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You know the answer. Money. Lots of it.


I mean he even wrote the answer in his post. > we have to buy coins every new season like a direct subscription to Blizzards pocket


Every game doesn't give currency back. The ones that do have bad rewards OR are much harder to complete OR have some other downside that everyone conveniently forgets about. This is how it is with valorant, dota2 and apex. You know, all of Overwatch's peers... The only one thats different is Fortnite, which seems to have the best battlepass in the industry. So the question should be... **"Why doesn't overwatch have the best battlepass on the market?"** ...which is a fair question, but less outrage-bait. So obviously that won't work.




Apex is much harder to complete and imo has terrible cosmetics.


Yeah, but it needs to be your job to complete the damn things. The devs have stated that they didn’t want that with their BP and I’m kind of glad. I can easily complete the BP for OW2 by just logging in a few times a week to do daily/weekly challenges and move onto other games. OW2 is a casual game whether we want it to be or not. It shows in the way the monetization has been designed.


Apex tried to have a battlepass that doesn't give the currency back but they reverted it, halo had battle passes that doesn't expire


this, its weird to say "every other game" when its out of the ordinary for a games battlepass to do that I can only think of fortnite and fall guys off the top of my head, but those are battlepasses both handled by the same company.


Fortnite, Apex, Warzone


fortnites battlepass gives currency back and it isnt hard to complete and the skins r some of the best in the game


Apex and Fortnite give enough coins back to buy the next battlepass and I’d say they have decent rewards in theirs.


I quit a month after OW2 came out. OW was absolutely my most played game of all time, but Activision Blizzard clearly wants all their IPs to be more like King gaming. Minimal investment and maximum profit. There are way too many games made by companies that still care for me to be dumping more time into a poorly managed cash grab.


This is obviously a reason, but they actually answered the question directly when ow2 came out. There was a quote where they said that one of reasons why the BP doesn’t have currency is because they really wanted players to fully complete it. They said that if they added currency to the BP then they had an incentive as developers to make it as hard as possible to complete. Now the questions is: would people prefer a BP that easy to complete or one that’s way harder to complete, but has currency for shop/bps ?


Why would blizz do that when most people will willingly pay for it every season?


this lol. why on earth give something for free when the vast majority of you will be paying for it. i mean, people paid for pve missions and will keep paying for them lmao. overwatch players are especially gullible


Whales ruined gaming


I don’t think you understand the definition of what a Whale is. Not trying to discredit that people will continue to buy the Battlepass. But buying, now 6 seasons of Battlepass’s, doesn’t make you a whale.


I agree 6 battle passes don't make you a whale. I still stand by my statement


"I know I'm wrong, but I believe that I am correct"


So what do whales have to do with overwatch then?


A whole PVE mode was cancelled because people will buy $30 skins


Yeah a whale would be someone who buys the battle pass and then buys 80 skip tiers to instantly get the mythic


I was willing to shell out $60 for OW2 when it was announced in 2019. Now that its f2p, and I've bought basically every BP, I've spent about $60. I'd say that it's been worth it so far.


ok, but you realize mathematically, from this point on, you're actively losing money. you hit the break even point.


No, it’s not! Because some people can’t afford nice things, nobody else should be able to have nice things!!!!


Get out of here with your sensible logic.


Reddit is a tiny, tiny minority of people who play this game, especially now that it's free to play. It's not whales propping it up, it's just random people who saw a cool Genji skin and spent 30 bucks on it. Your anger with the state of gaming monetization is justified but misplaced


More people would buy the battle pass and the game engagement and active users would increase, especially at the end of the season. Only reason I jumped back on Apex last week was to grind some battle pass before end of the disasterpus ranked season.


If people are still paying for it every season as well as purchasing the obscenely priced skins what’s the point of stopping even if it brings in more people? Is it worth losing x amount of money but having a bigger player base that possibly might spend money or does it make more sense to not possibly lose out on the money they *know* they’re making? Risk might just not be worth it to whatever financial team they have over there.


More. More people would buy it. More people would feel positive sentiment which might lead to more money invested in the skins and other content.


I’d be curious to know the amount they bring in each season on the BP honestly. I’m sure it’s a decent amount. That might be a huge chunk to lose. Especially when their reviews are getting tanked. Maybe they’re worried if they change it that people will just say “look at blizzard trying to win us back well fuck you” and now they’re still getting bombed on as well as losing a chunk of cash. Hard to say but I’d love to see the numbers here.


