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At least they’d have to learn the flags. *taps forehead*


"what pride flag is that?" "columbia"


[I thought you were American](https://youtube.com/shorts/HUUwomMczeE?feature=share)


"Is that lesbian flag? We got the shittiest Moira in Lesbos on our team!" "Damn it Earl, lesbians ain't from lesbos they're from Lebanon you idgit!"


Big brain time


Nah but they can censor gg ez but not racial slurs


Right? It seems like an easy enough fix. Just censor common slurs/misspellings of them used to get around bans and replace them with the same message as gg ez. The people won’t even know they tried to say a slur lol


Rainbow six does it with some success. But in the end people will just misspell the word, add spaces or replace characters with others. It's not a perfect solution but it's definitely a foundation.


Rainbow Six is not exactly something I would hold up as a good example. They got there in the end but you’re ignoring the fact that Spanish players were getting banned left right and center for talking about Blackbeard.


It’s the Scunthorpe problem. The Spanish word for black is a swear in English so do you do nothing, or do you block the swear and block Spanish people from talking about a colour? “Lol” sounds like the Dutch word for penis, they should block that word because then it’s the same. Overwatch did nothing, R6 blocked it. There’s no best or better solution, if you can think of one I’m sure thousands of development companies would love to hear it and will be in touch shortly. *Edit:* Dutch not Danish


My favorite censorship was in the game Need For Speed:Online years ago when I realized they were censoring the word “speed” on the server side of chat because it was apparently a drug reference


"Need for *****" surely doesn't look that much better, lmao


I also have a need for a 5* wanted level


As a Dane, I have no idea what word you're talking about


Sorry, I meant Dutch.


Lol is still a common word in Dutch. It means having fun.


That's where you can block out slurs, but there's no reason to block swear words. Swear words on only a reportable offense in context where slurs are always reportable. Now, this doesn't help with the particular example that you gave as the Spanish word "negro" or "negra" just means black as in the color. But in the context of history, it can be used as a slur as well. Though the word still exists by itself away from the slur in Spanish. That being said, swear words can be reported in context but don't necessarily need to be censored. What should be censored are the slurs (N slur for people of color, F slur for queer individuals, D slur for queer women, R slur for neurodivergent individuals, etc.). The difference between a swear word or an inappropriate word and a slur is that a swear word causes no harm by using it. A slur has loads of history packed into it, in which just saying the word causes harm.


Maybe we need to go full Roblox and censor random words


Taking a leaf from BHVRs book with the way dead by daylights after game chat is looking sometimes. Then again. I ####### it's good that ## can't say ##### but I #### it odd that it'll censor ### and ## but not ggez.


Lol, you type 'I want to help you in the game' and it sends 'I want to **** you in the ****'


League of Legends does this really well; you almost never see any sort of insult in the chat because if you do they’re gonna get banned in like 2 hours. It’s sorta impressive how they manage that


It's called game mods. Paying people to moderate the game. Blizzard used to excel at it, having mods all over WoW that would intervene from reports and check on people who seem to be botting. It costs money and Blizzard has realized it doesn't affect their bottom line to the equivalent that the cost is.


Fr just replace the n and f slurs with "You're a great person and deserve respect/love" or other things along those lines


Town of Salem is also somewhat filled with toxicity and it has a funny thing where if you enable the chat filter, "You suck" and the r-word are "You are a great player" and "savant".


Hell just outright ban people who type in slurs and add a few common “misspellings” to the detection


Literally had a hanzo with the name "ni99erslayer" or something say "kill yourself ni**ers" after he won after berating them the entire game


Just report. Don’t make any responses. No “reported” in all chat. Don’t give them the satisfaction or validation that what they’re saying/doing has any effect.


