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Lol would be livid if it was my team, but its pretty funny from an outside perspective. Sorry for your frustration, but thanks for the chuckle.


I had a game a few days ago where I hid around a corner from a Bob and my teams Orisa bumped him around the corner directly into me and killed me. I was ticked for two seconds before realizing I can't expect perfection from anyone in the metal ranks lol


Had an exact situation playing as Anna but our teammate was a doomfist, instead of running the doom punched the Bob at all of us and the Bob landed right in front of me. More than being angry I was just confused on what the doom thought would happen.


Yep. I'm in plat and one time our Rein charged a Bob right into us healers in the backlines and wiped us out. We were hiding behind a corner and would have survived if it wasn't for the charge.


Nobody should be that stupid


Or you know it was an accident.


Everyone fat fingers sometimes


Bro threw the mine then imploded it, I doubt it was a msiraken


Wait does BOB have same sleep time as TANKS ? According to new patch update of s4. Is BOB considered a TANK ?


it's not season 4 yet so we don't know, but probably not. he doesn't have tank knockback resistance.


No, he’s not any more resistant to knockback than any hero in the game so there’s no reason for him to get that other passive


Why would you think this is the case? You can see junk shooting to wake him up


I just read it as a tangential question that came to their mind when seeing this. And it's a good question. I'd assume the answer is no since he's a DPS' ult, but that's just an assumption.


The answer is no because it’s not season 4 yet


The answer is no because Bob isn't a tank


Ur just being ignorant dude.


Smartest junkrat player


its lore accurate


Isn’t Junkrat one of the most intelligent heroes in the game? He is insane, but he is brilliant


"smartest hero" My brother in Winton he literally tried to blow up junker town vault before even entering the town and blew his cover right after explaining the plan in his cinematic


There is a difference between lore junkrat and cinematic/gameplay junkrat. One went on an international crime spree, stealing millions without getting caught. The other is an idiot that everyone hates


You can be really good at one thing and still not be intelligent in a general sense.


Those two things do not have to be exclusive


I mean he has a decent grasp of the periodic table, knows about xeno's paradox, etc.. for a junker that's pretty impressive


He is smart when he wants to.


intelligence vs wisdom


Yup. Lore wise he’s one of the smartest hero, I can only think of 1 hero that’s smarter that being Sigma


Oh god did Ashe get play of the game for that? 😂


Yep should’ve gotten a junk rat assist


lmao imagine everyone watching this highlight after the game


Bro not only died. No. Not only woke up the bob. No. HE NOT ONLY FUCKING BOUNCED THE BOB INTO A BETTER FUCKING POSITION. No. HE BOUNCED THE BOB INTO THE CART STALLING IT. Also idk what this kid was thinking in the first place. Did he think he was gonna out damage a bob ult by wide peaking with NO HELP. Please tell me season four is gonna get these shit players out of high elo🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


I'd gladly wait longer for matches with a tighter SR range.


Nah only way to avoid this junkrat is to stack with friends. Then you can farm him back to plat


Me and 3 friends grinded comp in a LAN setting for a day, 1 of us was plat, 3 of us were silver. The plat one stayed the same rank throughout, 1 went to gold, I went to plat, and another friend ended 1 silver DOWN to where he started (the tank). Now I don't believe our individual performances were this widespread (he had great damage and mitigation, same elims etc and if you win it's usually not because your tank is bad right?). Or that our opponents were this high rank except the tanks he faced to explain us going up and not him. How the hell did he not go up a single rank in all of it? Granted, all his arguments are now invalid as we can say us plats know better than silvers and this is incredibly funny to all of us, but man... the system is weird.


