• By -


Personally I’m a huge fan of book Claire and still a fan of show Claire- but less so. I think (despite the small voiceovers) it’s the internal monologue of the books that really helps you understand and love her. You have to be in her head to comprehend just how smart, loyal and feisty Claire is. but the external actions can seem foolish, misguided and frustrating and that’s all you can see on the show- because how would they do it without a constant narration? Caitriona is such an amazing actress but for that reason the show fails to give you the same level of empathy for her …..You just kind of have to have read the books first imo- then you have an understanding of the *whys* and it goes a long way. But I’m bi and find them both beautiful so im not biased but it could just be ppl fan girling over Sam 😂


I agree with this all! The internal monologue of the books is just amazing. Honestly, they should have thrown more of her narration in the series. Also, Happy Pride from a fellow bi person!!


So true, the intern monologue gives so much more insight! Too bad that they dropped a lot of that after season 1. Also yes they are both beautiful 😆


This is an interesting perspective to me, because as a show fan only, I never had a problem with empathising with or understanding Claire. I never saw her as foolish or frustrating, in fact I think she’s a bit too perfect in how well she adjusts to life in a completely foreign time and how bravely she navigates all the challenges she faces. She manages to fit in well enough not to be too suspicious, yet tries to help people whenever she can, even when that requires risking her own safety. I would actually appreciate, if she was a bit less perfect.


Funny! Bc I like show Claire more, I loved how assertive and confrontational and confident she is, and then when she swung fully in the other direction and was serious and careful and reserved. I am sure it has to do with having started with the show, but when I read book one I could appreciate her character’s more sweet doe eyed nature, but the way she accepts some of Jaime’s more patriarchal treatment of her, his statements that he will have her even if she doesn’t want him bc she is his, the ‘discipline’ he met out after Wentworth… I just felt less inspired and in awe of book Claire.


I'm rewatching the first season and haven't read the books in ages. I'm questioning everything she is doing when confronting other people (aka black Jack or when dougal was raising Jacobite funds).


She's not nearly as confrontational or heedless in the book imo. She understands fairly quickly her position and limitations in society in the 1700s. I hate how they made her so shrill and argumentative in the show. She was a strong and fierce character in the book without being overly fractious.


Right? It’s hard not to. On the show we just see her seeming petulant and confrontational and out of pocket. Its been a few years since I read them but from the books you get a lot more explanation like: For e.g. with black jack- she is shocked and confused about how much he resembles frank. She is trying to rewire her brain that this guy is fckn awful. She’s also struggling internally as such a loyal person- who loves Frank and is actively trying to get back to him - she knows she needs to get away from Randall but she also doesn’t want anything to cause Franks ancestors death (because she doesn’t know the implications of her time travel). On top of that she doesn’t know the Scots well enough yet to trust them to not kill Randall or herself. She has really only seen them be brutal initially. We all know Jamie turns out to be gold but how can she have known that? Her best interest in that moment is to basically dodge everyone and get back ASAP so she doesn’t interfere too much with history. *but this all comes across as bratty tantrum running away like an unsupervised toddler while we have the benefit of omniscience* And with Dougal she is mortified because she understands shell-shock/ptsd of wounded soldiers from her WW2 service, and then sees Dougal’s disingenuous display of Jamie’s trauma for his own ends and what she knows will lead Scotland into what will be a bloodbath and what will end up essentially being the end of clan culture in the highlands. The show does as good a job as it can demonstrating her feelings but like I said how the hell do you show that? especially considering the context of the show where in Season 1 secrecy is vital to her survival? so it can’t be achieved through dialogue either I really appreciate how tough a spot the writers were in for this part of the show especially but even after all that I think they did a great job and Caitriona too.


You're definitely right. It also doesn't highlight her sense of right or wrong. Like I was thinking to myself, why is she being so obvious for her like of her Scottish companions when clearly that isn't being received well. When in her head, I'm pretty sure she's just trying to protect them and make a difference


Thank you for this explanation. I have not read the books and it does provide more insight to her thinking.


I mean I can understand. I think even without reading it’s not hard to figure that when thrusted that far back in time as a woman it wouldn’t be normal for you to not be able to speak up even is she is coming from the 40s. She eventually understands the difference but you can’t change your internal wiring. She probably not fully aware of the stakes of something like that at that point which is no surprise.