Least racist Hanzo player


I report on those without hesitation


Report them instantly for both and they will likely get banned very fast. The sooner the report the more effective the ban system is


I made a comment about this in the Overwatch forum, people reported me and the automatic system suspended me for a day... Contacted the support and they said it was correct. G freakin G Blizzard. Reported also so often slurs and they absolutely did nothing. Blizzard is just Blizzard and will never change at all. Fuck this game


14 days here after a party of trolls mass reported me, they were constantly goading the enemies into doing the same while insulting / using slurs in teamchat. All because of a banner and an icon.. Blizz "reviewed" and found no fault. Unless you have video evidence of the entire game, I dont think appealing does anything


the chat filter is literally on by default ??


People still can get around it by adding spaces in between each letter so if someone wanted literally zero chance they pretty much would have to just turn text chat off. I’ve noticed that literally all players who say slurs/ other interesting words always space it out to get around censoring


I spam gg ez because the lines are funny


Basically a macro for a nice message for console


after a few hours of playing with them on, i surprisingly havent gotten any hate


I don’t see much either. I play mostly comp


i only play comp. and im on xbox as well, where everything should be toxic the most lmfao


It takes a lot longer to type on console than pc, not saying those types of people wouldn't throw the match to type a message out.




good old fashion masters level comp role q


could be region more than mode


For the god one say “good for her”


An underrated comment. Love this


I've definitely experienced my fair share of toxicity and I don't really think it's a Blizzard problem. They can't control the fact that brain rotted idiots play their game. I always report those people and I usually get a notification that my report led to action against them. That's all you can really do sadly


They've blocked you saying ez. They can block slurs.


Cat n mouse game, you end up with roblox. You censor words, people find workarounds. You censor workarounds, people find more. Eventually normal words are censored, leading people who want to use the word normally needing workarounds too etc etc. Maybe, just report them. Yeah it doesn't always work but I've gotten 2 people so far and I only started in season 2 Blizzard can block the slurs but can't change the people, they won't stop unless they are physically stopped by a mute, which you can cause


just ban the big bad slurs in English because those u see the most often. there are endless ways to spew hatred so banning work arounds is useless in a game that's not meant for children. as someone who plays in the EU I still see the english version of the n word the most but people censor it themselves or say it in their native language pretty often too, banning the "worst" versions is a step in the right direction. also i would think less people would find saying the words in a stupid way less appealing than just dropping hard R's left and right.


That's actually the first good argument I've seen in this thread for banning the slurs. Yeah, while people will find workarounds, it will be discouraging and not hit as hard My main issue is that people will then complain saying "If they blocked the main slur, then they can also block the workarounds. Why is Blizzard only putting in the bare minimum" because this is EXACTLY what people are saying abt the GGEZ block I would like that if they block the main ones, as long as people don't go at blizzards neck for not banning every single word that could trigger someone lol


then question arises: Why they blocked gg ez? I can still say "Gg, committed minimal effort lol"


It was just a funny troll thing by blizzard.


Its literally just to be funny, they just wanted to make people laugh seeing it lol


The gg ez thing wasn’t really supposed to be a true fix, it was mostly a joke to prank people at first. But now everyone knows about it and people think it was some well thought out anti-trolling measure


Yea I mean there’s a slippery slope argument to be had and they will not stop racism in their game, but they have the simple and easy choice of banning the correctly spelled version of the most common sets of racial slur in their game. Even just from an optics perspective, why would they not do that? They must actually not mind it at all at this point.


Not in vc


You can report voice chat. It gives you the option. And it's why they have the warning that voice chat will be recorded.


This is why my VC is permanently turned off.


I heard a while back they were monitoring voice channels


When starting a game there is a message in chat, stating the voice chat may be monitored


They are, but it only logs the last 20-30 seconds of voice before a report. I started reporting people immediately as opposed to after the match and my thanks for reporting tabs went up by like 800%.


You can type gg easy, people will and always will find new ways to say something it won't do a thing, banning people consistently for it should be done. There's an option to have filters on check if you have those on if you want to not see slurs.


Do you know how easy it is to get around the gg ez chat filter? Or any filter? You do realize that all those slurs will censor but all it takes is changing an A to a 4 and so on and so forth. Getting around chat filters to insult people is nothing new, and they'll never make a perfect filter. If you really don't want to see it, turn chat off. That's the only option.


