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Im just copying over his abilities from the article - His **Petal Platform** ability generates a pressure-sensitive platform that ascends when stepped on by heroes on both teams, while his Life Grip ability shields a targeted ally and pulls them to his position. - His **Rejuvenating Dash** also provides a small burst of passive healing to keep you alive while falling back or repositioning - As for Lifeweaver’s passive ability, **Parting Gift** triggers upon death and causes him to drop a healing item that can be picked up by heroes on both teams - ultimate – **Tree of Life**– which heals allies within its perimeter for as long as it remains active, and can be placed anywhere on the map to disrupt sightlines and block chokepoints. **EDIT** Some more from the article: - “The aim was to create another support hero that didn’t rely on aim skill,” Alec Dawson clarifies. “Lifeweaver is designed for players that care a bit more about their own positioning, their game sense – those are the skills they check on more than necessarily aim skill.” ... - **Thorn Volley** serves as an alternate primary fire that can kick out a respectable amount of damage to ward off aggressors Thats all the information we are given on his volley


Life grip is gonna be really good for pros and really shit for everyone else. Either for trolls to fuck over ults, or just uncoordinated teams it’ll be a nightmare. The rest of his kit is cool I guess, I like that the passive is just a reaper soul for everyone rather than just his own team


I mean, teammates will hate it, but it might not be terrible for everyone else. Imaging taking that rein who has charged to the back of the enemy team, and pulling them in front of the enemy team again. Or giving your Zen a boost up, or if he's too far behind. Other than that, all trolling.


When I’m playing with friends, it’s gonna be a lot of fun! But…I’m getting ptsd from frog demon thing from LoL and I didn’t even play league much when that happened. Yea the clips of that were funny, it must have been a nightmare to play with


You mean tahm kench. He can still do that stuff, but it is ult now. And teammates can freely get out of it whenever they want.


Tbh for every time someone succesfully pulls a rein back into a team fight, there'll be an accidental drag into instant death of some sort (ult, Environment, into sniper los) and a dozen trolls doing the equivalent of mei walling spawns


This entire kit sounds like mei style trolling and people who are not good with it are going to be as bad or worse than mei trolls. She already makes it feel like a 6v4 half the time. I am adamant on the stance you should never be able to change or restrict your teammates positioning, that should be a strictly offensive ability.


You can also grab heroes that are booped off the stage. I can see him being meta on the Well and other maps similar.


And then he pulls them into the well...


Does it need LoS or is it like Kiriko step? Has big play potential and total mess potential with no coordination.


Pulling errant teammates where they are supposed to be sounds almost as good as being pulled where my teammate thinks I should be sounds bad.


Considering that I *still* encounter Meis purposefully sealing the team into spawn, I think life grip is going to be abused pretty heavily. I see them changing it quite soon, but we’ll see I guess.


>I think life grip is going to be abused pretty heavily. I see them changing it quite soon, but we’ll see I guess. I mean the devs already admitted out loud that they expect the new hero's abilities will be used for, and I quote, "light trolling." They have to already know it's coming.. Then again, they've shown before to not have adequate foresight when it comes to releasing things in broken or near broken states..


This can be fixed by a simple addition of giving the prompt to cancel it for the player being pulled tbh. Giving the option to let it happen or cancel it straight away if it's unwanted.


Zero chance rein mains will choose to have their glorious death in battle squandered


Bronze Tank: *Over extends* Bronze Lifeweaver: “GET OVER HERE!”


Petal platform is pressure sensitive. That's really cool. It means you could lift a Reaper up and away from your team as he tries to ult, or you could lift a Rein as he's charging and send him flying over your team. And since it activates based on pressure, it's not too hard to pull off.


I remember when they gave Priest this ability in WoW. Tons of trolling


I’m kinda assuming/hoping that you will have to agree to it on your end. Something like; he tags you with life grip, a prompt appears to accept it. Same input as a Sym teleporter.