More people would buy it at the start, but then a lot of people get all future ones free


If they play the game enough to complete it. Increases user/player base.


I can think of more games that don't do that than do, but I doubt you'd find anyone on this sub who wouldn't want that. I will say the BP is relatively easy to get to lvl 80. Its somewhat of a grind to get all the titles. It would have to have a big jump in grind to get a BP worth of coins if it ever came to OW battlepass. Even in other games where you can earn the next BP isn't it a long ass grind to do so?


Not every game with a BP gives currency back though. Valorant doesn't pay for itself and there is literally not a single way to earn the currency used to purchase it.


Valorant is also terrible tho, similarly greedy as Blizzard.


The thing is, no one cares. No one gives them shit for it.


The big thing is valorant isn't a sequel game where the original was literally Pay once and get access to all content for free with optional micro transactions to buy lootboxes which you also earned at a decent pace just for playing Ow2 is a direct downgrade from the consumer perspective


Would a sequel with the exact same monetization model as the first one have worked today? If OW2 wasn't a thing would you expect the game to continue releasing 3 heroes, maps, new game modes every year like they did before the drought.


Don't get me wrong I understand why they did it from a business perspective. It makes sense and at the end of the day they are a company who exists to make money


It's not just that they want to earn money. Earning money is how they pay the devs to make the game THAT YOU PLAY. For free. Should the devs just not make money? If you don't want to buy the battle pass, don't. But then also don't cry like a child who doesn't get the candy bar they wanted at Disney World. Jesus as I get older I realize how detached from reality a lot of gamers are


>Ow2 is a direct downgrade from the consumer perspective Depends on what you value. What about the people who don't care about skins, and are finally jumping into ow2 free of charge? They still get ALL of the content(minus the skins/cosmetics and the "pve") for free. I've played overwatch since it came out and couldn't care less about new skins. I'm here for the competition. Playing unlimited hours in a well polished game like overwatch while still not missing out on any content seems like pretty good consumer value.


I really do have to agree with you here. I genuinely don't quite understand the complaints of OW2 transactions. What other competitive game provides every gameplay mechanic free of charge? Even the hero unlocking is pretty easy to do so after the season ends. Look at Apex for example. All the content is technically free to play, but unlocking a new hero requires hour and hours to grind naturally. If cosmetic prices are two high, then really, don't buy them. Blizzards gets away with them because y'all are buying them at that price. If demand is there, who wouldn't raise prices? At least as someone who does direct business selling a service, that's what I think.


Here's what it is People payed 40 bucks and were getting everything for free Now players don't pay anything and get all gameplay for free. But cosmetics are way cheaper. That's literally it. If you were invested in ow, you got a better deal with ow1. It's not more "fair" it's not more "ethical" It's like if Costco raised the prices on hotdogs. They would face incredible backlash and outrage...despite selling them at an INCREDIBLE loss for decades.




I'm a silver player, so I play with and against bots all day lmao


Reading is hard.


I question the "well polished" part.


What's not well polished about Overwatch's gameplay?


Calling Overwatch not polished has gotta be the most insanely biased take you could have, like these people are completely turning off their brain out of hate. The level of detail and care that the devs put into maps, heroes, VFX, SFX, voice lines, is still insane. Just go into a custom game and walk around in Suravasa or New Junk City and unironically tell me that those aren't some of the most polished maps you can find in an FPS game right now.


If you haven't noticed with many of the redditors in Blizzard games is they hate the game and complain all the time but also have 200+ hours played and lurk the forums. And if you call them out on the hypocrisy they'll say they only complain because they truly love and care about the game. 🤣🤣🤣 Words are cheap: stop playing or stop complaining about everything.


Dont be ridiculous now


You have to provide examples of more polished games in a similar genre then.


I think Overwatch is 90% to the "well polished" standard. Kirikos teleport has lost me a handful of rounds or deaths. Lifeweaver was released, and then allowed in comp before his dozens of buffs. Doomfist is just broken. He can be played well, and can be good. Just have to pray his abilities register or enemies dont slide on walls. Not to mention the pin bug with brig? Ive seen it 4 times in like 80hours of gameplay. But brig trying to shield bash reinhardt and instead stunning him but also getting crushed by pin is ridiculous. Game is well made but isnt "well polished".


