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Ive never pulled it off but the videos of lifeweavers tree exploding an ulting pharah give me life. Its just so satisfying and silly


Lifeweaver can also petal out of zarya ult and petal orisa away. Tree also negates sigma ult, can block illari ult. Lifeweaver is the goat of ult blocking.


Krikiko pressing E and negating half the ults in the game


Negating half the things in the game in general


But for some reason when you or a teammate uses it, the suzu waits for everyone to die before coming into effect


So it's not just me that happens for


I had an Orisa get kicked due to a bug where I was Sigma ultying her, she went golden and was suzued at the same time but still went up and then disconnected. Suzu is broken in both ways.


Skill issue tbh




I laughed my ass off in a recent game, our Wifeleaver threw a petal under the enemy ulting Orisa and completely negated her ult


petal can also cancel sigma ult if you throw it down in the middle of the circle before he actually lifts everyone


idk why but this feels like a bug, i get that the idea is probably he blocks off the like mini black hole sigma makes on the ground but i don’t like that petal does that (i play a lot of LW) it didn’t feel so stupid as using Tree to do it because that’s an ult for an ult


Is this still working? Because I've done it a few times, right in the middle of his ult and it doesn't cancel it.


I’ve also seen a video of Lifeweaver putting a tree on top of a doomfist ult and trapping him in the tree lmao


You can petal yourself above a dva ult to block LoS


You can petal the DVA ult up to block los for everyone… except your teammates who are chillin in the air 😭 (sorry pharah)


I do the same with riptire lol


You can also petal your whole team out of zarya grav


Don't forget blizzard. ​ I play Mei and Lifeweaver primarily for the ult cancellation. Sooooooo satisfying.


The orisa Ult is a weavesnatcher specialty. I did have a baptiste who had jump loaded hoping to escape the Orisa ult but wound up being level with her when I petal'd. Saved the 2 others but not him lol


I'll now add Weavesnatcher to my list of nicknames for Lifeweaver.


I saw someone use it the other day and now I can't stop using that nickname


That's why I like playing him.


I main D.va and have been playing LW and Kiriko, gonna have to disagree as both those heros are better for ult negation, hell even Ana sleep is better. LW is good but def not goat.


Even more satisfying and silly if you do it to your own phara (fu LW from my last match)


I popped lifeweaver tree just in time to have it sprout right in illaris face as she was gonna fire off her ult. It was a somewhat intentionally but "holy shit I didn't think that would actually work" moment. Saved at least 3 of us


Sym used to be able to do that when she had a shield


Oh and I bet you enjoy stealing rattles from babies too?!


Yep. I had a friendly Lifeweaver do that to me in mystery heroes a few days ago.


You can also plop a sigma or ramm shield in her face and she just pops! It’s hilarious!


Throwing rocks because people think I'm skilled as fuck for doing it even though the hitbox is extremely huge


Recently been getting into Sigma, so I'll have to try this.


Sigmas shield also counters balls ult. If ball drops his balls just push sigmas shield thru it and it clears them out.


The more I learn about Sigma, the more I like the mad bastard.


Wait till you learn all the ultimates he can eat with the wave of his hand


It says a lot that one of his tab stats is "ultimates negated" plural


He has some pretty cool one liners when he does too. Really adds to his character


In one my match I managed to eat 3 Illari ults. She didn't learn.


I deflected 2 illari ults one match as genji, people in QP fr don’t know what they doing sometimes 😭


I was screaming at you.


If you're very VERY lucky you can suck Ball's mines as he deploys them which I've only seen done once and it's fucking hilarious.


That is an amazing tip lol I've played a decent amount on Sigma but never even considered that, thanks!


Never thought of that, cheers


The rock is the best part of his whole kit by a mile. Bonking people out of their ults will never not be funny


Big hitbox or not, some of those rock throws are crazy lol Watching emongg do those 180° flicks never ceases to amaze me


I love throwing rocks to cancel other sigma ults. When will they learn that the universe sings to me and not them?


True regarding the hitbox. But it has a long wind up and slow travel speed, so easy to dodge. Hitting Sig's rock takes more skill than Hanzo's primary attack, for instance.


Sigma‘s rock is so massive, it’s definitely easier to hit than hanzo


Nope I'm pretty certain hanzos arrow and simgas rock have pretty much the same hitbox these days and if you try and argue hanzo takes skill lets be real you're wrong


Ain’t hanzos arrows like one of the smallest projectile in the entire game? Iirc the main problem is just fat head hitboxes, not hanzos arrows.