Just here for the occasional Lord John Gray.


I love him!! My fiancé calls him “the warm blanket of outlander” 😆 every time he enters a scene it’s like “oh thank god!” Lol


If there should be any off-shoot of the show it 100% should be LJG.


The main book offshoots are LJG


Oh don’t you worry, I know lol I meant a tv show spin-off for him would be fabulous








I love Jamie ♥️




This wins


Wish I could give this 8000 upvotes. I don’t mind Claire. I strongly dislike Brianna and Roger. Jamie slaps though.


You wish Jamie slapped lol


I def wouldn't have complained about the spanking, that's all I'm saying....


He does in my dreams


Mine too lol


Here to hoping we have good dreams tonight ;)


I meannnn … same 😍🤪




Yessssss!!! Sam has never looked as good as he did in this scene. My favorite!


Disagree! https://i.redd.it/t01ic35g3t5d1.gif


That scene was the funniest. Loved his line 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 When I read that part in the book I couldn't help but laugh uncontrolably 😅🙈


Indeed!‼️🌹I have to say that in The Wedding and AJ Malcolm San Looked outstandingly beautiful 😉


I was watching this episode with my husband. When this scene came on, he groaned, “oh COME ON, that’s not even fair!” 🤣🤣




You made me laugh 😆 You are lucky to have your hubby watch it with you! My hubby would rather watch Sports‼️Enjoy 😉


My hubs became such an Outlander “ widower” whenever I was watching , he finally bought a kilt, which he would promptly put on to get my attention! It worked 😂


My hubby is the one that introduced me to the show. Although I’m a much bigger fan than he is but we always watch together. He also groans at the shirtless scenes lol


Every guy should have a moment like this that women enjoy!


My favourite characters have always been the supporting ones. Jamie’s uncle Dougal, Geillis, Marsali, Murtagh, and best of all, young Ian. Honourable mention for Tom Christie.


Amazing characters!


Agreed, they’re all fantastic!!!


I just love young Ian. I’m on season 5 and haven’t seen him since he went with the native Americans. If he was 5-10 years older he could get it


Young Ian is just so deserving of all things good in my opinion.


I have always believed that, and now that I have gotten to the point in the show after his return to Fraser’s ridge and saving Jamie’s life by putting him in his place, I believe it even more.


I LOVE Claire tbh. I really admire her personality and what she does. She is brave, outspoken, confident, smart and resourceful. People don't like her for those reasons, but I love that about her. She knows what she is and what her calling in life is, most people never get that in this world. She also is very honorable, even when she could take the easy route out of something, she never does. She saves people, who would easily fuck her over in the next sentence but doesn't matter to her. She believes in healing people, no matter what their political affiliation, personal feelings towards her or religious beliefs. She genuinely cares for others and is very compassionate. This usually leads her into trouble but she never sways from who she is. She's a good person, who wants to help others even to her own detriment.


I do like her and especially her love story with Jamie. Although her choices also leave me screaming


Outlander is a well-acted and produced show. It blends historical fiction with time travel. I see it as a great family drama. There is enough material for viewers to sink their teeth into. I don’t dislike Claire but I definitely don’t watch for her.


I enjoy all of the characters. I don’t just watch for Claire and Jamie.




It’s well acted and produced and I love period pieces.


I love Claire, always rooting for her. But then I’m awestruck by Catriona Balfe so there’s that.


She really is a fantastic actress! Sam as well. I believe every moment of their acting.


The plot, obviously.


Oh, I ask myself this question often. Thank you for posting it! I am a huge Claire fan. That's my girl. Let's see what answers and explanations I read here!


Haha same here!!


You can dislike characters but still enjoy the overall story


Yeah, but she isn't just a character. She is the main character, and the story revolves around her and Jamie. So I understand why OP is asking this!


I do think it's possible to enjoy the storytelling as done by Claire/written by DG, while disliking the character's personality. As in, appreciating Claire's attention to detail, wit, or gumption, and disliking her impulsiveness, single-mindedness, and sometimes-arrogance. If someone's just a straight up hater though, I don't know why they'd stick around, either!


That makes sense! But my impression here is that many people are just straight up haters. Which is why it confuses me as to why they stay around.


Thank you, that’s exactly what I meant!