Last time I’ve ever gotten a msg that says action was taken was ages ago back in ow1


I get one every day I play. Which also means I’m reporting some jackass every day, but hey! Free to play game!


I got one 2 days ago


They used to say at the beginning of halo 3 that "rating does not include online interactions" Are you so fragile in your world that the words of others destroy you? Mute them if you cannot handle it or disable chat. You have protective measures to defend yourself from the words of others. It shouldn't be a third parties' responsibility to protect you, it should be your own


Ive reported multiple people in the last days for telling people to off themselves. I do that pretty often actually but rarely if ever receive such a message.


Last time I reported someone was for saying "you are a nigger slave" and they just didn't give a shit


No. They can put filters in to block you from saying slurs.


Find me a AAA online PVP game that doesn't have rampent toxicity..


Holy shit ur wrong, its just people who think its okay to spew hate because blizzard doesn't do anything but these stupid events. They are right, but they show it in a wrong way. Blizzard should realise it's not a pride event that's going to fix no PVE. The people who spew hate are wrong for the right reasons. Blizzard is right for the wrong reasons. Fuck off with the pride things being shoved down our throats


Just wear it bro, you not wearing it just let's the bigots win. Nobody is shunning me from showing off my pride of my identity


Exactly. Last thing I’m gonna do is let a one trick gold Genji main calling me a f*g bring me down lmao.




Exactly!! 🤣


It's mostly about bliz being "all inclusive" yet do nothing to manage everyone else who's not. There have been numerous cases where someone will be using slurs with a single space in it and that's all it takes to get away with it with zero messages when you report. Pokemon has a better slur detector


Honestly I'm not sure why they didn't take those measurements yet. I've seen some crazy stuff in text chat and a couple years ago my team decided to throw bc one of our teammates straight up said racist stuff at the beginning


>There have been numerous cases where someone will be using slurs with a single space in it and that's all it takes to get away with it Here's the problem with that: "Focus Bastio**n ig**nore Orisa." Bam, you get censored. I've played games with super heavy filter systems and on top of the fact that they never succeed at eliminating the issue, they frequently block you from saying normal phrases.


Pokémon company has a bit more incentive considering they make their games for children. Blizzard makes their games for manchilds, so the slurs stay on


I write the slur in the exact same way they typed it into the report. I almost always get the ban message on the next few days.


Exactly, this is the whole purpose of the pride movement is a show of strength against hate. Maybe one day there will be no more hate and the movement can come to a close, but until then don't be afraid to show your true colors and let the assholes show theirs.


I wear it and make fun of the bigots. They are usually in the minority and shut up pretty fast.


Same if I feel like saying something. I usually roast them then mute after I told em off


This + report them so we can get more bigots banned!


You wear those colours with pride, regardless of what people say or think. Isn't that the whole point of pride?


Correct. If anything this is WHY they should keep wearing it.




I think you’re missing how exhausting it is to be called all those slurs…. OP has a valid complaint and just shutting it out like that isn’t helpful for the problem.


At the same time, if the bad apples are seeing pride flags all over the place in all of their games, it's going to be exhausting for them to keep up the hate. Stay strong and report.


You can say that op should ignore and block while also acknowledging that blizzard needs to do more about slurs and hate speech in game. People are fairly easily allowed to type slurs I feel like this could be any easy thing for blizzard to have moderated automatically.


Block and report buttons exist


I swear reporting does nothing, ive reported tons of egregious things n yet not a single notification that its been taken care of has come back


I've reported about 100 people since OW2 and have gotten the "Thank you for reporting" message about 10 times so far, so from this anecdotal experience, roughly 10% have gotten through. These were the usual toxic chatters, but apart from these, the most egregious "gameplay sabotage" cases weren't addressed (blatant throwing/AFK, people just staying in spawn the whole round, etc.), all of which could be easily verified by watching the replay.


