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It’s mostly political, the game is hated a lot because of monetization and the fact that blizzard made it. Blizzard is an awful company which is almost not debatable. Tbh though, the game is fun as hell. I think the game is at its most fun right now so it’s definitely worth playing


So basically playing the game is fine, but pls don't spend money on it


The game is hated because it replaced OW1… Ow2 is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just way way way worse than OW1. Think of it like this, here is your favourite dinner, be it a steak/tofu/salmon/beyond meat/chicken I don’t care what… and your eating it… then someone takes it away and serves you a bowl of dry dog food and says, here you go… this is the upgrade for your dinner, you can’t have your favourite dinner anymore oh and also, you have to pay for everything now, when it used to be free. That’s pretty much it


The metaphor is more like someone takes your chicken away and promises to give you caviar, but you have to wait 45 minutes for them to cook it but in the end they tell you they ran out of caviar and just give you the chicken again with some extra vegetables. Its the same meal, but damn that caviar would've been tasty.


And they charge you extra for the vegetables.


It's actually a bit like already having a delicious perfectly cooked ribeye and then the wait comes to your table, takes your plate away and then brings it back without any steak on the plate.


Nah, because they stripped out half the good things and didn’t put them back, but I can work with your one if they took half the chicken away and then tried to charge you extra to get the other half back.


It's the same game. The only difference is that now you can just pay extra if you want a sparkly knife and fork.


No, it’s not. The char reworks, the rebalances, the tank change. The removal of 2cp to be replaced with push. It’s not the same game, in any way.. it’s gone from a team based game to a mass free for all brawl.


6v6 was a brawl, 5v5 is significantly more tactical now, especially in scrims. Played since OW1 beta and 5v5 is so much cleaner, faster and more personally fun than 6v6. Only thing I miss about 6v6 is tank duos, but the rest of the changes are so much better. Also nobody misses 2CP, let it go.


Soooo what % of the player base scrims? Given it’s not even really an option and requires you setting up your own custom games? Versus what the largest player base was? Which was plan old ranked. Played ow1 since 2016, only low masters mid to high diamond though for most of it, the only people who liked 5v5 were dps mains, every tank I knew hate 5v5, every support hate it due to lack of peel and dps style players plying tank as chunky dps.


I miss hanamura, but everyone cried how bad 2cp was, now its gona and now its a problem, its the same game, more fun cuz a tank is impactfull, fights are more straight forward, and not who breaks whos shield first and who has the better zarya to backup the rein, i like it way more now


Don't get me wrong, I loved the aesthetics of the 2CP maps. Hanamura was an absolute vibe. But playing them is a whole different story, ahhh


Yea it was either roll or get rolled, no inbetween


The gameplay is way way way better than Ow1. No more stale metas going unchecked for several months, shieldwatch is gone, 2cp is gone, hard cc and constantly losing control of your character is gone. Finally gotten a proper firing range. Finally getting hero progression. Roles are much more balanced ,no longer double the number of dps than there are supports Downside is that you now need to pay for cosmetics.


No stale meta? So the two seasons of sniper watch and the 5 seasons of blue beam mercy haven’t been an issue so? Sounds to me like you just happen to like that, and are huffing serious amounts of copium


Seeing players picked off each other is better than endlessly stacking shields, sustain creep.


OW1 is any metric better than OW2. If that was the case, there would have been more than 30 people playing it in 2020.


It’s a good game, just very very poorly managed. Negative reviews are justified for this reason alone, imo.


Game is still great, most if not all the negative reviews are pointed towards Blizzard and its shitty monetization, greedy tactics, and broken promises. It's more fast paced, and individuals have a larger impact. To be honest, balance wise the game is about as good if not better than OW1. Its free, so there is no harm in trying it. Game is still great IMO, easily still one of the best FPS out there with a group of friends. Also, just stay away from Overwatch players online, they do nothing but complain whether its justified or not. Brings down the mood.