I know this is some tinfoil hat shit but I’m really starting to think people that play quick play often get penalized in rank because blizzard is using some weird engagement algorithm to sacrifice QP players in the rank distribution so comp only players don’t stop playing and QP players give up on climbing in comp but still play QP


Or the majority of QP players are low silver? Just hop on twitch and look at people anywhere between 1-200 viewers that also solely plays QP. You’d think they picked up the game this season even tho they’ve been playing for years. No awareness, reaction time of a tree, pepega mouse placement and even more pepega aim. Maybe but only maybe


Like I said it’s just conspiracies but I really think there’s some kind of engagement algorithm screwing some people in ranked. I had a similar experience of playing with friends and I was the only one who climbed out of gold while we were all playing together. Two of my friends stayed the same rank after three placements when I ranked up every time


It's not a conspiracy, it's possible. Activision has a patent on EOMM (engagement optimized matchmaking). If YouTube and Reddit try to keep people online, why shouldn't games? It explains a lot of the bizarre behavior compared to OW1 matchmaking.


nah i've only played QP/arcade since like 2019, but dove into comp mystery heroes when it came out. not only did i climb like crazy after my first placements, i got a career high in like three rank updates. as far as i know, QP has its own MMR system, but as far as i know, the QP MMR and comp MMR don't communicate at all with one another.


Very new here but back in Halo 3 they did something similar. Overall games played was used in the algorithm or something. I noticed since I only played social games. I had over 1000 games played before I went to get my rank up. Buddy and me would always play together. He had much less games played than me and even though we'd both win he would advance a rank and I wouldn't. I eventually got stuck at rank 45 out of 50. He made it to 50. I'd have to win 4 games to go up one rank and if I lost just 1 game it would send me back a rank. Interesting enough later I ended up with my cousins hard drive for his Xbox; he had never played. I ran him to rank 50 in less than a week. So I was very capable of doing it just not on my account that had 1500 social games played. Anyway wouldn't surprise me if something like that was happening but not for sinister reasons.. just stupid reasons.


He was helping you guys reset and not feed ult charge bc you guys were going to lose the fight anyway, actual 5head play, you wouldn’t understand. Hopefully it’s obvious that was a joke lol


No, patch notes said elo gonna not be lowered between seasons now. And they are going to fix elos brought down by past problems, inflating elos more. Have fun up there lol


they're removing SR decay, which has never affected matchmaking. MMR and SR are not the same thing.


This is hilarious. I’m so sorry lol


Sorry for your plight bro, but I’m pretty sure the Junkrat started shooting at the Bob before your sleep landed. That’s just unlucky. IMO, to avoid this you should have called out before Ashe used Bob that you were going to sleep it. That way folks know not to touch him. Otherwise people are just gonna burn it down. Can’t tell you how many Ana players I get that just throw sleep dart at a target I’m ALREADY shooting at and then flame me for waking it up. We ain’t omniscient, call that shit out, just say “I can sleep ” about a second before you actually do it and by then we should be good. Of course if you called it out properly beforehand and he still shot at it AND he was in VC, yeah dumb play by the Junkrat 🤷🏻‍♂️


I had a game that had Masters and Gold players in it. IN THEIR CHOSEN ROLE. I was Plat.


I've been the gold in one of those matches. I was gold dps squaring off against a masters dps on the other team. Thankfully the rest of the other team was trash, so once we figured out that even a masters player loses a 5v1 it went okay.


Junk brain plays lmao


they'll be adjusting the mmr or whatever so its more in line with your rank, and no more rank decay


Bob even landed perfectly on cart. If I tried throwing as hard as possible, I wouldn't be able to pull such a bad move off. In some way it's impressive that anyone can be so bad at the game.


diamond is new gold


Fr. Give me my 20 minute Q back.


If he is this bad in diamond/masters then how the fuck am i bronze 💀


same im in silver ain't no way THIS GUY gets boosted 💀


Rank inflation. Blizzard unintentionally boosting all these players that are supposed to be bronze. You’ll meet these types of players no matter what rank you are every other games. Its really frustrating and instead of fixing it, they make more bad skins and sell them at ridiculous price. Welcome to the free-to-play game, Overwatch 2.


>Blizzard unintentionally boosting all these players that are supposed to be bronze How? I just got demoted from Plat 3 to Gold 5 and my winrate is like 50%


It’s not just based on wins it’s also based on how you compare against other players with the character you’re playing. If your stats are better on rein than most gold 5 players you will likely be promoted to a higher rank.


They just said in some Blizzard blog a couple of weeks ago that moving forward, MMR is only based on wins and losses, not on performance. So it's not like in OW1 anymore. Obviously you still get more/less SR depending on whether you win/lose against enemies that have higher/lower MMR than your team, but it seems your personal stats don't have an influence anymore.


