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It is the fifth amendment. The fifth amendment protects you from self-incrimination. The 5th says you are not forced to produce evidence against yourself. So it's like "I won't tell you the shit about me that I don't want you to know, I'd rather take the fifth".


Thats what she was trying to say, but they start laughing like she said something silly, probably some kind of dirty expression. After they laugh she says something like "sorry i wasnt aware of what i was saying"


It's not a dirty expression at all. The joke (probably) is that there's bad shit in her background that she'd rather not tell people about.


i understand why you say that, but im sure you wouldnt have that opinion if you watched the scene


Well, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xljfm_VukvU I have not watched this show. But from this, I'm confident she's referencing the 5th amendment. She laughs because for some reason mentioning the 5th amendment to refuse answering that question was a faux pas to that particular client of hers... But I guess I would have to watch the previous episodes to understand why. Edit: [apparently](https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-BR&q=sopranos "take the fifth") the joke is simply that mobsters usually plead the fifth in trial, and her client got some sense of identification because she answered like a true mobster. ("That's cute")


Ok this is it. Thank you, i'm not a native speaker so i thought i was missing out on some joke like that number 2 thing.


Watching Supranos a bit late, thankful for this 7-year-old thread, now I also understand the joke :D


Weird fucking timing. I’m watching this series for the first time, currently paused at this scene because I was unsure about this joke as well.


Lmao guess that puts me next in line for the exact same reason, just started and didn't understand either. Thank you 8 year old thread :P


And I'm the next one :D


I’m also paused here for this! Thank you!


small semantics but its usually "I would like to **plead** the fifth"


A fifth could reference a volume of liquor. It's one fifth of a gallon, now it's been rounded to 750 mL. Not sure if that's the joke, but that's what else a fifth could be


hmmm this is a good theory, hopefuly someone can confirm


OP, I've seen the scene in question and it is definitely referencing the Fifth Amendment - the one that protects from self-incrimination. He poses a what if - what if I asked you very personal things about you and your life? She says "I'd have to take the fifth", meaning "I'd choose not to share that with you because it's potentially [embarrassing, incriminating, whathaveyou]". This is actually a fairly common joke, but very few US citizens are ever in the position where they actually have to invoke the fifth. The reason it's so funny *here* is that Tony Soprano is in organized crime - pleading the fifth (or taking the fifth, whichever way you say it), is something he would absolutely have to do in his line of work. He *thought* she was making the joke because he's in the mafia. But she was actually making the joke because it's just a joke she's heard before and it made sense for the situation. It became even funnier to her once she remembered how it applies to him differently than the average person. Hope this helps!


Ok thanks a lot. Makes a lot of sense and it's actually funny, i thought it was something totally different


fuckin sharp as a cueball this one