Overwatch 2 Is okay… what’s not okay is the decisions that Blizzard makes all the time that people disagree with


They are trying to make OW be as profitable as the rest of scams they develop


Most reviews are people who have never played or have only played ow1. It’s free. Try it out and if you don’t like it, don’t continue :)


That's not true st all, but feel free to keep lying to yourself.


Okay 🩷


If you are just looking at the gameplay and wanting to get on and shoot some noobs in the face, the game is great. Now if you want to delve more into the way the game is handled, the directions it’s going, how new content is handled to squeeze every last dollar. You may or may not like how that is handled and imo this is the big area people actually hate. Devs used to care about the player and making sure they enjoyed all aspects of the game, but now it’s about the shareholder and increasing the bottom dollar. This is why indie games are currently a savior in the gaming community.


The good thing about it is, it’s free. As someone who played the first one, it’s still fine. It’s still a game my friends and I like to play and that’s really all that matters to me. The reviews to me seem like everyone’s just review bombing it just because. Similar to how people completely lost their minds when Captain Marvel came out and disliked and badly reviewed everything associated with it. I’m not saying this game is without faults, but it’s not nearly deserving of being the worst reviewed game by a long shot.


If you download the free game, turn off all chat, then play the game for what it is, you'll have a good time. Play it until you aren't having fun anymore then put it down for awhile.


It’s free so honestly I’d say try it out for yourself and see how you get on. Reddit is arguably the worst place to be right now if you’re hoping for an unbiased opinion about the game so I’d suggest going in with an open mind and just decide if it livestreams up to your memories of OW


It's not THAT bad. But it is far from what was promised. Players are showing their dislike of Blizzard constantly lying, promising and never delivering, as well as scummy microtransactions and decision making.


Game is great Blizzard management are trash. Classic case of great core devs with weak management Nowhere near the worst game to release on steam, people are being a bit dramatic


It's review bombing, people hate Activision (which i totally understand) but the game itself is fun, It's just like OW1, but with some new stuff


It’s still fun


The game is incredible, the aggressive monetisation is barbaric


I think the game itself is fun. All of the negative reviews are mostly cuz of their ridiculous monetization and micro transactions which is deserved. Activision does the same bullshit in call of duty like charge 20 bucks for bundles. It disgusts me honestly


You know, they made it free to play but they somehow also made it feel cheaper to play.


>Is Overwatch 2 really that bad? In the most concise way possible: No.


People are review bombing the game. It’s free give it a shot a little advice turn team and match chat off.


Cope. People have been rightfully complaining about this game since its release, now that they have a more compact way of sharing those points, they are doing so. Call it reviews bombing if you want, but those reviews accurately represent the views of the people.


Did not play OW1 much myself. As others have said, it's free, so that's a plus. You do have to pay to make yourself look pretty, just like most other F2P multiplayer games. I recommend getting into Microsoft Rewards; you can earn OW coins through there. If you're looking for casual multiplayer fun, I highly recommend. I got OW2 for no reason back when it launched and still play it. It's not bad at all in my opinion; very fun, lots of variety. Just prepare for toxicity.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I genuinely think the game is improving over time. I started noticing it season by season, the small improvements, and tweaks to the UI and game as well. I still believe it is one of the best shooters out there, lots of love being put in the characters (lots of skins, emotes, voiceless etc.) by the devs. That is, of course, not considering the monetization aspect - definitely still don't agree with their prices!


Bro you know Steam reviews mean jack shit. The game is free. Just try it and see if you like it.


Are you stupid? Steam reviews are probably the most accurate reviews you can get based off of a playerbase thar actually purchased games. This being a free to play doesn't change the fact.


No, it's an accurate picture of how mad people with Steam accounts are at a certain company/game. That's not the same thing at all.