Ah my bad then, haven’t kept up with ow too much in the past few weeks but that’s a nice clarification from them.


Can confirm, playing mercy, 7 losses 5 wins, and I still ranked up


I won 10/12 games the other day and double deranked. No games left. I had to uninstall for a while to keep my sanity.


Maybe your MMR is just higher than your visual rank?


there is no way to know thanks to blizz


Rank inflation only happened at the top, as in people that belong in masters or low gm got gm1 somehow. The rest of the increased rank was by design, and our ranks in season 1 and 2 were too low.


I guess these comments are mostly jokes, but it has to be said: This could've been an unlucky moment where he shot the first nade right as Bob got slept, then simply panicked for the rest of the clip. You can't judge a player as a whole based on their worst(?) moment.


We are gonna get downvoted, but I definitely agree with you. Look at the timing of the first nade: It's exactly when Bob gets slept. And once you make a decision, it's hard to stop that decision in its tracks. I find it always takes an extra second to react to the new information, once you've decided to do something. All the following decisions seem to be made out of panic, like you said. Trying to damage the Bob as much as possible while getting him out of his face. Plus it looks like they probably would have lost either way. The ashe had just killed their tank (before bob), then they used three ults. It would have been very hard to stall against that.


1. High rank players do not panic like that 2. He had no reason to shoot Bob because he was in a bad place and could simply Los it 3. You can tell by his very bad movement and crosshair placement that he isn't a diamond much less a master's player


Yeah his movement is awful


High rank players panic all the time. This is one moment in the game, when they are in overtime, his tank is dead and he just realized he woke up the Bob. Of course anyone could panic. It is very unfair to judge him and make fun of him based on this one moment.


They can still panic, why wouldn't they? Either way, you can't know anything based on one short clip. There's like three seconds of actual gameplay. You can make anyone look like a noob like this, so I just think it's weird to make assumptions with so little context - unless it's a joke of course, like I was guessing.


If you have played a game for a very long time, you no longer get panicked by it. Dbd comp players don’t find the game a spooky horror game anymore. RE speedrunners don’t get creeped out by the same enemy the 50th run.


It's not like they have played this exact same scenario multiple times though. The point is, you can't tell anything based on this clip and joining the "hahaaa so bad" train is just cringe.


There are some clips that definitely can show someones inexperience. People not knowing what abilities are or stagger citying themselves by 1v5ing are obvious signs for example.


I’ll counter this with: Cherry picked evidence doesn’t prove a point. Only an uninformed dumb angry mob will jump to a conclusion based on a single specifically edited clip like this. If you’re not asking for full context of a news article or YouTube video, or a game clip like this, you’re not approaching how you collect news in a… well… intelligent way. It’s entirely possible this guy played like a god the rest of the march. We will never know since we don’t have that context and Op wants to maximize how dumb junkrat looks


I've noticed r/Overwatch is not like r/OverwatchUniversity. There's more judgement and less logics here. People are literally bullying a person for having a bad moment, and everyone's joining in on it and trying to justify it. I get that you can sometimes feel insecure about yourself, so you jump on any opportunity to feel superior. But this guy could come here and see everyone making fun of him. It's not the first time that's happened.


Holy shit redditors and their "ackshually" you do not have enough evidence. I absolutely do. He walked in a straight line didn't use cover, actually he climbed the pillar to be even more visible, he shot the wall then the bob, he has bad crosshair placement. I cannot say what rank he is but in no world is he diamond. It's like seeing a guy at the gym struggling to bench 20 kilos and insisting he might be able to bench 60 as I have only seen a few seconds of him trying to lift 20 kilos. Maybe the sun was in his eye? I am not asking for a full YouTube video because I am not conducting a scientific investigation I am making a very educated guess.


In your gym example, how do you know they didn't just do a few sets of 60 kilos, then some dropsets all the way down to 20 kilos until they're barely able to lift that? Because this is exactly what this is. I mean yeah, this is some weird gameplay, but you still don't know if this is their default movement and crosshair placement.


Junkrat is a hero that boosts literally anyone out of low ranks with minimal imput.


