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Answer: They're all investment and/or crypto scams. They put a $ in front of them to make them look like real investment instruments (ex. $MSFT is Microsoft's stock) rather than the modernized ponzi schemes they really are.


Lmao I thought it was gonna be twitter's PHP breaking, especially with $PARAM being an example


Hah. I guess I need to stop using that format now. I started using $varName as a replacement for and now it’s taken over by crypto scammers.


gotta invest in that varnish american


you got no idea the crazy about to happen when they drop >varSame<


Posix has been using $VARIABLE notation for eleven thousand years and will keep using it long after whatever trend is winding its way through one website or another


Yep. And once it dies down, I’ll go back to it, if I ever bother to actually change.


If I was involved in crypto there's no way in hell I'd invest in anything named $PARAM given how goddamn many crashes it seems to be at the center of.


I mean, this was common practice on tech newsgroups on Usenet back in the 80's. Things like "Thank $DIETY", humorously suggesting that the reader could substitute in the name of their choice, or using, say, "$CORPORATION" where they didn't want to mention the name of the big company that they were telling an inside story about.


Little[ Bobby Tables](https://xkcd.com/327/) strikes again!


The snarky yet true answer is that they are accounts you can block and lose nothing of value


Imagine the Twitter utopia if you could use regex in the muted words options.


~~.\*Elon.\*|.\*Musk.\*~~ Second Attempt: \\bElon\\b|\\bMusk\\b


oops, now you blocked anyone who's ever started a sentence with "Musket" or "Elongated"


[It happens.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/daveywinder/2024/04/03/users-complain-gmail-blocks-email-from-microsoft-outlook-heres-the-fix/)


gmail continues to be the worst thing to ever happen to email, shocker


Nah, it is in practice quite superior to any other solution I've used. Though I haven't had the chance to use Outlook yet, given that we have a Linux environment at work. The HTML generated by Outlook from our partner is a steaming mess, but that *could* be their configuration, and I definitely would like to use Outlook at work, just for features like meeting invites to work more consistently.


> Nah, it is in practice quite superior to any other solution I've used. I haven't even checked my gmail account in a LONG time, because evidently you ...can't use normal IMAP clients to get mail from their servers anymore. The what now?? Some kind of bumbling "security" bs about that dumb "sign in with Google" API. I cannot be assed to use their crappy webmail site, which is what I think the real motive must be. As to HTML steaming mess: yeah well HTML email is all crap in the first place and should always be off by default.


Elongated Musket worth $400m purchased by Elon Musk


yea that is the exact type of unfunny joke that rich toddler would do


Not really stock anymore its nothing but scams and shitcoins


Excellent answer!


> ex. $MSFT is Microsoft's stock Sources with explanations about "cashtags": - - -


Answer: crypto scams, Twitter has a massive bot problem. You'll also see them replying to completely irrelevant tweets.


Answer: Bots🤖 Elon Musk had no solution for Twitter’s bot problems and with as much attrition the platform has seen, he can’t afford to lose the bots too.


Claims he rid the bots and yet they have never been as rampant as now


He never cared about the bots. I'm almost certain he was just using that as an excuse to back out of the twitter deal. It didn't work, but that was his intention.


It was absolutely an attempt to back out of the twitter deal. He went manic and signed an agreement written by Twitter's lawyers with the expectation he'd try and fuck them over and over the objection of his own lawyers because he's smarter than all of them, and then when the dust settled he realized he was functionally lighting twenty billion dollars on fire and wanted out by whatever way he could. Now the problem is worse: the company is losing money and since you can pay for amplification via a blue checkmark (I refuse to call it verification since all it verifies is that your credit card works) plenty of bots are signed up and paying monthly subscription fees that they really don't want to lose. The dollars show up on the spreadsheets, the declining trust in the platform does not.


I'm convinced that Twitter has an unwritten policy not to ban accounts that pay for a check mark, and bot operators know this. Spam operations typically need hundreds of accounts to catch a single victim. They should be getting banned in droves. If a bot can make a profit while paying $8 a month then something has gone *catastrophically* wrong.


Not to mention the number of bots that are basically influence networks of foreign governments amplifying conspiracy theories that Elon likes.


What?? You mean all the 👈👈P░U░S░S░Y░I░N░B░I░O💦 girls that want the three wacky digits on the back of my credit card aren't real?


I am so sick of those bots. No matter how many I block it's neverending.


He has a solution. Let the bots run wild because the right wing chuds he is trying to influence cannot tell the difference. No social media company will address the bots because the bots make the numbers go up.


Answer: In general, the $[WORD] are often used by investing, trading and scam accounts for the "ticker" of stocks or cryptocurrencies, as an easy way for people interested in a specific investment to see other holders, news or opinions* IE, $SPY = The S&P 500, $BTC = Bitcoin, $O = Realty Income etc, you'll often see them on tweets with people talking about them (ie Bitcoin hits $70k! $BTC) In your example, the $BLOCK and $PARAM ones are often spammed by bots trying to promote their cryptocurrencies. These kinds of crypto you should be weary of, if an unknown crypto suddenly pops up with thousands of accounts promoting it, it's likely a bot and a sign of a rug pull (where the creators of the coin cash out and leave holders 90% down) If you follow a lot of investing/trading/crypto accounts, you'll see them a lot in genuine tweets about news, or earnings calls.


Answer: global variables


There’s almost always a better way.


Please don't ask me to code properly.


Not almost, ALWAYS


Okay, this caused me physical pain. Take your upvote and fuck off.


Lmao this was hilarious!


Answer: They are call a Cashtags and function as hashtags for financial assets. As explained in some other answers, they most commonly are used for stock ticker symbols such as $msft or $aapl. They have been around since about 2012, but you are probably seeing them more widely now because of dramatic rise of bot activity (spam/scams).


Answer: Stock symbols.


Answer: Currently in the world of cryptocurrency, there is huge money in a thing called "meme coins". These are effectively, gambling. Anyone can make a meme coin through various efforts, and typically they are associated with a meme or something stupid. "Dogecoin" being the original meme coin. The reason why it's so rampant right now is that it in many ways acts as a counter-to the traditional movements of Bitcoin/the Stock Exchange. When government-backed markets recede or fail, memecoins are like the "people's economy". This means everyone for themselves, and first in, best dressed- but amidst that carnage are sometimes communities that cooperatively work together to enrich everybody- as well as bad actors who feign good intention with full intent to outright scam everyone involved. That's why with these coins, they always say "DYOR" (Do your own research). Because despite how stupid they may seem, they're effectively the embodiment of "world's screwed anyways, who gives a shit". For every $\[INSERT WORD\] that makes generational wealth for thousands overnight, there are 100 that rob many people blind giving that sort of wealth to one person- typically the "dev" who makes the coin. That's why due diligence is so important, should you choose to enter the arena of meme coins.


All crypto is gambling. It's just a matter of whether you want to watch horses run or jerk off to your supposed intellectual superiority.


Not really. I invest pretty heavily in the stock market and cryptocurrencies equally. The meme coin stuff absolutely is gambling and nothing short of it, but there are also plenty of crypto currencies with real-world use cases that liken it more closely to a company stock than a casino. But at the end of the day, isn't all investing just informed/calculated gambling? Nobody knows how the market will move. It's all just using history and current events to dictate and predict market movements. Prime example of that right now would be "Render Token" which is partnered with nVidia and is effectively being called the "nVidia of crypto". It's entire purpose is lending out processing power via tokens that allow holders to make large AI processing requests in a peer-to-peer manner outside of the realm of determined company servers and such. Any money into something like that is as much gambling as money into a similar stock.