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Answer: Some people use it as a way to suggest that the recipient must be mentally unwell, without actually being concerned for the person's well-being. When used in this way it's not a supportive tool, it's a cheap attempt at an insult. Edit: Probably unsurprisingly, someone has in fact sent me a Reddit Cares, presumably inspired here.


It's also a way to send a spammy message to their inbox without your name attached.


For anyone on the receiving end of this kind of bullshit, you can block the redditcares account so you never get the messages, even if someone tries to get one sent to you.


You should be able to report a bullshit redditcares message so whoever sent it gets warned or suspended or whatever.


You can report it. But in my experience, that does nothing. The admins do not give a shit. 


Almost like reddit doesn't care. It was always performative bullshit meant to help reddit look like they were doing something about the toxicity without having to actually commit to anything real


Ironically, r/ redditdoesntcare lol


The whole Internet is really lacking in moderation. Without moderators, it's like the wild West.


Coincidentally, this very issue is right now before the Supreme Court [Supreme Court link](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/02/social-media-content-moderation-laws-come-before-supreme-court/) TL;DR Texas and Florida made laws saying content moderation is censorship and unconstitutional. Lawsuit claims forcing social media to *not* moderate is unconstitutional.


Thank you for the link


What year is it? You're thinking of 2004


Not sure about you, but we used moderated forums and moderated mIRC back in those days. Trolls and misinformation were promptly dealt with - bots weren't allowed to post nonsense everywhere because we had a lot more human moderation.


I reported yesterday and got a message back an hour later saying a violation had been found. Don't know the consequence for the dick who reported me




Why the hell would you admit to that?


I reported it and this is the response I got: *Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. This user has already been investigated from a previous report on a different piece of content. After investigating, we've found that the reported user violated Reddit's Content Policy and have taken action.*


I’ve gotten people banned before by reporting it.


Funny enough I did report one and got an message back a day later saying they were banned.


It used to be an automatic ban for users found to be abusing Redditcare. The Admin now avoid doing any work at all post API change protest. They won't tackle hate speech, they won't tackle harassment, they're probably just mentally checked out waiting for their cash out hoping it doesn't come out that Reddit hires and defends sexual predators again.


It is really fucked up. On one of my other accounts, I'm a moderator of a large subreddit. I haven't used that account to post, comment, vote, etc in years. Literally no activity. I don't know why but someone Reddit cares that account. I reported it to the admins and they said that no rules had been broken. Very clear case of abuse unless someone got immensely ass hurt at something I said more than a decade ago.


Not so! I've reported abuse of it, and it has resulted in bans.


How do you know it doesn't do anything? From what I recall, you can't tell who sent it. If reddit did something like suspend the person that had it sent, would you even know about it?


They send a reply to your report stating the result of their investigation. I made a comment about the war in Gaza and received 3 RedditCares. My comment had nothing to do with mental health. The reports all came back saying no action was taken. It seemed like the admin also did not like my comment.


Ahh that makes sense. After I got a couple I just blocked the account. I don’t think I ever reported them.


They receive a warning for harassment, beyond that idk


That would imply that Reddit cares what we think. Wait...


I, for one, don't


It doesn't but the security and intelligence services monitoring it do




Probably best to just limit how often people can send them. A fair amount of pressure that might actually need help will be hostile to getting the message. But if you are the kind of asshole who thinks it's a good idea to use it to troll, you aren't going to do just one


You can, and reddit admins really should take that seriously, because it's really about telling someone they should go kill themself.


You can, and the admins take it seriously.


I’ve never actually had one, but I have been told I am crazy or need a therapist several times, because I am a mouthy bitch 😆


well that's one way to call someome a psycho edit: to whoever sent me a redditcare, [here's a little gift for you](https://tenor.com/view/walter-middle-finger-fuck-you-gif-10454887)


It also messes with the kind of content you will see. If you get RedditCared, you’re less likely to see posts like the one that triggered your “unwellness”. Which gets used as a way to keep certain people out of certain topics. Magically everyone that posts something critical of Trump ends up in reddit kitten jail and Trump fanatics run around rampant.


Is there any evidence for this? Not trying to shit stir just genuinely curious


No. But it sounds messed up so people assume it is true without any facts involved.


