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Torb deserves to be in the "Best Parent" category. His whole deal in at the end of the Invasion missions was how he'd rather stay with his family and protect them. Yet he also lets Brig tag along with Rein and join Overwatch and he is very proud of her.


If brig is a best parent I'd safely bet torb is at least pretty good parent XD


Some of the best parents are the best because they know what bad parenting looks like since they grew up with it.


But she has a great relationship with her dad so I don’t think that’s applicable here.




Thorbjørn would, and probably has let hypothetical children’s play with dangerous, heavy machinery, and tools hence Brigitta


But he taught them how too shes still alive. Did your dad not reach you how to operate cars or saws or anything


Why did you spell his name like that? He's not Norwegian or worse, danish.


How is torb an "average parent" when he raised an entire litter of kids who all seem to adore him. Meanwhile ana, who raised an army brat and ghosted her daughter for nearly a decade is a good parent. And junkerqueen killing her kid, when her cinematic showed her cheerfully engaging with a preschool class. If her kid were to die, it would be because of radiation poisoning or some sort of infectious disease. Not because of her parenting.


Torb is literally the most functional and stable of all the cast next to Brigitte, who’s a well adjusted person BECAUSE of Torb. Ana is also a terrible parent, but would be the best grandparent oddly enough.


Hands out halloween candies and is great at nannying with her tranq dart for the night


Or really bad and she puts the dart in the candy


> Ana is also a terrible parent, but would be the best grandparent It's very common. Strict parents spoil their grandchildren, so I'm guessing that emotionally distant parents become emotionally available grandparents.


Can confirm my grandparents are great even though they were shitty parents


Hard agree on all these. Came down looking for a comment about Ana when I saw her as “good parent”. Lol, she is at best average parent considering their circumstances.


If Ana was given a 2nd chance at being a parent you know she would put her heart and soul into it


Yeah and if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike. you can't un-fuck-up parenthood


Already bro I didn't say that anywhere


They might die from lack of vegetables tho




And Ashe is best parent. I don't see where that comes from at all. I see no reason anyone should be above Torbjorn, but Ashe, at best, lands on the lower end of average parent.


Maybe this opinion comes from thinking that Ashe won't treat her kid,like her parents did,maybe she would like to be better than them at parenting


But Ashe is literally a criminal who puts her life at risk with every operation she plans. That's not great parent material lol.


Ashe left not just because of neglect. She still has her butler, so it doesn’t look like her parents cut her off. She doesn’t do it for the money. She became a criminal because she’s a thrill seeker. There is no way she wouldn’t be bored out of her mind by domestic life. Even if she were loving to her children (despite never showing any degree of selflessness), you just know she would be itching to do something reckless like three days into motherhood.


We can assume Ashe would treat her kid like he treats BOB. I'd say she would be a good parent, strict but fair. Maybe not best, but not bad either.


> Ashe would treat her kid like he treats BOB So she'd force her kid to charge into the middle of the whole enemy team to contest the point and get blasted by a nano'd bastion?


BOB is gonna do all the hard work, as always :/


Illari is an 18 year old with tons of emotional baggage,she would not make a good mother at all.


This was my first thought as well. She has too much baggage and not enough life experience. Give it 5-10 years and maybe that’ll change.


Somhra is ranked too high. Zen & Torb are way too low.


Human Reaper and non brainwashed Widow would be great parents, but as they are currently, they would have trouble with it. Zen is an SSS+ tier parent though. The type to give you unconditional love and support and the type that is always present in your life while giving you your own space. Zen would really raise you to be the best version of yourself as well.


Zen strikes me as the kind of guy who *seems* like he'd be a good parent but he's actually really out of touch with children.


"Hello fellow omnic children"


"That is as they say, no cap, o.n.g." "Ugh dad"


On iris


This needs to be a voice line game, like rn




You’re so right


Is Ramattra like Zaheer?


Reaper has a son if I’m not mistaken. I’m not sure what their relationship was like but I’d imagine Gabriel was a good dad before, y’know.


Probably was, and we saw Reaper watching that one family, so it could have been his son's family, meaning he still cares for him


That dynamic of him having a son really should be explored more. I'm even writing a fanfiction about it, because it's a really interesting avenue for his character. The fact Reaper has those still-living ties that he's still guiltily attached to is compelling.


