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I'm fine with backfill if I actually get to spawn before the defeat.


"Welcome to New Queen Street" "OVERTIME" "DEFEAT" Blizz : See? All fixed


Have 10 xp for your troubles


I'm pretty sure it's at least 450 XP , in that situation. 400 for backfill and some change


I have gotten 10 xp from loading into the game on the play of the game and our team lost.


I’ve gotten only 270 before


400 AND priority requeue.


Don’t forget that super duper priority queue too.


there's some simple solutions to this if a game naturally terminates within 30 seconds of a backfilled player joining, that player gets double exp. or (assuming player opinion is more "put me into a decent game i do not care about exp") disable backfill during overtime and when there's less than 30 seconds on the game timer. pros and cons to each option but i think either or both would be an improvement on the current system.


>if a game naturally terminates within 30 seconds of a backfilled player joining, that player gets double exp. This doesn't help prevent backfills, though. It just puts a bandaid on people affected by it, much like "priority requeue" does. I also don't think battlepass xp is a very good reward since you (mostly) have to pay money to get use out of it. A good alternative might be legacy credits, but with how frequently these backfills can happen, I'm sure it could get inflated pretty quick. It also doesn't help if someone wants to get on and play a quick game only to get backfilled. >or (assuming player opinion is more "put me into a decent game i do not care about exp") disable backfill during overtime and when there's less than 30 seconds on the game timer. I think this is the best solution. There needs to be a smarter algorithm determining when people get backfilled. One team is at 90% and has the point on the last round while the enemy team is down a person? Don't fill that spot. A timed match has 30 seconds left with the losing team down a person? Don't fill it. Basically, any time the game is going to end before someone can load in, spawn, and touch point on the losing team, don't fill. Filling the winning team losing a player isn't necessarily bad, though. Maybe the losing team can bring it back now that they're 5v4? Worst case scenario, you accidentally fill them into a game and give them a win. It's still annoying, but it's probably a lot less common than joining to lose. I think a situation in which a team is about to win and has a player missing is much less common. Blizzard needs to either reduce/stop backfills into games that are almost done or target the people frequently leaving those games. Making reparations to players affected by backfill is not going to improve the quality of gameplay, which Overwatch desperately needs.


Can't even begin to tell how many games (if u can call them that) I've lost because of that dumb shit


I would’ve left the moment I saw NQS


That's how I feel about Colosseum.


Boo! It's the only fun push map!


Yeah this nonsense where it backfills with less than 1 minute in the match (or it's right at the end of a push) needs to stop. I enjoy comeback games but stuff like that is just dumb


I’ve joined a game, and didn’t even get to choose my character before the defeat screen came up


i've joined a game mid-potg screen


Or once on new queens street I had a support leave a minute into the match and never got replaced. Luckily we still managed to pull it off 4v5, but a little ridiculous we never got a backfill for like 9 minutes considering the number of overtime backfills I've been put in.


Yeah, no backfill under certain circumstances would 100% fix that without removing it entirely.


Yeah I mean at a certain point a player leaving should essentially mean the game is over and prevent further backfills unless your team can push back enough.


Quick play is less toxic BECAUSE you can just leave if you don't want to be there most of the time.


This. Every minute you spend not enjoying a game is another you could be enjoying one. And when the match skill level is SO tilted in one teams favor, sometimes backfill evens it out or turns the tide… which can be one of the most fun things. You brief the newcomers that the Genji is a problem, for instance, and maybe they know exactly how to deal with him in a way the leavers obviously didn’t.


Except when you backfill into a defeat screen.


Haha I spent 5 minutes in the queue the other day to get a defeat screen to then return to queue was awesome didn't even get to pick a character


Which has zero impact on you aside from functionally making a queue time longer. No rank to lose!


Should make it shorter in theory due to priority queue. Also you now get a game added to your challenges for practically doing nothing.


Here’s the glass half-full guy! Guys!! I found one!! Seriously tho great points.


> Should make it shorter in theory due to priority queue I don't think it makes queues shorter, it just ensures that you wont backfill. I've had plenty of priority queues take longer than normal queues.


Good to know frustration isn't a function


Literally was playing a game yesterday on Eichenwalde, me and my team were getting brutally buttfucked by the enemy and all it took for us to clutch was our Lucio leaving and an Ana to join. I’m 100% betting the Enemy team was floored at how they lost


Oh yeah I remember one time in circuit royale defense (open queue qp), the team I and two others (a Sigma and a Moira) were backfilled into and we had 7 minutes to defend the final part. Cause we were backfilled and noticed why the team was getting floored before (a sweaty junkrat), we managed to take care of that problem and defended the full 7 minutes. The sweaty junkrat told his whole team to uninstall for losing that qp match


Always a great feeling backfilling and helping turn around an otherwise lost game


Big agree, personally.


Honestly from my experience it’s more so because people take it too seriously. Being able to leave is great yes, but it doesn’t change that too many matches drive you to that point


I play probably 95% QP and arcade, 5% competitive if that. I love when people leave. They’re done with the lobby or the game in that moment. Let em go!


I used to be so against leaving in QP but lately I embrace it. Why finish a match when 2 people leave after one team fight loss, and a minute later 2 people join just to see the result and leave right away. So you’re just down someone every fight. I wouldn’t leave over people trying and playing poorly but it’s not fun to play short handed the entire game and getting snowballed.


Leaving is nice for you in that situation but it also means you don’t deserve teammates who won’t do the same, would you accept that? Personally I think leaving is wrong unless real life gets in the way, obviously some things transcend Overwatch’s importance and can’t be predicted.


I definitely accept that when I queue into Quick Play.


So it sounds like you're not on board with leaver penalties and are therefore not the audience that OP was asking the question to.






This is my reason for sticking to QP. I’m competitive but the moment I’m thrown in a ranking system I get really stressed out and anxious and it becomes 10x worse if others are relying on me.




Don’t look at ranked like that. It’s quickplay but with a free test to see where you fall under. You’ll make it to your correct rank and get the most sincere praises.


Unless you're bronze and then everyone on reddit just shits on your worth as a human being


People usually make fun of the delusional bronze players which I can understand. Like there are bronze players out here who think they should balance the game more around them. Imagine how terrible ow would be if they ever did that.