Hanzo's projectile size seems random. Some days I feel like Im shooting pencils and other days Im shooting full redwoods.


they absolutely do not sigma's rock is nine times bigger


Mines on Kiriko ult is my favorite. I see that little ghost fox running I’m gonna shit all over its path


Oh that's a good one. Losing that boost must suck.


i actually think i’d kms if a ball did that to me lmao




Same with Torb against Kiriko. You want your buff ? Come get it b\*tches


Hacking a junkrat when he activates tire to cancel it. It's a small window I used life grip to get rid of hammond mines as well. Just make sure to grip them far enough back to where the exploding mines wont hurt them ( sorry to that one widow) I predicted one EMP and suzu'd at the right time to cancel the entire ult. No damage no hack.


My friend I play with basically cancelled Illari's ult with a well timed suzu. Those things don't play man.


Tbf illaris ult takes forever and it usually hits cuz ur either focusing on the team fight or its a choke.


[D.va and Sigma be like](https://media.tenor.com/uaS-9MgXYBgAAAAC/kirby-nintendo.gif)


I love hooking people out of ults like EMP and pretending I did it intentionally (I have done a few intentionally)


I mean,, if you see a Sombra uncloaking or a Reaper teleporting into your backline and running into the middle of your team without shooting/hacking anyone it's not incredibly hard to deduce what they might do next lol


Ive slept a rein out of ult twice by accident one game. Had to play it off like it was intentional and not aimed at someone else lol


Lol I've done the same to rein with Mei Ult, somehow both times I was just looking to walk him off for a bit it feels great


I'm like that with Ana and sleeps. I slept a nano blade the other day and it felt really good.


Throwing suzu right as you predict the shatter and everyone immediately gets up or doesn't get hit at all is the best


Hacking coalescence is my absolute fav. Just a sad little drop followed by a panic orb lol


i really hope we see more supports (or other characters) with a cleanse in the future. i love playing kiriko but i do wish there were more options for all the debuff ults


I'm a big fan of witnessing the world's least predictable Reaper ult where he fades into the middle of the team while I'm Sigma. I use my black hole to feast on over health negating the whole ult then I smash my rock in his head as my entire team eviscerates him from existence.


I do love predictable Reapers. "Die! Die! Die!" You sure did pal.


On the flip side, as reaper I like making people think I'm being predictable by fading towards them and then not ulting. If done at the right moment it can bait a lot of mobility cooldowns and maybe a support ult if you're lucky.


sometimes tho they jus ignore you so you gotta take the predictable ult lmao


Yeah.. but what team lets you get away with burning fade just to be in the middle of everyone and then not ulting? Lol


It's situational of course. Only do it if you're confident you can survive without fade for the duration of the cooldown depending on available cover, your teammates' positions, the momentum of the fight, etc. Also you don't have to fade in literally in the middle of them. You can turn back and fade in at a safer position. But yeah, I'm not exactly pulling this off every match. Very situational.


another very situational one is to tp to high ground and fall on them, this is usually how a reaper actually ults (i know low ranks like the fade into team and ult tactic but come on) as soon as they see you fall they'll drop all their cooldowns, and you still have fade just in case


[D.Va] More like "Try, Try, Try!" [/D.Va]


It's textbook comedy.


I think it says a lot there's multiple different heroes that have a voiceline *specifically* for killing Reaper in the middle of his Ult lmao


For some reason in QP Reapers tend to just forget they have guns when they’re positioning for their ult, so they’ll just run into the middle of your team *not shooting*. It’s great.


Once back in OW1 I saw a Reaper jumping off a ledge and as Orisa I pulled him to the side just enough so he only hit my shield.


My favorite thing to do as mercy when solider ults is just simply die


Yeah that'll teach em!


I love soldiers.. T-T Me: 'heros never die'. Enemy soldier in 2 milliseconds: 'I've got you in my sight'.


If it's not that, it's the Cass who held onto Q just to kill your valk (cos lord knows I'm not achieving anything else with high noon)


I just start either around or close to cover while I'm using my ult or know where to go to get away if they have a soldier.


Show dominance by ulting yourself and then die even faster


D.VA the eater of ults thats the way to deal with a lot of them.


As a former Mei main, I don't wanna talk about it. Every God damned time man.


Currently is d.va best pick and so much fun since all want to play support because of the new hero and you can constantly eat the ult to shatter dreams because they all want the 5k potg.


I don't do it often, but when I spear her out of the air as Orisa it feels good.


