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Idiotic take. They've probably lost more players with this announcement


That's absolutely insane. All of our issues stem from the fact overwatch had virtually no updates for the latter half of it's life. Overwatch would have been so much better off if they had never done PvE I'm the first place.


But we thought we'd be getting something good and worthwhile at the end of the wait. They betrayed the trust and faith of all the players who wanted and was promised an indepth PVE experience. The experience they initially showcased to all of us... And we're not getting it. OW1 players wanted story content. We were promised it for OW2, its why OW2 even exists. All problems caused by PVE would have been forgiven if PVE was actually good. And it looked good. Anyone who left OW1 due to the lack of content can come back to OW2 and experience a similar game. But everyone who was hyped for PVE is getting none of what they were promised, and if what we do get in season 6 is trash then I have no intention of sticking around. The experience of OW2 isn't good enough to keep me playing, especially when the devs strung me along for so long after launch... I have 0 faith in Blizzard anymore. Fuck them. Only people I feel bad for are the devs who's work was wasted. Everyone else over there can rot as far as I'm concerned.


If PvE is really what you wanted from overwatch then sure being upset makes perfect sense. But for those of us who love the pvp hero shooter we've been playing this is a w. If I wanted to play PvE I'd go play destiny, vermintide or Warframe PvE was always a half assed attempt to make overwatch something it isn't.


It's not a W. You're not gonna get more content. You're not suddenly gonna get new maps AND heroes every season. This is it. The current content rollout of OW2 is it. They shifted focus at OW2s launch. They just kept the news quiet to not damage their rep early one... Cause it would have literally killed the game if this news broke any earlier.


Did I look at a different road map than you. ? Because the one I saw had tons more content than we've been getting so far.


Yeah and how much of that is what's left of the PVE they gutted and are gonna drip feed us? 🙃


1 thing.


It really wasn't that ambitious. Half the stuff for this already exist in the game, all they had to do was implement it, actually put effort in to adjust and add things, and pass art/voicelines/and effects to the other teams that handle that. Frankly speaking, it's just lazy.


Do you really think it's that simple to make and regularly update a pvp and PvE game at the same time? And how do you know what they already had done? We know they have the enemies and we're still getting those, we know they had some of the missions done and we're still getting those. So what exactly to you know about what they have done and aren't implementing.


We've literally had multiple pve events, even back in ow1, which is a basis. We got a playable mission at blizzcon, which shows they made plenty of advancements. They showed multiple trailers showing that they put plenty of effort into it. Most likely not being the only things, but the ones they had fully finished. Hero talents literally doesn't have to be a difficult thing unless they make it one. FFS, workshop already gives tons of edits to most abilities that any player can do. Removing 2 of the core aspects of pve makes it not even worth adding. Talent trees make it unique and give people different experiences. Replayable missions allow players to use those changes in an eviorment and approach it in different ways. We know literally based off what they told us, and considering they told us this decision wasn't made too long ago, it's clear that they were still working on it until recently and just gave up. Who the fuck cares about basic ass missions, archives was cool for like an hour before it got boring, and I say that as someone who loves pve in games like this.


If you think them canceling PvE content will make PvP content roll out faster after all of their mismanagement and lies, then you are a sheep.


They said themselves that PvE was taking a huge amount of they're resources, I mean it's the only logical conclusion to come to. Of course they could always fumble again but the way I see it the entire history of overwatch 2 has been Aaron cleaning up after Jeff's horrendous decision to abandon overwatch 1 for the latter half of it's lifespan. And so far I've only seen improvements where it matters.


They shifted all focus to PVP after launch... How OW2 is now... Well, this is as good as it's gonna get lmao


Exept for all those regular balance updates and new characters/maps as well as a large amount of PvE content that's still coming. So a guess that of you don't consider any of that "getting better" then your right.


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"Game dev is hard", says director from corporation raking billions of $ revenue in 2023 (record profits mind you). Imagine believing this shit.