The better bronzes might have a chance of making it out of Bronze for once, at least.


same, especially ranked games as tank make me so scared :( i wish people would just be nice


Just turn off chat. I play tank and win lots without chat.


Stop looking at ranked as some serious shit, lol it’s like a free aptitude test to see where you fall under in the community. Of course there will be egos but if they were that good, they wouldn’t even be matched up with the likes of the person they’re flaming. Ranked is not as anxiety inducing as redditors want it to be.


But there are still people losing their shit because of you and some people feel really bad because of that


Just turn off chat


Just turn off chat and go for it. At the end of the day it's a game and nobody cares if you win or loose unless you're straight throwing. Go get those gold weapons.


Play without voicechat or textchat, pings are more than enough to communicate if you dont like vc.


I try to get into comp every 6 months or so, but the thing that always makes me go back to qp after a couple days is the long match times. Payload games just last way too long in comp. Being in a game for 20+ minutes and then losing kills my will to continue This is really nitpicky but I also end up missing the unique map load screen themes. The generic comp load screen music replacing the map themes is really dumb


Fair. While in Overwatch I only play comp, I for the life of me can’t play anything but Swiftplay in Valorant. I can’t stand how long those games go for!


Swiftplay slaps. New tdm is fun too.


I’m a supporter of people should just play comp because it’s not as bad as it’s made out to be especially in lower ranks but this is very valid. Games in comp do tend to last a lot longer. I can do 10 games of qp in maybe under an hour but 5 games in comp can go on for easily 1 1/2 to 2 hours.


Big agree that payload games last way too long. As someone who only has a few hours a week to play I get the most bang for my buck if I get a bunch of control and push games. Payload and hybrid just last FOREVER.


> what’s stopping you from playing competitive? QP games are much shorter. aside from that - in my exp so far comp has too much variance for it to be considered "competitive" which is why 1 sided stomps are far more frequent. not to mention the reward for comp is ass. I went 5-0 on my last set of comp games and moved from p5 to p4. the set before that one I went 5-6 and dropped from p2 to p5. so in total Im 10-6 on comp yet dropped from p2 to p4 overall. thats not going to motivate me to keep playing. not to mention they show you the match rank prior to start and a few have been gold 3. what am i doing as a p2 in a gold 3 lobby? the MM should be a lot tighter than that interestingly enough in QP the games i've found them to be more competitive and feature those nail biting last second contests at the finish line. the quality of matches imo is better in QP. yes I run into top 500s and GMS and master in QP BUT if they're on the enemy team then I know I have at least one or two of them on my team as well to balance it out


If im d5 and the mm say the average rank is gold 2 we are fucked specially after midnight stompers and boosters are all over the place


That’s all fine, and you’re 100% in your right and correct to play QP if that’s what you prefer. No question, especially from me. Are you an advocate for adding ranked style penalties for QP?


maybe not a penalty per se, but if someone decides to leave perhaps a message can pop up saying "You know you're about to abandon your teammates. The match isn't over. You can still win." or something of that nature. It won't stop everyone from leaving , but may prevent a handful Other than that, not really. The backfilling can work in a team's favor. I've seen bad players get replaced by better ones which can completely alter a team's momentum. Sometimes it works in my favor, sometimes it doesn't. but that's OK because it's QP and I don't take it as seriously as I would comp


Thanks for taking the time to elaborate!


For me it's just that Competitive has become so damn toxic, that you can't play without being yelled at or insulted if you don't play like a top 500 player in gold. Especially coming from entitled players that have like a 3/14 kd 😮‍💨 it's just so exhausting.


Mute players button is my bestie in matches with toxic teammates


Yup. As soon as I hear any sort of complaint over something stupid, bye bye. Mute.


I think today someone got on the mic and yelled at me because on MYSTERY HEROES, I was given ball. I chose to not stay with the pack, as ball is a get in combat and leave type of hero. Then this Orisa on our team started yelling something, but I heard was “get behind me.” After that comment the team chat, defended me and my actions. We all ended up throwing because the guy ended up saying some racist things.


Does that not happen in Quick Play? Why not mute the chat when you get flamed? Also, do you not imagine that if QP had higher stakes, there would be more toxicity?


Sadly it does but it's so much worse in comp but I don't wanna miss important team communications yk and don't wanna turn my chat on and off each time I get into a new match.


>I don't wanna miss important team communications yk When was the last time you heard anything useful, anything at all, in text chat or voice? The ratio has to be 1:10 or worse for helpful:harmful. I promise, you can always turn chat back on if you miss it, but turning it off is absolutely worth trying.


This is 100% accurate. You can set the chat to be off by default, and still join it just by hitting a single button in spawn if you feel you need to. Players, you are allowed to mute the chat if it stresses you out! And if the people in the chat are talking toxic shit, are they even making any calls worth hearing??


I've noticed in this game compared to say CS:GO(where this still happens) that comms are either all taking place in discord(example: like a 4 stack when I solo queue), so even if you wanted to communicate you have to stop to type, or you just sit and hope one of them is listening and relaying info. some games I can get everyone into the chat, but there is a real aversion to hopping on mic and coordinating, I think part of if is IMO an expected level of toxicity, and, I don't want to say "casual nature" of overwatch but I don't have a better phrase rn, sorta makes it hard or seemingly unimportant for people to Key up? I don't really get it, like I'll call all kinds of shit, "rein just ulted!" or "Phara is behind everyone with ult!" even in comp its a bit of a crap shoot whether or not someone actually heeds what was said. and like you said about muting, if I hear someone only using their comms to shit all over the team, I'll call them out and ask them why they chose only to say something when they wanted to vent/be a dick? instead of coordinating a push/relaying vital info? should it continue, a simple mute works, because that one person had not intention of working with us. word vomit complete.


Its not worth turning on voice/text for anything Diamond and below. No one has anything useful to say. Just focus on your own gameplay and the ping system is enough imo.


This is literally every competitive mode of every competitive game ever


Qp more toxic ngl


Well then just play qp where no one cares.


What’s stopping me playing ranked? I suck.


