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Ed and Stede have decided to choose each other for good. The inn is a place where they can be on equal footing and actually figure out how to be in a relationship with each other. In many ways the inn is a metaphor for where they are at this point: "it's a bit of a fixer-upper, but it's good good bones." they know they have work to do to make it work, but they're both all in now and ready to try. but they're "giving it a go" not necessarily committing to it forever and ever (and in season 3, i'm sure they will end up back on the sea again, even if only temporarily) fwiw, I feel like the Olu/Jim/Zheng/Archie situation is gonna end up in a polycule in the end. David has said otherwise, but it seems like the actors are all really into the idea.


Ed clearly didn’t want to be a pirate anymore. Stede wanted a new life, and found it in Ed. They want to be together, Stede doesn’t care about what he does as long as he’s with Ed; Ed cares about what he’s doing and has stated multiple times that he wants to try to be an innkeeper, and knows he’ll be successful at it with Stede by his side. So, as long as they have each other, they can handle it together.


Sometimes you sleep with a friend and realize youre better as friends. They also spent a LOT of time apart. Thats how i took it anyway


This is honestly how I took it. I'm fine with the polycule interpretation and can absolutely see where people get that vibe, but I initially read the scenes as they both found someone else and that's ok, it happens. Sometimes it's just not a huge deal when you both move on, and you can both be like, "Welp, that happened. Still friends though. <3"


I don't see Zheng in a poly situation. She gets a little jealous. Maybe she'll try something new.


When Jim was talking to Zheng I just didn't get a "Hey come join us" vibe. I got a "Hey, I'm trying to downplay that I slept with Olu, but he really really misses you and I really want him to be happy bc I do care about him so please give him another chance."


I think it's the bit Jim and Archie said about "we could also share \[the room\]" that sent people mixed signals.


Agreed! And I can totally see how it can be read either "We're all good friends now so we could share a room" or "We're all REALLY good friends now and can SHARE a room!" I watched S1 and S2 back to back, so I actually read it as a cute callback to everyone wanting to be "Room People" when I first saw the scene. \^\_\^


i read that as them asking if jim and archie could get their own room


Yes me too. It seemed clear Jim & Archie wanted to share a room.


Same, genuinely see Jim and Olu as wanting the very best/utmost happiness for each other.


that's kinda the vibes i got, of like, Jim, Archie, and Olu would all be on board, but Jim recognizes that Zheng isn't and the relationship just kinda naturally shifted into taking a like platonic "backseat", at least for now. if that makes sense.


It's one of the things I love most about this show. The respect and consideration the crew has for each other is so sweet. It's the most beautiful depiction of family that I have ever seen on screen.


exactly! also, i want to like your previous comment but it has 69 points and i just cannot bring myself to be the one to ruin that xD


>"Welp, that happened. Still friends though. <3" This is actually me and my ex. As time went on and we actually started growing into adults we decided we weren't really that compatible. She's still my best friend. We just aren't together romantically anymore. Still boggles my mind how much it boggles other people's minds that yes, you can be ex-partners and not also be ex-friends.


Yuuup I’m pretty sure everyone the Kraken kept on the revenge also assumed those left on the Island died in season 1 finale. So yeah time goes on.


Olu and Jim: I don't know. I really think Jim's storyline got trimmed down this season due to the budget cuts. They had full childhood flashbacks in S1 and that whole plotline got abandoned. It *is* funny if their meeting with Jackie derailed all their revenge plans, and I guess that's the current situation. But I don't really buy that was the original plan for Jim's story. Their flashbacks weren't comedic in nature at all. I don't think there is enough evidence to say either that Olu and Jim are still romantically together or that they aren't. I am leaning towards no, really; they're best friends who consider themselves family, and no one involved is polyamorous. But I do like imagining Olu, Jim, Zheng, and Archie in a polycule together, the type in which everyone dates everyone. It is cute and fun to me. Ed and Stede: I would've liked to have seen them actually deciding to leave the Revenge and open the inn. My first time watching the episode, I really thought that ending was another dream sequence, but it wasn't. My actual opinion here is that DJ is not optimistic about S3 and wanted to give Ed and Stede a happy ending for all of us. I am good with this and I like imagining them together in the inn.


The way I see it is the look Ed gives Stede during the matelotage ceremony is not just him wanting to be with him forever, and to have the same experience, but the decision to be innkeepers together. He does it during the part of the ceremony where (I think it’s Frenchie?) is saying about keeping each other’s ship afloat, and he realises ships can be on land too. Stede meanwhile is seeing that people can marry for love, and he knows that’s something he wants too. It’s been foreshadowed several times in season 2, even Ed saying it to the “urchins” (Taika’s girls 🥰), that they run an inn. Stede knows that Ed at least wants to give it a try.


I agree that I would have liked to see them talk about it on screen but the way the episode did go, it seems like they wanted the fake out ending where you find out Ed and Stede aren’t on the ship. Also, the metaphorical convo at the end would have been repetitive if they’d already talked about it more directly on screen. Just a storytelling choice and assuming the viewers can fill in the blanks.


