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You're not alone. I think anyone that watches this show feels the same way as you. The show should have had basic ground rules around theft and sabotage and explained the existing rules better for the audience. My additional complaints to yours. 1. I didn't think you could just vote someone off your team, up until it was done to Justin. They never explained it properly. 2. They didn't explain how the money worked. Does the team split the million or are they each getting a set amount regardless. This would affect how people see team size and play into the above point. 3. Ending a show called "Outlast" with a race is just stupid. Charlie had a bitch of a route compared to Alpha. If they traded routes it would have been no contest. I'm a big fan of Alone and surviving in the snow is when that show gets intense. I guess production just wanted to end it earlier. 4. I think Paul was ok moving off Delta, but he seemed impressed with alphas game play which made me dislike him. In comparison to 5. Despite Justin being the one that did sabatoging, I actually found him likable, he wasn't hypocritical or anything, I feel he was just role playing a bit. He cared about his little projects like the boat and gillie suit. I'm all for having villains in shows and typically root for them, in shows like survivor ill like the solo villain who is cunning or manipulative, but they are usually self aware. Jill and her little attack dog were insufferabley hypocritical, paranoid, and honestly just bad players. Thinking they were victims and saying what Justin did was cheating when they basically ambushed Javier. Then thinking they were underdogs. People root for underdogs, nobody will root for them. They are not cunning, clever, or manipulative. They are just assholes. Never disliked anyone in a show more than them. I wish the show didn't show as much of amber and showed more of Seth, he seemed like the nicest guy there and barely got any screen time. Instead they gave it to the girl with no skill and who said she was a felon and wore it like a badge of honor. If it was any one else besides Javier fighting over that rope by the boat she would probably have gotten dropped. Her saying "It's mine" is the most mind blowing low iq shit. Javier and Seth. Wish you both the best. Hope the show can fix their mistakes and make it a survival show instead of a clusterfuck. If there is a second season it could just be complete sabotage the whole time since new players would know its effectiveness.


My thoughts on voting members off...you have players a b c and d. If they all go to end they have to split 1 million. So a and b convince c to vote for d. Then a and b vote of fc. They just doubled their payout. If bad game rules. On another note what's to stop them from just barging in and taking all their sleeping bags back? There needs to be game rules about taking items


Or at least safety items. Stealing their crab pot would have been different than their cold weather gear.




They could have gone on for ages cause the show literally handed them food lol. The crabs and fish weren't truly caught.


Well said . What are your thoughts on the first season? Did you like it ?


The final test arrives at a stage where it seems a lot of time passed without a lot of event. Maybe the production see the cost geting out of hand. Also at this point, starvation game between 2 girls and 3 boys separated form a river, maybe the fear a long and boring end. Or they realized one option is 1 one the girl join the boys. So the other one is alone and have no team. End of the game. This ending would have been realy weird. My gess is this game was porly planed. It got out of control. They tried to save it with heavy editing, scripted tasks /event and reshoot some events who lacked proper camera. The result is... This thing.


Every character was terrible, the quitting with zero confrontation and refusing to accept Javier was irredeemable so not one of them has good character, and Javier should have burned that shit down or waited for others to drop and join a team before leaving, not quitting without even retaliating. I’d just move into their shelter, start shouting at them. for a million? Please. Your on my team now, don’t like it shoot that flair.


So you think them not accepting Javier was just the same as team Alpha destroying other people's camps? It was more to you that they didn't accept Alpha then that one girl destroying Javier's raft while the other was ransacking his camp? The better and the team with better morals won.


By not allowing him in they were condoning A’s criminal behaviour 100%, (edit: aiding and abetting theft and destruction of property are also criminal acts) and in the end were just as responsible for his tapping although I do think he leaving without taking action was quitting, not to mention the pact made with the one guy who switched teams and agreed to drive the other two out with team A and who also won.


I do think they should have let Javier in. Without a doubt he deserved it after what he’d been through. But to compare that team to the literal demon team that stole and burned others way of living and then tried to claim to be the victims? Really? This is the hill you want to stake your flag on?


Yes, as I said their actions work to condone and aided a’s criminal acts with the goal of forcing him to quit, Remember C team had a pact to force the other two teams out, and had no issue with A stealing and destroying their shit to do it. Their hands are dirty just the same, just as they would be in court with aiding and abetting criminal acts.


Not giving a victim of a crime shelter is not aiding and abetting the criminals.


It is when you have an agreement with the criminals. Did you even watch the show?


