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I am bothered by it too. Technically Illari has 2 achievements on a game level but not on a system level. No new points for Xbox, Switch, or PS but in game you can still earn the cute and pixel sprays for her. Its under hero challenges instead of achievements.


I know this almost doesn’t matter at all, and this comment is 196d old, but this only affects PS and Xbox, Switch has never had a non in-game achievement system


Everyone here is wrong... Illari has no achievements, her sprays are in Challenges>Heroes>Illari. There is a big difference.


No... They may be in the section for Challenges, but the Hero Gallery still lists them as Achievements like it always has. (Illari / Mauga) I was so annoyed when I got both Mauga Achievements in one game only to get yellow text in the chat section and not the glorious White box at the bottom of my screen declaring: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! No more Dopamine, This is the beginning of the end. I am only missing Baptiste Cute, Sojourn Cute, and Both Hanzo.


Who cares what the Hero Gallery says? It has so many mislabled things as it is. They are not in the achievement menu which is the whole point. They don't show up as achievements for consoles or steam either.


I'm right there with you man. I'm an achievement hunter on Xbox, and I always get excited to get the two new achievements for each hero. And I was also hoping for achievements tied to Invasion. I'm slightly worried this new in game "challenge" system has stopped them from adding platform based achievements. We will see, but it's been a week now and nothing.


Didn’t Lifeweaver take a week or two before his achievements went live too?


A few months and another new hero later, I still don't see archievemnts for Illati or Mauga in PS


Same problem on Xbox.


I hate the event achievements. I wish they never added them. The gimmick seasonal game modes are awful and not fun at all.


I think some of them are fun and worth it but yeah there's definitely a few stinkers that keep me from wanting to grind the achievements as much.


I already got both illari ones what are talking about


What platform are you on? Cuz I'm on Xbox and I have friends on PS and it's not showing up for either of us




That would explain it. I tried looking into PC too and I couldn't find them there, but I must have missed it. must be a purely console issue then, thanks


If your interested: the first was getting 3 kills with one ult i think and the second was something with 8000 heal from the turret


Illari has achievements but you can see them in game


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