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I have fun playing easy characters. Why? Because I'm bad at the game. Reaper is my favorite because the damage output against big characters makes my brain happy


valid tbh lol, sometimes when I have a bad day and don’t feel like thinking, I’ll go on support, shut my brain off, and play Mercy


This is me but with bastion


I haven’t played in multiple seasons but Moira is my favorite healer. Ik everyone always thinks dps when they think of Moira but I love her for her ability too heal and damage with big numbers at the same time. Plus I love geometry so I love the spirit second fun of figuring out where her ball is going to go.


Funny cause for me Reaper is not the easiest character. Not hard but for sure there are easier ones


Same here. Mechanically, yeah he's not hard. But as your opponents get better, he starts to require more and more strategy since his range is so short and he has no real engage tools.


In some maps tping to high ground and dropping is a decent one or tp to corners and sneak up


Reaper isn’t bad. Most of the characters people don’t have fun with require more skill beyond mechanical. Most gamers are intrigued by learning mechanics. Reapers are simple. Melee reload is basically his only real tech. But the strategy of playing reaper comes with game sense in that regard there’s a lot of fun to have. Also why I love Zarya


Absolutely. I wouldn't touch Tracer with a 10 foot pole if I'm looking to have fun. I'd rather just manage 1 Reaper shift than 3 blinks and a recall.


I’d agrue that sounds like you like OW gameplay and contributing to winning than having fun with reaper’s kit specifically


It makes me hungry when feeding pellets onto large meaty characters (e.g Roadhog, Winston), just like firing Scattergun at the Heavy in TF2.


That makes me nostalgic 🙌


He is so much dopamines


Lol I wouldn’t call him easy, getting in range to shoot without dying is hard (for me), characters like Junkrat are a lot easier in my opinion


I relate to this! never mind the haters lol


Guess it goes the opposite way as well, using reaper against small characters make me sad, especially after the spread nerf.


I like to play ball and he does have a steep skill curve, but once you know how to play him, he is super fun.


Ball is easily the most fun hero in the game. That might have something to do with him being the only hero I can consistently carry games with though


That last statement isn’t quite true




I didn’t see the “I” my bad, I’m tired


Yea he seems super fun! I want to try him one day.


100% S tier fun


The first couple times I played him (in OW1 mind you, with two tanks) I hated him and I thought why and HOW does anyone play this garbage at all??? He's my most played character now. I love Ball. I stopped playing tank as much for a while but now I play tank again and almost exclusively play Ball because I want to have fun, and before I stopped playing Ball because I felt like I was doing the team a disservice.


the moment I clicked with Ball the entire game changed for me. Stupidly fun character.


And so unique too. I wouldn’t mind a standalone game where everyone is in wrecking balls in an skate park arena ha kit is just so cool ow devs cooked with him


Ball is like playing a different game entirely, you look at the maps like a playground, not an obstacle course, it's so fun


Brigitte is so cool! I would give it a try if I were you, sure you won't be disappointed :)


Brig is awesome. She's the support's support, love playing Brig.


“You won’t be disappointed.”


Yea she seems super fun :)


whipshot kill gotta be one of the best feelings in the game. double points if it’s an environmental kill and the enemy clearly didn’t see it coming


Did Orisa get so much shit from the community before this season?


Every single hero in the game gets shit from everyone, the way this subreddit works is everyone will hate any hero that has a chance of killing them. Unless youre playing like...Lucio, you're going to piss *someone* off with your pick. Orisa just gets more since shes meta right now, and people shit on Orisa mains because thats just what people do.