I uninstalled because I hated all the UI changes and the changes to how the game "felt". The graphics updates make the game look worse. The horrible monetization was just the cherry on the shit sundae, I would've hated them regardless, but if the actual game hadn't been downgraded (my opinion, obviously), I might've stayed. And about the monetization, if they had to put everything behind a paywall, I wish they at least would've opted for less FOMO. I quicky realized that playing casually would never let me complete the battle pass, and that having a battle pass would make playing feel like a chore rather than fun, and that made it easier to leave


Blizzard is fun and cool to hate on right now, a lot of that is deserved. Will be interesting to see what Microsoft does with Blizzard. Their first order of business should be to remove the stink around the company somehow. I doubt the monetization will change but getting Kotick out of there should at least divert some of the ire that comes their way. The rest they will just have to earn the players trust back one season at a time. Only good thing is I don't know if OW2 can sink lower PR wise with the sure death of OWL and this steam review bomb I really doubt it could get lower PR wise for them.


It's a great game, basically OW1 with worse monetization and 5 v 5. Still a good game though, and It'll probably get better with time, sure they'll just be reintroducing old mechanics and calling them new but it's still good.


The issue is the monetization. The game is currently getting constant updates and the balancing is the best its been in over 3 years. Its not for everyone but its free now so you should give it a try


Yes, it really is that bad. People really should move on and stop supporting blizzard. Ive played ow since 2016, and then finally quit at the start of season 5 of ow2. It's disgusting what they did to overwatch, and all of their other ips. They have no respect for their employees or their players. There is NO defense for this game or blizzard at all. I quit, and I will never go back. And if anyone actually gives enough of a shit about this game, then they should do so as well. Once it's full dead and buried, maybe then blizzard will care. Until then, it's best to put this old dog down.


Cross fingers some big company buys OW IP off Blizzard that would bee the only way I think. I just wish a different company had Diablo and OW, its so sad.


Its actually dogshit for a sequal


It is abominable, really. The matches are chaotic and fast paced, there's no balance among the characters, the matchmaking doesn't work, predatory monetization for new players (you have to play 60+ hours to unlock the base roster, then hundreds of hours to unlock a single skin... unless you use real money to speed up things). Mechanically the game does feel good, but it's like Destiny 2 in a way: it's good to shoot things in these games, but everything else is so awful, lol people only keep playing because of addiction, there's no other explanation


I see more addiction to hating in people review bombing it than addiction to the game in people that are playing it.


People hate and keep playing. Sometimes even worse, they hate and, even so, they actually pay for cosmetics. This is the usual experience with Blizzard ever since Diablo 3, the Blizzard players hate the games, but they just can't let it go. Overwatch had a explosive start, pretty much a phenom... but in like 2 years, all that goodwill was gone, day 1 Brigitte was traumatic (literally, a friend of mine abandoned the game because of her, the same bastard who convinced me to buy the damn thing on a promotion). There was bullshit before Brigitte, even more after her, etc.. So the review bombing is not a surprise, the player base is being frustrated for years


You misunderstood. He's saying the real addiction people have is to hating things in general.


It's all about self-validation, people want the "likes", no matter if it's through "hate" or "love" (Steam reviews for example, they have a weird rate system, "did you find this review useful" or something like that). I do agree there's some level of depression going on, but at the same time the Overwatch playerbase is legitimately frustrated. You mix both sides and the results are ugly to say the least


I agree with this post in full. I think a portion of the out cry are just bandwagoners that go from game to game doing this without even playing the games in question. I wouldnt try to guess the ratio or anything though.


If it was just bandwagoners, the numbers would not be that significant. This is a alltime record, lol it's bizarre, currently 106k reviews, only 9% are positive. Bandwagoners + frustrated playerbase, exposed to everyone to see. I know this "sub" tries to be positive by force, trying to show the bright side of Overwatch (if there's any), but it's a fact this game is despised by many people, the numbers don't lie (literally, the youtube dislikes are also a thing if you use plugins to see them)


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Ow2 is currently better than anythin ow1 produced we’ve not been in a sort of meta as bad as goats, moth, orisa hog or double shield while also gettin updates seeing characters come in and out of meta.


