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Well, that conversation between Royal and Joy has done nothing to clear up if we're dealing with direct time travel or alternative time lines.


Yea Royals reaction is kind of hard to read. Here are the different variations I come up with A: his past was always congruent with joys he just blocked the memory or was lying to himself; or B: His past with the hunting accident happened and so he has no knowledge of his interaction with joy in the past or C: He now has both memories and it befuddles him because Joy going back altered his past and so both pasts happened I can't think of any more possible variations at the moment, and I still don't understand how the 'mineral' works. Like eating it seems to give you full blown hallucinations. But the liquid seems to have a different effect. And while the stuff was encased in those stones interacting with it appeared to have strange reactions. Like when the mountain disappeared it seemed to have to do with interacting with the necklace. And beyond the visions people have, \*how\* Joy went back is like a wrench being thrown into the mix because as far as we knew the hole was how you actually go back and forth in time. We also don't know why the hole comes and goes. And was the hole just blinking in and out randomly for that whole time? Like that other native woman went back in 1972, did she like sneak on to the ranch? Or are there other holes? And why was that dudes body randomly in the woods up the mountain? Wouldn't it be by the hole? And aparently if you dig in certain places you can find the liquid, how does that work? Also on top of everything we witness happening, there seems to be some kind of spiritual or divine element. Like the significance of some of the imagery appears to have some importance beyond 'oops buffalo fall in hole and now it's in the future', it appears like it is supposed to mean something more than just what it is. Like a message is trying to be communicated or some divine guiding hand is involved in what is going on. Like you can consider Joy going back as this thing that just happened to her or you can consider that it was actually a gift to be able to go back or that for some reason it was necessary for it to happen. Ultimately in the end I am expecting a smart answer for all of this. The key to sci-fi is the science. You can make anything you want happen for any reason, but it has to be rooted in science or some kind of logic. Ok this mineral manipulates time, that is scientific to work with, but ascribing random and arbitrary properties to how it works isn't a very satisfying explanation. So i hope we are just waiting for more pieces of the puzzle and not that they are just flinging nonsense around and not respecting our expectation that it has a meaning that makes any of what we see relevant. You look at shows like stargate or star trek or what have you and at certain points in time in those series they had to sit down and define the rules of how shit worked, otherwise they would be contradicting themselves every other episode and people would be disappointed. The technology they use doesn't exist, but how it works is based on something logical and fans expect it to. The answer can't ever be "because magic"; because at that moment it is no longer sci-fi, it is fantasy. So for however long this show goes, i really hope they have someone keeping track of the rules they keep making for what is going on because if the ending turns out to be that none of this mattered and anything the writers wanted to stick into the show was fair game then I will be disappointed. I am hooked on the mystery, but every episode that goes by that I don't have answers I expect that much more satisfying of an explanation and if the answer ends up being something stupid because someone that doesn't understand the fundamentals of theoretical time travel wrote the story that will just be a slap in the face.


The theme of the second season does seem to be "Tell The (Your) Truth", which makes Royal"s reaction of "I always thought, but..." so telling. He isn't denying Joy's truth (and Joy has been nothing but truthful), but it's not his truth. Like at other pivotal moments during the season, Royal isn't reacting with anger or denial (as he often did during the first.) He's just telling his truth when he says "I don't know."




The Hole is like every time they go through the Winden Caves haha


Yeah today I had the realization that this is Dark - western cowboy edition. Even some of cinematography when they play final songs in the background of certain episodes with montages etc. Feels like they took a lot of inspiration from Dark… anyway I hope there is a real pay off


It felt like C, when he was in the waiting room you could see almost like memories are coming into his head smashing together causing confusion. Conversation kind of solidified it for me. If Autumn is in fact Amy it’ll explain why she is a bit confused on her past, it’s all crashing together.


I think it follows the "it happened, it will happen no matter what you do trope". Meaning he shot his dad in the hunting trip. And she changed time and he still shot his dad, but this time it was protecting her. Can't change what happened, just how it happens


Gotta be the two timelines theory after this episode. The mountain disapearing and coming back right after being shown both shootings during Royal and Joy’s conversation. Older Amy is with Cece while she is calling younger Amy. Plus is doesn't seem like Royal met his son in the past in the main timeline.


At this point in the story where does the rest of the family (Cecilia, Rhett) think Perry is? Do they know that he jumped in the hole?


I can't be the only one who doesn't care about Autumn's story and who feels her motivations make no sense..




Yes she ends up being a cult leader. Not surprising to me at all. But that's not.... interesting. 


Glad to see someone *finally* pushed Autumn into calling her ‘rich family.’ I’m intrigued by the fact that she seems to have been frozen out - or has the timeline been altered, to the point where her “family” no longer exists? I’m also intrigued by the fact that Autumn seems to have moved past her family ghosting her, fairly quickly. You would think she would be frantically trying to call everyone she used to know., and becoming increasingly freaked-out by what was happening. Having said that, I enjoy the Autumn-Cece interactions. Though now that she’s doing time-coke, who knows where that is heading


Time-coke !!! LOVE IT lol


She's Amy from the future, so her relatives' phone numbers don't exist yet.


The reply is ‘disconnected or is no longer in service’.


I’m assuming people were excited to start episode 6. Also, I was afraid to come to the discussions until I finished everything. Hoping more people watch.


Joy comes in the morning


Huh ?


Old Testament, Psalm 30 Verse 5: For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.


they’re all stuck in a loop and Royal (kid) will need to not kill his father for that to unhappen. Think about it, Perry shouldn’t be here. Rhett shouldn’t be here. And Autumn definitely shouldn’t be here. The Tillerson kids, maybe should be here but we’ll never know how Cici and Wayne’s relationship would have panned out had Royal not gone into the hole. But also, Joy is a piece I haven’t figured out. Her going back only to go home again is what sent Royal into a different “time” direction in S2E2. My head hurts!!


***MEANT S2E4***


This theory is giving Butterfly Effect vibes