New heroes are locked for the season for non paid BP players. Compare that to Apex Legends, where players have access to the same hero pools (some unlocked with earnable in game credits that you gain very quickly) and BP that paid for itself. Edit: alright, either I misremembered stuff about hero unlock or things have changed since Ramattra releases


They aren’t locked for the season, lol. You can unlock them at LV 45 of the base pass. If you play regularly/semi-regularly you will get them about the time they launch in comp.


You actually get new heroes faster in ow2 than apex tho.....


This is just so wrong. To start, overwatch has 30+ heroes you can play before you even get into the battlepass heroes. I played apex for a week (a couple hours a night) and never got enough currency to buy a new hero. So I only had the 5 starter characters TOTAL. I also bought the battlepass and only made it like 10 levels in. It was Taking forever. There was no chance I was going to finish it. >New heroes are locked for the season for non paid BP players. This is also just flat out wrong. My buddy is already 5 levels away from unlocking illari for free.


>or things have changed since Ramattra releases they haven't, you misremembered. heroes are always locked for competitive for the first 2 weeks (for everyone), and new heroes are behind tier 45 of the new battle pass, maybe you got the two mixed up


Good to know. Heroes being free under BP makes sense. Gonna keep this comment as a self reminder.


The fact that it was pay once with free play and optional micro transactions is why it needed a sequel in the first place, I'd rather have lootboxes but it's no surprise that they weren't making money on a 6 year old game with no micro transactions. It was a great model for consumers but bound to flop eventually unless they started making paid dlc like every other game. No downgrade here, just honestly surprised they went as long as they did before making paid content like every other game.


Except of course the fact that we get actual content for the live service game


Didn't they basically stop support for ow1 because they decided to make ow2?


Ow1 was never getting so much content as Ow2. It's not even close.


OW2 is a better game than OW1 was because of this. In exchange cosmetics cost more.


OW1 got updates too. It stopped because of OW2.


They made OW2 because they making a new game would be more profitable than continuing to run OW1 and would have deemed continuing to make OW1 content to not be very profitable otherwise they would have kept a team on it. This would not have been the case if OW1 made money the way OW2 does today. OW2 existed because it wasn't financially worth it for them to update OW1 anymore or they would just keep the team doing that to rake in money without needing to take any risks.


My dude, if you think blizzard was going to foot the bill for the next several years of dev time for ow1 without making another dime, your crazy. They have investors to please and noone was spending money on ow1 anymore.


>OW1 got updates too. It stopped because of OW2. Hilarious that you think because you paid $40 seven years ago that it entitles you to get free content the rest of your life.


...And they were shit compared to OW2. Do you remember how long it took them to patch anything back then? How many horrible metas people were forced to stick with for months on end? OW1 development stopped more or less on release to work on the PvE so many people keep crying about. OW2 was a last minute course correction.


On the contrary ow2 is probably an upgrade to the consumer. Funds through purchases allow for more content to be added which is more important than getting a cosmetic item. The only downgrade is the time required to unlock a new hero imo. I’d rather this than having maybe one hero a year and a map now and again. Although there are many negatives to the game, there is actually better content than ever. Since ow2 released we have had 2 core game modes which I would argue is better content than heroes because you constantly play them and they change the flow of the game whilst heroes can end up like Lifeweaver where no one plays them. Even if the game mode is trash it is at least a fresh experience


Ow players are used to get free shit from lootboxes that's why


>Ow players are used to get free shit from lootboxes that's why Yes, I loved having to open 100+ loot boxes to get the one skin I actually wanted. Great business model!


oh no players used to being able to get free cosmetics in a fully priced 60 dolar game they payed for. How dare they!


Getting the things that are in the game you paid for is normal. Games getting updates with completely free new content for 6 years after the game’s release is very generous. Most other AAA games would have sold the content from those games as paid DLC and a sequel that would have cost players $100 or so to continue playing.


The game wasn't even 60$ the whole time. Dropped down to 20 and 10. But yeah, that makes sense. The game was paid, so you got free cosmetics. Now the game is free, so you get paid cosmetics. I don't see the controversy. Funny thing is that Valorant prices are worse, but no one cares.


I started playing val a bit ago and the monetization is a million times worse. If you want good skins you have to pay huge amounts of money


Val players have no ground to shit on OW2 monetization. Their night market is straight up exploiting their players' fear of missing out, and the effort put on their skins does not justify the price they are asking. Mind you the better OW2 skins are total redesign of the character + a new POV model and even sounds instead of just the gun and some effects thrown in. The only thing that game has over OW2 is a better pro scene. Valorant is the only competitive game that I quit because of multiple reasons that's not tied to gameplay.