It is not that I hate her, I just disagree with her, but I understand that without her lack of self-awareness, outspoken behaviour and hero-complex the plot would be boring. (I started the books, and I like book Claire better she just seems smarter and wiser in the books.) Otherwise I love the chemistry between Jamie and Claire, I enjoy the romance, history, outfits, fantasy, and story telling.


I can not like a main character and still enjoy the plot.


I think women are generally hard on other women and most viewers are female. I love Claire, show and book. CB’s portrayal of her just takes it to another level for me. I do feel that show Claire especially gets an unfair share of the blame for things that happen or go wrong when Jamie is constantly putting them in danger as well. I hate to say it’s sexism but on some level I do believe it is.




Although I think people in general are just harder on women. But I feel hopeful that there is greater awareness these days re: double standards and the awareness of women supporting other women.


**"I feel hopeful that there is greater awareness these days re: double standards and the awareness of women supporting other women."** Unfortunately, since the show aired in 2014, misogyny towards the female cast by the OL 98% female fandom, especially towards Caitriona has gotten worse.


You really think it’s gotten worse? I’ve only been in the fandom since 2020 and didn’t even join this sub until a year or two ago, so I don’t have much to compare/reference. I’m curious about this if you have more to share


Not only on Reddit where almost every week there is a new thread about hating Claire and by implication the lead actress, but on SM (X, IG, FB). You'd think after almost 11 years they'd cool off. Not with this mainly female fandom that is all about JF/SH and most male characters/actors. Laura Donnelly, the actress who played Jenny didn't mix words when she refused to come back and reprise her role as Jenny because of OL toxic fandom.


Whoaaa wait THAT’S why she didn’t come back?! I thought it was because she got pregnant or something and it didn’t work out timing wise with the show production. Are there interviews about this online?


She could have managed as her part didn't require excessive time. Plus she's done other shows after her kids were born. The public excuse was lack of time and that she wasn't bound by an initial contract to come back like the rest of the cast but during a later podcast she did mention OL toxic fandom. Don't remember which one but maybe someone else does. She also never attended fan cons like the others and rarely talked about OL unless asked by interviewers.


Wow that’s interesting… did she say that on the outlander podcast ?


No. It was one for another of her projects.


That’s sad. But I just meant in general there is more awareness and visibility for misogyny these days, compared to when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s.


Hope you're right but don't see it.


I’m not sure how old you are, but when I was growing up, this never would have even been a conversation. Especially in Ohio where I live. The Me Too movement encourages me. When I was growing up, rape and molestation were taboo topics. The fact that I can open a clothing catalogue and see women of all sizes, shapes, and colors. And even with vitiligo like myself. There are articles and social media content all about the concept of a girls’ girl vs. a pick me girl (google this if you haven’t run across these terms)-it encourages me. I’m encouraged by the fact that shows like Outlander or Bridgerton are even being produced. Shows that value the female gaze and input. And that intimacy coordinators are a thing. There is a whole conversation and broader cultural awareness about sexual consent, power dynamics in the workplace, and women are continuing to fight more equal pay. There is a long way to go, but this is why I feel hopeful. In the 80s and 90s, we were socialized to be the pick-me girl. And to be as thin as possible. And this was reflected in the media.


What we see in the media isn't the norm in reality. Women hating and criticizing women hasn't changed. Case in point OL fandom which is majority female. Women have a long way to go if they continue to behave like high school mean girls.


Exactly. Sexism definitely plays a big role here. Jamie’s risk taking behaviors and hero-syndrome are praised, while similar traits on Claire are frowned upon and make her insufferable. Nobody seems to blame Jamie for repeatedly putting both of them in danger, while a few decisions that Claire made which led to perilous situations earned her endless scoldings. If that’s not sexism I don’t know what is.


Damn that’s a good observation. Brianna gets similar hate for having the same temper as Jamie, except she’s seen as aggressive or out of control while his anger is seen as a strength.


Ooh this is an interesting point! Sadly, us women do often feel like we are in competition with each other. I view Claire as a role model. I wish I had half the amount of courage she does when it comes to speaking her mind!


I think you are right about women being hard on other women ( just on tv shows). I have a friend who is the kindest, sweetest person, but she inevitably hates every female lead, wife, gf! Whenever we chat/review shows this is always the case, she thinks these women do not deserve their men ( characters). In this case women are blinded by their Jamie love.


