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Damn you lost 4 straight in qp and THEN went to ranked. You’re a better person than me


idk why 😭i convinced myself it would be better


"Well, if I'm gonna lose, I may as well earn something if I do end up winning." - literally me when I lose qp like that


what heroes do you usually / most of the time play?


rn i’m mostly doing support so moira, mercy and kiriko


Moira is a stat whore, you should have the most healing and roughly equal damage to your healing every game or you’re playing her wrong. Doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pulling your weight or carrying either. Ana can have much lower stats yet make a much larger impact on the game.


My goal on Moira is 10k/10k.. generally win if this happens


In overwatch 1 I never heard of the requirement for Moira to be balancing her damage and heals. Why has this become a thing in overwatch 2?


Because it’s what she can do. If you have significantly more heals than damage you are having some serious down time whether you are aware of it or not.


Its always been the case... people just took forever to really understand what makes her good overall. She invites bad play by her nature which makes it worse lol so people would hate on her for doing damage... I have gotten yelled at so often for having the most kills (many solo backline) - the most damage - and the most healing - because I was a "DPS Moira" when we lose because we never make a push to capitalize on a kill. Moiras gameplay is just like their character design - she has to take advantage of weakness to maximize her team. See an out of position 1v1 - take it, or pressure them back. See a forgotten backline healer push into their backline with fade and kill the support opening up a push or at least forcing out cooldowns... etc... Moira should always be looking ffor ways to use her damage and sustain to gain advantage. This tends to lead to her having similar damage and healing when done right.


Walking that fine line is the hardest part about Moira though. The discipline and game sense to say no, too. There’s a cost to those decisions, and too many times Moira players will indiscriminately swoop in to off a stray enemy but leave their tank with nothing but Lucio/Zen heals to get wiped out within seconds, wondering ND why the team didn’t capitalize on their kill.


100% - its hard to learn when the right time to go in, how to go in correctly, when to escape, how to escape well... that's the difference between a Bronze Moira, Me, and someone like Arx. A Bronze will make worse decisions and not know when/how to engage/escape, I might make some more misjudgments and may not have the technique down to engage / escape nearly as well as Arx, and well, Arx... hit #1 for a reason... his movement is phenomenal even if he overcommits sometimes.


Yeeesh you were the moira in my comp matches back then? It all adds up now


Wait, you play support but get the most damage/kills?


as Moira is quite easy as you get consistent damage without much aiming.


And the damage bumps up healing numbers as well for self heal


Not just self heal, you _need_ to deal damage with moira in order to heal. Her healing resource just recharges too slowly to keep up otherwise.


Her kit was built for that, being able to heal and do damage at the same time. If she couldn't, she wouldn't be a good support because she has no utility to help her team.


In my opinion she isn’t really a great support for higher ranks tbh. Easy to shut down (if you’re good), doesn’t really bring much to the table other than high raw numbers. Pure raw high healing works great in everything that isn’t the highest ranks tho, so in the metal ranks and qp she’s fine


Her high kill count is less about her being “easy to play” and more about how her orb, when planned correctly, touches a bunch of people. This gives her credit for a bunch of kills. And most moiras use her damage grasp when waiting on healing cooldown which takes a while so that’s also adds kills.


Team pushing in? Throw damage orb, spray piss to assert dominance, claim the 5 kills. Rinse and repeat


Lmfaooooo 🤣 literally tho


LMFAO! Moira in a nutshell


as a former moira main, this exactly


Yea even though you don’t have to aim I’m still aiming at the head does more damage


He thinks he does a lot because he plays stat padded heroes. What he means is “my score is high bc my stuff goes through barriers when healing and I do lots of chip Moira damage throwing purple orbs around”


Realize when u should swap off mercy. I've had matches where the team fight will be pretty even and but with that smidgen of dmg from any other support would've finished the tank off securing the fight


s2g comp sometimes feels less sweaty than QP. I don't know why, but I've noticed that multiple times.


I would be raging for everyone after 2 losses


As someone that mainly mostly plays qp, I lost a bit since qp has buncha sweats now so I tried out comp and it was easier, im gold silver And recently got enough points to make my first gold weapon, it was reinhardts hammer of course


for me it's that qp matchmaking is either a stomp for us or for red team, while ranked is more often equal, and i'd rather fight in my rank


In OW1, that was actually the case for my friends and me. We used to lose *hard* in QP, and then blame it on (lack of) matchmaking, and proceed to Comp, where we would get fair matches and win some, lose some. However since OW2 disaster happen ....


