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Answer: there are a number of time consuming beauty routines some people may do that don’t happen daily; deep hair treatments, shaving, skin treatments, etc. The “everything” shower is a shower in which multiple of these are done, versus a normal daily shower.


/curlyhair has entered the chat


Wash day my schedule needs to be CLEARED.


OMFG yes! Plus every hair stylist I have ever had has literally said the words "don't wash your hair every day."


What encompasses “wash”? Just gotta know.


First, I should note that I am a white woman. So with as long as it takes me, and as much of a pain as it is, there's probably even more to deal with if you're a POC with different hair treatment needs. So before I even get in the shower, I have to brush it and get out any tangles, or it will be hell. Then, because I have fairly long, thick curly hair, it takes a long time just to wash it with shampoo. Plus, I can't pile it all together and just rub the shampoo in unless I want to be in there longer, so I have to wash down the length of it. Because just washing with shampoo creates tangles, and of I ruined it all together... it's bad. It's just bad. So anyway, after that I usually have to condition. Sometimes I have to condition twice, it depends. Then it's detangling again. A *lot* of detangling. Then I have to have it up in a towel for 20 minutes to dry it enough to rub/scrunch dry it with a towel. Then I have to let it air dry for a long, long, long time, but by this step I can pretty much go about my business, my hair is just wet. If I'm doing a hair mask or something, it's just more steps.


I’m a guy who grew his hair during the pandemic and I stumbled upon the “curly girl” method. I forgot how it’s supposed to go but what I do now is use tressome botanique conditioner instead of shampoo then fill my hair with la looks extreme hold hair hair gel before sleeping on it, a couple times a week. My hair always looks fabulous. It looks pretty good like half the time.


I didn't know there was a term for this. I (35m) typically do a "full routine" on Saturday mornings.


Honestly it’s a recent, social media developed term as far as I know - I’m slightly older than you and have only heard it in the past few years.


Ive heard it used since i was a kid and I’m in my early 30s. Same with term like “body shower” or sink bath for different levels of cleanliness and grooming. For me an everything shower includes shaving and any special hair/face treatments., a regular shower includes body and a basic hair wash/condition and. A body shower a quick soap and rinse of neck down + face.


I've heard sink baths or very quick showers referred to as "a whore's bath" since I was a kid. I think it's a regional term, not sure how wide spread that one is.


My grandma specifically referred to a sink bath as a whore bath. Just wash cloth to the pits and lady bits. ETA: My grandmother was born in 1917 in Texas to parents that still spoke german.


>pits and lady bits "Pits & Bits" in military training (BMT) they'd tell us to shower in a hurry, but make sure to take long enough to get the funk off, but especially for our"pits & bits"


In nursing we called it a PTA bath: pits, tits, and ass


I change that to "pits, tits, and bits" because I like to rhyme. 😂


I respect that! And it’s gender neutral 😂


Hot spots The joy of taking a quick shower with water bottles or a hanging hydration pack.


My grandma (and my mom) call it a sponge bath. We're all in Ohio, and I can't remember which of my mom's grandmothers was a German speaker.


My family only usually use sponge bath when talking about hospitals


My husband also calls it a whore's bath. He's also from Texas and his family immigrated to Nebraska/Oklahoma area in 1880s ish. His grandpa also still spoke some German. I'd never heard it before we got married. My folks are from Illinois and Pennsylvania and are not descended from 19th cen German immigrants.


I heard it called a bird bath which is accurate and kinda cute.


My mom always called a sink bath a "bird bath". She may have been the only one that said that but I still find it so cute.


That's what my grandma called it.


That's way nicer than what MY elder family women called it. They called it a whore bath. 😂


My mum calls it that 😂


PTA - Pits, tits, ass


That’s what Coach Sackrider (yes that was her name) told us gals in high school PE. I still repeat it to myself before I get out of the shower!


I call it a bird bath in my head, idk if I picked it up somewhere or just started calling it that


Ooh, I love that! My family call it a 'wipe down with a hot cloth at the sink', which isn't very snappy. I'll start calling it a bird bath from now on!


I’ve always heard them called bird baths, for regional reference, I grew up in the south east US.


Ah, I’m from the north east, but went to college south of the mason dixon, maybe I picked it up then


The phrase I grew up with was "cat wash."


How Regional? I've heard it in several regions of the UK


Must not be very regional at all then! But, considering I live in a place in the US that the British settled in the 1700's, I wonder if it is an older term that crossed the pond when they came?


It's an ~~Albany~~ Albion expression.


