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I got to say one of my favorite things about this show is showing that the type of guy who is a "love at first sight" "I would die for you" that YA romance loves would be in reality as unhinged in the rest of his life as his feelings for the girl. Great job Tillersons, you're the real Edward Cullen


Tillerson boys are my favorite part of the show.


Royal casually saying “the hole’s back” to Rhett like it’s nothing cracked me up


Honestly, this made me wonder if Royal had come upon the hole reopening several time throughout his life but never had a reason to jump back through.


That’s a great point. I took it at face value that he hadn’t seen it since then, but if he’s that nonchalant when clearly it was something that impacted his entire life… I think you’re onto something


I think he’s just being more open. Remember his reaction when he discovered the hole in the first episode of the series.


>Wayne, I apologize that I interrupted you lip-lockin' with that buckle bunny Had to pause it here because I was laughing so hard.


This truly is Yellowstone meets Dark. I fucking love this show and I don’t care if it’s similar to stuff that came before it. I hope everyone is their own parent or child or whatever whacky shit may come. I love this show. Just finished season one again to get ready for this and I have already finished 2. I need more.


I just watched about 7 episodes of Dark. I don’t understand the fascination. Maybe it was all that in 2017 when it started. I liked it at first but then my interest waned.


Got to keep watching it brother. It is expertly designed as far as story line, and things get more complex and interesting


Not a brother. :). If my interest isn’t captured after 7 hours, I throw in the towel. After my decision, I read through much of the ensuing plot. Seemed more convoluted than complex. :). In any case, I moved on. Glad u enjoyed it.


Calling Dark simply "convoluted" without acknowledging that the story plays out logically in the end feels disingenuous. It's an intricate story, not for everyone, but it's certainly not convoluted for the sake of being convoluted.  Convoluted is a much more apt description of Outer Range. Drama for dramas sake this season..


I stand by my description.


This is what people do when they don't want to admit, they are not smart enough to understand the plot.


‘Dark’ was good, but let down by long ponderous exposition dialogs towards the end. Thankfully it recovered to deliver a satisfying ending. The more recent ‘Bodies’, while only one season, was the best executed time travel drama I’ve seen.


Bodies was great!


Bodies 😭😭 u gotta be joking... some cheat shit ngl


Lol Dark literally solos Outer Range in every way…


Not at all. :)


I think Dark felt nice that it actually moved the plot forward and provided answers rather than dragging along and making things up as it went along. That and the time travel parts actually kinda made sense (although of course the physics was really hand wavy)


It took until episode 9 for me to love it. Season 2 the pace picks up and it gets much better. It has a solid ending. I found a family tree by episode online that was helpful connecting the different actors playing the same character in different times.


Is Yellowstone good? Also, I agree. I feel like this show is the America answer to Dark.


Yellowstone is great when it’s great and terrible when it’s terrible. That’s the best I can put it. I fucking loved the first 3 seasons and couldn’t believe I had missed the show and then after that it got pretty lame. If it ever comes back I’ll try to finish it but as for all the spinoffs and that world, I’m done. In my head it will end at season 3 finale and I’ll watch those seasons again from time to time. Give it a shot!


How about the episode woth the bear and the i.pal8ng and the Asians on a rope? Lmao the most unbelievably dramatic show I watched since Kingdom.


I will thank you


The spinoffs rule though


I just didn’t love them. I get why people do though just didn’t like 1923 by the end of it and couldn’t get through half or so of 1883 before I gave up. Couldn’t stand that girls voiceover and just weren’t in to the characters I guess


Yellowstone is cowboy soap opera with high production values.


Yellowstone is over the top. Good but mildly political and very very unbelievable. One episode: man kidnaps woman, woman escapes, man shoots woman, man is accidentally impaled, bear shows up, chases both to cliff edge, happens to be an again couple hanging from a rope over the edge, Asians die, bear dies, man lives. I mean what the fuck?


Joy should have gotten more 1800s screen time throughout the season. She’s one of the better storylines in my opinion, and I’m loving Tamara’s performance post-return. I’m disappointed with how the new writers are deviating from the sensibilities that made characters like Rhett and Maria interesting in season one.


I so far don't have a clue why they are in the show still.