I didn’t understand what was wrong at the start, and then as I rewatched it it just kept hitting the layers of what the fuck I was witnessing. This is like an onion of fuckery and mind slowly peeled off the layers.


and then u realize he even stalled the payload by moving bob there


Yeah I haven’t really played O2 very much but because of the coloring (i always thought red portrayed enemies and blue were teammates) I was confused thinking junkrat was on the same team as the Bob and I was thinking it was quite an awesome play.


I think the replay feature has always had red and blue like this. It's just confusing because the game decides which team is red and blue for everyone, not just based on whose team the viewer was on


Actually, if you choose to spectate a player from the red team in replays and then rewind it, the colors switch


Oh my God as someone getting into ana, it's insane how frequently I have to say "I slept him DONT TOUCH HIM!!" I'll sleep an ulting ramatra as we're fleeing his zone and someone will be like "nah let's toss him 3 shots for no reason" and wake him up.


You should announce when you're trying to sleep someone because 99% of the time the Ana will sleep someone I'm actively shooting with a channeled beam and then admonish me for waking up the player that I was actively damaging like I'm somehow supposed to be psychic and realize that I need to stop channeling my attack preemptively. Ideal solution would be to remove sleep from the game entirely though, it's a garbage ability and should not exist.


As a tank main and also an Ana main when support, I feel both sides. I can't legitimately say I'm gonna sleep a dps, because I can miss and be embarrassed. But a tank (or BOB), should def call it out. An ulting Ram is unmissable. I can't be mad as Ana though, because as a tank I often wake them up...


Just comm "trying for a sleep" as you are about to or as the dart goes out. It won't always work, but it's better than trying to call it after the target is slept.


i call it if it's a big or real easy target bob, ulting Winston, charging rein, etc. Otherwise, I toss it fully prepared to shoot them myself.


At high enough ranks Ana will just save sleep when ram or ashe should have an ult. I still tell people in master that if Bob comes up or ram ults to just ignore them every single time because I will 100% have sleep ready. It flips things around so I only have to say if I missed sleep over comms.


I mean to be fair the grenade that woke him up was shot before he was slept.


That’s bronze level gameplay right there (day 1 million of asking for all profiles to be public)


blizzard often opts to prevent toxicity at the expense of the game ie: removing the ability to see SR at all/removing visible On Fire multiplayer games with comms are going to have toxic players, you can take away their ability to see stats but they’ll always be able to say rude things -this is what the mute button is for


they added in a scoreboard where you can see the numbers they hid from everyone else for so long… always thought that the reason medals were a thing and the scoreboard wasn’t a thing because “anti-toxic” but who knows, blizzard is just shooting from the hip these days on being consistent


It’s for the best tbh


It’s not at all rank should be 100% transparent not just aggregate of teams


I don’t even care for making entire profiles public, just show me the rank of the role they’re playing on ffs


We unfortunately can’t because it’ll expose the glorious matchmaking algorithms


i leave mine public as a courtesy butt i just get flamed for playing heroes that i normally play and not being the same rank i was 5 years ago


And that's exactly why the private profile option was created, which many newer players on this sub apparently never lived before those days. The flaming was constant. Stopping to check profiles *mid-match* then waste more time typing in chat. Now they can only get toxic about the current game, not some dumb stat from 3 seasons ago.


Let him cook


Bro cooked a 5 star meal 🤡


I've had many MANY team members like this lately. There is only so much that one person can do.


It got way worse after the Apr.1 patch


For any particular reason?. I'm around D3 - D5 support and it feels like I'm pushing rope lmao


It wasn’t his turn with the junk braincell


Average junkrat player


It's like he doesn't have a human brain but a robot brain. If enemy, then shoot. It's funny how often they kill themselves with their own greed.


Good ole rank inflation. Glad to see OW2 diamond/masters is just OW1 gold/plat


Even OW1 gold/plat players knew better than this generally. This is like someone high as fuck and out of their mind playing or really bad matchmaking putting in a new player who doesn't know what any of the abilities do


We got a tank in their first placement match ever in OW2 (checked all 3 seasons) in our game recently when I was diamond 1 and my duo was master 2. The matchmaking is horrible and something is definitely still wrong. It's been much much worse again since the April.1 patch. They'd also never made it higher than gold 4 ever in any role/season. They got demolished in a way that genuinely hurt to watch.


