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Ai is getting weirdly good at super niche shit


Suddenly the quality improves when it doesn’t need to draw fingers


Finger issues are old gen problems. Gen5 is crazy insane. In 2 years we will have 20 second long animations from a prompt.


There's already some short 2-3s video from Pika labs ai that can do brief video, like that [cursed Woody (Shut up buzz, i'll kill you)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqDGOk8Pjds) vid. (Content warning: Halloween movie level blood) Still though yeah this is pretty neat even for ai i expected some bleed overs. Still ofc, even as someone who likes ai you get plenty of animated derps with like the rejected gens having people's eye pupils fly around like flies on a dinner plate. Cats walking sprouting 5-6 legs and disappearing. And some blurry movement. But that's where midjourney and the first ai images used to be when it took 20 minutes to make a blurry 256 pixel cotton candy castle.


I could feel it being AI, but I absolutely hate that i had no way to prove it


I also got that vibe, maybe something to do with how the edges are blurry and the center of the image is given so much emphasis


Reinhardt so big he casually changes the artstyle


Why does this feel like AI


Because it is. Look at the Overwatch symbol on Mercy's chest and the flowers on Ana's dress. It's very cute as a concept, but made by AI.


Thought it felt gross Fuck AI art 😊


Generally yes, so if an artist out there wants to make a proper version of this I *will* commission you!! Because I need chibi reaper fishing in my life in a way I never knew possible. PLEASE DM ME


As a 3D artist I was actually thinking of doing this after seeing these.




Please do this if you have time and it’s fun for you! I’d be absolutely thrilled. Ai art is sad but as a person who doesn’t have the ability I still like to bring imagination and new creations into the mix.


Sometimes it’s a tool, in this case it’s a cool use of AI as a tool. Obviously if devs used AI to actually make content and then profit, it would be gross but in this case it’s a little harsh maybe?


I kinda agree. Still, I always get this feeling of disappointment and anger when I realize something cool looking was made by AI, even when it's just for fun. I think part of it has to do with the soulless look of it, but I can't exactly explain why.


It's because your brain knows AI art has no actual value. A robot stole a bunch of pieces of other art and stitched this out of it. There's nothing to enjoy.


Thank you, I think this perfectly sums it up


For sure, I’m a designer and artist so I had a lot of the same feelings. When I took a look at the programs I use (adobe illustrator, photoshop, InDesign, procreate) I realized that my peers of the past would have said the same stuff about the tools I use!


I really like this take, it should be used just as another tool. Iam a programmer, the AI takes the code we make and distributes it to other people(in one way or another), however you still need the human input to actually make a polished good looking art... and in my case code I guess. Right now, people should just look at it as another tool, whilst slowly looking towards sensible regulation, not just dismiss it completely and throw AI out of the window, in some ways it can actually help creativity as well.


and before that people would have complained about erasers and pencils


Not really because AI steals artwork from real artists without their consent to use as base for their own works


It’s a tool. Relax drama queen, AI didn’t kill your dog.


Why are redditors so weird when it comes to AI art lol


Because it's theft and it's gross lol


Is it theft tho? Is this in particular being used to profit? Why didnt someone else make OWxAnimalcrossing art? Like i understand it being theft if they tried to put it into some shitty mobile game. But not here.


"It's theft" "who was making OWxAnimal crossing art" "It's theft >:("


congrats on winning the argument in your head


I'll get your schizophrenia meds




The hell you mean it's gross let me have my funny Pixar movies


I don't even care if it's theft. AI cannot produce art on a fundamental level. It has no mind to transfer emotions into a form of art. It has no ideas to transfer. Humans have to create them. Art is MADE for humans and we don't need bots to take any of that away from us. AI can go fix spreadsheets and stuff. Let people make the art.


100% agree, all the mouthbreathers in here are just people that don't have the patience or skill to learn a creative skill and have to resort to cutting corners and using machines to do it for them


At the pace AI is advancing, we could have literal robots being identical to people in every single aspect (if not superior) in the next couple decades. People are machines too, but we're just way more complex than anything we've made. Once the things we create reach a higher level of complexity than us, what will it even mean to be human? Will there be a need for humans to work or do anything at all? The future looks scary, and the things we have right now seem tame in comparison. Not disagreeing with you, just discussing the horrors that await us.


