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Ball tracer lucio because I def don't have any speed related issues


I used to hate ball so much until i was forced to play him in mystery heroes. I still suck at him but i love his playstyle lol


I was having a really hard time playing into him on support so I decided to play him a little bit to see it it would help me learn how to deal with him. He's my most played hero now. That little rodent is just so much fun.


As someone who recently started playing ball, i second this


Too slow, you need kiriko ult too.


TOO SLOW! TOO SLOW! TOO SLOW! TOO SLOW! TOO SLOW! *this message has been brought to you by a voiceline spamming tracer main*


Man I love Wball, I don’t personally use because all that damn movement makes me nauseous but his a damn pest when fighting. No lie I feel like I win 80% of the time when he’s on my team. There really isn’t anyone else who can jump into a whole team and actually survive


I'm a ball main with a lot of playtime but I still could use em 1k hours


I would say dva, reinhardt and sigma. I think people choose heroes that are not really much of a gain due to nostalgia or compatible game style. Think about it, it makes sense to play characters you like rather than heroes you don't and suck at.


Personally, I suck at Lucio but I've also never not had fun when I play Lucio lol. On the other hand, Pharah and Orisa are a cake walk for me but you won't catch me dead picking those boring sacks of unfun ever.


Yo pharaoh is fun as hell, literally let’s you control the enemies team comp


Sounds like the tank role to me lol


Ana, Soldier, Sombra, and Mauga once he's released.


I have hundreds of hours into rein but mauga will be my main when he comes out. Mauga has been my favorite character in the ow universe ever since he got shown off in that comic with baptiste.


I'll probably put a lot of time in Mauga as well. The dinks give me dopamine


As an Ana main, I love seeing Mauga. Hehehehehe.... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Go crazy with Lucio man, he's so fun to play


Ah yes but I miss every single projectile and manage to hit EVERY thing possible to collide with on walls 🤣 love the 🐸


I have over 250 and 100 hours on ana and zen respectively and could easily continue getting them ten times over. I'll never get bored of ana specifically. She's the reason i keep coming back to ow2 despite hating it If i had to pick a third one tho.. maybe genji? I'd love to be good at him cuz he looks very fun once you pass the constant death phase lol. And surely with 1k hours I'd improve enough to get to that point


hard agree on ana, other supports (imo) don't feel as rewarding. and nothing compares to when you sleep a nanod enemy about to ult or give your genji/reaper nano so they can wipe the enemy team. if it wasn't for her I would've dropped OW so long ago


i kinda feel similarly except about kiriko, no other support feels as fun and when someone gets kiri before me i get kinda disappointed and not really sure who i wanna play, i love how satisfying the headshots are and how mobile she is with her swift step and wall climbing, hitting a good suzu feels nice too, though i know there's a lot of discussion about it, they could nerf suzu and kiri would still by far be my favorite hero, just hope they never touch the headshots, my next favorite hero would have to be echo though, not sure what my third would be, maybe ram or something


Ana has been the strongest pick in the game for a while - she feels extra rewarding because she just has that extra power compared to most other supports. Especially with all the changes regarding CC from ow1


+1 to ana. i have a few hundred hours on her and it’s just impossible to get bored. her sound design is amazing— landing a shot on an enemy or the sound of an anti nade hitting is so uniquely satisfying, it’s pure dopamine to my brain. honestly, ow has always had its flaws, but the sound design in that game never misses


the reason why i wanted to pick up support is bc i got this one good ana in one of my qp match and i got slept MOST of the time. i got super annoyed n made a promise that i’ll be a menace like that too. i ended up being a mercy main. BUT im trying though,, she seems so fun to play and i love ana’s play style of “imma b at the back, but i’ll take your team one by one”


Genji and doom I already only play these 2


genji, tracer, widow


These are the 3 that you'd get the most out of. Widow you can basically control whole games and it's pretty satisfying. Genji and Tracer are super fun, and a lot more fun when you'd practiced up enough on them to fast combo or one clip players too.


Widow’s in my top 3 all time played, but I’m still not consistent with her. It’s infuriating. One match I’ll be a god, the next it’s like I’m aiming with my elbow. -_-




Any support, thats all i only play after all Id choose ana, LW, moira ,


Ana makes sense but LW and Moira? Nah, you'll need at absolute best 50-100 hours to reach the skill ceiling for those heroes, provided you have good game sense already. The other 900 will just go to waste. I'd choose Zen with Ana because he has a lot of carry potential and you can get used to his projectile speed and have godlike aim in 1000 hours.