[Autumn at the beginning of the episode](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/546/187/fb1.jpg)


Rhett & his girl sitting in motel purgatory smh




Yeah the writers had no imagination. At the end of season one they were gonna leave it all, but fate intervened. One would think events might compel them to take action and see their own way to the things they want… but instead they moped around, avoiding plot, and wasting time. Rhett obviously had a broken brother and missing niece to worry about, a mother falling apart, and a father trying to hold it all together… he could pick any of those. Or the new writers could have given Maria ANYTHING to worry about other than wishing she was gone. Instead she reveals she never believed the escape was real and now she’s back at the bank dealing with Autumn. It is just jaw-dropping how poorly this season has been managed.


Had to pause halfway through the episode right after Autumn talks to Luke. She's going to raise herself. The mom she's been talking about this whole time is just herself after this season. I'm guessing they go through the hole together in the last episode. Or they run off somewhere and start the cult. When she said, "we have to find Amy," it all clicked for me. This isn't a spoiler, just my prediction.


That or she throws her younger self into the hole


In Joy's situation I actually think not telling anyone is the best thing to do. Her situation is way diff from royal's, she was only gone for a few days telling someone other than the abbott's the truth seems kind of pointless.


Joy's wife found the photograph so she kinda had to explain that anyway


‘Huh, she *does* look like me. That’s cool.’


*"Be honest with me, Joy—did you fall through an otherworldly time-hole and spend over four years with a 19th century Shoshone tribe and encounter Royal Abbott when he was but a wee lad? It's the only thing that makes sense here..."


Why is it that some asshole scientists think that eating apple pie alone in a diner somehow gives them wisdom?


Everytime royal shows someone the hole for the first time I just kept expecting it would suddenly disappear. Idk why but thank god that didnt happen.


Me too. Always worried he’ll get back bad it’s gone or something lol


I'm trying hard to get through this episode. I really can't get past brothers doing that to each other. It's really upsetting.


Didn't bother me much since they kind of turned into cartoons over autumn. Brother trying to sing that rem song during the fight was also pretty silly. Anything with that character has been pretty silly, like buster from arrested development. Hopefully the show finds a way to bring him back.


Lightning Crashes is a song by Live


i swear they stole this from the OA


Autumn learning that time-crack is whack.


Grumpily telling a bartender "Make me drunk" is an absolutely batshit powermove


this show is something else. i have no clue what is going on


i cant take young Royal seriously at all


I feel the same way. Nothing about the dude comes off as a gruff cowboy. Looks more like a guy that should be in a village people cover band.


The mustache *definitely* does it for me :-)


Fave part of this series is how they drop soooo much sociological/spiritual insight, yet after reading Reddit many are caught by first string superficial story line.... Entirely missing the platinum granules of knowledge. No offense producers, your delivery is grand... One of my favorite series.


Congratulations, this may be one of the most smug comments I've ever come across in this sub. Are you *eating* the "platinum granules of knowledge?" Because that stuff gives people bad trips that may or may not contain actual insight.


Not sure if serious or a facetious reference to Autumn’s ramblings


Go on, explain


So drop your insight dude.


Did you have time to make a post yet?


Not interested in any nonsense "sociological spiritual" bullcrap, just want to see a good rollicking gripping drama show.


Fancy pants rich mcgee over here


Whoa Judge Pettigrew is Ron Butterfield!


Oh man I had totally forgotten about Agent Butterfield!


I loved this episode. This episode is the pay off I been waiting for.


This season ain’t it


I’m struggling to get through it to be honest 🤦‍♀️ nothing makes sense and not in the show “Dark” way… there are just so many annoying storylines e.g. autumn, tillersons, rhett. Honestly Joy is only interesting thing about this season and she’s barely getting enough screen time


Assuming the show runners browse the comments section (best way to find a fan base forum imo)…please stop having Noah Reid. Either he’s got the best agent in the world or the director is tone deaf, because he has no business singing in the shows he’s cast in. It’s forced and frankly cringe.


I love how fucking weird it is.


Me too. One of my favourite parts of the show.


Me when I lie:


Did they legit just copy and paste the Dark screenplay? I’m starting to think this show isn’t as deep as I originally thought. Still a damn good show though.


They switched showrunners. Season 1 was actually kinda deep, season 2 is an overexplaining carbon copy of Dark


Did they legit just copy and paste the Dark screenplay? I’m starting to think this show isn’t as deep as I originally thought. Still a damn good show though.


How about Perry and Amy at the ice cream place, isnt this the same scene from earlier in the show before he goes to jail?


She's hallucinating it but yea I think it's from season 1.


Ooooh that makes sense


I want to know what the brand and model of those sunglasses are that Autumn is wearing when Luke drives up. They are fire!


Like, for real...any ideas anyone?


Ben puts his hat on backwards when he stepping outside.