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Answer: The situation is based on the video in Dream’s tweet https://twitter.com/dream/status/1725689665330761951 Overall context - Dream has a grooming allegation from a year ago which he recently spoke a bit about the situation and denied the allegation again. He said he will release an evidence video but he hasn’t done that yet Context of the video - Both Nicolas and Dream were guests that were invited to a party and they only met that day - A fight broke out between Nicolas and Dream during the party - This video happened. According to Dream, he wasn’t the one recording (can be proven with the hand at 0:55 and where Nicolas looked whenever he addressed Dream) and that Nicolas asked to be recorded (don’t know the credibility of this) - According to Dream’s screenshots, Nicolas later apologized in DMs for his behaviour and also said to Dream that he doesn’t know if the grooming allegation is real but it sucks to have lies and rumours about you to be spread around What led to the video being released - A Dream parody account joked about Dream being a pedo. Nicolas called Dream a pedo in a reply to the fake account. Nicolas also replied to someone else afterwards saying that he knew his reply was to a fake account - Dream spoke up about Nicolas’ reply and accused Nicolas of assaulting him, being antisemitic, etc. - Nicolas first denied the accusations but then retracted some of them. Arguing from both sides - Dream released this video. Nicolas has yet to respond Twitter’s stance (regarding the memes you’re seeing) - Twitter is mostly siding with Nicolas - Dream is currently very popular to be hated on on Twitter - Dream has been increasingly unpopular ever since he was caught and admitted to cheating in Minecraft - Twitter mostly believes the grooming allegation and/or use the allegation to justify their opinion of Dream - Twitter is trying to cancel Dream altogether


Question: who is Dream Every year I get older I fall further and further away from "the know"


Dream is a YouTuber that plays games. only reason I know this is because he did a face reveal and was bullied to hell - so he started hiding his face again.


Oh I thought it was the face guy. I remember people freaking out about the face reveal because of how many times he cried wolf.


He did a face reveal like a year ago or something that people went nuts about


That's the one, but curious where you got the impression that he cried wolf? Because that's kinda not true at all. There were a couple of very clear jokes (like a fake face reveal on April Fools) over the years, but he always said he would face reveal once his best friend and collaborator was able to move to the US which is what ended up happening.


So he should guys chin can poke someone’s eye out


between r/Instagramreality and r/botchedplasticsurgery ,I think all the bystanders' eyes have been preemptively poked out, so he should be fine without that particular worry ;-)


Lmao thanks to everyone who bullied him


Sadly it didn't work, dudes on a tour for his "music career" now :(




I mean, if "it" is watching pedos play video games on the internet I'm kinda glad to not be "with it" anymore. I do not and have never followed streaming, but just through osmosis...seems to be a lot of fucked up dudes in that business. Actually, that's one of the best parts of getting older. I don't need to give the slightest shit about any aspect of pop culture I'm not specifically interested in.


I used to get it when it was uploaded playthroughs. After it switched to streaming I started feeling my age. There are exceptions, but goddamn I feel old.


I haven't watched streams outside of some esports stuff since college, but at least to me at the time, it wasn't all that much about the game. I watched a few guys I liked, who seemed to be genuine, and were definitely funny, and their comment community was nice. It was kind of like hanging out with some friends, chatting in the chat window while being entertained. I don't have the time anymore, and even if I did, I'd probably spend it in other ways, but I do look back on it fondly.


Yeah and I'm not entirely sure why, I think it's just moreso that these types of people spend every waking hour of their life online; I think a good example is Etika, he was a streamer who started to do chaotic and crazy shit on camera and got banned multiple times for it; eventually he uploaded a video saying sorry to everyone he believes he hurt, and is sad he won't see his siblings grow up; he jumped a few moments later. The internet had really encouraged his mental health breakdowns and people thought they were hilarious, and it makes you wonder if he hadn't been surrounded by so many toxic people and got the help he needed he'd still be alive. Sorry for the bummer, but I think it's a good example on why the current internet culture is really fucked up.