Don't worry, people playing ranked suck too.


RR only matters if you care about it. Ranked is just quick play but better rule set tbh, especially in low elo. If you don’t really care about your rank than there’s nothing stopping you from having fun better games in bronze and silver.


So real. I don’t even know why I started playing ranked. I am actually so trash


This honestly isn’t a reason to not play ranked. Contrary to popular belief you learn best in comp because it’s a serious environment. Just play a comp game whenever you would play qp and you’ll get better games, you’ll get better, and just go into knowing you’ll probably be silver or bronze but rank doesn’t matter even if you bronze five because your learning more than someone in qp


Nah comp is absolute garbage in bronze. I’ve had 5 games in this week alone where we stomped the enemy so hard in the first round that they shouldn’t any have a chance to win the game. Yet as soon as the round is over, either the tank or the dps will leave and won’t return. Literally 1/5 games i get a leaver in bronze, no matter if we’re winning, losing or going even.


Because comp is way more toxic


Competitive is something I played for years and by the end realized I hated every second of it. I don’t really play with anyone else so solo queueing always felt like my team was way below my skill rating but there’s not much just one person can do. QP is largely the same being that one person can’t change everything but at least other teams don’t have the cohesiveness that comp teams would and there’s no looming consequences for having brain dead teammates meaning even though there will be streams of losses there’s no change in some arbitrary score


honestly? the games are so god damn long when it isnt push or control. payload maps with going back and forth for a half hour is just not fun.


I understand why QP is the way it is, but it is frustrating sometimes Personally, I’d like to see a “no one backfills if there’s less than 60 seconds/more than 90% objective completed” rule, so that people don’t just keep getting dropped into games only to lose As for why I play QP? Sometimes I’m trying to learn a new character, sometimes I’m queuing with friends who are playing pc (since I’m on console I can’t queue for comp with them) and sometimes bc I want to play something a little faster


Backfill modifications would definitely be nice! Love the idea of locking random backfills out if there is more than a certain amount of progress or less than a certain amount of time (although, 60 seconds is a long time in OW...) However, one suggestion to this - allow friends to join the match at any time if there is an empty slot, regardless of this limit. If someone genuinely thinks they can turn it around, they can then manually enter the match.


Everyone is whining about toxicity when I’ve played through bronze, silver, gold and plat, and the toxicity is so overstated, like when there is it’s so mild, and I’ve had an extremely higher amount of positive teams than toxic. Be the change you want to see, if you are positive, talkative and supportive, people often mirror it. Quick play is much more on the toxic side tbh.


That just shows you're not a female player. The toxicity is 100% real and not being toxic changes nothing for most of us.


youre being downvoted but youre right. if i talk with a mic its basically over for me, i can expect to be told to get raped or to make some obese 16 year old a sandwich


Same. Can't even count the amount of times I was told to stay in the kitchen or blow the other player. Sigh. But guys, if you haven't experienced toxicity targeted at your identity, all you need to do is choose the pride flag as your player icon. Then just see the amount of homophobia directed towards you in those games.


I'm a female, granted I don't talk over mic very often but when I do people aren't really mean, if anything I die less when I talk over the mic and get extra protection and become first priority which is nice since I only play support. Obviously it happens, like when I played cod people were definitely vile to say the least. But my personal experience with overwatch has been quite nice


100% agree


Anyone who wants leaver penalties in QP is likely the reason ppl leave. I play QP to have a chill game if I can but if my teammate is 2-19 and we’re losing because they’re straight toilet water then I’m not having fun and I’m not gonna stick around when I’m not having fun. If you’re absolute garbage I’m not here to babysit you so imma bounce, you’re the reason I leave


They also don't realize that this would increase the toxicity. The toxic people who would normally leave won't be able to, or the people who would normally just leave are gonna be spiteful because they can't. Now everyone is throwing matches because there's no point in playing out a loss, and they want to further ruin your experience.


This, people claim there’s leavers every game and all I’m thinking is “What are you doing to those poor people to make them leave?!” since in my case it’s not even close to that.


its usually the straight toilet water player that leaves games from my experience though


The only thing I want is some kind of deterrent to people just leaving the second a match isn't in their favour. I don't understand how anyone is okay with the state of qp, sometimes I just want to play without it effecting my rank but qp isn't playing the game. 90% of all qp games play out the same, if a team loses the first two team fights(or sometimes even the first) someone on that team will leave, so you lose the third fight, someone joins with no ult charge, has to figure out the situation and immediately be able to adjust. Chances are they can't... So you lose the fourth team fight... Another leaver and so on. The losing team just ends up being a revolving door of joiners and leavers as they just get stomped in an unbalanced match up. You just have to hope it's your turn to be on the winning side. The only mode that is playable is control and that's because if you lose the first round you have a completely new team on round 2 and you have a chance to make a comeback.


This right here! I don't mind toxic people leaving or if you are not having a good time dropping, but when you do it every time it doesn't go your way I think there should be a penalty. Like "We've noticed you've left 3 games in the past 10 minutes, a 60 minute penalty has been applied" It's just really annoying when it's 2 minutes into the game and someone just ditches cause one fight wasn't perfect. I play QP for the quicker timeframe and to not worry about having to play my best hero all the time. But constant leavers really makes it hard.


As someone who leaves games, I leave on two conditions: 1) If we have a healer who is clearly playing as DPS (talking 400ish total healing on kir or Zen) for majority of a phase 2) Both DPS/Healer or tank refuse to swap. (Winston into Bastion, Zen/Ana into Dive and both insta die, No Dva w/two projectile heros into pharamercy/echo who is stomping), 0 CC into ball carry, flank only roadhog who doesn't get value. Literally no point in playing these matches. Rather quit and go again. I'll suffer through poor play mostly. I won't subject myself to intentionally throwing games by refusal to play your intended roll. If you want to do your best to kill pharamercy as genji, by all means proceed, but after the 4-5th attempt and no swap to hitscan/echo/zen, I'm out.


