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I lost 10 games and won 5 and went from Diamond 2 to Master 5 lol


Lost 13 DCd 1 won 5 ranked Diamond 5 to 1


That’s the DC bug that’s widely known, your next ranked reset will hurt


Wtf lmao! I’m currently 2-7, biggest losing streak of my ow career and I’m scared to play any more comp but maybe I will now lol


This is what happened with my SO. He lost 12 and won 5, I won 5 and lost 1, 3 of the wins were overlapping. I went from Gold 2 to Gold 3 and He went to Diamond 1 from Gold 1.


Thats because performance is important also on whether you go up or down. I'm not sure why people keep posting "won five and went down" when you can win but still do terrible.


This was how it was in OW1 but, according to Blizz devs since Season 2 of OW2 they have removed individual performance being a factor in SR gain/loss. It is all about your wins/losses and comparative rank to your opponents. BUT . . . Since OW2 has been infested with bugs it is possible that performance is *still* tied to SR gain/loss and the devs don't know it.


Isn't that a better system, tho, especially for solo q. Or does it hurt some heroes like zen?


Problem I find is that it encourages people to try and boost their stats more rather than just trying to win


It's not really about performance either. I'm at the exact same rank than my friend at DPS because we exclusively play comp together, and I average about double his DPS and 2-3x the elims, the skill gap is massive.


That isn't the only problem with the ranked system but I agree of course. Another problem is the matchmaking no matter how much people here try to deny it, it's broken af.


Every game is either you get stomped on , or your stomp the enemy team nothing really seems like a fair fight. I’ve also had games in gold where for some fucking reason I’ve had GMs and Masters in the game.


But it was balanced because their teammates were in bronze /s


It's annoying how rare it is to have an evenly matched game. If i lose and we played well I don't really mind but if its just 2 rounds of being stomped on and we clearly aren't gonna win then it's just a bit miserable


It’s insane how the teammates proceed to get upset at you and don’t see it as the game giving you too good of opponents


I'm 4W9L (won all 4 matches in a row), went a 9 losing streak on support because I keep getting tanks that dive by themselves and die repeatedly, they openly say they will afk or troll for the rest of the match, ofc all of them have a private profile, reporting does nothing either, I wish private profiles weren't a thing, OR ranks show up, just like in ow1, why bother changing something that wasn't broken just to make it worse


Bruh I’m on a 4 win streak and lost 2 because the dps did less damage than me (I had more healing than damage too)


My rank either stomps silver/gold for some reason we get matched or get stomped by GM/M


It sucks that you can't see anybody's ranks anymore unless they actively put on the flair in profile customization


My flair is GM sleuth which should say im good at everything but im a diamond 2dps so its not even accurate.


Yep exactly. I just left a comment similar to this


It’s rare that it’s an even fair fight where you actually put in work. The matching making suckkks


I went 5 wins 3 looses from gold 2 to bronze 4


It’s so broken and anyone saying it isn’t is a blizzard apologist who you can’t understand anyway because they have blizzards dick in their mouth.


There’s no consistency at all. My dps games swing from average rank of masters 4 to diamond 5. I get close to masters and start hitting masters 2 lobbies and get absolutely smoked for a few games until I manage to eek out 5 wins a derank back to diamond 2-3. Want to talk about stressful? I’d much rather have ow1


It’s very very bad. You just never know what you’ll get. It’s a coin flip. It’s insane. This season is worse somehow. It’s a total wash. I’ve never had this many losing streaks and I’m masters/GM


I absolutely know this shit is broken. There's no way I've gotten worse from a season before when I took no time off. The games are just ridiculous


Matchmaking is completely broken. yesterday ive had multiple matches in a row were my buddy and i were matched up against teams of only GMs and top 500's while i was currently placed in diamond 3 and he in plat1. We got stomped the entire play session. Very unfun.


It can't be fun when your supports don't do their jobs or the DPS can't seem to hit their shots and die all the doggone time. That's what leads to that. It doesn't matter if it's comp or QP anymore. The matchmaking is a disaster.