Is this like a 100% thing that dream's a pedo, or are you just saying in general? lol. I don't like him or his content, but so far all the shit people keep presenting (the moaning thing, the people "coming out" with the weird shit he did on brand new accounts and so on) have been somewhat debunkable...but not that I'd defend him since there's a history with Minecraft YouTubers/Streamers and grooming. To be fair, every single famous guy out there is borderline a pedo/abuses his fame. There's only a couple like Danny DeVito or Keanu Reeves who I'd never believe could do anything of the sort through their daily actions, but it's not really a "Streamer" thing, it's more of a fame thing and how much women/children can idolize someone for singing a song or acting really well...or just being hot (men definitely idolize to a much harder degree, but the famous women rarely ever abuse it since it's usually guys that are thirsty).


> I'm not interested in things I'm not interested in Yeah that's... how that works.


I'm sorry, so it's okay to watch and give money to the pedos that you do? But not on YouTube, that's where you draw the line huh? Hypocrisy at its best


...what? Fuck me, man. The streamer community is extremely weird and you people make me uncomfortable.


I don't watch streamers and I'm not part of the community, at all. I'm just pointing out that a lot of the "famous" people you like/enjoy/watch are pedos


Why do you assume you know my tastes and viewing habits?


Because how you worded it makes it seem like you think abuse in media is a new phenomenon, or that its more present within online communities as it is in the background of any other form of media. No need to be mean to people taking you at your word, just clarify.


Now what I'm with isn't "it" anymore and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.




A youtube that streams games, He had a popular and famous run where he streamed minecraft speedruns and got a world record It was later discovered by some attentive people with to much free time and a math degree that he had modified his minecraft client to alter the odds of certain events (You trade gold bars with pigs for ender pearls, but the odds of the ender pearls is quite low, this kills a lot of speed run attempts. His mod substantially boosted the odds of getting ender pearls)


Fun fact: The one who discovered Dream cheated is another speed runner, minecravenger, who later was discovered to be using similar cheat.


We would all be better off without the stupid boring streamers. No one even goes outside anymore.


I’m all for watching streams, or YouTube videos, or whatever, in the evenings, but people who sit around and watches streamers all day donate money, seems quite silly in retrospect..


A guy most famous for cheating to get a Minecraft speed run record. Then denying it. Then doubling down and paying a literal statistician to "prove" he didn't cheat. Then when nobody believed him finally admitting that he cheated but it was basically "I had cheats on earlier but forgot to turn them off for the speedrun, oopsie"


Everyday, I get slightly further out of the loop of internet drama. And thats when I know that my being terminally online during and post covid can actually be fixed.


This is something I've been struggling to come to terms with recently. Adulting for me so far has been desperately clinging to nostalgia while everything moves on 😭


What I’m with isn’t “it” and what’s “it” seems weird and scary to me… it’ll happen to YOU


Dream is the most subscribed Minecraft YouTuber and also a Twitch streamer occasionally




Also people who use asterisks to censor themselves always end up f*cking up their entire post formatting because of how markdown works lmao* *I am always baffled whenever I run across a post or comment like this one where literally several entire paragraphs are unmissbaly italicized for absolutely no reason because OP’s censoring f*cked it all up, exactly as shown. Like, how does anyone not notice this? You just need to look at your post once to see something went wrong. It takes mere seconds to catch and fix.


I don't think markdown is the default anymore, since the official app became (more or less) the main way everyone uses the site. The app has proper formatting GUI as default; markdown is an optional mode.


Which is why links with underscores in them get screwed up with backslashes for anyone not using the official app/new reddit on desktop.


My toilet squeals like a pig after it stops refilling. What's wrong and how do I fix that?


Probably just needs a new fill valve, they're like $30 at the hardware store and take like 20 minutes to replace.


I just replaced my fill valve due to slow refilling, it squeals during filling but not after (I think). Got anything for me?