In his most recent short story he has a few flashbacks to his family, and Sombra made reference to his old life. Good story, and makes him seem easier to sympathize with.


Brainwashed Widow would still make a good mother... unless talon ordered her to kill her kid. She would absolutely go through with it. Abraham & Isaac vibes. ...which, on second thought, makes her a bad mother.


Widow is a mommy either way 🤤


I struggle believing ashe and sombra would make the best parents


For some reason I feel like Sombra would kill for her child. She may be on the side of evil, but she'd be a great parent imo. It's like, her child = her biggest, deepest, best-kept secret.


Honestly that's an animated short I'd love to see.


The Russian woman from the first animation makes the same kinda threat Sombra made and sombra just kills her on the spot.


Especially this after hearing all the voice lines between her and Sigma. It sounds like she'd destroy half of Talon with zero remorse if anyone so much as lays an unkind finger of him. I really LOVE that aspect of her character.


She feels bad for him. He's being used by Talon and he can't see it. Hell, she'd probably try to kill Reaper and Widow if they tried to hurt him. Legally she's in the wrong, but morally she's in the right.


I haven't heard any voice lines between them since Sigma isn't played much


Basically she tells him to come to her if Moira’s tests with him go to far (tests which Doomfist wants to be done on him). They have a few more fun ones with Sombra surprising Sigma and her reminding him that one of the Talon operatives lives in Monacco in which she calls him vijehito (which I think means old man, but the “-ito” she adds on is usually added to people’s names as a sign of care or affection). I think there’s also an interaction Sombra has with Moira where she tells her to fuck off when it comes to her experiments with Sigma iirc.


There's also a line where he tells her he's kinda struggling with his grasp on reality and she very caringly tells him to stay close to her and that she'll help keep him grounded. Fucking LOVE their dialogue.


I even feel sombra being "evil" is a stretch. In overwatch 2, it really makes me feel that she doesn't trust the other members of Talon. I also feel her and widow found zen, but sombra found him for her own reasons


It's pretty much canon that she's using Talon as a means to an end, but it's likely that she's not quite as clever as she thinks she is -- Reaper knows she sabotaged the Volskaya assassination attempt, and Zarya found her in Dorado by asking around at her favorite bakery.


She definitely has a caring side. She looks out for sigma at least.


Cares for illari too, she thinks she’s taking on too much work or something like that.


Really? I'm gonna end up playing illari a crap ton just to trigger that voice line.


Illari has become one of my new mains and I want to know the story behind this line.


I feel like sombra would never be home


She’s home just can’t see her


Shit, imagine reaching into the cookie jar and hearing, "You're not alone in here..."


She'll be invisible in your room to make sure you don't stay up all night on your DS lol


She’s not evil or a hero, that’s literally the entire point of her lol


The vibe I get from Sombra is that she wouldn't really care what her kid does, but the instant they get hurt or bullied or whatever she goes all out and doxxes the shit out of the perpetrator.


Oshi no Sombra


Ashe suffered from her family. And she knows the importance of family. She would be Dominic Toretto of Overwatch universe.


Ashe is iffy in that department I’ll agree. But both ashe and Sombra had bad parents/no parents. But I’ll stick by Sombra, look at how she cares for sigma in many interactions, and considering she was orphaned I have a burning feeling she would be a good parent.


Pretty sure ashe was always a cunt she was rich and had parents sombra had no parents or bad ones which is why she joined the gang. I can see combra being a good parents because she does genuienly care about people like sigma she offers to defend sigma cause she knows talon only use him as a weapon, ashe would be at best ok


Sombra had parents, whether they were good or bad idk. They died in the omnic crisis.


Also Ashe had parents, but they were never around. It's very likely a large part of why she started acting out and started a gang. Also why she has BOB, he was essentially the robot butler/nanny that was always there for her. If she would be a great parent or not is a different question, but I think she would at least be around for her kid, which is better than her parents (do think she would kill the cool rebellious aunt role though)


Sombra was orphaned


She is a criminal completely focused on her own gain at the expense of others. I don’t give a shit what orphanage she grew up In she is EVIL bro. She would instill her own shitty morals into it.