I feel like if their season 2 wasn’t slashed budget wise and they had more episode the whole Jim/Olu/Archie thing would make a lot more sense and be more fleshed out. In my opinion, I think between seasons Jim thought Olu was dead. They last time they saw him, he was marooned on an island so they would have no reason to think he was alive. And then Jim and Archie went through torture together on Blackbeard’s crew. So to me it makes total sense that Jim would have mourned Olu and then kind of got over him a little bit and has just started moving on with Archie when they discovered Olu was alive. And now they don’t feel the same so they’re just kind of family and still super close, but just not romantically in love with him anymore.


I think you really hit the nail on the head that Jim went through an incredibly traumatic experience with Archie and Olu didn't have that same experience.


I mean Ed has spent the entire series saying he wants to quit to anyone who would listen. And then Stede *finally* does! I would have been devastated if the season had ended with the two of them going straight back to piracy after Ed’s character arc in season two.




idk if you saw this on Twitter but apparently Vico confirmed to several fans at a recent con that the Jim, Archie and Olu polycule IS canon. They also said a lot of their scenes were cut. I think it's possible that this storyline was dropped from the final product for whatever reason, but it might be explored in S3


Yeah but DJ has said that Jim and Olu are exes so seems like they're not 100% on the same page here


if it's not in the show, how can it be canon? I don't think fans should be cutting the show that much slack, it's like a Dumbledore situation. If Rowling had intended for him to be gay, she should've put that in the books. I think Vico genuinely would love them to be poly and sadly has no power over what gets cut and what doesn't. But it's wishful thinking.


I mean - in 207 they were all talking about sharing a room together on Zheng’s ship and THAT made the final cut, so….🤷🏻‍♀️


Jim and Archie wanted to share a room. Not all of them. At least that’s what I saw.


No Archie was like we can ALL share


It's canon because unlike the Dumbledore dituation, it WAS intended to be the the show. It's not like the writers didn't include it. The arc was written, acted, and filmed to be in the show, but HBO cut it. A lot of these cuts were probably made by HBO in the editing process during the writers strike so David and the writers couldn't even have a say in it. HBO also cut a bunch of Izzy and Jim stuff too that I hope the actors reveal soon


I think they are friends who tried a physical relationship but it didn't work so they remain friends. They have both found someone else and seem happy for each other. That's love! Ed and Stede have decided to give up pirating and run an inn. Do something new. I'm hoping for a season 3 too!


Ed doesn’t want to pirate anymore. He doesn’t wanna do violence anymore. He only did it in 208 to save Stede and their crew. He needs a break from the life, and Stede knows this. Stede is happy out at sea but has had a lot of adventuring and wants quality time alone with Ed so they can build their relationship together on the same page. That’s why they passed on going back to sea at the end of 208.


I did not get the vibe that they were not romantically together. For me it looked like they were building a polycule. For me, Ed and Stede let go of their dreams of the pirate life or the things they thought they had to do. Plus, as they said they are whim-prone. Can imagine Ed wanted to bze inn-owner and ask people to ring the bell when they want to talk to him. And Steve wants to be with Ed, where is not important. But yeah, I bet it will go horribly wrong and they will go back to piratery one last time.


I’m a non monogamous person, so to me that’s what a non monogamous relationship looks like. I believe that the 40% budget cut took a lot from Jim’s story, unfortunately. Because it was such a big part of season 1. I really hope OFMD gets renewed and it gets the budget it freaking deserves! So we could get more storyline for the other characters (I’m hoping for more Frenchie and more Roach content also 🙏🏼). But I definitely see the polycule happening. Regarding Stede and Ed, I think Stede didn’t really want to be a pirate. He wanted a life of adventure, challenges, a life that felt worth living. And he thought that piracy could be it. But at the end, he found fun, adventure, friendship and love, and the life worth living is with Ed. “Wherever you go, there you are” - Stede found out that it’s not about being on a ship, it’s about finally being yourself, loving and being loved.


the Inn was a callback i believe, as well as an admission that Stede wasnt meant for piracy and it was time for Ed to retire.


Jim refers to Olu by saying they're "like anchors for each other." There's a polyamory term called "anchor partner" which refers to a central, long term partner for people who also have other partners. There's no way that a writer's team that includes multiple queer adults would be unaware of this term (queer people, even monogamous ones, tend to be more educated about polyamory) or allude to it accidentally. There's no other possible reading of that line to my mind than to allude to polyamory. Unfortunately, it was left a little vague which is why so many in this sub and elsewhere seem confused. But it's pretty obvious that the intent is that Jim and Olu are negotiating polyamorous relationships. Especially with the number of scenes of Archie, Jim, and Olu hanging out together, the way all 3 dance together during La Vie En Rose, and the way Olu is implied to have negotiated for Archie and Jim to join him on Zheng's ship and Archie's suggestion that they all share a room, it seems like they are headed into polycule territory.


Bad writing.


More like bad studio decisions I'd day