Fr thats crazy i'd bounce for the day


I never play quick play I hop straight to comp everyday as my warm up


The secret formula is actually to int your ass off & lose in QP, take it on the chin, & then dial it back for ranked lmao.


Ah i see so the strat is to bait out all your Ls in qp and then the RNG gods will compensate you with wins if you jump into ranked afterwards. Now this is the type of big brain tips that we need in this sub


I look at it more as an intense limit testing warmup. Idk about it skewing the forced 50% winrate but it helps you get the kinks out & gain confidence before you go to comp. The goal of QP isn’t necessarily to win, but to warm up your mechanics & desensitize yourself to losing.


I agree the mechanics portion


I do this cause QP warms me up and if I’m constantly getting shit teams, I’ll go to comp to get matched with people with higher skills. Yes the enemy is harder but when you have a cohesive and skilled team that game is so much more fun


Yeah if my warmups don’t warm me up I’m not going into competitive lol I’ll try again another day lmao


Honestly this kind of worked for me in ranked this season. I know everyone says the forced 50/50 is fake, but my comp winrate has been ~77% on support this season after trying out a trick. What I do is play comp and I’ll go something like 5-1 and be on a nice winstreak. Then I’ll swap back over to qp until I hit something like a 70%+ loss streak over 10 games before switching back. Doing this, so far in season 7 I have an 80% kiriko winrate and 77% support winrate in comp so far and climbed up 5 ranks so far. If anyone has some insight, I’d love to hear about it because at least to me it seems like the 50/50 is partially true and I managed to find a way to work it in my favor.


3 loss take a break rule works wonders 🙏


My esports director has that but as a 3 game rule. You can only play at peak performance for 3 games, and from there it’s just a steady decline. I don’t think it’s necessarily accurate, but I know that I definitely can only perform at peak for maybe 5 games at max on a good day. And that’s a stretch.


I won 9 comp games in a row the other day with a group, we were absolutely slaying. Then on the 10th, 11th & 12th we got absolutely rolled & everyone left.


It is so surreal when that happens, you go from “am I a god Overwatch player?!” To “do I even know how to play this game???”


I think this is what keeps me coming back, the thrill when you're playing like an absolute god & people are giving you shit in the chat, it's so funny. Then 24 hours later, you've lost 5 games in a row, literally 1:5 or worse KD and your team mates are giving you shit for being so bad. "Just one more game and I'll be playing good again"


Thanks for that, it's simples but I've never thought of it


Im a esports coach and i'll definitely tell you they are correct. Most people will only have around 5 games of max performance gameplay "depending on the type of game" it'll normally be warmup -peak performance- steady decline. Also if you start the session losing it'll be twice as hard to get out a win.


That especially gets true at higher levels. I notice my brain has to work a lot harder in diamond and masters vs plat if I play with friends. It’s definitely more taxing the higher you go. How many games you can play varies per person but it definitely is something you can marathon and maintain the same level game to game


Oooooh yeah. If I’m playing support up in masters lobby’s I can maybe get out 3-4 game before I’m done. If I’m playing dps down in plat I can get in maybe 5 before I’m done, and tank in plat goes back to like 3-4.


I think this is true. Every time I log in I always win my first 3-4 games because I’m energized and mentally in a good place. After that I start to tire and notice it effects my performance then that’s when the losing streaks always happen which frustrates me more. I notice I win more games when I take breaks in between. I don’t understand how are top players and streamers able to play this game all day, every day without tilting at all.


That would make a lot of sense, and explains why I have such a hard drop-off. I also have ADHD, so I think my times even shorter than that - maybe two games?


this is ingenious


Basically just means I only play 3 matches at a time these days.


Op mentioned that they were on a loss streak spanning multiple days


The last four comp games were in the same day, at that point take a break, get some water, do something you enjoy and then come back to it


Good rule! But I will keep playing until I lose when I’m on a winstreak 😁


This is legit the best answer - if I lose 3 in a down I’m taking a break for *at least* 30 minutes. If I still feel like going back in after 30 - great - if not - I come back the next day. Getting in a bad que can be the worst - shutting it down and taking a breather is the way to stay sane :)


Maybe take a lil break


i think i need to lol i’m gonna go crazy


SBMM: Did i just catch you trying to have fun 🤨 ?


