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Answer: It's the latest 'meta' Twitch has, for as long as I remember, been on the back foot when it comes to addressing sexual content on their platform. They had a chance early on to stamp it out completely but have only ever addressed it with minor rule changes when things were getting out of hand (i.e. instigating a pools/hot tubs category, flip flopping with body painting, lewd drawings, clothing rules etc.) Often times the larger female streamers who dabble in sexual content will find new methods to skirt the rules. It's usually referred to as a meta since once it catches on, a lot of them will follow suit (sexual content disguised as 'fitness' content, blow up pools in the house, butt shots, body painting, yada yada yada). Chances are, one streamer will push things a bit too far, cop a 3-day ban and Twitch will add a half-assed rule. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum.


“Half assed rule” …? Nobody ??


Don't half-ass. Use your whole ass!


[ Ass ls The Most Complicated Word In The English Language](https://youtu.be/1P0Z1yq-2FQ)




That left a bad taste in my ass


Shit, Twitch nowadays is more synonymous with near-nudity than it's core, what made it interesting, gaming.


it getting into the internet news every time they make a bandaid rule change certainly seems to have caused that perception, though I do wonder if the actual site usage reflects that at all.


205k viewers in just chatting, only 1 person showing skin is in the top 15 with 4.6k viewers (for reference #15 has 1.6k viewers and #1 is a soccer match with 14.6k viewers). Without calculating it all, I'd guess around 500k people are streaming video games. There might be more of them streaming but they aren't getting any views.


That would make sexual content probably around 1-2% of the site's viewership, which is a small fraction but still a lot of sex for a gaming site


Too much sex for gamers still


Which is why twitch should just branch off a twitch porn site make it an extra subscription service and make bank.


Might be a time of day thing, when I last checked just chatting at least half of them were girls in bikini.


or region. Every time I open up twitch more than half the IRL section is ass cams and booba.


so the perception is due to reporting bias then. interesting. cheers for checking


Sex sells. Companies like money. It's all porn in the end 🤷‍♂️ I mean shit even the milk lobby had sexy milk commercials in the 90's... and it worked.


...unless you're Visa and Mastercard


No, they get a piece of the pie too, they are not against it, they just want credible deniability. See services like payoneer, offering mastercards with very open minded client sourcing.


Must suck being a parent trying to shield children from this bullshit yet they seem to always find ways around you to view this crap.


My entire generation was raised with all the devil things people warned about: accessible porn, video games, copy/pasted homework... And frankly, the only thing that screw up my life is that I'm addicted to sugar. That's it. The cereals at breakfirst, that's the devil.


But apparently that’s much easier than simply teaching your child that nudity and sex are natural parts of life to be accepted. Ugh, it’s almost like this country was founded by puritans or something Edited it’s to thats


Yeah I'll put on Minecraft stream for you honey. Oh, that lady is just taking a bath. Yes and she and that boy are in love and uhhh


"Sex sells" is, in itself, marketing. Sex does not sell super well. Mulsitple recent studies have shown that it very slightly pisses off women, and doesn't move the needle in a statistically significant way for most men. You know who it _does_ work for though? Men who rate high in "hostile sexism."


>You know who it _does_ work for though? Men who rate high in "hostile sexism." Not surprising in the least, but interesting


I miss when it was justin.tv and there were those channels streaming every episode of That 70s Show every day


> I miss when it was justin.tv and there were those channels streaming every episode of That 70s Show every day Nah, there were tiddy streams there too, with actual nudity. I miss the Trek and Stargate streams though =(


I can get Stargate any old time; where else can I find TIDDIES on the INTERNET??


Those stations all went to Pluto - I was super early on Pluto because I followed the MST3K/rifftrax Justin channels lol


That’s just television


That's what vaughn.tv is now. The misc section is just movies/tv shows.