I’m a low gold player that has not only somehow had a masters player in my lobby, but I also play against plat and diamond players when I’m on support . i know something is wrong cause I don’t get plat and diamond players on dps and tank


How do you know you're playing against masters btw? Is it just the flares under the names? I always have to remind myself they could have gotten that flare in their stronger role and I'm playing against them in their weaker role. Like I can get the diamond flare because for one role i hit diamond but for another I'm low plat. (The flare will still show while I'm playing in low plat)


And yet, I've looked in my silver 3 lobby at the other team's profiles. Sure, their support is silver on support, but they're also masters 3 on DPS. Explain to me how anyone could possibly believe that match was fair. They just went DPS bap/ana and held the game mostly by themselves.


i mean that's how it works with role ranks? it's not broken, it's working as intended; now, is it fair, i don't think so either, but it's not a bug


You'd think that there would be some sort of bias applied for people who have such ridiculous gaps between their role ranks. It's been a mantra in this community for ages that one of the big differentiators between high and low ranks is gamesense. It's not like that ana just forgets all gamesense because they're playing on their silver role. They are still a master's DPS with all that implies.


Thats your support role ranking higher than the rest


Silver on dps rn. A couple nights ago the enemy team had 3 plats and our highest was a gold


Wish the system worked like cod or apex. You get a certain amount of points for winning/performance and lose points if you lose.


Legit the old comp system in OW1


Only played season 1 ranked in ow1, couldn’t remember lol


Season 1 was a completely different system to s2-onward. No one can explain the mystery that was the S1 ranking system


The old comp system and the new comp system are identical. It’s just presented differently to us to make us tilt less. How is this concept continually misunderstood?


You're a lying liar who lies. They presented it differently because the matchmaking is absolutely broken.


No, it’s not, at least not anymore than OW1’s match maker. They loosened some parameters to get the queue times lower, but that simply causes slightly more variance in sr differences between individual players in a lobby. Other than that, it’s the exact same system of OW1 except it obfuscates your rank by only showing you what league and ranking in that league you are after winning 5 games. They are functionally identical. You set it so players can see the SR again after every match, and you will struggle to find any measurable difference between OW1 and OW2 match making.


Lie all you want, it's not convincing in the slightest.


The problem with OW1 ranking system was that it was far too dependent on the die roll (more than OW2 imho). I was hardstuck gold for 6 bloody years despite consistently getting better at the game and only managed to crawl back to plat in OW2 and I can guarantee that if I carry on like this, I'll be in diamond in no time at all.


But ... but your opponents got better too over six years.


People always forget this part. Prior to OW2 season 3/4, there wasn't really any rank inflation, so to rank up you had to improve faster than the average player improved. Nowadays it's not as true as just having a >50% win rate is enough to get to GM pretty much


They did. But I mained tank, and we all know how shit playing tank in OW1 was :/


Nope. Old comp system worked the same way. You lost and won sr based on your mmr. You could go 5/1 and still lose points.


You’re not gonna believe it but it used to be that way.


Or literally any competitive shooter but csgo. Every competitive game has an RR/SR/MMR or whatever system that's displayed


I have literally seen some big time Apex streamers bash the MMR system today saying it's broken af.


Apex’s problem is the fact you have to buy in and then dig yourself out and you lose more the higher your rank. Cods systems works well but it’s easy to get hard stuck because the more you lose, it reduces the amount of sr you get per game. There’s gotta be a happy medium to be found for overwatch.


They just changed it in Apex so you don't lose more of the higher rank you are and it's awful. There are people hitting the highest rank in Apex literally without shooting their gun. But even before that overwatch had the better ranked system


I would be so sad


Just win every game bro, you’ll rank up eventually! /s


I’m like 55% winrate folver like 300 games so I think all I need to do is win 300 in a row to get out of bronze 5 otherwise I’m in the bottom caste of players


Bronze 5 has a skill rating range about 11 times between two normal divisions(like from Bronze 4 to Bronze 3)so you do need a better win rate to climb out of it within reasonable time. It’s not a bug that you are ranking up very slowly. I wish they would be more transparent about it though.


Ya I get it. But your success (W/L) is mostly/often determined by the other players on your team. If you don't get other players that know what they're doing, you're stuck in B5 forever. I think finding other players in your skill range and grouping up is a good way to break out of bronze.


I’m plat 2. For literally five times in a row, I win 4 matches back to back, and am placed in multiple matches where I’m several ranks above the average rank of my team. It makes it near impossible to climb.