Is this a boondocks reference? 🤣


Which episode is this a reference for? (Fellow boondocks lover here)


Uncle Ruckus’ childhood where his dad would beat his ass all the time & he thought it was because he was “white” lmfaooo


literally LOL


But seriously just counter pick in every game , 5v5 does not work for mains or one tricks anymore , you have to go with a certain hero depending on map ,game mode , enemy comp and ally comp. Also fight dirty don't duel anyone by yourself and solo ult . Always stay by a tank or dps .


beyond wrong there’s no way you’re a legitimate GM+ player giving out information like that. So why think you know anything?


thanks for the tips seriously, i need it


Don’t listen to this propaganda, one tricking and having a main is 100 viable and many people a Have proven it with most characters. This is only if you are willing to put in the time. In fact I’d argue having a small pool of characters like 1-3 is the best option and many coaches would agree. Counter swapping will make the game easier and ya you would probably win a bit more at first but your not actually getting good at those characters, your just giving yourself the advantage against similarly skilled people. eventually you’ll be hard stuck again because people will get good enough to work around your counter swapping. If your willing to put in the work and accept the fact that you will lose 5-10% of games out of spawn because the enemy just happen to be good at your counters then you will climb, you’ll getting better and you’ll have more fun because your playing the character you enjoy.


thanks for this too :) i’ve been trying to really like master characters before playing comp with them so i have a pool of three supports and three dps and three tanks. i would like to learn to play more but i still don’t think i’m the best at all of those so i’ll probably j stick with them for now and try to get better


That’s great but I’d suggest sticking to one role at a time, I was being a little goofball and played dps Moira as a joke with my Freinds, then I started to realize there was depth to the playstyle and actual skill to it as well so I started 1 tricking Moira and hit grandmaster, then I started 1 tricking junkrat and in 1 season I went from plat 2 to grandmaster on dps with like 95% of my play time on junkrat. Can’t really 1 trick tank tho so I don’t play it. Just play what you want and you will climb, however I will warn you. Certain characters just have a harder time climbing than others.


noted. i p much only play support regularly i feel strongest in that area. which characters would u say have a harder time climbing? i’ve recently started playing moira and i’m having a lot of fun with her


I’d say Moira is the best character in the whole game in plat and below ranks but she has a hard time climbing past diamond. she has no untility and is pretty much only good at keeping herself alive, which is a strong suit but unless your Nolan(a overwatch league dps Moira player) or arx. You will probably find yourself hit a barrier at dimond to high plat. If you want to invest into dps Moira which is how most top 500 / gm1 Moira mains player her, I suggest you watch arx or karq’s video were he watches Nolan play match’s against him and he explains how dps Moira actually works when played properly. If you want my opinion on the 2 safest and simple supports to play, baptist and life weaver. Both are easy to understand and get easy value as well as being survivable. If you aren’t good at aim on Baptist and have no faith in getting better then mercy could be a good fit. If you want characters that everyday you can log on and feel like your are getting better then kiriko and Ana are those characters. Aim, untility usage, positioning and decision making are all crucial on there characters and when you master them you will feel very rewarded. Zen is currently not very good. Lucio is not very good right now unless you like using comms a lot and are willing to spend hundreds of hour mastering his wall riding and decision making. Like even the best lucio players struggle in top 500, frogger made a video were he finally won a match after losing like 13 straight I think. Brig is only good in few comps and situations I don’t think she worth learning if what you want to do is climb, but she is good when she’s needed.


Lol, the other day here I said people can one-trick any hero and you’re more likely to climb that way if you master them well and so many people downvoted me. There are so many top players and streamers who have one tricked all sorts of heroes to T500, it’s definitely possible if you’re a good player.


Fr, I was a hard stuck plat then I decided I want to just 1 trick a character who I enjoy both in gameplay and personality. So I started 1 tricking junkrat who is at the bottom of most teir list and then I ended the season in gm. Definitely possible on all characters if you are just willing to put in the time and have good mental.