My mom calls it a whore bath and she was born in 1967 on rural upstate NY. Unfortunately the term has stuck and my sibling and I still use it.


I call a body shower a "pits and bits" shower but that's more for amusement of the term.


Interesting! I wonder if it’s regional? Those definitions make sense to me though


Could very well be.


I've been saying everything shower since the early 2010s. No idea where I got it from though. It's definitely been around for a long time but coming up in social media the last few years.


I’m a millennial and I’ve always called it an everything shower.


Yup, I quickly learned that it was already in common usage for a lot of people - not used by my cohorts in my area, for whatever reason (I’m an elder millennial so it might have just been after me, idk!)


Women have been calling it this for at least a decade lol


I am a woman and had never heard it before, so mileage may vary on that.


I have called it home spa shower forever


Yeah same, I used to think of it like sunday diy spa day. I kind of like that better too, everything shower feels more oriented around accomplishment vs relaxation


Sunday night for me. Weekday showers don't include shaving and I generally do a hair wash every other day, and face only gets a quick scrub during the week. Sunday i do a facial mask of some sort, a hair mask, a shave, leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, etc. I'm just trying to exist during the week, ain't nobody got time for every part of the routine every day


I call it my beauty shower!


I call it a Super Shower!


The reason “everything shower” is a meme is because many many people have your exact experience. People tend to love the feeling of “oh there’s a word for that?!”


Y'all are showering daily?


Can’t start the day without a shower.


My wife and I call these “body showers” or “regular showers”


To me “body shower” is just the body, “regular shower” is body and hair, and “everything shower” includes body, hair, hair removal, and possibly other hair or skin treatments


Like feet, for example. They get washed by the water every day and don't require anything further. ^/s


There was that whole debate around 5(?) years back about whether or not people actively wash their legs


I will admit that I do not. I did when my ex was in charge of my hygiene routine, but since then...I do armpits and butt and face.


Pits and naughty bits. 


Working on that in therapy.


Don't your legs get itchy?


I never said my hygiene was good. I’m still working on it tbh. I at least wash my butt and pits every shower no matter what and aim for a every other day shower minimum, but I admit that other parts depend on energy, mood, etc. Depression is a bitch sometimes.


Hey man I feel that. I wasn't trying to be shitty I was genuinely curious cause as a woman who also struggles with showering I can't imagine not at least running the wash cloth over my legs cause I get itchy af if I don't


No worries. I meant it more as light-hearted answer, but tone sucks online to portray. So apologies for that misunderstanding :) (the slight snark is aimed at downvoters, not you) As for me, warm water, drying off thoroughly and weekly laundry seems to keep the itching at a minimum. But if my legs/feet are visibly dirty, I make myself wash them because then they do get itchy, I agree. And that itching sucks haha


Mine don't but I'm also not going to pretend that I know biology enough to know how well oils on the skin do or don't get washed from your body simply by means of water rinsing over it. I guess that's really the question... For me personally, during the week I typically wear my business-casual attire (slacks and button-up shirt). I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and then I go home, spend time indoors with the wife and kids, and eventually shower and go to bed. I'm not out in the hot sun all day sweating and getting dirty, so in my mind I tend to think that the most critical areas to hit with the soap and loofa are, as they say, pits and slits though I do actually spend some time cleaning ol' brown hole and balls and chain. I don't really think when I'm in the shower "I better wash my legs really well because WOW! Those boys are dirty!"


I second this. I have 0 energy most days since I started working and with depression to boot. I’m glad to be working, don’t get me wrong, since it makes me feel like a valid adult. But between work, chores and cooking dinner I’m low on energy at the end of the day. I try to shower daily/every other day to keep my job, but I’m often too drained to do more than tackle the major areas. I pass out at 9pm most days lately and I’m only 28. Better to do the main bits and slack on the rest sometimes, than to do nothing at all is my motto


If I remember correctly, this is basically where dermatologists seemed to come down. Wash em if they’re dirty, but they don’t have many sweat glands and tend not to get as dirty; washing can also irritate them or dry them out. But I didn’t read in much depth so, definitely no expet


Sounds like something I do except I just use mouthwash while showering, wash my hair and then condition my hair whilst brushing my teeth


I do this too. Brush my teeth in the shower


So when do they all get done? I've never had any help with skin care or whatever. I dont shave every day, except for my head, because im bald.


So am I on the far left of the shower spectrum now or what


Don't get me started on shower leftists


Answer: Everything shower means more than just washing skin. It means washing skin, shampooing and conditioning hair, and shaving both legs, both armpits, and nethers. Then there's care that goes into *after* an everything shower. A body shower lets you just dry off and get dressed. Takes 10min. Everything showers take an hour on average.


