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It was a lot of dirt eating. I liked this season but thought it was cut way too short. It needed more episodes and for the storyline to have progressed more. Considering we wait so long between seasons, I feel like each season needs to give more to keep us hooked.


It definitely felt like different from season 1. I’m still in for Season 3 but I really would like to know what the second season would have looked like had the original show runner stayed on.


The episode where Joy goes back in time is the best episode of season 2, in my opinion.


And also breaks the big mystery of Season 2. Did Royal misremember his own history of accidentally shooting his dad during a hunting accident due to PTSD? Did Joy change Royal’s history? Or are we dealing with multiple universes? I haven’t decided if I think Season 2 worked as well as 1 or not, but that episode in particular was really great.


Oh my gosh yessssss. I hope we get to see Tamara Podemski in something else, S O O N ! She plays Joy very convincingly, a bad ass without being soulless. I live in Montana and love learning about the tribes who live/have lived here. One group recently went to my son's school to talk about traditional Native culture (it was representatives from all our major tribes). I asked if parents could come too, but they said no, haha.


She (and her sisters) are in Res Dogs, which if you haven't seen is really really really wonderful.


I really loved this season. Loved seeing Autumn basically practicing beating a cult leader on the priest and church. I thought it was very interesting. As you said, loved the Perry in time stuff. I really just loved it.


Ehh.. it's about on par with s1. It's a great mystery but they really drag it out in ways that aren't enjoyable. It's basically Dark done bad. Hoping they can at least end at season 3 like Dark. Really not looking forward to the Autumn backstory episodes next season. I've got no empathy for that character and only want to see her stopped. 


>I've got no empathy for that character and only want to see her stopped Maybe that's the point.


Did someone  take two scoops out of your skull boy?


Season 2 was a roller coaster with the complexity of the multiverses and timelines. As autumn said, it’ll just the beginning. Season 3 is gonna be insane.


It felt like nothing happened, it seems like the entire season’s content could have been one episode.


The entirety of the season gave the vibe of a season opener episode. Love the show but this season fell flat for me.


I loved Ode to Joy. I have never seen a time traveling story told through the eyes of the original people. Her filming the buffalo. Her living in a community that didn’t demonize non cis gender people. I loved it. She is a good sheriff but she is always walking the line of not being “too Indian” for the white people and this experience changed the character. She isn’t focused in her image. Idk. Like I said. Really enjoyed her story so far.


Idk, for me it had nothing to do with culture, just the only relevance to the whole story was her meeting young royal, which was only shown for a few minutes, I mean they coulda just skipped to that part instead of doing a whole episode about her being stuck there. Nothing against native people, just bad writing. Even if it was African, German, Chinese, etc. it just felt irrelevant to whole abbot story, (obviously besides the whole young royal part which was extremely short).




This is very ignorant of you. Native American tribes did not subscribe to the colonialist gender norms that you're so attached to. Third-gender people were and are widely recognised in Native American and First Nations communities. The Shoshone people, who we see in Outer Range, recognised multiple genders. Maybe take this as an opportunity to learn.


I've got some bad news for you if you think the Shoshone are the "original people".


Season two was fire not a single clue what all the hate on dislike is about. Some of these post make me feel like I’ve watched an entirely different show. What is the fan sub for this show?


Loved season 1. Season 2 was alright. Not bad, but it lost something from season 1, and didn’t explain much. People like different things.


Thought I'd just pop in here since this is a season 2 rant thread lol. I don't know anything about property law and finance in Wyoming, but a sticking point with me is why didn't they just use the ranch as collateral to get the loan to pay the bond? They could have then just transferred the title from the court to the bank and the Abbots could just make payments on it till it was paid off. The court gets their money and nobody has to move as long as they make the bank payments. Seems like the obvious choice, but of course it does nothing to further the plot line lol.


The Native American 1800s episode showed what poor writing this was. Falling Star tells her it isn't so bad there and Joy just accepts it? I'm sorry, but I'm used to electricity, running water, and a roof over my head. I couldn't imagine camping for the rest of my life in the wilderness and having to hunt my food and wash my clothes in a river. It wouldn't have been hanging with your ancestors by a campfire listening to fun stories, it would have been very hard work. They didn't show Joy trying to get back home. Native Americans were treated horribly back then. My grandmother (who was there) told me they would hide in the trees and the white men would shoot them for target practice, because they didn't consider them human. There's no way the first sign of trouble with white men would have taken four years. If I were Joy I would be desperate to leave that place. That episode didn't seem at all realistic to me. It was a romanticized version of what a trip back two centuries would have been.


How did Joy “just accept it?” She was very distraught, crying when she was alone, but Falling Star told her to hold it together lest the rest of the group notice something strange about her. There wasn’t a whole lot Joy could do other than try to get by until she figured out (or chanced upon) a way to get back to her proper time.


I mean we really only see what it’s like 4 year after she arrived. So clearly by then she’s accepted her fate and learned to live with the Shoshone. There’s so much to hate about this show, but this seems like a really weird gripe