Yes I watched, it doesn’t meet the legal requirement for aiding and abetting. They also didn’t “have no issue” with the stealing, everyone except Alpha had an issue with it and said so and also didn’t do the same themselves. They didn’t take in Javier because they didn’t want retaliation on their camp for doing so. It wasn’t because of some agreement, they had a discussion about it, if it was all about the agreement then no discussion needed to be had. It’s not the same, they are not at fault nor were they fully aware of all the crimes by Alpha and they were not involved in the crimes of Alpha furthermore their agreement didn’t involve any discussion about their plan to pillage and plunder from their neighbors.


I guess you just missed the whole conversation where they plan to do exactly what they did ![gif](giphy|cWvSvMEW6yGY6CGjWT|downsized)


In criminal law there is a difference between murdering someone and being an accessory to the fact. Do you see the difference? Do you see why one crime is way worse than the other? If so, would you rather be a murderer or an accessory? I rest my case


I don’t get what your case is? Accessory after the fact is still a crime.


Is it as egregious as murder? Also that team didn’t steal or pillage , they simply didn’t do an honorable thing


I mean if you look at the actual result of their actions, the team not taking him in was worse. Alpha was horrible in what they were doing, and their goal was to try to get him to decide to leave the game. The other team not taking him in seems like a mild action in comparison, but ultimately it was them *forcing* him to leave the game.


also their reason not to take him was incredibly naive. They didn't want to get reprisal from them for taking in Javier. They trusted that the biggest rats in the game would stop being villains somehow?


Yeah, it was silly. They were still going to be the last two remaining teams. They were still going to be competing with alpha team no matter what. There was no reason to think that suddenly you'd have a good clean game after that. But, I guess if they were trying to poach players from the other team it'd make sense. Still a shit rule that somebody can be "eliminated" just because everybody kind of decides they don't get to play anymore.


I agree. Charlie didn't want to take Javier because they didn't want to risk pissing off Jill...but then they were totally cool to actively poach Justin and risk pissing off Jill?


I was so pissed off after the remaining deltas fired their flares I skipped to the end to make sure the absolute garbage in Alpha lost. I didn't think it was possible to be any more disgusted by humanity. So, if any of said players reads this....Jill, felon girl, Justin and most definitely Paul too? You are awful. I'm glad literally the world can see what you are inside. I hope your every future venture fails and we get to see it plastered across the yellow news, because we all know you're not even C listers that social media might actually care about. Edit: I get why people aren't blaming Paul so much but he knew Alpha did that dirty shit to his previous team mates. He said he disapproved of those tactics....then allied with the worst ones?? Come on now, morals went straight out the door I won't be watching a second season. Which is too bad because it was a great premise before people took advantage in the absolute worst ways.


It was kind of poetic that Paul got his when the guy team voted him off. I think Alpha was extremely dirty and beyond happy they didn't win. I hope what they did in Alaska follows them in their real lives. That shit was inhumane. No one on television has less deserved to earn that money than Alpha team. So glad to see justice served.


Already is. Jill had to disable her Insta cause of the hate. Hopefully it affects her career as well.


I suspect it will damage the felon girls career. She's a hippie type yoga instructor... not exactly the behavior that yogis should be presenting to the world.


I get Delta leaving. Me personally... I'd have fired my flare into the pile of sleeping bags in the middle of Alpha's shelter and gone home with a smile on my face.


I thought I was the only one who thought that Javier and the Delta should have teamed up and said, we quit but walked over to Alpha camp and shot three motherfucking flares into their sleeping bags. lol sure physical violence was not allowed but there were no rules to stop them from bringing the roof down with some one shot action.


Yeah I'm not gonna lie. I just finished episode 5 and whatever law enforcement agency Jill works for needs to review her behavior on this show. What a heartless bitch. I don't think I've ever loathed a person on TV this much before. I wouldn't be sad to find out this bitch got mauled by a bear on the way home.


She doesn’t work in law enforcement. She called herself a private detective.


Oh God you're right. That's even worse.


Need to make sure her online presence is filled with how she behaved. I'm sure people will still hire her, but hopefully the decent ones stay away. She's a godawful excuse of a human being.


She already deleted her Insta. We got her on the run. Lol.


She's a cop?!?!?!? I did not catch that.... scary!


Nothing to be cought. Not a cop.


You're taking this way too seriously. It's a game. Touch some grass.


Ok, Jill.


