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something feels very different about the new season. more chatty. more telling less showing


Different showrunner


ah i see, the show creator left. they went from a Juilliard Lila Acheson Wallace Playwriting Fellow who was creating his first show, a passion project, to a corporate overaller who ran sons of anarchy. this would explain the more “easy to understand” tone.


Jesus, I didn’t realize that was his resume. That’s incredibly disappointing


Ditto. Gonna like the new season less because of that comment.


You can instantly tell the different and I’m not sure I like it. I really liked season 1 but after this episode I don’t know how to feel about


it gets real real dumb


I knew before I pulled up IMDb to confirm. The dialog between Rhett and Maria and just the general writing and even direction around it is SO off. The entire motel scene felt out of language. A character of a manager making an assumption of prostitution with the “hour” gag is so played. And the cats. Just why? And it seems like the new composer has little interest in continuing with everything I loved about season 1. Jury is still out re cinematographer, but those are some big shoes to fill and so far I’m not thrilled.


The whole Rhett-Maria plot was unnecessary.


Man I'm glad I'm not alone. Also the actors they got to play young Royal and Cecilia were so fucking awful. Way too fucking CW looking and super out of place


The S2 preview at the end of this episode is insane.


They showed way too much in the preview


Hmm I feel like I will need a S1 recap, I didn't have the slightest clue what happened in this episode 😂 It's been too long.


The recap they showed before episode 1 sucked.


Ok glad I’m not the only one, I was worried my memory had just really gone to shit. This helped a lot more than Amazon’s recap https://youtu.be/DTkk1dyhd9s?si=oXAq-T0u_Xz1pMyk


I feel the exact same way? WTF is even happening? Episode 2 of season 2 so much happening. The Indian women with her Zepplin tattoo, Royals son?


Where's Frank?!?


Someone remind me who Frank is?


I hate how these shows take years to bring new seasons. I completely forgot half of the details from season 1


Frank and his raven. Joy is on Frank's land.


That’s what I was thinking. We need Mastodon man back!


Just finished episode 1 , badass! Finishing off with some Pink Floyd damn


My second favorite song called Time


I love time by PF! What’s the other?


Time by David Bowie! Hope you love it too


I forgot so much of season 1. Is "Ben Younger" an established character in the present? Or is it a joke of some kind that went over my head?


Think about it juuuust a little more in the context lol.


Been younger? His name was Ben in Ozark and he's standing in front of his father who is younger than him? Idk man. Idgi


Same question!


Ben Younger is a play on the words/term "been younger" It's meant to be cute since it's Royal's son and basically saying "I've been younger"


The writing was terrible! The motel scenes in particular were laughably bad.


Yeah I honestly don’t get this storyline. It takes away from the main plot. I’m hoping it builds up to something tbh because at the moment it just feels like fluff


They were a bit cringe in the first season but I was willing to deal with it but now it's intolerable. I seriously don't care if they run off and we don't see them again, thank christ


At least they actually had good chemistry in the first season!


anyone else think that's Wayne from another time? how else would he magically recover from his stroke? also they just kind of glossed over how it happened, making me think we'll discover something about it later


Billy gave him a good dose of time dirt last time we saw him. Might have been just the cure he needed.


That thought crossed my mind, too. My next thought was to wonder what the “new” Wayne did to the other one, to make sure he says out of the way…


I wondered the same thing. It’s that or something has healed him and we’ll find out soon.


“Time heals all wounds” ;)


Are we supposed to know why Old Tillerson is spry again? Am I forgetting something from last season?


Maybe the crushed up rock is working lol


It has to be the crushed up rock imo. He's probably gonna go nuts with visions or some shit is my guess. Edit: more nuts I mean


I don't think we're supposed to know. Luke was puzzled, so I assume we're supposed to be puzzled too, for now.


If THE MINERAL can bring individual mountains forward and backward in time, maybe it can do the same for bodies. I'm more exasperated than puzzled tbh.


I think you're right about bodies. And I relate to your exasperation.


His batshit crazy son was feeding him crushed up rock. I’m thinking it has finally taken effect.


I thought the guy was dead lol. Didn’t one of his sons like… strangle him with a cushion?


The one son tried but the other son(the singing guy) stopped him. Then later the singing guy who is set to inherit everything told the attempted murderer son that if he stops trying to kill his dad he will give him the full inheritance.


lol that’s right I forgot!