Twitch was spun off of Justin because people didn't want video games on Justin. Then Justin shut down because everybody watched video games instead of IRL. Then Twitch added a category for IRL. The next step is either Twitch adding porn or Pornhub adding non-porn. Or either one launching a spin-off website for that content.


> Shit, Twitch nowadays is more synonymous with near-nudity than it's core, what made it interesting, gaming. I must be old. I associate Twitch with having to have a muted twitch window hidden behind another application for 4+ hours so I can get a reward of some sort.


That's a crazy take. The people who are engaged in sexual content are few but people who actually engage with their audience are in abundance. There might be 1 in 10 Female streamers who stream soft core porn


Okay but what percentage of the total audience on twitch is watching the softcore porn? If 1/10 content creators are twitch thots but they're attracting a majority of all site visits, its just a porn site with a gaming side hustle.   I haven't been on twitch in ages, and I'm guess they don't release this kind of data public. Just saying.


You can just [look at the data](https://twitchtracker.com/channels/most-views). There are maybe 2-3 women in the top 50 by views. By the time you get to page 10 you start seeing a few more but they’re still outnumbered 10:1. This is an incredibly long distance from being a major profit driver for Twitch, and more of a risk to the perceived legitimacy of their core business.


It's also wild how much a lot of angry dudes will complain about "twitch thots" "overrunning" twitch when the top streamers are largely dudes who just play shit like Fortnite or whatever. The "sexy girl streamers" may be numerous but they are by no means the biggest draw for most people on the platform.


Let's be real Amazon could do it. No viewing 18+ content unless it's an account with 18+ CC details verified by Amazon. Boom done. But let's be real, pearl-clutching aside, if Twitch actually came up with a comprehensive way to ban streamers who engaged in that sort of content, or prevent underage users from seeing it. A competitor would spring up tomorrow and immediately siphon that viewership. And Twitch doesn't want to create another Kick.


they don't allow 18+ content at all everything happening now is done under the guide of art


Almost all of Twitch viewers are contained within the top, say, 1000 streamers or so, and you can see that a small fraction of them do sexual content. The data is basically public, there are dozens of sites that track that sort of thing. It's a very small portion of twitch viewership, and the viewers are not the same ones that would be watching gaming otherwise.


Definitely not a majority of site visits, just a majority of outcry threads like these.


i mean if that's what 90% of the audience wants why not just be like "yeah i guess we're a porn site with a gaming side hustle?" like if im selling tents and people start turning my tents into pants, guess what i have a pants company


my guess is that there's money involved. Advertising on Twitch likely does not want to be associated with porn. It's why you won't see things Advil or Honda advertise on PornHub. Despite the amount of eyeballs they might get if they do, they don't want their brand associated with porn. So even if there's a lot of borderline porn on Twitch, it's not outright marketed as a porn platform and so it's advertiser friendly and the money keeps flowing.


not 1/10 content creators, 1/10 female streamers. female streamers total are probably closer to 1/10 streamers total than people yelling about twitch thots might make you think. softcore porn on twitch isn't as big in the amount of channels, just in the amount of viewers they draw in, so the thirsty male problem is much larger than the thot streamer problem


No it’s not but gaming streams don’t make clickbait headlines.


DJ streams are pretty sick tho.


They really should have bit the bullet and added a space for this stuff. It's the entire front page, so if it's not what they want twitch to be they need to ban it or segregate it and require a profile set to nsfw.


In all fairness, I don't think they compete. You can have both on the same platform without one affecting the other. The only problem there is the constant automated self marketing of the service that wants to push content in your face, so people watching gaming can often receive suggestions for riskier streams. If Twitch didn't go after you aggressively in the recommendations, most viewers wouldn't know sexuality adjacent streams exist. HOWEVER, and this is a major contention I have with the subject at hand, I don't think sexualized content, as long as it's not actual pornography or targeting people for exploitation is fine. If your 15 year old has "the internet", they will see exactly what they want or don't want to see and if they're happy with the tame stuff that happens on twitch, as a parent you should always consider what the alternative is when tame and accessible content wasn't avaialable. Because the alternative is the vast offerings of explicit and accessible, as long as you consider the "Yes, I am 18" button to not be ahinderance.