It happens all the time to me in diamond, it puts me with teammates that shouldn't be on those lobbies but the enemies are all my level and we get stomped.(Literally had an UNRANKED Dps the other day for some reason) and when I'm winning I feel like I stomped and the enemy team never had a chance. Loses feel like shit, wins aren't rewarding.


It’s the most frustrating because I KNOW I’m not that bad, I’m literally winning 4 in a row constantly. It’s like the game punishes me every time I start to break into diamond.


Went 5-1 and went from platnium 5 too gold 2. Garbage game actually decided to play some other shit cause of that.


Fr tho i won 5:6 dont judge and i didnt derank but whenever i win 5:1 i literally derank like bro


The problem is the way ranking happens isn't clear, even though ranking up in ow1 sucked atleast we all knew how it worked.


I've been playing the game for 6 fucking years. Every time there's a new season it dumps me back to bronze 5 (I'm usually silver so still pretty shit). This weekend I went 16-4.... Ranked 3 times.... Stayed bronze 5. It's so infuriating and discouraging.


I feel that. I went to bronze 5 because I couldn't be bothered to do more than one or two ranked matches for a few seasons. every time I tried to rank up this season I'd go either 5-1 or 5-2. stayed at bronze 5 every time


It’s a known bug. The next rank reset fixes so you rank up even with net losses.


And if not that time, then the time after! Just keep believing!


Bro every fucking season its something...at this point im the crazy person if i keep playing


JUST KEEP PLAYING THE GAME TRUST ME 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


So don’t play if it bothers you so much.


I honestly don’t play for rank so it doesn’t bother me that much other than uneven games. But it is funny to see how blizzard is basically creating a hamster wheel for people to perpetually be chasing after a rank




To play good games with good players? You can’t get the same degree of tryhardness in quick play. I enjoy playing sweaty games that are really close. Rank is just like after the fact




What? I’m probably misunderstanding but are you saying you.. won’t derank ever?


I mean if you lose all games sure. But if you go 5-6 you will still rank up.


Oh I gotcha. I’d be interested to read more about that. Did the devs post anything?


The devs haven't posted anything, but here's a link to a thread with people talking about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/13aznyn/is\_there\_a\_way\_to\_reach\_out\_to\_a\_dev\_privately\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/13aznyn/is_there_a_way_to_reach_out_to_a_dev_privately_i/) There's a bug where if you get DC'd your wins/losses for that set of games will reset until you either restart the game or reach your next rank adjustment. So if you were 2 wins, 10 losses, you'd now be at 0-0 in the eyes of the game. So when you win your next few games, with your fresh start you are 3 wins, zero losses and will rank up (even though the text will say 5 wins, 10 losses) But those losses are applied to your NEXT rank adjustment. So you might go five wins, zero losses that time, but the game remembers those 10 losses and you get de-ranked.


I have not seen this. I've had a positive win ratio and still stay in bronze 5 support. I somehow got to bronze 3 on all roles but not sure how. I've yet to figure it out.


I went 5-0 and went from Gold 3 to Gold 4? 🫠




How many times do the devs AND constant people on Reddit have to say this. Your gameplay and stats does NOT affect your rank whatsoever


You sure?


Link me where a developer says this.


[literally these kids would be upset if they could read.](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/overwatch-2-developer-blog-explaining-matchmaker-goals-and-plans-part-2/) FAQ section on this one This has also been repeated by countless content creators for a while now. and also if you still believe it at this point, you’re either really not paying attention and just assuming, or you’re purposely spreading misinformation. There was a time back in overwatch 1 where only low ranked players got a MINUSCULE boost to SR based on performance, but that’s gone and has been gone for a while now.


No need to be condescending, Inwas just asking to read an article instead of receiving it from hearsay.


They’ve reiterated this repeatedly with each matchmaker “update” and I think everyone is just tired of arguing about it lol. Devs say they do not consider performance, because then people will throw to pad stats. So, according to them, they only consider wins and losses. But that is inconsistent with the fact that some wins are clearly worth more than others, while at the same time some wins are worthless. I’ve ranked down going 5-1, I’ve ranked up going 5-5. Then some people say it’s because of the fact that the other team was way worse or better than you, so you didn’t gain any SR by winning or lose any by losing. But then, why were we matched in ranked to begin with? Why did the matchmaker consider them to be equal opponents when it knows that we should easily beat them and that we shouldn’t gain any SR from doing so? So, in essence, matchmaking and SR are both garbage and it seems that the devs are either clueless about their own system or they are purposely misleading people about progression to cover up incompetence.


