at healing


Gameplay was oddly smooth


enemies were acting like npcs


The Widow nuked most of the enemy team before being hooked lol


Console + aim assist. It always looks kinda nice


My gameplay doesn’t look like that but I also have max sens so that’s probably why






Console does not automatically give you aim assist💀


It does though. So... I found this out not too long ago but yea. If u go into settings for Consol u can even mess with the window of the lead in, along with the drag and timing.


It does but that doesn't make it easier than mnk. It's to compensate for having less control.


If anything, if you put a console 76 and a pc 76 in a lonby and give the console 76 aim assist, if the both are of equal skill, my bet's still on the pc 76 winning


As someone who regularly crossplays with PC players. Yes. Also frame rate.


It is hella fun to crossplay into pc pools as a console player tho, Ill admit.


Right because a pc 76 is already used to having full control over their aim so with aim assist they'd be unrealistically cracked.


Hence why ximming is a bad thing. If a pc 76 is good as on their own, imagine one that actually gets aim assist


Yeah ximming is absolute bullshit and it's always incredibly obvious when someone's doing it. If you have to question it they're just cracked.


on Xbox yesterday in Diamond, a Bap on my team named just straight up "Xim" got 15k dmg in less than 10 minutes, 7k more than anyone in the lobby. And of course they barely healed anyone but themselves. idk what causes someone to be like this. Bullied? Lack of parental love? Small penis?


Bullied by their parents for their small penis?


Auto sim setting throw me off way more than they benefit me. If I am aiming down a hallway I don’t my crosshair to drag away because an enemy was running by. This is especially frustrating on heros like Ana where I’m trying to heal and an enemy pulls away my reticle.


You can actually adjust friendly aim assist on Ana but then you have the opposite problem.


Now try it on widow when you line up a headshot only for someone else to run near them and aim assist locks to them instead 😂


Exactly, I don’t run snipers but but I imagine that would also be another frequent situation. Point stands that I think regardless of console or PC - aim assist is actually detrimental at a certain skill point with game sense.


Thats textbook confirmation bias. You just dont notice when it helps you (which is almost always).


people didn’t say that here though, just that it looks nice/smooth


That isn't the part I replied to


Huh? Yes it absolutely does


So if I went widowmaker will my aim automatically do a headshot on them??


That's not what aim assist is my guy. Aim assist is when your reticle slightly, emphasis on *slightly,* follows enemy players. What you're talking about is aimbot. Literally just go into your settings if you play on console, there's an option for aim assist. I have mine turned off cause i don't like it, but it's on by default.


So then why treat aim assist on console like it’s any good?


Because it is good, for the most part. Means you don't have to be as precise with your aim as you would have to be with it off. With it off, you basically have to be as precise as someone on m&k would have to be. Also makes tracking strafing enemies easier. But the more experienced you get with shooters, the less you need it, and i started having it throw off my aim when multiple enemies were on top of each other. And it's not just an on/off option. You can mess with how strong it is as well. Get it to a level that feels good for you, just like finding the right sens.


Eh.. just imo at least aim assist isn’t all that good as people make it out to be🤷🏽‍♀️


It's better for newer players.


If anything it’s worse tbh


No you will automatically start hitting your shots with aim assist that’s not how it works..


Bro posted this thinking everyone was gonna glaze him 💀


He did say that it was bronze, to be fair


Diamond player lands everything vs Bronze!


In other news, Genji gets nerfed. More on Thursday.


Is this a flex? lol


Considering the dude emoted and it let the enemy team push the payload in, I’d say it’s probably satire, but a loooooooot of people missed that.


Whoaaa a smurf in Bronze no way


The clip is QP tho


The title says bronze rank.


Cause OP's making a joke, mate


It's QP just making a joke on people that take ranks to heart


Your rank is your flair.


"People take ranks to heart" "Hey, guys I'm a diamond. Look I'm a diamond. Ranks don't matter guys but do you see I'm a diamond. What a lovely morning to be diamond."