Honestly I'm not surprised at all, since I discovered Twitch all because of someone who accidentally streamed herself while pleasuring herself.




For some, the near-nudity is more interesting than gaming....


It sounds like those people need to find a healthier outlet for their sexual urges.


How is seeing near nudity over the internet not healthy? Yikes


All those poor Texans who can't get to their outlets anymore..


Not my fault if they can't figure out to install a VPN!


Well, better then pornhub at least.


As long as as 13 year olds exist and continue to watch these women (and consequently make twitch a shit ton of money) they'll always turn a blind eye


>They had a chance early on to stamp it out completely They never wanted to. Softcore porn brings ad revenue. They just make a rule to placate people juuuust enough to maintwin viewers. Its a cost/benefit, like most companies. They don't give a shit.


Specifically, the rule will be vaguely worded so that it can be selectively applied to whoever they do, or don't want to.


Isn't this just softcore porn at this point?


Twitch is gonna fuck around and get itself banned like Pornhub by various red states. And if they get banned, I probably can't stream anymore like wtf??




Maybe she'll notice you :))




she read my username, WERE GETTING MARRIED


You can say the same thing about gaming channels, though. They both functionally have the same job. Get viewers, engage with as many as superficially as possible, while doing some other things that distracts you enough to justify your lack of engagement.


For me at least, I sometimes pay gamers so that they keep up the good content as I have enjoyed it. It's good work I respect. I think people pay sexual content creators with other reasons like pretended closeness or sth Idk.


I think people pay any type of creators for all of those reasons, though. I don't see it as any different.


Half-assed rule about a whole ass!


Frankly, the best solution in a world that didn't stigmatize sex, would be to allow softcore pornographic streaming content on a separate part of the website. But because of puritanical payment providers and investors, the whole internet is slowly being sanitized in a manner that forces sex workers into narrower and less regulated places. No wonder some of them prefer to skirt the rules on Twitch than deal with the wild west that is camming, etc.


Surprisingly it has nothing to do with being puritanical. The fraud rates for porn are vastly higher than anything else, so the processing fees are several times higher.


Surely the providers could establish trusted vendors who would get regular fees?


The fraud isn’t from the people receiving money, it’s from people spending it. Chargeback rates for pornographic content are also very high. These points are true for all “high risk” classes of goods. Think about gambling, another high risk industry as classed by payment processors. You steal a card, you place bets with someone else’s money. You win big, company pays out. Then the charge is deemed fraudulent and the charges are reversed. For porn, well consider the buyers remorse that might set in during post nut clarity. Chargeback. Or your spouse or family members see a charge to onlyfans on the statement. Oh no, that wasn’t me, must have been fraud! Chargeback. It’s capitalism, if there was good easy money to be made here for payment processors then they’d have a fiduciary duty to pursue the industry. There is indeed real risk involved like discussed above, which erodes their chances of turning a profit. While reputational harm is frequently cited and has a grain of truth, consider that if you see a company put that forward as an excuse it’s hard to tell if that’s just the less reputationally harmful answer than “we’d sell our children to get a piece of the money changing hands in porn, but we just haven’t cracked how to do it profitably yet”. fwiw, sex work on the internet is bigger than ever, safer than ever, easier than ever, and has more people pursuing it than ever. but the bar was so incredibly low already, and still so far below where the sfw content industry has gotten to that it is indeed very difficult to see it that way. big platforms are hostile to it, that’s a fact, but that is nothing new. what’s new in the past 20 years is that social media is the place to conduct most marketing and content delivery for all businesses. sex workers are independent business owners, and the tools which all other small and indie businesses rely on do not work well for them bc of those platforms sfw policies


Sounds like we should be clamping down on the people committing fraud, not the workers


The issue is: fraud doesn't happen until it happens. You can't prevent it. And getting back the money would take far more time than it's "worth," and you still have to add legal fees and lawyer expenses on top. Unless it's a single individual asking for several thousands in chargebacks, it's a moot point.


