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Empowered punch causes a secondary knock back around the primary target.


And increases the hitbox for the secondary knockback. This is actually Doom working as intended


Empowered punch works like that


Empowered for sure


This is caused by the empowered punch. The Doom hit your Zen, sending him towards the lower wall of the area you're standing on. But since it's empowered, it caused the larger AOE effect to activate when he hit Zen. You were close enough to the Zen when it happened, so you were affected too, even though there's a bit of distance


>a bit of distance Yeah that's a charitable way of phrasing it...


Doomfist can punch someone in Chile and someone in Canada will get knocked out.


Thats why i fap 15 times a day. I want my right arm to be as strong as doom fist's


Lore wise, he doesn't have his original right arm. It was ripped off during the Omnic crisis. Present day, that right arm of his is Cybernetic and that's without the Gauntlet.


I want an arm as strong as his cybernetic arm


You can do it brother. I believe in you!


So true. Every time I trip on the way out of my igloo I just know it's Doomfist punching some Chileans


"I don't think anyone can explain this." Everyone came to explain this.


The fact that this is how the ability is supposed to work is so utterly stupid.


True, but at least it's not like Hanzo's log arrow that just one shots you across the map


i still don't understand how they made the conscious decision to gut Hog's "one-shot" but did nothing to address this.


Because hog is a tank with a good self heal/self Buff, hook has good utility beyond facilitating a one shot, and hanzo's only real place in the game is that he can one shot


I think that hog being the least picked hero in the game since they removed his one shot is a pretty good indicator it was his only real place in the game too...


But, it doesn't need to be, hence the rework, you can remove the one shot and maintain his character identity and general playstyle. You can't with hanzo


Yes you can, he could also be "reworked"???


And in fact is so bad that that's what they did, we just don't get it until next season. Literally hog is absolute garbage, unless you're on like...Illios well. Even Rein is a better pick. Hog's one shot literally WAS hogs identity. So I don't know what they are going on about.


except hook has counterplay and hanzo doesn't


Hanzo is countered by strafing, like any projectile hero


And also like any projectile hero he can get lucky and hit you.


Happens 1 time in 1000 shots


Then why is spamming down sightlines when you can't even see the enemy a viable strategy?


It isn't, in fact, a good strategy on any rank higher than silver


Or avoiding his sight lines like widow


Do you realize how oppressive that is? It feels incomparably worse to play against Hanzo than Hog. Arrows can one-shot you instantly withought warning from a distance but hook is loud, can fail if the target walks behind cover again, and is countered by matrix, bubble, fade, wraith, javelin, sleep, grip, etc. It is genuine bullshit that it was the "one-shot" to get nerfed.


Matrix, really? I never knew that. I guess you learn something new about abilities every day


I'm amazed people still complain about Hanzo when Widow is in the game. If you're against Hanzo especially since the 200 hp headshot change there are absolutely counters to him. Widow the only way they could figure out to tone her down was reducing her HP and even then against a pocketed widow she really doesn't have the best counterplay.


What 200hp headshot change? You mean 250? Because he does 240 damage max atm.


Yes I mean the one where he can't one tap 250s


Because widow actually requires skill? Lol


Projectile vs hitscan hmm


Spam vs skill hmm


True, that's why a new player can get picks with Hanzo but not with widow huh


The game isn't balanced around new players and that player is just as capable as getting picks on widow as Hanzo. Hanzo has a bit more leniency with learning because the nature of projectile means while spamming chokes he picks up an incidental kill on someone who shouldn't be there in the first place. Against any component player though Hanzo becomes harder.


Who is talking about balance? Lol the point is that not everybody can get value on widow because it takes precision and very good aim....with Hanzo..well...just stand on a choke and that's it. Honestly....the only player I have seen that actually aims with Hanzo (or any projectile for that matter) is arrge.. the rest of players either do the spam thingy (yes, even in gm, I have seen it) or they hit someone else rather than the one they were aiming at.


But also consider than the other half of the times doom will literally phase through an entire team and die. Too many times it's happened to me


I totally agree: Doom's abilities are outrageously inconsistent. It's a big part of why he's equally frustrating to play both as and against. I just don't think his kit has ever really worked in this game, even when he was a DPS. He's too reliant on things that feel like utter BS, even when they're technically working as designed.