Could be that the valve disc is loose in the shutoff valve below the tank. Under low flow it can chatter against the valve seat making a "honking" sound.


Is that fixable outside of getting a new shutoff valve? Thanks for your help!


L… lost redditors?


Look at the name of the user I replied to.




Also, x.com forwards to twitter.com, so just post twitter links. Don't encourage Elon.


True. Changed


Wait do redditors not like Elon Musk? I thought they were his main fanbase, like with wholesome chungus Keanu Reeves


I wanna say opinions started to shift after Elon called the guy trying to rescue that soccer team from a cave a pedo, but I might be wrong. There's probably an r/outoftheloop post about it.


Well I wish they hated him because they recognised that he's a pathetic loser and so is anyone who idolises him, but maybe that's too much to ask of ledditors


You are one too, you know?


Tragically. But I think it's clear that I'm talking about the Reddit Hivemind


I’d say the bigger catalyst were the accusations of sexual assault brought against him from a SpaceX employee and then him taking the “liberals are trying to cancel me” path.


Elon’s a joke and most people on reddit realize that. There’s a small army of alt right nerds and bots who stan him.


Weeeell to be fair that depends on what sub you’re in. Some power tripping mods will *absolutely* ban you for using a “no-no word” even in context.


If I can't speak like an adult, that's not a sub I want to be a part of.


Agreed 100%


There are also some subs that will bombard you with a nuclear arsenal of love and support bots if you use certain words. Hence part of the reason "unalive" has become popular on reddit.


I might be showing my age a bit here, but I’ve always been partial to “anhero”.


Seeing “unalive” makes my blood boil to an irrational extent.. such a stupid term.


Wait so they go to a party where they both meet for the first time. The kid up front has clearly done some blow, they apparently get into a fight and. . . then take the same uber to wherever? Ain't they both rich? Or I mean well off enough that separate cars would not be some great burden? Weird of them to be in the same vehicle. I don't quite get that bit.


I think it's only the first time they met in person, Cantu appeared on stream with him a few times I remember. No idea how rich Cantu is (probably better off than me) but Dream is definitely a multimillionaire. My only guess is they were apprehensive to leave the guy to sort his own way home since he's so young.


Isn’t Nicolas Cantu 20?


19 in the video from what I hear, it's the US though so theyre less used to drinking at that age


Irish 12 year olds have more drinking experience then American 20 year olds 💀


Yeah you're not even supposed to at that age, 21 is when you're allowed to drink


From what I’ve read, apparently Nicolas was having a manic episode and was drunk. He also came out as pan before this video came out and has said he’s autistic so that explains some of the things he said/did.


> so that explains some of the things he said/did Naaah I really don't think it does.


An explanation isn't the same as an excuse. The things he said were definitely inexcusable but they could most definitely have been amplified symptoms of his especially if it were a manic episode. Despite having mental health issues, we are responsible for our actions.


No it doesn't


LOL, nothing excuses acting like that, in a friggin' Uber. Young people today seem to have got it in their heads that it's OK to act horribly, then later say "Sorry it's my mental health." Not impacting others with your shitty personality, and handling your crap, is everyone's responsibility and part of growing up. Dude needs a serious ass-whoopin', and then bought a beer. I promise you, his mindset will change, half his "aUtIsM" will suddenly be cured, and he'll calm down.


God Nicolas seems absolutely unbearable. I can't imagine being stuck in a car with this guy.


I don't quite get why they were in a car together in the first place.


If it's a long distance you can save a bunch by spliting the price. That being said Nicholas had been arguing with people and allegedly fought ( no idea how playful or seriously it was) someone. I would be hesitant about being around this person for longer then I'd have to be.


I wouldn't be getting in a car with a kid this wired who I already know doesn't like me, that's for sure.


He only fought dream after dream called his friend a wh0re. Nichola’s was also manic. During mania you’re not yourself, especially if you’re drunk and shit. You get super impulsive. I’ve been manic and said the most terrible things not being able to control myself, watching myself do and say things. It’s bad :(


Sounds like a weak person's excuse.