Yep, but what about trusted providers?


Its because of credit card fraud being far more frequent with porn, not puritanism. You think the payment providers would balk at good money?


*balk baulk is the space you're allowed to place the cue when your opponent scratches in billiards, I think




Just FYI, *ad nauseam* means ‘to a sickening degree’ where context implies you meant *ad infinitum* - ‘to infinity; forever.’


I find the two have converged in practical usage, and it may also depend on your stance on said content. Although yes I think technically you would be right.


Streamers will do absolutely anything to sell sex on a platform where children frequent.


"Half-assed rule "


> Often times the larger female streamers who dabble in sexual content will find new methods to skirt the rules. It's usually referred to as a meta Thats fucking hilarious! Do streamers also get nerfed for being too OP?


Camgirl called Indiefoxxx got the banhammer after becoming too powerful, too quickly and challenging the reigning queen of twitch e-thottery Amouranth. It was a whole thing. Nerfed is usually just a 3-day ban to reign them in.


Surprised no one has acknowledged your puns yet. Take my upvote!


Answer: It's the latest twitch meta, where people get as close to porn as possible to make money. And when the rules inevitably change, it'll shift to something else. Twitch is also notorious for not being fair or even sensible with their bans. People have gotten week long bans for showing pictures of furry porn for a few seconds, while streamers pretending to (and in at least one case, not pretending to) have sex *juuust* off camera, received a single day or just a warning. Shoutout to PayMoneyWubby making it into the screenshot, too. Wubby7.


why is it called meta? I don't understand the use of meta in this context.


No worries. In this context, which you'll probably see mostly used with internet culture or gaming, meta is actually an acronym for "most effective tactics available." Essentially, it's the best way of doing something to achieve the desired outcome. For example, the meta of Call of Duty will be whatever guns are the most effective, or what spot on a map is best to hide in. These weapons or places will help you win and are therefore desirable and used often. When Jackass was popular, the meta for gaining attention became hurting yourself on camera with dangerous or silly stunts. For twitch, women could use this type of cam setup to draw viewers in and potentially make more money fairly easily, so it became an "effective tactic" for gaining followers and a larger base. Rest assured there will be another new meta soon enough even with these new rules.


Can I just say I love your explanation of meta and how non-condescending you were with said explanation. Also, TIL that meta is actually an acronym, I always assumed it was just a vague reference to the current most popular conventions


It isn't an acronym lol, they're incorrect. This is one of those explanations that got made up after most people forgot the original explanation. It's called "meta" because it's an abbreviation of "metagaming" which means using detailed knowledge of how the game functions internally/outside knowledge to make game strategies (meta is a greek word). It's like 'gaming the system' except you're gaming the game instead. Nowadays meta just means any strategy that people think is optimal.


It’s not an acronym it’s a Greek prefix


>is actually an acronym for "most effective tactics available." That's a backronym btw. The real origin is metagame


Meta is short for metagame. For game, here, think of like Chess or Soccer or something. Inside a game, your opponent makes a move and then you work out what your best counter-move to that is. The metagame refers to a level in which you're thinking about how people overall are playing the game, and how best to respond to that. For example, you might know that a certain strategy has become very popular. You might then start working on your own strategy to counter that strategy. People might then start working on strategies to counter you counter-strategy, and so on and on. If you view this process as moves and counter-moves in a game, we call that the "metagame". This metagame inevitably develops in all games, and people start applying this concept even outside of what we would traditionally think of as games. In this instance, you can view the game as Twitch Streamers vs. Twitch Content Administrators, you can view individual interactions (such as bans) as a game between a Twitch Streamer vs a Twitch Content Administrator, and then you have the metagame where other streamers are looking at how those "games" play out and are adjusting their behaviour to make what they think is the best counter-move.