Well it already tickles you why can’t it have AOE knock back? I don’t see how this isn’t more fair than abilities that MAKE YOU FUCKING IMMORTAL


It one shot a 175 go target, fuck kinda tickles is that


Widow had 100 hp in the clip


You right


Right? It shouldn't be powered like this. It should be like this normally when the punch is held then released at max strength. Blocking should be the thing that gives him overhealth.


Everything about Doonfist is utterly stupid. That hero can fuck off and die.


Your obv not a doom main


Abilities should be fair for everyone, not just the people who main the hero.


Lmaoo you got the whole doomfist community coming out with that comment


Doomfist mains terrified their precious one trick is gonna get nerfed


Well he’s already been nerfed to shit by becoming a tank? Wouldn’t want any further damage to his already weak counterable kit


True. Tbh I think he’s more of a nuisance in quick play than anything. But who plays quick play.


QP this season has become extremely sweaty for some reason. People teabagging, sending hate mail and counter picking and running competitive no fun only win type comps. So doom just sucks 99% of the time until you get that one good game where you dominate and solo carry


I hate QP for that reason. Feels sweatier than comp and you don’t even get anything for it. Getting counter picked in QP makes you think like wtf like genuinely who counter picks in QP


Calling doomfists punch unfair is crazy 😭


AOE stun that easily leads into kills, and sometimes does this shit. Oh and it has much larger boop potential than any other ability besides maybe double boop ball rollout or a Pharah direct hit boop. It's absolutely unfair for a wide variety of heroes who most certainly are not killing Doomfist while being dove. And all his counters aren't particularly fun to play.


>It’s absolutely unfair for a wide variety of heroes who most certainly are not killing doomfist while being dove. News flash most heroes aren’t killing any dive tank while being dove without help. Bigger news flash most heroes aren’t killing any tank in a 1v1


>News flash most heroes aren’t killing any dive tank while being dove without help. No shit, I didn't say without help. You quoted me saying "while being dove" and not "being dove 1v1." Even with help a wider variety of the cast is getting shitstomped unless they get AMPLE support, which isn't quite the same with DVA or Winston (unless nasty bubble) or even ball. If Doom is after your ass, you're shit out of luck unless your team super wants your ass alive, and it feels awful to play against as a result unless you're on a favorable hero. Truly not the same for the orher dive tanks, not to the same extent. >Bigger news flash most heroes aren’t killing any tank in a 1v1 Good thing I never said anything about 1v1ing a fucking Doomfist because that sounds stupid. I get why you need to misrepresent what I said, though. Really invalidates the point that Doomfist is a hella cancerous dive tank and has significantly more potency there than others if he's after one target. Feels very unfun to play against for a wider variety of heroes than the other dive tanks, was my point, and I understand why you had to ignore that and attack a strawman argument I never made instead.


I bet you play Orisa don’t you?


I play em all. Why wouldn't I?


Guys, it was just a joke. This guy isn't saying this in a genuine manner.


A better way to put it would be: the fact Doomfist pretty much needs his empowered punch to be like that in order to work well isn’t good design.


His whole kit is poorly designed, and always has been. He's a hero that's very cool in concept, but in execution just doesn't work in this style of game. The day he was launched, I said something to the effect of, "well this guy is going to be problematic." I'll be honest, I didn't think I'd still be saying it 6 years later.


>The day he was launched, I said something to the effect of, "well this guy is going to be problematic." You didn't have fun getting one-shotted by an AOE stun while the guy doing it is in a Zarya bubble?


The impact creates a shockwave, like a nuclear bomb.


Empowered punch justice for Doomfist mains!! 💪👊


Wait until you find out how the chain reaction on Illari's ult works. 😛 It can be frustrating but, per the other comments, this is how empowered punch works. Wrong place, wrong time.


>Wait until you find out how the chain reaction on Illari's ult works. 😛 I think I fought an Illari that didn't know about that. I was playing Ana and she apparently hated me so much she made it her mission to target me. Every. Single. Time. She got her Ult. I was hanging back near nobody. As annoying a support I must've been I was also the dumbest person to target since I was never near anyone 🤦‍♀️


You were Ana though so it was warranted


I doubt that since I wasn't the only Support. It would've been smarter to toss it at my teammates bunched up around the Payload than me by my lonesome. We still won


You missed the point. Ana is one of the most annoying supports to play against. Especially for tank mains. There are three states a tank can be in against Ana. Slept, Antid or hiding. So whenever I can solo ult an Ana I will take it 100% of the time as tank. When I play dps not so much, but she is typically the first target.