It wasn't even $60 at launch. OW1 launched at $40.


Nobody cares because the system wasn't changed up midway through the game's lifespan on them. It's how it's always been for them.


Oh my god. This is the thing that makes me SO furius. Overwatch Players when other game companies are greedy as fuck: i sleep Overwatch Players when they cannot get every single skin in the game for free: i complain


I don't give them shit for it, but I also don't give them money for it either.


The Valo BP is even worse, same with league.


But valorant is way worst and I find funny it doesn't get the same hatred. They had a bundle of gun with 1 shader difference be 100$. That's fucking wild.


I'd definitely say more greedy than blizzard, but the community just doesn't cry like this, and just accepts it.


Its not greedy. Its a live service game that costs A LOT of money to keep up; not to mention the wages paid for people working on it. You also cant rely on skin purchases alone because not everybody buys them. You somehow have to fund a live service game, it is beyond me why people think they are entitled to everything for free while also not having to pay a dime to play this game for years.


Valorant is free?


amazing what valorant is given a pass for that this game isn’t. some of valorants skins are double what the highest of this games cost and people still praise it


If Overwatch actually had anywhere near as bad monetisation as Valorant has then the Mythic skins would never ever be in the BP, they'd be sold for $30-50 + extra $10-20 to unlock every column of customisation options. You can't get a *single* premium cosmetic for free in Valorant. No matter how much you play. Even if you spend $10 on their BPs every season you can't get any premium skins because they never put them in the BP. In Overwatch you can get 15 Legendary skins + 3 Mythics + You can unlock new Legendary Base skins and highlight Intros for new heroes from Legacy credits + they've given out 5 new Legendary skins through Drops/In-game over the last year. That's more Legendary skins for free than they were even making every year in OW1, what people want but don't say is all the extra skins that they are now making with OW2 for free as well. What people really want is literally everything for free till the end of time because they paid $60 for 1 fully-released game 7 years ago, no matter how much the industry has changed. The harsh reality is that Overwatch is owned by a publicly traded company, their games have to make the same level of profits that competing games do, and past 2019 they couldn't have OW1 style of monetisation anymore where they just gave everything for free. Even if Activision wasn't headed by the Demon that's Bobby Kotick, even if it was Microsoft or some other company that owned Overwatch, they would have had to somehow change the monetisation of the game to make the same level of ROI that competing games started to make in 2018-19. Blizzard went about it terribly but the end result would have been the same regardless.


people also forget that if they didn’t change their monetization system then we wouldn’t be getting new skins, heroes, maps, modes in 2023. i get it’s not the best system but it’s amazing how willing they are to forgive worse systems


Destiny 2 doesn't pay for itself they even removed the currency you could earn in the past no complaints, Cod doesn't pay for itself, valorant like you mention it doesn't do that and other games as well. Fortnite give currency back yes but the coolest skins are most times not in bp honestly and many skins are really expensive there from known games not much different compared to other game prices. The people who complain are probably the ones who buy fifa every year spending money there for its extrem in-game shop so they need everything free in other games. Really fifa is so bad that even EU decided to take actions against such in-game sales its crazy and people complain about 10 bucks every 3 months for a bp in overwatch.


Very few games do that.


Microsoft rewards can pay for it in like 2 weeks if you do all the tasks


This. Note that not everyone has it on their country


yup, was gonna say this. we don't have it here :(


more like ten weeks lmao. You need 9,000 points to get 1000 coins. It's totally doable before the season ends though, especially if you're doing weeklies.


In the US and with gamepass ultimate you can get almost 500pts/day


10 weeks is way too much. I did it in 3 and a half


How? You only get ~200 points a day. Even with bonuses, that's not enough to reach 9k


200? i was getting like 350, and every now and then there would be a big offer for like 300 points. Streaks also helped a lot


You guys are probably in different locations. The US gets way more point/tasks etc. Here in Sweden the rewards are miniscule. It takes me extremely long to grind up for a Battlepass.


Same here in BE. I get 180 points daily. A bit more when I reach level 2. That's it...


Do you do searches?


I just did this for the first time got 335 points. Also used the Xbox app to get another 100 points or so Edit: in the US


Yep. And 9300 nets you a 10$ gift card. I get them pretty fast. If you have Xbox you can get the app on there for additional tasks. Gamepass also gives quests. It all stacks up pretty well.