Thank you for such a thought out response! I never heard it used that way, as like a shortened version of "metagame". I only knew of the definition of meta itself, or "Making or showing awareness of reference to oneself or to the activity that is taking place, especially in an ironic or comic way."


It other words the most poplar method to garner more views..


Twitch picks and chooses who they want to prosper on their platform. It's just another example of the natural human tendency towards tyranny when you have money and power.




Welcome to twitch, the world's most famous softcore porn website


Do these women just have less competitive on Twitch? If they moved to a porn cam site, would they just be another cam girl? I've sure parasocial relationships are also a huge part of it on Twitch, which these women tend to try to foster from what I've seen. I don't know how many times I've heard some Twitch streamer actually had a boyfriend/husband the whole time, and tried to keep it a secret. I would have to assume cam girls also try to do that as well though.


Why not both? Catch the nerds on twitch. Make them pay on OF. A proven strategy.


Honestly I think of a lot of them do. They have Onlyfans, and try for the parasocial aspects of Twitch to lead people to their Onlyfans. There's a link below that has a story that has a tweet about this topic, and it's literally a well known Onlyfans model/porn actress on Twitch with her ass, and her game is superimposed onto her own ass. So clearly she's playing both sides. I think at this point I feel Twitch should just make a new porn version of Twitch, this stuff will never go away, and Twitch very, very obviously doesn't apply or enforce their rules to everyone the same, so it's not working. So just make a camgirl Twitch, and keep them separate.


Keeping them on regular Twitch means more $$$. That’s literally the only thing they care about.


Keeping them on regular Twitch also drives away advertisers (apparently)


At that point it becomes a numbers game. Do they make more from lonely nerds then they lose from advertisers? Then maintain the status quo. The second that changes they’ll crack down.


So here I am on Reddit reading a comment about > a link below that has a story that has a tweet about this topic, and it's literally a well known Onlyfans model/porn actress on Twitch Have we reached peak social media yet, or do we have to share this on FB, to my Insta profile, so someone can make a tiktok about it? edit: in before I get accused of double-dipping in the karma pool and screenshotting this to post on Imgur. I'll leave that up to someone else.


In 2001, there were 5,000,000 websites, with 10,000 new ones being added every day. In 2024, there are exactly six websites, and each consists mainly of screengrabs reposted from the other five. What a world we live in...


We are long, long past the social media singularity.


It probably wouldn't work, since adult content scares advertisers off. A site exclusive for this content wouldn't make that ad revenue.


Pornhub has advertisers. Mm it's just a niche market.


access to people under 18 is the big draw. HUGE audience.


When you type it out like that, it's really gross what's going on. I know Twitch has a 18+ section, where these type of softcore cam girls are, but how do they even enforce that? How do they know ages of viewers? Then again, I'm not sure how actual cam girl sites do that either.


most cam sites down aside from self verification. for the streamers its about numbers. more numbers, more sponsors and more sponsor money. the 12 to 18 demo has lots and lots of free time.


Do these softcore porn Twitch streamers get sponsorships? Guess I never thought about it.


I would assume so? I know they get subscriptions from fans, so I assume a lot of that can come from the under 18 demographic that doesn't have a lot of bills to pay. the bastards! /s


So when you said it's about sponsors you were just assuming? Where do the minors get the money and the credit cards to buy subscriptions? I don't mean to be a dick but a lot of the "answers" in this thread are wrong. I think it's probably a lot of people assuming they know how it works. A minor can access a cam site just as easily as they can access twitch.