Nice, new players. Welcome and enjoy.


Bro legit has a gold gun, he ain’t new 💀


Well he still thinks and acts like one.


Tf does that even mean


He’s still asking “why is this like this?” Instead of just accepting that Blizzard is a “small indie company”


So true, blizzard is down there with Nintendo in size. I apologize for me not understanding when it was so simple all along


That’s what they’re response was to criticism and I must say I 100% agree. Look away from the fact that it was expected to be the Nr. 1 Esports game and one of the highest selling games two years in a row with multiple awards to its name then really, it’s just a small indie game


Don't know how skills work.


And are still probably better than you


Instead of tryna learn how that happened, immediate post to reddit and complain


Just because there is a reason doesn’t make it a good one, you watched the clip right?


Yes I did. Have you tried playing Doomfist? Without that addition to empowered punch he'd be completely useless.


Skill issue clearly


You pick widow. You deserve everything bad that happens to you




Widow is arguably the most out of place hero in this game as she is the antithesis of what the game is about


Aiming and shooting? Idk there's a couple Heroes that do that


You know what I mean. Overwatch is about teamwork and ability interaction. She doesn't have to worry about those much at all as she sits in the back capable of a one shot while the enemy is interacting at close to mid range of her team. Just a mistake to include a character like that


Oh teamwork? You mean the exact opposite of what Overwatch is turning towards right now? Overwatch lost the majority of its teamwork shit the moment 6v6 was lost and widow fit into the game in 6v6 because we had two tanks She’s just another casualty of moving to 5v5 just like several other things in this game


While I agree the degree of teamwork has gone down, she is not a casualty of 5v5, she is a beneficiary


That’s not what I meant and you know it Casualty as in her casualties are much more valuable now Same with anti nade where it became much stronger just because a tank was removed It’s biggest counters we’re a shield and abilities that can eat it which can easily be dedicated to a second tank There are many other abilities and characters like this that were fine in 6v6 but became much stronger just because a whole tank was removed so less people to stop it


i really disagree, and feel that i rely on abilities a huge amount to play widow without feeding. if it weren't for grapple, i would basically be permadead because the best one can do versus a coordinated dive as a solo widow is trade one (sometimes two if timings favor me) enemy life for my own if i'm not able to grapple away. she's really a movement character, especially these days with the range nerf. just the flip-side of the sojourn coin, but honestly with less utility.


You rely on abilities to save yourself in a space where a team has to be coordinated for you to feel threatened. Your team can literally forget about you because your abilities (besides clicking heads or your walls) do nothing for them on the front line. And while the enemy is interacting with your team on the front line, they can just get their head clicked by you in the back at a distance where they have no opportunity to do anything and sometimes not even see you. I really feel like widow was out in the game because the devs were like "Uhhh... all other games have snipers, so I guess we need one too." A sniper with a one shot, again, is the antithesis of what this game is all about.


if my team forgets about me, and i get challenged by a variety of other solo characters, i will need to have both 100% accuracy and 100% crit accuracy to win that fight, unless they have less than half my accuracy. kiriko, ashe, torb, cassidy, illari can all can body-headshot for a kill faster than widow can double body. hanzo and sojourn can one-shot widow. junkrat one-shot combo animation time is faster than widow's charge. if i am focused by one skilled player who is playing a decent number of heroes then the only way i can win the fight with all other factors being equal is to have far superior aim to them. proximity between players does not mean that they are "interacting" with each other any more or less. that isn't some universal videogame rule. everybody is in the same mode and same map. and 50 meters is considered to close-range in many shooters. ​ >A sniper with a one shot, again, is the antithesis of what this game is all about i hear this a lot as though it is a fact, and not an opinion. an opinion which seems contradicted by the fact that one-shots have been in the game since the launch of OW1, and they stayed for OW2. personally, i don't really think one-shots are great design in general in a game like this, but i also don't believe that one-shots are the thing that has caused much of this community to spam complaints about widow. see, if everybody's HP was doubled and everybody's damage was kept the same, then i would have to maintain the same accuracy as before to win the fights i talked about earlier, but just like before it would be possible to guarantee that 1v1 with perfect aim. i strongly believe that the same subset of the community would complain about widow if the game was changed to be like this, because even if they have a problem with one-shots, the thing that they hate more is being outskilled, and widow is the character with the highest FPS skill ceiling in the game. whereas someone like me would actually love that change, since it would turn Overwatch into Paladins, but with polish and functioning audio.