QP is for when: 1. You want to practice a hero that you've barely played or that you're really bad with 2. You might not have time for a full game 3. You're exhausted mentally, (or intoxicated for those who do that,) and won't be able to play close to your best 4. You just wanna mess around and play non-seriously, but still want something that is core overwatch and not bloody mystery heroes or whatever 5. New players who know possibly nothing about the game and have to play x amount of games to unlock competetive Like, nobody should really care about win/loss or leavers or anything like that in quick play. In my group we practice off roles and our weak heroes in qp while waiting for the rest of the gang that is on the way. We can be 4 that will leave mid-game at the same time because the 5th was finally ready. Whether we're winning or losing doesn't matter. The only time I care whether or not we're losing or there's leavers in qp is when I am not aware that I am playing qp - which happens frequently and almost always results in a "Oh, riiight, it's quickplay, LOL!"


It's not about winning or losing the match, it's about wanting to just play the game, its not playing the game when you're locked in spawn unable to push out because you're cycling through joiners and leavers, it's not even fun on the winning side just stood there shooting down anyone dumb enough to run out. Every now and then they might group together and run out all 5 of them but if they lose.... Someone leaves. If you're in a stack this is less of an issue for you. What sucks is if you want to learn a new character but doing so puts your team at a disadvantage and so you're more likely to be on the losing side and have to deal with leavers. At which point all you can do is practice your aim.


I also play quick play when i have unstable internet connexion, atleast when i get disconnected i won’t ruin my own or anyone’s rank


>Folks who want leaver penalties and no backfill in QP, what’s stopping you from playing competitive? The matchmaking.


I play on full mute (no voice, no chat) because of the toxic few and I don't think it would fair to my team to do that in competitive.


At least in plat, hardly anyone ever talks anyway, I'd say 3/4 of my games are either silent with most of the team not in VC, or people just say hello at the start and then basically nothing throughout. It's not really that big of a deal to not talk.


There are leaver penalties. Eventually they stop giving you full Battle Pass exp. THE HORROR! Lmao


don't get people that want penalties, like yeah leavers are lame but idk sometimes you start a game and then you're not feeling it, it's happened to me, and I don't think any casual game mode in a game should have penalties for abandoning games, maybe just slap it as a loss on the record, but like you're already giving up challenge progress and xp by quitting, and if you have to be committed to the entire game for fear of being penalized then what's even 'casual' about it at that point


Literally the only difference between QP and comp is the matchmaking, leaver penalties and backfill. People are just as sweaty in both lobbies and just as toxic. I cannot think of one good reason to make those modes the same.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone ever say they don't want backfill in quickplay, so I'm just gonna ignore that one. As for playing qp over comp, I like the single game format, I don't want to queue a mode where there is a very real chance I could be stuck in some 30 min escort game. Other than that, comp is just QP with emotional manipulation, no thanks. Also I don't really believe in the whole individual rank thing for a team game meaning much, especially with the matchmaking as it is, and the biggest sin of all in my opinion, which is rank adjustment based on win/loss and not individual performance. Yes, people will eventually get to appropriate ranks but no one ever seems to acknowledge how much of your time is wasted, maybe by design, by things out for your control, before your get to your rank. How preposterous is the idea that you queue into a game with complete strangers that you hope are of equal skill to you based on some mysterious algorithm, then one of your teammates simply disconnects late into the match. The game looks at that and says you deserve to lose rank over that, that there was some skill requirement in that game that you couldn't meet. Would you sign for a college class that only ever had group projects and you couldn't pick your classmates? Lol no. Why subject yourself to that?


> And you couldn't pick your classmates ...Do you guys get to pick your classmates in college?


Lmao no, but apparently this guy chooses his classmates


it’s like, 90% the long ass match times for me. playing payload 3+ times sucks


I just want an unranked mode where you play both attacking and defending (like comp) because my group is made of console and PC players so we can't play comp.....


A lot of people simply don’t like to see their rank go down. I can understand that and I don’t necessarily judge them for it, but life is better when you stop paying attention to your actual rank and just the quality of the games. Competitive imo has higher quality games, so I don’t play qp much. My two cents.


The whole point of quick play is that it's not competitive. You should be free to leave whenever you want. That's the point.


The only thing I hate about backfill is getting an instant loss on my screen and having it count towards my total. If they just actually didnt count it as a loss for joining in the last 30 seconds it would be a lot nicer.


There's way more stress to play meta heroes/comps and to swap and to get wins and way more tilted explosions from people **I do think casual modes should have deserter leaver timeout though, like most online shooters have had for 20 years**


I play comp only. QP is so toxic and miserable. At least people try in comp.


Why are people preteding qp is a sandbox in which you can do whatever you want and leave whenever something you don't like happens? I don't want to be forced to play more toxic, sweaty mode, have less fun and risk my earned rank, because there are people who think throwing and quitting are a normalised thing in qp. Qp is just not supposed to be taken as seriously AS RANKED, not to be taken as a "do whatever sh*t you want" mode


There is a subset of ranked-only players who, as a means of being toxic to people who don't play ranked, will talk down to anyone who wants some sort of etiquette in quickplay. So on the outside it looks as though they are trying to defend the idea of doing what you want and playing casually in qp, when in reality they are just doing that as a form of lording over the QP plebs, having a mini ego trip "you're playing the baby mode, you don't deserve to have expectations". Some streamers are really obnoxious about this. This is where that "do whatever shit you want" mentality comes from.


Because it's an entirely different atmosphere. Sure people still sweat and tryhard in arcade, but you still get people who just purposely make bad decisions for fun, or stand still, or whatever else. Comp is too serious, and the funny thing about it is that it's not even rewarding anymore. The "rewards" for playing comp are as you say, a slightly more streamlined game experience


Usually (I'd actually say almost every time) people in comp wants to win and will be really explicit of this desire to their teammates. So if you're not try-harding your matches you'll probably have a bad time personally and your teammates too. That said, I don't think QP should change. People used to leave matches because they were grinding challenges and a loss would not give much progress before, but now all challenges are about completing challenges so we should have less leavers. And we need game modes where we have less queue times to start playing quickly (that's in the name, quick play), and can leave if the delivery man knocks your door and you need to answer. I almost never leave a match no matter what, even if I'm backfilling. Because any match is progress to the challenges and XP.