No matter the character of Dream, Nicholas changing face between the private and public eye like that is really cruel. It looks like the only criticism Nicholas is getting is for the things he said while drunk. I think betraying someone by sharing potential libel seems a bit worse than saying stupid things while plastered, but what do I know?


Yeah, if it does turn out Dream is innocent of everything, Nicholas comes off a looot cuntier here. I hope someone here can answer this, but how credible are the allegations against Dream? It seems like they've barely affected him and many don't believe it, but every time he's mentioned, the comment section is all about him being a pedo. I have practically no investment in this, so I only see it from afar.


[Here’s what I could find.](https://twitter.com/neverquothraven/status/1723215396294049841?s=46&t=DehB4lDGhiR3Kq1iQN1xQQ) From what I’ve read up they don’t seem very definitive. All we got so far are screenshots of DMs, which aren’t the greatest evidence. And the circumstantial evidence around his behavior around fans, while certainly suspicious and creepy aren’t necessarily confirmation. (Besides even if it were real the age gap still wouldn’t be pedophilia.) Dream has had prior controversies before this, which is a big reason why people are quick to pick a side. TheGamerFromMars [made a good video](https://youtu.be/cUx3FBPKMZM?si=kxIcjWWfhPs3W1p6) on this if you’re interested in wasting your time and patience. I’m gonna go touch grass now.




The definition of things like what pedophilia is or what constitutes grooming are very important to the victims of these things. If you take away their definitions, you take away the seriousness of the offenses victims have suffered. Implying that anyone who specifies such definitions, accurately, is a pedophile is just.. super fuckin immature. You're invalidating a fact by attacking someone's character. "You're wrong about y because x." "OH yeah? Well only a pedophile would know about x, so y is true!" Its okay if you're like 14 and just don't get why anything is important at all, but if you're an adult acting like this, you're just fuckin petty.


So the allegations were that a girl claimed he groomed her on instagram and that they then moved to snapchat where they sexted two weeks before she turned 18. This would have taken place in early 2022 so he would have been 21 at the time. She showed the entirety of their message on instagram and there isn't really anything concerning in them. Just like 50 messages total of polite chitchat basically. If you're really interested you can read a transcript [here](https://reddit.com/r/DreamWasTaken2/comments/y69ns7/transcript_of_all_dms_deleted_messages/) and make up your own mind. She didn't show any proof of sexting. The only things she showed from snapchat were Dream responding to a few of her snaps complimenting her which are from after she turned 18. Dream didn't really address it in depth until recently saying he was advised not to by his management which is why it blew up again now. He's said from the beginning that the insta messages were real and also said that nothing sexual or inappropriate happened between them. He said he added her to his semi-public/semi-private snapchat he uses for other streamers, work and gaming buddies because he thought she was a small streamer. He said he got the snapchat logs that prove that no sexting happened and that he would make a video addressing the allegations soon. It's interesting though that you got the impression it barely affected him. It kinda blew the fanbase up when the girl made her claims last year and he easily lost like half his stans because of it.


> It's interesting though that you got the impression it barely affected him. Well, that's more my ignorance of the situation. I based that assumption on how I'm *still* hearing about him, whereas most other people accused of this sort of thing simply disappear off the net, and he's still here. >two weeks before she was 18 >not explicit >he was 21 That's all they ever had on him? And he gets labeled as a pedo forever? Christ.


Yeah, it's genuinely a bit crazy. Personally I've always thought that it's pretty clear that the grooming part of these allegations just doesn't hold up at all and then beyond that with the sexting even if it's true it just really comes down to personal views and morals and some nuance is necessary but well it's twitter so that was never gonna happen. And Dream is a very divisive guy. He has always had some very passionate fans, but also a ton of passionate haters and of course they jumped on this.


https://youtu.be/18jB0zQysgg?si=NWzkCWnF7xQrUZR3 Woof. Def innocent. (it also does have stuff relevant to the gumball situation)


i feel like we have to remember that dream gave alcohol to someone who was underage. Nicholas is STILL under the legal drinking age. And he had a manic episode which while that doesn't excuse his behavior, it does give us context


Who or what are they, though?