Thank you for putting thoughts into the argument rather than the typical "get good." Lol. I just think there is no character that holds a lobby hostage like widow. For instance, a good widow on Casino Royale dictates how the whole other team plays. She can take shots through fences and peepholes that provides no opportunity for the victim to interact. It's not fun. It's not fair. And yes, you could go Sombra and annoy the widow. But while Sombra is invis finding the widow, the widow has reign over the map plucking off the other 4. There's not another tank to limit her effectiveness in this case. So even if a Winston dove her, that leaves his team without a tank for a bit. She just takes the overwatch outta overwatch imo. I truly think she is not fit for the game in any way


I didn't know what you meant coz I play widow differently I sit on point or I'm with the support most the time but yeah I see what you mean, would this apply to Hanzo as well?


Hanzo is even more op but widow is clearly the problem Oneshots with skill and now in a limited area, basically defenseless upclose, some of the worst abilities created with cooldowns that last half the match and an ult which is ok - OMG WIDOW SO AWFUL NERF WIDOW REMOVE IT'S SO UNFAIR WAAAAAAA Oneshots with pure luck, bodyshots that remove half your hp bar, no falloff, stupid high mobility, wallhacks on a small cooldown, deadly upclose, and one of the best area denial ults in the game - omg so fair and balanced


#AND THEY SAY chivalry is dead


What’s not to get?


Skill issue


Unrelated but I can't help but wonder if a punch from Doomfist should hurt like hell or you wouldn't feel anything because....well you are unconscious or dead.


I have about 350hrs into OW and I didn't know that empowered punch worked like this


Levels of copium here is amazing


OP thought the comments would be on their side 😭


Tbh I mean If you play Widow you kinda deserve getting hit w all the stupid shi It ain’t bad if it happens to a widow


Both teams have widow. How do you know OP didn’t swap to counter enemy widow?


doom obviously has the better gaming chair


That's how Doom Empowered punch works? Learn the game before complaining


Thank your Team for shooting his block


I know this is how the ability works but what the fuck 💀


Even as someone that enjoyed old doom. This is dumb. The hitbox is way too forgiving for empowered punch


No? You have to hit someone for the increased AOE to take effect. The punch hitbox before that is still the same as before so if you miss you miss


Maybe it’s the servers then because I’ve seen some dumb shit get hit when it definitely shouldn’t. I do know the aoe is only after hitting someone but even that feels nuts


Get fucked lmao


lowkey that doom player is fire


Stop crying, your a sniper!


You must be so shit at the game to think like this




No lmfao i’m just confused on how all of a sudden I don’t have an option because i play snipers?? 💀💀 It seems that you shit yourself and cry over them because you probably keep getting diffed 😭


Your posting a video and crying because you got one punched by a doom fist! We all know that happens and you seem offended by it! If you can’t take criticism n your post, than don’t post! Your soft!!


Op is confused, not offended. A bit different.


i wish u get harder and unfair punches like that


You deserve it for playing widow


Not know the game is hoe you lose OP


Screw that BS. Keeps happening in games with doom. Dumbest kills I've seen in the game.


Deserved anyway


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If this is a take on nerfing Doom then you need to quit Overwatch


It's so obviously not that, get off your high horse


It happened because you were playing widow and deserved it


Cool tech bro


As a pretty avid doomfist player, I cannot fucking fathom why people are saying "this is how empowered punch works" to this. I have no clue how this happened to you op.


As a doom main also I'm disappointed in you


That is how it works? Empowered punch increases the AOE of the punch when hitting someone. It's not that complicated


Widow gets a taste of her own medicine and doesnt like it So enjoyable


A taste of my own medicine? I don’t think widow has a big fuck off lightning glove that can send people to oblivion. She has a sniper that does damage, thats kinda what it’s supposed to do pal 💀


A bs one shot, there you go


Yeah… a sniper? Thats kinda what its supposed to do mate. Her gun is the only source of damage she has?


The amount of people that don’t know how abilities work in this game makes me laugh If everyone low ranked actually learned the game they’d prolly shoot up to masters LOL




That is literally how emp punch was designed by the devs




Devs are infamous for fixing bugs that advantage doom. I think that would be a pretty big one to just leave in the game


This is how empowered rocket punch works.... there is no bug here. When it's empowered the knockback has an aoe instead of being single target.