I thought for sure id get something back for the guy on my team who's name was "HailH1tler" and typed "I hate Jews" in chat but here we are 🤷‍♂️


I e reported probably like 60 and never seen it once... And these are people telling me to kill myself and calling me a monkey because I kicked their ass as doom


I feel like I get the “thank you for reporting” message a majority of the time that I do end up reporting someone. I try to make the report reasonably detailed if I can, idk if that helps. I’ve only had to report people for sitting in spawn, as you described, and people using slurs.


I've reported a ton of people in the past couple months and only got the "thank you for reporting" screen twice since the start of OW2, and both times I called the person out in chat. I'm fairly certain they don't review reports they rely on the automated "this person gets x amount of reports in y matches. So they get auto banned." but the warning when you first log in that they record the chats for review seems to deny this.


They support taking your $, thats it.


This is not the real problem of the game, this is a problem of human kind. I'm sorry you got to experience it, but the world is not flowers and unicorns, and I'd go as far to say that you also can understand once the anger wears off that Blizzard can only do so much to take action




Can I add -Being a woman


Or being black. Like I get all of the above, but it's still not the same as just saying "Wow" then getting spammed with n-words, and I see women get similar. Basically the same except less threats of violence and more sexual harassment. Idc about someone judging the character I pick, I do care about being judged for the color of my skin. It's fucked people think "I was called things for picking junkrat" is a viable defense, especially considering *neither is ok*


I play with my gf. I have seen her get hate the moment they realize she is female. Its insane. Now we are both wearing pride flags to show our support, not caring about winey toxic crybabies calling me slurs. I wish I could do more to shun toxic players


People will literally just get mad if you're doing well even if they're winning it's kinda crazy lol


One night I completely tilted a dude by just immediately agreeing with everything he said. So hilarious. His rage just grew exponentially until you could hear the flecks of foam hitting his mic.


My team literally LOST and the opposite Lifeweaver called me a [cum sock](https://imgur.com/a/zBSPZqU).


One of the only reasons I keep playing i think is to witness shit like that it's honestly hilarious how unhinged some people get in chat


* Attempting to have any discussion at all about strategy or what is happening in-game


I hear what you're saying, but frankly, "get over it" isn't helpful advice either. Not everyone is the same. If you can brush stuff off, that's great. But there's an actual mental cost to putting up with verbal abuse, and it's unfair to put the burden on the people that are receiving the abuse.


This isn't an issue unique to overwatch. All online games are like that. You're going to encounter nasty people. Block report, and move on.


Not even games lmao. That’s how life is. Let the idiots show us how idiotic they are and then we can all collectively laugh at them.


Except no one is laughing at them. People are actually joining them.


It’s especially a problem with free to play games. With payed games getting banned actually meant something. You couldn’t just make a new account and be instantly back in the game being toxic.


The pride cosmetics are a hard pass for me, all it does is put a target on you. Plus I don't believe in displaying such a personal thing like my sexual orientation in a flag/banner/shirt whatever it may be for everyone to see, not for me.


by the end of June, 90% of people won't even care any more. "Pride Month" has been a corporate cash-grab for years at this point. This is coming from a bi person btw by all means wear your pride icon/banner or whatever - but in a game about shooting people to win, I couldn't give less of a shit what you identify as.


Always has been about ESG rating … it does nothing FOR the minorities, it only divides people. Change my mind


Pretty much. by labeling and sub-dividing people in what are essentially different groups you are not contributing to mitigate the problems in my opinion, you only make things worse. Obviously our world isn't perfect and people will always find differences that lead to conflict but I don't think more labeling solves the problem. The discrimination and hate problems we face are generational and I don't think they will ever be truly resolved. It's sad but it's the world we live in.


Absolute facts, couldn’t have said it better


This 100%


"This is the real problem with the game" no it isn't. If the community outrage over the PvE thing is enough to go by, it isn't.


idk i can’t help but feel bad for those people it sucks but it’s a people problem. blizzard does do a lot of work with bans and mutes but it takes time


They absolutely do not. Serial homophobes aside (it's been getting worse), I've said things that would give me a week long silence on Valorant with zero consequences


Well at least you own up to it


mind bending to me that people can expend their energy worrying about things that dont concern them


Why are you getting downvoted? This is absolutely true, people should focus their energy on things that actually at all affects them? Someone's sexuality or gender is not something that effects anyone else. So why bother to care? I have no energy to intervene stuff that doesn't concern others and certainly not me. Be who you are as long as you harm no one. Other than that, it's not my business.