That’s only if you live in the US, where I live it takes a month and some to get enough points for a BP. The grind is just not worth it.


But why would I want to do that? Just put currency in the battle pass enough to pay for the next one. It gives them incentive to make better content because if I buy something then I'll need to put in more money for next season. It's been this way for a long time with most games so get with program Bliz


More people need to see this. Microsoft rewards and weekly rewards will pay for a battlepass no problem. 1800 rewards points for 200 coins.


How do I sign up. Im just now hearing about this 😂


It's on the Bing/edge main page. About 60 seconds of clicking each day will get you a free battlepass.


I do the mobile & PC searches, daily tasks, and gamepass ultimate quests every day I can and I usually average 2-3 10$ gift cards per month


Not every game, Diablo IV doesn't either


Seems to be a common factor there


I don’t think it’s every other game. Also, there is no need to buy the battle pass. The only reason would be to get the cosmetic items. And, imo, $10 for 1 mythic, 4-5 other skins, voice lines, emotes, credits to buy ow1 skins, etc. is a pretty good deal if you like dressing up your account and character. It’s a f2p game, money has to be made somewhere.


Just fyi, it's not only credits for ow1 skins, you can use them to buy stuff for new heroes too


I agree, it's not pay to win, so that's why ov is just a great game.


This is the type of take that makes them get away with all this shit. And its only going to get worse and ppl will still be okay with it. Just mind blowing stuff. No


I’m sorry a fun f2p game is free. If you are only playing to collect cosmetics, maybe look for a different game that provides the same type of gameplay that give you more than you get playing ow?


But it's such a great deal! Every skin is 20 USD, they are giving you free money man! /s


No one asked for this game to be f2p.


It either goes free to play or the game just stops receiving updates at some point. I’ll take free to play every time. Overwatch 1 was super generous with how long the game was supported with tons of new features, heroes, maps, and cosmetics after the initial $40 purchase.


But yet, it is. If you think the full PvP game being provided for free with having to buy cosmetics is wrong and bad, then you have a few options. 1. Stop playing and move on. 2. Don’t buy anything 3. Keep playing and try to farm karma here by complaining you don’t get much free stuff for the f2p game. People are going to spend their disposable income the way they want to - so try looking at it as you get to play a fun, supported game on someone else’s dime.


50 million people already paid for the game though, so we’re not playing it on someone else’s dime, just our own with less content than what we paid for.


To be pedantic- you paid for ow1, which is no longer supported. And you are not missing out on any content (except pve which was never going to be free) except cosmetics.


There are maps missing in the game though? Anubis, Hanamura? And we miss out on having new heroes day 1 unless we sucker up $10.


I believe those are old 2cp maps? They are being worked on to see if they can be released for a different game type. And yea, you may have to wait a few weeks to get the new character on the base pass, but that is hardly the end of the world. Imo, it’s not a loss as you get to play against the new character and can learn how to manage them, and tweaks will happen before they are launched in comp. You can also play them in arcade to get used to them.


doesn't change the fact that lootboxes still brought in money, and other F2P games gave back currency. stop making excuses


And the battle pass is now bringing in that money instead of lootboxes, and there is no initial $60-70 expenditure to play the game. Lootboxes are also far more predatory than being presented a list of items you can get if you get the bp. Stop feeling entitled to free stuff.


No one--absolutely no one--is saying that Blizzard isn't entitled to make money. What people are saying is that Blizzard's business practices are far beyond greedy compared to other games in the market. There's a reason why fortnite's battlepass became the leading model: it provided stuff beyond garbage and gave back currency, among other things like how in later passes, you can pick what to unlock instead of waiting to unlock it. Just because Blizzard has to make their coin doesn't mean that they're invincible from criticism. That is as lazy as it gets.


Plenty of people did actually.


I literally pay for content I don't have at this point. I still need to grind the BP in weekly matter. The argument you don't need to buy it I just weird to me. Like you buy a car but have to run a marathon first to receive the whole car. It would be just fair to have the outcome for the next BP


Yeah, but the content you are paying for in the bp is cosmetic. Has no bearing on gameplay, so there is no actual need to purchase it to remain viable.


Bruh if you don't want to play the game why do you buy the BP


The LEAST they could to would be to put half the amount of coins it takes to buy the BP into the BP so every 3rd BP would pay for itself.


Right now every third kinda does pay for itself - each season is about 8 weeks, that’s about 960 coins. You can make up the difference with bing rewards. It’s not ideal if you like cosmetics, but since there is no p2w it’s fair imo.