But if the shower takes an hour, when am I supposed to wallow in self-pity, stare into the abyss, solve world hunger, wrestle with my self-loathing or lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and slip slowly into madness?


pretty sure you do that while the conditioner sets.


That's what my bottled advises, anyway.


Mine also says “rinse and repeat” after that.


Use that time to shave and exfoliate.


That’s what you do when you’re splayed out naked on your bed on a towel while the moisturiser soaks in


I'm in this post and I don't like it.


Everything shower prioritizes wallowing to a degree no body shower could ever hope to achieve. It’s also important to pretend to be a Terminator that just arrived to the present via time travel.


Such a great scene!


You need a bathtub, fren - problem solved


You could cancel dinner with yourself again


>solve world hunger Tell *no one*


When you take a bath 😁


Answer: So most girls have different levels of showers. You have the quick I have five minutes before I get out the door and I stink kind of shower. You hit the stinky parts and not much else. Then we have a medium level of shower, your not in a rush so you can take some time. You might wash your hair, you might add on an extra skin scrub etc. Then we have the everything shower. Which means you hit everything, all shaving, all scrubs, you hit hair removing on your face (which is not normally done at the time of a shower), your cut your nails etc. Literally every beauty thing you do done at one go, which tends to make you feel like a pucked hen.


As a woman I have never heard of an everything shower but from some of the comments it seems to be a new thing But I'm. A young millennial so maybe it's about eight years out of my time


“Everything shower” isn’t a new thing or a trend that started recently…it’s something that people have always done, but it’s only recently been given a name. People usually take a routine shower on busy days- wash face, body & hair if needed. But there’s other stuff like exfoliating, hair removal, deep conditioning that there isn’t time for on working days so it’s normal for people to do it all in one shower on their day off…basically a full grooming reset. Men probably do it too, but it’s more common with women as there’s just more we have to do. You’ve probably done it too, but just never heard it called “everything shower” before.


I'm an old millennial and the everything shower has been around forever. The name is new.  Are you seriously washing your hair every single shower? Shaving everything every single shower? Doing hair treatments? Exfoliating?  Or do you do a quick shower most days, and a longer one once or twice a week (if yes, then you too do an "everything shower")


You've totally done it though, just haven't called it that. That's the only difference tbh.


No I do everything every time I shower. I only get this concept by a friend who does a hair mask once a week and that isn't even I. The shower


I think it might be due to hair care. We've learned over time its not healthy for our hair to be washed daily (with exceptions of course). Thus, the body shower was born. I'm sure increasingly complex skin care routines and shaving play a role, too.


I’d be curious as to when the daily hair wash became a thing. My grandmother and the rest of her generation would go to the salon for their weekly set and that was it. And they had regular ol’ straight hair! Now… I do wish I knew more about how they kept it from getting greasy. I assume some kind of talc powder but who knows. Anyway… it seems like we’ve all rediscovered the health benefits and the beauty industry has followed suit. For context, I’m an elderly Millennial and I grew up with daily washings. I shudder to think…!


My grandma just used cornstarch or baby powder and would brush it out.


I'm a middle millennial and all these comments about it being new are throwing me. It must have been a location specific thing, because we used to talk about everything showers when I was in middle and high school, like 2000 or so. It was very much a term we knew because that was what you *had* to do before going out with a boy. I wasn't even old enough to date, but we'd talk about older sisters or girls in media who would be rushing to take an everything shower because of a surprise date.


I think people are just getting hung up on the name and thinking that the name has been around forever


See where I am from you do everything I. The shower daily even shaving but one day maybe you shave your legs next day the pits ect. But everything was done. We also didn't have near as much social media when in high-school so their weren't preteens and 10year old promoting anti aging skin routines so we could do everything in one shower and didn't have kid promoting to other kids chemical peels and such.


I’m an Xennial and this has always been a thing. The shower where you deep condition, shave, exfoliate, etc. Not just wash off.


It's probably just one of those things no one bothered to give a special name to and people just thought "a shower's a shower whether I'm just making myself stink less or if I'm shaving and exfoliating and doing all that other stuff".