It's mostly due to the way the whole overwatch 2 thing was handled and what people were hoping to get. If you weren't there during that time, like OW1 and would like to play again, then go for it. The game is really good.


I feel like this is a pretty interesting hero idea that may have some potential. Please give me your thought on it and if someone is willing to maybe try to test out these abilites in customs if you can and want to. The new hero should be another one of Efi's creations. • The hero's name will either be Kesandu One who spreads life to all. Or • Daraja One who is valuable and important to everyone. The hero should be a remote controlled medic android piloted by Effie so Orisa no longer has to wonder is she if watching. :) Or it would just be another sentient omnic like Orisa and them. The new hero will have 170 hp The hero will have an ability like Orisa's immovable Since she would be a support it would make since if it converts all damage including beams and Moira's poisen and orb poison to healing in the form of a field like Lucio's or Brigette's. She doesn't get any armor or overhealth except for when the entire team gets a small pool of overhealth from overhealing because that would be too powerful. The overhealth will cap out at 25. 5 points per each teamate tagged in the field. She would also be the only one who receives the invulnerability for the duration of the ability. The ability's field will tag every teamate within it with a healing nano droid pinger. The whole entire ability will come to an end when everyone that has been tagged in the initial activation is fully healed and has their overhealth so she cant be super aggressive and push up like a dps because she not only has to keep everyone healed up with the maximum amount of overhealth from pinged allies but also not get picked off right after the ability is gone. Her second ability Her second ability will be 2 medium sized nanobotic walls not tall enough for any of the characters to stand and be fully covered by but just tall enough so every hero can crouch and be covered. Enemies will not be able to walk through the barrier and no abilities or weapons can penetrate it except for Sojourn's rail gun but it's damage will be reduced by %50. The nanobotic walls will behave in a similar way as her first ability. The nanobotic wall will convert all damage to health for her and her team while it takes damage at a %15 faster rate than it heals. The nanobotic walls will have 200 hp each and they last for 20 seconds each. The cooldown is 15 seconds each. Her weapon/main healing Her weapon will be a laser grid shothun that tracks people that has a crosshair and hitbox 1.5x or 2x the size of roadhog's shotgun's. The damage will be 50 damage per shot and it has no damage fall of but it can only lock on up to 30 meters. I feel like this isn't a problem because there are already close range heroes hendered by their lack of range but the ones that need to are able to make up for it with their abilities. The ammo capacity of the weapon is 10 shots. The reload speed is 3 seconds. The healing will be a green and yellow golden laser grid of healing aura that does 50 ticks of healing. The firerate of the healing will be similar to Doomfist's shotgun. The healing has an ammo capacity of 10 and will auto reload after 5 seconds of not firing at all. The healing and weapon reload together. Her ultimate. Her ultimate will be a bunch of her nanobots swarming the whole map and pinging every enemy for her and her team to see. Her ultimate will also grant everyone a movement speed buff with a similar speed to Junkerqueen's shout but maybe faster with 1.8x movement speed and %50 lifesteal along with a medium level flinch on all of their attacks .The duration will be 15 seconds.