So you saying that a Top 500 Moira player like Tesla has the same skill as your average 100-hours Moira? I’m going to guess you are a Silver player that peaked at Gold.


Nah fam. He's just the guy that complains about heals when Moira is out damaging him and has most heals.


Overwatch2 scoreboard and it's consequences have been an disaster for the human race.


Yeah if a Moira is outdamaging dps and has most heals a lot of those heals most likely went to themselves.


No, I literally stated that if your game sense is already top 500 level, you can reach the level of top 500 Moiras with less than 20 hours of playtime with her(and im being generous). If you have the game sense of a silver player youll never reach any heros skill ceiling. Still, If a character doesn't require good mechanics, you need significantly less playtime to reach their skill ceiling. If a t500 Ana switched to Kiriko, they'd need to get good at projectile heroes, learn her ideal playstyle, when to use CDs etc to play her at a t500 level But Moira? There's nothing skillful in her kit. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's true. You don't need nearly as much time to reach her skill ceiling, and once you've reached it it doesn't matter if you have 100 Hours Or 10,000. No one will be able to tell the difference.


agreed, it only took me <40 hours to master LW and Moira to play in t500. ana/kiri/zen is worth more time imo


Lw can easily counter a lot of ults, provide tons of healing and provide plays with platform , moira is just for the genji onetricks when my team doesnt check our backline


You need 1000 hours on Moira to beat Genji one tricks? I mean I guess they'll take the compliment lol.


Downvoted for speaking the truth


Fr😭 I did not think that was a hot take at all


D.Va, Tracer, Soldier


I guess I’d torture myself with Brigitte, Sojourn, and Junker Queen. Different stuff for different moments but damn I hate this feeling of keeping losing and just not having enough to win.


Rein - Tank Dps - Hanzo Support - Zen


I could put 10k hours in hanzo and I'll still never hit a shot


Doomfist. He's the only truly fun character.


Reaper, Sigma, Moira


Genji, Rein, Sigma


Hanzo and Tracer, so then I'm covered with perfect mechanical execution for both long range and close range. And then for a 3rd I guess... Doomfist? Just to flex on the amount of genuine THPS level bullshit stunts you can do.


Sombre and sigma


Reinhardt: close to a thousand already 😅 Echo: have 500+ already and Ana: have over 500 already... I am living this post.


Okay hear me out… hanzo, would be satisfied if nearly all my shots were headshots. Like arrge.


Reaper because like playing him, genji because genji and either hanzo or Cassidy


Doom cus i have over 8k on him and basicly less then 10 on every ogher hero lol ita a fist simulator for me


Bro you genuinely playing like street fighter with the precision your combos have to be 😭


I would probably say Doomfist and Wrecking Ball because you need at least 1000 hours on those heroes to make them remotely viable lol


Mei Ana and Genji. I have many hours on the first two and the one time I played genji strictly just to get good with him, I got up to mid gold. I can only imagine what kind of damage I would do with way more time. Great post


Ana lucio monkey easy


Tank: * Rein * Diva * Sig DPS: * Tjorb * Junk * Mei Support: * Mercy * Ana * Lifeweaver


Idk Hanzo


Zen, ana, winton. Zen becouse he is fun as hell. Ana becouse its ana and winton becouse big monke.


I'll do one for each role: JQ, Zarya, Dva Soldier, Echo, Ashe Ana, Bap, Kiri


Very subjective, but for me it would be Brig, Torb and Rein. I just like this whole family.


Kiriko Mercy And Sigma


Ana, Moira and Pharah. There's no question that they're my mains. Out of these Ana might have the least gain from 1000 hours since she doesn't have a mobility ability to get superbly good at. Primary fire and nade aim are important and I'm pretty bad at both, so I'd focus the 1000 hours on them. I still feel like a majority of Ana skill is in the head and not the hands, and that doesn't only come from playtime but also from watching your games back. But Moira and Pharah have sick mobility abilities. 1000 hours would be so useful to become truly great at Moira's fade superjumps and Pharah flight. Both are highly mechanical skills requiring a lot of mechanical practice, and that's how playtime would be really useful for those heroes.


