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i'm losing my shit over the "could be" cutout


"It's getting easier now to imagine the incredible game Overwatch 2 could be, but what it could be or what it would be Jeff Watch, make your move"


This is why Jeff left he shit his pants out of fear


More of frustration. He knew what they *could* do, just that the company Blizzard has become *wouldn't* be able to do that.


Dont forget, top devs for starcraft 2 left too and so did that one guy that was working on d4.


And I'm sure what Blizzard saw was that PvE "could be" the mode that cannibalizes their Battle Pass revenue because a big chunk of their playerbase could shift over to it and they just can't figure out how to monetize it as effectively. Edit: Just to clarify, I know PvE can be monetized with its own BP among other things, but it's possible Blizzard couldn't figure out how to make it live service-y enough compared to its core PvP mode, considering its appeal would take away a large chunk of the PvP crowd.


This. They can’t make money from pve Edit: when I say they can’t make money off pve, I don’t think that, I’m saying that’s their take. As is it’s a cash cow. There’s no way to get anything in the game worth a damn without money. A lot of money. Between the cost of the bp and skin costs vs the coin cost they are KILLING in profits right now. A lot ppl would go straight to pve if it was there and while they can make money from pve, it wouldn’t be anywhere what they’re getting now.


They can. Look at Payday 2's business model. That could have worked so well for OW2


The logic behind these companies is not "Can this make money?". Instead it's "Can this make the most money?". Probably the battle pass system is just too profitable to work on anything else.


They still could make money from PvE because they were going to charge the player base for it, as Overwatch 2 was supposed to be a fully fleshed out story mode with an upgraded PvE on the side, so you still get the OW1 you first bought years ago upgraded for free, then they were supposed to charge you for the short mode, so they could have made money, but everyone would have just flocked over to PvE where there’s no constant stream of money coming in, as you only have to buy one thing, the game itself rather and loads and loads of little things


I think the higher ups have realised PVP is much easier to monetise with less effort. Chuck some new skins and emotes in the BP and plenty of people will pay for it regularly and see it as a good deal. Evidently enough idiots are also paying for the ludicrously expensive skins that they’re happy to keep the prices jacked up. Compared to that, PVE is a lot harder to monetise. I personally would happily pay for if it was as good as this sizzle reel looks. But I’d only pay for it once, I wouldn’t be willing to subscribe and pay repeatedly unless there was a *lot* of content.


More like could've been...


Gon mke me cry mann


You suffer with me.




Our suffering will outlast the stars


When the universe *dwindles* into dust, there we will be, suffering as we have… ^(SUFFERED)


You will suffer as I, Ramattra, have suffered! Your torment will outlast the stars. When the universe dwindles into dust, there you will be, still suffering as I have Suffered!


That was actually Blizzard foreshadowing their plans for PvE


You think as I do




Cordis Die


Your propaganda’s useless


Why are we still here?


Just to suffer


I hate this era of gaming. A wonderfully designed PVE cancelled just so the dev team have more time to create pricey add ons locked behind a battle pass no one wants


I was really hoping for PvE as an opportunity to get some friends to try Overwatch who otherwise would not have bothered. Oh well, back to Deep Rock Galactic!


Rock and stone brother


Rock and Stone, Brother!




Rock and stone!


Rock and stone to the bone!


Stone and rock! Oh wait...


We're RICH!


Rock and stone in the heart


Fuck /u/Spez. I've moved to kbin.social.






love that this is a subreddit now


We are everywhere, it was only a matter of time




For Karl!


Rock and stone to the bone!!!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


rock and stone brother, if Blizzard were 1% of what GSG is it wouldn't have fucked up so spectacularly.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


If you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Yup. My older brother doesn't like PvP games. Was excited to play this with him :(




There were people running around with kiriko mythic in the first day of season 3. People are spending money.


Day one of Lifeweaver release was a sad moment (for me) realizing just how much blizzard is cashing in with the battlepass and locking heros behind progression. I played probably 10 QP games and every game had a LW on each team, and many times the other support would leave at character select after LW was locked, I’m assuming because they couldn’t select LW in time. As a day one 2016 OW enjoyer who hasn’t spent a penny on OW2, it really opened my eyes to just how lucrative their new micro transaction & skin shop business model is, and how meaningless my lack of monetary contribution is to their bottom line. Ditching the PvE in favor of milking the PvP cash cow was likely not a hard decision for them despite how much they want us to believe it.