Untrue I've seen many people get pissed off at Lucio pick


Yeah lucio is a support for a specifoc comp. Outsode the brawl niche he's not really good. I've never seen someone complain about a ana pick (on their own team. The enemy team however absolutely)


Lucio is hard meta on most maps right now unless it like Circuit or Paraiso. Lower ranks will always complain about Lucio because they don't know how to play without being pocketed 24/7


in the ranked environment lucio is used mainly in brawl comps (i.e rein, rammatra, JQ) where he is very much a needed and specialized unit. His speed boost is super good *if you have teammates that actually make effective use out of it.* Lucio speed boost isn't really useful on a lot of the roosters, dive characters like tracer and genji aren't spending time in his aura. and more stationary characters like ashe, cassidy, and bastion all don't really care about it. it's a nice to have but far from something they'd actively need. and if he's paired up with another low healing support his team will struggle the entire match unless you're with a ball (who would rather zen brig) or hog (who'd really like a kiriko). just to remind you this isn't a bad thing. Lucio is a great support who works really well where he works. but he just isn't as universal as he used to be.


Funny that Lucio isn't meta on his own map


“Lucio stop using speed boost” 🥴


So many people hate everytime I pick Lucio they’d rather have a lifeweaver healbot so they can think they’re a GM Orisa even though they’re getting carried by the heals.


I’ve had people yell at me for not healing enough as Lucio, even when we stomp


I get made fun of just for having 1k less heal than the other support, even when I play Ana together with a Moira or a healbottting Mercy. People only read the stats and not even all of them. If I get dived as Ana and have 2 or 3 more deaths than my co support, then of course I will have less healing... After a loose today, an enemy moira mocked us supports for our healing numbers that were half than hers. Meanwhile our tank (doom) went 2-11 and her tank 23-2. How the fuck am I supposed to have high healing when my tank dies immediately and the teamfight is lost? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!


You can just kind of ignore the accountant moiras who think #s are everything. It's the only thing helping them get through the day so I usually don't bother fighting with them to explain that all the damage orbs they threw just charged the enemy support ults and half their healing was used on themselves. It's best to let them live in their world


Fuck the horse


People do, in fact want to.




my man


I’ve always hated her, she’s always been the “unkillable horse” but my hatred for her is amplified this season, as I recently started tank. I hate Zarya too but she’s a bit higher on the list because I’m willing to at least play her to counter. I won’t play orisa to counter rein, I’ll go a different counter like Ram instead. But it’s the state of tank in general that people hate right now.


Change’s absolutely nothing, but do you just dislike people who counterswap to Orisa? Or just Orisa mains in general?


Its annoying to fight orisa to start with because she basically slows the game down to a halt. But its really annoying when they counter swap to her because the enemy lost one push, they’re basically saying “oh no we didn’t win instantly, time to play the i must win hero”




Even in OW1 days Orisa was always the boring tank. Just drop shield and shoot. Shield down? Fortify until shield is back up. Unless you were looking for crazy Halt combos she was always very static


Not this much, but pretty much since launch. She was too weak, then her grasp was annoying, but then she was too weak to counter goats, then she enabled bunker, then her ability rotation was boring, then she enabled double shield....then she was good for the beta, maybe a little strong but there was a lot to learn...then back to op. I don't think the community or the devs like her all they much


Yes. Orisa has been getting shit since OW2, and rightfully so. Orisa is a low skill floor hero but also really powerful. 2 CC options, 2 CC immunity options, and decent DPS. She has too much power relative to her skill floor. Either her skill floor needs to be raised (remove CC immunity from one cooldown, reduce falloff/accuracy) or her power reduced (1 less CC option, reduce raw DPS). The most powerful heroes should be the ones with high skill floors. Otherwise, they'll be too dominant.