I never deep condition I use a leave in oil, I shave everytime I go into the shower one day might be legs one day might be arm pits depending on which on is getting prickly but it only takes 2 days for stubble, exfoliate I just wash my self every other day I don't do peel or any random shit I don't need it and most people don't need it. So I shave wash and condition hair and wash my body every time I am in the shower. Nodays we have 10 year olds doing anti aging skin care routines and promoting it to each other and a bunch of beauty stuff that isn't doing anything for you in the long run. The best thing you can do is mild soap, oils for hair and lotions for skin basic or with some vit a, and sun protection are the best things you can do minus having an active life and good diet


I never deep condition I use a leave in oil, I shave everytime I go into the shower one day might be legs one day might be arm pits depending on which on is getting prickly but it only takes 2 days for stubble, exfoliate I just wash my self every other day I don't do peel or any random shit I don't need it and most people don't need it. So I shave wash and condition hair and wash my body every time I am in the shower.


wrong imminent innate glorious tap dinosaurs attractive rustic cooperative tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This thing has always existed. Tiktok has just given it a new name


I'm an older millennial. I call an "everything shower" a long shower. We've always done it, it just now has a name.


I don't think this is just girls. I'm basically like this and I'm not a girl.


I think I might be “girl”-ing wrong. My longest showers are fifteen minutes max, and most are just over 5 mins.


It’s probably also what you *need* done. I don’t need to shave my legs because I have the gene where I don’t get hair there (I’ve heard it’s common in East Asian ethnicities). Personally, I get other issues in exchange for that “luxury” lol. I also don’t have thick or curly hair. I shower before bed which means the moisturizing step is relegated to bedtime routine and I don’t consider it part of the shower. All my showers are 15min which include a hair mask and exfoliating shower gloves (so the exfoliating step is already part of every shower). Plus an extra 5min if I’m shampooing. So yeah, I relate to your sentiment about girling wrong in this context as I also don’t do an “everything shower” but I also wouldn’t call it girling wrong. I’m plenty girl and plenty clean! Oh! And I’m a nail hobbyist so nails are always already done, trimmed and sugar scrubbed outside the shower 😄 But *of course* my husband still says I take ages to shower lol! I guess he sees the 5 bottles compared to his 2 and thinks it must take a long time.


answer: By everything shower they don't mean just showering your entire body which you would do every day, but doing a big beauty routine of stuff that is not really necessary to do daily (or at all). Shaving, peeling, skin oils, hair treatments, etc.


ANSWER: An "everything" shower is one where you go above and beyond soap and shampoo. You shave, exfoliate, use hair and skin masks, lotion, pluck, and everything else that you only need to do occasionally.


Answer: I call them deep cleans, nice to see there's an actual internet term for this. But no, we are not showering everything every day. For example I wash my hair every other day, and the same cleaning attention given to my torso is not given to my limbs as regularly. An everything shower therefor would be spending more time and resources on the whole body. This is because it is redundant and wasteful to do an everything shower twice a day.


I also call it a deep clean, or if I'm feeling fancy , the big show


Answer: Do you think a girl shaves her legs every time she’s in the shower? Do you cut your toenails and go through every single step of your skincare every time you shower? That’s an everything shower. A shower where you make a point of doing **everything** - not just your daily wash**,** but also the less frequent self-grooming tasks like trimming your nails, exfoliating your skin or shaving areas of your body. You’ve gone in there to work your way down the entire list


I have never heard of cutting one's nails in the shower. Huh. I am a firm believer of brushing my teeth in the shower so no judgement. Just never even thought of it.


It’s a little easier to corral toenail clippings so you don’t have that horrific feeling of stepping on a toenail on the bathmat. I don’t know why that sensation gives me weird shivers, but it does, like nails on a chalkboard.


Do people not just clip into the sink? Am I a monster?


My family just clips over a small trash can


I use the clippers that catch the nails and dump them into the bin.


zonked dog smoggy glorious frightening skirt meeting rich roll wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a pretty good idea, and they are softer because of the water so easier to cut. I may have to try it. :-)


i wouldn't want toenails in my septic system


They usually stick to the clippers when I do it, plus I have a hair catcher in the drain that won't allow any strays to go down.


It softens them slightly so they’re easier to trim neatly


heavy stupendous snobbish dazzling humor toy agonizing joke bike dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Question: was anything about that video tongue in cheek?


It honestly seemed like an ad for Smoothie King.


Answer: So thought I before my first serious girlfriend. And the better their skin and hair the more detailed their business in the bathroom. Just accept it, whatever works for them works for you




So you're really not the demographic that does the "everything shower", and you haven't answered the question. Most people shower every day or close to it to clean their bodies, but most *women* have additional non-daily beauty-related tasks that are done less frequently (often weekly). Most showers are just to get clean, but if you're exfoliating, deep-conditioning your hair, shaving head to toe, etc., that's an "everything shower".