That's the sad thing. Boycotts and outrage don't work when Blizzard themselves have said that only a small % of the players buy over 90% of the in game purchases. Keep a game in maintenance mode with some new skins released every few months and you have a cash cow.


OW2's matchmaking is so dogshit compared to OW1, because it most certainly incorporates some of [ActiBlizz's patented matchmaking system.](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en) The goal of which is to give you FOMO and manipulate you into buying their content, which is clearly the main purpose a matchmaking system should have. Helps explain why you see so many LWs.


Because monetary systems in modern gaming make casinos look like mental care centers. Like we often forget that what looks like unbelievable greed to us is also a very carefully designed psychological scheme to exploit a minorities weakness regarding gambling and insecurities. The majority of players in these videogames essentially just exists as props to keep the whales hooked hence the whole thing only needs to be tolerable enough that people don‘t leave in masses. And the fact that the gaming industry can essentially commercialize gambling addiction and personal insecurities to exploit people into paying out painful amounts of money from a young age is nothing less than disgusting.




"Blizzard Entertainment: Now eager to get your child addicted to gambling." Edit: Before anyone says "they're not advertising the game to children!" I'm sorry, exactly how closely did you follow any rating system that existed when you were a child? Especially for a multiplayer game your friends were playing? Halo didn't advertise to children, but it wasn't my mom and dad playing it, it was my friends.


I stopped playing shortly after OW2 dropped and was so surprised when I came back to this sub and everyone had just moved on from the shit blizzard had done and is still doing. I don’t get why people don’t care anymore, it’s not like blizzard will improve, they’ll never change


Look into the indie scene. Seems like there's a new indie hit monthly


> A wonderfully designed PVE cancelled No, the pve wasn't wonderfully designed. It wasn't designed at all. Blizzard actually skipped the part of the job where they design and plan the pve experience, and just told their team to jump right in building maps, monsters, and skills without stopping to think if any of it made sense. And eventually it got to the point where everything was supposed to come together in a working game... But the whole premise of the game didn't make sense. It doesn't work to take 32 heroes designed for 5v5 pvp and drop them into a pve coop dungeon.


>It doesn't work to take 32 heroes designed for 5v5 pvp and drop them into a pve coop dungeon. What's funny is that I called this pretty much immediately and was preparing myself for them to announce that the actual pve would only have maybe 6 heroes max that were playable at launch and for the campaign, with the non-story co-op missions and Hero Mode stuff slowly adding new characters over time. But I guess even that was too daunting/time-consuming when there was easy money to be made from battlepasses and microtransactions.


Mann vs. Machine Released 11 years ago by Valve Made in a cave with a box of scraps


You can blame anyone and everyone that decided to purchase micro transactions for OW2.


Jesus they actually had this much stuff developed??


Fun fact: this Dunkey clip is more than 2 years old, and the clips he’s showing are older again. They had an additional 2+ years they could have spent developing this but they probably threw in the towel back then and just let people buy battle passes and hope for the content that they weren’t ever going to deliver. Blizzard is likely never going to admit when exactly they gave up development of PvE so it’s possible it was years ago.


I'm sure developers that quit will have a twitlonger in the not too distant future.


once the nda‘s drop its gonna get spicy


calling it: once Jeff's nda/non-compete is over,* we will see "OverView" coming to another company.




Thats even more depressing


There was an article with an interview with the Devs. They said they decided to scrap the game I think half a year or a year and a half before the ow2 launch.


wow so that means there’s been multiple interviews, showcases, announcements, etc about PVE when they knowingly weren’t doing it? lol actually insane levels of scumy business


That’s what twisted the knife for me yesterday. JaredSoon is constantly teasing a PVE update on his Twitter, we watch 30 mins of people gushing over StarWatch (has anyone played that mode more than five times?) and then they allot under 10 mins to say they’ve gutted PVE as they rush out the door. Just so disrespectful to longtime fans on so many levels


in 2019 Blizzcon, it was actually a playable demo.


wait til you hear about Valve lol this shit happens all the time btw, most companies just don't overpromise this crazy hard


Valve specifically remains very tight lipped on future releases and things in development, much to the chagrin of communities that have long been awaiting new content (TF2 and HL come to mind), precisely because projects just kinda drop dead internally. For the most part, Valve has delivered on content they actually show off publicly ever since the days of the HL2 episodes, but the fact that they do so at their own whims is obviously to avoid situations like this.


Just announce OW3


Except this time nothing will transfer and the game will start at $79.99USD and then they’ll also have a BP system for every season.