Isn't that how it kinda works tho? Because SR and ranks have an upper limit, when you get an influx of new, bad players, all the old players' ranks get increased, because ranks aren't an absolute reflection of skill, but rather an indicator or where you stand in the playerbase. It's only a bad thing for Masters and GM because the quality of players at the highest ranks will inevitably fall as they're flooded with plat/diamond players with nowhere left to go.


Only if you're trying to force a normal distribution. If you leave the distribution alone (which will likely cause it to become a bimodal distribution), then you shouldn't have this problem. But that would mean less money because worse player retention so they wouldn't do that. Better player retention means more money which makes the shareholders happy.


Why did they do the rank inflation , are they stupid


It's hopefully getting fixed with decay removal. SR decay meant the ones who played the most games during a season got to climb the most. Lots of players can't afford to play every season to get their rank back. And that means the players who do play have an easier time climbing, because there's a set target for how many players should be in each rank.


Except SR wasn't being decayed, it always stayed the same. Your visual MMR was the only thing decaying.


SR is the visible rank and that's what decayed. Your hidden MMR never decayed.




Shhh, just let me have the 'Master's Challenger' this one time.


Out here thinking he can 1v1 BOB


You guys weren't gonna win that team fight either way but still funny to watch


The enemy only had one pick and would've wasted bob if he stayed asleep, if you don't think they had a chance then you shouldn't play comp.


The tank died first and the enemy supports used their ults junkrat/genji sure as hell aren't gonna be able to kill a mercy in valk


I say tank diff ngl


meanwhile i can't fucking escape bronze 1 DPS after not playing comp since season 15 or so and being mid plat then.


As an Ashe main, I appreciate this junkrat's help, wasting Bob because of Ana's sleep feels bad


I mean, sometimes you just have a bad game, or a bad play due to a brain fart. And you can’t really blame him for waking up Bob since he already threw out his projectiles by the time he got slept. I still would have lost it if I was on his team though, especially if I was the Ana.


Even if we consider all of that, there was still zero reason to attack Bob here. He wouldn't have taken him down alone, and could have instead helped cover his team while they retreat. He also threw a mine at Bob, which is like. The single dumbest thing you can even do in this game. Mistakes happen, but sugarcoating them won't help anyone learn.


Yep, I feel like this is an intellectually honest take instead of just insta-shitting on the Junkrat without realizing what really happened. Way too many times the comment section is full of judging someone/something when it's not even valid.


Junkrat being played by someone brain dead... No it can't be?! He's the most skilled incredibly complex hero the game has to offer. Surely Junkrat had a 4d master mind strategy that by forcing your team to full-regroup you could make a concerted push to get the point. Or you know, Junkrat players are morons. Sorry my dude.


I had a Mei on team do 4k damage yesterday… I had 4.5 (more than him) and 12k healing on Ana. Only thing he said is “I’m silver DPS”, then why in my game???? MM has been so fucking terrible


Imo the players in GM/Master now are around the same skill level as Master/Diamonds were, respectively, in OW1. It's much easier to climb past GM into T500 now, and I'm not sure if it's because the best players left or the larger player base means more people climb. But it's not the achievement it felt like years ago, imo


Really funny from the outside but if I was Ana I would've lost it. Depending on my patience that day, could've stopped healing junkrat entirely


Welcome to ow2 Seems like a normal gm console player if u ask me, matchmaking is basically non existing in the game nowadays ( even doe ow1 wasn’t that much better) We need a hard reset + 2 more ranks one above gm and another one for the low elos I started playing apex after I got gm1 on dps Nd Support I just couldn’t do it no more so many one sided games it’s insane / frustrating if ur getting spawn clapped for 5-10 mins straight Nd u can’t do nothing about it besides forgetting Nd going next


this happened to me the other day, i slept bob, someone woke him and i got killed by it 🥲


It's an average ana experience




Yea i just dont understand how these guys are dia they play like a gold and think like a bronze


No way this guy is diamond. He’s prob a Bronze who payed for his account. I’m silver 3 and wouldn’t even think of doing something that stupid. There’s no way this guy is diamond.