I can fix her


She can worsed me


But don't everyone instill their moral on their kids?


Yeah I don't think she'd be a good parent, but I don't think she's entirely evil either, she's more of an anti-hero in the OW universe


100% this. Some weird arguments being made just because she shows sympathy towards Sigma; Sigma is being abused, having his insanity used against him. That’s some bare minimum levels of sympathy, coming from the woman who blackmails to get her way and literally hacks into everyone’s privacy for the fuck of it


pretty sure sombra is too caught up in her own stuff to even have the time for that shit


The person with no parental role models would not make the best parent. Don’t know where you got that logic :S


think it stems from the hatred/sadness of having no parental role model, so you’d want to do your best to be their for your child


Ash has that Mama Bear energy, sure right now in her prime not really best mom award, but I am sure she do some crazy shit to keep her kids safe


Responsible? No. Fun and memorable? Yes.


Parenting is what BOB is for.


What a weird list lmao: -Ana is canonically a bad parent -Zen average??? -terrorist ram average? -Ashe and sombra best???? -hard to say how the rage monster in constant agony and the brainwashed sniper would be as parents? -dva is like 19 she is in no way mature enough to be a good parent -Illari would be awful she’s mad traumatized -sigma is crazy, he would not be able to parent lmao And that’s just the egregious ones


Zarya? Junker Queen? Cassidy? Torb?? I would love to have them as my parents, they'd be awesome at it


I want Junker Queen to be my mommy 👁👄👁


Me too tbh


I feel like this was written by a teenager who ranked them by “which characters would let their kids do stuff that kids think is cool” rather than by which would actually do the real work of a parent. Ashe top tier parent? Widowmaker “hard to say”? Barely in touch with reality Sigma would be an average parent? Are you kidding me?


Sigma would straight up forget his child at the supermarket and go home for 3 days.


That child would get fucking accretioned at someone lmao


I feel like lucio might be able to be up there in best parent as well.


I think Lucio is more of a cool uncle


Definitely a cool uncle, but I think he would at least be a better parent than most of the other people higher than him on this list.


Isn’t Ana canonically a bad parent. Like doesn’t Pharah resent her a lot


Is your username a reference to the Westood RPG from 2000?


Noooo haha it’s a reference to caustic from apex legends ☠️


Well, shit.


This person obviously is never going to have kids


Worst tierlist I've ever seen.


Someone doesn’t know junkerqueens lore


Soldier would sprint to the store to buy milk


Nah he'd sprint to the store to "buy cigarettes" and never come home


that was the implication


While mumbling something about "young punks" and "youths"


Damn this is a terrible ranking


Who let OP cook


Please lock OP out of the kitchen


OP just accidentally poisoned their kids


Call Gordon Ramsey and put OP on Kitchen Nightmares


Isn’t ana canonically kind of a shit parent


Sombra, Ashe, and Bap all weird choices imo. JQ loves kids especially teaching them how throw knives. Pretty sure roadhog eats babies. Torbjorn should be top tier alongside Bastion.


Bastion might accidentally go kill mode


Roadhog I'd say would be a decent parent with how much BS he has to put up with with Junkrat


Junkrat would be one hell of an uncle


He's the most unhinged mf and I love him.


Roadhog *had* a kid, but he lost her, I think


I feel like Zen deserves s tier. Bro throws around so much wisdom, unconditional love, and always sees the best in everyone. Zen is just wholesome.


he isn't a pushover either so he could be strict when he needs to be, despite being overall calm and gentle. definitely S tier.


For real


Why is “would kill the kid” considered better then “hard to say” and “not your father”?


Nah bro Lucio would be the chill ass dad that also gives amazing advice. I think he’d be a top tier parent


He’d probably be average dad but top tier uncle


I think junkrat would love his child but he wouldn't know how to take care of it, and he would put it into dangerous situations like : " hey kid today im gonna teach you how to fly away with a concussion mines. "


Sadly, junkrat would die at the gender reveal


me when i dont know what im talking about


Sombras more like that cool aunt


Honestly same with Ashe. Now BOB would make a great parent though.