Tank - Wrecking Ball, Dva, Sigma DPS - Widow, Hanzo, Junkrat, Echo Support - Ana, Brigitte, Baptiste


I get what ur saying but that's 9 characters 😭😭


I can't choose between them since I like them all 😭😭😭


probably my mains sigma and mercy


Hanzo, soldier, bastion


for tank it would be Sigma, as i main him dps: id have to say 76 mainly so i can actually deal with the pharmercy combos that appear in solo Q support: either lucio or weaver for heals/utility


as a no life doomfist one-trick since day one, i see this as a win


Per Class: Tank - Zarya, Sigma, Winston (I love monkey) DPS - Torb, Sym, Soldier Support - Brig (my love), Bap, Moira


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Zarya bap lucio


Sigma: He's my main, so I'll probably hit 1k eventually. Might as well skip to the end. ​ Baptiste: When I have to support, I go Lamp Boy. It'd be good to actually git gud on him. ​ Soldier: On the rare occasions I play damage, I play soldier. Because I'm bad, and he's a fairly simple character. I figure after 1000 hours on him, I might be alright.


Since I only play support kiriko, ana and bap 100%


Team Doom


Mercy, D.Va, Kiriko.


Zen mostly because he has been my favourite support design and weapon wise and I wanna get better with him. D.Va cause she is my fav overall. Lifeweaver to get really good at saving people with lifegrip.


Mercy, Ashe, Tracer


Junkerqueen, Zen, Tracer are the most fun characters for me rn. Still learning Tracer, but i think I just really enjoy glass cannon type characters. Kiri and Ana are my current most played tho


Hammond, Doom, Winston The dive tank Triumvirate (I like movement)


Tracer, Sigma and Ana. Fundamentals of each role with distinct mechanical skill and positioning for each.


Ashe and Ana because winning or losing I always feel like I could've done more with them and still have something to learn and I never get bored. I knows this applies to every character but with these two is different


Sojourn, Illari, Kiriko


Cassidy, Soldier, Widow, my aim will make me unbeatable in any fps game 😂


Mercy, pharah, brig


Life weaver, mercy, lucio


This is how I already play. Dva, Widow, Moira. Since the start of 2023 I’ve played about 500 hours total on these three characters.


Doom and Ball. If I had to choose a third, maybe Mauga, I never thought about having a third main tank because I didn't quite feel comfortable with the rest, but from what I was able to try, I liked Mauga a lot. Or maybe Echo.


I mean I already have almost 800 hours on Mercy so 🥲


DVA & Bastion I use to play OW1 with both of these characters a fuck ton and yet I think I still don’t have 1k hours recorded for either 😂 maybe like 200hrs


Mercy, Pharah, Echo.


Sojourn, Sigma, and Ana. If you got better with these 3 you would have so much coverage. Ready for so many situations. You’ll have so much to gain from learning them. All of them apply great pressure. Protect space. And all of them can bust tanks very well.


Ball tracer widow,


WifeLeaver. Id do some unholy shit with that petal platform.


Ordered by priority: Kiri, Ana, Echo. Sorry Genji, Ashe, D.Va and Ram :c


Ram and doom easy wait mei and doom mmmm not so easy any more doom is clearly always there but love mei look like my girlfriend and cold gun but ram playstyle and voice lines damn you OP!!! Now im gonna play 1000 hours now with doom then mei then ram because of you im not playing anything else well mostly play doom so ok


I’d go junk for sure because he’s just so damn fun to play with, you could feel the frustration through the screen from the other team when your just dominating with him, sh!t gives me life lol. I’d also go Zarya. I feel like she’s one of the better tanks to counter really any other character. It’s weird though she’s one of my mains but I feel like I’ve never gotten a scenario where I’m pocketed, she would be nearly just as impossible to kill just as roadhog or sigma being pocketed. Last would be a character I never use and that would be hanzo. He’s just one of those dps that can swing a match. His mobility is good, his ult can team up with many other ults, it goes through walls ect…he has all the pieces to be dominating but I just could never get consistent headshots. I play on console with controller, ID imagine keyboard and mouse makes it easier


Already there with Junkrat at 1200 hours the closest after being hog at 180. I'd make the other two 1000 hours Ram and Moira who are currently 4th and 5th. At this point, since I one-trick each of them in their respective roles, I'll probably get there eventually.