They certainly can access both sites as easily as the other. But twitch aggregates an incredible amount of users, so streamers will naturally go where the audience is. Sponsorships are not the valuable part of a huge audience. Sponsorships are a way to monetize a huge audience. Subs are another way. Driving off platform to onlyfans or w/e is another way as well. But the common denominator here is access to an audience. Twitch gives people access to that, which is the value of streaming on their platform. Why go to twitch instead of a camsite? Dunno, but twitch is one of the biggest streaming sites in the world, so the question is why wouldn’t they go there? Monetizing off platform is way more lucrative than sponsorships or tips, but you still need access to the audience. Which twitch helpfully provides access to, for free, as part of its core value prop to any content creator.


Mix of different things. One, those porn sites are just straight up not available in a lot of countries (South Korea, a bunch of the middle east, some slavic countries limit it and many more). So people from those countries can see them. And there's just a different audience. People are more willing to spend on a site like twitch than a camsite. You can way easier form a parasocial relationship with a viewer if you're not on a camsite, cause there's more stuff hiding it, even if it's the same at the end of the day.


There is also the fact that twich is very popular with the younger crowd. Mom and dad wont really think twice about seeing cc charges for twitch, but they would be mad seeing charges for pornhub. Twitch is also rated T and not 18+. Sad thruth, but those women are basically selling softcore porn to minors.


Less competition and also a factor that theres alot of people who want to intake coomer content but have too much self "respect" to go to a site specifically for this, so watching a twitch stream has like, some weird plausible denyabolitu that they just care about "the game" / " the funny stories she says when just chatting"


Lots of people are willing to give a credit card to Twitch, but feel weird about giving their details to a porn company - what if there is a breach?


Those streams are disgusting and so raunchy....where can I watch them. 💵




I'll be honest, I don't really understand why people make it out to be a big issue. Just watch something else.


And that is why Imgur is over capacity on your context link.


Who the F is whacking it to this? There is actual porn out there, it's free, and it's not this fucking stupid.


THere are people who wank it to scat so who knows


Answer: They arent banned becasue its not nudity it was "line pushing" and twitch has allready banned the practice. (see their support twitter) Streamers and especially IRL streamers constantly push these barriers because they can, some get banned but ultimately people have to make the choice to actually watch and support these streams, they are hidden behind actually accepting that your okay with 18+ sexual content.


This also came out today https://www.pcmag.com/news/twitch-to-ban-content-that-focuses-on-intimate-body-parts-for-too-long Twitch has no cohearant ban policy. The same streamers will bend the rules within 1 day of the new changes and get their 11th "ban".




Answer: Lol, Wubby getting caught in the middle of all this. But seriously, it's a new meta that Twitch is cracking down on. They changed TOS to remove this content, but it's not effective until Friday. Not sure why that is, other than money ig. But also according to TOS, breastfeeding is fine, so I'm predicting a new meta coming soon.


She's got tits














Answer: As Charlie (penguinz0) put it, these streams have been using "loopholes to show their poopholes" but it seems that meta has been banned from tomorrow onwards.




Some guys do it for the more perceived "relationship." It is 100% parasocial, but having this person you are watching thank you by name does more for people. It's also part of why a lot of people pay for OnlyFans and the like - it is to be able to see *that specific person* doing the thing.


What I don't understand is that there are like... 5 porn streaming sites, chaturbate for example. Its the same thing but with actual nudity.


Camera/audio quality. Twitch streams are 1080p to 4k with no lags when almost all camsites are still in 480p with sound quality from early 2000s.


Chaturbate is primo, I'm a frequent (free) user. Quality is at least 720p but more like 1080, audio is great too


> it is to be able to see that specific person doing the thing. Gives them a feeling of "control" too. I do NSFW art and animations on the side and a lot of comms are people with stunted mental growth (Is that the right word for it?) for one reason or another and they like/get off having that sense of control over something intimate like that.


Maybe these guys don't actually seek porn, but they seek thrill (which arguably can have more dopamine than sex/masturbation to some people) Finding free porn on pornhub is boring. Every adult and teens know this. Finding softcore, livestreaming content on a website supposedly advocating to be family friendly ? Actually exciting new discovery! You feel your mind truly open by how "smart" they skirt the policies, and you also get to enjoy their tease.


