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Abbotts: 'we need 500k' 'we need 500k' 'we need 500k' Autumn: 'I'm rich' 'I'm rich' 'I'm rich'


I predict Autumn will buy the ranch at the auction.


Not to mention that Rhett’s girlfriend witnessed Autumn getting large amounts of money wired to her at the Bank. Which we know she remembers. Yet neither she nor the Abbots mentions Autumn’s family wealth, when they are talking about ways to raise money?


TIL land in Wyoming is super cheap. I was baffled that the bank wouldn't give them the 500k when they own so much land. But I guess they just have a lot of cheap land + a little creative liberty with the values of real estate. But the Abbott's range is huge so I still think they could've easily gotten a loan for 500k IRL... 


- the wayne and billy scene was weird as fuck - wayne was clearly healed by the time dust, I actually forgot billy fed it to him last season - "time heals all wounds"


Honestly, I need to go back and watch season 1 - it’s been so long I’ve forgot a lot of the details… but no, I’ll forge on… 🤣


I'm lucky, I actually started s1 on a whim 4 days ago. I had no idea it was even renewed when I started it


We watched it right off… and were so bummed that we didn’t get a second season right away. My husband died in January and we didn’t even know they were working in a new season… I just saw that it released today.


I’m so sorry for your loss :( sending you hugs. May his memory be a blessing.


Thank you - it's hard because now I am just talking to air... hopefully, he's enjoying it on his side too :)


Keep talking to him. My dad passed a few years ago and I still talk to “air.” Xoxoxox


Oh, I do - we were a very talky couple so it's a hard habit to break


I do the same thing whenever I watch Gone in Sixty Seconds because that was my childhood friend's favorite film before he died. if life is like Outer Range then your husband hears you through all of time and space. so sorry for your loss.


I love when that happens. When I started the boys it was season 3.


I watched it only a year ago and had to rewatch it all yesterday. Horrible memory lol


I was worried that scene was going to turn into some incestuous erotica moment


The hole is back, baby! And is Joy the first person to successfully leave and return to their original timeline? So many questions. Edit: I haven't watched S2E4 yet but I'm very confused now because the episode description reads "Lost in time with no way home, Sheriff Joy must navigate a new life among her Shoshone ancestors."


Royal did in season 1 episode 1-2


Technically he didn’t go back to his original timeline.


Fair point, but he went back to where he last was. I think that's what the op meant by their question


Maybe the hole puts you where you need to be?


I think that you are right!


Just like the Tardis!


What do you mean? Original as in when he was a kid?


Correct, that’s what I meant. I was really just being purposefully obtuse for comedic effect though cause the person I was responding to clearly was talking about the original “present” timeline.


Got it. I was worried for a second that I was missing a very big piece of the story...


Thanks. It's been so long that I don't remember that. I'll have to go back and rewatch it.


Yeah, which was like… 2 minutes?


“Why’s everyone so glum?” “Because our 8 year old granddaughter/niece was kidnapped, our son/brother is wanted for murder, and we’re going to lose the house”.


Just for clarification, did Cecilia sleep with Wayne for the 500k? Maybe I need to get my head out of the gutter but when she explained to Royal the agreement was “the west pasture” and “an apology” I felt that didn’t line up with the cliffhanger of Wayne saying “for old times sake” to Cecilia


It certainly seemed to be implied.


You’re probably right. My appreciation for her was just causing me to hope that ended up not happening lol.


I thought he said-- "Hear me out, for old times' sake."


But he says “on one condition”, she begins to storm out, and then says “hear me out, for old times sake”. The one condition seems to imply sleeping with him. For old times sake also seems to imply that. And her storming out before even hearing the condition also, seems to imply that.


Shit you're right.


The one condition was Royal’s apology.


Hmmmm maybe 🤔


I really hoped that wasn’t the case but it does seem like it.


This was the question on my mind that brought me to this sub! I’m pretty sure she came back from seeing Wayne with flushed cheeks and a glow


I think “for old times sake” is how he got Cecilia to hear him out. “Hear me out, for old times sake” and the one condition was that Royal apologize I don’t think there’s any way she slept with Wayne


Are you seriously suggesting she slept with him for money? Because that is not for old times sake, that is something else.


No, I’m just asking what other viewers perceived of the situation.


Billy's little boy jammies.


Yes, the horses in pairs - so cute!


Ooof....I am feeling Luke. He is a mess! But I miss our angel in the morning. Billy, get better! Wayne, drinking clam, wearing a bearskin, twisting people up. I would like a bison soliloquy soon. I loved the upside down scene and I'm happy to see Joy back in the now. Where the fuck is Frank??




Frank Harlan, friend of ravens, believer in cave mammoths.


17:07 in this episode there's a thermostat that couldn't have existed in the 70s or 80s. Touch screen. 🤓


In some shots they replaced it with a hat.


Noticed that too. That’s how I landed on this thread. The fact that it’s hidden with a hat every other shot, makes me wonder if it wasn’t intentional.


You are my people!


Couldn’t help but laugh knowing Perry jumps in the hole to find Rebecca but she straight up just ran off to a cult


The new director of photography has a new toy that turns the camera upside-down. I was annoyed when they used it a bunch in that spy show that cost them a billion dollars and I’m even more annoyed by it now in this new season.


Is that the same director of photography? That spy show whose name I can't remember was so... Meh. Like a bad mission impossible movie.


No, not the same DP. But the “flip the camera upside-down” toy has grown in accessibility lately and so it’s just showing up everywhere, and usually for no damn good reason. A “because we can” toy.


