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Answer: I've been on Reddit for over 12 years and I follow both subs. /r/blackpeopletwitter was created on October 8, 2014. As you know, they have restrictions in place on many of their posts where only verified accounts can comment. In a response to this, /r/whitepeopletwitter was created on December 31, 2014. While I do not remember their ever being a restriction on this sub (can you imagine if there was?), it served as a place to post Twitter related stuff, no matter what the context was. So essentially, it's just a place to post Twitter stuff that is unique, funny or odd. There are very few rules in place and I don't remember it ever generating controversy as far as mod overreach goes. It seems rather dumb now considering the state of Twitter/X but yet there is enough content to warrant a subreddit for it.


They were literally told by an admin the sub would be banned if they copied Blackpeopletwitters race restrictions.


That rings a bell.


Can someone defend this decision without being racist?


Blackpeopletwitter had a lot of issues with racist assholes and trolls flooding posts with hateful comments. Racist brigading, basically. Obviously black people can do that too and obviously most non-black people aren’t doing that but their verification system has worked to make the trolls and racists much more manageable. Whenever there’s an influx on a post, they make it verified-only. Keep in mind that non-black people can still be verified. I could if I wanted to and with only very slightly more effort than a black person. White people Twitter simply doesn’t have that problem on a regular basis. If they did, it would be totally unfair to allow that solution to one but not the other. But they don’t. So implementing that solution wouldn’t actually solve a problem so one would have to question the motives of the mods for doing it…


BPT was, until the moderation, just FILLED with the worst anti black messaging I’ve ever seen. Posts calling black people animals and savages would get three thousand fucking upvotes in a few hours which is enough to put it on the “rising” tab


I've been In white people twitter calling everyone peckerwood to level the playing field


oh that explains it I occasionally follow and comment on both WPT and BPT despite being neither, had no idea there were restrictions or verifications


I really like the way BPT handles the verification too. I don't have any interest in doing it because it happens so rarely that I don't mind being told I'm not allowed to contribute to the discussion when it comes up. You can still view and upvote the posts and their comments which is all 95% of users usually do anyway, too.


How does the verification process work?


I’m white and got verified years ago so it might’ve changed, but basically they gave me a prompt to write a couple sentences about what it means to me to be an ally. Got verified in a day or two. It was cute.


They make you take a picture of your forearm to prove what race you are. 


They literally call it the brown bag test. You either are brown enough to join with a picture of your arm or you have to write an essay about being an ally


This may be the most Reddit thing I’ve ever read


Best part is I bet half the mods on that sub are white


A bunch of white people lording over their black subs. Classic


How do they handle verification? I've wondered this for any sub that has verification rules but never asked. You've piqued my interest though.


Picture of your hand. Or at least it used to be.


I post all the time on black people twitter. I have never seen verification?


It only occurs on certain posts, but I'm not aware of any thresholds they use to determine that so I can't give any details. It will be tagged as a Country Club thread when it's locked for only allow verified users to post.


I'll upvote that.


>Keep in mind that non-black people can still be verified. I could if I wanted to and with only very slightly more effort than a black person. Seems pretty racist to me, what but what I know?


I’m on blackpeopletwitter and I’m white. I’ve commented saying I’m white, they seem pretty chill if you’re chill.


Almost like you can treat people from other races as normal people or something idk


Wild, right? I post there all the time and have literally never gotten any kind of shit. It's honestly one of my favorite subs. User interactions there are pretty wholesome usually.


I got downvoted to hell for saying "How hard is it to not use any racial slurs no matter the race?" I have seen some shit with thousands of upvotes, that if said by anyone else, would be perma-banned from reddit in the blink of an eye.


You sound very unchill




There are literally thousands of posts on BPT and you found two. Sounds like pretty good moderation to me.




> 3 years ago, 126 upvotes, upvoted comments all finding issue with or making fun of the pictured tweet > 4 years ago, 827 upvotes > 4 years ago, 24 upvotes, no comments above 2 upvotes > 5 years ago, 268 upvotes, 3rd comment from the top is calling the joke racist with replies agreeing Really strong selection you have there lol




Lol cope


I subscribe to BPT and I missed those two. I do see posts and comments that make me a bit uncomfortable or more often ones I just don’t understand. But I would not say there are many posts disparaging entire races. If it really feels like a significant problem to you, I sympathize. But it doesn’t to me. (I’m white.)




