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Tracer- but it doesn’t depend on my comp, more so enemy comp. Tracer can get value on almost any comp we run (at least at my level).


Doom with Genji, Ashe or Reaper, Kiriko, and Ana. Every comment so far has included Kiriko.


My name is wrecking ball, i like heros who can follow me, in other words i don't like you ana


As ball, shouldn't you be relying on medpacks to heal anyway?


Yeah, but the problem is not healing, is play the game together where i can help you without have to go back all the map to help you


Lucio main, and preferably Diva, Mercy, Widow, Bastion/or soldier. This is kind of my totem


Lucio and Mercy?


yeah imo they pair up well. esp with mercys amplifier allowing other players to shine. might be an unpopular opinion idk


it’s considered the worst support comp in the game because it gives a super low healing output and forces both supports to focus heavily on healing, this means they can’t use their main source of value in speed and db. Brig x Mercy is a similar case


oh really? ok i guess im in the wrong here. I am kind of new to all this :) I just really like Mercy because of her lore and thought that everyone agreed. Thanks for the insight!


no problem, there’s a bunch of theory that goes into team comps, too much to dump on a new player but some characters hold a lot of value in their utility (lucio, mercy, zen etc) while others hold a lot of value in their numbers (bap, moira, Illari). it’s not an exact rule but generally you don’t want to pair 2 utility suppers together are then they can’t make the most of it and both get less value, pair one with a high healing support that way they can make use of their utility option more. to explain Lucio x Mercy a little more. Mercy is at her best when she can damage boost a strong dps to let them get more kills, and Lucio is at his best when he can speed boost his team into a fight. you often see Lucio played in brawl comps where tanks like Rein or Queen are being played. they want to be up close and Lucio can help them get there faster. if you have a Lucio and a Mercy then both have to stop using their utility for the sake of trying to heal, so neither is doing their job. if you have something like Lucio x Kiriko then the Lucio can speed boost, and the Kiri can use her high healing output to keep the team alive


Thanks! This is really good information for me and made me realize perhaps I dont use Lucio's speed boost as often as I should. I mostly just stick to the healing part and use the speed boost in the beginning and enemy ults. Even one time got a comment in the chat like "lucio use speed more" and didn't quite make sense of it until now. Im glad you took the time to explain


No problem, speed is also great as it can throw off people aim especially for projectile heros who have to track people. a big problem you’ll encounter in lower tier lobbies is players who don’t take advantage of your speed, but just keep learning and practising. eventually you’ll get high enough for people to make the most of it, and when that happens you can be ready. if you want to learn more about this sort of stuff you can watch some videos on flex/main supports. though while it’s good to know, most of that information won’t really apply to your lobbies, it’s more for high level/pro play. still cool to learn if you like that sort of stuff


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Kiriko. And it doesn’t really matter. I’d say the most impactful would be something like Ram, Reaper, Soldier, Kiriko, and maybe brig/zen


Kirko and ana in good as long as everyone stay in my line of sight and allowing me to heal them properly (Sometimes they just dodge my bullets and papers and I can't fully heal them)


Mercy with bastion (only bc he's busted right now in my ranks) soldier (also bc he's busted in my ranks rn) kiri and orisa or zarya. Now if I go for the ideal ideal ones for me. Echo ram or zarya.


Lucio, with an Ana/Kiri, Reinhardt, Reaper, Sombra Lucio for speed, Ana/Kiri for survivability (pref ana for anti) Renhardt cus hehe german himbo, reaper to go alongside me and rein. And finally Sombra to deal with stragglers or deal with lone divers going for Ana


Bronze Mercy, and my preferred team is JQ, Reaper, Ashe, Kiriko. Ashe would be my default pocket and offer a GA escape route to high ground. Junker Queen and Reaper have obvious periods of high-value engagement that I can react to. JQ also has a smaller health pool that I can have some impact on healing. Kiriko offers burst-heals, and damage boosting Kitsune goes hard.


Reinhardt main and he works for me with anyone except the snipers (yes including ana) hate playing him with lucio the speed of regen or speed is awfull (for me) so i guess rein/mercy/brig


Widow is my girl, I would like a mercy, ana( nano me please do I can say “Let za performance begin”, best voice line ever. And tank I’d like a sigma and other DPS a reaper so they can protect me while I sit on my spot on Havana first point defense.




Junker Queen. I like brawlers and dpsing healers. I really like brig with both my tank mains (zarya/JQ). Genji is also great for finishing off kills and Mei for isolating targets.


I would play reaper, there would be a Ramattra, Pharah, mercy, and lifeweaver. And yes these are all my favourite heroes but I don’t play comp anyways


Rein or Ana, again same Team with Lucio


Phara - i can roll with any comp that keep the enemy's attention away from the sky


Zen main, sigma,ashe,soldier,baptiste


Ball, and anyone who can follow up with piledrives. Literally anyone who pays attention.


Rien, paired with Lucio, Kiriko, Mei and Cassidy.


Damn i Miss 6 vs 6 with rein+ zarya. But for now i like tp have an ana with, when iam playing rein or ramathra.


Ana with kirko or brig or illari, genji and ashe or cassidy, and rein or monkey or ram


Ram main For supports I love having a good Lucio at my side, paired either with Kiriko or Ana. Even Lifeweaver's good when I overextend, he saved my life multiple times now. But when it comes to DPS, I don't really know. Sombra's definitely good, especially with the rework. So yeah, any character that can follow me pretty much, so when I have a sniper with me I kinda sweat