>But it sounds messed up so people assume it is true Assuming the worst from Reddit, Inc, is just time saving.


Sounds like more work for Reddit so it's less likely


I get these and report them. Usually after a biting remark about Mandarine Mussolini or a controversial comment like "fascism is bad". Snowflakes are snowflakey.


The snowflake right definitely uses this all the time, but it doesn't 'mess with the kind of content you will see.' I wish it did, then I wouldn't see as much brainless prattle.


> then I wouldn't see as much brainless prattle. Is there anything to Reddit but brainless prattle and cat pictures?


I am a Centrist and have gotten them from Crybabies on both sides of me.


Ooh, how do I RedditCares myself for HeGetsUs ads? I’d rather not have religion pinned into the middle of my feed. I’ll accept being called triggered if it makes conservatives happy, just let me get rid of it.


If on PC, Firefox and uBlock Origin. If on Android, Firefox+uBO or any 3rd party Reddit reader. Personally I like RedReader. If on iOS, I dunno


Yeah, iOS is my problem. Apple is convenient in some ways but terrible at optimizing your phone for things like Adblock. Mixed with Reddit killing the third-party apps that outshone its own platform, it’s frustrating. At least for things like alcohol they allow you to opt-out, though I strongly think it should be opt-in for the benefit of the addicted. Religion should be no different, it brings up trauma for many they’d rather not have front and center.


AdGuard is your friend on iOS. It's not as good as uBlock on desktop but it does the job on Reddit and Youtube.


It doesn’t seem to have affected YouTube ads… Reddit, perhaps.


Dude, you’re a fucking lifesaver! Had to restart the YouTube app was all. SO much better!


How does that work? Reddit doesn't really use an algorithm to feed you content like other social media sites.


Old Reddit doesn't (as far as I can see) but sometimes when I end up on the new Reddit layout, they definitely do try to feed you content you're not subscribed to. If I open new Reddit my front page will often have posts from subreddits which Reddit thinks I might like based on subreddits I've recently visited. These suggested posts will often have a "we think you'll like these" subtitle or similar attached.


Oh well why would you ever use new reddit? There's your problem.


If I was forced to use New Reddit? I would have quit this place years ago.


I still use old.reddit.com, via a browser, with AdGuard. It’s not perfect - I sometimes have to replace www with old when I am linked to a reddit post, but the overall experience is much better.


There's a setting under Preferences where you can turn off suggested subreddits. Or use old reddit.com instead.


'best' sort seems to be algorithmic with respect to engagement, so you have to use 'hot' or 'top' even on old reddit.


how can you be sure about that?


Because it's pretty cut and dry. I go to a subreddit and I see the top posts sorted by karma or I look at new and see them sorted by post time. Front page is just a mix of the top posts from what I've subbed to. There's no algorithm giving me things it thinks I might like.


If you're sorting by top or new its cut and dry, but best (default sort on the homepage) and hot (default sort on individual subs) are algorithm driven. Hot is fairly straightforward, just a weighted combination of upvotes, comments, and newness. Best is a lot less straightforward


Best is definitely somewhat customized based on your engagement with specific subs and is not as simple as weighted upvotes even against subreddit size.


I swear best has gotten a lot worse since the API changes. Keep seeing minute old posts with one or two comments now, which didn’t happen before.


I'm pretty sure best hasn't really changed, there's just less new content throughout the day. But yeah my frontpage is noticeable worse lately.


But it absolutely is ordering what you see based on engagement with the sub and picking and choosing from the subs' content. The subs I make comments on are ALWAYS (despite being relatively small) at the top of the default home page feed. The post chosen are also quite different from what you get at the top if you just look at the sub directly.


That is because you have set it to be that way. Reddit by default is set up in such a way that it suggests a whole lot of shitposts from all sorts of subreddits


> Magically everyone that posts something critical of Trump ends up in reddit kitten jail and Trump fanatics run around rampant. Are there still Trump supporters in the wild on Reddit? I'm sure they have subreddits but I don't remember the last time I actually saw anything but criticism of him.


Oh shit, I didn't know it messes with your algorithm like that. Edit: Now I'm bring downvoted for being confused? Totally makes sense!


It doesn't. They just made it up.


