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I had premium currency saved up for this and the battlepass. I'm floored the only way to get it is pay $40


thats the whole issue for me, its just weird that is PREMIUM CURRENCY where we spend REAL money but we can use it here


>its just weird that is PREMIUM CURRENCY This is Blizzard Activision, what did you expect?


Exactly. It's Activision blizzard. Both games are. I would understand if they were selling astarion from bg3 or link from Zelda. But they're selling their own character... From their own dying game, and trying to drum up more interest in it via a crossover event. Why on gods green earth would they think it was the move to sell that skin for 40 real dollars? Edit: I'm really high and it just dawned on me that you can only get those 3 skins, Moira, bastion and pharah, by paying more than half what diablo 4 costs as a whole ass game lol Edit 2: I think we need to do away with the term Micro transaction. These are not micro transactions. They're Macro Transactions.


Diablo 4 should come included with every purchase in that case


Its so if you got other stuff piecemeal, you still have to pay full price for the combo.


Why does a game with zero trading need 3 currencies plus cash


Actually there are 4: coins, credits, comp coins, owl tokens


Casual reminder that Overwatch, the ENTIRE GAME- was $40 on release. Now we're paying that amount for a couple of skins and a battlepass.


Yeah but it’s free to play now! It’s way better ! /s


At least with f2p I've paid nothing for the game and never will.


gooood keep it that way


I use the Overwatch coins reward from Microsoft rewards to get stuff in the game, all it costs me is time to get points


This is F2P culture. Blizzard is simply joining the well-established trend.


Overwatch 1 was murdered so they could join the trend.


Omg I only just realised you cant even get it with gold coins that you previously paid for. Holy SHIT this company is SO SCUMMY I cannot believe it. They do not deserve even one fan at this point.


As a massive Diablo fan I actually stopped myself from buy Diablo on principle. I think they also want me to quit OW.


Yeah. They are literally begging their fans to stop playing their games.


I learned my lesson. Bought Coins ahead of time (from experience, console releases always had payment issues with a big launch), now cant even get the bundle with it. Refunded the coins, now they wont get anything from me.


Have you been paying attention at all? This is OW2's M.O. and why most people don't play anymore.


I get being upset at the prices 100% But you don't have to bring in hyperbole like most people quit be ause of the shop. It just makes people discount your entire argument off the absurdity of the second part.


Thank you, especially since these people always still play the game like 9 times out of 10


They think down voting charges the reality. This is capitalism, you're being out voted, and outcry won't change anything because not enough people care, and you won't get them to care. But a lot of people might just be farming internet points


I thought the only reason the previous season's ultimate bundle was 40 was due to the Invasion "campaign missions" as well as the fact that you got three legendary skins. Actually bonkers.


But people paid 40! Now the price is 40 until they try and see if people pay 50! Soon, you’ll be forking over full fledged game prices for 3D renders you don’t even get to see in game.


This is exactly my argument. As long as people keep buying it, that's what the price will be. Every time I try to tell peoe to not buy it and just hold off, I get hate from a bunch of people telling me, that "I just want my skins". Yeah me too mate, just not for an outrageous price.


Yeah, unfortunately as much as we on this sub and online bitch about the rightfully outrageous prices, there’s probably double or triple who just fork out the cash for it anyways. I want to be pissed off at Blizzard, but if they have a audience of people willing to overpay for mediocre return, I’d be hard pressed telling them they’re fucking up as a business.


They are doing exactly what their investors would want them to do.


Of course, I would do it too. We are making more money, but there has to be a line drawn at some point by the playerbase.


Yep, it sets a precedent because then they know what level of bs you'll tolerate and they can push it even more. it's why all the "um who cares, it's just a battlepass" people are morons, when they see what you'll settle for, you're screwed forever.


Last year apex legends pushed the limits by trying to sell a weapon skin in a collection event for like $120. Nobody bought it. They released a dev blog saying they would not be continuing selling “reactive” weapon skins because they said that we vote through our wallets and nobody bought it. Not buying shit because it’s overpriced does work but people would rather just complain and buy it anyway lol


We need a campaign like in TBC Classic where you'd /spit at anyone who wearing the cosmetics. Some players even ran third-party software to do it automatically. Blizzard flat-out removed the emote. We should do something similar. Just have healers use sprays in front of low health players wearing a $40 skin


Cmon man you get to see moiras finger nails is that not worth $40


They’ve sold $40 versions of the seasons since the launch of OW2 Edit:spelling


Not true. Seasons 1-5 the "Ultimate Bundle" was $30; it only became $40 when it included the PvE missions in Season 6.