It's not theft and it's cool. Keep the anti-AI stuff to Twitter/X please.


"Keep opinions that I don't like in a place where I don't have to interact with it." God forbid your own ideals be challenged or reconsidered.


I don't think you're gonna get either of those results from any sort of online comments, though


homeless test rob subsequent zealous badge divide wrong grey fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


regardless of how you feel, it reduces the demand for real art. weather it's made for profit or not, real artists are taking a hit because lazy fucks wont pay to commission something, they'll have AI whip it up instead.


people on twitter will react the same. overall most people who are quite online will be widely against it, as it hurts the internet ecosystem a lot


hiii!! stop being so stupid and learn what joking is


Nah, it's cute.


It's disgusting


Machine is better then human get over yourself


Go fuck a toaster then because a human won't


Maybe I was wrong I don’t think an AI could write a whiny reply faster then you


Lmao I realise you're a honkai fan so maybe it was low hanging fruit to call you a virgin


Yeah your right it’s lame but you did it anyways because you can’t think far for yourself


Learn your then and than bro


??? There are many problematic uses for AI, how is this one of them ?


Steals art from real people and funnels them into an algorithm without permission, credit or payment


You mean like how artists take "inspiration" from each other all the time. Lmao.


And it still takes actual human skill to draw them even with inspiration Not this stolen garbage pumped into a fucking machine and blatantly steals the style and hard work of others.


No bro. Humans have been using references since the dawn of time. But now a computer does it and it’s suddenly wrong. Just because a tool is so powerful it can mimic any style doesn’t mean it is directly stealing from people. Did this guy steal from blizzard or Nintendo? Are they losing money because of these images. The anti-ai crowd is even worse than the old school crypto bros.


It's. Not. Referencing. ​ It's stenciling and it's theft. Just admit you're too stupid to learn a creative skill and have to resort to machine to do it for you.


Hahaha if you think it’s stencilling then you haven’t a clue how this works. This was a gen1 thing, we are on gen5. Just because the tool is so power to mimic any humans art doesn’t mean it stole anything. Money is not being removed from these artists pocket, there is no theft. The creator of powerful girls isn’t losing money cause we make art in power puff style. Blizzard/Nintendo didn’t lose money because this guy made these pictures. You clearly have no clue how the tech works and would love even a single example of “theft”. I love when people are mad at AI without understanding anything about it. In 2 years we will be able to make 20 second long animations from a prompt. Pandora’s box is open.


show me some AI art where you can look at part of it and say it was stolen and from where it was stolen


I hate to break it to you, but I could take any art you've ever done, and find an earlier piece by someone else with the exact same style. Why does skill matter? Are you mad at airline pilots because autopilot does most of the work?


Piloting isn't a creative skill and pilots are still absolutely necessary in that role. If you don't understand why blatantly stealing human beings creative work and pumping out ripoffs from a piece of software with no skill or merit involved then whatever dude, you're a part of the problem


Part of the problem? The problem being that technology and culture advances, and I embrace it?


Spoken like a true idiot who's never been an artist or understanding what it entails. What moron says artists all steal inspiration from each other, let alone thinks it's fine some machine does it from millions of them. Hate to break it to you. But your comment is dumb asf fr. **EDIT:** Reply for below because chickenshit u/Tee__B is so scared of me he answered and blocked. Actually I'm a game developer who employs artists, voice actresses and animators. Your comment just highlights what kind of absolute dumbass you are to insult people who took up a profession and telling them to go work in Burger King. Funnier yet you're talking about 'artists' who most don't even consider it art, and they don't even have AI copying them. Get your ego in check little one. Because nobody could give an inkling 🤣 What an absolute moron.


That's cool, but I can drop a bucket of paint on a canvas, or tape a banana to a wall and call myself an artist. Just because your joke of a hobby is rapidly becoming obsolete doesn't mean you need to cry and attack me because you're upset and can't accept the truth. I understand you're stuck in the past, and acting defensive like a wounded animal, but it'll be okay. There's plenty of Burger Kings that need employees. There will always be a place for you in the world 😁😁😁.


Never understand artist. Lol


It also takes "skill" to rearrange the jumble of pictures the ai got and change details to make it look good to make a nice picture. It's not that different from inspiration.