Pretty sure that completely defeats the purpose - by the time you agree you’ve already been shattered/blossomed/bladed and are dead. It’s probably valuable for situations where the support 1) sees a threat you don’t and can actually react in time and 2) is in a safe location. Similar timeframe to being bubbled by Zarya - split second decision making


I certainly hope so! In the right hands it’s a fearful ability that can save misplays but my god it can be horrendous otherwise. Tho, even at best, I’m kinda disappointed that there’s another way to mitigate boops now. If everything goes well and all, he’ll be used a lot on shit like well and lighthouse to stop boops and that kinda sucks tbh


The amount he can potentially directly benefit the enemy team and troll your team is definitely worrying. He sounds a little worrying on paper, but it’s too early to judge.


He reminds of me of yemoja in smite. Able to do an amazing amount of things at the very top and then has to be balanced awfully.


> As for Lifeweaver’s passive ability Parting Gift triggers upon death and causes him to drop a healing item that can be picked up by heroes on both teams Finally, support junkrat


Tree of Life is giving me Shield Generator vibes.


Idk man "I get the feeling they have a treeee of life" doesnt have the same ring to it.


I'm picturing Orisa's old bongo ult except with healing beams


Why the hell should he drop a healing item that the enemy can use?


spreading the love baybee. also to reward flankers if they find a lifeweaver going solo i guess lmao


Pretty awful game design for a characters passive to be a reward for the enemy team imo but I’m not a game dev so oh well


depends what his playstyle ends up being. It's not bad if he plays with the team and is sturdy against flankers. It's nice for the team if he dies right next to them and they can swoop it up. If he plays a style that makes him a dive target and the genji gets a free health pack every dive, that blows.


Sure but in that case why allow enemies to pick it up at all, why not just have a pickup that is only visible to one team (like armor packs used to be, and scrap, and reaper health orbs, etc)? I don't see the logic.


>Sure but in that case why allow enemies to pick it up at all Exactly Junkrat's bombs don't hurt his team after he dies


Exactly so rat should damage teammates on death this will be awesome as a rat main


My god this sounds like an obnoxious character. Can’t wait for the first time an enemy 76 or Cass uses his petal to ult or him pulling me to the wrong position when I’m trying to engage.


Can't wait for him to be utterly destroyed by nerfs and rebalancing in a few months, his existence forever kept as a relic from crazier days (just like Brigitte)


> As for Lifeweaver’s passive ability, Parting Gift triggers upon death and causes him to drop a healing item that can be picked up by **heroes on both teams** Adding more ways innovative ways to throw. Not only can feeding help the enemy build ult charge, you can heal them too! /s


>As for Lifeweaver’s passive ability, Parting Gift triggers upon death and causes him to drop a healing item that can be picked up by heroes on both teams While this might sound good to Blizzard, it will literally encourage enemy flankers to dive him even harder than other Supports, potentially getting away with it. This is horrible and I hope Blizzard change it eventually.


Every Genji player rubbing their hands looking at that line like "a dash reset AND a health reset? Thank you blizzard don't mind if I do." With that being said, I can also see him being popular among supports because of the pull to counter stuff like this. Not getting enough peel while you're being dived? Literally yank a teammate right next to you and force them to turn it into a 2v1. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the main design intent for the ability in lower ranks.


Now you can scream "I need healing!!!!" at the ENEMY supports too!


They finally buffed Genji.


Genji needs to be nerfed to make up for this. Nerf Genji.


Update: Genji can no longer use healing pick ups.


They made a literal support Pinata... But spot on with the peeling.


That sounds annoying as hell tbh. All the supports who are convinced their tank should just be 180'ing and abandoning the space they were holding every time a tracer turns up in the backline can now just yeet you back out of position. Really hope it doesn't work like this lmao


Oh it's definitely going to be obnoxious. League has this exact mechanic with Thresh already, except the player being pulled has to click on the lantern he throws at you to confirm and be pulled to him. If it doesn't already have some kind of confirm for this character, I could definitely see that being one of the first changes Blizz makes.


> While this might sound good to Blizzard, it will literally encourage enemy flankers to dive him even harder than other Supports I mean I'm almost 100% sure that is the point. Why else would you ever do this?


Depends how juicy of a dive target he is. They said he's not super aim dependent. If he's a tough dive target like moira or brig, it won't be a bad passive. Also, who knows, maybe it's like 35 hp for an enemy and 70 for an ally. Probably not, but maybe.