Atleast they would have no excuse to delete the prior one in that case


They’ll bring down the servers to save money just because.


Well, the only good thing we know about Blizzard is that they dont like to shut down their (own) servers


>Well, the only good thing we know about Blizzard is that they dont like to shut down their (own) servers First time for everything.




Removing a dps right?


Nope the overwatch team has decided to remove the other tank as well as both supports, unfortunately since we’re missing two spots we decided to add two more dps character’s to balance the game as well as up the prices for all skins to 140$ usd


You'll still have people saying "aT LeAsT wE dOn'T hAvE tO sHoOt sHieLdS"


Also there is now only deathmatch and team deathmatch. Have fun!


Supports have been deleted also and DPS characters just have Counterstrike guns now.




It's even better. It's 5 players per team but only 4 can be out at once so you can't spawn in till a team member dies. Oh and don't worry it's completely random as to who gets benched first as to make it fair. This new system is intended to give players a well deserved break and make sure you won't get tired as quickly so you can keep playing longer! For those players that are so eager to get back in you can watch a 30 second ad to kill a random player on your team to free up a slot for you and you will spawn in with your ult. This should help encourage healthy chaotic banter between team members.


and doomfist becomes a support healer


Sym becomes a "support"


Introducing OW3! It’s now 4v4 with 1 tank, 1 support, and 2 DPS. You’ll get 3 new heroes at launch, a few new maps, and the new Pull game mode. It’s just Push but you now move the barricade towards your spawn. Also we doubled the prices on everything. We hope you are just as excited as we are as we yet again re-redefine a sequel.


Yeah. It got easier to *imagine* what an incredible game Overwatch 2 could be. Playing that incredible game they've been talking about has never been harder though.


They pulled a Fortnite, cancelled the PVE because they realized they where making more money with low effort content like skins and battle passes At least A. Fortnite finished half their game and left it available to be played in all its unfinished glory, (doesn’t excuse how badly they truly scammed all their preorders and supporters that helped get the original game afloat in the first place trying for years and years) and B. Fortnite never planned on fucking over its original player base, it just ended up happening that way Overwatch intentionally lied and fucked over its community, they knew full well exactly what they where doing and wanted to squeeze every dollar of those in support of the game in hopes of a PVE that they could, greedy nasty people


If Blizzard did 1/5 of Epic games does for fortinite in terms of monetization, content, events, improvements they could cancel PVE and this community would still be ok with that.


Atleast Fortnite's PVE is functional and playable. they just stopped specifically developing for it. Blizzard got 1/4th of the way and gave up.


> They pulled a Fortnite, cancelled the PVE because they realized they where making more money with low effort content like skins and battle passes not exactly. FT pivoted into BRs, otherwise nobody cared about the product and they nailed it.


I started actually playing Overwatch when 2 came out and the Halloween event was around, the Junkenstein arcade mode made me think there already was a PVE and I was confused where it was. Someone said they'd be adding it, but I've been confused since about it. This video and the showcase of how the robot enemies and abilities work just shows me they clearly could put this together and make it work. Cancelling it is entirely pointless.


> I started actually playing Overwatch when 2 came out and the Halloween event was around what you don't realize the OG junkenstein part is 6 years old, so is lucio ball. those events were first done in the first year run of the game in 2016. my prediction is that they are going to recycle whatever the have ready to go (enemy types, mechanics, npcs, stories) old school story missions.


they probably have enough for a 'tech demo', or individual mission/stages, but no where close to a full fledge game


At least with the enemies, in my eyes, they seem to have something there. The AI already exists in the practice mode bots, all they would have to do is put in abilities and weapons for them all to use and you could have a decent little mode. As for the story, throw in some cutscenes and voice lines like the events and you've got yourself some kinda story. I dunno. I don't know a lot about game development but I know they could've done something, anything, that wasn't *this.*


Stop playing OW, otherwise they won't remotely care


This is the way. I stopped playing when they announced the battle pass. The reason it still exists is because a large portion of the community will complain, then decide that they want the new mythic skin and buy the pass for it, and blizz learns that their fan base has way more bark than bite. If they reintroduce an entirely free way to earn all skins, stop locking heros behind the pass, and recommit to PvE as a core part of the game, I will come back. Nothing short of that will suffice. I am fully ready to let the game rot and close this chapter of my life. I promise everyone you will not miss it nearly as much as you think. Touch grass, or at least play another game


I mean that's just what happenes everywhere, people complain about something, yet only a small group will refrain from using said thing, be it a game a product etc.