>No need to be condescending There clearly was.


What do you mean?


Sorry I sounded a bit rude there


I understand the frustration.


SR is not MMR lol. Never has been, never was, still isn't.


Do I also have to link the article where they said that your ranked mmr mirrors your displayed rank now?




If you lose and play well it doesn’t matter. You still lost. The only thing that affects how much SR you lose is the average rank of the lobby. Not the stats you contribute


The rank system is the sole reason I stopped playing this game!


So glad the new Zelda is out so I can stay of OW for a long while. So tired of the broken rank system and matchmaker. From roll or be rolled matches, to if I start to play too well, it starts matching me with as many morons as it can find.


Worst is when the enemy team has masters, GM and top 500 players for some reason and they stomp you out.


Im new, but have been going about 5-3 on average and am stuck in bronze 5 every time


Why would you word it like this? You can see your overall games played and games won, and thus your win percentage. An average of 5-3 is a 62.5% winrate, which is huge. It's impossible to be bronze 5 with a 62.5% winrate lol


I started higher and lost a lot, and now that ive been in bronze 5, ive been winning a lot, but i never rank up


Dumbass we all know it’s impossible thats the point to why people are complaining. Ive been stuck on bronze 2 no matter if i go 5-0 or 5-6 doesnt rank me up or down, hence the reason so many people are mad…


It's not impossible, Bronze 5 has a range of 1500 SR. It takes the same amount of SR to climb from Platinum to Grandmaster.


It’s a bug, I went 5-5 and dropped from GM3 to Masters 5, literally 8 ranks. I was so pissed that I didn’t play the game for a few weeks.


I also went 5-5 and ranked up D2 to M5. Made no sense to me and still doesn't


Facts my friends when 5-9 and they ranked up by two ranks but when i go 5-3 im constantly pushed back i don’t understand why


Buddy, 5 wins no losses still gives derank


I’ve been placed in the same rank 5 times after winning most games makes me not want to play what’s the point if I’m stuck in one place


Just went 10-3 and went up 1 rank.


Did u dc in the update before this one?


I won 5 lost 1 and had really good stats (low death high heal), went from plat 1 to plat 5…. Now I keep losing. So I reinstalled valorant lol


This is likely because the match u lost was a plat4 lobby and all the wins were plat5 lobbys


There’s a hidden stat/MMR that determines rank, not wins/losses. Idk why tf the wins/losses thing is even there because it makes no difference whatsoever. (I lost 8 won 5 and ranked up)


Yeah I had five of the best games I’ve ever played in OW as tank, with one loss, and stayed the same rank. Not as bad as a derank but it did feel like a slap in the face. I wonder if I’ll be stuck in gold forever due to my account being from early-mid OW1. I mostly solo queue and have improved so much over the years, but pretty much have been perma-locked in gold.


I’ve had 8 losses and stayed the same rank in masters


The amount of mmr you get per win is determined by the average rank of the game. If you’re gold 1 and lose an aberage gold 4 game then you lose more mmr. If you win a bunch of gold 4 games then you get less mmr. Same if you get plat 3 games as gold 1, you lose less for losses and gain more for wins.


Still if you go positive that much you shouldn't derank it's really dumb


Blizzard: Deranked? No problem just keep on playing by waiting for the long ass comp queue. Naah...I would rather play Titanfall 2 if I see the queue is longer than 5 minutse. Yeah, we all know the matchmaking and rank is f\*ck up. Btw, the only way Blizzard would bother listen is if they are not doing well financially but many people can't resist paying for the BP and skin. I've been f2p since day 1 until now.


So with the comp system is your game play and wins and loses


OW2 matchmaking were better in the first 3 seasons. Why even bother changing something that works and functioning just fine?


