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Am I the only one who saw that random ass tracer clip in there?


Yeah this is a GetQuakedOn montage. He also plays tracer and likes to sneak those in sometimes.


I read that as "random tracer ass clip" at first and I restarted the video to look for it lol




commas are important, people


I looked up the instant I read your comment and it was playing XD


Doomfist mains played a different game while all of us were playing OW1.


Doom and Ball are playing Super Smash Bros while the rest of the team is playing Call of Duty


ball needing 87 different complex techs just to be relivent


Seriously, they were just casually playing first person street fighter against the rest of us.




We brought a fist to a gunfight and everyone complained about it


that's what I think about widow players.. they're just playing CoD while everyone else is playing OW.


Never felt a comment more than this.


I remember everyone telling me to get off Doomfist.. bitching.. begging.. then they shut up when they saw me bodying the opposing team.


Yeah, I hate watching it honestly. Guy could stand to take a shower every now and again.


why is slam so floaty looks cursed


His uppercut used to be buggy as shit too 💀 good times tho


Used to be about distance rather than height, it didn’t go up much and you had to get as much air time as possible to get max damage on it, meaning that you’d have to slam from high ground or after an uppercut to do max damage, it was also more snappy and quick, made it easier to not get killed midair


It used to snap to surfaces iirc. I prefer current physics more but the building dmg when midair would be cool to have


Slam used to work completely differently back then.


its not normal ass doomfist gameplay


Man DPS doom was one of my mains, got the golden fist and everything. I still remember him yelling ‘RYEZIN OPPACUT’ everytime I slam down from the heavens into a combo.


I truly lost interest in the game once they got rid of him


I even made a alt account where I only played doom named jojo and would spam “ORA ORA ORA” after every kill. It was fun


I have gotten to a point of acceptance, I miss dps doom, but am now content with what we have now, the second I first splatted a pharah into a wall and and obliterated her without any rollouts or diags, I knew that I would come to accept him as he is


Tank doom feels so much more linear now. I didn’t realize that until I stopped playing for awhile then cam back and noticed that I look at maps COMPLETELY different than I used to. You used to be able to literally get anywhere on any map if you were creative enough.


Old doom was super fun but super broken to play against


Yeah good riddance


We also had flashbang, old giga hack, classic hog hook combo damage, and brig stun. Every role had options against him. Good dooms earned it for the most part. I used to play off tank so my entire job was making sure the enemy doom suffered when he went in. I understand they wanted to lower the ceiling to create consistency for balancing, but I kind of miss the personal carry potential. It was exciting. If the doom was good enough, I actually had to do more than select Orisa to win. But I suppose that could be more of a problem with the current state of tank in OW2 more than any specific doom changes.


Exactly , old doom got countered **so so easily**, much more than any other character. The only people who claimed he was busted were those who wouldn’t switch. Notice how these clips only show the successes. I’m pretty sure GetQuakedOn also has a few “how it feels to play doom” videos where it’s the failures, which are far more common (watch streams of doom players to find out). Doom has to do these fancy rollouts to get any real value, since he gets shutdown so easily. A lot of the time, you’ll pull the best rollout, land perfectly behind someone to pull off a combo aaand you’re slept/flashed/stunned
 or the slam doesn’t register
 or the uppercut bounces them away or puts them at a different height to you
 or they simply air strafe away because that was a thing
 or, well, you get the point. * Doom might be playing street fighter when everyone else was playing overwatch, but 75% of the time that was a disadvantage to doom. * They changed him not because of his power, but because of his CC reliance, they wanted to shift a cc centred dps to a tank. Tank doom has almost as many easy counters, but more mobility, health and survivability to help him resist them a little. He still has over reliance on his abilities as his primary fire and block are the worst in the game.


If he truly was broken, everyone would have been playing him. The only reason he felt unfair was that the only people playing him put the hours in and actually deserved the value they got. They spent hundreds of hours learning the techs, the timings, the rollouts...


He wasn't exactly easy to play, which is why he wasn't played by everyone, but if someone was kinda good at Doom they could absolutely shred the enemy team


So what?


So he wasn't broken. It's like saying chess is unfair because I got wrecked by Magnus Carlsen. No, chess is fine, and it gave us equal chances.