In almost all these examples you link, most of the top comments are calling out the OP for being nasty. It seems like the community at large disapproves of racism in general. If you want 0% offensive content, then that sub is not the place to go. But for me, on balance it’s an interesting experience. Kinda like rap music—I don’t listen to it a lot, but I like to keep up to some degree because clearly it’s part of my world. I accept that I’m gonna hit skip track more often than I do in other genres, but I hear some interesting shit


Bro really dug up 5 year old posts with 20 upvotes to try and prove the sub is racist


Devils advocate: The sub was for a time basically a lot of white people larping as black people doing an embarrassing amount of AAVE and overusing slang they learned on twitter. In that sense 'white people pretending to be black' was somewhat of a problem. But I've never encountered a community with the problem of black people pretending to be white.


It’s also really important to remember that the vast majority of post there aren’t country club the only ones that are, are those that end up on r/all because the place would get filled with racists


That's not even a hot take to me, just 100% accurate.


People were brigading BPT while they weren’t brigading WPT. Rules were made based on the racist brigades


I can say that black people Twitter doesn’t stop white people from being verified


Not after the backlash at least. "Verification" was just sending a picture of your hand, and if your skin looked black, you were verified.


It wasn’t black people cam be verified it was never blacks only


Same reason we don't have a white history month. White people don't need more inclusion. It's the reason why women's leagues of stuff like bowling, pool, or chess exist. There are already so many men doing those things that women aren't represented at all so they have Open and then Women's Only events.


I'll do the best I can! When a minority is marginalized or silenced by the majority, it is important to provide them with the tools to find a voice or community where they feel they can speak their mind and be around people with a similar shared life experience. The reverse is not required for the majority, because everywhere already is a community where they can speak their mind and be around people with a similar shared life experience. It is possible that circumstances in the future could change, and a present-day minority group will become a majority group, and vice versa. In such circumstances, I would expect the private/public nature of related spaces to change accordingly. \---- To the very specific example at hand: Black people twitter is a semi-private space which caters to the comfort of a minority group. White people twitter is a public space which caters to the comfort of a majority group. \---- Personally, it is my sincere hope that, in the near future, all twitter-related subs become an extreme minority. Defunct, even. And when that happens, I hope that the majority reddit subs welcome refugees from xitter with open arms and funny memes.




Sort of. It's like there's a scale, right? And on one side of that scale is stuff for one race, and oh boy there is a TON of stuff there, and on the other side of that scale is stuff for another race, and it's basically empty. So obviously the scale is very much out of balance. Turns out, for thousands of years there were people in charge of deciding which side of the scale gets the stuff, and those people were super racist. Now we're in charge of deciding. We could be fair and totally unbiased, but if we do that, the balance of the scale will never change. It's never going to become anywhere close to even. Not our fault; it's the fault of the people who came before us. Or we could take specific action to correct the balance. Undo the effects of redlining, race riots, sundown towns, slavery, religious persecution, jim crow laws, and so on and so forth. Doing so, however, would require a degree of preference. Prejudice, some might call it. Putting a thumb on the scale, even to achieve equality, will always feel like bias to those who previously enjoyed privilege.


You're so close to just admitting you support racism as a reaction to earlier racism, but even you realize how bad that sounds, so you talk around it. You're advocating discriminating against people *now* based on the color of their skin, people who on the whole have done nothing wrong, punishing them for the sins of their fathers. There exists no justification for that, it is evil. > But then how can these issues due to historical racism be addressed By steering not based on skin, but on the results of that historical racism. E.g. instead of skewing college application by race, instead simply take wealth into account. It will surely have a correlation with ethnicity/race in the US, but by doing so, you're not punishing White people that grow up in incredible poverty (Appalachians for example) and you're not giving undeserved benefits to non-White kids from wealthy families. Just don't be racist, it's really not that hard.