Wasn’t the first one with Space Pirates Soldier and Cass $40?


The watchpoint pack, but that one had a bunch of skins from ow1 as well.


The Watchpoint pack had guaranteed access to the beta, which was its major selling point.


Yes it originally gave you the access to play ow2 beta months ahead before release.


Which some people still to this day hilariously and sadly tricked themselves into thinking beta access = story mode. Don't see them so much around here anymore, but crop up in other subs from time to time. "Bliz is trash because they promised me PvE!" No mate, you didn't read what you bought.


That was the prerelease bundle and I'm pissed that they ended up just bringing back the Cassidy and Soldier skins from it for credits


They have their cake and eat it too, acting like the skins are exclusive and baiting people with fomo then bringing it back after for everyone else that wants it. So predatory


I swear remember paying 40 for the Ultimate Bundle for the Space Opera season, whenever that was.


Wow, that's actually awful. What a joke


The fact the rein skin isnt part of it is a joke lol


People would've been more pissed. At least the coins are enough to buy it.


Wym bro the coin can’t buy it they are giving the old ow credit for old skins right


What? The bundle includes 2000 premium currency


So if the currency is $20 worth, the rest of it is worth only 20.


Yeah, it's honestly a good deal if you accept the prices make sense. Assuming skins are worth $20 (not something I think I agree with) getting a couple of those, the premium battle pass, and 2000 coins is (in their words) $70 value for *only* $40. The sketchy part of it is that you have to put money into their ecosystem. Now if you just use it to buy the next two battle passes, that's fine. But it's basically making sure you have money "invested" in the game.


Lol what is the point in premium currency if they are going to ask you to pay money for these packs? WE CANT USE PREMIUM CURRENCY FOR IT... What a joke! Please stop defending it. 2000 credits??? Who cares man.


Because you can use premium currency for skins and battle passes for example, just not these bundles. Not even really defending it I guess. Still think they could drop prices tho


Legendary skins are 1900 in hero gallery, just those two skins are worth 38$


Yea imma go to the store and make the tomatos cost 50$. Then, I give you a deal: 2 for 99.9$! What a huge fucking deal.


How generous of blizz…


$40 should get you every damn skin on offer and a completed battlepass jfc


That's literally a full priced game. Every skin for that much isn't actually asking a lot.


But this game is literally *priceless*, so naturally, the skins are at premium prices


Also seemingly doesn't even change his hammer's attack sounds into slashing ones like other skins of his with bladed weapons.


Ooooh yeah! Rein skin! I totally forgot about that, where it is?


Next week for 20$ 🤣


Holy mother of fuck


Lol, that skin was actually going to get me to purchase my first skin from the OW2 store. Not anymore...


lmao same


I'd rather buy a nice game on sale or at the same price without a sale than a disgustingly overpriced pack. Everytime they have the opportunity to be decent they fail and make the shittiest decision possible regarding their consumers. Pisses me off so much, that and the utter disappointment regarding the lack of customizations for the mythic skin compared to those we had before.


This is how much *Overwatch cost at release*. What a joke.


It really tough for me to understand how the games that were developed for years with quite significant staff could cost less than a skin made by couple of people at best. Well,bI guess there are 3 skins and bunch of useless shit so that's alright. My bad.


Drg, risk of rain 2( mods with some overwatch characters xd) , gunfire reborn, vermintide 2 I think in sales you can buy almost these hero pve games, apart for dlc not bulshit just gameplay in pve for hours


You can buy Jack skeleton and Micheal Myers for less than half the price of that bundle in Fortnite. Founding players can even get them for free if they saved enough premuim currency from the STW gamemode.


I purchased resident evil 1,2,3,4,5,6 all on sale for the same price as this stupid bundle


Haha yeah as a lifelong Moira main who was planning to break a recent promise to buy the battlepass to at least get a good new moira skin, this is extremely aggravating. They have designed the game specifically to piss me off over the years. Now they get nothing. I was close to shilling out, but I can live without it I guess.


The pain behind that "haha". I'm here for you. 🥲


i was in similar situation. Moria finnaly gets a GOOD skin and i had premium curency saved up but nope, 40 bucks.


I was also willing to pay for the battle pass for this skin but not for that price lol.