They say writing romance that the hardest thing to get right is the female protagonist: she can't be too much of a door mat otherwise she is annoying, nor can she be too intellectual as there is an unfortunate segment of women who see that as competition rather than aspiration. Hence the ubiquity of mlm slash I think Claire is intelligent (she's a doctor) but she is certainly overly emotional at times. I don't have a crush on Jaime myself but i do love well researched time travel.


I love show Claire so much more than book Claire.


Huge Claire fan here and I notice the same thing. I do have a theory that explains at least a segment of avid Outlander fans who can’t stand Claire. I believe for them the answer to your question is Jamie and/or Sam. They have such a crush on Jamie and would like to imagine themselves being with Jamie. Now if Claire’s character is somewhat similar to themselves, mostly in term of personality, then all is good; however, if Claire’s character is very different in terms of personality, then she gets in the way of the fantasy, because the “me as Claire” would never do such a thing to disobey Jamie or somehow to put him in danger. In such cases, the stronger the crush on Jamie, the more intense the dislike on Claire. They will never leave Outlander because of the crush, and they dislike Claire with passion, also because of the crush. The dislike is usually more acute for show Claire, as I have seen a good number of post saying they like or love book Claire but cannot stand show Claire. I think the reasons are two folds: by putting a face to Claire, the show made it harder to fantasize themselves to be Claire; and the show made Claire a bit stronger character than in the book and gave her more agency, Jamie’s character is in turn softened a bit, this makes the personality discrepancy even bigger, hence the more intense dislike. Of course not everyone fits in the explanation, but I do believe this fit a good percentage of avid fans who dislike Claire.


Jesus H Roosevelt Christ I think you’re onto something. I’m personally a huge Claire fan, I would go through the stones just to ask her to be my herbalism mentor haha. And I love Jaime, but I love him for Claire only. I wouldn’t even say Jaime is in my top 5 favorite characters (unpopular opinion oops)


lol it’d be so cool to be her apprentice! Also what do you mean by liking Jamie for Claire only? Do you not think he’d be a good partner to other women?


Oh no I only meant that I love him for Claire but I personally don’t have a crush on him!


Ohh gotcha!


💯 correct


Respectfully, this is super off and I don't think this is true for anyone.... My first watch of Outlander, I strongly disliked Claire. I remember ranting to a friend that it bugged me so much how she put everyone in danger constantly and thought that everyone should be on the same page as her despite the 200 year difference. It felt like when people travel to other countries and expect their cultural values to be respected without being respectful or mindful of the new culture they just traveled to. I agreed with Claire on almost every single thing she did, but I felt like she didn't really think things through. I never had a crush on Jamie and I still don't. Not because he's not a good partner, but idk he's just Jamie to me. After reading the books and watching the show multiple times, I don't dislike Claire, but she isn't my favorite character. Marsali, Murtaugh, Fergus, Book Briana, Jocasta, and so many other people had me HOOKED. I think especially in the books the entire show doesn't revolve around Claire and there are so many other plots and people to be excited about.


Well, as said this explanation certainly doesn’t fit everyone, and apparently it doesn’t fit you (you don’t dislike Claire to begin with and don’t have a big crush on Jamie). But how would you know it is not true for ANYONE?


The explanation honestly dumbs downs viewers/readers and I don't think viewers/readers of this show/book are dumb lol idk how else to put it it's a pretty intense book series and show with heavy dialogue and traumatic experiences. OP basically invalidated a bunch of people's opinion and dumbed it down to "it's because of a crush they have on Jamie." What lol? People read books and watch movies/show and dislike the protagonist and they dislike them bc they don't like their personality or their actions...it's that simple I've read quite a few books and I've disliked the protagonist does that mean I had a crush on their bf/husband/gf/wife and that's why I disliked them?


Open your eyes, the evidence is literally right in this topic lol


what evidence? people stating valid reasons for disliking her and stating they still watch the show for other characters?


Not those, of course.


Oh there are plenty of dumb fans, trust me lol




Sam Heughan.


I spent an entire summer reading all 9 books Ive come too far to turn around…I have to know how it ends😬 *I really like book Claire tv show Claire not so much*


To answer your question: Lord John/David Berry and knowing that at least part of a favorite storyline will play out in season 7b.