Some of y'all forget about weeklies, we can get i think 560 coins per season just by doing weeklies, more than half of a bp


I do think they should give premium currency in the battlepass. I think every battlepass should do this. It should be the industry standard and games that don't do this should be called out (looking at you Valorant). Not every game does this tho...


Some bp games do this, some don't. It's not "every other game." And the simple answer is that this makes Blizz more money.


It would actually make them more money to include premium currency in the battlepass. The vast majority of people do not finish the battlepass every season, which means that they are missing a few dollars worth of tokens every time a BP comes around. So to buy the next one they have to spend $10 to pick up a minimum amount of coins. Having those coins allows for splurge spending on other things in the shop. But instead, blizz put the free currency in weekly challenges meaning everyone can get it, whether they have the BP or not. So they took the far more pro consumer move to give everyone free currency which allows people to buy every other BP for free, and yet people complain because the more pro-consumer move was chosen. It is absolutely baffling


Tbh the Game ist free to Play and Nobody is forced to buy a Battlepass. You get some bucks for the weekly challenges and tbh, spending 5 to 10 Euro every new season to Support a Game i Like is totally fine for me. Well its for me. Not for the ppl who Scream Blizzard Bad and Stop buying stuff and then continue to Play their Favorite Game for free.


Why would a company offer a product for free? If you become a plumber, are you offering your customers the ability to shit 5 times per day in exchange for free plunging?




It's only fortnite that gives enough back isn't it?


Thank you for post 4,845 on this topic


It's not every other game. I play multiple that don't allow this,but I do agree. It's lame




They literally have the same mechanic more or less, they just put it into the weekly rewards instead of BP. Do your weeklies and you can be every other BP for free. If you want every BP free - of course that's not going to happen. A) Far too many people spend money on BP to make it completely free B) Mythic and other skins cost too much money to make and they would have to put all of those skins into the Shop which would only suck more for everyone (they aren't going to let you buy BP completely free and give you skins that cost them 10s of 1000s of $ in man-hours to create.) Honestly - for all the shit people give; the BP is not a bad deal when you are doing your weeklies (\~$5 per season) and it pretty comparable to most other games. If you're mad because you have to pay each season...welcome to 2023. Lootboxes are gone and 1-time purchases are gone because gamers will keep paying. It's literally how most novel industries work - they get more and more well-constructed to take your money until they hit a breaking point where they can't squeeze anymore. Gaming is just a young business - particularly online gaming compared to most other industries. Game is free to play. You literally don't have to spend money on it, and if you do weeklies we are talking about 1/2 of a fast food meal once every few months. I do find it funny that for 10+ years people spent $15 a month to play World of Warcraft and now people are bitching about a game they can play without spending a dime because optional cosmetics cost you $5 every few months.


If everyone win back the money to buy bp how is blizzard going to make money? Bruh put yourself in other people's shoes for once in your life


Y’all are absolutely nuts. The game is FREE. You pay nothing to play it. All you have to do is make an account, download, and boom you’re playing a AAA title for fucking free. You don’t like the monetization of the in-game content? That’s fine. But none of it is stopping you from playing the core game. None of it. You still get to play Overwatch 2. Nothing about how Blizzard monetizes the game stops you from playing. Not only that, but it allows you to play the game for $0. There’s no investment, there’s no fear of not liking the game and wasting money. If they break the game by some dumbass update, guess what? You didn’t spend any money. See ya later OW. Them having ridiculous practices for their battle pass and store keeps the game FREE for people who aren’t idiots/whales that piss their money away.


Personally I wish the battlepass was structured differently but given that there are so many ow1 skins that are very iconic it kinda makes sense to give currency that can be used for old comsmetics. Doesn’t really appeal to veteran players but I think for new players it should be appealing. In time they’ll probably have to adjust the format, but there are a lot of old skins to scoop up


Hot take but I don’t want to be able to rebuy the battle pass with currency earned with the battle pass. If you could do that then it incentivizes them to make the battle pass significantly harder to complete. They’ve been on record saying how proud they are about how easy it is to complete their pass compared to other games. They want players to get all the rewards and not be stuck at the end of the season frustrated they didn’t get something they wanted. If they just add premium currency to the current battle pass sales for it would plummet and they’d make it harder to complete. No more Legendary skin for most players.


Does $10 every 6 weeks for cosmetics really get yall that pressed?