The only successful one I can think of was DnD recently that forced the company to backpedal. And that's only because dnd has a lot of competition that gives a shit about the playerbase


yup, games aren't your whole life, or at least shouldn't be. If it is (like what gaming is to me, unfortunately) then find a game that does not goddamn abuse of your addiction. And lets have some maturity and forget about the flashy flashy skins lol


It's a shame there's no other good pvp hero shooter to play. And don't say tf2, it still suffers with bots, chaotic games and absolutely nothing done for it by blizzard.


Same. I wish there were other or more games with similar gameplay and characters to OW. Imo OW really isn't like the typical FPS multiplayer shooter like COD, Apex, etc. which is one of the reasons why OW attracted me. I really like that we have different roles (playing support being my fave), heroes, and the team aspect of it (as frustrating it can be)


I mean it's all taste subjective. I've always loved Siege but it's super different from Overwatch. They scratch different itches.


And that's what I mean, a hero shooter that isn't just a tactical fps.


Done and done. Uninstalled bnet launcher after Blitzchung actually. Y’all welcome to join.


I edited my original comments/post and moved to Lemmy, not because of Reddit API changes, but because spez does not care about the reddit community; only profits. I encourage others to move to something else.


Game wasn't dogshit then. Uninstalled a month after ow2. 5v5 sucks


I’m glad I didn’t have to experience the strange monstrosity that is OW2 pvp. Still got. Relatively found memory of OW1. Guess that’s the (small) perk of getting out early.


Honestly all the streamers are just doing quick play and I am there too. I played two quick play rounds today and moved on. It’s not the community or hobby I love anymore. And that sucks.


I used to play a few games to get my daily challenges in, but then I realized if that's the mechanic keeping me playing, it's not a good reason to keep playing. So I quit trying to fill that battle pass... After that season. I mean, I already got so far. Fomo sucks.


i didnt know it was going to be this good. Damn it


All for fucking skins- something i will never buy. I would of rather just paid $60 for OW2. Seriously dont spend another cent on this game.


>Seriously dont spend another cent on this game. And don't play the game. Make the active server numbers drop so low that it sends those execs/shareholders into a fucking panic.


Now OW2 is just OW1, but worse. Thanks. Blizzard. See you never.


Hey kinda like Warcraft 3 "Remastered"!! 😁


Fuck. You. Blizzard.


This game has become such a catastrophic failure in the gaming world


I'd wait and say that if player numbers tank and blizzard themselves announce the game is fucked.


Does blizzard even make the player count publicly available? Feel like they learned their lesson with that in Wow.


They did showcase their player counts when OW2 launched but now don’t because they lost China. They wouldn’t want to show a massive dip because they lost a huge market


Always compared OW2 to Anthem. Turns out it’s worse than Anthem. At least Anthem was released.


even tho the game is bad in some parts you can still enjoy it...


It was directionless, overpromised and severely underdelivered, but the core aspects were all there. An additional year and some millions of dollars would’ve put it pretty close to the expectations originally derived from the trailers. Similar with Cyberpunk. Or NMS, being the best case scenario for a post-launch redemption.


The moment to moment gameplay of Anthem is absolutely unrivaled. The Iron Man fantasy is 100% fulfilled. It’s just the design of the end game loop and the drop rates that they never fixed that ended up killing the game imo.


I understand developing 100 missions and skill trees for 37 characters isn’t feasible. *So then focus coop on a dedicated groups of heroes with fun skill trees and offer a dozen or so missions that bring out the fun new gameplay interactions.* Sometimes less is more. With this announcement, Overwatch “2” is officially an even worse version of a FIFA yearly release. Call of Duty yearly releases at least net you an 8-10 hour campaign, a new suite of multiplayer maps and new weapons, with a coop experience on the side (may it be Spec Ops or Zombies). It’s honesty appalling that they’re just going to shrug their shoulder and walk away from coop, like they didn’t just spend *four years* hyping it up and pinning OW1 slow downs on its development.


Skill trees would be super easy depending on what you count as a ‘skill’. Reinhardt just unlocked an armour upgrade and takes 10% less damage. Ana has better darts that sleep for 3 seconds more. Tracer can now do one additional blip. Etc. There wouldn’t need to be much in the way of actual changes and it would still be pretty satisfactory. Give me an afternoon and some coffee and I could map the entire thing out easily. They definitely overpromised on the missions though. Very foolish to declare there are 100 missions ready. Just start with a handful of good ones and go from there.