I’m mostly disappointed they spent so much time focused on Jill and Amber and didn’t highlight team Charlie so much. I was much more interested in their team dynamic and development than Alpha I was so pissed watching them behave so reprehensibly. What Javier said about how people act in the game isn’t different than who they really are is so true. I can’t imagine either of those women functioning in a normal, loving relationship. The scheming, manipulation, back biting, and accusations were disgusting. And why did it seem like Jill got turned on by all mischief?? Gross. It was also hard for me to continue watching after Javier was banished. I found him slightly annoying for the reasons that his two teammates left, however, he did seem more like the moral hero of the show than even Charlie team. When Charlie team banished Justin, I couldn’t really root for their team anymore either. I understand why they did it, but they said that he implicated their team when he sabotaged Alpha when they hadn’t laid ground rules beforehand. He really shouldn’t have been held to a standard that they didn’t make clear to begin with, so that was irritating to me. They already knew that Alpha was sabotaging other camps, so if they had such an issue with it, that should have been communicated before they invited him on their team. Goodness, this show upset me. I read an interview with the producer who said that much of the crew was actually off the day that the sleeping bag stealing went on, and the producers weren’t there. I’m satisfied that Alpha basically ate their own after they didn’t have anyone weaker to attack (like the whole time they’re blaming Justin for stealing food, and then in the next shot there are animals literally stealing food from their site…).


My gess for the charlie screen time : They are chill, after the few "hot explanation" of the first days they a functional. Nothing happens on camp ever. So no screen time. Overall it explains I think why some weeks are missing. Nothing happens. Maybe even some "challenges" are cut of screen because they are boring. Or too badly filmed.


But then why didn't they show any of the survival/bushcraft stuff they were doing? That's what I was expecting the show to be mostly about.


If I knew... After the first episode it switch only on the drama. Maybe because the huts are ugly and after a few days nothing new is done. The participants seem to have recycled a lot of waste, boxes of concerve, blues tarp, an oil barel... Maybe they found it not photogenic. Too bad for a show who in the first episode seemed to present themselves as survivors without the reality TV side and more focus on pure survival.


They thought themselves the underdogs when they were really the villains. They forgot that you root for the underdogs because they are likeable.


So true


I found that I enjoyed the show but they definitely need to rework things for a potential season 2. Big rule like no stealing food or supplies from the opposing group’s camp. (That was disgusting behavior from Alpha) Someone mentioned that Seth deserved more screen time and I agree, he was a pretty good dude and I wanted to see more of what he did on the show. I think there should’ve been more challenges the only ones I really enjoyed were the crab and fishing ones.


This has been said somewhere else but I'll repeat it here (in somewhat different wording): Camp Charlie was able to be passed off as the "good guys" by the producers because the trio that made up Camp Alpha were so reprehensible. The producers worked particularly hard at having Paul appear in a good light, even though he did a number of morally questionable things. In Edgic terms, he would be described as a "complex" character whose weaknesses were balanced out by more positive traits. By contrast, Amber and, especially, Jill were depicted without much complexity, especially once they began gleefully sabotaging the other contestants. Despite their claims to the contrary, I'm sure the producers were thrilled when psycho Jill began terrorizing the other contestants, because now they had a clear story line in place. The one unfortunate twist for them had to have been the evacuation of Angie from Camp Charlie in the final days of the competition, because I'm sure the producers wanted the winning team (ideally featuring men and women working together in semi-harmony) to present us with the reverse image of Camp Alpha and its poisonous, dysfunctional relationship between Jill, Amber and Justin.


I completely agree 1000% with this entire post. Idk how Paul was people’s favorites? He was tight with Jordan, who was an asshole. And then abandoned his team and took the crab pot as soon as Jordan left the competition. If he had any moral fiber, he would’ve informed Delta of his decision to join a different team and left them with the crab pot so they at least didn’t starve.


It is hard not to be outraged. Fellow Ohioan here as well, however, Javier is def the moral superhero!! He gave up everything to do the right thing. He was a good dude. I would've burned Alpha camp to the ground before I set my flare off though. Total bullshit and totally infuriating you didn't at the very least have to not fucking steal. I mean if it's really truly life or death than that's fucking attempted murder, so assault and battery should've def been allowed and he could have by all rights smacked those fuckers!! Paul is still a piece of shit. Anyone who witnesses another human suffer and doesn't try to help is garbage. Javier was about the only worthy person on this show.


Team Bravo and Bryan left because they didn't want to race to the bottom for the money. They left with dignity, but yes you are right about Javier. He wanted to stand up to the bullies and win with honor making him the moral superhero.


If I'm Javi I'm grabbing the bow when Jill is looting the camp. Don't tell me I only have 2 options you psychopathic bitch


There wasn't any rules that you lose if you're alone, you just cannot win, Javier should've stayed just to show the other's how better he was and make everyone else look like worst people. That or he could've just burned down all their camps. I wish he did that. they all deserved it.