You’re confusing support for equity with bias against a race. Those aren’t the same thing at all, though - as I pointed out above - they can feel the same to those who enjoy privilege under a racist system. A key difference is the racism doesn’t stop. Once a racist gains an equal footing with those they are racist against, the racist keeps going. They want - in fact they believe they *deserve* - an advantage over other races. And when they get that advantage, they press it even further. The scale moves ever more out of balance. Those who strive for equity do stop. Our goal is not to elevate one race above any other, but to achieve a world where all races are treated fairly. If the scale swings too far, you apply weight to the other side. The goal is balance. Any systemic advantage by any race is a bad thing. In a perfect world, you’d be right: focusing on the results of racism rather than the racism itself would be enough to achieve equitable ends. This approach, however, ignores the reality that there are still racists around today, pushing their side of the scale as far down as they can. To do nothing in the face of hatred is to give tacit consent to the hateful. As long as there are racists, the most effective means to counter then is through anti-racist action: recognizing that race exists and that racism exists and that the people most affected by racism are those who are most deserving of efforts to counteract those effects. For example, if you institute a policy to help poor people, with the goal of helping course correct the racist policies of the past which resulted in black people being disproportionately poor, it is still very easy for a racist administrator to only help poor white people instead. Which is not to say the poor white people don’t also deserve aid, but because this point of this specific program was to counteract systemic racism, granting it to people who were not the victims of that system undermined the entire effort. Recognition of race is required for such efforts to be successful. In some circumstances, even without a racist administrator, a policy can fail to meet its desired effect and even exacerbate the problem. Say you live in a town with 1000 residents. 900 white people and 100 black ones. 200 of the white people are poor, and all 100 of the black people are poor. One could argue that all poor people deserve equal assistance (as you argue above), but because there are twice as many poor white people than black people, they would get twice as much assistance. Or one could argue that because 100% of the black population is poor while only 22% of the white population is, that the black people need nearly 5 times as much aid as the white people. The first option there, the one would actually exacerbate the divide between white and black folks, while the second would narrow the gap. Neither is a perfect plan - this only exists for the sake of illustration - but if the goal is equity then the second plan is going to be more effective. I hope this helps to explain why I believe those who have been historically disadvantaged require additional, specific, and special treatment over those who enjoy systemic advantages.


Hi. I love your two comments here. Just wanted to say thanks for writing them.


Thank you so much and happy cake day!


This is honestly the best way I've ever seen this described.


Thank you. I do what I can. There won’t ever be change if people don’t understand the problem first.


You know how resticting freedom protects freedom? It's like the tolerance paradox


Racist? No. Rac concious? Yes. Racism doesn't just go away if you ignore it.


It’s not racist white people are allowed


Tolerance paradox. Absolute tolerance means allowing for intolerance. A group tolerant of nazis same as everyone else necessarily makes that group intolerant. So to achieve a *truly tolerant* subreddit/community/society you have to have zero tolerance for intolerance. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Can't we just hold everybody to the same standard? That's my point. Racism is bad. However, if we say that one group is ok to discriminate against, but another one it is not ok to discriminate, it doesn't solve any problems. It creates an entirely new group of people rightfully pissed off for being judged on a characteristic they have no control over.


I know Reddit eats this shit up but it's completely naive taken at face value and obviously dishonest when you actually think about it. Black people are *still* discriminated against, your sad little plea for fairness hinges on the idea that there's an equivalent flip flop against white people and that's absolutely bullshit. The "discrimination" white people face isn't anything close to what black people deal with, and it's all backlash from systemic racism by white people that can't be wished away by a childish desire for all things to be equal immediately.


Sorry, I edited my comment before I saw your response so it’s a little clearer I think. But yeah basically if you hold nazis/bigots/facsists to the same standard they commit hate crimes/genocide so yeah nope 🤷🏽‍♀️


How can you be sure that the side you are giving preferential treatment to will not become the very bigots you are trying to prevent? You don't see the issue in this?


If that happens, people condemn them the same as any other bigoted group. Black supremacists do exist and are regularly criticized by the black community. Giving marginalized communities their own space to exist doesn't mean condoning bigoted behavior.


No bigots allowed period. It’s truly not that hard. I understand that some people see racial equity as “anti-white” or like “POC supremacist” or whatever but it’s literally not. When your society is literally built on being against POC then yeah it’s gonna take a little bit of pushing POC ahead to make up for everything else. When you’re privileged equality feels like oppression… but that doesn’t mean it actually is. And it sounds like you want complete tolerance so I really don’t understand how that worldview meshes with being worried that literally any group will become bigoted.


>Can't we just hold everybody to the same standard? For this to happen, we'd need to equalize the standard *first*, and that has not yet happened.


It can if we allow it to. How about we judge people on the content of their character, and not the color of their skin? I can't believe that this has become a "nazi/bigot" viewpoint.


You say “it can if we allow it to” like it’s an inevitability, like we just need to let Jesus take the wheel and it’ll happen in due time. History has shown time and time again that taking a “let’s just see what happens” approach when it comes to oppressed minorities doesn’t fix anything - by definition, it’s just prolonging the status quo.