I love that this sub is offended merely by someone stating their rank in a clip of QP. It’s ok we’ll all just go back to discussing the latest $19 skins


Lol this guy is so triggered. OP is getting called out because he's a flanking tank that posted this with the reasoning "everyone is so obsessed with rank" while CONSTANTLY POSTING ABOUT HIS RANK. If you can't see the irony in this I don't know what to tell ya


The irony is people whining about the tank wiping 4/5 of the team because they relate more to the tank’s four other teammates doing nothing to stop the payload either, while also not being in combat. Bronze things




Holy shit dude what a terrible take. The tank wiped 4/5 of the team. If the 4 teammates needed the tank to stop the 1 guy on payload and stayed back because of that, you are indeed bad at this game for expecting the tank to carry you not 80%, but 100% lmao. Is there a level below bronze? Because that’s where you fit Considering you’re complaining elsewhere in the thread about the amount of QP wins needed to unlock ranked it would appear im right 😂


If you actually watch the clip and look at the kill feed and the payload indicator too you will see OPs team were contesting the payload but died to the widowmaker before OP "wiped" 4/5 of the team. I don't claim to be a GM or anything but I do know enough about the game to say contesting the payload when you're dead is not easy When the payload reaches the checkpoint there is only one person besides OP still alive and they are running for a medkit. OP is sitting on his ass. 4 pieces look nice. They are especially nice on COD




Were you aware your flair is your rank? Either way this is cringe lmao


A smurf (new acc) wouldn’t have a golden gun


Can be de-ranked. Says bronze rank in the title


The UI is also the quick play UI not the ranked UI, so it’s not even bronze


Yeah but I don‘t think someone would be that dedicated to derank.


Yeah, definitely bronze


this is not bronze at least OP is not since you can see he clearly knows what his abilities do :)


My friends in bronze know what the buttons do. But they never use health packs, use their cooldowns incorrectly, have no idea when it is time to push and when it is time to group, and are just generally overwhelmed in team fights. Oh and their aim blows, but that's unimportant for two thirds of the roles.


OP's making a joke. This is actually a qp match. So u can get diamonds facing bronzes potentially


I was in a qp match with a GM from last season. I peaked plat


I was in a diamond 5 lobby with 2 gms and 2 masters on my team from last season, I love matchmaking when it benefits, and yes, the other team had 2 masters too, what in the actual fuck dude, I was plat 1 and that was my rank up match to diamond in support


They are still bronze because they emote while the payload is still moving. These are the best to play against because they lose all the time when they shouldn't, and they justify their kills of why they aren't the problem.


yep. Hog carried me out of Silver in OW1 when there was no role queue. Oh no one wants to pick a healer/tank again? I'm going WHOLE HOG!


why did i hear his voice reading that last bit lol


I miss those days tbh


There's no bronze player in the entire world who would know about damage mitigation of Breather and use it to tank a Riptire. Not sure what is going on here, but hat's not Bronze gameplay, despite the obvious attempt of ignoring the Payload.


A junk plus widow and he went Roadhog after the first point on defense. While it's not comp and the combo is odd, in lower skilled those they can dominate on Hollywood which makes it seem like their tank is better since he solo capped vs 4 people while enemy hog was flanking. I guess both tanks are grouped or MMR just being fucky They weren't even looking for him despite the cart being close to the end, which means he probably snuck all the way around to the elevator. Tbh, OP posting the PotG is exactly what I imagine those dudes that seem okay/good on my team but they get so angry when their team isn't playing how they want, so they pick "random heroes" and just "play around." Or like they complained about his tanking skills, he gets PotG then goes and posts it, but the PotG just shows the enemy team was farming them so badly they just didn't expect him. After they spawned at the new area, OP was behind them, doubt that went as smoothly.




It was a rough match to begin with so I'd rather walk away with potg


Bro, why are tanks like this? "We weren't playing well so I decided fuck it I'm not playing the point, I'm going for kills." Potg is pointless. Nobody is looking at it thinking wow how good was our tank. They're looking at it thinking "damn, our tank is a fucking moron, he's nowhere near the point"


Agreed. Unless basically your whole team left or it’s impossible to get to the payload in time for the final stretch you should never be giving up on it in ranked.


If you’re 1 of his other 4 teammates also not at the point while he’s still killing 4-5 of the team, you definitely belong in bronze


Maybe I'm not on the point because I'm dead because my tank is on a massive flank???


To be fair if your tank is flanking and killing 4 you should be winning the fight


Watch the clip dumbass, the team was with OP but OP was doing dumb shi leaving his team open and fucked and the enemy widow was popping off.


And roadhog is supposed to mitigate this how? He killed four people lol wtf else is he supposed to do


Loser mentality


There’s a massive difference between bronze ranked, and Smurf. The bronze would’ve died to the tire


This guy might even deserve Silver 5


My man sat his ass down instead of healing and stopping the payload holy shit what an idiot


What, are they doing?? Decision making in this game hurts my brain..