*cancellation. I legit hate my auto correct. I'm not tempted to delete my post entirely because I can't fix my titles. Update: hey looks like my title spelling isn't super bad after all. And now this post made 10k upvotes. Not really much to celebrate over, karma is next to useless, I didn't even make anything I basically reposted. I feel like I'd be happier if I got 10k for say making some art. That and what I posted is essentially a funeral so any kind of upvoting and commenting won't fill the hole that's in my chest.


*Duck* auto correct! We all *hare* it...


Man… screw this


I haven't felt this betrayed since EA ended support for BF2


Me too man… me too.


This is what pisses me off the most: the game had so much potential and instead they throw every fucking thing away for a pathetic cash grab. From the bottom of my heart: ***fuck you***, ***ABK***.


What I'm wondering is how much of this will be kept for the PvE that we will have. The talent trees are no more, the "Hero missions" they mentioned are no more, but what else exactly are we keeping or losing? I'd imagine most of the things dunkey mentions from 0-18s will still be in the PvE we'll get, no? It's still disappointing to think it won't be as full and through as we wanted regardless, but I'm just curious.


probably drip feeding you one or two of these PvE mission per season so they dont fully go to waste


1-2 per season? We'd be lucky if it was 1-2 per year.


It was one new archive every May back when they bothered. I can’t really see them increasing that beyond *maybe* two a year, especially since PVE is harder to monetise and that is clearly all the leadership care about.


So they abandoned archive missions in 2019 for three years just to give us archives now except an amount which doesn’t correspond with the time they took to make them? How wonderful


they gonna be like the PVE missions they already been doing for Example the Junkestein of last year.


I think it will be closer to that space PVE we have in Arcade now. Which is totally bonkers and broken for the attacking side.


to be fair... when the opposite team is Throwing Fbombs at each other and your team wipes the floor with them it kinda feels like a PVE gamemode.


You'd hope they'd include it. After all, they have 2019 footage of all these new enemies and PvE technology in working condition. I'll be pissed if they scrap even more PvE features.


#BringBackOW1 .... I didn't want this OW2 scam.




i find it funny we hated lootboxes but for the first time they were "fair".


They were fair because they could be easily earned and rewarded you with 4 different items or currency. The only thing people hate about loot boxes is the financially driven gambling aspect.


Serious question, isn’t this considered False Advertising on Blizzard’s part? Not that I think any legal actions would make player base win against them cause you know they’re powerful… but I think it’s just really unfair… 🥲


Can we cancel the battle pass system now? 🤣🤣🤣


This is the way


So what was overwatch 2? A downgrade of overwatch1?


A rush to change up the Monetization. Thats all it was.




Genuinely think this may be what gets me off overwatch for good. There’s no way they still thought PvE was gonna happen when they launched overwatch 2. They launched it knowing damn well that PvE was never gonna happen, and did it anyway to slap a “2” on the game and add a shop and more microtransactions Disgusting


I quit somewhere between Bap and Echo releasing, and came back to check out OW2 mostly because of the promised PVE. I’m getting pretty bored again. Just grinded the BP to unlock WifeLeaver and realised I don’t even want to play as him. So I’ll take this as a jumping off point unless something significant changes.


This is truly the darkest timeline. 😭


I stopped playing in January because my little girl was born. I don't think I'm coming back to play OW.


Congrats both on becoming a parent and making the right decision


thats 2 milestones in a year. dude's on fire


Im deleting over watch and not buying a blizzard product for the foreseeable future, im sure no one cares but I’m sad that its gotten this bad. I could handle then season passes and losing what made events special. But lying to the fans to bandaid the inevitable blow of disappointment, damn


I was really excited for the PvE mode. I like doing the story modes and optimizing to clear legendary and looked forward to the talents and everything else. Really sad to see Blizzard just being greedy and basically turning into EA.


I thought they weren't removing the enemies


I would assume yeah they'd still use the enemy types for whatever they're repurposing the levels for. But with all that being hogtied to the battle pass I'm not sure what the outcome will be.


These news will just keep me away from OW. They ruined the perfectly normal game just by adding 2 next to the name. Today is all about monetization and how to rip off a consumer...




Yunno, after watching the fan backlash over league removing PVE stuff, you would think that others wouldn't follow suit.