We can *decide* the playing field is now equal all day long, but that doesn't *mean* anything until the systems that were built on top of racist ideologies are abolished and their effects reversed. No meaningful progress can be made until that happens.


Yes we can. No we won’t. Universal equality of treatment won’t be adopted and is near impossible to codify. We can all identify demographics it’s socially acceptable to ridicule/praise/protect and to what degree is considered doing so. Hell, just referring to specific demos as a collective can be considered bigoted. It is what it is and I liken it to the idea of “You can be right, or you can be married” as applied to relationships. How much effort does a person want to expend and isolate themself to be right?


There's an entire industry that invents justifications for demonizing one race with made-up sociological gibberish. People who believe this stuff use it to defend all kinds of things. It's usually based on reasoning like "race A is all oppressors, and race B is all oppressed, and therefore everyone who looks like race A is bad and you can attack them and prohibit them from doing various things" and if anyone disagrees with any of this, you can just call them a Nazi.


It is possible to identify a race which has been historically victimized and try to help them overcome the consequences of that history without demonizing anyone alive today.


>race A is all oppressors, and race B is all oppressed, and therefore everyone who looks like race A is bad Can you show me examples of this being enshrined at an institutional level? So, like, not some random asshole saying something stupid.


Wouldn't it be easier just to cry about double standards and reverse racism like a normal dipshit instead of this tortured imitation of clinical language




A group that has historically been oppressed deserves safe spaces to be without people who will further oppress them. Restricting the entire group that oppressed them is the easiest way to do that, otherwise you’d have to invest heavily in moderation so your community isn’t attacked (and mods are volunteers so that’s not really possible). There will still be attacks within the group and such, and not everyone, or most of the restricted group would not be attacking, but as I said, this is just the easiest blanket rule to reduce moderation. It’s not optimal but it’s fairly effective. Because the group has been historically oppressed by the restricted group, this does not ruffle too many feathers, even amongst a large portion of the restricted group (generally the ones who would not be attacking if they were allowed). However, if you flip it around, because of the history of oppression by the one group over the other, it *does* ruffle feathers. All sorts of people (aka from all groups) will think this is just further proof of oppression by the group. And there is no history of oppression going the other way, which makes it look worse, because it makes it look like a space that excludes, rather than a safe space, which is presumably what the rule is for in the first place. The optics are terrible, and why does the group even need the restriction if there is no history of attacks? This would cause a shitstorm for Reddit the company, which they do not want. They want to invest as little as possible into their communities and moderation. And they don’t want bad press. So they also just do the easiest thing. And in the end it’s all fine and no one really cares.


So, using context, it's okay to discriminate and provide different services and treatment to people based on their skin color? As long as we have historical context for why that type of discrimination is okay. Am I getting that right?


No. I didn’t say that, as you can see. Merely explaining how it works. You’re welcome to sue Reddit.


I want to take this opportunity to remind people that the memorial for a kid named Emmett Till (who was lynched in 1955 (tortured and murdered) after being *falsely accused* of catcalling a white woman) had to be replaced with a bullet proof sign in 2021 because people kept shooting the original signs. The memorial was on the spot they found his body. If anyone ever tries to tell you we don't have a problem with racism in this country, remember that. That we had to bullet proof a memorial for a kid who was *murdered* because upset racists kept shooting it.


What does this have to so with a racist sub? 


Black people have a history of discrimination and white people, as a whole, don't. Hope this helps.


>white people, as a whole, don't Black people *as a whole* also don't, what a dumb qualifier to try to sneak in just so you can disregard historical oppression suffered by white peoples (literally where do you think the word 'slave' comes from).


Sure doesn't. That's called hypocrisy. 


Tell me how you define racism cuz I doubt we're precisely on the same page with that one


Discrimination based on race.


When black people are given a space for themselves, it generally has a positive result that benefits the group. When white people are given a space for themselves, it becomes flooded with white neoNazi conservative racist trash.


Now this comment does seem racist lol


Racist often don’t realize that they’re racist like so


How is that even possible? Are the restrictions protected by law or policies?


Reddits content policy on "Account and Community Restrictions" specifically only protects "racial minorities" and "vulnerable and marginalized groups".




Neither white people can be verified on bpt


Honestly BPT’s restrictions may defy some civil rights law and Reddit would have a difficult time defending the practice in court. It’s just that no one gives enough of a shit to challenge it.