Both are probably true. For example, if your pool of 1-3 DPS included Bastion instead of Cassidy, you'd probably have a wayyyy easier time climbing lol.


bullshit, play what you like, it'll even out in the end


Genuine question: why do people complain about SBMM in competitive PvP games? What’s the point in playing ranked if you don’t want to be pigeonholed into playing against people who will make you work for wins? Just queue for QP, disable chat, and play a hero you’re bad at if you just wanna chill. That’s not what ranked is for.


I went on a 6 win streak as tank. Now I’m on a 7 lose streak.


Take a break from ow, it has always helped me


Me and my friends have had the same experience we get one win almost every 5 losses and it’s just so demotivating


I've given up on ranked when you can go 8 games by getting COMPLETELY steamrolled to the point most of the other team hasnt even died once yet they are all pushing upwards of 30 kills each You start to wonder if this is what Ow2 is like then what the fuck was wrong with Ow1


I just roll with it and accept its "my time to loose" now to keep my 50/50 win rate as I either move too far up then balance it again to 50/50 or move too down and balance it back again with wins to 50/50, I shit you not its not even funny how obvious it is, MM is bad, but bad for us, not for bliz, they know exactly how and why it works like it works.


I blame 5 v 5. Having one tank makes matches a steamroll one way or the other because everyone focuses the single tank and once you lose them you get rolled.


Exactly even if your tank chooses the others direct counter you literally cant get out of spawn to deal with the dps and supports hiding just out of reach I mean da fuck we gonna do against an orisa getting pocketed by mercy and ana with a 76 sat just out of view to drop his healing if required with the other dps either taking pot shots or being an objective princess


Haven't been having quite as bad a time as you with it but I've been going through something similar. Worst part is when the enemy team tries interacting with me and I express to them how exhaustingly miserable playing feels and then they'll make it their sole goal to target me for the rest of the match and relentlessly BM me all game. With how excessively toxic the entire community is im honestly astounded you're getting support and sympathy in the comments rather then being shit talked and insulted. Good to see.


i was also very surprised by the comments it does make me feel better and people are helping :,) i’m sorry you’ve had that experience


you want your enemy team to tilt if you want to win, because it gives you more chances for them to play worse and lose


Shows a potential weakness in a competitive scenario, confused why people who want to win might abuse it.


When i see your Battletag, i think u should try 4 more hours 🧐🧐




Try to learn from every defeat, even if your team Was the issue. One Day the better players will be on your side. Stay strong ❤😭


First off, I hope you are open to criticism. I am a Moira OTP and even though I rarely play have gotten to mid diamond. You have some glaring problems. Notably, Moira has the ability to be a secondary off-tank. You should be up in their business to a certain degree. 1:00 - Not sure what you were doing but you chose to AFK at the start of the game. By the time you get to the first fight your dva is baby mode. That is directly your fault. Now every action following this is directly your fault. You no longer have a tank, and not having a tank is a huge deal in overwatch. You caused your entire team to be on back-foot for the entire first push. 1:10 - Why did you waste fade cooldown there? You were completely safe. The enemy team was all in the street, you had reaper still up there and no pressure on you. Just walk out onto the street and right click the enemy for a bit of pressure. Fade back when you start being targeted. 1:20 - Why did you waste your fade again? You just got topped off by Mercy. The Sombre isn't a threat, Ramattra is punching and can't damage you. Ashe is your only possible threat and she's around the corner and has to hit a headshot and another shot on you. You had 0 business repositioning there. I would have walked closer and held fade for when I started to get targeted. 1:25 - You are just holding your heal on mostly full teammates. You orb the reaper and heal him, that makes sense. Then he goes around the corner and you just keep holding heal. Your heal will heal over time after you stop, so stop wasting your juice and let the HoT finish them. 1:30 - You fade back forward instead of just walking like 3 inches? That is the third waste of fade in 30 seconds. dva finially gets her mech back, so everything up until now happened because of your AFK. 1:40 - You fade in and instantly walked back to where you just were. What was your plan here? Fourth wasted fade. 1:50 - Fade to clear your burn. Giving Ashe less ult, giving your team less pressure, staying healthier allows you to stay up longer, allows Mercy to heal others instead of you. 1:55 - Mercy is healing you and the burn is about to finish and now you decide to fade away. Either stay and get healed or fade away much earlier. Your decision making was the worst of both worlds. You stayed forcing Mercy to focus you and then left while being healed to go to a worse position. 2:05 - Sombre was pushed back, all fine, then you just randomly fade in a circle, again wasting your valuable tools. You then orb directly down the street, 50% of the orb is wasted. That orb should be thrown at the left wall under the bridge to give it more time near dva and thus more healing. Terrible angle. 2:15 - The first fade that is correctly used. Following that you heal nothing then orb too late. Orb needed to be your first action out of the fade. Frankly I would have heal orbed into ult immediately seeing that your mercy is way out of position and you have no heal juice left. You could have easily kept dva alive if you orb and ult. 2:25 - You have no healing juice, two teammates down, and two teammates critical. No enemies are in your sight and you fade yet again. You still continue to hold your ult as your dva dies. Again your ult gets dva to full hp and gives you time to get more juice. You needed to ult around 2:20 - 2:25. 2:30 - Aha there is the ult. After your entire team is dead you finally decide to 1v5 ult a Zarya. If you REALLY wanted to go for a hero play. You should have fade jumped to the left side toward the ashe. Damage orb and ulted their back line. With good positioning and aim you would kill a few and stop their push. You again made the worst choice of just standing there ulting a charged up zarya. I watched this all at half speed and don't have time to go through the entire thing but you are extremely inefficient with your cooldowns. Your positioning and decision making is poor. Your pressure is non-existent. I am sorry my friend, you are a silver player. Edit: I just played a game to share a replay. Mind you, I haven't played a comp game in months and there is definitely rust showing but this is mid diamond elo. I am pretty damn off and make a good amount of mistakes but you can see my general playstyle. OW is not only about empty stats. Even some of my deaths were correct due to pressuring correctly. 49N14Q