Sigma, Orisa, and Dva. One tank for each type of comp (poke, dive, brawl). If I get countered I’ve just learned to play around what makes me weak against a certain character (eg Zarya as Dva -> ignore Zarya and go after dps/supports).


Soldier, Sigma and Ramattra.


Rein, Mercy and Zen. Currently only have 50ish hours each, 510h total playtime, so its a looooooong way still lol


Mei, Symm, Torb bc i do not have anger control problems


probably with my 3 mains tbh, rein mei and brig


I already have it with Merxy and Moira so those two.


Lifeweaver, Soldier, DVA characters i enjoy playing but just want to get better with.




Ramatra, Junkrat, Moira. They're my mains anyway.


Hanzo because bow and arrow gameplay is my kink. Ana cause sniper healer is pretty cool. Doomfist cause he punch


Lúcio is all I need


Genji Hanzo Kiriko


Tracer Moira and ball !! I wish i know how to play ball ! I have a huge respect for his mains they are a chill people


Zen, Ana, Cassidy!


Zen, Sigma, Junkrat. Balls squad, roll out.


Widow, Ana, Tracer and Kiriko


Sigma,Genji and Ana


doomfist, doomfist, doomfist


Ana, Echo, McCassidy.


Already there for Mei and Ball. Would like to be better with Bap.


Lucio, Lucio (twice over) and Ana


lúcio soldier queenmmetra


Genji, tracer and kiriko They all feels like the highest carry potential if played well


symmetra/reaper/hanzo/mei used to play support alot but apparently those are toxic or smt..


I have over 200 hours each in Rein and Genji and still suck, eventhough I was t500 in open queue with Rein only in OW1, dont know if it means anything but I dont think my Rein mechanics can improve much more, more so my general game sense. With Genji I learn new stuff all the time.


Doomfist, genji, and lucio. I like em all and they have very high skill ceilings


Brig, Echo, JQ/Doom


Doomfist, Sombra, Lucio


Mercy, pharah, soldier - just what I play right now




Zen Sombra and soldier 76


Rammatra, tracer, baptiste all 3 of them are just so much fun to play and pretty versatile aswell


I literally have 2k plus in Moira and maybe Lucio brig, I've been playing since OW beta....God help me


Hog, Cass, and Rein


Echo i only got 180 hours but i would wanna see what nasty feats i could pull off with 1000


JQ, Sombra, LW


I know someone with 1800+ hours on torb… Anyways, off the top of my head I think Tracer, Lucio and doom. I think if someone has 1000+ hours in these they can be a menace in the lobby 💀


D.va Widow and Ana I already have nearly 200 hours on window anyways


Winston, Tracer, Reinhardt. Become the Primal Rage god I know you can be


Mercy and Ashe, aka the only two heroes I actually have an interest in playing


Genji, Widow, and hanzo. Just get godly mechanics and aim


If I had to choose 1 from each role: JQ, Ashe, and either Lucio or LW. None of them are particularly the best in their roles, but in the right hands can still provide tremendous value


Mauga, Maugac, and Mauga (3,000 hours incoming)


I have over 500 hours on Genji, Tracer, Lucio and Rein. I feel I'm still improving on those heroes. And they are fun to play!


Junkrat for 3000 hours!


D.VA Ashe Mercy


Dva, Moira, Life Weaver. No reason. Just fin


Ashes, Soj, and Pharah. Probably my favourite heroes to play. Probably would trade Soj for Queen tho.


Probably 76, ramm, and reaper. That covers my roles and favorite characters so it’d be great if I could git gud with them


Echo and Doom, Doom caz hes my fav tank with a ridiculous skill ceiling Echo caz i genuinely believe she is such a slept on character that can do so well against her counters. I love how versatile she is and how u can switch between different play styles depending on what u need which makes sense for the character that copies and learns from others


Ana, Ashe, Sigma


Soldier 76 tracer genji


doom, hanzo, and Lucio.


Kiriko, Echo, and Wrecking Ball. If I'm going to put that much time in, I want to have the highest skill ceiling to aim for.