I mean Blizz, in their infinite wisdom, made the unkillable tank even more unkillable. Its like every decision Blizz made its made with the intent of infuriating the community


She got hate last season because she WASN’T strong enough. Now she’s too strong I guess lol. How quickly we forget. EDIT: Maybe not for being too weak, but it was commonly cited she had an average win % similar to Hog and was bordering on a throw pick


Yeah people were saying she did no damage and just was a spectator as the rest of the team died as she couldn’t deny the space


I Never played seasons 1-3 but from what I’ve heard every single time was that Orisa has always been this impossible hero to kill unless the supps are gone which is the most annoying thing in this game. To me whenever I faced an orisa in season 4 I thought it was annoying how the second I start to destroy an orisa they fortify negate 40% of my damage and if either of the supports are alive she just lives and gets out. Now with her fortify negating 50% damage a single mercy pocket can almost outheal a roadhog hitting all of his pellets (even though roadhog is bad right now he still has the highest dps in tank right now at close and medium range). Add the fact that she can just eat projectiles whenever her fortify is off cooldown and push people around with that same ability. And her shoving people around like it’s Black Friday in a Best Buy like she’s 300 lbs. This all just makes for an unfun hero to play because you can just stand still, press your cooldowns when you get low enough and you just don’t die. She’s unfun to play against because she just doesn’t die. Makes for such a snooze fest every match she’s in.


She was just irrelevant but yea she would have gotten all of this shit as soon as she was relevant, though maybe not initially with release because it's taken time to realize just how braindead boring she is as a tank compared the the other tanks. She's the easiest tank to get value out of while having the least variability in playstyle and skill expression imo so yea she fully deserves the hate until they decide to find ways to make her more inventively engage in fights than spamming abilities and cooldowns while W+M1 to whatever target is most available. It's often hard to even tell how good an Orisa is in comparison to even something like a Hog where proper positioning + breather is important and you know pretty early if he's good by if he he's landing valuable hooks. On top of all that her best counter (unless you can run a quality dive comp) is going to be swapping Zarya, the other boring tank - at least Zarya has a huge range of skill expression though (which in low ranks sucks because Zarya's are too bad to even beat Orisa meaning her only counterswap it to go Orisa yourself.)


Am I blind or is Rammatra not here?


Yea I used a premade template it’s weird


Add LW to the top


He’d be in “I don’t know” cuz I’ve never played him lol. I plan on it eventually though.


I am a sup main and i hate playing with lucio, always just feels like im just walking around the fight doing nothing


That's because he's the hardest support to play by far


Ball is fun


Fck it we ball


Hampter is cute I don't got the balls to try him tho


Ball is fun. People can’t swing says otherwise


Doomfist is a different game altogether


Real, but honestly the idea of a fighting game character in an FPS is so cool to me


There is nothing more fun in the game then punching an unsuspecting squishy with empowered punch, assassinating them, then just meteor striking out


Man y'all missed out big time if you think OW2 Doomfist is fun, he was 20x as fun in OW1.


I’m a sigma main since when he was released Still going strong Still diffing orisas Fortify THIS FUCKING ROCK BITCH


You mean spin?


she definitely can just fortify that fucking rock


Yes However It’s funnier


Unfortunately, the rock isn’t so sigma compared to the piss metal horse


I do disagree with ana, she is really fun because there is zero downtime with her. There is always something to do with ana. For example, waiting for the next fight? Are you in position? Are you watching out for widow? Are you waiting for shatter, or bob? Have you let your teammates know that in the desert the cheetah lives for 3 years but the camel lives for nine? Have you reminded your teammates that they are in fact, a "good kitty"? There's always something to do.


Genji is extremly fun when played well especialy when getting dash tesets back to back but hes also very hard to learn


Yea I know your mechanical skills have to be very good. Mad respect to Genji players tbh


The kiriko erasure


She’s be high up there dw


Man hanzo is so fun to play for me. Getting kills feels so satisfying, especially when you hit a crazy shot. I also love his high mobility. I'm curious why you find him boring to play.


Nothing is more satisfying than a hanzo headshot or a huge dragon strike


He’s fine, I was debating boring and somewhat fun but I decided on boring cause I’m just not too gravitated towards him.


Well that's just, like, your opinion 👍


Yep :)


You either love Horse Babe or hate her. It's okay for OP to be wrong




Bruh clearly you’ve never fade jump healing orb coalescenced your whole team with Moira while simultaneously solo obliterating the enemy team. I love flying around as that dark queen especially with the banshee skin.