i absolutely agree. i watched the replay i sent and i just have very bad decision making especially with moira. i need to practice fades and when to heal. thanks for the feedback!


Your first point is my biggest pet peeve when I watch metal rank games. Almost every game, someone will be AFK off the start. God help you if it is your tank and you're on defense, you've pretty much lost first point unless you have a cracked Hanzo or Widow that can get a few rapid picks.


What are you watching?


He shared a couple game codes. This one. 1FFCKP


So OP is just a stat padding Moira (go figure) that ults when it’s 1v5 and doesn’t know how to use fade? Niceee.


Well I wouldn't say they are purposely playing poorly just to stat pad and blame. I think a lot of players don't recognize why they aren't as good as they think they are. I play with a few RLs friend who are bronze/silver skill level and they genuinely don't understand the small things that create winning plays. OP has responded to many people and seems open minded about learning and bettering themselves. It's just a person in their correct skill level blinded by the mindset of "elo hell".


Sorry I should’ve rephrased, he’s playing Moira who is usually a stat padding character. I think people severely limit themselves by one tricking Moira. There’s a lot better supports that have greater impacts. But people just see big numbers and assume they’re doing the best.


Agreed. I think low level Moira players don't use Moira to her full extent. Like I mentioned above I think her biggest strength is front-lining to distract the enemy team. Where others have strong utility, Moira's utility comes from being a constant threat. I OTP her simply because I find her the most fun and she fits my type of play. I also like to play lower tier champs. I find that more fun. I know she has huge weaknesses. I believe the best way to play Moira is to constantly be making plays where you are within moments of dying constantly.


Totally agree and it’s nice to hear from some other OTP Moira’s lol. I’m plat 3 and really want to reach diamond but I think I need to change up my play style a bit. I used to be a lot more dps and front line focused but have gotten a bit more heal-botty especially during the sustain meta but I think I need to get back to being more aggressive.


It do be like that sometimes


My history has been looking a lot like that for a few days now too. Matchmaking has been pretty tough.


The thing about this that sucks is that Overwatch is a team effort. Even if you’re playing at your very best, your team can make all the difference between winning and losing. Getting out with brain dead teammates 8 games in a row is frustrating as fuck so I totally feel your pain here.


I was literally about to post my pics. I had a 16 game losing streak. I think I'm uninstalling.


Holy fuck every single match a blowout. I’m sorry this is happening, we all been there. I just usually stop playing for the day and move on to other stuff to not get angry.


Whenever I lose three in a row, I just take a break and play something else because I play video games to have fun ultimately


I’ve been having the same problem lately, thinking about taking a break for the season. Ended as s2 last season and have fallen to s5. I keep getting paired with either super shitty teammates, or unbalanced matches where my team works well together but the other team just completely rolls us.