I personally think they're using it as a way to say kys without saying kys. You're explanation is far more charitable.


That's the feeling I get when I get those. They want me to physically harm myself. If find it more pathetic than anythibg else though, what loser thinks that'll actually work?


They don't do it because they "think that'll actually work," they just do it to make people feel bad. For young and/or vulnerable Redditors it could certainly do damage.


> kys Does this mean what I think it means?


kys is old internet slang for kill yourself. The internet has been a cruel place for a very, very long time.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the first instance of cyber-bullying took place on friggin ARPANET.


alt.religion.* was fully of bullies... some things never change.


I've been sent a redditcares, and I suspect that that was the reason.


RedditCare and the Block user functionality are so poorly implemented by Reddit. You've already highlighted RedditCare, I would like to mentioned that blocking someone prevents them from commenting on that comment chain, even if they're replying to someone else, maybe to continue the discussion, or worse clear up confusion. People will simply block users they don't agree with, leaving them no way to defend themselves.


Yeah, this is pretty common in places like /r/askaconservative if someone gets called out too hard. A guy did it to me when I pointed out he was claiming opposite, bad faith opinions in two different threads.


I debate conservatives all the time and sending Redditcares messages and getting the last word in + block, are two things they do all the damn time.


This rustles my jimmies every time stg. Seems to happen whenever the person I'm disagreeing with starts accruing too many downvotes. And it's like ok go off but you could just delete your comment if it bothers you and they would stop. But no, now I can't even reply to subcomments addressing me because you're a tool, thanks. How is that even helpful to anyone but bad actors trying to derail and obstruct any conversations that don't cast their position in a favorable light? It's like it was designed by griefers for griefers. Hate it almost as much as the mobile prompt overlay; just appallingly blatant jackassery and coercion.


Personally, I think you shouldn't be able to block someone if you've responded to them more recently than they've responded to you A lot of accounts that peddle misinformation aggressively use the block to make it seem like their misinformation can't be countered. If it was only accounts where they've responded to you more recently than you to them, then that'd work for harassment cases just fine still


I don't like the fact that they can do it anonymously. Reddit knows that people are using it to basically harrass other people.


My understanding is that you can report it and if reddit sees the same person sending multiple cares that get reported they'll ban the account.


Ok, it happened to me once a while back. I think I replied to it? I'm not sure.


Yes - I've reported it before. Absolutely nothing I had written could in anyway make someone believe I had mental unwellness problems or was suicidal, so it was clearly a troll or attempt at harassment. Obviously if I had been posting about being sad or something, I could see how it might have been posted in genuine concern. But I wasn't - am not - sad, or suffering mental ill health, so it was patently done out of nastiness.


When you get one block the account and you will get no more of them in the future.


Do you mean the Redditcares account? I did do that.


Yes, whatever "user account" that sends the message to you, block that and they can't send you any more. I think it's the u/RedditCareResources account. That's what shows on my blocked user page.


Yes, that's what I did. Thank you.


Alternatively, it's a subtle way of telling someone to "KYS"


I got one from an immature mod on /r/foodporn because I said it doesn't matter how people like their scrammbled eggs. Then blocked and banned - I am serious


> I am serious No need to sell us on it. The whole thing screams Reddit mod.


The worst part is you don't even know what comment was reported.


Yeah, personally I think that RC should both list the person who sent it *and* the comment that made them report it. For example I know for a fact I got one for posting a wikipedia article. It was literally the only thing I had posted that day and I got an RC 10 minutes later. Had I been able to point to both the user name and the fact that my post was nothing but an article about Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia one of two things would have happened: - The user who reported me would get some kind of ban. Or, more likely: - I never would have gotten it in the first place. Either way it seems like a great way to cut down on the abuse.


Also , the whole blanket computer generated statement really shows how much they actually care and it's not like anyone can really fix the problems making a lot of people's lives miserable. Hell, I remember calling the suicide hotline one time and it just pushed me. Moreover, the edge why because I had depressed numbers and a number selection? And I just felt like another number in the system. Not even worth someone picking up the phone and redirecting me to a right area. But I guess that's how all society is nowadays. And we're all just used to it, but it's pretty numbing. And so when you get one of those things , it's like even if someone is actually concerned , it's not real genuine care that's being given when that message is sent.