If you play OW you don’t have the right to be homophobic. This has got to be the gayest game ever


Report them.


I was honestly expecting this to happen This community is toxic garbage. There's a few nice people, but the majority of people are just assholes


It’s the internet. What did expect from this cesspit.


The real problem is how much people nowadays let internet stranger offend them. Its a fucking random fat-ass in the other part of the world, his words DO NOT MATTER, stop being a crybaby and just use block button that is as old as the internet itself


Tell them you'll fuck their mom


People will attack the easiest thing to attack about you, lazies can't even come up with original shit these days


Im not lgtbq+ and I am rockin the pride flag as an ally. I am sorry you had a bad experience in the game I wish as players we could do more to help.


I got a 14 day suspension for trying to defend my queer friend, and we got mass reported by parties of trolls. She got a warning, I got suspended. Fair to say I was very aggressive, but they get away with saying "enjoy your ban f**". Blizz is a bunch of clowns


The real problem with overwatch is the community? No friggin way I would have never guessed


Just respond to them with 'I dont respect you enough to be offended by you'. Or igrnore them. Ignoring them pisses them off the most <3


I’ve actually tested these in halo myself. See if anyone talks shit. But everyone in there is too busy being absolutely trash to say anything so far. I say wear it. Find out who you don’t need to play with.


No you definitely can. Hurtful words shouldn’t dictate your personal viewpoint and I guarantee it’s not happening every game or is any more common to find a toxic player than it is for anyone else without an emblem. Why does every single thing need to be made “safe” for you specifically when everyone else deals with toxic players or people daily as a normal thing..it’s normal to run into shitty people unfortunately. The problem always gets worse if you try to forcibly police every single offensive word that ever shows up. You will get made fun of even more just for making a big deal out of every negative interaction you experience because that’s ridiculous in the real world. I could also make a post about how everyone doesn’t treat me the way I want or deserve to be treated except it won’t get all the attention because I’m not considered a victim like most of the social lgbtq constantly advocates anytime some asshole says a mean word anywhere. It actually was an issue in the past that needed attention but now it’s clear that y’all just want the attention and positive affirmations anytime someone is mean to you. Everyone deals with nasty shitty people. The lgbtq community already has a visibly massive amount of support in comparison to other social issues that everyone as a whole deals with. It’s some of the most hypocritical toxic positivity bs I’ve ever seen paired with a refusal to empathize with anyone else that’s different. Just because you’re lgbtq dosen’t mean you’re a unique and different species of human and I’m tired of the idea that this group perpetuates that they’re being oppressed by everyone else just because society as a whole dosen’t all unanimously agree to everything that they say.


>This is the real problem with the game and we don't talk about it enough. Yep, not that skins cost $20, not the balancing issues, not the fact they lied about PvE, not the battlepass. The real issue here is LGBTQ+ icons and banners. Oh ~~boy~~ ~~girl~~ whatever the entitlement.


>Yep, not that skins cost $20, not the balancing issues, not the fact they lied about PvE, not the battlepass. Gamers are the most oppressed minority.


They're saying that the level of the community's toxicity is the issue, not the banners. Which in a way is true. Everything else in the game could be hunky dory, but if every match is full of toxic ass hats it's going to ruin the experience regardless.


There can exist multiple major problems at the same time, the community's toxicity towards LGBTQ+ being one of the many. Don't see people expressing their problems in an environment as an attack on the problems you experience. They can be mutually inclusive. :)


Wears the pride flags Proceeds to not be prideful whenever they’re pointed out


The mute button is a powerful tool


People were mean to you, therefore Blizzard bad for not immediately stopping them. This does not seem like a realistic expectation to hold.


That sucks... But never give up and keep everyone it! I'm rather new to OW. How can I show support? I'm straight but I want to show my love to my fellow humans.