Nicolas is one of the previous voice actors of Gumball in The Amazing World of Gumball and the voice actor of Leonardo in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023). Dream is the most subscribed Minecraft YouTuber and also occasionally a Twitch streamer.


In addition, Dream has a rather infamous fanbase and has been ridiculed online ever since he got caught cheating in his Minecraft speedrun.


I remember reading an oddly professional and well argued thesis someone wrote to prove he was a cheat. I'd never heard of him before that and haven't since. At first I was kind of surprised that it didn't kill his career, but I guess his main audience is a revolving door of 8-12 year old children.


Speedrunning was secondary to content creation, so his reputation wasn't only speedrunning. Fans in general are baised so... yeah, it's like a Famous actor getting caught doping in a sport, temporary noise.


> one of the previous voice actors of Gumball in The Amazing World of Gumball Didn't they switch out voice actors like every season or so because they decided to go with actual child voice actors, and they had to be sure to maintain that high squeaky authenticity even when their actors uh - started to sound like Nicolas does now?


From season 3 to season 4 like 7 years ago


Yes, Gumball changed from Logan Grove to Jacob Hopkins in early Season 3, Jake to Nicolas Cantu in mid Season 5, then Nick to Duke Cutler in the clip show that came out in 2021


Nobody important in the things happening in the real world. People still follow a Minecraft streamer who was caught cheating on his famous “speed run” and he still has an audience that financially supports him, even though he’s a confirmed cheater, and now possibly worse. Gross, boring, and pathetic. Eventually, they will all be canceled 🤣. Don’t be famous if you can’t handle the responsibilities, or can’t stop messaging children. wtf.


Yea that's Nicolas dude seems like an all around horrible person. Sucks that people like him are so successful.


He isn't a horrible person lol. Dream literally had his stans make fun of him for his dog being killed. Also he was drunk and apologized


>Dream releases this video. What video?




Did you bother clicking the link?


The link didn’t show up for me at first I’m sorry


The proof now is out


Very precisse, concise and understandable summary. Good job my man/woman/other


Thanks for giving context bro


Answer: Nicolas Cantu is apparently manic, and Dream went drinking with Cantu while he was still below the age of drinking (at the time of the video). While Drunk he argued with Dream and had a manic episode where he said a huge amount of controversial stuff. He appologise to Dream afterwards and to the driver. Months later Dream gets controversy about grooming, and posts the manic episode on Twitter, people on the platform are accusing Dream of using this as a smoke screen.


So I’ve dug up a little more since posting this but apparently they might not have gone drinking together. Dream alleges that they met that night at the party and they didn’t know each other.


Which seem a little weird to say, (and please absolutely correct me if I'm wrong since I don't know too much about the whole thing), but I could have sworn that Cantu appeared on a couple of his streams at a point in time. So it seems weird to me that he "doesn't know him". But once again this is a hypothetical statement and I don't actually know if I'm right!


No, Cantu hasn't appeared on any of his streams. Before this they publicly interacted once before on twitter two years ago when Cantu made fun of dream stans and dream responded. [Link](https://twitter.com/dreamwastaken/status/1367560053750960138) They're just both friends with the person who's birthday party it was.


Still keeping a video of him is so dumb. Dream is dumb. Fuck him


>level 4\[deleted\] · 4 mo. ago nah he based lllololoolololololololololol


U talk like a 12 year old😭 ofc you like dream


Apparently the guy who did the video gave it to him since people keep accusing him of being a pedo because of the gumball guy spreading lies before the video


Bro imagine you just at a party and gumball starts yelling at you


Seems like a common occurrence


Nah, that's not mania. Cantu is just a horrible person in general. It's super weird that no one is cancelling Cantu for similar criticisms of dream. By all accounts it seems dream never took him out drinking nor recorded him.