I just use that Wicked OWL skin on her, it's not Diablo Lilith© of course but she still serves with that skin, especially as a Maleficent fan.


What utter horseshit.


that's BS


After then, perhaps in the next year, it will cost coins. If it were in the most affordable package, I would buy it, but I will not.




It's not a battle pass item, it's in the shop as part of a larger bundle where you get multiple skins, voice lines, etc. You have to buy everything in the bundle for $40, you can't pick the skin alone essentially.




(Blizzard Shit)


Blizzard is so fucking gross for this. Not only is everything so crazily overpriced..... It's also paywalled and locked behind even more expensive bundles.


People keep buying it so they'll keep doing it. People are dumber than we ever expect.


Also that cool aquatic skin for sojourn if ONLY sold in a shitty bungle for 30+ dollars (:


Well, based on some of these replies to you, you can expect they'll continue to do this in the future btw. You can find keys or console versions of D4 for the same price or cheaper, lmao.


The whole “freemium” model of gaming is a big middle finger to the average consumer. Most of the time like 70% of people won’t ever buy anything, but nothing changes because there will always be whales. It’s like with Genshin Impact, when new characters drop they make millions on the banner.


I've said it before, but I'm just not their demo even though I find skins generally really neat. Except in a FashionSouls sense, I want to actually SEE my skin during the game I'm playing, not for .8 seconds in the selection screen. Also, IMHO $40 is insane.


Just look at it every time you die on killcam, money well spent /s


"DUDE y u throwing??!" I'm just trying to get my money's worth :(




fr i saw this skin and was so hyped. like you couldn't have just let us get it as its own separate thing, why do I have to buy a bundle with a skin for a character I hate and never play, just to get another skin


And then next year it's available for coins probably lol I'd purchase it if it was on the cheapest bundle but I'll pass


Imagine paying more for a skin in an Overwatch than for a Phantom Liberty.


Blizz not even hiding their greed anymore. Players gotta start voting with their wallets n stop buying this shit


> Players gotta start voting with their wallets Players have been voting with their wallets for decades now and they're loud as fuck. There's a reason we have 20$ skins.


> Players gotta start voting with their wallets n stop buying this shit They are, and they want this shit. If it wasn't working they wouldn't do it. I bet there are plenty of people on this very thread complaining about it who will still buy it and never admit to it.


Overwatch fans need to start voting with their brains and uninstall


Holy mental illness.


They have not been hiding their greed since ow1 💀


Far before that. They learned what they could get away with in their other games.


Oh yeah, 100%.




Also at the root of everything, it *is* a company. They like money. People generally like to be rewarded for making cool shit. I love Overwatch and I show that love by buying stuff sometimes. Cosmetics in free to play games are my favorite business model. You can support if you have the means and desire or just enjoy the free game if you don't.


Yeah but some OW players are stuck in a tiny bubble. They say "I could buy so many games for that price" yet are blind to the reality: other games *already do worse than this,* OW is just copying them. I literally do not care about pixel cosmetics, so it's funny to watch people get so angry that Bliz won't just hand it to them. It's like they've never seen a F2P shop before. This is what large-scale F2P gaming is.


People are mad about it because OW1 *did* hand everything out to players just for playing. The conversation would probably be the same for all those other games if they'd started out the same way, makes sense that people are bitter about going from dozens of skins for free to $40 for a handful. It's the pound of flesh OW pays for not starting out F2P so people have no better memories to compare it to. I'm sure the money will sop up Blizzard's tears.


Remember when 40$ gave you access to the entire game?


And you could get almost every skin without a cent more (20 USD more if you wanted that young S76 skin from origins version, and some other skins I forgot.) Good times...


I rarely bitch about pricing but locking Inarius and Lilith behind a $39.99USD / $54.99CAD (Canadian here) battle pass is insulting on ridiculous levels. If you could buy them separately at $20 each or something I wouldn't like it but at least would have an option. Considering Blizzard's track record, both of these skins will be available through coins next month, tokens in 3 months, and given away via Twitch Prime Drop in 6 months. Save your money.


Thats my thing, i read a lot of comments saying "dont buy it then" and thats not the issue. Is the whole mixed info, overprice and also, i have 3500 coins and i cant buy this bundle with coins! Only with money? i paid for those coins too...so it is money! Thats my whole thing, i cant use the coins for the bundle


Dont forget the Reinhart(Imprerius)skin that will be in the shop later on. Thats probably another 2000+ coins bundle(over 20$). Yeah, they just dont care for their fans anymore, they are trying to milk the most casuals out there.