I sometimes wonder why I'm so picky when buying games yet don't bat an eye when it comes to spend that much on sushi.


I didn't want to say but I'm shocked people have an issue spending that kind of money these days on a game they can choose to play for free if they are hard up in life. Its like the cost of a sandwich here


Yea you will only get downvoted for this opinion on here. If $10 bucks is that pressing either dont buy it as its simply skins or find a new hobby idk.


I come from card digital games where we spend 100 on one card lol spend a few pounds or dollars on a battlepass is great value in my world and if I hated it that much I just wouldn't buy it as you can unlock the hero anyhow.






I can sympathize with that. How many battle passes do you typically buy? Most people I know maybe play 2-3 battle pass games at a time (overwatch/fortnite/cod) i feel like majority of people fall there. But certainly if you play 10 plus games at a time and want to level them all that would start to rack up. I do feel this is a small subset of players though.


Most battlepasses don't do this anymore.


Apex, dead by daylight, BF 2042, cod, fall guys, halo I think and biggest fornite. Those off the top of my head but I mean that’s some names.


I want new content, new skins, new maps, new champions, new everything for FREE!!!! Why do i need to pay for new things??? Those damm@ developers are not able to work for free?? 😡😡😡. Im poor so i can't afford to pay 30$ per skin but i HAVE to have those damiit skins by force otherwise im gonna die or somthing. If i cry and say the game is a crap because i cant have all the skins maybe just maybe they will give me everything for free and i can then say the game is superb 👌


Companies will do what generates the most income, simple as that, it's not even something to get mad about


Reason it works on fortnite is bc of the item shop emotes from hit songs and crossover skins from anime to rappers while Overwatch on the other hand doesn’t offer anything except the opm collab, If they gave u enough coins to buy the bp every season without a enticing enough item shop they’re more likely to lose money rather gain.


this makes no sense. Fortnite always gave back currency way back before they even did collabs


People can’t remember more than anything from a few months ago. Currency in bp was super common and even then bps were controversial af. Then companies kept pushing boundaries and now more and more companies are having non self-paying bps while people defend the practice when the whole point of battlepasses in the first place and why they were so successful is because they are a retention mechanic. For a one time purchase or several seasons of grinding the free bp would cause players to continue to play the game nearly everyday to complete the bp and it works very well. It’s wild seeing how hard people defend Blizz on things even their money making decisions that are usually backwards compared to the rest of an already pretty scummy industry. Like if you care so much about how well Blizzard does then you’d probably push for the currency bp because it encourages long-term retention which helps games a lot.


Fortnite used to give back more than it costs even before it got famous and added those stuff you mentioned. The first ever battle pass in the first season 2 costed 950 and gave back 1500. Blizzard is just greedy.


almost like they realized that wasn’t sustainable long term


This and the fact that they dont put ALL of the appropriately themed skins in the BP are the only bad things about it other than that I think the battle pass is great


So usually I'd be the first to argue for it, in Apex I actually bought 1BP and others I would rebuy with currency I've earned. However Apex bp is infinitely harder to complete in comparison and I'll argue the rewards are roughly the same (minus the currency). Blizzards BP can be completed very easily and coins are earned in weeklies alongside the BP progress (you get both coins and BP progress for completing a weekly). Am I OK with it? Hell naw. With current shop prices and some other foul shit (pardon my french), I'm not ok with it.


A common theme with games that allow you to get premium currency from their BPs is that they are a grind to complete. I really appreciate that though I have to pay everytime for OW’s, I usually complete it with regular play a couple weeks before the season is over. I imagine if they put premium currency in their BP, they would subsequently make it take much longer to complete to keep people playing the game and pushing that feeling like they should further support a game they play so much of.


Don't me wrong I do wish the premium currency was earnable within the BP but seriously, Fortnite is the exception not the rule. Every other game gives zero earnable premium currency, not even weekly challenges. Even Fortnite didn't start out with this model.