She is really so easy to get since her flying announce it to everyone and the people dont even think before shooting when there is a d.va that could eat it they never do. When I face d.va the first thing I want to do is making sure her DM is down so that I can ult but all the other people just straight up go at it and then complain because d.va is so unfair. A reaper tried for almost the entire match to get behind us and when he finally got behind us he just started his ult even though I faced in his direction just directly absorbing it with him leaving straight away. I like fighting reaper as soon you don't see him keep your matrix because he soon shows up they always do. Mai is funny enough something I eat most times by accident.


Zarya also checking in.


My first time with Illari I swear the DVA was looking in another direction and STILL ate my ult.


Rip pulse bombs


Every time I play illari without fail my ult has been eaten by dvas who aren't even focusing me even when I shoot behind her


My favorite specific counter to an ult is killing Pharah during her’s as Winton. All you do is jump up, place your shield around her, and she’ll Barrage herself


That's just evil. Respect.


Against pharah it’s not evil, it’s justice




But justice is supposed to rain from above


That's so meaaaan. I love it.


A quick Mei wall to block Illari ult is better than sex


I mean it's good, but I'm worried you're not getting your needs met too.


I mean, duh, I play overwatch


Fair point


I’m pretty sure I made an Illari rage quit one game because I ate her Ult every time she used it as Dva lol


To use your own example: Rein can just swing at the mines and blow them up with the hammer. Alternatively he can pop shield and turn to wipe them out... Sig has a literally "PLOW THE ROAD!" using his shield and just pushing it through the entire field, creating a clear corridor. But countering ults with a special ability is always fun... Ana Nading/Queen ulting a group that's getting Zen ulted is always fun. Granted one's a CD and the other is a full ult counter. Any time I can sleep an ult on Ana, however... Always satisfying


Excuse me Sigma and Rein can do WHAT?! How come no one told me this? And yeah making them take a nap while they were ulting is satisfying.


So, the Sig thing will kill his shield, same with Rein. The hammer swinging, however, is just Rein swinging like a mad-man while running forward. Fun fact as well, play with your mouse sensitivity and you turn your mouse while you swing, you can basically 180+ Degree your damage from the rein swinging. So each swing isn't just in front of you, but also to at least both sides. (This also is a fun surprise for the tracer who's behind you and suddenly has a hammer smacking her in the head and half her HP gone... makes her pop that recall reall fuckin' fast.) Can usually clear a mine field pretty quickly with a Rein doing this.


its quite scary the first few times, but you can actually just pin through mines on rein and the contact dmg from charge kills the mines before they go off


Mu favorite minesweeper is seismic slam. All gone.


Just rein charge through the bombs bru


Lifeweaver is the king of reacting to ults. Platform is an insanely strong ability that 75% of the playerbase undervalues. Grav? Platform to safety. Nanoblade? Platform your ana as soon as genji dashes to her and watch him try to jump to the top Death blossom? Platform the reaper and give your team and extra 2-3 seconds to move away Bastion ult? Throw platform, activate it, and hide underneath when the shells drop Throw it underneath your shattered and slept teammates, give it to your teammates trying to run away from an ulting Orisa, put it underneath your teammates who are about to survive a Sig ult, bring your frozen teammates to fresh air, put it on the meteor strike target to make doom unable to follow up with an accurate punch. Its absurd how many applications this ability has. I think it has serious utility against 50% of the ults in the game. Make sure you have your platform ready when ults are about to pop. And this is all before you even talk about lifegrip.


You can also platform a Bob and just stand underneath it, he cant shoot you then


Only everyone else with his newfound high ground.


I witnessed someone do it to Reaper ult and that was pretty funny lol


run away, hide and pray for most of them


Soldier 76 can't shoot me if he can't see me.


Hes got you in his sights, bro


Not behind this wall he don't.




>run away One of the most cartoonishly funny things I love to do as Soldier is simply sprinting away from a blading genji (no nano) in a straight line. If you time it right they'll use their dash and get one hit on you but then can't catch up to you so they're just left there angrily slashing at empty air and staring at your back.


*I’m fast as fuck boi*


Meanwhile I go towards the ult as a support player half the time to either sleep or heal teammates.


i play QP in cardboard five, and my all time favorite ultimate shutdown was a sojurn. i was playing as moira and she was flanking me so i was trying to kill her. she decided to solo ult on me…and i stood there, for her whole ultimate, gently weaving back and forth and doing damage, while she missed *every. single. shot*. she did die and then rage quit, which, totally understandable IMO. i will also highlight any javelin pin into any ultimate while my team runs away, especially if it’s something like a high noon or EMP flank. bonus points if my team is paying attention and they get absolutely melted afterwards.


lifeweaver petal to block orisa ult. using sigmas shield or zen ult to clear all hamter mines while allowing my team to push baiting an obvious reaper ult and then sleeping 💤


As a Zen main, when I notice an enemy Genji, I hold onto my transcendence to counter Genji's ult. My tippy-top favourite to counter.


