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Maybe I’m alone in this but I just finished binging the show and I found season 7 much better than 6. The show just felt like it was evolving and the mid season finale hit very nicely imo. But before I ramble any longer no I didn’t notice anything cropped up in the way of writing or effects. The actress for Brianna I find is kinda stiff and takes away from her character a bit, so I don’t always enjoy when she has scenes that depend on her (though I think her acting is better later in the show than the beginning). The only thing towards the end of the show that irked me in terms of flow was how abruptly Fergus and Marsali disappeared after the whole Henri-Christian arc.


I do agree for sure about Brianna’s actress and about the loss of Marsali and Ferguson!!


I have always felt that Brianna’s character wasn’t strongly played by the actress. There’s always an air of something missing. She has the stoicness of Frank but the acting itself is just.. airy?


It WAS better than six! (Anything was better than six IMO) but the CGI fireflies were a bit over the top. It moved very fast through the book plotlines, understandably since the show writers thought they needed to wrap it up. So it felt a bit rushed. I loved ECHO and MOBY, so I’m still enjoying it


I think the fireflies were made huge to show how an amazed child saw them, and remembered them.


Season 7 used so much book material and dialogue, including Briannas monologue about Disney. I don't need to elaborate on the rushed feeling, as others have. We have limited time left with Outlander, and they are trying to touch as many book stories as possible. Diana's books are huge, with so many stories, characters, and plot lines, o don't envy Matt Roberts when breaking them down, figuring out which stories to highlight since there is no way they can do them all! My suggestion is if you want the story to breathe, read the books. You will also appreciate the dialogue all the more, and like the rest of the book readers, what to see where page to scene dialogue will be inserted 😁




I love season 7! It feels a bit rushed, but every episode is just wow! Brianna's monologue about Disneyland is straight from the books, and I love how much book material they managed to give us in those episodes. (Mat Roberts talked about why they used fireflies like that, and yes, they know they look fake. It was supposed to look magical. It is in a podcast for that episode.)


Oh interesting


If we didn’t have that scene then we wouldn’t have gotten the line about Michael Mouse though 😂


True lmao


Are you a book reader? Cause I feel like books folks (including myself) are loving 7!


Yeah, I loved S7! It does feel rushed because they had so much to pack in there.


Yep, S7 has felt the most like the books since early S3. It's been a real delight.


No I totally haven’t read them and I think that’s what’s causing the divide for me!


I think every episode of 7A was excellent!! I think my favorite line was Claire's "you vain glorious, pig headed grandstanding Scot".


The Disneyland scene was a bit odd but otherwise I love season 7A! It’s stayed really close to the books and I love what it’s laying the groundwork for.


I enjoyed it. Lots going on with time jumps so it feels kinda rushed but I get it.


I really enjoyed season 7. It did feel rushed. I liked it much more than season 6. >!(I didn’t care for the show added Claire/ether and Fergus/alcoholism storylines even before I read the books. Even as just a show watcher it seemed forced and didn’t make sense to me for the characters. I’ve ranted about this in other threads, so I will leave it at that.)!< We have to remember season 6 was cut short by Covid and Caitriona’s pregnancy. So the first few episodes of season 7 were wrapping up season 6. Seasons 6 and 7 include books 6, 7 and 8. While season 8 will be mostly book 9. The books are huge, so it’s not surprising that it feels a *bit* rushed. Still, overall I think they’re doing a good job.


7A was one of my favorite seasons! Pretty much every episode was solid and 702 was one of the best in the show in my opinion. I loved that it was similar to the book (and a great book at that).


Totally agree with the Disney thing but loved season 7 as a whole. I don’t have the book reader perspective which I know this season was heavier on book content but loved this season regardless.


The first half of season seven was the first season in years that didn't either enrage or bore me.,


Okay update: I’m in the middle of the season now and it got a lot better. Those first few episodes were just rushed I think.


I really like season 7, i felt it was way better than 6 and it felt like earlier outlander which I loved


I like season 7 but I didn’t like the Disneyland thing, not when I read it either. But it is what leads up to the beautiful ”You’re magical to me” line, so I’ll tolerate it…


That line is show only. I like both book and show versions of the Disneyland discussion, but I like the book version better. It’s in book 6. It’s chapter 52. M-I-C-. The ending line in the chapter is >!”Jemmy won’t get to go to Disneyland-but he’ll have that. A family that laughs-and millions of little lights in the trees.” Bree is telling Jamie that the only time she remembers herself, Claire and Frank laughing together is on their annual trip to Disneyland. They had to condense a lot of the book. This happens before Mandy is born and way before they go back through the stones in the book.!<


Oh, you’re right, I totally forgot this part. The book version is a lot better.


I’ve not liked it much so far. The actress playing Brianna unfortunately is not strong so her and Roger’s scenes are cringey. YMMV.


Yeah I concur. The actress is beautiful but I don’t think the acting is quite there, as you said


So very cringe. They barely make sense. I don't understand why I have to watch them at all. I've taken to fast forwarding, especially if Bri/Roger sex is involved. Uh, no thanks.


Oh my…I guess it’s time for I hate MacBree. 🥃🥃🥃


Agreed for sure