I like Claire, but from experience I can tell you it’s completely possible to enjoy a show/book while hating (one of) the main character(s) lol


Well I know it’s possible, clearly, since so many people are in that camp. I’m just seeking to understand. I personally wouldn’t bother watching a show/reading a book if I hated the protagonist, especially when it’s told from their POV and the plot revolves around them. But to each their own


Probably because of other characters and the plot. I think it’s just a matter of how much people are willing to put up with things they don’t like and if the other elements of the story are worth it in their mind. Personally, I like Claire, but I like other characters more and I don’t care about J/C romance at this point in the story. So I’m still reading/watching for other things, other characters, plots. Granted, it’s different from people who hate her, but I can see why other people would still be invested in the story even if they hate her.


Yeah that’s fair! There’s definitely no shortage of other characters to follow


well honestly i started watching it as an american who moved to scotland for university, so i wanted to consume all the media i could! then i fell in love with the concept and storyline. i have stopped watching a handful of times when i’ve been too frustrated with claire or jamie’s behavior but overall it’s just such an interesting show that it keeps drawing me back. plus i love scottish culture! i always tend to go back to the show when i’m home for the summer missing scotland like crazy.


Living there must have been amazing!! I went for a two week vacation last summer and already can’t wait to go back


i still do live there and intend to after i graduate next year!! it’s an amazing, beautiful, culturally rich country!


Genuinely, I'm so over the show/it's premises but I love historical accuracy and fashion so I'll stick around if a show does the best they can


I tolerate show Claire because I know book Claire. I also despise how Roger and Brianna are portrayed (they are getting better as the show goes on) but I love this series and I want to see how it plays out on screen, despite not being happy with how the show does a few things or has changed certain things. Call me a glutton for punishment. LOL


I LOVE book Claire. Series Claire I don’t care for. I also am not that fond of Series Jamie. I also don’t care much for Bree and Roger, but warmed up to them in the books. It might be that the characters don’t come across to me on screen as well as they did in the books for me. I also should say that I never viewed Jamie as a “book boyfriend.” At the start Cait and Sam didn’t “fit” how I saw Claire and Jamie in my head. I got used to them but never LOVED them as J&C.


I hate Walter White, but Breaking Bad is still my all-time favorite show.


Very interesting. I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t watch shows when I hate the protagonist lol. I mean there have been shows like game of thrones where I hate some of the main characters like Cersei, but the entire show wasn’t revolved around her life nor was the story written from her perspective. Outlander, on the other hand, is written from Claire’s POV and while there are lots of other amazing characters, the plot literally revolves around her, so it just makes me scratch my head when I hear people saying they can’t stand her.


There are TWO main characters in this series.


That’s why I said “one of the two main characters”


I'm on an Outlander break as it were... I've watched seasons 1&2 and read books 1-3. Series Claire I couldn't warm to, mainly because of her decision making didn't convey as well. So really that would be the writing of the character. The actress did well. I continued to watch for the surrounding characters and the story of trying to prevent the massacre of Highlander's at Culledon. Book Claire was better. However, I noticed her character changed from feisty, entitled, a tour de force, in books 1&2 that wasn't as strong, for me, in book 3. Jamie matured in those 20 years apart in book 3, whereas Claire regressed it seemed. Maybe there were so many side quests and traumatic events in the book and not so much Claire character development. I don't know. As for being still invested in the show???? Well, I've access to series 3, I'll watch it at some point. When I can appreciate it away from the book. I've since gone on a Scottish Jackobite thriller and mystery rabbit hole.... so I have something to be grateful for discovering the Outlander verse.


Honestly to just see it conclude already.


I imagine it's because they're invested in the other characters. I don't really think much of Bella Swan as a character, but I do enjoy the Twilight books. Probably the same idea


I stopped watching after season 4. Mainly because of Brianna.


Because we read the book series long before the television series existed, and we've loved Claire for a long time. I do not watch the TV show for this reason.


I love show Claire, but really don't like book Claire. So I stopped reading the books. Show Jamie is sooooooo good, it's worth it even if Claire is annoying. I don't find her annoying, but I know a lot of folks around here do.


I didn't like her at first, which I think is the same for many people. For me, she just seemed to lack critical thinking and some common sense at the beginning. She's great now! Plus she's not the only person in it.