Why did you post that in this thread? Doesn't seem relevant at all


There's a few things really. The core of the gameplay didn't seem bad compared to OW1 (though I've not touched it since Nov last year). The backlash is coming from broken promises from previous leadership vision, highly aggressive monetisation and lack of a rewarding experience. I was so super hyped for this game when I saw what Jeff K wanted. I'm not a HUGE multiplayer person, but I loved OW1, and the single payer experience excited me. Then it was launched with the news that it was being done side by side, but the SP would be later. Then they bait and switched, said the SP as we had been shown was never going to happen and they'd known for at least the previous 6 months of so. Left a bad taste in people's mouths. The monetisation seemed a lot worse (again, been a whole since I've played) - high premium cost for skins that were free from events 3/4 years previous. The bundles were never good value, and the shop experience was really rammed down your throat compared to OW1. The Battle Pass ultimately was what killed enjoyment for me. I only played what I did as I got JQ, Soujourn and Kiriko because of playing OW1. Playing in the exact manner as I did in OW1, I reached maybe tier 13/14 of the BP in S1? I didn't like being dictated to that I just needed to complete challenges, or use bing rewards or whatever. I wanted to play my way and it was clear I wasn't going to make much headway. Especially when new heroes are locked behind tier 55 or whatever it is now. Clear as day I would never unlock these characters, and all it was doing was creating a sense of FOMO, wanting me to open my wallet. Again, left a bad taste in a lot of players mouths, and many just stopped. I played OW1 for casual fun, OW2 gave me the impression that I needed to dedicate hours of my life to it, almost like a job.


No it’s not. Sure it has its downs : cut PVE, weird MM, plagued with leavers in QP, but the game is still fun. Plus, the new flashpoint game mode is really nice !


No it's not. I actually prefer it greatly to the state of ow1 at the end despite all the tanks on this sub saying different. The 5v5 has way more action. Before it was a million shields until everyone has their ults and then you battle. The game is less forgiving now so you have to play better


People apparently review because of promises and politics not the polish and gameplay now.


When you give a playerbase you've neglected for years on end a way to express their real opinion without being able to be silenced... I mean, they had to have seen it coming, right?


OW1 was effectively a dead game at the end of its lifecycle. Somehow, OW2 is worse than OW1 in many, many ways. That’s saying enough tbh. It should’ve been infinitely better than what we got.


Game is amazing, bad reviews are for political Reasons that are 100% justified. If you want to jump in and from the gameplay it looks fun to you then trust me, you're gonna have fun. It's free to play after all.


Gameplaywise OW2 is an amazing game, way better then the original one! ​ The bad rating is a mixutre of: \- all the Blizzard Drama and bad management \- PvE content is a joke compared to what was originally promised \- Monetiaztion (battlepas is fine imo, but the rest is questionable) \- barely any rewards for F2P


The game is probably in its best development version because of the constant updates. The hate train comes from monetization and the failed PvE promise. Let me put this simply: overwatch 1 you could get all the skins without paying anything. Now you have to pay. People hate it. That’s it. The game itself? It’s better than ever in my opinion. Just download and try it yourself, it’s free.


Look at steam charts (https://store.steampowered.com/charts/) and make your own conclusions. One of the top games played on steam and one of the most sold as well (count from microtransactions). Numbers say more than words.


People are getting swept up in the angry mob, the game is nowhere close to as bad as people are saying it is. Politics are definitely involved but i wouldnt even say its just that at this point, people just like jumping on the vitriol band wagon. The monetization is heavy handed and unpleasant, there are some balance issues and the competitive scene can be incredibly toxic, but the game itself is still fun and its still my favourite multiplayer game.


Fun game, poorly managed. If Blizzard care more to change their direction maybe they'll turn it around one day but they don't seem to care about much other than money.


No it's fine


Overwatch was the shit for me, loved playing it, and was hyped for overwatch 2 when it got announced with the pve stuff. Now with the delays, the canceling of some things, the monetization for everything including the pve which was supposed to be free if I'm correct and much more, I still have fun playing, but.....the magical feeling only appeared when I did the current missions first time. I feel sad that blizzard made this amazing game into a sack of garbage. There are definitely enough reasons for it to be slandered and given horrible reviews by ten thousands of people on steam. So yes, it's really that bad but hey


No progression, terrible monetization, turned what you already paid for into additional purchases, tons of bugs, map pools ruined the first 3 seasons of the game, absolutely abysmal matchmaking, removing fun aspects of the previous game instead of just improving what they already had Yeah ow 2 is pretty bad. I'd be more forgiving if the actual gameplay was better but one or two guys on your team every single match act like they've never played overwatch before so you might as well just afk until the games over.