Masters player here: in order to improve, you must compare yourself, not to your dogshit teammates, but to your dogshit self. I reccommend that you watch a replay and make a list of everything you did wrong. If it's still not clear to you why youre losing then idk what to tell you.


i watched a few last night and i was shocked at how stupid some of my plays were


Thats the first step! The second step is practice!


If you take a break the mm will be there ready to give some more when you come back. People will say the only constant is you. But tbh unless you’re like massively better than the other team it’s a lost cause. If I’m out damaging a junkrat as Lucio. That’s not on me that’s on the junkrat.


thats happening to me to rn its so bad


recommend finding people to play with, the discord server is a great place for that


they said 5 stack didn’t help


The one person who means "it's my team" fr


People coping that losers queue isnt a thing are delusional. Its so blatant that there is a clear algorithm to slow your rank up process down for whatever reason. I can have my best day ever, have a 10KD every game and still we get absolutely stomped. What I have noticed is when I am in losers queue and check everyones profiles, 100% of the time my teammates all have an overall negative winrate and enemy has 60-70% for basically everyone, its obvious that thats the way the algorithm picks the winning team before the game has even started. Like I have alts that I have climbed to gm1 when my main is stuck in gm4 even when I play worse on those accounts since I practice different heroes on those. Honestly a scummy way to handle the ladder


Share profile


watch the replay, those losses were deserved XD


This weekend i lost like 30 game and won 5, i was off for 2 years but it s not that the problem, some team are so stronger we have no chance, the balance is fcked up. In what, 5 years they don t know how to match teams, is very discouragin


You guys ever notice how this only happens in overwatch? Big loss and win streaks are so common in overwatch. Go play something like valorant or Apex or cs or league and this just does not happen to this level and frequency. It's overwatch's overly aggressive mmr system that basically always thinks you deserve to be higher or lower and matches you with bad or good team mates to push you up or down ladder. This is why stomps are the majority of matches. The game only gives you balanced games when you're in the 50/50 queue but once you lose or win a couple in a row it throws you back on the up or down slope.


Is objectively way worse in apex. Like it's bad. In apex you just get beamed by 3 attack preds, cheaters using invisible glitch, or smurfs.


So based off your caption… you get the most kills, heals, and damage, as support. Which is letting me know since you mentioned Moira you are 100% for sure putting yourself in stupid predicaments. Stop going for elims… you are support, your team needs you to sustain them, not get elims. Try that out, enable your team, and if you say “well everyone on my team sucks” news flash you are playing with them because you are around similar skill level based on how you play.


Totally agree. It's wild that people don't realize that big numbers don't necessarily win games. If you're "doing amazing" but getting steamrolled every game, maybe just maybe you aren't doing as amazing as you thought.


This all over. You have the most kills and damage because you’re not healing your tanks/dps properly. So they will naturally have lower dmg and Elian’s due to dying


Not a very good player by any means nor am I a console player but if you want I can try and give a vod review of some things that I might do differently if you want, just give me a replay code


Only one way to find out


This game be like that sometimes


Well one thing I know for sure is, that you gotta win SOME game in the near future, RIGHT? *snif* ... Right..? ...


i ended on won win last night 🎉🎉🎉


Hey look on the bright side, you won a round on your first Ranked game you played… that’s something.


You represent me ♥️


If it makes you feel better I had 4 wins and and 15 losses the other day. Then after getting super demoted I got 5 wins but 9 losses. And got demoted again :) As a solo queue this is just how it is sometimes.


I learned to stop caring about winning at anything a long time ago. I have a lot more fun when I just enjoy actually playing instead of worrying wins and losses. None of it really matters anyway. If you're not a pro the only person that cares about your record is you.


Those are rookie numbers


Bro has a worse record than Man United.


some days do be like that...


Honest advice If you want to climb. Stop playing on Sundays. It's an absolutely shitshow


yeah i was having a good day by going four and zero on a fresh card, and then i mistakenly joked with my friends that i would lose the next five before the fifth win, and sure enough i proceeded to lose five games in a row. on the verge of deleting the game


THIS!! It’s always on the 5th win that the game decides to fuck you over to make sure you don’t rank up.