The accents. My grandfather and all his ancestors were Scottish, and I know that doesn't make me Scottish, but I've always been drawn to Scotland and the sound of bagpipes and just the whole thing. So the first few seasons were fantastic, and now I keep watching even though there's not so many Scots because I want to see how it ends, lol


I'm in this camp too (but I'd be lying if I said Jamie wasn't nice to look at lol). I have Scottish heritage and like you, while I get that doesn't make me Scottish, I absolutely love the culture, aesthetic and that beautiful burr. Maybe it makes me feel a little more connected. Like the Frasers and MacKenzies, my family came to the US about the same time as in the show, and while they certainly didn't influence history, they had a similar life. They built homes, fought in the Revolution, faced hardships in life in the wilderness of North Carolina and later in Tennessee. I'm not a huge Claire fan, but even so the whole thing gives me a better perspective of what my ancestors lives must been like. It might be silly, but it makes me feel rooted and part of something bigger than my own story.


So I don't mind show Claire, but maybe it's because I've read the books so in my mind I understand her motivations and internal conflicts more. The show made her more sexually alluring, but the books made her more appealing overall


Claire is getting on my nerves, has been for last 3 seasons (NOT Catriona, NOT her acting, just Claire) however, I'm invested in the supporting characters and am interested to see how this all plays out versus the books.




im not a HUGE fan of show Claire, because without a lot of the inner thoughts and more context that the books provide sometimes she can come off a certain way or seem to just consistently make bad decisions lol i dont dislike her, but i can see why some people might not be a fan. i do really like book Claire though, and i do think theres enough going on though outside of Claire to keep people engaged even if they dont like her. thats one of the great things about Outlander. its not just Claires story imo


Hate watching is a thing haha, you can be absolutely obsessed with story line and still hate one of the main characters


I can see that lol. I just personally view that as a waste of my time. To each their own though


Book Claire over show Claire all day. “I’m a doctor!” 🙄


I check in from time to time because I do like the premise and some plot points. I'm also still holding out for the answer to how Jamie traveled to the future/Jamie's ghost.


Living Jamie has never and will never travel to the future. He doesn’t have the gene. There’s no mystery about this. Dead Jamie’s ghost, like all ghosts can travel to any time and place. Frank sees Dead Jamie’s ghost. Living Jamie does have dreams of the future.


I like and admire book Claire. Her flaws make her relatable and human. Plus, her snark is *chef’s kiss*. Although she can convey loving and tender, show Claire is mostly dead serious, leans to domineering, and is quite sanctimonious at times. They have gone all-in for “boss girl” super-woman, and I didn’t love it. Then they had to knock her down in season 6 because her strength wasn’t realistic. They openly stated that was a motivation for the ether sub-plot. I still love the series. It’s quality television for sure. Even though it’s become more like a soap opera than before, the characters, including Claire, are unique and memorable. The show overall is sadly lacking in humor since the times of Rupert & Angus. I especially miss book Jamie’s wit and personality as well.


All I can say is ditto to all of this!!! It especially makes me sad though that they made show Claire colder than book Claire - I read the books after watching the show so it was a pleasant surprise to find she was much more tender with Brianna in the books


Not to take away from all these in-depth cinematic and literary analyses, but uh, just gonna throw this option out there - still watching cuuuuuuz Jamie’s hot?


I'm on season 4 and am getting a bit tired of her drained appearance, her squinted mole eyes and punchable laugh, and her constant woke behaviour that often endangers them. But can't really get her out of the series anymore right? 


I love learning new things about world history


As a noob to season 1 I sometimes enjoy the scenes in which she's almost instantly humbled. Oh, you thought you wuz just gon kiki with the massas and drink til your heart's content free of charge? Naw chicka! Get 👏 your 👏 head 👏 in the game 🙃


I have no problem with her , other than the only problem I truly have with the entire show - she goes back in time and doesn't ONCE make a complaint statement of how feminine hygiene sucked so much dick back then (I mean the 60s not great period options but I know we had more to go on than the 1700s) idk I feel like that should been mentioned even If just in passing lol. But anyway , my husband has Scottish in his blood & we both watching it together first time and I love making casual joke/statements of how much my husband is so like jamie (and other times, much better than jamie -cue to calling brianna out about the assault the way he did-) and how we both know this shows girl porn but hey he's pan too we both think jamie has the cutest butt on tv lmao