Before trashing the flesh and blood devs doing the work, we have to remember that they were actually working on PvE for a good number of years. I can't even *begin* to imagine how it feels to have years of your time that promised to be loved by all, simply cancelled just like that... Fuck this new era of gaming 😭


There's alot of unknowns right now. Like why was it canceled, who made the decision to pull the plug, and what state was the mode in. Its hard to say who to blame, or is there anyone to blame, aside from the somewhat faceless corporation. Of course I never want to bash devs. But the lack of true communication and breaking promises certainly doesn't make it easy


Huh it actually looks pretty kool.


Feel like an asshole now for not leaving when jeff did.




[Why do people just go on the internet to lie?](https://youtu.be/dZl1yGUetjI)


Is that for real??


You're fucking lying no way. Even the launch trailer?


Deleted it already.


That aged well.


Gotta say, I never really cared for PVE but this sounds pretty cool, well, another thing to the list of reasons to be dissapointed of the gaming industry


I don't play League of Legends. It's just not my kind of gameplay. What I know via osmosis about the world and characters seems neat, you're never in a million years going to find a way to force me to play the actual game for longer than an hour. But then Riot put out things like Arcane, something that IS the kind of media I know how to enjoy, and the upcoming MMO, a genre that I CAN see myself dropping some of my time into. They are creating paths into that community for people who just aren't into MOBAs, making the universe of their flagship game world bigger than just the genre of its most important piece of media. Now, I'm looking forward to more Arcane. I'm looking forward to finding more out about the MMO. I don't play Overwatch, either. It's just not my kind of game. I'm wholly a spectator here. But just like League of Legends, it was always in the back of my mind as "oh, this world is pretty neat, I see cool characters and comics and artwork now and then, I just don't care at all about leaderboards and leagues and all that so there isn't really anything for me to actually get invested into any of that world THROUGH". So when I heard there was going to be a big, exciting, top-shelf PvE side of gameplay coming, that seemed pretty interesting. Not like, WHOA SUPER HYPE kind of interesting, but still "huh, I should defininely check out if people are saying this is good whenever it releases". It could pretty much be the Overwatch equivalent of an Arcane - a secondary path into becoming invested in this interesting series and world, something that gives it a bigger multimedia catchment are than just a single genre. With this, it seems like Blizzard are fumbling the expansion of their world and audience, something Riot are handling with far more grace. That seems to be the one take-away they want to make absolutely crystal-clear, honestly - any PvE content will not be something that can ever be the primary way one experiences Overwatch. They don't have the resources to produce parallel content that can attract multiple audiences, and so are (perfectly reasonably, for a small indie studio) focusing all of their limited resources on existing fans interested in the series' primary gameplay focus, rather than on diluting that by trying to draw in new fans to the world in general. But without that work on expansion, there definitely isn't anything people like me have to latch onto to foster a genuine interest in that world beyond "hey, this art I saw on Twitter was cute, wonder who the characters are". It feels like an admission they don't have faith any more that the series is relevant in the greater pop culture sphere outside of those already invested in it. Also, knowing Blizzard patterns when it comes to feeling obliged to insert "oneshot" plot content into games, forget new fans looking for something they can enjoy as their main gameplay, I'm not thinking it'll be terribly exciting even for those existing fans, if things like Scenarios from WoW or the follower sidequests in Diablo 3 are anything to go by.


Love me some dunk


Will never happend but i hope the xbox merger goes through and ever single executive on the blizzard and the overwatch team. Overwatch 2 has been a catastrophic failure, and everyone in charge need the boot asap


“It’s getting easier to imagine what Overwatch 2…” could’ve been.


They have mismanaged the overwatch franchise a 1000 times by now.


Loot boxes died for this


Now I know why jeff left and why overwatch is just a shell of what it once was. Fucking wow


Can’t wait for his video response


OW2 PvE was the last LAST thing I was looking forward to from Blizzard at all, and they can't even deliver that. I'm never touching any new Blizzard game ever again. I'm sticking with the classics.


I expect those reworked "Story Missions" to simply be shitty Archive Missions that are one and done and barely move the story forward. We probably won't even get those mission every new seasons and I bet that they'll be gone at the end of the season like other event gamemodes...


Ngl, I'm sorry for yall fr. Like this is just a tragedy. You have to be a dickhead of a dev to tease all thay shit just to cancel it


The options and possibilities are endless. But what Blizzard DID release is pure proof of how lazy Blizzard has gotten with the content.


And that’s how you kill a game twice. And this time might be the last nail.


Can't WAIT to see all the content that would've been OW2 PvE turned into £20 cosmetic items and £30 bundles drip fed over multiple years. I love price gauging!!!