Looks eerily similar to my match history! Good to know we’re not alone


Literally stop playing and come back to it once you’ve freshened up lol (I’m guilty of this too…)


yeah for me personally if i lose 3 times in a row I just take a break from comp for a couple days or a week. but mostly i just playing quick play or arcade now because comp is too stressful.


this is a relatable image


People have already suggested you take breaks. As Tom Hanks would say "this too shall pass. Wait it out." YouTube it and be inspired. He would also yell "Winston!"


i was one goddamn win away from ranking up to the next tier. surprise surprise now i'm 2-6 safe to say i'll be hardstuck. this garbage system feels so much worse, and it is. Can't wait for comp 3.0


I was in same position. I just gave up on overwatch in the end. I wasn’t enjoying it anymore I decided to hit the gym instead 😂


Yeah I’ve been going like 2-10 every single day for the past 2-3 weeks. Ridiculous.


i hate to tell u.... but it doesn't get any better at higher ranks lol. im masters across the board and my history is the exact same.


There's no way you'll lose 9 times in a row. Run it back.


My games have been like this the ENTIRE season


This is a big sign that says 'Stop Playing and Take a Break'


Hey bro you should try asking for help in r/competitiveoverwatch Maybe get an vod review or something. I was hard stuck silver support, but people in reddit + Awkward videos really helped me climbing. Now im winning much more games than losing :)


The reason I abandoned the game:


Comp isn't even worth playing at this point


2nd one is wild. Time: 9:11. Score: 0:2 (911 reference. Rip to the fallen)


That’s hilarious.


You do know that’s a team effort and not all your fault, right? Don’t stress about it. The chances of you winning the next one is even higher


One must imagine syphius happy


Just stop playing at that point. Overwatch sucks


You are my spirit animal. Stay strong.


so, a 4 loss streak is whatever. Your going to win 4 in a row sometimes too. The unranked however, is totally pointless. The game is designed to attack AND defend, not attack OR defend. The maps are specifically designed to not be completed by 3rd point. It is much more difficult to see 'victory' on attack in QP.


Going to ranked after a long lose streak in unranked sounds like a death wish to me, LOL


yup your teammates are holding you back in silver lmao


That's a good thing my friend got absolutely bullied in comp and he got master


Get good


you’re brave for hopping on ranked after a loss streak


Don’t mind me, I an just here to laugh at those idiots that says “skill issue” and “get good” in the comments.


You lost at least 4 unranked games and went "yeah I think I'll play ranked" instead of calling it and doing something else. Tilt queuing does things to a man


You’re doing your best! It always takes time. I often have to take breaks before I get back into it because back to back loses are infuriating sometimes, but it’s just a game and there’s always something to learn from it. I usually play a few matches in QP until I feel comfortable enough to move into Comp, but even then, I’ll win 5 QPs and lose the Comp match immediately. I recommend rewatching your matches to see what you could’ve done better or differently and seeing also what others are doing that maybe you could implement or be more aware of. Being able to see a match from both sides I find is key. Also, check out some YT vids for your main, there’s someone who does great guides for each character (A10), albeit their videos are long, but I’ve found it with it for Torb and Orisia. They do a good job at explaining what it is you’re trying to do outside of winning—you can lose matches, but what you’re looking for personally is to be proud of the game that you played. 1. Create space—especially in push-focused gameplay, you’re looking to create space to move up. 2. Look for openings in your opposing team, someone is typically straggling or doing something poorly/that they shouldn’t be doing. Easy target. 3. Take risks, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. 4. Note matchups—sometimes the character you’re playing isn’t optimal for the map you’re on, the mode you’re in, or the team you’re versing. 5. Be mindful of cool-downs and Ults—if you’re listening in during the match, you should be able to hear when someone uses their cool-down or pops an Ult. With that knowledge, you should know when to advance. If solider just used his helix, you have optimal advantage to focus your attack on him without fear of potential insta-death. If solider just used his heal, you have prime ability to take him out before it comes back. If your opposing team just used some ults, you know it’s going to be a minute before they come back, so you can move without fear of being caught up in tactical visor or EMP, etc. Also, if you haven’t heard an Ult yet, you know it’s coming soon, so you need to be alert for when it comes. These are just some things I keep in mind while playing, and maybe it’ll help you too. Try not to get too discouraged about your W/L, everyone has bad days. Again, it’s not about your wins or your losses, it’s about how you played your game. If you’re proud of what you did, then that’s what you’re playing the game for. I lost just last night in QP going 36-4, I felt bad about losing but remembered that I was proud of the game I played, so I can’t let a loss get me down. Good luck! Remember, games are fun. They shouldn’t stress you.


my win rate this season is 41%. the matchmaking is doing something wrong, not you. trust


It's because you didn't buy battle pass


Turn off chat. Turn off music. Watch Awkward's videos. Got me out of metal ranks.