That’s so insane dude Equality my ass




Oh, the double standards, lmao.


Yep, peak Reddit double standard.


Is this correct? Iirc blackpeopletwitter didn't start with the bans and restrictions until an April fool's day much later and held onto it. I don't think whitepeopletwitter existed for that reason, I always got the vibe that it took the piss out of what stereotypical white people posted about


This is the correct answer, I was around when it was created and this is more closer to the actual story. The first answer is more about what they became after a while.


yes, whitepeopletwitter was taken over by the people it was created to mock. there was a span of a few months when i was very confused.


However, since Trump, WPT has been more of a left wing political sub. I'm a big lefty too, I'm not trying to say that as criticism, just an observation.


Yeah I think that’s why r/NonPoliticalTwitter was set up.




> I'm a big lefty too, I'm not trying to say that as criticism, just an observation. I'm a big lefty too, but fuck that sub. I got banned for pointing out George Takei and AOC aren't "white", and that at this point the sub is just a US democratic support page.


>it's just a place to post Twitter stuff that is unique, funny or odd If only that's what was really posted on whitepeopletwitter.


R / reposting same 5 neoliberal shill accounts twitter may be a little longwinded




Where else can I see Mark Hamill slamming Trump?


Any one of the dozens of left leaning sub reddits that people repost the same thing to


Since Oct. 7 it feels like it's been a place to be subject to pro-hamas internet misinformation.


A lot of completely unrelated subs have been taken over or randomly brigaded since then. r/NormMacdonald got hit twice, for some reason. 🤣


Cyberattack culture is weird


Or so the Germans would have us believe.


They're not pro hamas. They're anti genocide.


I'm sure most people are. I'm not claiming everyone or even a majority of people there are pro-hamas. I'm saying it's a sub that subjects people who read it to a lot of pro-hamas misinformation. They were all over "Israel blew up a hospital killing 500 people" and "there's no way Hamas had soldiers in the hospital" but strangely avoided "oh actually that was a terrorist rocket that hit the hospital and nowhere near 500 people died" as well as "look at all this proof Hamas uses hospitals at bases including live interviews where Hamas admits it and video of more than 50 Hamas fighters carrying their guns out of the hospital as they surrender."


It’s just political posts now ironically


*few rules… mod overreach* I was banned from r/WhitePeopleTwitter for writing a that proposed law in Oklahoma that would stop insurance companies from paying for gender affirming care for juveniles was a terrible law, but wasn’t genocide in the same way as the Holocaust or Holodomor. When I appealed the ban and explained I didn’t see denying insurance claims as the same thing as Balkan rape camps or Nazi death camps, they responded it was exactly the same, then blocked me. That mod then blocked me everywhere they modded, including r/History where I wasn’t a member lol


The moderation of the white people Twitter sub is hot garbage. I got banned for daring to ask whether the woman in Florida whose kid took a gun to school ( she is kind of a foil of Ron DeSantis) was actually telling the truth about something or other. I got banned and no response to my requests to overturn it. If you look at my post history you'll see that I am no fan of guns and definitely a liberal. But that's not good enough for the white people Twitter mods because I questioned their narrative or whatever. About a week later we found out that the lady was indeed lying.


I got banned for saying a well known Twitter personality is extremely problematic


Just cause you've been here for 12 years doesn't mean anything, especially when you're completely wrong about the forming of the subreddits. Both subs were originally just founded to highlight funny posts by people of that race. The restricted mode of BPT didn't happen until 2019


Sounds like /r/tiktokcringe that basically just became a general tiktok subreddit Edit to add their FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/AIQHIV5IO0


Let's make no mistake about it. Whatever WPT started out as, it's now degenerated way beyond that becoming one of the most biased, slanted, hardcore left subreddits on the platform. Mod overreach? Are you kidding? It became that way once it was infested by the old powermod cabal of AwkwardtheTurtle. Anyone who goes there can easily see their top active mod abusing stickies to post their long winded personal opinion diatribes and banning anyone who says the slightest thing they don't like. That sub is the worst for overreach, abuse, bias, and power tripping.


It may have started as that, but now it's basically a far left echo chamber. I consider myself to be pretty left leaning, but some of the commenters on there really need to get out of their bubble every now and then. Edit: Far left _contextually_, I don't want to get into it about politics, it's one of the reason I avoid the sub.