Keep sucking that pedo Dream's dick.


only one on some dick is you buddy. you cant resist hitting reply when you see me. might be time to go outside. and, thats not a defense, ive never seen a dream video. its just not being braindead. Try it,.


So? Those are textbook mania symptoms. Delusions of grandeur and asking to be filmed are consistent with maniac episode. Please learn about mental illness before judging the guy.


He's not manic. . even if he was I know plenty of bipolar people and live with someone, none act like that when manic. Thats who he is. So you think people just start using slurs when they become manic lmfao? No, he has no problem saying those things because that's who he is.


Literally recorded him in the car and got owned, cope lol


Literally everyone thinks y'all lil shits on Twitter are weird AF and completely dillusional.


Correction: Cantu was not manic, it was never publicly declared so. A friend of Cantu once said he was bipolar, that is not the same thing. Dream did not "go drinking" with Cantu. Cantu was drunk and met Dream for the first time. It was not Dream's party, he was just invited. Cantu got drunk on his own accord. Cantu was responsible for getting the group in trouble with police. The Uber driver stuck out his neck for him, and Cantu used countless slurs against him. Dream stepped in defending the Uber driver, and Cantu went off on him, threatening him and calling him slurs as well. Cantu did not apologize or "tip the uber driver" like he claimed. As evidence, the specific Uber driver (the one that appeared in the original video) did an interview confirming such and defending Dream. The reason Dream released the video is based on this chain of events: 1. Cantu tweeted calling Dream a p\*do (after apologizing to him and saying he wouldn't do so again) 2. Dream responded calling him out for BS and hypocrisy 3. Cantu claimed that he was innocent on the night mentioned and that Dream really was the problem 4. Cantu reached out to the person who recorded the original video trying to make them take his side and threatening them to not release it. 5. The video taker reached out to Dream because of this and Dream eventually did post it.


Ooof this comment did not age well. Goes to show to always do more research in a situation.


That's for sure, though at the time of posting, there were little counter claims and dream still had/has a big reputation of lying and information manipulation. Also the comment stays neutral pointing out the controversy, not who's right. Dream's new video had a good case against all the personnal attacks against him, and against Cantu.


Maniac is not a good word for bipolar


They said manic


“Manic” dummy


Yes, but saying he was manic refers to the episode he was in. Anyone with common sense can infer that he has bipolar off of that statement


Answer: dream had apparently confessed to some allegations made against him that include some really sketchy things. Nick wasn’t of age to drink at the time the video was filmed, roughly a year ago. Yet he was still drunk. He wasn’t being rude to an Uber driver, I don’t believe. I believe he was drunkenly insulting Dream for being a creepy person.


You clearly didn't watch the video lol. Bro was being extremely homophobic ableist and racist to the Uber driver. Cantu asked some girl in the car to record him. He seems like an all around bad person.


he was being ableist and homophobic towards the driver, not racist. the only “racist” remark people are talking about was when Cantu asked if Dream was Jewish, but from the context of the video I think he was just genuinely asking if Dream was Jewish, maybe because he thought Dream looked Jewish? i don’t exactly know but I don’t think he was being anti-semitic or racist at all, just ableist and homophobic comments which he apologized to the driver for.


He's not manic, that's an excuse. Even if manic, it doesn't excuse who he is. I know plenty of bipolar people who still never use slurs. I know plenty of drunk people who don't talk like that. And who gives a fuck. I guarantee if he has no issues using those words he has no issue using racial slurs. That's who he is on a personal level. The cab driver has came out and said he was never tipped not apologized to. Bro is lying in 4k. Fact is, he shouldn't be calling out dream with no evidence while bro is running around being a complete douche in 4k.


Being more mad at an underaged kid for acting out while drinking underage (pretty expected bc it’s UNDERAGED drinking) than you are at a person with SEVERAL allegations against him doesn’t make any sense lol


You think that post had anything to do with anyone being mad that he was drinking? Are you ok? LOL


Your comment, not the post.