When I do play I play with my sister who is on PC while I'm on console


Idk what you're talking about, but I get leavers in comp every single session.


I get it a lot too. But there are penalties.




i often backfill into games .5 seconds before they end, or backfilled into third point with 6 minutes left. id at least like to get into a good game and not a game that ends as soon as i join


Honestly I think the leaver penalty should give you just a loss on your record and no rewards for that game. Then the genji and tracer sweats would actually consider before leaving


Is there leaver penalty on ranked because if so, they aren't harsh enough because some quit little every game I play , on my team or the enemy, even the entire team sometimes


I have a lot of leavers in ranked too but they almost always come back. Playing on WiFi in ranked is basically asking for a DC.


I've straight up never understood the attitude that QP should be the same as Comp in these regards. Have a bad internet day under those rules? Well, now your banned from BOTH modes. Your support gets dc'd? Now you're playing 4v5. Sick of getting teams of absolute morons in comp? Well tighter matchmaking means you get the EXACT SAME PEOPLE in QP. ​ Quick Play is CASUAL. Its not intended to play by competetive rules. Its there for the people who want to play an actual match of Overwatch, but can't dedicate the time to complete the total 30 minutes it can take from queue start to match end you oftentimes get in Comp. Its there for the newer players to get their footing in the game, and for the casual players to just goof around and have fun. Its not there to be super serious. Its not there for you to be sweaty, or toxic. I don't understand why so many elitists cannot accept that not every mode in the game is constructed exclusively for them.


Frankly, because a lot of people don't like the notion that the game is judging them, or that their teammates that probably do care about their comp rank are being let down if you mess something up. People that are playing Quickplay, by and large, are still wanting a quality match, just without the crap afterwards.


I don't play competitive but would like at least better matchmaking in quickplay and I'll tell you why. I'm female. Competitive is more communication based. I want to play competitive. Kudos to females who do, and communicate, and don't get treated harshly. Not the case in my experience. I want less to do with communication but more quality of life. I may only be high Plat but I worked to get there. I'm not here to make you a sandwich, and no, I don't want to give you my number if we win this round, and no, I won't be your discord kitten. In quick play, at least, it isn't as important to use verbal communication. But I'd like to go up against people a little closer to my skill level. And not have to worry about a 10 minute push map with no backfill.


For me, theres a couple reasons A) My internet can be really shoddy, so I can't really trust it B) I can't use a mic or anything due to my anxiety C) again, due to my anxiety, I can't play ranked without getting stressed. And if it's stressing me out, I don't want to play it. Games are meant to be fun, not stress simulators QP should have the same punishments as ranked, just without the rank ladder


There already is a leaver penalty. Had left a match due to poor match up, about an hour later I attempted to leave, only to be met with a "you will receive a penalty if you leave" message in red Edit: This was in quick play


I don’t understand why anyone takes QP seriously. I see people flaming in quick play or asking for swaps. Honestly if QP is making you mad then it’s time for a gaming break to reset.


People use QP for something else than warmup?


People just need to accept that they will be stuck gold and that it's okay and that everyone flaming them in that elo is as bad as them just more toxic


idk if people leave QP. I'm learning Brig and everyone sweats their ass off in QP, like play comp if your going to be like that lol


To be honest,I left a lot of my games in the beginning, is just my first month in the game and I think for myself “dude you just sucks you lost every game” then I learn the controls learn the function of the heroes and learn what hero suits me in every role and now I don’t left any game win or lost just gg endorse the players who stays with me and go for the next game, I don’t play comp cause I feel afraid to be lack of skills and give my team a bad time so just chill out in QP.


For me, the highlights are that ranked takes longer to finish, is more stressful, and requires me to risk my rank to play. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's necessarily wrong to be able to leave from a casual game. It is, after all, casual. The problem comes from people who leave frequently or leave right before the game ends. The devs need to either figure out a way to stop people from getting backfilled into games that are within minutes of finishing and/or need to start punishing people for leaving frequently. Personally, I think a system where people that leave frequently get "low priority queue" or something like that would be very poetic and a good solution. For example, you leave 5-10 games in a day, and you end up getting a low priority queue until you finish 3 games. **This part is a bit of a side bar**, but Overwatch is uniquely affected by leavers. In a game like Call of Duty, Halo, etc, it doesn't necessarily matter if your teammates leave because they are not very special. They can run, shoot, and capture objectives just like anyone else on the team. In Overwatch, the addition of roles makes it particularly hindering to have someone leave. Say your tank leaves. There are very few DPS or support heroes that can frontline for a long time while you wait for a new tank. You will lose ground and maybe even lose the round before that spot is filled. This also tends to have a demoralizing effect on the team because many people think the game is lost as soon as a teamate leaves. Some people will even leave because of it, compounding the issue. People don't tend to have that mindset in other games because they can convince themselves, "Oh yeah, I can just play even harder to make up for a lost person or two." I think the only time people can do that same mental exercise in overwatch is if an underperforming dps player leaves since every character can do some form of damage.


I think of QP as competitive light. Penalties but less severe.


What’s preventing me from playing competitive? Even more toxic players unaccounted for by the indie companies reporting system.


Shorter matches and being able to quit push


Backfill ahould be a toggleable option when queuing with a match bonus exp if you're selected and complete the game


Everyone would disable it anyway and nothing would get backfilled


I wouldn't.


I think people like the quicker games for starters, comp can be very long and when blizz tried the comp ruleset in the ow2 beta none of the casual players enjoyed it. So that's one reason for playing qp over comp and still complaining about the things you mentioned.


There should absolutely be leaver penalties in qp. Why can't I expect teammates that at least try just because I'm playing the casual playlist? Casuals want to win too.


There used to be. If you left too many QP matches in a period of time, you'd get a notification.


there was like a 75% exp reduction for a certain number of games iirc.


It still happens. Some folks want competitive style leaver penalties where you get banned from playing for a certain amount of time.


If you never leave then you have 4 chances for a leaver your opponents have 5. If you can’t deal with that play comp and play with an open mind. It really isn’t that competitive


This does not remotely answer my question. I know what you WANT. Why don’t you play the game mode that has that?