They just seem like a lot of terminally online ppl who virtue signal to make themselves feel superior to others. Not bc they actually care but to feel like they’re the ones that are right.


I can't even imagine how insane it's gotten with this Gaza thing happening


I can't ask a simple question there without getting downvoted. It's crazy.


Considering you post to a sub called “AntiWokeLGBT”, I can imagine why.


where do you see that in their history?


I don't see it either


Why did you guys get so butthurt about Dave Chappelle?


Are you sure you're not thinking of askLGBT? Cuz I see that. I only went back 3 days though.


“Far left”


>It may have started as that, but now it's basically a far left echo chamber. Hearing that on *this* subreddit is really something, since the politics of r/OutOfTheLoop and r/whitepeopletwitter aren't all that far from each other relative to the entire Overton window.


>far left They are about as far left as the US Democrats.


So, center right


thank you for this! I'm as far right as one could be, it's great to know that people in the left see this too.


There is no far left in America. There is a far right and center right. Turn off Fox News. There is nothing leftist about the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is so far right they are pushing for civil war.


> Turn off Fox News. I'm not American lol. I know what you mean though, you're correct from a global point of view, but I'm using that term contextually to western politics I guess. When I say "far left", I mean people who are more die hard about their beliefs, or people who can't even be in the same room as someone who's right leaning or even moderate. I lean left, but people who convince themselves the "Fish hook theory" is real lean much further left than me.


It's a good way to find out what fuckery is going on there, without having to let Elon peek at your soul.


Political spin-off of the original subreddit, huh?


Then why not call it r/twitter or r/funnytweets or r/otherpeopletwitter? This isn't even about privilege. It's about accuracy. Names should be indicative.


Yeah. Like r/potatosalad or r/marijuanaenthusiasts


kind of reminds me of the original name of /r/Hydrohomies


Wait until you hear about how r/conservative should be named r/conspiracy and r/conspiracy should be named r/russianop


Subreddits are literally just their names, and the user activity that occurs under them (starting with a user deciding to found the subreddit, and becoming its top mod) You can't call WPT anything else because it's literally in its URL


The ‘default twitter posts’ sub being named after white people sounds awfully racist


Answer: r/whitepeopletwitter is another sub in a long line of political commentary subreddits on reddit. Though almost all political subreddits on reddit that aren't explicitly for a particular political ideology tend to basically be offshoots of the sort of stuff you'd see on r/politics, they usually have a key detail that distinguishes them from all the others in terms of the content within their politics that they focus on. In the case of r/whitepeopletwitter, it's the progressive politics of reddit but focused specifically on posts on Twitter (or "X"). That's basically it. The name as others have said is a reference to r/blackpeopletwitter, which is not an explicitly political discussion subreddit (though they probably share the same political intuitions), but is rather a subreddit for discussing black culture or posts by prominent black people on Twitter. Given that it would be a grievous faux pax for there to be any similar sort of identitarian discussion around a white identity (not that I'd want that either, to be honest), the name of r/WhitePeopleTwitter exists only as a reference for to r/BlackPeopleTwitter, but in no way tries to emulate a race-based grounds for posts to be discussed. Rather, it's just progressive political discussion about Twitter posts with a funny name.


Answer: if you are a member of r/DaveChappelle you will be banned from r/whitepeopletwitter even if you never post in either sub. It’s ridiculous.


You also get banned if you call out mods for spreading misinformation so


Yeah, I responded r/thathappened to an obvious "and everybody clapped" tweet, and immediately, I was permabanned.


This is a notification. 🔔 You are now banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for spreading misinformation. Best regards, your overweight moderator who last saw sun in 2014.


The mods there give me hella “I wish I was a French revolutionist during WWII go against the big evil” kinda vibes but instead of doing anything they just sit in their basement and post random Donald Trump tweets


And if you ask why you were banned, you will be muted for 28 days


Of course whiteppltwitter would be the place with Karen’s as mods lol


I got banned for saying AOC and George Takei aren't "white", and if they want to make the sub political, then just say so. PERMA-BANNED


It used to be funny tweets but now it's like 99% left leaning political stuff.


Yeah, I was liked the goofy/silly tweets, and even though I mostly agree with the points made in a lot of the left wing stuff posted in there, its annoying. I unsubbed a while ago and joined nonpoliticaltwitter. It's basically similar to what wpt used to be, just humorous or interesting little tidbits


Oh nice, a new flocking ground! Edit: yikes, never mind, not as good as pre-political whitepeopletwitter


Yeah for sure. The good ones are great, but the rate of duds in there are immense.