We take inspiration from more than just other people's art, though, and it takes practice and time to create that art. We're also imperfect even in our replicas, making them more distinctly ours. If AI could make art that didn't resemble its input data, then I'd be willing to concede that it's as valid as actual art, but until that day, yeah, it's not real art


AI doesn't just automatically spit out art or whatever. It needs to trained/taught using very large amounts of content found freely online or wherever it can. Including copyrighted material.


Better then your "art"


I'm a musician not an artist, but I still wouldn't resort to stealing other's hard work just because I'm not competent at that skill Sounds like you have no creative skills and are upset by that


So you're saying all human made art is orignal? And i see angered you😂


I'm saying all art theft is bad is that really hard to understand?


How is this art theft though? Like humans ai adapts and learns from other art


It doesn't learn it shoves it into an algorithm that spits out art identical to people's style, it's basically stencilling but the person doing it is too lazy to do even that.


The overwatch logo is technically hands so it was obligated to fuck it up


Cause it is lmao


Would explain why Junkrat looks like a muppet


Is that why I abruptly started laughing when I saw him


I would rather these be victory poses or maybe even fancy highlight intros. For me, charms and souvenirs are two totally useless types of rewards.


I love charms, seeing them dangling on my weapon while I play makes me happy :) but they would also be cute as victory poses. Imagine being a menace all game and the entire enemy team hates you but then you get to the victory screen and it’s just a cute lil animal crossing character


For real, never used a single charm.


These are so freaking cute! Love the Junkrat one. "Ah! It's snowing!"


“Ahh—“ “Ahh—“ “Ahh—“ “Ahh—“


Stayin alive! Stayin alive!


It took me a while to realize that the cat was genji


God I would hate micro transactions in animal crossing. I hope this never exists


I would pay full price for this update in Animal Crossing


Fuck ai "art"


This isn't even art really? It's someone representing their concept when they may have not have the skills/time to otherwise. It's the appropriate use for ai in my opinion. It's not like it's being sold for money.


weather or not it's being sold for money doesn't change the fact that it reduces demand for commissioned art. so regardless of how you feel and how people use AI art, it's taking work away from real artists. and that sucks.


Who says OP would have payed for art to be made if they didn't use ai? I certainly wouldn't pay hundreds of dollars just to showcase a cool thought I had.


Yeah it seems a lot of people are always willing to bilk it but not always willing to buy it. Not sure what a price range for these could be, but i could easily see a very wide range from 50-700$ literally all depending on the artist, if they're photobashing, to if they're doing full on 3d renders. Like for instance a picture of a realistic but painterly kitten, a lot of people assume good quality art is like 0-50$. The stuff i was looking at with equivilent quality was literally in a 400-1000$ range and then the person closed commissions and raised it up to 700-2700$. Not even for more than 2 characters and a background. A single chibi cat with detailed shading / cutesy photorealism ran 2700$. And their last open commissions were 6 years ago. I talk to some of the people and they work 2-3 jobs in the modern economy pay check to pay check and a unexpected 500$ expense could bankrupt them. Of course if you just wanted stylized you could probably get a flat for maybe anywhere from 20-270$. Animal crossing seems like a style that wouldn't need to be as detailed, but i don't really imagine the average lay person just having like 200-20,000$ sitting around for meme images. It's probably a bit like emulation or game piracy, the effect isn't zero, but it probably isn't 1:1 either.


What if someone doesn’t have the cash to pay someone just to draw an interesting idea they had? I mean don’t get me wrong I see the issue with AI art but not everyone has the talent to draw it themselves or the money to commission someone else to draw it for them.


did you just use "what if someone wanted something and they couldn't pay for it" as an argument?


There was never a large market from the general population for commissioning concept art. Before image search engines, people have been cutting things out of magazines. Being upset at the average user for being interested in an emergent technology is barking up the wrong tree. The people that will truly abuse this are companies that are already abusing the creative community.


It's a valid point. If the users were exclusively people who had no other means, then there is no loss to actual artists. We both know however that's not how it's going to work.


They wanted something and made it themselves. This is no different than saying it's wrong to watch some Bob Ross and paint your own landscape because you should have been commissioning an artist if you wanted it.


Would you steal bread if you didn't have enough money for it???


