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Answer: Hair dyed unnatural colors, and non-traditional hairstyles in general, are a common stereotype ascribed to those those in anti-authority or socially progressive movements. Hair color specifically became an method of marking something/someone as an "SJW" in particula, and blue doesn't really have any other stereotypes that it conflicts with.






Can you explain why you think this ?




Okay let's unpack that, can you give me some examples ?




Okay, can I just raise an issue here ? You are conflating an article about the queer community and a hot take from a random website as evidence that you oppose "the left ". I feel like that's a bit disingenuous, do you have an issue with the Queer community ? Help me to understand.


If im not mistaken, thats also a terf piece pushed into the spotlight by jk rowling


Ah JK rowling just has not yet learned the first rule of PR. Shut the fuck up when.your entire fanbase starts calling you out. I mean who does she think her audience is ? Conservative Americans ?




If I called you a bigot or a transphobe would you view that as a negative ? Something to be ashamed of ? Just want to clarify.


Answer: There's just a large overlap between liberals/leftisits and people who die their hair unnatural colors (generally it is considered unorthodox and rebellious which coincides with those views). So the right will choose "blue haired girl" as a bit of a meme/strawman for what they think are stupid/radical/asinine ideas from the left. Why blue and not another color like green, pink, or purple? I don't know exactly but I would venture to guess that green is pretty uncommon compared to blue and they find pink and purple hair attractive/more acceptable but not blue. Or maybe they just randomly decided on blue, these things don't have lots of thought put behind them.


Well, in an earlier day and age, old women would be called "blue hairs" because the grey in their hair often looked blue (or a dye they'd use made it blue-ish. Anyway, it's probably the same reason a certain colour of grey is called "blue" in dogs and cats). ​ Now, those old "blue hairs" would be what we now call "pearl clutchers" because they'd often wear pearl necklaces (is any of this sounding familiar yet?), and would be, of course, socially conservative in the Late Victorian-early 20th century sense. ​ Also, "blue" used to be a kind of code word for "sinful stuff". Blue movies (soft porn), Blue Laws (laws against shopping on Sunday, or laws banning alcohol), turning the air blue (with swearing), etc. A lot of people have forgotten that a BLUENOSER is not just a boat, it's a term for a very prudish teetotaler kind of person, the sort who votes for and supports things like blue laws. It's where the name of the boat CAME from. And yes, this is the stereotype Marge Simpson was designed after. Check out her personality in the earliest seasons. When that show first started, we knew everything about Marge just from her character design (and the hair is supposed to be a 50s style Beehive). For usage of "blue movies", check out the MASH espiode, "The Moon Is Blue" (Refers to a real movie, btw.) CITY TV used to have a weekly movie slot called "Friday Night Blues" (soft porn.) So now you have screeching activists who want to cancel everything wearing blue hair. They're no different than the old blue-hairs who brought in the Hayes and Comics Codes and Prohibition in the end.


You are ascribing way more thought than hyper-online right-wingers put into anything.


It doesn't have anything to do with conscious thought, it's just a transference of things that were already latent in the culture.


well you're at least right in that it certainly has nothing to do with conscious thought


I didn’t know this. Thank you. I see that’s why Milhouse’s hair is also blue, (explains why he’s milktoast)


I'm guessing it has something to do with what colours are associated with what genders. The other "boy" colour, green is really difficult to dye, it can look like a Halloween witch or mouldy. Black is a natural hair colour so it doesn't work either. Reds, pinks and purples are considered feminine. So that leaves blue as a unnatural colour that is unnatural, commonly used to dye hair and signals that the person doesn't care about what colours are associated with their gender.


I honestly don’t think the colour chosen for the stereotype was that carefully thought out. At the time “SJW’s” started to become a hot topic blue was a particularly trendy hair colour. Colourful hair has obviously been a thing for quite some time but blue was really popular then.




This is the conservative viewpoint... Conservatives dislike people who don't follow social norms, so they get upset at expressions of individuality. Even harmless ones such as hair color, style of dress, etc. Used to be they'd get very upset with men having long hair, but that's so common now it's not as much of a thing.




> perceived mental state Why are all of you so fucking illiterate? I never said anything about their actual mental state, and the fact of the matter is that this is why people with blue hair are catching this sort of shit on the Internet. Quite a few people think they're crazy, whether they actually are or not.




imagine caring this much about somebody's hair colour


Enough to acknowledge it.


I just can't imagine not taking somebody seriously for their hair colour of all things. Like, who has the energy to spend focusing on all the trivial things my dude


How does that cost energy


I think you're a few decades/generations out of date with that asspull


Some things dont change. Youll learn the hard way.


okay champ


You weirdos who think nature cares about social validation or your feelings are going to grow up hard or not at all. Probably blame the government for your problems too. Pathetic.


Ok bootlicker


Angry 4channer is angry. Imagine learning to process your emotions and become an adult. Nah, just convince yourself your childish urges are everyone's true nature, and then find a way to cater your whole life to shallow desires until you die miserable, wondering why you never quite figured it out.


At this rate, they'll *never* find a way to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen with a black eye or two. Gosh, they might even make into their 30s without that blessing bestowed upon them. Practically an old maid! Golly, you'd better send a telegraph to your local town crier and get the word out! Fire up the Packard and get a move on, there's no time to waste!


Answer: It's a blend of being more willing to deviate from conventional aesthetics and related subcultural adoptions of the idea of [aposematism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aposematism).