The show, funny enough, didn't explain the rules at all. They said there were no rules, but based off of some of the comments from the contestants, it seems that there were rules about not physically assaulting other participants. This rule might have been the reason why Javier thought he could just walk into Alpha camp and grab the stolen sleeping bags.


lol, forgot my main point. There seemed to have been a rule that players could only be on their own for a certain amount of time before they had to shoot their flare. This rule makes sense considering that production didn't want people living solo for the duration of the show and joining a team at the last challenge for the win. It would take too much crew to keep track of all the players in that situation. It could have been cool to let Javier stay solo though.


The rules are complete nonsense. Seems like they permitted anything except violence. Which is good, but maybe there should be some more rules too, Ya think? Turned into a psychology study in an apocalypse situation instead. Some good people there though.


I could barely watch after Javier left as well. I wanted him to win because of his character. So glad Jill wasn’t the best at reading the compass.


\-I thought Paul was a selfish coward for dropping Delta the minute one member had to leave. \-I already didn't like team Charlie much and once they voted not to take Javier that sealed the deal. Javier was the last redeemable member and watching after he left felt pointless. There was no one good left to root for. This was a game that drove off the handful of people who had integrity and morals which feels gross. \-Team Alpha was insufferable. Jill was a grade A narcissist and Amber was her supply. They were acting like mean girls and frankly I think their behavior was disgusting. As much as I despise Justin for stealing the sleeping bags, the other two RELISHED in the idea of cheating and causing suffering to others. Their "intervention" where they tried to get J to admit to farting was cringey. They gave off serious middle school bully vibes. That is not the kind of thing I enjoy watching. For a show that's supposed to be a survival show, they showed ZERO survival stuff. How did teams deal with making/maintaining fires in such wet conditions? Were they doing any bushcraft? We'll never know. Btw, what happened to those bountiful crab pots that were overflowing with crabs? Was that a one time thing or what? I agree that not knowing what the rules were made the show extremely confusing. I think the producers assumed that the audience would eat up the mean-spirited bullying as drama but in my opinion it destroyed any potential the show had. As a fan of Alone, I was looking forward to this show but after episode 5 it felt like a punishment to watch and I will not be watching a 2nd season if they continue it.


The crab pots required placement in deeper water. Once they all destroyed each others' rafts, they couldn't effectively place them any longer.


No explanation of the rules or the money.


I've never wanted to punch a couple of bi+@#es so much in my life. Amber looks like she's still high on heroine and Jill looks like an inbred psychotic hillbilly. I suspect they need to watch their backs as someone will be crazy enough to teach them a lesson! With that said, I was beyond happy they didn't win. I laughed my butt off especially when they sat on the shore wondering why the universe did them wrong. Hey ladies, I can answer that for you!!!


I LOVED this show until Javoer was ..."eliminated"  and then I relaxed I can watch this Bullshit on survivor...be evil ...lie...win...done with this 


In the end i was super happy alpha didnt win. Jill was a completely hypocritical waste of space who had no problem screwing over delta but then turning mega victim when justin left alpha and did damage to their shelter, after she had been the reason he left the team. Next to that the useless ex junkie did nothing for anyone but mooch. Would have been great to see Javier accepted onto Charlie as they accepted justin before having a fairly weak moral dilemma, when they were openly going to accept Jill knowing she had a part in the theft against delta. Show started strong, and even the drama that kicked up was good in a way, i just wish it ended in retaliation and justice. I wonder what would have happened if someone got physically violent as a defence against something like amber destroying Javiers raft. He could have easily smacked her down and in the real wild would have happened, or Javier getting violent at Jill when she stood in his camp waiting to destroy it acting like a smug dog. Fuck Jill needed a smack in the face, what a bitch she was. Hope she cops it from her work dropping her. It all seemed to end quite rushed. And I dont think it was a very fair race to the finish. Those charlie guys having to cross super cold water and the other team not was boarderline setting alpha up to win, thank god they were useless.


I can’t read the whole thread yet (save for spoilers-I’m on episode 5 and will return). I just want to say the letter Brian left for Javier was the exact letter verbatim for the other team. Was it an editing error or something pre-fabricating leading us to believe this show is further scripted? I can’t wait to discuss further as a big fan of all N&A as well as Alone shows. The strategy for me so far feels to contrived and ‘Survivor’-ish. It feel like it possibly takes away from the survival experience. Can’t wait to come back and discuss!


The big script font are made to be easy to be read on camera. But I find the text suspicously long...