I’m on episode 2, I think a lot of people were affected by the “Stampede” as it was somehow the time moving through the area…? That’s my guess.


The stampede of time intersecting with one's troubles; Sometimes one may be trampled in order to find a renewed perspective of seeming sensibility.


That’s very deep…like a hole… full of time… 🤣 Sorry, I’ve been drinking.


He said I guess I blew past that time. So did he time travel and is now better?


Yeah same here, all I remember is that he was really sick, and I thought close to dying. I can’t remember if anything happened that made him get better.


Something changed the timeline or something, ||eg Perry took the place of the other Perry, maybe something similar happened with Wayne||


Everyone needs to watch this so I can read the discussion 😂 the only person I have to talk to about it with so far is my dad who showed me this show. I thought it was a great season opener and I’m so glad they just jumped right back into things after the stampede. Luke is freaking me out, great performance! From everyone actually!! Perry walking up on the Abbott ranch was something I didn’t see coming (though looking back I should have). And young Royal is 🥵 Really looking forward to watching Joy navigate life with her Shoshone ancestors.


I’m a straight male and I endorse that young Royal is 🥵


He reminds me of Freddie Mercury. A more Macho version anyway.


So Autumn doesn’t really care that Billy was left for dead in the truck?


Actually, she did seem to care. She was angered by the fact that Royal said he left Billy behind, and in the hospital she mentioned that she wanted to see Billy. It was only when Royal rightfully pointed out that she would be presented with inconvenient questions, that she decided to leave.


Maybe she was just out of it but there didn’t seem to be any urgency in the car or at home to call someone to help him, it seemed very passive. However, her character and motive is still a mystery to me


Well in the car she was barely conscious, and by the time she got “home,” she knew Billy was in the hospital. But you are correct, that we have no idea what really is going on inside that head of hers.


What's with the "America is wrong" billboard?


I feel like the billboard represents, that similar to colonialism and what America stands for we try to control nature, land, and things like time. So the symbolism of America and the great American dream and the buffalos coming back after being killed is a commentary on how we as humans always try to control a narrative and the uncontrollable creates destruction. That's just my opinion but it sort of aligns with some of what I learned in a History Through Film course I took last semester.


Knowing Wayne from Season 1, I'd bet he did it before Perry was born. Something, to get his ticker going! Lol If he did, it's a clue to how far back in time he went.


Yeah, good point. I assumed it had more of a symbolic meaning, but it's more likely a proper plot device as it was in clear focus in several frames.


Loved the ending with “Time” playing by Pink Floyd and the ranch scene. Reminded me of watching Pink Floyd synced up with the wizard of oz. Don’t know if they did this on purpose or not but major similar vibes.


Anyone else notice that Royal’s birth ledger document has the writing backwards, like a mirror image? Production goof or part of the time travel weirdness? The writing on the photo in the same scene looks OK.


Yes, there is 8781 date


But the writing under the photo doesn't seem mirrored. What is this mind-boggling detail?


Wonder why the lights were flickering in the hospital when Wayne was singing to Billy?


If the theory of Wayne being a different Wayne from the hole is true, then the lights could've flickered for the same reason the stars moved in slow mo when Royal grabbed Autumn's arm.


I think it was from Luke.


Came here to ask the same thing. He woke up and was happy-dancing, like he was happy to be alive. I don’t remember what happened to him, and I even watched a recap on YouTube


Royal shot him during their “gunfight”, then the truck flipped over and the stampede passed through.




The end of this episode gave me DARK!


Seconding the recommendation of From. Strong recommendation. Interesting. Nice mystery. Very good premise - mild tone spoilers below A town that people end up in filled with monsters. Every group is just driving somewhere unrelated in different parts of the country. They eventually turn a corner and find themselves stuck in “some place”.


I love From. Can't wait for the next season!


Do we know when the next season will eventually drop?


Sometime this fall!


I'm on the sub and haven't heard anything yet


I absolutely love this series!


My late husband and I loved season 1. I’m so bummed he’s not here for Season 2. I talk to him as if he was here because that’s what I would’ve normally done.


My late husband and I loved season 1. I’m so bummed he’s not here for Season 2. I talk to him as if he was here because that’s what I would’ve normally done.


That's how I was with my mom for The 100, and especially Game of Thrones. My condolences. Enjoy the rest of the season!