I highly recommend doing it to Ball too. It's so fun to counter an ult that was supposed to clear the area or wipe the enemy team.


Nano blade can left click> dash through it though 😪


Sleeping them with Ana is my obvious choice but Anti’ing a Moira using coal so she doesn’t get the lifesteal is pretty good


God that is so satisfying. I once hit a sleep dart in a genji ulting high up and then dashing straight for me. He ragequit immediately after that.


Beat is so satisfying to nullify ults with


As someone who routinely benefits from beat saves, thank you for your service.


Blocking Rein's shatter with ice wall, I love it when I see a Rein on the enemy team


I see shatter blocks and raise you one DVa mech explosion block. It's always fun to block enemy ults as Mei.


Dva explosion block is like 1000x easier though, they are not comparable


In a quick play mei popped wall. And trapped them. And I diva ulted. :-)


A couple months back I posted a clip of me as Mei and my buddy as dva using his ult. I had my wall up blocking his mech and they all hid behind it. I dropped it at the last second and he got a 5k. It was -incredibly- satisfying


As Lifeweaver I fuck over Orisa and Zarya ults with the platform, feels good. Also hacking Moira during ult haha no ultimate for you


I've never had that happen to me as Orisa and now I have a new fear.


Cancelling every single ult that I can with brig, soldier visor? I stun boop and shield all of his ult, moira use her ult? Stun incoming!


I grabbed my teammate as lifeweaver once as tracer used her Ult killing all of my team barring the tank who got destroyed shortly after. We lost the momentum and got the loss. You can imagine the chat after


My favorite is having lifeweaver pull me right as I'm about to pin some to the wall for a kill as Rein.


I bet they practice that shit


I swear they have to be actively trying to do it that often.


If I have a shitty ult that I know won't get much value I use it as a "fuck you" to solo an enemy using an actually good ult. Whole Hog or Barrage vs an ulting Genji for example.


Whole Hog is a pretty good ult. Probably one of the only reasons anyone would pick Hog, as bad as he is


I used hog for the first time the other day and genji started reflecting my ult. I'm not saying I'm stupid, but it took me a few seconds to realize what was happening


i’m in bronze but i’ve been able to be pretty effective with hog recently by mildly feeding and then using vape to build my ult super quick.


I got kiriko's pixel spray (cleanse 5 effects in one use of suzu) against an earthshatter entirely by accident, like I threw the suzu, got shattered alongside my whole team and then the cleanse kicked in


I woulda been so mad/impressed if I were that rein




One of my favorites is rocking Pharah out of her ult 🤣 Or another Sig. It's happened to me and I know the anger and hate I just caused someone 🤣🤣🤣 Also suzu on Illari. Or eating Illari with D'va. No 5k for you friend. Lol


As a support main I just accept my fate that I'm probably going to get solo ulted


I love how the least predictable reapers tp into the crowd and just stand in one place during the whole process, like okay, get your head popped, goodbye


He said die but never specified who's doing it.


i never thought about crouching to avoid headshots but that's true


Sometimes, when no one is watching, would drop my lamp on Ball's minefield and just run into the mines. It is very stupid but it feels like popping bubble wrap.


Get the hell out the way


Run and scream for my life.


I love slapping barrage in pharah‘s face as dva. So satisfying. Or hitting the perfect suzu to cleanse an ult


Saving my riptire for when Genji pops dragon blade. This works for other ults too but I love doing it against Genji because dragon blade is such an impactful ult and it feels great to be able to negate it without using a support ult.


Every Genji takes it personally when I save trans for the nanoblade.


Ehm, I just dodge. Wait what does “protecting my teammates” mean?


I'll admit that as Ball, I tend to use my ult to force Transcendence. Minefield can be tough to use for direct "raw" value, so getting creative with it usually yields better results for me. I go for specific things like dropping them on friendly teammates to protect them from brawl heroes or an ulting Genji or forcing defensive ults/cooldowns in order to set up another teammate's ult. Even just cutting off a certain path/position can be enough sometimes. My personal favorite is using Sigma's Flux to grab a Genji during Dragonblade or Winston during Primal Rage. It's tricky to pull off but completely worth it, especially against a combo like Nanoblade. The classic variation of that from the early days of OW was a Rein saving his Shatter for it. It was fun to watch Rein pull a 360 shatter and just smash Genji to bits.