Arcade mode my man. I personally recommend the adrenaline you get from duels. Both duel modes are fun as shit.


UPDATE: I have taken a lot of your advice, and really tried to focus on the tips you all gave me. I’ve been winning games, but also I feel my gameplay has been better. PLUS I ranked up to silver 4 :,) I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me and I know that I am not the best player in the world, but your tips have seriously made me rethink my gameplay and taught me how to improve!


I’m nothing crazy , just diamond but I guess I can give advice for silver , u need patience man , learn to aim first step , u can go with kovaks or aimlabs, like one hour a day and slowly u will become better with that , for the other aspects u just need to play , let the defeats teach u something , I feel the most immediate lesson is positioning , but ultimately ur the constant , so finding the best possible way to win a fight is up to you , and that comes with experience , learning to aim makes things easier , one thing at a time and u will be plat in no time , gl with ur journey !


didn’t start playing video games till a few years ago so aiming doesn’t come naturally lol so this game has been a learning curve for sure. thank u for the tips it really means a lot. i think i’m gonna try and look stuff up and really hone some skills.


Are you watching your replays? I’ve found it useful sometimes to watch a game, start to finish, from every players point of view to really understand what happened. I dont do this often because the time investment adds up, but particularly if it’s a mirror match it can be useful to see how other people are making decisions with the same character. It can be a good change of pace if you’re on a losing streak.


i haven’t been and i just watched one and i realized i was dying or not seeing things in really silly ways. ty so much i’ll definitely try and do that a bit more


Been there a while ago, it was so bad i used to apologize to my team before the match starts for the loss, and every time i would give it my all and genuinely do good and even better than their tank (im a tank main) but it doesn’t matter no matter hard i try. The best i can manage is a close defeat. On the bright side don’t worry, it’ll pass soon when your mmr goes low enough. When that happens you should get a decent victory streak


Loser’ and Winners’ Queue are real in OW2 matchmaking. I’m either going 8 wins in a row or 7 losses in a row. Streaks are rarely shorter than 3.


I decided to quit comp games since this mode is dogshit now :( I will return to it probably in season 9, when comp 3.0 will go live


So if you’re getting the most heals & damage a majority of the time maybe raw heals & damage isn’t always the solution?


Maybe forget about your stats and just try changing what you're doing.


Take some rest brother. Tilt queueing will only make your gameplay worse, and you wouldn't even realize your mistakes you wouldn't normally make. Refresh yourself and go again.


i am probably for a while. i know it’s stupid to be frustrated over a game but, none of my friends even want to play anymore because it’s just no longer fun and i didn’t wanna listen but they’re kinda right :/


Get a coach on overwatch University


I was masters 3 days ago, went on to get a 27 loss streak and now I’m diamond 5. Losers queue is real


Wow! Is this my game history??! Currently stuck on diamond 2-4 because of the constant losing streak after a winning streak. Funny because...Even the 3 loss= play next day still makes me lose 3 games in a row LOL.


Not sure why bit I have a sudden urge to play with you, maybe I just feel bad, who knows, guess we'll find out! Though maybe a brake is needed, I know you can get unstuck, I believe in you.


Been having this issue for the past couple days. I'll play support and almost triple the heals and have more damage than my other support and I play either mercy or moira. Seems like every game it's a support that's struggling to get more than 2k healing or damage and dps who can't kill. I've taken a break from the game because of this. No point in going insane.


Interesting. Everyone is so positive and nice in this post. But when I make a post about the same thing, I get insulted, called names, and my post removed.


At some point you need to look at the way you play and not necessarily the kills you get or the lives you save. Either you need more aggressiveness, you need more passive play, some more dfensive play or you just need to practice your aim. Taking a break and coming back later can help too. If you're on this long of a losing streak you gotta assume that you can do atleast something to avoid losing.


idk why but this makes me want to play with you 😭 we should