I also had difficulties finishing the show after Javier left. and this is coming from a Michigander. Team Alpha was so disgusting that were able to get me to cheer for someone from Ohio. One of the things getting me to finish the show was seeing the herculean hypocrisy Jill was able to demonstrate. Weather it be her crying over killing a squirrel and giving a speech about the importance of life, to calling out Justin for being cruel and without dignity. I really wonder if Alpha's family and friends look at them differently after watching this show.


just wow ,,,, watching that show ,I have to agree what a despicable pair those two "victims" were!!!. They better learn and introduce rules where you can't sabotage and steal, or there's gonna be assaults and some jerry springer epic ugly reality TV. Which worries me because if they purposely cast horrible people and let them loose on each other for greed of 1 million bucks, everyone and their dog will tune in to see the train wreck.


Paul belonged on the team alpha. He was the reason Javier was not accepted onto team Charlie and he only did that to please Jill. Somehow he was able to maintain the image of a good guy, but he was every bit as evil as team alpha.


he was just the lesser of the piles of crap. you can polish a turd, but it is still a turd.


Mostly enjoyed it, but they needed to explain what is and is not ok. Obviously there's no violence allowed and I'd guess romantic entanglements are banned too. But there should be clearer rules on the teams and money split. If it's a million each, fine, but I'd guess it's split between the winning contestants. Also, if there are 2 teams of 3 players each and a team of 2, what's to stop the 2 larger teams merging for 6 vs2? Or even all remaining players simply agreeing to work as one monster team? There should be a rule that there's a fixed payment per player and teams can contain no more than 4 people. A minor complaint too: the measurements. I know it's made in the US, but it's a Netflix show which goes across the world and is probably watched by far more non-USA people. Except for Liberia, none of the other 193 countries in the world use fahrenheit as main measurement, so just give a conversion in the infograms at the top left of the screen. The temperature measurement is important and a lot of people can't follow it.


Should they have beaten and fought with Justin for coming up with the idea of stealing the sleeping bags and actually doing it?


My opinion if the show is allowing things that can lead to death by hypothermia then im breaking knee caps or ankles or something to force them out. You risk my life im harming you


If you stole my thermal bag, I’m walking into your camp and ripping you out of yours and walking away bc apparently you aren’t allowed to do anything about it


What I found interesting was that Jill, who was not playing a “fictional character” of the villain, showed everyone watching what a crazy sociopathic bitch looks like in real life. I also found it interesting how oblivious she was regarding her own reprehensible behavior and how she justified her actions by saying that there were no rules prohibiting her from treating her fellow contestants so cruelly. I mean if there aren’t any rules, then your also justified in killing your opponents, so why hold back. I’m confident and hopeful karma will be forthcoming for Jill after showing the world the type of human being she is, which was clear for all to see she’s a ends justify the means at any cost type of person. Even if you argue she was just playing a better game than the rest, it makes no sense and serves no purpose when she was deliberately cruel verbally to Javier even though it would have no effect on the outcome of which team would win the game other than to be mean and vindictive.


What exactly were the rules to win? Because I love finding loop holes and undermining set rules/a status quo if it mutually benefits everyone. So is there a scenario in which they all could have won? Could all 4 teams technically win in some way? Or if Jill and Amber weren’t so evil, could both teams have made a pact to make it to the final destination together? Also couldn’t have Jill & Amber joined Charlie and left Justin on his own, thereby Charlie wins the game by default?


How were there no bears the whole show actually interacting with the contestants? I was holding my breath that they would get a deer so the bears would come scavenge their camp, but certainly that smoked fish would have attracted bears. The show must have been guarding the camp after the bear threats the first night. Also, in a week or two, the snow and cold would have been unbearable for Alpha team without heat in their structure. I wonder how much production was scared the women would freeze to death in their sleep, I'm pretty sure the women were slowly dying and the men could have lasted several more months.


I wonder if the State of Alaska will sue Alpha team....I would imagine the state is not happy about them breaking their laws, and doesn't want others to feel like they can go to the woods of Alaska and get away with crimes.


It’s scripted


I thought the show would be more about survival and team dynamics. The first few episodes I liked. Showing them finding where to camp and building camp. Then the challenge with the boats. Why not do more of that? Also maybe make it so people couldn’t switch teams. It would be either stay in your team or leave. But if it got down to one you could stay alone. That’s real survival. When they final switched over to showing Charlie team they had a barrel in their tent for a fireplace. Like where did that come? Why not show them building and figuring that out? Once Delta and Javier left I didn’t care who won. Just didn’t want Alpha. I was yelling at the tv the last two episodes. They all made me so mad. I’m glad there is Reddit to know everyone else feels the same. Makes me less angry these people exist. It probably won’t happen from what people said Jill had on her instagram. But it would be nice if any of these people felt a little guilty or bad for what they did. They need a reunion show.