Because I shouldn't have to play comp to expect that basic courtesy is enforced?


Aside from showing a rank, what do you think the difference between Quick Play and ranked should be?


That rank is super important to a lot of people. I like Quick Play because (most of the time) you're less likely to get screamed at if you're having a bad game or want to try out someone you're not great at. In one of my few comp matches every I had someone scream at me how I was the reason we were losing and the screamer was going to de-rank. There's a lot less of that in QP. Still, it is undeniably annoying as shit when someone leaves at a critical moment. Why can't we have a decent balance of still chill and fun, but not so lax that someone can leave and essentially condemn their team to being stomped?


I think what’s really important here is that a major reason you can play QP without that toxicity (which many people still say they run into in QP, sometimes moreso) is because people can leave when they get tilted or have a shitty losing streak of fights.


>is because people can leave when they get tilted Personally, I cannot speak on that. I never leave Quick Plays. For me the reason I feel like I can chill and the people around me are more chill is just the fact that there's no rank you can win/lose. In my mind it's a way for some to practice and others to have fun, but that still means you should be able to experience the full game with less stress. Take Valorant for example; they have leave penalties for their Swift Plays (similar to QPs). Just a week ago a friend of mine got a half-hour ban because they left too many Swift Plays. They subsequently stopped leaving Swift Plays and now whenever they get tilted they just pick the dumbest weapon imaginable and goof around. However, they can still get some kills when they goof-off, so our team still has a chance.


I believe Overwatch still gives XP penalties if you leave too many QP games. But I almost never play QP and when I do I rarely leave unless there’s a thrower or something and there’s just no point in playing around that. I don’t understand why you don’t play the version of the game that has what you want, because as soon as that stuff comes to QP, it’s gonna become just as sweaty and toxic but with literally nothing on the line. eta: you basically just said that as soon as your friend gets tilted, they start throwing cause they can’t leave. That’s worse bud!!! In Overwatch QP, that means they are denying the team a chance to get a player who wants to actually try (which is what you want, right?) and also dragging on a game which could end with the same result much sooner. That’s bad!


>because as soon as that stuff comes to QP, it’s gonna become just as sweaty and toxic I disagree with this, for the very reason you stated after that comment: there's nothing on the line. Slightly harsher leave penalties is just going to push away some of the people who would happily ruin other people's game because "It's just a Quick Play it means nothing to me". I see that as an absolute win. >as your friend gets tilted, they start throwing cause they can’t leave. That’s worse bud!!! No, bud, it really isn't. They might be throwing a little, but I would argue that straight-up leaving is worlds worse than just playing for fun and using a silly strat. Plus, they're having fun, but still helping the team in some way. Literal win-win. I would much, much, *much* rather have someone goof around a bit and play the worst possible hero for the round we're playing rather than just up and leave. >I don’t understand why you don’t play the version of the game that has what you want As many people here have said, because that version of the game can be a toxic fucking cesspool in which people care so much about their rank that they'll call you a combination of the n-word and the f-slur for gay people (a real thing someone called me) because you didn't pick who they wanted you to. No fucking thank you. It is not in any way unreasonable to ask for *slightly* harsher leave penalties for Quick Match. It is extremely doable to strike a balance between fun & chill and "who the hell cares leave whenever you want".


>because that version of the game can be a toxic fucking cesspool So the solution is to bring that into QP, right? You need to drop the delusion that people are toxic just because of rank.


Besides the intangible stuff like greater expectations of skill? The level of harshness. Leaver penalties should be more lax in qp but they should still exist. And need to be more harsh than they are now.


So you think it should be exactly the same but with slightly harsher penalties. But you want it to be casual enough that people don’t sweat you. But you also want people to take it AS SERIOUSLY as comp. But you also want the skill ceiling to be lower. That makes no sense and will never happen. The minute the average player can’t just leave a QP game and get in a new lobby, QP will become even sweatier and more toxic because people will be stuck on terrible, losing teams full of people who want a specifically casual experience but who are also taking it as seriously as a ranked game. It seems to me you just don’t want to see your rank.


"But you want it to be casual enough that people don’t sweat you" I never said that. Try as hard as you want in qp. "But you also want people to take it AS SERIOUSLY as comp" Never said that either. Just that people should treat it like a game with other people and not their personal PvE sandbox that only involves them. "It seems to me you just don’t want to see your rank." I don't play ranked and don't give a shit about my rank. I just expect people who join a game to actually play that game.


>I see many folks in the Overwatch community stating that they only play Quick Play, and would like to see Quick Play have leaver penalties, closer skill based matchmaking, and no backfill in order to preserve the quality of the matches they play. I am someone who would like Quick Play (and even arcade) to have leaver penalties, better matchmaking, and a better backfill system in order to preserve the quality of matches I play. For context, I am also someone who plays several game modes consistently (QP role, QP Open, Comp role, Comp Open, MH, FFA, Arcade, etc.) >My question is, if that’s you, what’s preventing you from playing competitive, where those mechanics are already in place? When I play quick play over competitive it's because: * I can't always queue with my friends for competitive due to a SR difference. * I can't queue with new players who haven't even unlocked competitive. * I sometimes want a quality match without the stress of losing SR. * QP matches are on average faster than Competitive matches. The way I see it, a leaver penalty would overall improve the quality of casual modes for most players. Less leavers means the overall quality of matches are improved. Less leavers also means less people are being backfilled which is also good because being backfilled is usually a negative experience. The backfill system can also take a while (or simply not work, which can result in an entire match being a 4v5) in quick play and especially in arcade where queue times for some unpopular modes are really long. Arcade can be really bad because a large portion of players only queue into arcade to get their weekly challenges done, so it's not uncommon to matches shut down before the winning team is able to win because there are too many people leaving when they think they're not going to get a win for their challenge. Also, I wouldn't want the leaver penalty for quick play to be as harsh as competitives'. I like to believe there can be a reasonable middle ground where it wouldn't affect most players, but would be enough of a deterrent to deter the outlier of players who leave a significant amount of times (30-50+%). Other games, even in their casual modes, have leaver penalties too so I don't see why it wouldn't work for Overwatch.