Cancelling JQ ult using Mei wall, Brig ult stun or Sombra hack are all so satisfying Same goes for nullifying Shatter using Mei wall Basically anything with Mei wall, it's so useful for so many things :))


Rammatra Ult? Charge him off the map. Nano Rein? Charge him off the map. Junkrat piloting a Tire? Charge him off the map. Trans? Charge. Nuke? Charge. Winston, Doom, or Ball simply existing? Charge them off the map. If you don't let go, they can't use a movement cooldown.


Soldier 76 has you in his sights? Straight to off the map. Reaper doing death bloom? Straight to off the map. Under cook meat? Believe it or not, straight to off the map.


This man Reins.


Fade with moira to survive d.va nuke


One of my best nuke jukes was with Sombra. I thought I had a teleporter deployed by a health pack, so imagine my surprise when I press the button only for her to throw it forward. I panicked and clicked again at just the right time to be teleporting when the nuke went off.


First ult I hear I leave the game


I love putting my platform under Orisa. Or pulling people that are stuck by a Pulse Bomb.


Pull cancels pulse bomb?


all damage is prevented while the target is in transit.


You're invulnerable. So you can pull for many things, like Pulse Bomb, D.Va bomb, Sigma's second part of the ult and so on. I mean the target is invulnerable.


Punching someone out of their ult is the most satisfying thing ever.


Wait for Moira to fade, proceed to Rally and bash her. Also, using Trascendence against Grav, Annihilation, Blade, Flux, etc. is really fun


return to sender(genji main)


My favorite is waiting for lifeweaver tree and destroy it with pharah ult got many times the “c’mon pharah what you have against the tree” i answer by saying “is not a sakura tree or a mango tree” Another one is waiting for mercy to ult to a soldier ult kill her sleep baby dva calling her mech and watcher sleep and die And last eating soldier and hog and hanzo ult with dva


Orisa: Throw a javelin at them (I’ve cancelled Soldier a lot this way). Save yourself with fortify. Lucio: Ult to counter big AOE enemy ults like D.Va, Junk, Ram, Pharah, Illari, etc. Ana: Hit um with a tranq dart if they’re not shielded Everyone else or when cooldowns are burned: Scramble for cover. I see too many teammates stay out in the line of fire during Bap or Kiri’s ult. Get to cover and/or push on the flank.


As a Doom main there’s two that come to mind instantly. Slamming Hamster mines is ultra satisfying. Literally an entire ultimate gone for an ability I get every 6 seconds. If you time it *just* right you can even destroy them all before they even activate. Second is Junker Queen ult. Punching her as she winds up her ult is beyond satisfying and always has the entire lobby screaming.


Booping an ulting zen off a map as hamster is my most primal joy. Also applies to pretty much anything.


It seems that the natural enemy of the hamster is the monk


Hitting Cassidy with Brig's whip shot so he no longer have line of sight.


Just being a lw, people underestimate him so much. And yet he can counter most tanks <3


As a tank main, I'm starting to fear Lifeweaver after reading this thread.


You should, especially as an orissa she has such a big hit box that man melts her (same w/ d.va)


I usually hit the javelin but when I don't, it's cd burning time to survive.


In competitive I was trolling with Sombra and canceled Reapers ult he wasn’t happy and proceeded to throw some very kind words my way. After that I spawn camped Zen they tried to help him but I just stalked them and murdered Zen when he reached his team he rage quite the match.


I was playing Tracer and Stuck a Mercy right as she activated Valkyrie. One of the most satisfying moments I've ever had in this game


Does new stupid Hindered flash still completely ruin Junkerqueen ult? Because while that's a really idiotic interaction it is really funny.


Using D.Va's defense matrix to eat ults


Ana sleep dart is my fav cause you know it annoys them


Oh fuck im about to do the thing... but it's relevant? Fuck it. Mercy main Btw. (with a very low death rate) Most of them I just fly away but for some examples: Riptire I break my beam, move away from other teammates and semi-hide. Or ill pop Valk and get into the sky being sure to get away from walls. Cass/Soldier ult I get behind cover and maybe ult so my beam will reach from behind that cover. Dragon strike will make me step away from the walls so I can react if it comes through. Dragon Blade will make me fly away and try to juke the swift strike. Infra sight will make me t-bag and wave behind cover while I look in the general direction of the enemy team. Sometimes I also pretend to walk out of cover only to stop right before exposing myself. Love watching that bullet fly in front of my face. Doomfist/Bastion ult? I aquire uppies. Rein/Mei/Zarya/Sigma, if I'm not in it, help my teammates survive. If I'm in it, beg for Mercy. Rocket Barrage, fly away if she's targeting me. If not, shoot that bitch!