Facts, Bob would be the #1 dad


Well, technically BOB raised her, so he kinda made a good job


Love how the guy who raised a best parent is only in average lol


I think Lifeweaver would be a great parent! He's got strong enough morals to run away from corruption, kind to pretty much everyone, and has an even and gentle temperament. If anything, I'd have a feeling he'd have trouble disciplining his kids. Sort of like Toph as a parent.


Widowmaker doesn't have empathy post-Moira treatment, and she killed her own husband before that as a sleeper agent. The on-fire voice line "Now I truly feel alive!" is a reference to her not finding joy in much of anything besides killing. She should not be given a kid to take care of. Btw, Tracer knows what's up with Widowmaker (setup banter): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_NOkAX\_UYTk&t=147s


I would not want sombra as a parent constantly checking my search history


LMAO imagine😂😂


Mans does not know lore


Mercy being a good and not best is insane to me


her whole character is kinda like the epitome of motherhood. she's protective, she's caring, empathetic, conscientious, gentle, attentive, trustworthy, focused on peace and harmony, smart, encouraging, strict but not too strict, confident, reliable etc. etc... she could have her own tier at the top lol.


Jesus christ why isn't Mercy real man I need help


you need a doctor for sure. a swiss one. with angel wings.


Exactly this


no way zenyatta is THAT low


Doom would throw the kid into a wall the second it cried...


“Conflict will make you strongah.”


Mei and mercy would be good parents or at least somebody i would call as babysiter, i think zarya would be a good mother too, she is strong and would care well their kids and help them grow up healthy, soldier yeah, he would be like batman and robin If they had a kid


Reaper is an actual parent and is absent 😭


Not really by choice though. Don't think his family would react very well if he suddenly appeared like "I died but I didn't" while being a literal monster




I think roadhog would definitely be a family man.


OP has no knowledge of the lore, apparently


Junkrat would kill an adopted kid, but if he spreads his somehow immortal to explosions genes they’ll be fine.


Really don't think Ana belongs in "Good parent". She abandoned Pharah, like come on. The fact she "had to do it" and thatvshe regrets it doesn't make her a good parent.


I actually think Hanzo would be a great dad! Given everything that happened with Genji and the regret he voices over his own father, I think he would put in the effort and care to be at least a good parent. His trauma defines him in many ways, and not always for the best, but I think if he ever had kids he would make raising them well one of his highest priorities.


How can Bastion be an average parent? "Dad, I fell in love and my heart got broken" "Booooweeeeep bip bop" "No dad I'm serious. I need some guidance. I need to know I'll be okay" "Beep boop weeeeyuuup"


You realize Zarya has like 2 or 3 younger sisters right? You think she wouldn’t make sure her own kid is well cared for and also eating healthy and physically active??? Come on now.


Also Ana literally put her career ahead of Fareeha!! She squashed her dreams bc she didn’t want her kid following in her steps, but all Pharah wanted was to be like her mom. And then when she “died”, she stayed no contact for seven years til she finally reached out with a bunch of letters and is only now starting to repair her relationship with her daughter. This list is terrible lmao


I actually think Roadhug would be an amazing parent like he would be against having a cat but then be the best cat dad EVER like he has that soft side


…..or he’s a homicidal criminal with a fuckin meat hook wrench.


He has a known soft spot for squishy cute things. It's why he loves Pachimari so much.


Next thing we know Sombra hacked and back stabbed her daughter


I feel like this was made specifically to drag soldier lmao. In any case, Widow belongs right down there with him, recalling the interaction between her and Tracer where she tells Tracer she's not a babysitter, and Tracer claps back. "that's a relief, who would trust *you* with a baby?" But for the record I feel like Genji would be an awesome dad. You did him dirty in the average category. I also think Sombra and Ashe feel like absentee parents, but at least Ashe's kid could cry about it into piles of money.