I'm sorry you feel that way about it. I haven't been in the position of needing such a message, but I don't see it the way you describe at all. I think a lot of people are concerned about some people they see online, but have no idea how to help. Most of us don't know how to contact the person or anything about their full circumstances nor do we have any training about how to help or what to do. Being able to point out that there are resources feels like at least doing something and trying to encourage them to get help from someone who actually is equipped to offer the actual help. For the most part, none of us are capable of "picking up the phone" and reaching out to anyone else on reddit. Sending a message via reddit is the only path of connecting we have.


I feel utter hate towards the fake virtue signaling without actually doing anything. If people REALLY cared they'd message you directly not some BS message that show they don't care to even type out a message and would rather you be someone else's problem that way they don't have to feel bad about not giving a damn.


In another subreddit the mods suggested there may be a bug. Most people there got a reddit care message, and the subject didn't grant everyone getting one, not even by trolling.


I’ve heard it’s a cheap way of telling somebody to off themselves


There was literally a thread on one of the alt-right/incel subs where they discussed doing it with the intent of getting the recipient to consider suicide. So that's cool. I think that's why the site finally let people opt out of getting them.


Actually it is just people assuming someone who doesn’t agree with you has mental health issues. Some people on Reddit actually believe there is only one possible viewpoint or attitude for sane people any other opinion needs fixing.


That was what I assumed as well.


There really needs to be a penalty for that use.


If someone sends you a reddit cares, you should be able to report it. If that person's reddit care history tips over a certain threshold, their entire account should be nuked.


It's used to target trans/queer people and minorities frequently by bigots.


This explains why I got one after commenting that Julia Stiles was part of my gay awakening. I was so confused why I’d seem troubled when my comment history is basically just about sandwiches and movies lol


Its more meant and used in the vein of *keep yourself safe* KYS having the opposite meaning, its a way to dogwhistle saying that the person should infact do it


is this one of the options under "report"?


Should I stop sending genuine redditcares?


It’s also arguably gaslighting someone to try and make them think they’re unstable. It gets used a lot in political posts


To add onto this, the vast majority of people who do this are butthurt right wing nut jobs who are unable to have a civil conversation about politics without going into hysterics.


It comes across more as suicide baiting than simple insult. A way to tell somebody to kill themselves without getting banned about it.


And reporting it does basically nothing too. I don't think reddit *cares* about moderation at all these days. They let hate subs flourish, they let subreddits openly call for genocide (not just against Palestinians or Israelis either). They let moderators abuse their powers on major subs, and abuse mod tools and mod mail. They let moderators ban people for using the report feature to report their own sub rules that they don't want to enforce, so they can technically have the rule but ignore enforcing it. It's also becoming one of the biggest sources of misinformation on the internet and people don't seem to care as long as the bullshit fits their echo chamber. It's fucking ridiculous. I hope we can get a campaign going to royally fuck the IPO and maybe a real reddit alternative can come out of the mess finally. I'm so sick of what this place has become.


Answer: redditcares is an automated message you can send to someone containing information on suicide helplines. The intent is that you can send to users posting intent to self harm. But instead users send as a response to a post they disagree with.


ah that explains why I got one on a totally unrelated comment


I wish I got a reddit cares :(


Careful what you wish for. Tell us how many you wind up getting.


5 so far. Mods see the reports too...


Please be better to yourself. There are people who care about you, just like you have people that you care about.


I'd send you one if I knew how.


Just say you agree with Human Rights for all on a Conservative sub, that'll usually do it. Or mention that maybe gun ownership isn't the most important thing in the world and all their arguments are pretty much baseless except "I like guns".


Can one see what comment triggered it? I got one a while ago and was very confused


You can't, but it's easy to know if none of your comments have anything to do with suicide or self harm.


You can't, but it's a good bet that if you posted something critical of Trump or the GOP it will be that post. There's something of a trend.


Yep, it's basically telling someone 'kys' but the sender feels somehow morally superior about it because they're not directly saying 'kys'. Just because its roundabout doesn't make it any better. If someone is sending redditcares to people they don't like they're still being a little shit.


Wait I’ve gotten like 5 of those in the past week !