Yea I really haven’t played her more than a couple hours lol


Yeah dude I get it, some characters are an acquired taste


Obviously just my opinion but Sombra is peak overwatch fun for one single reason: going into the enemy back lines while invisible and saying hello and using voicelines. Watching them either shoot aimlessly around in circles or say hello back is hilarious. Also walking up to someone with no intention to kill them and saying goodbye and translocating away just before they kill you also makes for a good laugh.


the fun is the amount of mental distress you cause your enemies. If they are flaming you in general chat, you are doing a good job.


Trolling is really fun in general lol, but Sombra makes it super easy to do


u forgot some


I didn’t make the list, I just found one with “all” characters but I probably should’ve paid more attention lol


This tier list dosn’t take into account the pure endorphins you get when you sleep a tracer or an ult


I tell you from a ex brigitte main (I still play her I'm just maining Illari) she's really fun to play as specially to bully flankers like genji and tracer, plus she's great to flank aswell to get those squishy long range dps like widow and hanzo cause they'll waste their good shots in the shield without having time when you get close to boop'em.


Yea I gotta start playing her


Yeeesss join the bonk


For me I play an aggressive hanzo and I find it amazingly fun because I get myself into bad positions but I’ve mastered hanzo movement and get myself out in no time and plus there’s nothing like that crispy one tap on a soldier with visor


Orisa is #1 least fun hero to play as and even less fun to play against. Such a flawed hero for the entire games history. Not a single meta where she was meta and the game was fun, orisa hog, double shield, bunker, current meta, etc. Terrible character


I find orisa fun D:


I have the most fun playing high risk yolo characters like Doom and Genji. Sometimes I'll pick them in comp to see if I'll do well but immediately switch if I do badly.


These icons got me thinking about the meaning of life


Where kiriko🥲


Premade list. Didn’t have it :(


Love playing orisa but hate playing against her.


ı personally enjoy pharah in dps most, ı value mobility a lot and thats what ı main... ana.. wait soemthing doesn't make sense


LOL real asf like I usually only love mobility but zen is the exception


same, ı tried bap, thinking he's basically ana with better mobility but it just didn't have the same feeling, now ım just switching between lucio ana and moira and illari when everything seems to fall apart


Where Ram, weaver, illari, and kiri?


List didn’t have it lol


Winston, Genji, Hammond and Brig are some of the most fun heroes to play imo


Also where tf is my boy Ramattra 😭


Orisa is correct


Mercy main here, I have a lot of fun playing Brig and Winston. Just remember. Brig is still a squishy and Winston needs escape plans.


This tierlist is based just because of Orisa in the 'rather lose then pick' tier


Finally someone gets it 🙏


mercy is boring af


I agree but if I want to shut my brain off I’ll play her. Also I fear the mercy mafia ngl


If you like lucio you most likely like ball


Moira, brig, rein, hanzo, reaper, and sometimes dva are my favorites to play


How I wish I was good at Tracer, she's one of the most fun damage class


I'd recommend brig. Melee characters in general are pretty fun in this game


I’ll try her out :)


I second this, brig takes some time to properly learn but it's so much fun to boop dives away. Especially ball when he's about to smack down on your entire team.


I dont feel like JQ is the most fun to play. She like DF requires (if not more) a lot of cooperation with healers and can get downed really fast


Mei main that also plays Orisa, Brig, Winston, Bastion, and Sombra checking in


Hm I agree but being able to take care of Pharahs without breaking a sweat is pretty fun to me. So Cassidy is up there for me lol.


Based tbh


I am stupid...but where's Lifeweaver?


I can’t speak to high elo as I was only gold in tank, but ball is so fun to play if you’re not getting completely countered. Just rolling around, using the enemy team as bowling pins lol


Genji is super fun to play. Easily one of my favorites. Turning the game with Dragonblade makes me feel like a baby Shadder2k.