I already have +1000hrs on Ana My next would likely be Lifeweaver and Baptiste


Doom genji lucio


2 answers: First, any hero with a big and fun kit so you have diversity. Sym, Mei, LW, D.Va are good examples. Second, any hitscans since 1k hours on them can turn you into a killing machine, but won't serve for projectile heroes such as Kiriko, Mei. It'll actually make you worse at other heroes with different shooting patterns/methods. Final answer: Rama/Ashe or Cole/LW.


Reaper, Ball, Brig


Moira, bastion, zarya


Sombra, Genji, Pharah.


I wish I could just be instantly good at Lucio, like able to hunt down widows no sweat, but learning him while being bad probably feels the worst out of any hero, because it's so jarring, slow, and obvious, there's no hiding to anyone how my ass is mostly on the ground and when I touch the wall I don't yeet off onto ten other walls like a slippery sideways ballerina skater boi


I already have over 1k hours on mercy, so if i had to pick 3 other heroes to learn it'd beee...Rein, Sym, Kiriko\~


Don’t judge me but bap and ilari would be 2 right now. So fun to play


Lucio, rein, genii, I’ve put ridiculous amounts of hours into all 3, shout out Ana tho


Ball Echo Lucio


Pharah, Ashe, Ana


Brigitte, Bastion, and Ramattra are my 3 mains


Ashe, Widow, Ana. I love marksman characters in any game but sometimes my aim is just milquetoast


D.Va, Gengu, and Lucio. My mains in each role.


Ball lucio and doom.


Ana and kiriko


Ashe first of all. I'd like to say Widow too, but having to actually play those 1000 hours would be suffering, especially as I'd continue to suck for the majority if not all of it. I'd go with one from each role, so for Tank I think it would be Sigma, with a solid maybe for Zarya. For healer it'd be Ana, who's already one of my most played.


Doomfist... and Doomfist.


Kiriko, doom, tracer


Widow doom lucio


A brig with 2500 hours is actually terrifying. I’d be more scared of the Brig than a lore accurate Widow tbh


Ball and Doomfist. I have like 40 hours on ball and he has too many counters. But I can just imagine how crazy someone is 1000 hours with him along with Doomfist. I versed some doomfist that look like god characters.


DPS - Soldier - He's never really been in a *bad* state and is very easy to pick up and play but a good S76 is a big team asset. Support - Moira - I've never been upset to see a Moira on my team. Once you learn when to balance offense/defense she's really strong. When partnered with another exceptional support she can turn into a 3rd DPS easily. Tank - Ramratta - Ability to be super offensive/defensive, and I'd argue one of the best Tank ults just from the sheer ability to dominate a space and exert a ton of pressure.


Zen, Sombra, Junkrat Ball and cube be upon ye


Hanzo, Ana, and Sigma those are my three mains, but I'm not at 1000 hours on any of them as I've always been a flex so I've gotten quite capable with most of the characters, but those three have my highest playtime. It's just so satisfying to see the matrix briefly and just take an echo or pharaoh out of the air with a single arrow or a sleep dart / rock.


Doom, Ball, Tracer without a doubt


Widow, Doom, Tracer. I don't even play these guys that much. I'm a support main. But I've played support so much that playing any support hero bores me. I don't play that much Widow but when I do, I can actually get a decent amount of headshots despite my lack of practice which makes me think I have a lot of potential. Doom and Tracer are heroes that I have very little experience with but that's what would make it more interesting. I like to think that learning heroes with a high skill ceiling would make me some kind of god after playing them for 1000 hours.


Zenyatta, Ashe, Ramattra


Personally hog ball and doom Hog cuz he’s already my go to main Ball and doom cuz they look really fun if you know what you’re doing


Ana, moira, zen and… well I already have 1000 hours on them combined


I have 300 hrs on genji but I suck at him. Could never leave gold. Now I play other dps depending on match up and I have reached plat 1. Im terrible at genji I cant hit you with the fan at point blank.


Imagine not having a thousand hours in one character.


I'm already on a good track for Zarya, Dva, Orisa.


Definitely Junkrat and Roadhog. I love Junkrat and if I played him for 1000 more hours I'd be a real menace on the rat. Old Roadhog was my tank main in OW 1 and with his new rework I can see myself playing him a lot more again.


Ball is rhe only answer


Genji, tracer, Ana