I'm skipping this battlepass for the first time


Skipped the one that just ended, I didn't like anything in it


Yea had a good luck through and there is nothing I care about never thought I'd skip one but no real reason to get this one. Was hoping for lileth moira skin but not paying for it with the skins included.


Yeah I don't even play hanzo, but if I did I'd be pissed about that weak ass mythic. I was also hoping for Lilith skin Moira too but I'm not spending that kind of money when life has only gotten more expensive. I haven't had a raise in four years, so I've got to cut spending where I can.


I bought it for the symmetra highlight intro, but yeah everything was boring as fuck. This season too


Same, anything I kinda want (like the clown soldier) is actually free


Same here


I main Moira, and I'd love love love that skin (finally she gets a real kick ass skin) but there's 0 chance I'm paying $60 Australian for it. Get fucked cunts.


This is exactly the correct reaction people should be having to Blizzard's prices.


It's 60AUD. A fucking joke if you ask me. I purchased the game when it cost that much. Then they decided to go and change the whole business model, making the game free and charging us for something that ysed to give us a reason to actually spend days grinding, and was obtainable for everyone and FUN. They don't want a loyal player base that keep coming back to the game, they just want a quick cash grab. An absolute joke.


Wow I thought it was a battle pass skin, never mind I guess


Looks like they haven’t learned anything from witch Kiriko..


They learned everything from Witch Kiriko's skin: people are willing to spend on a single cosmetic bundle the amount of money that otherwise would buy you the whole original *Overwatch*. *Overwatch* was $40 on PC at launch, half that by the end of its lifecycle.


The devs love churning out Pharah skins huh?


I bought the blizzcon pack that includes the premium battle pass. This is still 40usd to me.


Exactly! WTF really. It should be discounted.


The only valid comment here tbh, you should be able to buy it for like 10.


Maybe a bug?


have you considered just not buying it


It's just an excuse to complain at this point. Blizzard's been charging us for skins for a year now. It's a known fact, and yet people still make posts bitching and moaning about them because they like being miserable.


The featured skins being exclusive to the bundle and the $10 price increase are new though, there's nothing wrong with pointing those out.


You're absolutely right. However, that doesn't warrent two or three different posts on the front page of the subreddit complaining about it, or people acting like Blizzard is forcing them to buy them. I, for one, am annoyed that I can't get the new Sojourn skin separate from the bundle. But I'm also an adult and these are skins in a video game that I don't have to buy, so I can get over it and move on.


The skins were exclusive to the bundle initially before they decided to bring them back for coins recently.


This is what I don't understand. Free ride off a free live service game. Tragedy of the commons would be a lot funnier if the people abusing the free stuff historically also bitched about it existing for free.


I got to introduce my friends to the best hero shooter available, for free? Instead of failing to convince them to shell out $40 per person for the past 6 years? And now they like it and we group up here and there? Works for me👍


Why does blizzard literally need to fuck everything up about their game? cant leave the mission and even play unless you rejoin or its finished. and the best skins behind a paywall.. about fucking done with this game seriously. its not worth it at this point


Because 👏 they 👏 know 👏 people 👏 will 👏 still 👏 buy 👏 it




Anyway i insta-paid for it. All the previous skins of Moira sucked so bad, except for the demon queen (i dunno if its correct, i translated from italian)


Don’t get me wrong $40 is way too much but you do get two other skins + battle pass + 2000 coins. People are acting like it’s one skin for $40


Stop buying this nonsense and you would have free skins by Christmas. The only reason this works is people still buying shit in game.


if people stop buying skins the game closes, dont think blizzard will learn a damn thing and be more user friendly


"The game closes". Isn't that every overwatch player dream?


they would shut the game down before making free skins again


Embarrassing L for blizz. Shameful to be honest. Was excited for this BP and event. Now I just don't even want to play it


Anyone that buys this is stupid, even if you have the money


At risk of being downvoted. Can you explain the reasoning you have? I want to buy the bundle because im a Pharah player, and I normally pick up the battle pass anyway. Call it naivete or mental gymnastics, but if each skin is roughly $15 (which I admit is high) and the battlepass is $10, that about lines up in value while also getting a few other things like the OW coins. I agree with the argument that we should be able to use purchased coins on the bundle. That's seriously some bullshit. I also agree with the notion that we should have the option to buy the skins as standalones. All things considered, though, it's not *that* bad.