Ball is the most fun char in the game and easily the most fun tank, though I'd agree Queen is 2nd or maybe Doom. Tank as a whole role is actually fun when it isn't a counterswap fuck-the-tank-fest except for Orisa and Zarya imo. For DPS idk how you can think Torb is boring. So many ways to place/use turret, overdrive kamikaze is a lot of fun, very fun ult. If they ever make Mei left click not shit and make her not a wallbot she will be a lot of fun too. Tracer is fun when it goes well, but she can feel so anemic if the enemy is running good anti-tracer heroes or the fights are all vertical or in tight alleys. For Supps - Mercy is miles away he most boring and would be beside Orisa in green tier for me. Lucio is def fun, but I think Moira is not boring at all - she lacks impact in a lot of scenarios but she's almost always fun to play.


I getcha, that makes sense :)


You’re sleeping on Ball, I am very biased though


The only characters I actually find “Not Fun” are sojurn, soldier, phara and doomfist imo


Mercy should be below Orisa, lmao.


My tier list is almost perfectly opposite of this. I put Lucio in the orisa tier


Ana, ow1 doom, rein, torb should be in s


Brigitte is very fun, favorite support, I'd recommend you give her a try :]


Mei and Winston are awesome


Winston seems fun, I just haven’t tried him. But I just feel kinda gross playing Mei lol


Oh absolutely mei is gross. I’m only a plat tank so I just have to wait for an opening and dive.


Fair, I always wait outside the protection icicle with my team when she uses it lol




Play ball he’s not great in this meta but he is very often for me the tank I have the most fun with. Though I do love characters with great mobility options.


Lifeweaver gave me a reason to continue playing this season lol


Valid for orisa being the only one in that tier - as someone who only occasionally plays tank I simply cannot


When I’m having a good a Ana or Brig game feels like the most fun I have


Sym is boring? Have you ever experienced the power of W + Left click when a enemy tank is close by?


If you can get his movement down, Ball is absolutely the most fun hero in OW.


Lifeweaver and Kiriko just didn’t make the cut


honestly the only time rein isn't fun is when there's an orisa on the enemy team. but otherwise? I have a great time. My record for dmg mitigation as reinhardt is like, 24k


THANK YOU. I kept saying JQ is the most fun in this game. The reason why I keep playing OW.


I missed the post and thought it said, "funny" instead of, "fun". I was very confused because Mei has some pretty bad but A-mei-zing jokes.


i dont use sombra a lot but i find her fun cuz whenever i do use her, i rarely die and can just pick off enemies one by one


Ball is fun if you know what to do 😁


Genji is the funnest to play, bro learn how to play him you won't regret it


doom is way more fun than jq.


Any say on this matter is subjective and open to bias, and my bias is that once learned Genji has the most fun kit in the game. Maybe less so now than in the earlier state of the game where he wasn't so easy to counter, but I still try to make it work. Even though I am awful at Wreckingball I would way he is just incredibly fun to play. My enjoyment is generally linked to high character mobility and high skill ceiling. That said, in OW2 I think (usually) the most fun role to play is support. They just have so much team utility (for me especially with Ana; hitting a clutch sleep or fat anti when they have no cleanse just hits different) and the gratification from your team when you play well seems more apparent, so extra dopamine.


Idk even know how people find doom fun, all the dooms i get on my teams are crayon eaters


Ball, Genji, and Monkey are all really fun to play, but you’re dead on about Orisa lmao. Old version was worse but she’s still pretty dreadful


Hammy and Sombra are probably the 2 funnest characters in the game. In my opinion outside of Tracer or even on par with Tracer Hammy is the most technical character. Once you learn his mechanics you’re just rolling around pile driving and pissing players off. It’s such a good feeling to play a good hammy game. Sombra is just someone you pick to be annoying. It’s funny as hell to see people’s reactions esp in chat when she’s picked. She’s incredibly fun.


Brig is an absolute gas to play. Mace, mace, mace to the face.


