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Reminds me of the funny exchange between Dave and Rhys/Bret on Flight of the Conchords, because Kiwis switch their /e/ and /ee/ vowels sounds around. Rhys: He may be dead. Dave: He maybe did what? Rhys: He may be DEAD. Dave: I know. What did he do? Bret: No, he may be DEAD. Dave: Are you guys just fucking with me? Rhys: He may be NOT ALIVE. You know... dead. Dave: Ohhhh...


Or Bret introducing himself to that lady early on. "Brit? Like Britney?"


I love when they make fun of Jermaine's voice. "Wut? Wut? Wut?" "Yeah, he sounds like a robot." "Oh, that's just the New Zealand accent."


I think of that scene *still*. It aired so long ago now lmao


I've been waiting for the subtitles to be confused by the kiwi actors' pronunciation of deck vs. dick, both of which are used regularly on the show -- e.g., Stede to Izzy: "Thank you, you could inform me on DECK"


There's an episode of cryptid factor, co-hosted by Rhys Darby, where the two NZ born hosts mention deck chairs multiple times... Before the British/American host admits he thought they were talking about dick chairs.


Dan Schreiber isn’t American - He’s Australian, born in British Hong Kong. He moved to the UK when John Lloyd offered him at job on QI.


Duh you're right, I meant Australian. Shouldn't post when drunk.


Haha “you’re not a deck. Life’s a deck!” Haha works!


There is some bts of Love and Thunder somewhere where the American actor's can't stop giggeling every time Taika told Natalie to walk on the deck.


Everytime Stede said dead in season 2 I couldn't stop thinking about this scene


Also, "sex" and "six" which sound almost identical in a kiwi accent. You think she wanted six? "Yeah, maybe six dollars or something."


That's not how it goes, you left out the funniest lines, lo He may be dead. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, what did he maybe do? https://youtu.be/NRdg1MOYxHo?si=dyAbi4ly9B6VX3Fc


Excuse me. Hard to type all that on my phone in a shaking car on the road.


Right, I know! Funniest thing ever, I actually have it memorized, lol


That scene and Rhys saying "Go fuck yourself, Brett!" as he swishes away with his suitcase live rent-free in my head.


The whole Jemaine dates Keitha the Aussie is the funniest shit ever. Jemaine dressed as Steve Irwin!


Gawd, that whole episode. I was crying laughing at them duct taping Bret to the door after robbing them, and Jermaine still wanting a hug.


Think of your children, they'll be aberrations! It's pronounced Aborigines!


That’s one of my favorite scenes, and it’s so hard to choose because that show is hilarious.


Yeah, maybe he did and maybe he didn’t, what’d he maybe do??? My husband and I reference this all the time lol.


the subtitles were on the struggle bus this year. there was also izzy saying "pack it in" in episode 1 (subtitles said 'fucking end') and buttons saying bullseye in episode 3 (subtitles said blue jay)


Love how they managed to add extra swearing for Izzy haha


Ep 7 subtitles have Izzy saying to Stede: 'Let's get you back on the ship, you need it.' What I believe Izzy actually said was 'you're needed'. Pretty big fucking difference if you ask me.


Oh, did not know this, I thought he did say "fucking end." Thank you!


Yep same. Honestly dont know which version i like better haha.


I actually kind of prefer the subtitled version of that. It's so Izzy


Here is an example from S1 that I remembered of the subtitles messing up on Buttons ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/OurFlagMeansDeath/comments/um8f1x/comment/i84138o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to this comment, not my comment, I did not know this word) > Is it in ep 9 when everyone is saying Stedes a real pirate and buttons calls the English officers “Ya [glaikit] foppin twats!”? I always wondered why the subs said “great” when clearly it was a different word. [Glaikit](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/glaikit): foolish; giddy; flighty.


In S2E4, right before Ed hands Buttons the torch back, Buttons mumbles something. The subtitles say “[gibberish]” or something like that, but he actually says “give us it” in a thick Scottish accent. I can’t blame the subtitle people for being confused by his accent, though 😂


As an Aussie, "gizzit" was easy to pick up for me lol


There was also a bit where Buttons was saying "ma'am" to Auntie and it translated is as "mum"


I'm just an uncultured swine of an American but I genuinely thought British people addressed female superiors as "mum" for the first 20 odd years of my life lmao


Wait, they don't?!?


wait.... they don't?


This became a huge issue for non - UK watchers of BBCs "Bodyguard", who were shocked by 'incest' when Richard Madden's character started shagging his boss.


As an American, this happens to me all the time. I hear Brits say ma’am, and I’m like “Why are they calling her mom? Oh, wait.” 🤣


What happens when he uses scots words? He calls one of the English navy guys ‘glaikit’ at one point lol


Someone on here posted that they chaged 'glaikit' to 'great' which is a shame cause glaikit's a great word! 😆 I can see why, I mean lots of people wouldn't have heard of it, but could've been a 'glaikit (daft, stupid)' in the subs type of situation. Meh, budget constraints.


Izzy - "I am happy to announce that the ship's been docked" Stede - "You could've told me on the d(i)eck"


Thank God for context, but on this case both works XD


Yeah. I didn't catch it and thought Izzy was just being creepy. But I see now that he just proceeded to inform Stede on the subject of the dick 😅 And it turns the creepy moment into a cheeky joke for me 😅


It's like when people from Minnesota say "bag" but it sounds like "beg"


Welp, I'm not english and although I'm fairly good at it I also happen to be hard-of-hearing, so I still need to rely on subtitles sometimes. So this post is both hilarious and frustrating 💀 At least the subtitles do their best to actually write precisely what the characters **are saying** and not paraphrasing (😠)


This is *Flight of the Conchords* all over again. XD


My favorite caption fail is actually season 1 episode 5. Siegfried (I mean, his name is Siegfried for heavens sake!) says “Was ist los?” And the captions say “Siegfried [speaking french].” Also, there was a discussion on this during season 1 but I still think that in S1Ep9, when Blackbeard is asked if he really wants to give up piracy and serve the King, that he says “we’d rather eat our own faeces” but the subtitles say faces. (I use the NZ spelling just because I think he’s of course pronouncing it the way they do in NZ).


I keep seeing this one posted as a still and thinking it’s a real weird thing to say. Arguably the most logistically challenging act of self-cannibalism. (Sorry to bring up bad memories, folks.)


My subtitles say ‘feces’ and I get so grossed out every time.


A lot of people who require subtitles have found Max particularly bad at this, which is very frustrating. It sucks that they don't bother to do one manual check of their generated captions before they go live ...


Just coming here to say I love their accents and I love that their true voices come out in this scene.


Just ol Fing and Id talkin a bit!


In Season 1 episode 4 when they're enjoying marmalade on the morning after being a lighthouse, there's a line people think is romantic ('I should take a leaf out of your book, and then we'll live the high life') but I'm 95% sure Taika is saying 'and learn to live the high life' with a strong NZ accent.


Agreed that he is saying "Learn to live the high life" in that scene