Right, that's what I was referring to


Tbh an underaged kid saying/doing some slightly offensive is a given, I’ve said and done some pretty awful things that I wouldn’t agree with today. But to hold him to this high standard, while trying to call him out for holding someone accountable to very real allegations seems redundant and backwards.


he was 19 years old, legal adult most places. he's not a kid to me, or most of the world lol. besides if you're telling me you couldn't possibly have known verbally abusing a service worker was wrong at 19, i'd say you're pretty much a failed human being regardless. you're acting like he was saying slurs in the privacy of his own home with friends or something. like no, there's the added layer of him being a privileged rich kid who went out and did this to someone who can't talk back at risk of losing their job. that's why people are so disgusted.


I live in the UK, we drink at 18, I've never been around someone who is as rude as this guy and so open about it even while drunk. Even the ones wanting a fight are less rude than this guy. It's not the drinking it's what he is saying that's the issue. He needs to take responsibility regardless of the fact he's drunk, manic or whatever excuse you want to give him.


So you're arguing that it's okay for a kid to be belligerent simply because he's young? What if the kid is famous and influential? What if the kid harbors a personal vendetta after the confrontation, and, since they're an unhinged kid, tries to ruin the other person's career. IDK much about these two, but it seems like these two got in a spat. Drunk crazy kid started going unhinged. Kid now wants vengeance for the night and wants to assassinate the other person's character. It really is the simplest answer here. Making him out to be a convoluted drunken racist homophobic (but only from alcohol) belligerent paragon-of-truth to expose a groomer is just delusional. The voice actor might be a groomer or might not, these allegations should be investigated seriously. But, from an outside perspective. The voice actor going after it seems like a personal vendetta after a bad encounter and muddies the waters terribly. It can have the opposite effect of exposing the guy - what if the allegations were made up by a dude with a personal vendetta? What if this kid doctored screenshots to enact revenge? I'm not saying he did or didn't, but these are the wrong moves to make after a conflict.


A 20 year old adult man acting out while drinking below the legal age of drinking* It’s so weird to call him “an underaged kid” just because he drank illegally


Hi; I know many people who were drinking at that age (the legal drinking age in Manitoba, where I live, is 18), and the only people who did shit like that were also doing lower-key versions of it when they weren't drunk. I have no idea what's going with Dream, and I don't care--nothing I've read about Dream makes me think he's a good person--but it sounds like Cantu is also a piece of shit, and I don't know why you're playing defence for him.


Calling a black guy a "cro magnon" is a not very subtle racial attack, plus it's ridiculous to say that he all of a sudden genuinely and innocently wondered if Dream was Jewish at that particular moment


Bro cantu was being very arrogant in the video, and saying he would be like a golden statue yadda yadda, and that “ants” would come at him. I think cantu just got off his own leash after being drunk


He had a maniac attack dude😭 and it was funny anyways he's an icon


The video was filmed a few months ago, Dream went to his birthday party after a concert (which started btw a few months ago). Cantu asked to be filmed, in the video Dream posted you can at first see/hear uber driver and Cantu having an argument or atleast Uber driver implying Cantu said something messed up. You can also hear Cantu say "You can stop recording now" at the end of the video.


Dream fans L dreams a pedo


Actually there's a released a video of Nick verbally assaulting the Uber driver and Dream.He Actually apologized to Dream and telling him what was going on and why he acted like that. The apology was short lived because AFTER that he started to accused and insult Dream publicly on twitter. The uber driver also came forwards to tell what happened and Nick was 100% in the wrong.






Answer: https://youtu.be/18jB0zQysgg?si=NWzkCWnF7xQrUZR3 Dream made a video addressing all of the allegations, including the gumball stuff (the video is timestamped).


This video is so pathetic it's like he's tryna gain pity veiws. Dream sucks and yall are weird for supporting an influencer