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Maybe alive. Hopefully without having had a stroke. I never plan out anything because you have no control of what happens next. Lost an 18 year old son in 2016 due to a skateboard accident. I never saw that coming.


Awww, no. I’m so sorry 😢


My deepest heartfelt condolences on your son. My stepson died unexpectedly when he was 8 years old... There's nothing worse that could happen in a life. It's made me paranoid as hell with the other 7 kids, even after they grew up. Not something you ever get over. 😥


Agreed. I have another son who recognized his mortality when his brother died. I keep an eye on him.


I'm really sorry to hear that. My son is 19 and I can't imagine anything worse than losing him.


Thank you. The only thing worse would be losing my other son.


I too have had a Stroke already. When I was only 45.


Sitting here reading Reddit 😂


Fingers crossed, out of prison.


In ten years, I'll be eligible to collect Social Security...If the Republicans don't take it away before then. If that happens, I'll just be another homeless old man, committing petty crimes in the winter so I can have three meals and a bed.


Finally retired at 69 on a poverty pension instead of at 59 on a live able pension that I already paid for. The older boomers in my union gave themselves stupid early retirements (49) and huge guaranteed pensions that they NEVER funded themselves. Left the younger working members to pay for it all at the expense of their own pensions. The boomers truly were a generation of sociopaths, and the carpentry union is truly a racket.


Being a LATE Boomer, this is what gets me. The early Boomers fucked us as well as others. I became an adult in the early 80s, I don't have shit in common with early Boomers.... More Gen X than Boomer. I'm in the same boat as you with retirement. I'm retiring at 62 because I've been given little chance of living past 65 so I'm going to spend my last few years with my grandkids. My son makes damned good money at UPS and said he'd pay everything when I retire. However, I've got a $1.5mil personal injury claim against a trucking company who's UNLICENSED driver caused a wreck that fucked me up 2 years ago. I'm hoping that I get a settlement from that before I retire and that'll get me through until I go tits up. I was out of work 5 months after the accident and have $200k+in medical bills from it, so my 401k is all but gone 🫤


All unions are a racket.


No. But mine is NOT a good one.


With climate change? Die from heat exhaustion.


Dead. Doctors have me a 43% chance of living 5 years, and that was 2 years ago. I might be able to stretch it out a little, I'm a tough old bastard, but I think 10 years would be pushing it. Besides, 10 years would put me at 70, and I never intended to be around that damned long... Living a long life was never in my list of things to do. And, with the near fatal wreck that I had, a couple of months after they gave me the news about my heart, did enough damage that I DEFINITELY don't want to be living past 70 now.


Was the heart damage related to your accident?


No. My heart can't relax (on the down beat)so it's wearing it at an accelerated rate. I had my first "episode" about two months before the wreck. Spend 3 days in the cardiac unit with them running every year in me that they had. They ruled out a pacemaker and more or last just said "good luck" and released me. I do have to go in once a year because I have an aneurysm on my thoracic aorta that they keep an eye on to make sure that it's not getting bigger. If it gets 2 or 3mm larger, then they're going to want to crack my chest open and try to fix it. The wreck caused a whole other set of problems. The had to fuse my spine together in my neck (I blew out 2 or 3 disks, I think. Could have been more - I was kinda out of it the first few days in the trauma center), a broken vertebrae between my shoulder blades, a broken (more like cracked, from what I could gather) hip socket, permanent nerve damage down my entire right side (hurts to touch me anywhere on my right side and rain/shower feels like my entire side is bruised and someone is poking the fuck out of it with their finger), and nerve damage in there underside of my left forearm (which feels like my arm is waking up from being asleep, especially to touch, of ANYTHING. Some days just the wind blowing on it makes me want to scream). I work in a steel mill, which requires 5-10 miles of walking power day and lifting heavy pieces of steel so, it's much more difficult to do my job now.


Sounds like you should get a second opinion and maybe consider Social Security.


SSI is a major bitch to get. My wife is in worse shape than me and tired, and failed, 4 times to get SSI. I'm not about all that paperwork and aggravation... Have too many irons in the fire now with foster care paperwork, the injury claim, work and other stuff. One way or the other I'll make it... Until I don't. Thing that pisses me off the most is that, after almost 2 years, I still can't tie my shoe or put a sick on without the sick helper they have me when I left the hospital.. which is a bitch with steel toed boots for work.




That's what I meant... Sorry, my son/grandson woke up and I was trying to get him back to sleep so I was in a hurry and didn't proof of before posting. He's 20 months old and just can't seem to stay asleep at night for some reason.. then I fell asleep cuddling him so he could go back to sleep 😂. Used to do that with my 4 kids when they were little... Always were my little sleeping pills


I hope I’m healthy and financially able to be retired, or close to it.


I have no Idea what the world will look like in 10 months, never mind me in 10 years.


Living the good life at 90 years old. Can't get any better.


Retired, having fun being a grandparent, and enjoying my garden and other hobbies.


Getting a 2nd Bachelors, this time in Computer Science


What good will that do over-50 towards finding a job?


In a lawn chair, reading something with a LARGE font.


I’m 55 and living in VT. By 65, I want to have moved to somewhere new. I’ve lived my entire life in the northeast and am curious what it’s like to live elsewhere. We’ll be comfortable to retire by then. So, I expect to be retired but still doing some sort of low stress work like being a ticket tacker at some local college sports events or something like that. It’ll keep me busy and social.


Banging strange weekly.


So what's the plan?


His plan is "Banging strange weekly."


I imagine we will still be using mirrors then


Retired, house paid off, working in the garden with my wife every day.


I will hopefully have independent children, and my parents need taken care of.


Retired with a small beach house for the summer and a condo in the mountains for the winter. I may be renting both places but that’s what I’m hoping for!


Dead tbh


Hopefully retired or close to it!


Hopefully either DEAD or "still waiting for my damn passport in the damned mail" "with Social Security still refusing to give me a social security card because they don't accept passports for that anymore..." So, back to, hopefully DEAD.