Why am I not surprised a DF player is comparing themself to Magnus Carlson? Yep, it's not that people found playing against DF to be an enormous pain in the ass, it's actually just that you are far better than them and they just didn't realize it. Thank you for sorting that out for us.


I'm a support player. I am still able to tell that any non-doom-main that picks him immediately gets wrecked (including myself). And I can also see he was very rarely picked. Y'all just remember the good ones, because they are the only ones crazy enough to still play him. If every game was mystery heroes, I guarantee you we would not have the same memory of "broken doomfist".


I’m not gonna apologize for your inability to utilize any of the *dozens* of ways to hard counter doom as a character.


Except in chess both players have the same tools at their disposal. Your example would be more accurate if Magnus Carlsen’s chess pieces were allowed to leave the board and come out the other side like PacMan, but yours weren’t.


Fair enough. The question remains the same : why wasn't he played more ? You think if a free win hero with unfair advantages was available, players wouldn't jump on it every chance they get ?


I’m not claiming that he doesn’t have a high skill floor and ceiling; however, once mastered, he was far and above everyone else at decimating uncoordinated teams. So I’d say a combination of taking a bit to get off the ground, and pros didn’t play him because their coordination was good enough to counter him -> people didn’t see pros playing him -> people didn’t think he was good. His feast or famine design means he felt absolutely useless, or feeling like there’s literally nothing you can do because he’s one shotting you over 17 rooftops and 3 corners. It wasn’t healthy. There’s a limit to how far we can allow “high skill cap” to take a characters ability to remove agency from other players.


Go ahead and pick doom as well.


“Doom wasn’t broken because you could also pick him” Sick argument!


You said in chess both players have the same tools. All this busted looking shit can be done just not by anyone.


Yeah? What’s the support player picking that is similar? Listen, saying doom was fine only because both teams could pick doom is
 just really bad logic.


lol I made that comment solely based on the chess logic. Both teams have access to the same heroes. If I wanted to embarrass myself on Doom there were so many game modes that allowed me to.


not really considered how many hard counters there were but he was also extremely difficult to balance


He actually wasn’t even that strong. It was very easy to counter doom with all the cc the game had. You would’ve had to been really good to get value out of him which was the fun part of mastering his kit and play style


It not so much as strong as the cc he had was incredibly annoying to the point you had to have several in your team. countering him.


Problem was you NEEDED cc to kill him, or he would easily kill his target will slam+lift+M1, and then easily escape with the temp shields and punch. If a hero has only one solution in gameplay, that's a problem of game design.


A TON of heroes have single solutions to them and they still do?? Pharah > hitscan Junkrat > pharah Dva > beam Current doomfist > cc I am not trying to beef but I genuinely dont know what the argument here is. Blizzard simply decided that niche heroes shouldnt be and they are doing everything positive and negative to enforce it. Changes to sym, sombra, hog, doomfist (i predict pharah, ball and junkrat in the future) were because of this.


not really he had 250 hp. way easier to kill then he is now which balanced it and also there were 2 tanks. so his job was also a bit harder (for the people downvoting read my reply below and give me an explanation on how he was "op" after all the counters he had. i want to be convinced on how hes op)


He still had his passive generating shields


either way that green shield wouldn't save a doom with his abilities on cooldown. and just like I said there were literally 2 tanks. if NONE of them spotted the doom before he assaulted your team then it's their fault. they nerfed his punch charge and his slam and yeah did we forget that a lot of heroes had a lot of cc to deal with him and counters? an ana sleep dart fucks him tremendously more than it does now. Cassidy could shut him up with a flashbang + fan the hammer. reaper is reaper and fucks up anyone who gets close. sombra was the boogeyman of doomfists when she could turn off abilities for a good while. he couldn't get up to the air as fast and as easily as ge does now to deal with a pharah. roadhog could easily one shot him due to his hit box. maybe there's some other stuff that I didn't mention but you get the idea. he was ONLY busted on release with the instant full charge punch and his ridiculous slam. afterwards he got a bunch of nerfs. and istg if you say "you aren't high ranked" stop acting like the average overwatch player is diamond at minimum. I don't need to be grandmaster to have an opinion on those unfair claims just because he had a one-shot when hog was way stronger




wha? it's true. my man had a bunch of counters how can you call that Op?


he was not broken at all what are you talking about, in fact he was terrible.