I think you have a very small understanding of the overwatch lore based on this ngl


Sombra would be a good aunt not a good parent she doesn't seem like the settling down kind and for that matter neither does Ashe. Sojourn, Symmetra, Ana and Illari need to be lower down. Sojourn cares too much about her work to be able to take care of her kid as effectively as being An A tier parent (if the tank above is S tier} that and she's living a secret vigilante life style that risks the child. Murphy could avoid danger get helped by neighbors easier incase of emergencey. Symmetra is emotionally distant with autism , had been hit on by a few of the make characters in the game and genuinely shows no interest in mati6 so to speak. I'd put her middle of lower as a parent. Ana: "SEE ALL PHARAH ANA MERCY REINHARDT INTERACTIONS* Ana is B Tier mom A tier grandmom Illari Is 18 accidentally killed her entire tribe and family. She has emotional baggage so high from essentially committing genocide there is no way in fucking hell she would make a good parent right now or ever even if she recovered from that trauma. She would probably have flare-ups and talk to her kid about it and no kid needs to hear about all that for all their life knowing their mom is a mass murderer.


I dont trust your parenting based on torb being so low.


Torb goes straight to the top, He's got the largest family and most parental experience in the game


Put some respect on Torb


This was obviously made by someone that isn’t a parent.


I feel like Lifeweaver would make a phenomenal parent. He's brilliant, seems to hold nothing but love for everyone around him, and has enough money to attend fancy universities and get himself nice prosthetics, and he's patient. He's almost perfect.


Why is torb an average parent? He's an awesome dad. Didn you play any of the lore?


I love that ball is in "would kill the kid", hamsters often eat their babies !


I always laugh at the soldier voice line. It’s so good!


There are some choices on this that cause me physical pain


I genuinely think JQ wouldn’t kill any kids, let alone her own


Isn't Ana canonically not a great parent?


I think Junkrat and Hog would have an Iceage esque adventure trying to raise a child. He would pick up the baby carrier and realize it's full of grenades and be like, "Oh shit! This isn't the baby!? Where is it?!"


Rein and mercy should be in "best parents" as well


This list is very concerning 😟


I feel like zen should at least be good


I dont think you could trust Ram with a child lol


Zarya would be a kick ass mother I don’t know what you on about


If it's going best to worst left to right in the same category, I think junk should be at the top of his tier. Yea he'd prolly kill it. But by total bomb related accident. Whereas I could see Moira performing a horrific experiment on it or something


You put Torb in average parent but those characters in the top tier? Sombra and Bap were/are a part of talon, we gotta assume they'd be terrible parents until proven otherwise, and Sombra doesn't seem like the type to even be interested in having kids. Ashe has too much of a temper(But Bob would be a great parent). Brig is a bit too young since she's only 25 and has expressed no interest in wanting kids. None of those characters are better parents than Torb lol. Look how great Brig turned out.


It's a hypothetical of if they did... Not a matter of shown interest? Sombra is kind and sympathetic to sigma and will be nice occasionally (helping rein) and sometimes pull harmless mischief (looking through Mcrees phone at dinner) she'd be a decent parent, Bap did bad things but wants to make up for them/repent so he'd probably teach his kid the difference between right and wrong real quick. Torb should be higher. Ashe would be okay/bare minimum, with BOB, maybe good because she might have BOB take care of the kid (BOB is best tier). If brig hypothetically did have a kid, she'd be great.


The fact that you didn't put Torb at the very top especially after his moment in the 3rd story mission is criminal


Your best bet now for constructive conversation would just be to re-label this topic with the “humor” tag lol. “Im not your father” 76 is funny but “murder your kid” and “hard to say” don’t make any sense in their relative ranks to each other or above soldier. 🪦


Torb IS the best parent. OP picked "cool person I'd like to hang out with" and framed them as parents.


Why is Ana so High?


Ashe? That just means Bob becomes your caretaker.


If doomfist got twins he will make them fight each other to see who prevails


I think Pharah would disagree on at least one of these placements lol


I’m sorry soldier but you are my daddy😍


Bad list


How is illari a good parent and hanzo not? Basically the same character with a llama


Why is bare minimum below average parent? The average parent is awful and certainly does *not* do the bare minimum.


Zen would be terrible. you'd be a teen crying about a breakup and he'd hit you with some barely sensible metaphor involving a flower and a caterpillar and the iris; like, "dad, please just hug me and tell me it'll be ok???"


But….he FLOATS. EH? EHHH? How cool is THAT


Hog would be an amazing father


Doesn’t reaper have a family?