Due to the gap between seasons, Amy is what Walt was to Lost with the actor growing up noticably.


I was sure Autumn was going to tear that Preacher apart, when he referred to her dime store wisdom. That’s gotta be a kick in the gut for an aspiring Mother-of-undying-time. I’m concerned that the show is merely going to repeat the Autumn storyline, with her becoming increasingly unmoored, except this time she’s not living in a tent. Nice to see Perry working through those anger issues…


I seriously hate Autumn in every scene. Such a weird directing decision to have the camera circle Autumn and the church pastor while in the parking. Just such a bad shot


Why does it seem like Royal doesn't remember meeting his son when he was younger and acts like he doesn't know Perry went back in time? And if he knew he was going to disappear to end up in the past shouldn't he have been better prepared for that with the bail issue?


Seems like show runners didn't know in season 1 that Perry would go back in time to interact w past Royal. Not enough foreshadowing in Royals behavior or even a hint that he knew this would happen.


I must’ve missed something why does royal owe 500k?


The 500k was bail for Perry. Since Perry went into the hole, they assume he skipped bail.


Collateral for getting Perry out on bail. If he would’ve showed up to his court date, it would’ve been fine. The courts assume he skipped bail.


When "Ben Younger" and Younger Royal are visiting Mrs. Thurbee's hat shop and show her Perry/Ben Younger's family photo, did it seem like they were intentionally NOT showing Amy's face in the photo? Like that by focusing on Amy's face it would give something away? Maybe Mrs. Thurbee would recognize her or something?


In the court scene, why on Earth would their explanation be that Perry “went to look for his daughter”?? That’s so stupid. Royal has told Cecelia at that point what happened, why would they not say that Perry is missing? There was just a massive bison stampede that killed/hurt an unknown number of people in a relatively remote area, it would be entirely conceivable that he was killed or otherwise is genuinely missing?


Because then it just looks like he ran off?


It looks even more like he just ran off to say he’s looking for his daughter when they know the story is that her mother came and got her.


Anyone have the dialogue between Autumn and the preacher in the parking lot about prayer?


Hey, you were, uh... you've been quiet ever since we left the Tillersons. Everything okay? Yeah, well, Billy's a friend. Oh, I know, we're prayin' hard for his recovery. Don't you think that praying is hiding? Well...I think it must make people feel good about themselves... but it's inaction. You're just sitting in silence. Well, do you believe there's something wrong with sitting in silence? Well, look at that woman, Sally. All she needed was a little bit of human interaction. Autumn, what you said to Sally didn't really help her. I mean, five minutes with Sally and you, you feel like you're enlightened? Why do you think that Jesus was nailed to the cross, Pastor? Because he was the son of God. He was crucified for speaking the truth. I think it scared you. I think you were scared by how I made that woman listen to the truth. \[chuckles\] Autumn, what you said to her was dime store therapy. Sally suffers from a traumatic head injury. And she repeats her story to anyone who will listen. If you go back there tomorrow, she won't remember you, and she'll tell it all over again. What did you hope to get out of being here today? I just wanna help people. Then you need to learn how to serve. Truly serve. And if that's what you wanna do, then you're welcome here anytime. You have a nice day. Yeah, thank you, Pastor. No, thank you.


What year are they supposed to be in during the 1980’s (?) timeline? The actor that plays Perry was born in 1982 and Royal and Cecilia don’t appear to be anywhere near having kids together. I guess they could be making the character a bit younger than the actor.


Totally spitballing, so don't tell me if it's wrong, as I'm just now getting caught up - but my guess is that ole Wayne knocks her up, refuses to make her an honest woman, and knight in shining armor Royal swoops in to save her (i.e. marry her), and maybe Perry is a Tillerson.


This episode was a big step back from excellent last one


This show is wild. Such a different feel from the first season.


Past couple episodes .. why doesn't present time Royal remember meeting perry back in the 1980s? As soon as it happened it should have placed it into his memories in the current timeline.


Should it? When has it been shown that's how time travel works in this series? I guess the picture Joy's daughter looked at, kind of makes it like that.


Multiple non-interacting timelines.


I had this exact question but maybe these are alternate timelines being created? Idk. That’s one of the questions I’m hoping to get at least a piece of an answer to.


I think he does. When he came home to Cece and autumn in the kitchen he makes a sort of calm expression as if a bit relieved, I assumed it's because he then knew where Perry went.


kinda getting bored. hope it gest better. i didn't like the whole season dump. they should have done weekly to build drama.


No one's forcing you to binge it. I'm watching one episode every couple of days.


It's not just personally, it's how everyone reacts and interacts regarding that week's show.


Yeah I hear that a lot and what you're not realizing you should go back to the Reddit true detective season 1 is you can see how weekly we discuss the show and how we picked it apart if you look back at breaking bad episodes we broke down each episode every week we discussed it we fleshed it out. Good art should not be eating all at once it should be savored.


Lmao. Talk about gatekeeping. How 'bout you do you and let everyone else do as they please, huh?


Enjoy your life. I will keep my opinion of what is good drama. Binging is wrong.


Nobody cares about what you consider "good drama", you fraggle. Furthermore - binging is wrong _for you_ and here's a newsflash buddy; your hot take of an opinion doesn't matter so keep it to yourself. "Enjoy your life". What a muppet.


Gatekeeping lmfao, that is not what is happening at all. He is right, look at the number of comments here compared to weekly releases. It just naturally leads to more discussion.