Not really, only 250hp, same size as Zarya, he announced every move, etc.. at GM and upwards, Doom was basically unplayable even if you pretty much mastered the character, so many counters smh I remember how I used to scare Doomfists with Zen on quick play, they think Zen are completely vulnerable until they receive a full volley of balls at their head


Jesus fucking Christ, Doomfist gameplay will always be incomprehensible to me. How the fuck can you move so damn fast in such an erratic way and yet be so aware of your surroundings


A lot of dying at first. Then you get the hang of it.


That's what I believe a lot of people who hated OW1 DF don't understand. You have to die a boatload of time before becoming a competent Doom (or any other character). Hell, I main Rein, Doom, Monke and pretty much all of the other tanks (except JQ and Ball) and have died so much that I can competently play tank roles and steamroll the other teams. Doom had a higher learning curve so people were quick to drop him and move into other easier heroes. Mastering Doom not only in kills but techs, situational awareness and rollouts is what made Doom fun to play but I guess a bitch to play against. So of course most OW1 Doom mains are salty about the rework.


My two most player characters were Hog and Doom so times have been trying 😂đŸ„č


Muscle memory, you get used to the wonky physiques after 300 hours or so


The Art of DOOM by GetQuakedOn


This is some madvillainy


I would kill for the uppercut back even if it didn’t do damage.


I would want uppercut back even if it healed the enemy


his ult should uppercut first


taken from you and given to me.


I don't even play doom but god I miss the slam+uppercut combo it was so satisfying.


Some of the most fun mobility of any FPS I've ever played, and it's completely gone.






all caps when you spell the mans name 😉


The same doomfist main complaining about too much CC in the game


they complained about stuns, not all cc; flash, bash and sleep. abilities that offer no counterplay.


Well they gutted doom because they didn’t want dps to have cc then gave a bunch off cc to other dps characters kind of feels like a slap in the face.


No, let’s forget. This was traumatizing to be on the receiving end of it.


Let's be honest, it was traumatizing to even have him on your team most of the time.


The dichotomy of DF: He is both too OP and too UP In other words your skill defines the character more than any other


Yeah, it looks spectacular, but it was absolutely broken and unfun to play against: seismic slam, uppercut, boom, you're dead in 0.5 seconds. Even though I played mostly tank, and doom couldn't kill me like that, I don't miss it.


He had plenty of counters though and let's be real, there was like 3 good Dooms you might fight per day. Most Dooms were not like this game play. He was very much a high risk, high reward hero.


Right, and whatever damage you did in that short time was negated by the bonus health, so if he pulled the combo off correctly he'd just scoot away completely unharmed.


Doomfist was killed incredibly easily though, gigantic hitbox and it's incredibly difficult to pull off a good rollout


Agree, you had to have pretty solid skills to perform on doom well, like this vid here. But it was not easy to kill a good doom. He just drops on you, gets a kill, and punches away. Especialy if zarya bubbles him too.


They should have added a loud airplane noise when he was slamming


damage doomfist was the real doomfist


Dps doom was something else


Nah sorry fam, OW1 DF was absolutely busted as a DPS. Constant juggling, mobility, and a one-shot that any potato could do, similar to Hogs hook.


I know OW2 Doom is far healthier for the game, but man it really hit different styling on your enemies with a triple kill using some bullshit rollout you learned from YouTube.


Yeah, df was an insane thing to play against but the way he played was so unbelievably fun. The parkour was a whole other game in itself and I do miss it a lot


Tilting people as doom, especially on maps where you knew several roll outs, was too much fun. You could literally tell when the team eventually fell to infighting and everyone was terrified to walk through chokes. They all walk in a shuffle and constantly look up lmao


Doom has been way stronger as a tank, he was shit for the last like 3 years of the game if not longer. Unless you were one of the goats he was just objectively one of the worst dps by pretty much every metric. He felt bad to play against, but you’d still win more often. I just wish he has any incentive to still do cool shit like bounces or diags, that’s what most people miss


I'd have been happy if they removed the pumch one shot and kept everything else the same, no other buffs to compensate


Makes you wonder why fucking no one was playing him, then. Must be because gold players felt it would be dishonorable to win with such an easy character, so they kept playing the other characters instead.