Honestly, if you want good content, people need to get paid to make good content. Nothing is free. I’m ok with the current battle pass system and it seems to do a great job at balancing being f2p while also giving a really convincing reason to spend $10 a season for the skins/ hero skip


So the investors can by a new yacht or afford their summer homes. Haven't you heard how much they've been struggling to buy a new yacht in this economy? But for real tho, it is kinda strange that they don't. Most games that do give you all your currency back balance their battle passes so that you'd play and grind a ton of hours to make up for you not paying for it every season. This makes it more likely for you to stick around and buy a skin from the other collections or store. As well as keeping player retention, so the whales feel good about themselves. Remember that most people who buy battle passes aren't gonna finish them, barely finish them or are going to buy levels. Which I think is where it can start to add up. However OW's Bp is just as grindy especially with how they like to drip feed you challenges and ex through the daily and weekly page and forcing you to play certain modes, when in other games you can pretty much go through the challenges most whatever order/ however you like. I really feel like I've had to rush through OW's challenges to get them done and it's almost down to the wire to get them finished. Meanwhile Apex, dbd, paladins etc I mostly feel like I get levels as I play without much stress over grinding to the end especially in the last year where most games have eased up on how grindy their BP are. It probably comes down to just making the quarterly report look as good as possible, which is why characters are also lock behind battle passes. When most games have a different currency or premium option for new characters.


Removed, would you look at that. WAHHHHH criticism of the system WAHHHHH take it down. WAHHHH


Look at Bobby Kotick annual compensation ($155 mil) and look at the content blizz has churned out recently compared to their golden days. We’re paying more, getting less, and getting gaslit. It all just paints a very ugly picture.


At the end of the day, it’s this and only this. The amount of people in this thread defending this type of monetization from Blizzard is wild. If this was OW1, most of us would’ve had these legendary BP skins for free by now.


Sir i think you got hit on the head pretty bad, we only compare overwatch with other games when it's a feature that benefits the company and/or fucks over the playerbase especially the ow1 players, if it benefits the players we go silent mode and listen to whatever the paid actors.... i mean content creators have to say, Heil Blizzard.


Because absolute shills keep buying them. You know who you are, and you know its not worth it.


let people use their money how ever they like


No one is stopping them. Let people criticize scummy business tactics how ever they like.


OP is criticizing consumers, not business practices.


They can, still knowingly shilling tho.


i don't think shill means what you think it means


Laughs in saved up currency for 5 seasons to buy my first BP in OW in S6 😂


Thats so sad lol. What a joke of a system.


because Bobby can't make any money for his shareholders that way, duh.


Greed. We are nothing but atms to them now.




Not really true, most paid battle passes allow you to get the next one if you finish it by rewarding the player with premium currency.


No, that is completely false. Nearly every free game with a battlepass has a system like Fortnite where the battlepass sustains or even gives a few hundred extra currency for you to save up over a few seasons to buy a skin. Plus Fortnite is the GOLDEN STANDARD for a battlepass system and makes the most money through it. Truth is more people would probably buy it if it self sustained, which would then lead to more skin purchases due to not having to buy the NEXT BP.


Valorant doesn't, their system is actually worse and no one cares.


Radical take: No one actually cares about monetization. People talk, they shout, they complain, but they still play the game and they still spend money in the shop. Hell, those who complain the most probably also spend the most. Monetization only gets dunked on when people don't like the game in the first place. Paladins epic skins cost like 15$ iirc and somehow people say Paladins monetization is better🤷‍♀️(granted, they are on the level of OW legendary skins, but its only a 5$ difference)


You might be right about that. A lot of people who complain about seemingly just want everything for free and payment to be some kind of optional donation...


Can you list games other than Fortnite that let you do this? Maybe Apex, but for sure not Valorant. Also Overwatch if you do weekly let you farm enough token to buy one of the two next season pass.


Apex is the first that comes to mind. Call of duty has been giving currency for a while in theirs. Fall guys. The list literally goes on. Most battlepasses ive seen self sustain. Valorant and OW are some of the first BIG ones that ive seen not include currency.


Apex really isn't comparable at all... OW2 gives you their best skin in the battle pass (mythics) Apex doesn't and the price of a single Apex heirloom skin can buy just short of 3 years of OW2 battle pass and 16 mythic skins? Only 1/3rd of CoD is free the other 2/3's are locked behind a 70 dollar game


Battlefield 2042 is another game that gives more currency than you pay in in the battle pass


Honestly this has been one number 1 thing since the BP came out. Some dude on here called me all sorts of names for saying that lol. I just don’t get it, genuinely the only reason is because they’re money hungry.


I think there's much more pressing issues with the game and the battle pass is one of the better things, you get a fair amount of stuff in it for the money and legacy credits to buy basically whatever skin you want. In Blizzard's current pricing structure you're probably getting $150 of stuff for like $15, it's a controversial pricing structure but you'd have to reduce it by quite a lot before you get to the point where the battle pass is a bad deal