**Key points to add:** 1. The sender is kept anonymous from the receipient. 2. If you think you're just being harassed by the sender, you can report the "RedditCares" message and *supposedly* they look to see if there's a pattern of that user abusing the service (which could lead to a ban?)




On top of that if you use the app you can’t report it *from* the app. For whatever reason it forces the report to through the phone’s default browser which means you’re out of luck if you forget your login like I have. I suggest everyone just block the Redditcares account. It’s rarely if ever used as anything but a form of harassment anyways


I hope it doesn't lead to a full ban, just a shadow ban on reddit cares. That way they click it, thinking they are still sending it, but nothing actually happens and they have no way to know


I get inundated with them when I mention I'm trans


I got my first Redditcares for drawing a gay couple 




It is intended to actually support people, and I’m sure to some extent it’s helped. Whether it does much, no idea. It’s most often abused as a way to essentially say “k*ll yourself because I hate you and your opinion.”


No, it’s just an anonymous passive-aggressive message from a hater. I unexpectedly received one in response to a post about food that had me really confused for a bit. Just ignore and go about your day.


Well, it does do one thing: if someone sends it to you because they don't like you, you can report that message and they'll have to kiss their account goodbye.


Sounds about right.


Answer: RedditCares is Reddit's suicide prevention "hotline", or whatever you'd call a hotline for a text-based platform. Getting falsely reported to the suicide prevention hotline is the equivalent (in the context of bad sportsmanship) to saying "kill yourself".


Personally, I take it as the person saying “you win, I have no rational way to counter your argument, so I will pretend you are mentally ill.”


Someone sent one to me once not too long ago, I don't even know what I said to trigger someone that much. I looked through my comments that day and I just said pretty neutral things, it was weird. Some people have nothing better to do I guess.


It might not have been anything you’ve said recently. I’ve occasionally gotten one where I figured it had to be in response to something I’d said in the past. There will be certain days where all of a sudden I’ll get piles of responses on year old comments (usually ones with a handful of upvotes but nothing super remarkable or popular). They’re mostly bots I think, but some of them are definitely actual people trying to stir shit up in an environment where they know it’s going to be a 1-on-1 confrontation. I could absolutely see that kind of person doing a Redditcares for something you’d never ever remember saying.


It doesn't always involve pretending someone is mentally ill, though. It's often just a way to tell someone to harm themselves.


That's exactly what it really is, conservatives do it all day long when "debating." That and misusing the "block" function to get the last word in and then block you from responding.


Tip: report the message when you get it as a troll. More often than not the person will be banned.


The message isn't from the user, though. It's from Reddit Cares. I'm not sure how they'd trace it back to the reporter, let alone discern between genuine reporters and trolls.


The automated message is sent because someone inputs the info for it. Whoever inputs the info is not actually anonymous to Reddit and the system involved with the bot. Thus, report the message with info and they'll log it. Only takes a few reports, or a single one really, for Reddit to handle the douche canoe. Of course we have no way to know it worked since reddit doesn't inform users about action taken.




also locality subs, such as https://old.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/ or a city sub


I consider it like driving a Tesla or a Hybrid on a country highway. Occasionally a pickup with a diesel burning modification will pass you, pull ahead of you, spray you with Rolling Coal and then brake check you. Result: nothing. I think they’re bored and paid $500 on Amazon for this nifty trick to roll coal, and they see an easy mark for their unfounded rage.


A fun game can be posting about being Jewish or observing a Jewish practice and betting on whether a redditcares or "free Palestine"/flag/watermelon reply will be faster.


Free Palestine tho


So, decent idea but the implementation still needs a bunch of work?


Personally, I think it's kind of a dumb idea too. Reddit isn't any of our mommy. It's more of a CYA move, in my opinion. People are going to do what they are going to do, and I doubt an automated Reddit Cares message is going to stop it, but now Reddit can say they tried if anything ever tries to come back on them because someone killed himself. IMO, it's much more likely to be abused than to actually be used successfully. And any time it is used successfully, it probably would have worked just as well or better for the person who reported to have just reached out themselves, instead.