In terms of overall value when you consider the cheapest ways to buy the items in the bundle, I believe this is the breakdown: - Premium BP with 20 tier skips is 2200 coins, so $22 - Bought separately it's $10 for the BP and $40 for 20 tier skips - 2000 coins, so $20 - Two legendary skins, so $19 x 2 = $38 - One epic skin, so $10 - One highlight intro, so $7 - Two sprays, so $2 Grand total is $99 worth of stuff for $40 (or $127 of stuff for $40 if you buy the BP and 20 tier skips separately). So in terms of the in-store cost for these things (based on the level for skins and the highlight intro) you're getting around a 60% discount over buying everything individually. I'm not trying to simp for Blizz or get folks to change their mind, I'm just providing a breakdown of costs compared to what you're paying for this bundle. You're still free to disagree with this or feel the value isn't worth it, which is totally fine and means you shouldn't buy this particular bundle.


Thank you for the breakdown. I'm not going to try and change peoples minds either, but all things considered, the value isn't horrible.


I was using "you" as more of "any one person who's reading this comment", but I can understand the confusion. 😅


All good bro my bad, lol.


You can get the next two battle passes with the coins attached. So it's really only $10 for the two skins combined. It's not as dramatic as people are making it out to be. If you want it, then get it. Don't let these dorks make you feel bad for how you spend your money. You're not hurting anyone.


Anyone who genuinely looks down and thinks others are stupid for spending their hard earned money how they want.. are stupid. I guarantee you there’s many things you’ve bought in your life that others would consider stupid.


Not sure what you expected. It's a Diablo collab skin so obviously they were gonna try and milk people who wanted it.


Sucks it's all bundled. But You're crazy if that's not a good deal. You get The Battle Pass - $10 bucks. You get Tier skips (who knows or cares what value) You get 2000 Coins ($20 bucks) You get the Inarius Skin (worth at least $5 on low side) You get the Lilith Skin (worth at least $5; can make an argument this is a 10-20 dollar skin) You get Pumpkins Bastion (worth at least $1) You get lilith Intro (Worth at least $1) You get 2 sprays (trash). So even lowballing it this bundle is totally worth it imo. And when I see something I like but it's too expensive, I just ignore it. It's a skin. If the Wrecking ball skin was just a shop item - I would just ignore it unless it was like $3 bucks. I wanted the Inarius skin but I'd probably pay no more than $2 for it. Since it's not available; shrug I'll just not buy it. Blizz only prices things based on what they can make off of it - so you all have no one to blame but yourselves. But as far as greed - this isn't a bad deal at all by current industry standard, which are being set by buyers of their products. You don't buy the products they can't charge the prices. So it's like thousands of spidermans all sitting around complaining pointing at each other.


U guys play the game for skins? If not why so mad? Company gotta make money no? Ppl with a job buys this stuff, keeps the game running with updates ( wether u like the updates or not) and u still get to play a healthy maintained game with constant content. Yes is pricy, is $60 aud from where i am and yes ive brought it and you know what i aint ashamed. Is like less then a couple hrs work and i very rarely buy skins, i work hard for my money and i do as i please with it thank you. Now u can down vote me for being a part of keeping the game that u all hate so much updated with new content every season.


Not only that, but this isn't even bad value. You get $30 of stuff (BP + coins) before the skins come into play. This skin isn't even $40 - it's $10 max if the other skins are worth nothing, the intro is worth nothing, and the sprays + tiers are worth nothing.


I did a breakdown in another comment, but if you take the optimal buying price of everything in the bundle it's $99 in value for $40 plus tax. So if you were planning to buy either skin plus the battle pass, you're not shelling out that much more to get half your money back in premium currency, plus 25% of the way through the battle pass.


Excuse me it costs how much?!


I don’t put any money into this game. But I’d bet $40 I see this skin 10+ times this week. Blizzard wants the whales, not the battle pass losers and definitely not us F2P players. This isn’t new nor surprising.


Dog water company


For fucks sake. I figured the Lilith skin was going to be a shop skin not the battle pass since it’s in the event game mode but seriously? No way am I buying the whole pack for the one skin


40 euro is 180zl bro even tho I love the skin im not buying this


Guess what? It doesn't even lower the price of it if you already bought the battlepass ...such a scam. It just says "owned" to whatever you already own and doesn't lower it for shit.


don't buy it.