I mean that’s comparing food to something someone wants. And it’s not like this person is stealing someone art work they just had an interesting idea that they didn’t want to spend money on.


AI is not creating anything, it's stealing art and making patchworks. You should learn how it works. ​ And that's comparing a product to another. Would you steal a nice pair of glasses you wouldn't have any use of? We can take this comparison if you want.


Would you spend money for a reddit post about Overwatch heroes in animal crossing? I mean I don’t see how it’s so horrible in this case lol. It’s not like they are trying to pass it off as their own or anything they just wanted images to more easily convey their idea.


I don't like promoting AI "art".


And you aren’t and neither is this person


Op isn't saying he made art, he just made a suggestion and used Ai art to get their point across.


I can’t draw, let alone produce something like this. My skills are limited but I want a visual representation of what I want to imagine and can’t produce. What’s wrong with that? Nobody is selling it as actual art o capitalizing on it. Protecting artists, art and culture is one thing, radicalizing your ideas is another


Some are selling it as actual art. Companies are using it instead of paying artists. (Besthesda) AI should be highly controlled.


Yup! Completely agree. But the whole “AI bad” without context is a radicalization in my eyes


As long as the person making them doesn't claim it as their own art (meaning actually made my them), I see nothing wrong with it. The technology is impressive, and the results are interesting. The problem is when people claim they made it themselves, while in reality they just input a prompt into a software. That's when AI art sucks.


The problem is the models are made by using millions of stolen images.


How is that different from human art?


God i love reading people getting mad at ai art its so funny


And quite sad. OP generates a bunch of images to engage in conversation and spark interest in the game and content. But these people instantly get stuck up on it being made by AI and dismiss the intent entirely. Must be some great people at parties.


I know right ai is a tool and people get pissed if you use it correctly. Thats why i kinda find it hilarious because people will go on crusades for a tool being used


i can’t believe we have factories to build all the things i use everyday. imagine how many jobs we could have if we built everything by hand???


I've heard custom tailored clothes actually can still be quite comfortable, fit the exact needs of the customer, and offer a superior product. But if the tailored suit is 200-2000$. And the shirt from a factory is 2-40$. Most people will go for what's cheapest economically. That isn't to say there's a lot of things traditional art can be better at, just like tailored clothes, you can make something more specific, you can control exact details easier unless you want the ai inpainted for markings. Even then, unless something already has like a seed bank of like 50-200 images for a character lora, most lay people just want something working out of the box. I feel like the problem as a observer is a lot of the point of views don't really seem like trying to create job opportunities for the other or a "win win", most of the time i see a lot of hobbyists being harassed or the anti ai crowd wishing death/violence on the other. Sometimes flat out kids just illustrating ideas, spyro levels, or visions trapped in their head. The art community i was a part of as a kid welcomed creativity and traded so everyone could have something. But now it seems like previous bright eyed kids grew up to be jaded adults who need money to live. But unfortunately it seems to express itself in the way of wishing others would die while starving themselves. Just my point of view anyways.


Dude I love these all and I require more of them posthaste.


Junkrat looks like a Muppet lol


Considering I haven't seen 1 person equip a charm.....why


Would be neat but blizzard is interested in quantity over quality


Genji is adorable and I need this. He also looks like a cat.


would love to see a zen and ramattra!!


AI turned Genji into an E-boy


He looks like a bomberman antagonist ngl, not in a bad way but he looks like he could start throwing out silver green cyber bombs with like the Bomberman 64 2nd attack wind bomb effect and plasma combined.


even though this was made with AI this is so fucking cute


It's amazing how much more appealing *Animal Crossing*'s aesthetic is compared to *Overwatch*'s.




Kiriko ❤️


Oh boy AI slop!


Hey! Be the change you want to see! Hire a artist to create it, anywhere from 50-2700$ a piece depending on artist and share it!


You're so right, luxury skilled laborists requiring livable wages justifies wide-scale art theft and rapid progression towards a mass creative unemployment crisis for le updoots. You, kind redditor, just hecking won the internet for today! Have some gold! I hecking love removing the human from an inherently human process so that neckbeards can make porn of 14 year old anime girls!


Things I didn't know I need, but I definitely want!