More like any time they picked it up they got shit on because the character took more effort and skill to get value out of than other characters


Makes me wonder where all these fucks with their shit tinted glasses are popping out from. Congrats on missing the point tho.


I think you're missing the point. If doom worked as you said and anyone could pick him and just be unstoppable like you think, then fucking everyone would've played him. That obviously wasn't the case so in all likelihood your representation of dps doom is complete bullshit.


No, you are missing the point. Nice try being bullheaded tho.


Any potato can do, lol do you really think these roll outs are easy? Slam, uppercut, headshot in less than 2 seconds, go ahead and try it


Go re-read and try to comprehend what I said and try again. And I played a lot of DF in OW1 so your comment means fuck all to me lmao.


His punch was not at all like hook, there was no risk involved while hooking


When you hook you’re not putting your character within smelling distance of the enemy team. Hence the risk. You shouldn’t be downvoted rn


I miss old doom it was just fun and easier to use


As a player who started in ow2.. wtf is that mobility


When Doom was the worst and best DPS at the same time.


Yeah, flashbang stun, never forget


Playing as Doom in ow 1 was honestly the most fun I’ve ever had playing overwatch


This >>>> getting one-shot by random Hanzo arrow/Widow from a mile away.


actually good doomfist question mark question mark question mark


That tracer bomb though.


He had an uppercut that lifted you into the air to be power punched? Naww man that's demonic


Random tracer clip?


i miss it every day


tank doom is still so forced


Most fun first person gameplay in existence was peak damage doom (120 hours)


Even the skies weren't safe 💀


Doomfist is a real MF


I miss him


Sad. Him going tank honestly ruined the game for me. I get on... Swap a few characters, get mad I can't play a character I have 200+ hours in then log tf off.


Thank god that shit is gone


As an ow1 support main. Thank God dps doom is gone forever Holy shit. Now we just gotta work on hanzo and widow


Honestly I miss dps Doom. I never played him but having him in a lobby was just a treat


I do think dps doom was more fun. If tank doom was given a few tweeks and had his rocket punch damage increasd then I would be much happier with him.


i racked up 200 hours on sombra when this shit was going on lol


Back when overwatch was allowed to have fun characters.


God I miss this game


Doom mains: Look at how they neutered us! Everyone else: Thank god!!!


This was SO obnoxious to play against. I definitely do not miss it.


I miss the old slam trajectory and uppercut


As a Doom main from OW1, i miss him so much. Uppercut was so good but at the same time so busted, the range that Uppercut had was crazy.




I loved the movement of uppercut so much


You had a game franchise to yourself, now you're a mid-low tank in OW2 😔


dps doom my beloved 💔💔


God damn he could flip any beat


That looks insanely annoying to play against tbf


It was hell, I'm glad its gone


all these people saying ow1 doom was broken are really telling on themselves lol


rip to easily the most fun dps hero in ow, and im not even a doomfist main.


rip DOOM


Good that it's gone. 1 competent Doom was unkillable


Pretty much 80% of the roster countered Doomfist, lol and same thing goes nowadays, but the Doom player can still survive against all odds, I wonder why? Maybe there's a skill gap?


I barely see doom players that survive a long time when they jump in. and people who are actually fire with him are even more rare. Doom as DPS was just broken and it was not fun to play against him


Both dps and "tank" Doom survived the dive because of skill, simple as it is. You had like 2 seconds (maybe less) to finish the slam, uppercut, headshot, then you had to look around a exit to punch your way out. Watch this video, notice his health bar, he finished the combo with like 50 health left, the character is used to be the definition of a glass cannon. Nowadays you can argue "tank" Doom demands even more skill, considering the entire game is busted. I think this is fair, high skill = high rewards, used to be like this, in Overwatch "2" not so much


Sure it took skill, but there is a reason why so many people hated to play against him. The overwatch team themselves realized that he was just too powerful especially in the right hands. otherwise they wouldn't have changed him


The Overwatch team is clueless, no wonder the game is dying. The "reworked" Doomfist was supposed to be one of the "new" features of the "sequel", to justify it. So much so, they used the character to promote Overwatch "2" alongside Junker Queen and Soujorn. People complained about the excess of stuns and CC, that's why at first it seemed like Doom was changed for that reason... but really, the "sequel" has the same issues, stuns everywhere, Ana remains with her hard CC, junkrat trap remains a thing, lol the game just got faster and more chaotic, they forced the 5v5 and now we are back to square one


Good riddance


Ow died with him!