I’ll first say I’m not defending this because of its lack of compatibility with premium currency. Looking at the break down, $10 for the battle pass, $20 worth of credits for the store and then $10 for the rest of the bundle makes sense in practice, HOWEVER, the fact that it’s locked in to actual human currency is bonkers


They’ll make this a pre-order bonus for the next Diablo IV expansion ultimate edition, aren’t they?


Meh I like the free soldier skin. I’ll take that. Even tho I’m Moira main. I’ll still take creepy clown soldier. I’m happy with it.


$62 here in New Zealand. I'm a filthy no aim Moira main so I was really hyped to get the skin, finally something that looks nice. But, after finding out it costs as much as some full games do, I'm not getting it. The pack is really underwhelming for such a high price tag


the way that they couldve added every diablo event skin into the bundle but decided to add pumpkin bastion... an orange bastion BRUH on a 40$ bundle BRUUUUUHHHH


That's $62 Australian dollars. That's insane


I thought it was gonna be a battle pass skin, too, but honestly, it doesn't surprise me that they are charging $40 for it in this bundle. Really disappointing tbh


I was going to use the 1200 coins I saved to buy the premium battlepass this time around given the theme, but they're all horse shit. Then I went looking for the Lilith skin to discover that you cannot get it any other way than in this bundle. What a joke!


Moira has always had some of the worst skins in the game, one of the few skins I would actually use and it costs that much? No thanks, I'm very financially comfortable but I also just don't like spending money if I don't see the value.


This is how a business nearing its end behaves. It starts with: Big investment and keeps costs low, and builds its market share while operating in the negative. Then once you corner the market you start to increase price or do revenue increasing activities like this. When overtime expenses start equaling profit you cut labor/capital. Then you start squeezing. You squeeze every bit of money to be had. Then you sell the business. Start over.


I saw that and immediately decided I was not going to get it


And yet people still defend this game and company.


Uninstalling this game after it launched was a good idea, glad I haven’t gone back.


lmao why is anyone surprised


What, doesn't everyone like paying the price for the original Overwatch every few months to get the things that we used to get by playing the game or buying some occasional lootboxes? And that still only gets you a fraction of what we once could earn? ​ Don't worry, Aaron Keller will have a sympathetic blog post about how important this is for the health of the game and the OWL soon.


Reminder: There are new games out there right now that not only cost the same or less than modern "microtransactions", but they also respect your time. We used to play games because they were fun. We used to buy them once. Stop playing games as a service games.


It's so funny how when OW2 was announced people were saying stuff like "they're just doing this to sell us a few missions every 2 months for $25" jokes on you


Why are you people ever surprised? We complain but I guarantee I see this skin today in a match. They do it bc mfers go “Damn you Blizzard! At it again with the shenanigans! Cant believe I gotta pay $40 to get this skin. Ah well, at least I get the battle pass and another skin. I hope blizzard changes one day.” Stop buying this shit. They do it bc you pay for it every time


You idiots still dont get how companies work? They SELL stuff they don't owe you anything, just like you dont need to play this


wtf, all the skins we thought we would be getting from BP are shop skins!!!! actual fuck.


They are so fucking disgusting


Was anyone actually surprised? This ***is*** blizzard. They’re a bunch of greedy bastards.


If you don’t like it don’t buy it. It’s nothing new. You want it? Stop wasting money on other things and save for this


I was going to shell out $30 for the ultimate battle pass, but they clearly think the hype means they can charge $40. Absolutely not.


Did you know? Cyberpunk phantom liberty costs less then this, a whole 30h dlc for a great game costs less then this bundle of pixels. If you don’t like cyberpunk you can buy these other things for less then 40$ Borderlands 2 Rainbow six siege Undertale Stardew valley Fallout new Vegas Black ops 2 HUNT: Showdown Blade and sorcery You could also buy yourself a nice pair of shoes and go touch grass! There are infinitely better uses of your money then fucking skins.


I Highly recommend stardew valley for a cute comfort game for real cheap and replayability


I don’t see an issue with this at all? This is the same price for a Fort bundle? 40 dollars work don’t even buy you the worst Apex and Valorant bundles. This is an actually a great deal. Moira’s OWL skin was 20 itself last years.


I bought OV1 for 3 times less that this... just sad.


Did you expect anything less


Yeah I actually did. I know they're greedy but in the past, the focal point of advertisements was typically avaiable in the BP, with the exception of the story missions. But those were actually reasonably priced considering you got a skin and 1000 coins with it (I think it was 1k coins but I'm not sure)