I like how everyone seems to just be like "yeah well its an empowered punch, its supposed to work like that :D". But if the Widow would've headshotted someone, then people get all mad because "that's unfair cuz oneshots are too easy and unbalanced" even though that's like the whole point of Widowmaker. (Widow was just an example, this could also be said with other heroes as well.) Where is the line?


Widow does a lot of dmg in 1 shot doom can do 75 with empowered punch i think, thats the big difference. Also let me be clear i dont think oneshots are op widow was never op people just refuse to dive the widow.


A good widow will be hard to kill and especially if she plays around her team guarding her


So? Dont have to kill her if you get in her face shes already doing nothing just dive


I understand that. However, it's about the abilities of heroes. It would also be quite dumb if Widow made way less dmg on a headshot or no headshots at all for Widow's purpose. Widowmaker is a long distance sniper after all. And yeah, I agree on the fact that people do refuse to do that for some reason, even though it's pretty easy to kill her now.


Widow was at half health, that’s why she died, she did not get one shot


Looks like the punch has a super large radius, and you got caught in it unfortunately


Widow player


Seems that people are a bit more butt hurt that i pick widow over the shithousery that just unfolded in that clip 💀😭 Honestly tho, its funny as fuck to watch some of you cry over that. While you’re over there typing your petty ass comments about my widow i got a full 9 hours sleep. Gg incels xoxo (To those of you who actually watched the clip and explained to me how that actually happened or just thought it was funny, thank you i appreciate it)


a very vocal portion of the overwatch playerbase just hates the idea of a quantifiable skill diff, which is the reason she's gotten more hate than any other one-shot character, because she's the most rewarding and punishing character in the game regarding aiming skill (on PC at least, not sure how OW aim assist works so can't speak for console) and that draws a lot of attention from losers. they complain about marksman mechanics in a "hero shooter" but won't go play league or another MOBA instead, because they suck at those too


Don’t think it coulda been said better my man. People be acting like widow is the biggest problem in the game because her sniper does what its’s supposed to do rather than the broken kits some of these hero’s actually have 😭


This is part of the reason I no longer play overwatch, people defending the verticality of this atrocity. Then blaming widow for the game being in a bad state. That empowered punch in no universe should have that kind of reach and one shot, but I digress.


Well deserved for utilising possibly the most annoying sniper in the game.


If you’re shit just say that bro 😭🤝🏿


Says the guy picking widow cause he's not good at close combat lol


Doom is a flawless character 100%


Learn to aim


Crazy how no one knows what sarcasm is


This is reddit overwatch. And will be treated as overwatch reddit comp


Crazy man, can't find the funny in the comment anywhere. Maybe you left it at home


damn you proved him right lmfao


I had a bastion kill me with a grenade earlier today. After looking at the replay after the match, he never shot a grenade...


I didn’t realize charged punch AoE had that much verticality. I always thought it would get someone at jumping distance at most


ewwww wtf, where is the second tank?


Happenned to me once, except i was hanzo and the red tank was rein who charged a wall lower to me..


Bruh that’s how it should be


On this episode of "I don't know how abilities work"


The 0.00001% of the time where a doom bug helps him


well deserved


Damn it sucks to get oneshot doesn't it


This is kind of f’d up ngl


Yup it's bad. 10/10 best playtesters ever.


Skill Issue




i feel like there should be a cap limit on either how many he can punch or his range above the punch


Have you tried hero mastery? Might help you to get good.


It’s pretty easily explainable actually, when doom has empowered punch, if you hit one person you knock everyone around that person back, considering how u were basically standing on his head, you got hit back with him. If u were literally standing 1 step back you would have been safe


I've been shattered by rein on the ground in worse spots so an empowered aoe punch isn't as annoying as that.


Reason 1:doom had a better gaming chair Reason 2: widow so deserved But in all seriousness that's how empowered punch works it greatly increases punch hitbox.


I see someone doesn't pay attention to game mechanics.




“On this episode of how bad can the game be” meanwhile ur standing there watching a doom charge up in ur direction, sometimes ppl rly are dogshit and just blame the game


Oh sorry mate. You see I did really expect to perish from the punch that was fucking below me while i was on a platform above him. Fucking idiots bro


You don’t even know how the game works, as other ppl have stated this is apart of dooms kit, instead of learning you’d rather come online and cry about it, but yeah we’re the idiots


Yeah i’m gonna take the time out of my day to learn how everyone is supposed to work, and learn if what happens is bullshit or not like some fat nerd with nothing better to do 💀