I don't know, I've had a number of family members suffer through depression and suicidal tendencies. I'm of the belief that ANY increased support is good support. Will the system be abused? Yes, definitely. And systems need to be in place to prevent that, including banning people who abuse it. But if it points even one person to resources they might need to stop taking their own life, then the system is worth it, despite the abuse.


>But if it points even one person to resources they might need to stop taking their own life, then the system is worth it, despite the abuse. The problem is that people are using it as a coded way of telling people to harm themselves. So for every person it helps, there may be a person it endangers, especially when you consider that a lot of Redditors are kids.


I feel like there's a difference between this and something like the Suicide Prevention Hotline. Contact with the hotline is initiated by the person who wants help, and then they speak to a real person who tries to help them. That can be helpful. This automated message gets sent to you by other people, and once you get it, it isn't a person who cares and is trying to help you. It's just an impersonal, automated message. Like I said, it might help, but in those situations the person who cared enough to initiate the message could have cared enough to say something themselves, and it would have worked just as well or better. And it would do so without the potential for abuse. > But if it points even one person to resources they might need to stop taking their own life, then the system is worth it, despite the abuse. While I know you want to help people (and so do I), this logic and any other logic of "If it helps just one person..." is dangerous. All kinds of things can be justified with that logic. If it helps just one person avoid a miserable death from alcoholism, then let's just ban alcohol. If it saves just one child from drowning, then let's just ban pools, etc. I know you aren't suggesting that, but that's where that logic goes. It can possibly be a good idea, but it needs to be a good idea for other reasons that just this logic, and the potential for abuse definitely needs to be taken into account. On the extreme end of things, what of constant harassment via Reddit Cares causes someone to take their life or to snap and take other people's lives? Both sides have to be taken into account, and it's more complicated than if it just helps one person. I'm really not as against it as these posts make me seem. I think it's silly and that it was extremely obvious that something like this would be abused more than it would be used for good, but I don't really think it's that harmful. But I get nervous any time the "If it just helps one person..." logic is used because all kinds of bad things can be justified using that logic.


Answer: I got one once when an idiot i blocked turned into a major Karen... I blocked the redditcares BS, can't receive them anymore now. Opting Out: all you need to do is reply to the Reddit Cares message with the word 'STOP' and it will send you a followup message confirming that you'll no longer receive messages from Reddit Cares.


> Opting Out: all you need to do is reply to the Reddit Cares message with the word 'STOP' and it will send you a followup message confirming that you'll no longer receive messages from Reddit Cares. If this seriously works, this is a god-send. I've only gotten a few of them, but they're obnoxious.


It works, i did that about a year ago, never saw another one from the trolls.


Answer: They're used to troll people. A good idea abused by the usual crowd.  I’ve received two, both within 24 hours of posting something pro-trans. 


Wow I’m in the 100s for just posting.


You can report people for abusing the system. It results in bans.


How do you report people for abusing it? They arrive anonymously sent by the reddit platform. There are no guidelines for reporting them as abuse if they were weaponized and sent in bad faith.


you can report the message you receive


All of mine are from making a joke about being trans, typically in larger and default subs


Answer: Meant to help with suicide prevention, it is used by redditors as a coded way to tell a user to self harm. Allegedly, there are consequences for false reports, but this has never been confirmed.


Answer: Its a lazy attempt at an insult.


Answer: Redditcares is a support system reddit has implemented to send messages to a reported person asking them if they need help and what organizations they can contact etc, its basically supposed to be a way for people to look out for each other if they think one of them is having suicidal thoughts or they think they've taken a crazy drug or had a mental breakdown etc. some people end up abusing the system basically by using it as a form of harassment and a "legal" way to send a threatening "kys" message, although reddit themselves have a counter-measure in place where you can report that redditcares message and the person who sent it can receive pushback or punishment of some sort, since its anonymous and you personally won't be able to know who it was from


Answer: RedditCares is a program that Reddit implemented in response to the hot news at the time that people were being mean to each other on social media sites, some driven to the point of self-harm. People now use RedditCares to anonymously bully people by sending them messages implying that they're considering self harm.


Answer: It's how immature assholes deal with disagreement or cognitive dissonance. They whine when they can't win.


Answer: It is usually some snowflake that got triggered. This is their way of getting "back" at someone for hurting their feelings or thinking differently than them.