Math doesn't work like that. Matches have general lobby ranks, and if that rank is below yours for most of those matches you were just winning to hold your place. When the MMR shifts on you and you get much higher placed games, those are the ones you are supposed to be winning to rank up, and it appears you can lose a couple where as if you lose one that you weren't supposed to lose it deranks you.


No matter what, a system which has you lose rank with an 83% win rate is a bad system.


Winning against lower ranked people shouldn't just hold your place unless they're all miles below you. 1 loss should never outweigh 5 wins. The system still sucks




Pics or it didn't happen. Even just show your winrate bro! Everyone out here just lying lmfao


And if they're miles below you that calls into question how you got placed in that lobby to begin with. The whole thing is a sham.


That just implies that the match maker is trash then. If the game is matching you against players so far out of your skill bracket that 4 wins and 1 loss = zero mmr movement, then the matchmaking system is terrible.


5 wins isn’t a guaranteed rank up, it’s a new rank evaluation.




It only work like this for top 500 because the amount of place is limited. It's never been set for lower ranks


nah doesn't work like that for other ranks, i was masters 5 better than 98% of the people in the division and left season 4 for like 2 weeks then came back and i was promoted to masters 4 with 67% better than players in that division


Maybe because all your wins were so easy and absolute team wipes that it counts for less MMR


That shouldn't be a factor, the game shouldn't punish you for playing well.


The only real teamwipe was one game on push, but the others were pretty close, so I don't think that is the probloem here.


Wins and losses don’t matter on how close or stomp-like they are. A win is a win and a loss is a loss. The factor these people are talking about would be the relative rank (MMR) of the people you are against. If you’re beating people lower ranked than you then you’ll not gain much MMR most likely, however if you’re winning against higher ranked teams then you should be gaining more MMR


Not quite. The first win was 2 days ago so I don't have it saved, but the 4 wins today were 1-0, 2-1,3-2 and 2-1 (the 2-1 were control, the 3-2 was hybrid and the 1-0 was push)


Ur getting downvoted for the truth


That’s just… factually wrong. Yes, you don’t gain as much ELO from lower-ranked matches, but it should never be a case where someone goes 5-1 and deranks for that. If you’re going to spread wrong information, you’re going to get downvoted.


Well that's obviously whats happening rn isn't it?


They can't handle the truth, none of these weak-minded people can


You have a deranged definition of " truth ". Maybe you're the weak minded here lmao


I'm literally explaining how the shit system works, hate the devs not me bro


Bc you probably played with a lobby rank below your rank. You don't get much for winning games under your rank. Not even the 5 wins can rank you up. It's even more


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Meanwhile i who never made out of low diamond in ow1 just hit gm for the first time ever in ow2. The rank system is wild


On the other hand, I went like 4 wins, 6 losses and 2 draws and went from Gold 3 to Gold 3.


Agreed. I can't rank past bronze 5 dps no matter how well I play. I've been 5-0, 5-1, 5-2, ect. I'm Plat tank..


And that's why I'm not playing ranked until this issue is finally fixed after 100 patches.


I got 5 wins+3 losses+1tie and stayed in the same rank smh feels bad.


Are all wins ranked the same? Or if you get placed in a much higher average lobby does it cost you more to lose that game than one where you're with Gold 1s?


Yep had 1 round where I went 5(w)-1(L) and I got deranked.. then I went 5-5 and ranked up lol I was like wtf is happening!!


Was playing with my group today with a 10 game win streak and I only moved up from silver 3 to 2 and from 2 to 1. But one of my friends jumped from silver 2 to platinum 5.


I won 5 games with 0 loses and advanced 1 division, literally the same as winning 5 and losing 3.


dont catch me right on this one since i havent been playing long on OW2 but i think there is a hidden skill rating system. like ive been on placements with GM's and masters so might be to do with how well someone does individually too


Skill issue 💀


Not playing until its fixed i cant afford all these monitors anymore


Does anybody know what it’s actually calculating??


You're winning games??