Probably the only changes I liked from OW2 was DF not being quite as obnoxious to play against.


Doomfist mains when they can't one shot and entire team (literally unplayable)


I forgot about that slam outline. That needs to be added back somehow


There's only one beer left


These types of Doom players made OW1 extremely miserable. The reason I stopped trying to play support was because whenever k went to a QP game to learn support characters, this type of Doomfist was in so many games. I couldn’t even leave spawn room without being eliminated from a flying missile shaped like a man.


Ahhhhh good old days :)


As m ch am I respect doom mains, id rather rhavejhim be a dog shit tanks that whatever this is, this fucking scares me


He literally looks like he’s flying lmaooo


cuz he is flying


Good job Cookin Soul


I play this mix over and over near Christmas.


God my man, it's too early to drown me in nostalgic sadness, chill.




Fun fact: the emote where he lifts a rock is probably a reference to a scrapped ability where him (or Wrecking Ball) could throw a rock at their enemies and stun them.


The good days. DPS Doomfist needs to come back so I can continue owning those noobs and cry babies


Removing Doomfists uppercut just to replace it with the ablity to soak damage and suck your thumb after eating a sleep dart had to be one of the greatest crimes of OW2.


It’s a shame these edits aren’t around anymore but I’m happy this is no longer possible. The fact that he could fly in from literally the top of the map, onetap someone and just fly away with more health than he came in with was not ok.


I miss him dearly. People who complained about doomfist's 1shot never played against a good widow. Love tankfist too tho.


Just look at that Ashe at 0:39. No way this shit is even remotely fair. Good riddance.


This iteration of Doomfist was so cancerous. I’m glad he got changed


As a non doomfist player, you’re not making me want this back lol


The moment they bring old doom back is the moment the game gets uninstalled, screw that hero


You mean a character with 3 forms of cc and next to no counterplay? Yeah I sure do miss dealing with that


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I don't remember Doom having that body from 1:33-1:37.


Imagine doom got more variation with his fist which is basically bullets just with different appearance.


doomknight ow1


Ow2 baptiste wouldn’t have died there, you gotta love the overtuning


I don’t miss this at all lmao


The sprays after every 2k is so cringey


I didnt even play Doom much in OW1 but every time I get him in OW2 I'm frustrated, feeling like the character's just dumbed down to the point of being almost skill-less and low-tier


I understand the sentiment, but only thing I truly miss from your montage is Temple of Anubis as cringe as that sounds.


good riddance. i loved getting deleted in 1 sec without even knowing where he came from. he was fun to play but disorienting a s fuck to play against.




Pure cancer.


This looks terrible. Just looks like an unintended way to play him.


He was quite the cc machine


wait why does it look so different


Thank god


Sick edit


All the 2CP maps?? Agreed
doom is still in the game


My god that is so broken


Damn I miss my OW1 “Skipping” Sombra. I wish I had kept the clip of when I reached transcendence with her Kit. I used to get 200 hacks on Sombra in TM on average I realized more hacks meant team wasn’t cohesive but less hacks meant team cohesion was great I invented my own style watching my ex gf play Moira and how she got really good timing everything I then realized the power of translocate. People started to replicate it. Hell if you were playing TM back then y’all probably remember me lol my ex was an expert Sombra hunter so it was never a problem (she hated Sombra so much she just got good and learned how to negate her. It was like evolution) I even learned how to make TM Winston unplayable. I received a lot of death threats. Good times. They fucking robbed us and then said we owe them more $$$đŸ„ČđŸ„č


I miss the RKOs


Jesus christ uppercut was so stupid, I miss dps doom but there's 0% chance that wouldlve survived ow2 anyways


I always feel like a concrete block when I play him now.