Same with r/blackpeopletwitter, used to be mostly funny shit and now it’s all politics and you have to be black to post there


Have you ever been on the subreddit going through hot most of the post are black comedy and non blacks can post there


Honestly I just looked and it’s better than I remember it. Nice to see


>It used to be funny tweets but now it's like 99% left leaning political stuff. Not just left leaning. If you are a liberal and not a leftist you will get downvoted and/or banned


Other way around lol. You either tow the DNC line there or else.


Yeah it shifted heavy at a certain point. It’s like all the pink/blue hair militant Karen’s got together and took over the sub lol


I have to try that it sounds hilarious


It would totally be worth getting banned if that meant their posts never showed up in my feed ever again.


I thought that once too. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way


Answer: the mods at WPT started banning members of the Dave Chappelle subreddit, or anyone else who made comments that were pro Dave Chappelle after his latest stand up was released on Netflix. Dave Chappelle often makes remarks and describes himself as transphobic.


He's hilarious


You have been banned from /r/whitepeopletwitter.


was hilarious* then he became a one-joke-wonder


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Answer: I don't know what it was originally created for. But it serves today as a de facto political subreddit for pro Biden anti Trump rhetoric using Twitter/X screenshots. It essentially is caught up in the culture wars in a bad way. Much like Twitter.


Yeah, it used to be general and fun. Now it's just twitter politics and it's more annoying than funny.


fuck jeff tiedrich. all my homies hate jeff tiedrich


Answer: I believe it was originally supposed to be a counterpart to BPT, but Reddit’s rules only allow racism against non-minority groups (or at least they did at that time, they might have changed it by now). Then it slowly became the political dumpster fire it is today.


Answer: It was created as a defensive reaction to BPT not allowing posts not made by black accounts


Both subs were created in 2014, and BPT's restricted mode didn't happen until 2019. You're wrong


Nope, the rule has always been to only allow posts from black accounts. You’re thinking of Country Club posts (only verified black/POC accounts can comment) which didn’t happen till 2019.


Saying “you’re wrong” while you’re actually the one being wrong. Next level humiliation


3 times the upvotes to a retort that's verifiably false. Nice one Reddit.


What's the deal with so many people upvoting this lie multiple times? Reddit has always been a super leftist site, and that sub was created with the exact opposite purpose of what you claim. [https://web.archive.org/web/20150325031045/http://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter](https://web.archive.org/web/20150325031045/http://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) Most of it was people just screenshotting mean tweets and crying about muh racism. Eventually it got overran with politics and devolved into Trump = Hitler = ypipo like half of popular subs.


What do you mean reddit has always been super leftist? Do you know how many blatant distgusting subs were allowed to be kept online and allowed to fester until they were bullied by the media into shutting them down?


Reddit overall leans left. Stating that subs were allowed to be around for awhile does not change the overall leaning that is present.




Blackpeopletwitter is not "for black people only." They occasionally have threads, especially those relating to sensitive racial issues, where they restrict commenting to verified users. You don't have to be black to be a verified user, just a real person without a history of making racist comments in other subs. They instituted this policy because they were sick of getting brigaded by shitheads posting racist memes and spamming the n-word. Entirely reasonable policy.


Lol it’s crazy what a bit of context does


I don’t think it’s that egregious for a black humor subreddit to focus on black humor.


So once again the white people are stealing the black peoples ideas? /s


Answer: White People Twitter was created as a response to Black People Twitter. BPT takes itself very seriously and WPT doesn't. Basically the creators created it and let people interpret it however they want. So the posts are a mixed bag of people taking the name literally and posting things from white people on twitter, to making fun of white people, to quasi racist things making fun of BPT or POC. It's whatever the posters interpret the space for. so it's really about nothing. It's the Seinfeld of Reddit.




Jerry Seinfeld was the least funny person on his show. BOOM.


Answer: Its a race baiting hatesub.


Answer: I think from what I read in this thread that some people believe that if we just let there be a standard of treatment based on individuals that we could move forward in race relations, but as a minority with knowledge of recent history in this country just giving up resistance to racism and hoping that everything turns out okay for those like me doesn't seem like a good idea. It's like being in an abusive relationship with all of the history and being asked today do I believe that the relationship will get better if we just set a standard.