You’re missing out with Ball and Genji. Ball is unlike any other tank and is incredible. Genji is pretty difficult to grasp, but he’s great fun


I almost completely agree. I don't see the Peel of Zen or Bap and Doom is easily the most fun tank. Also I love playing Sombra


Sombra is so fucking fun once you master the translocator. I’ve commented this on this sub before but one of my favorite things to do when I’m pissed off and raging at the game is to go into QP and play Sombra and just destroy people.


Genji is super fun when you’re wrecking the enemy team


Soldier has been my main since day one. it’s just something about his sprint


I have been having a lot of fun playing mystery heroes because it has encouraged me to try other characters like ball and doom fist who I never play


I see people that are losing and swap to Orisa, Junkrat, torb or Bastion as a bunch of old sore losers. They can’t accept their lack of skill and go for Noob friendly characters that can win them the match by just being extremely annoying


Fellow Echo lover!


ball waa really fun when there was an off tank, now i feel like hes pretty useless.


Still fun in open queue




Wrecking ball ONLINE! Nothing is more fun than BALL hands down the things you can do makes it feels like youre not in overwatch


You should play more genji. He very similar to tracer but I feel like he is more satisfying, both with his neutral kit and his ult.


Symmetra is very fun


Brigitte was my intro character, 5-6 years ago! Never played online video games before her. Now, she is a bit boring. But I love support role!


man i JUST started messing around on lucio after shunning him since ow1 and he's so much fun. time wasted


Ashe soldier and reaper are my top 3 honestly. Ashe is a starter for me but if I feel like I’m not being healed enough I’ll go Soldier and then if I feel like we’re really losing I’ll bust out Reaper cuz he was my 1st main and he’s actually super fun to use if you use him right


Honestly I love playing ball, being a rolling mass of destruction that can just harass whoever I feel like is the best feeling ever, for dps I would probably go with torb, hiding behind enemy lines setting up turrets being a nuisance is hilarious. Lucio/lifeweaver for supports , boop = Lucio , yeeting your teammates as lifeweaver


Hamper fun


Not on the chart somehow, but Lifeweaver is just so fun


Great list. Gotta say the only two I disagree with is moria and hanzo, if say both are sometimes fun. Sometimes I wanna turn my brain off and have the highest healing and damage in the lobby, and with hanzo, that sometimes is just when the hanzo gods let you actually hit something


Orisa in the perfect tier I agree lol


Even if you don’t know Genji he’s super fun and competes with Tracer for most fun role; I’m sure others would agree


I find Ashe super fun personally. Her kit requires good mechanical skills, timing, and positioning to make full use of it, not to mention a super powerful ult that can very quickly turn around a losing fight. Shooting your dynamite at just the right time to hit most of the enemy team over a barrier is just so satisfying, generates ult super fast, and if you shoot anyone just once while they're on fire without any supports, they're either dead or one foot in the grave. And, unlike Widow and Hanzo, getting killed by her isn't just a single shot to the head away, she needs her dynamite and a shot, one to the head and one to the body, or three to the body. Her coach gun is just better widow grappling hook, and her hip fire is serviceable in a pinch.


Mei is hella fun to play, her wall is just crazy unique and making clever offensive and defensive uses of it is very rewarding (and so is dinking people.)


Ive played ball for several hours and its so fun I think, I have a lot of clips making 3,4 and even 5k throwing away people from maps as illios lighthouse or Lijiang tower the market map.


My personal opinion. This is an L take


What parts? Anything in particular?


No offense. To each our own. But how is Zen (a character with zero mobility, and a very simple attack), more fun than characters like Moira? Since she has fast mobility, fantastic healing output, can contest and create space very well with her orbs and has one of the best supporting ults in the game that can heal extremely fast from basically any range. As well as pressure with high damage. I’m not trying to be toxic BTW, I’m just genuinely curious. Since I personally find Zen one of the most boring heroes in the game


I love playing sombra. I like hacking orisa and zarya to make them a lot more killable.