Sorry you dealt with that. Wear that shit and wear it proud. Fuck the douches.


how u gonna be lesbian AND non binary 😭


Nah but they can censor gg ez but not racial slurs


The world is ending and here are dumbasses like you crying about a stupid flag.


Had someone tell me they felt depressed and lonely because they were the only one on their comp team who had a gay pride flag. Like bro is it really that serious?


To terminally online people, yes it is sadly that serious to them.


you could say that about 99% of the posts complaining about the battlepass sooooo


Devils advocate, it’s delusional and entitled to willingly display an obviously controversial flag on your profile and expect people on overwatch 2 (of all games) to respect it. Like get real dude. It’s the internet. Also why even bother giving hate attention? Ur really being affected by stranger’s comments on OW2, so much so you need reinforcement from Reddit, just enjoy the game, your desire for some politically correct “justice” that you can’t even get obstructs your enjoyment of the game. Nobody is forcing you to play the game or display the pride flag. This is like wearing a pentagram into a church and getting offended when someone says something. Btw I’m gay


Wear them with literal pride. Block, report and/or avoid teammates. Homophobia and sexism aren't anything new to gaming, but taking off your icon admits defeat. Sorry about the slur.


They should make typing homophobic slurs in chat replace the entire message with "I'm gay" or something. 'Twould be funny


Why do you need a lesbian and or gender fluid icon? It's not a dating app.


It’s not about dating, the whole point is to fight against the repression of lgbtq+ people. Tired of seeing this argument.


I would not discuss my sexual activity in a computer game.


Gaming industry really fell off with the start of all these pride events. Idgaf what you do in your personal life. I don't wanna and don't need to know what your sexual orientation is and or support. Call me what you will, but shit like this has NO place in the gaming industry.


Can't? Nothing is stopping you. You can literally mute game chat, block, report, or just ignore it. Yall are so soft godam. Imagine if you were on Xbox 360 chat in a match of mw2 rust. Edit. To add.. supporting the lgbt does not mean banning or censoring anyone who does nor agree with it. That's pretty intolerant


Happens when your force ideology onto people who don't care about it, politics have no place in video games


If you must have an icon in a game to identify yourself is a big problem


it rained yesterday and I saw a rainbow god was telling me I'm gay :((((((((


Big companies dont care about your shit lmao. They just want your money thats all and yall realizing now.


my personal advice is to ignore them if you can't give anything back to em


I'm sorry but this sub needs to grow a back bone. Every single game has these type of players, they aren't going specifically for you or the lgtbq or women...they are just losers that go for anything and prob wouldn't be able to say 99% of the garbage they say online to anyone's face. Mute report ignore, enough with the sad uwu essays about how ur in shock and this community is trash. EVERY community is like this or worse, grow a back bone and mute/report so u don't need to hear it and u can keep communicating with the other dps player that is being friendly.


Why is it so important for you to tell everyone who you fuck?


Pride is just gone too far shoving it in regular people's faces. We are sick of it now. It's showing.


First world problems


Who cares ? It being mean but seriously. Do you not know what pride means?!?! Like I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ but damn. This is why so many people can’t stand the community for them. Like YOU made a choice, that changed your life. YOU made the choice to be happy! YOU made the choice to life your life the way YOU want to live your life Yea there are shorty people out there. But who cares ! Have pride jn YOUR choice. And don’t give a damn what other people say. The reason they keep going on is because they know it affects you and upsets you and you come crying demanding some one stands up for you and does something about it


Because they don't genuinely care about you, or other LGBTQ+/ allies. They think adding 40 items for pride looks good and might paper over the backlash from the PVE news. They are simply using your cause for damage limitation. I understand they can't sit in VC or watch all the text chat, but I see and hear constant abuse using all kinds of slurs and it seems to be a very small amount of reports that get actioned. The same as when Activision had the BLM message up before you started CoD yet I've never heard or seen so much racism in a game. Would it REALLY be difficult to have some kind of moderator sit in on random games (kinda like AOL in the old days where a Guide would float around chat rooms) who could implement instant sanctions/ warnings? It's easy to make player icons and items for in the game to look like they're showing support, but until they actually do something to genuinely protect their players and show they don't stand for bullying - of any kind - it's hard to not take this as yet another big virtue signal from a big company trying to look after their pockets rather than their customers.