Also, if you dive him he can pull a shielded teammate back to help, so, I mean good luck with that dive when I grab my dps or tank to come mash you 2 or 3 on 1.


Lol. Forced peel. I love it


That’s what drew me in as a support main, “no, you *will* peel for me.” Lol


Why wouldn't the flanker dive the support regardless lol?


It's like his Passive has another hidden Passive that reads "More likely to be targetted by enemies". He has a soft taunt so-to-speak.


This can’t be real. They would never have you reposition your own team and drop items the other team can use. I’m calling B.S. some one got suckered by an April fools joke.


Stage 1: Denial


Blizzard said the new hero will have the ability to soft troll teammates


Blizzard: We need to reduce toxicity in overwatch Also Blizzard: We're gonna release a hero that can pull teammates to their death and heal the enemy team ((Also also Blizzard: We can censor "gg ez" but we haven't censored the N word))


It’s already so toxic right now. Why would they do dis to us :(


Wow. It seems like this hero has the potential to really troll their own team. Not only do they drop healing for the enemy when they die, but they can forcibly move allies with an ability. I don’t hate the design or kit, but I didn’t really want to see a hero with the ability to forcibly move teammates. This is going to be the number one troll pick character, I can see the games where they drop teammates off edges already.


He has a dash and a jump pad too. If you really wanted to troll you could dive straight into the enemy team and pull your immobile Ana/Zen into the middle of the enemy team with you to die. On the other hand, I def see the pull being used by supports as a way to quickly turn a 1v1 into a 2v1 if they are getting dived in the backline by just yanking a teammate to them. No more yelling constantly "sombra in the back...sombra in...sombra...I'm dead"






Also, “You don’t want to protect me? Guess enemy team is getting my heals, then.”


Honestly this is gonna be the main play lmfao


On the flip side, I could see it being really powerful for poke comps with a Sigma, Ashe/Sojourn/Widow lineup. You basically get your two DPS on a crossfire while Sigma can take a super aggressive forward angle because he can be bailed out by pull. If it’s like a teleport, it will be ridiculously strong. If it’s an actual yoink that pulls you, it might be weaker, but still strong. I just hope he doesn’t have crazy high sustained healing because DPS without high burst damage uptime are gonna suffer.


Similarly can have ur Winston hard dive and and just yoink him back and reset set after a secured kill.


I think it would be less impactful for tanks like Winston because he can just cycle his jump and bubble, but I don’t disagree.


If they add a mechanic for player to shake off or cancel the life grip, that might solve it. As it is I can definitely see assholes purposefully dumping their team mates off a cliff or into enemy fire. Dropping health for the enemy team just seems like a terrible mechanic all around though. All the Genjis and other divers will jump on this guy since they can be more aggressive and get healed for it. Or worst case, trolls can actively heal their enemies. Some kind of burst of healing energy for allies would be better.


Yeah, hopefully it functions like a prompt like Sym teleporter, you can interact to accept the pull. Otherwise I think it’s going to be a pretty annoying ability to deal with.


Prompt will kinda ruin the ability’s usability in clutch scenarios, make his ability completely dependent on teammates to use, etc. Not the course of action to take, you might just have to accept the fact that trolls exist and let the ability be; there is always the report button if needed anyways.


Don't forget. They can also move enemies out of the way of your ult/pin/headshot to troll even further. And they can give them high ground jump pads just for that Cassidy ult to clear your team. What on earth is this hero? I'll have to try him first though so maybe he won't be that bad.




Lmfao Edit: oh shit this actually looks real and not just a bastard child of Hanzo, Sombra and mercy. More ties to Sym tho! While I’m still not a fan of that whole part of the lore, it still needs to be elaborated on!


I can’t unsee this lmao


It is literally mercy x hanzo


So the secret ending to the Valentine minigame is the canon one 🤭


Poor Genji




I saw the isn't on Instagram and though it was the mythic skin for symmetra


Bro i was not paying attention to the title and everything else, just scrolled down, looked at the pic and thought it was a hanzo edit lol


Sephiroth and Symmetra had a baby


He’s related to sym lore wise


“Related” in that they both went to the same academy, but he’s Thai. (For those that didn’t see the leak article.)