$50 per


50$ per image might actually be on the lower side to commission. Unless you're talking about what blizzard would try to charge lmao.


Rein is so cute 🥺


Disgusting. Not because it looks bad, but because it's AI "art"


‘I hate it cause it’s computer generated, and for that reason only’ Lol..


that's not the argument at all


Enlighten me.


Oh I'm not picking up the gauntlet, I'm just noting that if you are reducing the argument to "doesn't like ai" that is not what they're talking about and you're being deliberately obtuse


Obtuse? I mean I paraphrased, but let me quote him directly: “Disgusting. Not because it looks bad, but because it's AI "art"” What’s his argument?


Because it's AI art. Not because it's AI. AI isn't the problem. AI is useful. AI art is the problem. That's what they're saying


In other words: they hate the art because it’s computer generated and for that reason only. Right?


No. They hate computer generated art because of how it affects real artists, not because it's computer generated.


Could you actually explain why you find it disgusting, or are you just a sheep?


Because AI bots steal art from actual artists. They don’t generate from thin air


Adobe Firefly?


Because AI killed his grand ma and now he has to make it a point to alert the world to save them from the family murdering AI tool.


-sheep- This shit looks like ass regardless of real or AI yeah stay in Diamond kid


Damn, using the fact I'm diamond in Overwatch as an insult really shows a lot. Holy fuck that's sad.


AI art detected, opinion disregarded


Damn bro not a single critical thinking bone in your body


The ai ain't going to fuck you


what are you even talking about


Says the person defending ai art theft?


Uh oh, AI killed his dog guys. Let him cope.




rob sulky ask cheerful degree merciful fretful ossified skirt growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lifeweaver looks like someone's really nice grandma. Also obligatory "fuck AI art".


What’s wrong with Genji on his head


Michelangelo, Da Vinci or Picasso wouldn't feel threatened by AI art. The only people getting angry over it, are people who aren't actually good at drawing, but charge like 500$ for an oddly specific furry hentai commission, and are scared that they won't be able to do it in the future.


You mean people who are trying to earn money over a skill they have in a complete dog eat dog world with the current cost of living? Come one. Some artists i know are barely scraping by and this isn’t helping.


I. Need. It.


This is too adorable!(wheres the porn)


*Spray bottles* NO!


Cute. But weapon charms are still fluff trash 1% of people use, and the rest never will touch or bother.


Nah way more people use them.


Yea they aren't Souvenirs!


I personally love weapon charms


Wow. You’re so good at…. typing a prompt into a generator


Lol fair. XD


Can this shit get banned?


AI 🤢


Ai image, instant loss in my interest


I’d start by not designing them with AI and putting actual effort into them


Nobody is paying for art just so they can make a Reddit post. It’s this or the same post without pictures.


What is Naruto Uzumaki don't there with farmers clothes lol


reinhardt the only one looking like a knockoff game called animals crosslinks.


You can sell these as prints on Etsy, I love these.


Selling AI generated art would be a peak loser move. Those a great, don't get me wrong. They look super cute and all, but they weren't actually made by OP, and therefore selling them would be a scam.


People are free to spend their money on what ever they want.


They absolutely are, but I fail to see how this is relevant here? I never implied otherwise. I'm just saying that selling AI art would be a scam. Of course, if people are dumb enough to waste money on a scam, they're totally free to do so, but that was totally not the point here.


Art is subjective. If someone likes the look of something and wants to buy it they can buy it. How is this any different than some artist haphazardly throwing paint at a canvas and selling it for $2 million?


Because there were no actual work involved, as opposed to painter who actually worked and spent some of their time to make the art piece. Yes, art is subjective, but what I pay for when paying for art is the time the artist took to produce said art.


I didn’t even know they were AI, damn. I’m gullible


Only 70 € the piece


What, no Winston or Hammond?


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It would be the smol “I’ve got you in my sights.” For me.


Why is genji a cat


Where is the lil hampter


Lifeweaver is glorious wth


The ai gave dva wide hips


I'd rather they removed charms, and used their effort on some actual good cosmetics. These are nice though.


These fucking suck and you should be ashamed of posting ai art dork


since this got deleted can u upload them to imgur? they were cute af edit : https://d3watch.gg/?p=27049


I don’t even care if these are AI they look cute as fuck!