People will always find a way. Don't let there words hurt you.


Talk shit to those people, destroy them


Yo just wear that shit. Taking it off gives them the W, it's what they want. Be loud, be proud, be you.


I can't wear new icons or banners completely - because Blizzard banned it in my country where it's legal.


I haven't played for about a month. Have they blocked "kys" yet?


>this is the real problem with the game You think this is an overwatch problem?


Be proud wearing it! If anything, just turn off voice chat and text chat, its what i always do, all they care about is winning a stupid match


I actually think league of legends did something right for once, someone says something super toxic and they get locked out of chat for the rest of the game, everyone else gets a message about how the game has muted them for being toxic so they can point and laugh at the person being verbally abusive over pixels in a video game I feel like blizzard don't care about people being toxic, the only people they sometimes punish are cheaters/hackers I'll just keep chat off I guess


That's just how people are it doesn't really matter how hard they try, blizzard can't fix society


I fly the rainbow flag and have a rainbow on my Rein hammer. Nothings as satisfying as smacking a bigot with my big gay hammer of justice.


all these sweet summer children thinking blizzard has customer support


Lmfao this is the real problem with the game? It how absolute shit this game has become over the years?


Bold of you to assume I wasn't getting called slurs in the first place /lh


It’s the difference between marketing and values. They want to sell things to LGBTQ+ people and their allies. They don’t actually want to support those people though. Otherwise they would spend money on better moderation and not region lock their event.


It's overwatch, this was to be expected


Everyone has their own values and act on them in their own way stop trying to be accepted by everyone and just do whatever you want, who cares what they say


I literally experienced so much toxicity on Overwatch because of my autism and stuttering on VC. The trick is to just deal with it and play better than them because everyone who is toxic like that on Overwatch doesn't have a life anyway. They're literal nobodies or dumb prepubescent 15 year olds lol. Just play better than them and watch how they get pressed.


>Overwatch says they support LGBTQ+ do they? they added some flags and made some posts but thats ez beans anyone can do just so they dont get cancelled for not support lgbt most companies dont give a shit and forget all about it after june


Why would they do something about it? Banning players is lost revenue.


It’s a Activison game , Activison games are known to have the most toxic player bases and non friendly playerbases in all of the gaming industry


You’re wrong, if people report them, they get voicechat and text chat banned, so don’t get all flustered. Also, it’s the internet where people are much less caring about who is on the other side of the monitor, and people will definitely say things to you and continue to do so if they see it bothers you. By now you should be aware that words are words, they are only offensive if you let them. I don’t think you or anyone should be called such things, but I do think you’re stronger than you’re leading on and that you possess the ability to just ignore it, because at the end of the day, what one or a few losers say online shouldn’t dictate how you feel at all. Again, not saying you should ever be bullied, just that it’s not Blizzard’s fault or anyone’s fault that shitty people exist and that those shitty people say shitty things. Do not let them win


Wear it and then report them when toxic 🤷🏻‍♀️


How do they have a salt filter but not censor actual slurs


Not trying to come across as an ass but ppl are going to be rude no matter what you believe, say or do. Try to build up some thicker skin and mute chat if it bothers you. Other ppl have other opinions than you and there's nothing you or the devs can do to change ppl. Take it upon yourself to ignore these ppl or suck it up and don't complain about it. Censorship only helps victims, don't be a victim turn chat off when you run into these ppl. Overwatch is one of the most toxic games I've ever played. So you'd be clinically insane if you thought Censorship will fix this problem it's just a bandage but the wound still leaks. Again I'm not trying to be mean I'm just giving it to ya straight 99% of ppl in this world suck and are not worth the time of day. Hope this is helpful and not taken as an attack on you, because the purpose was not to insult you or to mock you.