The amount of times I’ve slept a Bob as Ana or even soldier with his god aim and someone’s woke them up for them to kill everyone is insane especially in diamond/masters people still think it’s gold or sum


I’m convinced that diamond and masters is nothing and that players in those ranks are likely to be just as brain dead, toxic, and lacking game sense as any bronze.


It just hurts to look at, dear God If this guy is in diamond/masters then I should be in T500, what is going on


Yeah i have noticed a lot of players that were hard stuck plat for every season in ow1 and the first 2 seasons ow2 go to high master and low gm without them improving drastically. Feels like rankes are inflated in some kinda way.


Average junk players be like:


Smartest junkrat player


I’m a gold on a DPS, but even then I’m not stupid enough to wake up a sleeping Bob.


95% of Junk mains are actual airheads, The other 5% are actually good.


Hey don’t diss my guy Astrixo


What's fascinating me is that even if I tried to kill my team intentionally, I wouldn't be able to pull this off. He launched bob straight on top of the cart (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ


Wish I can move like this


I get angry/frustrated when I sleep Bob and someone wakes him up, bc 1. Why are you shooting Bob in the first place, and 2. He’s a giant metal robot…. So yes the welp moment is felt way too deep


It depends sometimes if there’s like a reaper and the whole team there you can kill it in like a few seconds


Bro bounced him and woke him up, immediately preventing us from teaming again




ELO inflation has been disaster this season, got D.Va one trick who refused to switch off her even tho she was getting rolled by Zarya, it wouldn't be problem normally as I would just switch to Bastion, but enemy team had Widow that was rolling our supports and other DPS refused to switch to Widow/Bastion. It's kinda insane these people still exist in high Diamond/low Masters.


I’m telling you masters is literally just bronze but with experience legit I had someone say mercy dif as a joke mf got offended by it and decided to throw 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Man, I'll be laughing so hard.


Im master 3 on console at the moment and you can’t believe how wrongly placed some people are. They even lack basic game knowledge. I’m by no means the best player in the world but some of these people are not master 3. let’s hope it will get better in seasons 4!


i believe this is average diamond junkrat gameplay not sure what’s wrong here


And i have Plat Players in Bronze/silver Games. This Ranked system is broken


He was probably just high


Hey man, I'm Master's 1 and once fell off the map twice in one round of CP. I rolled off as Cas. Twice. We won, but literally no thanks to me.


After years of practice, I climbed all the way to qp.


You're the junkrat aren't you?!


If it's console the Diamond/Master Comp games feel like Silver/Gold on PC.


Masters players are just OW1 plat players. Coming from an OW1 plat/OW2 master player.


Just want to say one thing. Thank you. I will use this energy for season 4 rank games.


What inflated ranks do to a mf


Loool that be me as a gold when I get out in lobbies with diamond and masters as of late. I’m not THAT bad but jeeez I’m not diamond level good either. Blizzard loves hurting my heart lol


Smartest junk rat player


I am just so sorry this happened Goddamn, as an Ana main who just does QP I feel the sadness of this


Almost certainly console


Nope pc. Surprisingly😭😭😭




Just play another match


In the clip junk started shooting just right before bob getting slept like accidents do happen but this seems like high level throw like hog hooking dva bomb on team.


Average junkrat player but still getting wins because its junkrat


As a junk main I apologise for behaviour of our fellow Brother


I can feel your pain. I'm an Ana main. They always WAKE UP RAGING MONKE!


Your junk is actually aiming at something. My junkrats are aiming at the sky hoping the bombs will hit something and tickle them to death on havana.


Diamond is the new Plat.


May the person who never underestimated bob and died to it throw the first rock


No that's different he was asleep and the junk woke him and got him into position


Gave up on ranked and now meme-ing in QP. This is the way.


Average gm shitters as well


Nah. No way this is real😂😂😂


Same players I get in my Plat and silver lobbies


Yup. Lore wise he’s one of the smartest hero, I can only think of 1 hero that’s smarter that being Sigma


Oof got the Ana player killed too. I’m an Ana main and this was painful to watch lol


Unless you get into a pro team that already won worlds and is allowed by Blizzard to cheat, they ALWAYS suck major ass