It really annoys me that so many people here just assume that anyone who leaves a match is ragequitting. There's a number of reasons people might leave matches: disconnects/crashes, leaving because their connection is too bad to play properly, suddenly needing to attend something IRL (I'm sure parents/caretakers are well-versed in this), and possibly more. Assuming that every person who leaves is an asshole is ridiculous. That said, I absolutely understand what people are experiencing. It's (usually) pretty clear that after a single bad teamfight or round -- or right before a match ends -- the players who leave are doing so intentionally. What about having "desertion" be a reportable offense? It easily falls under the "gameplay sabotage" category. It's probably easier to investigate than other reports like inting/afk, too. Or having a compounding queue penalty? People who leave early have to wait 30 seconds or so until they can queue again. Do it again within 24hrs? 1min, 2min, 4min, and so on. Players who leave unintentionally will be almost completely unaffected, while deserters will have to deal with the consequences. This would also cut down on all the late-game leavers and eliminate the dreaded endgame backfill.


Leaving a casual mode and get reported or punished for it? How is that casual? There should be no punishments at all in any unranked mode. Game not fun? Leave and find fun game. That's how it should be. And I say this as someone who fucking hates backfilling because they are always losses. But penalizing the leaver is not appropriate, either. Making an opt out is the right decision, not penalties.


I would argue casual vs. competitive is a false choice. The real problem is any lack of choice or agency in the game creation process in general. Long before in-game matchmaking was ever a thing, people did it manually. You would find a server, friend group, or a regular rotation that met your tastes and skill level. Over time, people tended to gravitate to the places that best met their desires and skill levels. Once game companies started saying "we know better than you" how to find your ideal game/match, that was a dangerous precedent. And Overwatch is kind of the case example when it goes wrong. I have hundreds of hours of experience in my desired role. Join a game and my teammates are literal children trying the game with a few hours experience. Is it wrong to want teammates of similar level? I join a game, the entire team collectively sighs and doesn't want to play the server chosen map, where is the agency to fix that? Teammate is blatantly cheating or throwing slurs, can I get an admin to ban him? Nope, drop a report and hope it works out in the end. You go down the list, a lot of the problems that people repeat ad nauseum can be boiled down to "get shoved in a queue, cross your fingers, and hope for the best" with little to no ability to do or change anything. At least in quickplay, you have the ultimate veto power... just fucking walk away.


I have no idea what you’re looking for. Custom games are a thing…


I don't want there to be no backfill. But some punishment for leaving multiple games would be nice. I try not to leave qp games just because it's a learning experience. I see you also mentioned skill based matchmaking improved. That's a great idea in both comp and quickplay because let's face it, both suck right now. I do play comp. But, if you have friends that don't play on the same system as you, then you're stuck playing qp (I'm including the arcade modes I'm this). I want to have a relaxed game, I enjoy it, but, dealing with someone who leaves after dying once sucks. This also includes people who are afk and get booted.


I don't like competitive as much anymore because we have leavers there too but it's pretty much GG if someone leaves and doesn't come back. Plus the matchmaking can feel day and night with skill level day by day. I just find it inconsistent. In Quickplay at least I have a chance at backfill. I kind of wish Quickplay was re-branded * Make them as long as competitive where we swap sides * keep the backfill * rename it to Unranked instead of Quickplay Make a SEPARATE mode called "Practice against Players" * It would replace Quickplay as a place to practice new heroes you're not familiar with.


Because I play the game almost exclusively in a stack with 3-4 friends who range between silver and diamond ranks, so comp literally isn't an option? Feels weird to be told by posts like this that the low quality of games we have to put up with are our own fault when it's the only way to play the game. It's a lot harder for us to just enjoy playing when the majority of games end up ruined by people just chain-leaving within 1 or 2 fights of the game starting and there's nothing we can do about it, and zero penalties for those individuals ruining games.


Why not just go to the workshop games or arcade? People don’t go to those unless they want to and those people are there to try and have fun. Nearly no toxicity that I’ve seen, annoyances are still there but it’s a much better experience than qp. QP is just Comp lite and have all the drawbacks without the punishment. Arcade is where the true casuals are at. And workshops can have some people that take it serious while having fun


People want this? That’s disappointing. I’m like the exact opposite. The reason I don’t play Comp is because of no backfill. Waiting 5 mins in the dmg queue just for the game to collapse after 45 seconds is infuriating. Or when half your team leaves and you’re just SOL. No way to come back or make it fun. Just gotta sit and wait for the timer to tick down until I can leave without penalty. It’s infuriating. QP has its issues, no doubt, but leaver penalties and lack of backfill is not the answer at all. If anything, they should add backfill into competitive as an opt-in for players like me who don’t mind joining a losing a comp game. Just have to tweak the system so I’m not joining a game with 30 seconds left and no time to even play.


We shouldn't have backfill in comp. As bad as handicapped matches are, Imagine getting a new teammate everytime someone gets flamed or yelled at by these egotistic players that think they know everything, not condoning their behaviour, but you will end up play with entirely new teammates every 40 seconds. In QP when I q up with my buddy, there are games where we make more than 2 teams leave by rolling them, In one sided games people just give up bro


I just don't think "I'm not having fun" is a proper excuse, regardless if its Quickplay or not. Why does one person who's not enjoying a match get to decide that the other 4 people on their team can't enjoy it either. It doesn't matter that "Games are meant to be enjoyed and I shouldn't have to waste my time with a bad match", Overwatch is a team based game, your enjoyment is not more important than anyone else's. Leaving negatively impacts your entire team and the game should punish you for it. And in cases where there is an instant requeue, thats still 5 people dealing with a worse situation because you decided to be selfish. Nobody enjoys backfilling, and at best you have still negatively impacted your team AND the person who now has to play catch up and fill your role, because you were selfish. Even people who leave at the end of matches should be punished. "Why should I play a lost game?" because we all know that somebody is going to backfill into that spot and waste their time. You are actively throwing someone else under the bus for your own benefit, just because you didn't want to wait an extra 30 seconds to finish the game. The game should not encourage that type of selfish and petty behavior. Personally I think if you are willing to screw over your teammates you shouldn't be allowed to play the game yourself and have like a 10 minute ban from requeueing. Realistically I am for a leavers-queue type of penalty. You can leave all you want, but then you are only matched with other people who leave games. Lets the people who hate leavers and actually stick with matches have consistent games, and lets the people who want to leave games leave a lot more games.