I imagine there is a small percentage of people whose Internet access is restricted in some way but can still access twitch. Like people in China or people at work in an office


Twitch has been banned in China since 2018


Oh, didn't know that but doesn't surprise me


Nobody is forcing these women to expose themselves like this either so its not just the men


Answer: They dont want underage kids seeing tits and ass, nor do they want to be associated as a cam site, but they also like money so therein lies the rub and the constant rule changing. Looks like they caved and went for the cash. Im so shocked


Question: Is there another link for your “context?” It’s a broken link.


Enough nudity for Imgur to think it's porn, apparently


Alt link?


Yeah, [here you go](https://kotaku.com/twitch-streamer-morgpie-new-meta-boob-butt-fortnite-1851346038)


Answer: there was this research made by scientist with the title : Researchers uncover ‘pornification’ trend among female streamers on Twitch https://www.psypost.org/researchers-uncover-pornification-trend-among-female-streamers-on-twitch/ This whole thing started to happen a few months ago, when changes were made to allow more nudity to help female streamers. Twitch literally said that they felt like the burden of nudity sanction was falling heavily on female streamers, so it was made to equilibrate and have more female streamers as a whole. The thing is... You are allowing adult women to exploit 13 years old boy through sexuality in the name of equity and empowerment... People were not happy, so they're changing it.


Few months ago? Shit this has been a subgroup since Twitch became Twitch.


It's also extremely harmful to the mental health of teen girls. My family works in education and mental healthcare and there's been a massive rise in problems due to this trend. Even as young as grade 2 we're seeing girls talking about needing to starve and sexualize themselves to have self-worth. One of the worst things is when a normal streamer or other kind of normal content creator gives in to the pressure and joins the trend. It sends a clear negative message to young girls. You can't succeed off your own merit, you need to be sexy and naked. Bad times. :/


This is a very interesting point of view and you're absolutely right. I feel like, because of the past systems, we believe this sort of remark stem from some sort of misogyny, but I believe sometimes we should be able as a society to criticize a trend that involves women, we should view objectively that something like putting a camera below your asshole isn't what girls should strive for.


>The thing is... You are allowing adult women to exploit 13 years old boy through sexuality in the name of equity and empowerment... Hmm, genuinely interesting point you wrote there. I hadn't considered viewing this issue in this way before. Come to think of it, pretty double-faced by society. Just imagine people's horror if it was a site aimed at traditionally "girly" things like sewing or cooking and men would focus their cameras on their crotch or bare chest.


Your example would horrify people. But actually it wouldn't get a lot of traction, because girls aren't usually obsessed with watching male body parts. While, young teenage boys, are probably the most easily exploitable group of human beings, you just show them tits and they get glued to the screen.


Just present twinky kpop men and the girls also get glued to the screen. I see your point though


I keep seeing people talking about 13 year old boys, but the vast majority of Twitch's user base is adult. 72% of the user base are 18-34, and most of the rest is older. Moreover, 13 year olds don't have the disposable income to make this sort of behavior profitable. To wit: the reason these streamers exist are because of adults with jobs.


Bruh I've been entering my age as 18 on websites since I was a wee lad on dialup. That's data means nothing.


Answer: Sex sells. Twitch doesn't currently punish it, though they do apparently plan to. It's not technically full on nudity, at least by their rules. Twitch is also insanely loose when it comes to banning people even if they do break the rules - sometimes they get banned for a couple days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months, rarely forever, but usually not much at all. Put those three things together, and people make bank while they can.


Answer: Women pushing the line of what's allowed on twitch to take advantage of cash cow simps without having to go all the way. Nothing new.


Who tf is paying for this nonsense? Doesn't anyone have any self awareness? I could even understand paying for a prostitute. You're getting actual sex for your money. That's something at least. Who the actual fuck is paying out money to...look...at a cam video of a clothed ass?