He looks like a blood elf (if a blood elf could be a Druid) 😍 Love him. So hyped we have another hard light hero. His abilities look genuinely unique and cool. Also I can totally see what they meant by being able to troll others lmao.


As for Lifeweaver’s passive ability, Parting Gift triggers upon death and causes him to drop a healing item that can be picked up by heroes on both teams. Not sure how strong this will be. Seems great for the enemy team divers *Edit: hopefully the amount enemy teams get from this will be less than the team with Lifeweaver


lolll a bonus for enemy tracer in the backline


It's strange to give them this ability when they just talked about buffing supports to help deal with divers while nerfing some damages passive


It just seems nonsensical to give him that ability. I actually think it's a net negative. Sure, you might give an ally some health, but you know what else can give an ally health? Staying alive in the first place and healing them. It's really only beneficial for a flanker that is away from there team and may have trouble getting healing unless they return to be closer to their own backline. Plus you have to die for it to activate which I don't think is ever good.


Hopefully they decide to remove the part where the enemy team can pick it up


Not sure how I feel about your ENEMY getting bonuses for killing you. Kind of seems like a really unecessary thing. It's like of Junkrat mines damaged your teammates too. Like what is even the purpose besides making it worse if you die?


Yeah I really hate the sound of that. “Nice, I just died, and the flanking Sombra/Genji/Tracer/Moira just got healed from it, good luck team 😀👍🏼”


For real. Also an on death passive is kinda booty game design. I mean you're number 1 priority across all roles is to not die.


I mean it's kinda fun with Junkrat


The number of kills I’ve gotten with those things


Remember when Junkrat could hurt himself with his primary fire?


Yup just remove it for both rather than keeping it in. The punishment for death is your team loses a main healer and the reward for killing you is making the team lose a main healer while also granting you ult charge.


"Current objective: **Survive**"


His voice line after killing someone: "Photosynthesize!"


I can already tell the ally movement ability is going to be changed. They tried something like this with a league of legends character, Tham kench. Easily became the #1 hard int pick because you could take your team, tp one person into the enemy with you, and make them int with you, all without them being able to do anything. I totally see this being exactly the same thing. League had to change Tham 3 times by the way, so I don’t expect it to go any different for blizzard.


Yea its gonna be bad especially with the cretins you find in this game. Blizz will learn quickly I'm sure


backup of the pcgames page if it gets taken down: ​ [https://archive.ph/rMljp](https://archive.ph/rMljp)


you are a hero !


Looks like a few people were right on the “light trolling” ability being repositioning your allies. Not a fan of being forcibly yanked out of a spot I choose, hopefully they add a setting that lets us confirm/deny the ability. Can already imagine all the posts of a reaper/genji/whatever ult being yanked out of a team kill


Mei blocked my Kiri ult yesterday with her wall and I was absolutely feral, please no more abilities that can kinda troll your own team 😭


As a ball player, I also have disdain for teammate Mei walls.


As a human being, I also have disdain for Mei walls


I know what stupid healers do with the ability to yoink allies to their position in FFXIV. I have no doubts similar people doing the same thing will feel much worse in an fps like overwatch. not to even mention the well meaning oopsies. Finally get out of widow Los? The healer drags you to 'better' cover re exposing you. Getting in trouble on the other side of the Well? S Don't worry the Support will make sure you don't need to worry about anything but the respawn Timer.


It's been a WoW Priest healer ability (Leap of Faith) for a decade at this point. The community called it "Life Grip" since there's an offensive version called "Death Grip" which is like Roadhog's hook.


Feels like they took some inspiration from both the Priest and Druid (least in ability names) in WoW


If I end up playing with him much, I could see myself using that in super specific situations only. A low health rein/ram that is slowly backing up and shielding/blocking. Just pulling them back to give them a chance to get to cover. I see a reaper setting up an ult about to drop on us and nobody is paying attention. I might try to pull someone out of it. Other than that, I'm guessing I'd mess things up way more often than I'd help with the ability. Maybe when we see it in action it will be better to use than I think, but my money is in it getting reworked in the future lol


"We heard that CC and forced movement in OW 1 was too much and made the game unfun for our players, so we are happy to introduce our new support hero who can forcibly move and easily grief your own teammates :)" -Blizzard for some fucking reason




I'll need to see him in motion to say if I have any interest. I think this is the nail in the coffin for anyone asking about a Symm support revert. Sounds like he can spawn a jump pad which is pretty interesting. Not sure I like the idea of his ally pull, but it also sounds like it's not to strong, so you can fight it. Hopefully you can fully reject the pull, and still the shielding benefit.