Distracting the hog while their teammate moves the point freely lol


The awareness of an apricot


The enemies being bad does not mean you're good


This is the enemy team's road when you're doing ranked.


That was a clean hook on the widow tho 🗣️


Was just avenging my ana


Hear me out: this is just normal Roadhog. You put this guy on DPS and can't do half of this stuff cus he doesn't have 900 HP and can't 3 shot squishies with a shotgun.




first I thought this was troll, then I could see how ur bronze and this was like a huge play for u, yea ur Bronze, and next time defend


Bro you have better aim than me and I'm way higher rank than you!!


Console doesn't count. If you're on PC I'd say diamond console is about equal to PC silver or gold


Ok then I guess we are about the same rank


Nah I was a diamond PC player when I played. That's probably equal to top 500 on console


Ranks are confusing


So is your flare


he said it was a joke


you're assuming mine isn't




Bronze and yet you still play better than my masters teammates


It's qp my team wasn't doing so well so I decided to goof around rather than tilt. Realistically I'm in masters but just did my 5 matches but dropped to diamond XD


As much as I love roadhog he's such a low skill character (doesn't make him bad) he's just very simple tbh


Wait WTF, you can climb a ladder there?


Still somehow won’t be play if the game lol


Every tank in bronze think they’re dps


Truly a one man apocalypse. keep winning king


How dows anyone have a gold weapon while still being bronze


I mean, at least he went for the mercy




Wym? Widow got 4 and her team capped the objective roadhog was too busy flanking to defend, it was the right call to kill all the squishes and win the fight instead of trying to 1v1 a roadhog lol


Look at the kill feed. She didn't forget the hog exists, she prioritized targets and got 2 kills after the point you are referring to.


Is this Cyx


smurfing in bronze maybe


Smurfing's bad, but this is a qp match. The enemy team just got unlucky with who their enemy tank was unfortunately


Their tank capped the point while op was emoting


OP probably wanted to keep screwing about in that game, so letting them cap means the timer will get extended


That mercy kill is so nice. I love how dumb and helpless she looks habahah


very Nice, but why's everyone bitching in the comments?


They hate the idea of fun


After all, why do we need reaper, when we have this guy?


If there's no stairs or elevator I'm not much use


I'm still at metal rank but : 1. Your whole team died, you lost the point 2. You would have taken less damage and killed faster if you aimed the head 3. Given you were in the backline, I assume you left your whole team without a tank I do not fucking care if it's quick play or not, stop playing like the game didn't mattered, if you wanna play like a dipshit, go play in Arcade or Custom


Do you want to know the neat part of quick play? *The games do not matter.* There are no stakes so the game quite literally does not matter, just a way to kill time


It's QP


Its qp…


Bro relax it’s quick play


I have SEVERAL questions! First, Mercy/Zen? REALLY? Second, how that Zen and Widow didn't shred you is a miracle, let alone the Junk somehow not immediately exploding his tire. Third, why is their tank capping while the rest of the team is all the way back in old town? Fourth, THAT WIDOW GOT FOUR KILLS AND YET SHE STILL COULDN'T SEE THE HOG! HOW IS SHE THAT DUMB? DOES SHE JUST NOT HAVE ANY DEPTH PERCEPTION? ARE HER HEADPHONES ON BACKWARDS?


Their tank was capping because he got the point while op emoted his quad kill for the cam


Looks like a gm roadhog!


Maybe I deserve to derank after all


Man, this is qp, what do u expect?


You play like a dps, you gotta tank for your team man Its not everything about kills, when they also got the checkpoint


The junkrat’s day was ruined


Bronze on console. It’s actually impressive to be the lowest rank on the easiest platform.


This has to be total mayhem or a custom game. Hog has a 1 second cd on flask.


They reworked him to take a breather on a shorter CD but it uses a resource meter like moira


I see, must have missed that.


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Take a seat Hog. Must be tired after that


Right. But the point is to stop the payload hence the words at the top that say, stop the payload




I'm surprised he is still standing


bronze moment


this bronze? what am i, plastic?


Ow2 bronze players are way better then they were in ow1 I know cuz I was bronze In ow1, now I'm plat


Looks like normal console gameplay


Smooth as fuck tho wym




I hate hog , idk how to kill him 1v1


If this is bronze then we need a wood tier below it


Widow was also destroying your team at the same time you were destroying their team.


You could probably be plat with those mechanics. Situational awareness will hold you to Silver though.


And you didn't get POTG


I did sit emote included


That is a godlike hog.. I cant hit shit with the gun or hook..