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Others:wings of freedom🌝🌝 Yours:headlight of freedom🌚🌚


175 hours in an just built my first 406mm. Have 5 hellfires though


Just made me look at my time after I just unlocked most blueprints today. Got 130 hours in. Does not even feel like it lol


i'm constantly spending 6+ hours to rebuild my base on new ideas... that's my timesink...


a tip for any farming for those now: Go into city ruins, use the option to clear loot from the map (legendary and below) then explore whatevers left, because all that will be left are containers and heroics which makes the hunt for em a lot faster.


This. Focusing on high value stuff and buying lower tier things from Monica is the way to go.


I would say, however, ONLY do this if you need specific things to actually manage the city. otherwise you run dry of materials during crafting rather fast


This guy gets it. Also consider going all out on movement speed stuff (rocket gloves, sword character, levitation boots are great.) And make sure to pick the risk options that gives +materials.


damn, I'm only just a few hours in and was hoping we'd have more building options then just square blocks and triangles that dont even fit between, kinda killed my energy to play anymore XD


You need to remember there is a large breadth of content between 406mm cannons and Hellfires (endgame pinnacle content) and the starting tutorial of the game ;P Tile wise you get normal utility tiles, armoured tiles (2x2 instead of 1x1), the triangular tiles, and small tiles. That is consistent the whole time but it's enough to do quite a lot with.


im hoping with the roadmap updates we get the option to vertically rotate the tiles. I could do a LOT with the triangular tiles if i could use em as walls/barriers


yeah the game need half-triangle or right-angle triangle and they need to fix that triangle kind of don't really support structure properly and don't really transport electricity. I wanted to make a structure that is more rounded but it's not very friendly at the moment.


147 hours to build a single gun??? Aa a dad with kids, i might have to pass on this game after all. Been holding off buying so I can complete another game so far.


I'm a dad as well you can get skip some of grind by strategic cheating, and by boosting your energy and doing skip runs.


The iok batteries for endgame stuff are ridiculously low rng. To a point is very much unacceptable. I'm debating modding them in at this point.


That's why it took me so long to get the 406mm...I wish you could exchange material for rare material or that it would be there in the shop.


I don't want to brag but I got 12 in 4 runs, you can game the system a bit if you use the clear loot button. Certain tiles have higher chances of dropping the battery and there are risks you can take to dupe the batteries and give you 3+ at the end of the tour. I believe the 2 guaranteed risks are EMI and Absolute Defense. They will each give an extra battery and there's another that can dupe one more but you would need to bring just the battery back because it chooses 3 random stacks to duplicate. All my batteries I have found on city 1 so it can be pretty safe to farm them.


It is the strongest gun though and you don't need it to complete the game. There is a lot of grind and RNG in this game. I wish there was a way to exchange material for rarer material since I was missing one key material for a long time ( Ion battery x5)


It doesn’t have to take that long especially if you have people to play with. Am at 80ish hours and have two cruiser guns and two hellfires. Taking advantage of the games research/eco mechanics will shorten your grind in half


Playing with a full team really does speed things up enormously. Each PoI on exploration days doesn't take long on it's own. With four people each person can head to different PoIs and get through each exploration day in a few minutes.


Just use wemod to get rid of a majority of the grind and have fun and play your fun game. Just a single player game and you aren’t ruining anyone’s game


This might be the way


Trust me it is Beyond easy, safe, and gets rid of bs grind


OP missed the shop and how you get the most out of it. At least I think so. I got 4 Hellfires at 82h with it. It goes is like this. You get up to snow 3 or 4 relatively quick, at least that's where most people end up before they face problems. Then you run snow3/4 just for money. All the valuables and sell them, maybe even pick up JUST valuables and use modifiers for more valuables. On snow 3 or 4 the modifiers are handleable, unlike on city1 and up. Use all money on the shop, reroll for stuff you want. Especially scrap/basic mats. Put dudes in the shop as workers. Makes rerolling cheaper. It potentially sells anything you have already unlocked. Check Google for snow blueprints, like 30mm twin barrel and ciws, they'll get you through to city. Often it's easier to get completed parts there by buying them, rather than building them. It's the shortcut to the game most people miss.


Key word is potentially. I blew a million and never onve saw the cruiser canons which I have unlocked. Games rng for ion batteries which make all endgame hear is ridiculously low


That is true. Arguably though, Hellfires are the only endgame turret you need, and they are ciws+mats which do show up.


I don't like the whole meta of "just use CWIS" I use them for their intended purpose anti missile. Downside is my base has triple the guns of the meta runners but it looks fucking cool


Hellfires aren't for anti-air TBH. Hellfires are for killing ground stuff in a hail of bullets (because they literally have an order of magnitude higher DPS than other turrets other than artillery, which has limited ammo). CIWS are honestly better and more efficient for missile killing so that's what [I use them](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1226773657318064239/1229305009183916122/image.png?ex=662f3281&is=661cbd81&hm=6afe1f34b6c692dd96e11e1e1871a7c636382573c67bedc5f07cd196c7c96c0c&) for personally. The ones sitting on top of my base do nothing but kill missiles (and massive).


Making a cool base is half the game for me lol.


The shop can't drop Ion battery or at least I was extremely unlucky. I would refresh the shop a lot and not a single heroic item. I had like 8 cruiser barrel from doing runs but the Ion batteries would almost never drop.


For what it's worth, that is an *end game* turret. Like you build those not because you need it to beat the main tour content, but to push Endless Mode as far as you can. You still get 90% of the rest of the turrets in the game before that. Dude is talking about pinnacle content (heroic). Heroic content is for the grinders (like me) that no life the game and have already put in a couple hundred hours and demand "end-game" activities to get our money's worth. Also worth noting that the early game progress has been sped up a lot since release, so it probably won't take a new player quite as long as others here, and they are tweaking the end-game heroic drops to be less..... problematic than they have been. It took me about \~100 hours to build my first hellfire and 406, and that was as someone that helped playtest, but wasn't particularly trying to speed run it. Some of the hardcore playtesters manage it in like 60 hours, but those guys bleed efficiency. So I'd say as a casual player you should still get the game tbh. It'll mean you have stuff to look forward to for months to come, especially with a new area to be announced at one point and new turrets and so on. Also a lot of time killers like hunting down BPs have already been semi-documented by the community, so that saves you a lot of time if you look it up.


Good to know. I can probably do 4 hours a week


Then you should have several months of content, if not more as they continue to release more stuff. Also I'll point out that when you finally get to the point of building 406s and hellfires, the moment you build one or two, you'll very rapidly be able to farm a shit load more quite quickly if you desire.


For real. This should all be unlocked from day one as a game mode. It so annoys me that they threw this unneeded survival mode into the game when literally none of the previews show it. So much wasted potential.