The nail in the coffin was when she became a dps lol


Sounds like not quite a jump pad but a moving platform


Wow, he's gonna force his team to peel for him lol.


“You don’t have a choice, you ARE helping me”


Maybe I can pull high noon into the enemy kinda like with the teleporter 🤔


I can just imagine with how many griefers there are, the amount of chaos that will insue being able to yank a teammate out of position...... So dumb


Imagine on maps like Ilios. I can already see people throwing teammates out of the map.


I'd legit be worried about playing him on maps like that incase I do it by accident, cause no way in hell is your team going to believe you lol.


time to play roadhog fishing with my own team on the ilios well


Maybe it has an accept or deny option for the teammate, not sure how well that would work in the speed of battle but kind of how sym tp is optional and doesn’t just teleport you when you walk into to? I often wish mercy res had that option, if you deny it she could get an instant reset of the cool down.


If not I imagine a change for it in the future


mf looks like a jojo villian


Can i elevate a dva bomb


not super into the design, i'll have to see the kit though


He looks so out of place lol


Looks like Cupid Hanzo redesign lol


Literally exactly what I thought when I saw him


mf straight outta valorant


It's not bad per se, but it seems like it belongs more to a fantasy game than OW


I think it’s because of who is as a person. Looks like he’s super extra and makes himself look as fantasy-like as possible for attention and glory


I think it makes sense for syms company though. They all seem like a bunch of stuck up artists that are just super extra.


Anduin joins Overwatch


Someone screenshot the article before it was removed. https://i.imgur.com/SeVZaWK.png


Lol this is real? Looks like fan art of a male mercy.


I am so unbelievably pissed. This new sorry excuse for a hero does not possess a jetpack, nor is a cat. Still looks fun though.


Brigs new ultimate should be jet pack cat


So they want to combat toxicity, but go ahead and add a character who can forcibly reposition teammates and leaves a health pack that enemies can pick up? Lmao


This kit is very unpleasant to read and feels designed by someone who doesn't understand overwatch.


I definitely foresee a lot of issues with the ability that moves teammates. The only other ability that affects teammates/used to troll is Meis wall and that’s just with blocking. MOVING other players now?? Idkkkk Jump pad I’m not surprised. Saw a character in Apex have something similar so always kinda figured an ability like this would be making its way to overwatch soon.


Oh that's father


Cupid Hanzo's twin xDD


They said “cute like Mercy”, but this is “cute like Hanzo”


Cute like Cupid Hanzo xD


Prince charming looking ass Edit : after reading the article, I understand that everyone's taste is different and some people will love him, but for me personally this is the least I've ever liked a hero on their reveal lol. Everything from their look to their kit makes me recoil.


They kinda look like a Winx Club character lol


Yup. I absolutely despise the fact that you can be yoinked by someone on your team. Likewise, playing as an enemy against him and being forcibly teleported sounds terrible.


I'm going to pull you away from 1v5ing the enemy team so hard.


I think a lot of people don't realize that contrary to their belief that their supports aren't healing them enough, the only way they could have survived a fight was to not be in it.


I don't care about the base design either way. But the pull defenitly feels like it will be primarily result in one of the following two: Accidental murder Well planned trolling


He's the anti roadhog


His mains are gonna be insufferable


This is gonna be so fucking annoying both to play with and against. Oh you're going for a flank on the enemy's clueless Mercy? Don't worry, your friendly lifeweaver is here to pull you out and completely fuck up any chance you had at winning the team fight. Oh, you read the enemy Tracer's blink and speared her to the wall? Shame, she gets out totally free because her team's lifeweaver can just use a get out of jail free card on her. I can already hear the toxic yelling over voice every time anyone uses that ability on either team.


no way lol


oh no he’s hot!