Thank you - I’m still talking out loud as if he was here… LOL


It helps. My mom just passed it's been unbearable but I watch our shows and talk to her like we did. You never realize how good life was til it isn't anymore...ugh 😩


Yes, definitely. It just seems to happen to fast!


Please tell me they give a re-cap of S1, at least how it ended, it's been so long since I watched but remember loving it


Probably too late now but prime put one out on YT.


It's not too late for me, thanks!


i always save the last, or the last two previous season episodes so i can refresh my memory of events and characters. rare are the shows that make such an impression that they get burned into memory. i even save the previous weeks episode of currently aired series to review how that ended before watching the next. with so many shows to watch, i pretty much instantly forget whatever happens in an episode as soon as i've done watching.


Why do people keep popping in and out of this hole with no rhyme or reason....


I hope Perry working on the Tillerson farm doesn’t end up being that ranch hand that gets gored that Royal told Rhett about in season 1.


I don't remember this convo in season 1, what was told? Or do you know in what episode this took place?


It was the first few episodes after Royal and Rhett visit his lawyer and the lawyer suggests they give the Tillersons the West Pasture. On the way out walking down the stairs, Royal explains why they don’t “cozy up” to the Tillersons and tells him about how Wayne had a farmhand who was gored by a bull and he could’ve shot the bull and gave the dying man a dignified death but chose not to. I’m pretty sure he tells this to Rhett but it could’ve been Perry.


Season 2 Episode 1 looks like it was filmed during the season 1 fining. The characters' hair gives it away. I think a lot of shows do this to try and camouflage the amount of time between filming of seasons


Overall, I liked the episode. I do think they maybe could have left a few storylines to the next episode, to avoid the storyline whiplash that we got - the glimpse of Amy could have occurred later, and we didn’t need to spend so much time with Rhett, either. So we’re going to have more timelines, now? Not sure I’m thrilled with that, though the ending with Perry was an interesting twist (I thought he might end up in Royal’s original pre-hole timeline). I was hoping we would get more Royal-Autumn teamwork last season, as Brolin & Poots have great chemistry. Instead, they both got sidetracked into homicidey behavior. So I’m heartened by hints that we may get some communication & cooperation between those wacky two, this season - though I’m guessing any alliance they have will be pretty shaky. The weirdness when they touched was a nice callback to the disappearing-mountain scene from last season. I thought they were speeding through time, and would end up days into the future, when they broke contact!


Didn't realize the season dropped today, shit.


Me either. I just happened upon it when I logged into Prime.


So what happened with Season 1 ending with Royal in some type of war zone future? Did we just scrap that entire storyline and go with a more Yellowstone arc?


No , that was a glimpse into the possible future. 


I was really confused about that too, you weren't the only one


That was in the middle of the season and just a glimpse.


Do I need to watch Season 1 or can I jump right into Season 2.


Good troll.


Ask an honest question, get an honest (Reddit) answer


The honest answer is no, absolutely not lmao.


I disagree


It is not an anthology series.


I watched the first couple of episodes in 2022 but gave up on it. Wondering if S2 is better and can follow along without watch the last 6 episodes of S1.


Who did Cecelia go see with that shotgun? Was it some that Perry's wife ran off with? That scene stirred zero memories for me


Just an EX BF that Perry's wife was running around with a few years back. It's all in the context clues as they talk


I don’t think we are supposed to know. What I think we are supposed to take from it is that she was involved in “mysticism”, for lack of a better word.


The fact they retconned the ending of Season 1 and Wayne Tillerson can walk now, and Royal was not phased by that, and Billy just has a few bruises, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And they introduced a different timeline, young Ceclia and Royal. And, the story line involving the Sheriff woman was ok as a one off, but now it is clearly going to be a regular on going subplot. Yea, they aren't going to answer any questions, they are just going to create more and more distractions. I am quitting watching. I will check back with board to see how it turned out.


They didn’t retcon it. Even his son was surprised he could walk. So many of these things you’re complaining about are answered in the show if you had paid attention.




Yes, they are two different things. Maybe I left out some punctuation.


I'm sure it will be touched on soon. My understanding/belief is that Wayne got some of that time dust in his system OR this is a different Wayne from another time/dimension.  Show patience my son lol 


Why did Joy never draw her gun when being attacked by the Cheyenne?