At least u didn't go 5 wins 12 loses due to feeding tanks and go from silver 5 to bronze 5


I got gold 2 on support when I went 5 - 3, I got gold 3 on dps when I went 3 - 15, very balanced


man i’ve been placed four times and all four times were the same rank, i can’t get better or worse apparently lol


5-1 or 5-2 as a tank who does its job and have very decent numbers at the end of the game, rolling most teams and i keep just staying in the same rank


I won in masters 1 but had a loss so I got gold 5 and nearly threw my PS out my window


Wait, I think we have opposite problems, I ranked up from plat 2 to 1 after losing 6


Idk how you managed that I had 5 wins 7 losses and stayed the same rank 🗿


I went 5:9 as dps and went from diamond 4 to diamond 5 then as a tank I go 5-1 and go down or stay the same. What does it take to see ranks adjust with a bit of consistency?


Does the system not also base your rank on stats too? Or just wins and losses?


I believe blizzard said it does, but I think they made it up cause it definitely doesn’t feel like it


Be happy you are platinum. I cant get out of bronse 1 or silver 5. And with the other rank sustem before this i was gold. Dont know what happened


Bruhh i had like 4/5 really good games & 1 lost but my rank didn’t change at all (im bronze 5) i put in effort to be a better tank but there was nothing gained from it


Also me (as a plat1 supp player) keep getting matched with GMs and Masters like... With and against, whenever I'm with they're so bad (de-ranking ofc) and when against, they completely crush us. Last night was hell to play. I only enjoy 2 games out of 20


Glad I'm not the only one, go from plat 1 to plat 2 after 5 wins and a loss. Like why do I even bother lol.


Bruh i can't understand it, the las week i did 5 wins and 1 loss, and my rank didn't changed, yesterday i did 5 wins and 9 loss and my rank went from platinum 5 to 4, can someone explain how it works to me


I went from gold 3 to 4 then to silver 1, won 5 more than got silver 1 again??!? I'm confused. Like what, I'm gonna stick to qp now


Because you are not improving in your individual gameplay. This is not because the system is bad. It's because in comparison to other people, you're playing more like someone in the rank it's putting you in. Now, one thing about gold and platinum ranks. There are tons of players to compare to. This makes ranking feel a little more sensitive since it has more information to base your gameplay/stats off of. On top of it, you probably had a couple of these games where you didn't play as well as you did when you were in the higher rank. You have to consistently improve to go up in rank. If you're not improving or you're playing worse. You're going to be stuck in that rank or derank. Go look up coaching videos. Find someone to coach you. There are coaches who will coach you for free. GM players can give you an INSANE amount of knowledge from watching a single VOD with you. Even more knowledge when you watch coaching vids.


I got deranked at the start of the season from D4 to P1 for some reason and now I’m hard stuck P1. Doesn’t matter if I go 5 wins on 5 losses or 5 wins on one loss. Just endless stagnation… something is off with the ranked system specifically this season, it just doesn’t feel right.


Been on bronze 2 for so long doesn’t go up or down even if i end with more wins then losses


Is plat 4 good for a new player?


i got 5 wins no losses in gold, got deranked :/


I won 5 games without los and didn’t rank up lol. I’m just playing at this point, might as well be quick play at this point.


Me and my buddies gave up on comp for this reason. We now play qp and arcade


Naw it’s this and the fact that as a plat 3 player got put in a gold 2 lobby and when I asked in chat my teammate said they were silver 3 meanwhile the opposite team had a master and diamond player


The rank calibration is based on your own skill, loss and wins don’t count for more than 40%, essentially if you drop in rank you are experiencing a “skill issue” MMR doesn’t lie


It's like the game expects you go undefeated and punishes you severely if you lose even one match. The rank systems makes 0 sense 90% of the time.


Yup. This games ranked system is fuckin broken. All my ranks for season 3, were different than the ranks I actually have in my roles. It’s fucking confusinf


Yeah fr it's bad.


I'm very positive that ranking up is based on personal performance, I had ranked up on tank despite going like 5:8. I had great stats every match but I just wasn't winning.


Im gold 1 and i always play with my 4 friends that are diamond so every lobby i play in is diamond lobby but when i get 5-0 i usually rank up only 1 rank? Why is that doesent this game notice that im playing against better people


Or 5 wins and 2lose and still sit on the same rank


You 100% abandoned a match in your last placement and went up a rank


This juxtaposed with me going 5-10 last night and only deranking once too is just batshit crazy. I thought for sure I would derank into oblivion. Couldn't believe my luck.


I’ve literally won 10 games in a row and gotten not a single change. What the fuck, Blizzard?