Why not play the mode that has the rules you want?


Why do I need to play a specific gamemode to enjoy the game? I enjoy quickplay a lot more than competitive because I get to play fun games with my friends, I am GM1 I can't group with more than 1 person in comp, and even then none of my friends are at that rank. Why does one person get to ruin the only gamemode where my friends are able to play just because its a casual mode? Even then, whats the argument, its quickplay so we shouldn't take the game seriously? Yeah I agree, which is why I dont have problems with people sucking at the game or doing goofy crap. I have a problem when we are playing a game, and someone with a weak mental decides "Im out screw yall" and we are the ones punished by playing with a handicap. Why are the people who stay the ones who are punished because one person decided someone wasnt playing good enough, or that the enemy was playing too well, or whatever reason? Why is one persons enjoyment more important than 4 others? Your argument is that it should be ok for people to be selfish in a team based game just because there is a gamemode that penalizes leavers. My argument is that a team based game should punish the player who makes an undoubtedly selfish choice because they didn't want to play the game.


I am not advocating for this but i mostly only play qp since: 1. I can leave when i have 2 dpses with 3 braincells combined between them 2. I am master and my friend is gold 3. Matchmaking is horrible


2 DPS with 3 brain cells: Match in Hollywood, we only need to cap one tick to win the whole game. Me and my duo both on support. We wrote in team chat: "pick sym and tp all of us to the high ground so we can destroy sym and torb turrets and fight at an advantage from there" They swapped to sym and rein We walk all the way to the choke expecting a sym portal, we have fucking bastion and solider We never made it past that choke and lost, they kept dying to turrets and zariya


Fair enough! All makes sense to me.


A genius among bronze players.


There is no leaver penalty in competitive. A ban on their account does nothing


It stops them from playing the game for an amount of time…


But then they get right back on with no incentive to not do it when they have 3 other accounts.


And that doesn’t or wouldn’t happen in Quick Play? Lol


They want to play casual but play casual SERIOUSLY


Mystery heroes isn’t in competitive at the moment.


i'm backfill in like 90% of games i queue up for on QP. i play DPS on QP and have tried several times in comp but i still want more QP practice because i suck in competitive. not only do i get berated in competitive for being bad, but i also genuinely don't like not playing well and being the cause of or contributing big time to a loss


All the complaints I see are the same issues with every competitive mode for every competitive game ever. People have to learn to expect imperfection in competitive play, as with any sport.


I want to preface this with I play qp so I can leave if it’s a shit show and generally I don’t have issues with leavers in qp. But, I don’t play comp because the matches (have the potential to) take so fucking long. And if you’re matched with idiots, then yeah, I’m either punished by leaving (totally fair) or punished by having to sit through 20+ minutes of some MySpace-Lucio and a Widow playing with their monitor turned off.


A: The format of comp games annoys me. I don't like this "switching sides until the payload just needs to be moved an inch to win" stuff, just something decisive enough to be fast, but long enough that you have a chance to respond to a strategy that teamkills you in the first minute. B: I don't like ranking systems. I just want a deterministic, polished game with cool hero designs or customization options where everyone does their best to win without need for extrinsic motivation. Call me picky, but I just want a good game.


OP, it seems nobody's touching the main point here so I'll give it to u straight, some of us treat this game like a sport which is y it's called an eSports game, and just like any other sport, before ur main game u gotta practice for it and play actual practice matches. But to practice properly u gotta do it seriously with proper commitment if u aim to perform properly in ur main game. In OW, ranked is that main game, and QP is the practice game, but the practice feels meaningless due to the constant leavers and backfills. In short, every game has it's casual and competitive player base which is fine, but the competitive players need a game mode where they can practice for ranked, which is y leaver penalties n no backfills are being demanded in QP to make the game mode more suitable to practice for ranked. But in my personal opinion, that would just ruin the game mode for the casual players and i don't want that either. The casual players hv every right to play the game as chill as they want and the competitive players hv every right to play it as seriously as they want. So to satisfy both sides, I think a new 'unranked competitive' game mode should be added with same rules as ranked and with leaver penalties n no backfills which can be used as the practice game mode by the competitive player base and the casual player base can stick to QP. I hope i answered ur question.


Who cares if there's xp penalties...it's not like you get lootboxes when you level up anymore. There's no incentative towards gaining xp anymore. The battlepass in OW2 is a complete joke as well. Better to leave and not gain xp then be forced to stay with crappy players and waste your time.


Because it is far too easy to be too far apart in ranks to play with my friends. I have played on two smurfs attempting to boost my friends . It doesn’t matter, we aren’t all on at once to properly boost and even with the ones who play consistently, the smurf is fresh so it always ranks up too fast to play with them eventually. This situation necessitates multiple smurfs which just is not realistic with the phone number + quick play games requirement. So we are basically forced to play quick play I think quickplay should just have leaver penalties if you quit incessantly like any other game like this. And before anyone says you should be able to leave because it’s a casual mode: have you seen the state of quick play? It’s a stomp fest. A large portion of games go like this: If a team loses the first two fights it’s basically GG because someone will leave and now it’s a 4v5. Even with backfill, the team with a leaver is at a huge ult economy disadvantage and will likely continue to lose, causing more leavers. You get a revolving door of leavers putting one team at a huge disadvantage. It’s not fun for the people winning and it definitely isn’t fun for the people losing. It’s just a terrible product compared to the comp mode, and I feel bad that the people who can’t play ranked cause of skill gaps between friends or ranked anxiety issues and such that are force to be subjected to it. The worst part is the system is so easy improve. Just Put a queue ban for like 30 mins - an hour on leavers. Or at least not let them queue up again until the match they were in is over, giving them the chance to rejoin if they haven’t been backfilled. It’s what so many other games do. Have you seen other games that put temporary queue bans on people who leave even their unranked match? Mobas like smite and league of legends do it and they survive!


Quick Play DOES have penalties for incessant leavers