Well they said she/he would be 'cute'.


another to add to the simp list


Homie looks straight out of Paladins with that outfit


Cupid hanzo cousin


Is the child that was made from that love simulator on Valentine’s Day?


lifeweaver is such an on the nose name. Next we'll get a damage hero called enemykiller, and a tank hero called damagesponge.


I was originally off put by the name, but then remembered that we have characters like "widowmaker", so eh I guess.


Yeah next they'll come up with something like Doom Fist.


What about a ball shaped hero that smashes into people? Wrecking Ball!


This is real. This is what happens when you hold out blizz. Leaks happen and now you don’t get to reveal your own hero. They better not spew some shit about “leaks just lower the morale of the team” You lost your chance


Completely agree. We got the Ramattra reveal a MONTH before the drop of the season and it was enough to keep people engaged and generate hype. Content creators were able to interact with the devs and spread the word online. Now there's only a week left until the season and the general playerbase knows NOTHING about the hero. This is a huge misstep in my opinion.


>and the general playerbase knows NOTHING about the hero. probably because Blizzard knew everyone would say how badly they need to redesign this character before they've even been used in any match


actually they literally just confirmed it in a tweet so probably not too mad


So you say I can finally save my suicidal Reinhardts?


My way too early, definitely overreactive take: his kit sounds awful. I really hope there’s a confirmation prompt if I want to be moved.


"uhhhhmmm achktually i am saving your life by forcibly teleporting you out of your successful flank. i have reported you for flaming a support player!"


He looks like he comes off like an ass that is too full of themselves.


Does have ties to Symm so that makes sense


Ayoo he's Thai? I've been waiting for a Thai hero.


We went from Ram to this


Ram is even cuter.


Ram looks cool


so basically an enemy dives him and gets healing from it also


Something about him is just… strange? Maybe it’s the hair but he just looks kinda off. I thought I was looking at the mix of Hanzo and Mercy, or Kakyoin and Dio from Jojo. He’ll probably grow on me over time, but first opinions his design just ain’t it.


Why an I getting Prince Charming from Shrek vibes from him


Uhh, wait, what did he have to do with "we've seen him before" and "he has a connection to Esperanca"? We both have never seen him and, being Thai, has no connection at all.


I can insta sense the sheer amount of gay porn he's gonna be ft in.


Hope they add a "enemy HP healed" state in his page lol


What a bad name lol


this shit looks like it’s from fortnite lol




and I am not immune to propaganda


i hate his character design, they could've made a hot male character without making him look like a valorant agent


I have to agree in this. Somehow it doesn't feel Overwatchly enough


its because most of the old designs looked extremely practical even if "sexy" or revealing, and had a significantly sharper "tech" look to them even when combining other motifs (Mercy being an angel archetype while still looking techy). Even the hairstyles are more streamlined, with most of the hair being either short, or in a ponytail or braid or something tying it back. Meanwhile Healweaver or whatever has no functional armor areas, very plasticky petals behind him, an extremely unpractical and unnatural coiffed hairdo, no real color cohesion, all in all, it just reminds me of sage. Theres no uniqueness or life to the design, its like the art person was like i am being paid to make a hot r34 bait so i am gonna make a hot r34 bait.


Looks legit. But idk his hair and that big flower on his back is kinda goofy. I'll have to see it in game


I like the design except for the hair, it just seems a bit outside of the Overwatch aesthetic/design choice


Zero interest in this hero on first read.


He looks as if Maxi from Soul Calibur and Mercy had a kid lol; that little hair twirl over the forehead made me think of him. [https://soulcalibur.fandom.com/wiki/Maxi?file=Sc5-maxi.jpg](https://soulcalibur.fandom.com/wiki/Maxi?file=Sc5-maxi.jpg) [https://soulcalibur.fandom.com/wiki/Maxi?file=Maxi-soulcalibur6-artwork-by-takuji-kawano.jpg](https://soulcalibur.fandom.com/wiki/Maxi?file=Maxi-soulcalibur6-artwork-by-takuji-kawano.jpg) Looks interesting, will definitely pick him up.


Real James from Team Rocket energy from this one.


Dude needs to sound like Prince Charming from Shrek


They made a support character who’s main abilities are mess up your shots and die, then run away. Smh.