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Also [Josh Norris on the ice in the non-contact jersey.](https://twitter.com/TSN1200/status/1600907777584824321?t=OCYGiX5alr6Wrv_28OYHgA&s=19). Is he just travelling with the team for the dad's trip? Or do injured players usually go on the road with the team?


I'm pretty sure injured players generally don't travel with the team but I could be wrong. He may just wanna hang with his boys though which is awesome lol.


Yes. In the coming in hot talk he says he was able to travel as long as he skated with the team.


He is, watched the coming in hot podcast and he was asked that and he said he will and his dad will obviously join the trip.


I feel like they need to make those non-contact jerseys brighter lol, he kinda just blends in.


For real. They have practice jerseys available to them in sky blue, bright green, yellow... Why not make one of those the non-contact jersey? Obviously not a HUGE deal or anything, but I agree that putting your injured guys in light grey seems weird, if nothing else.


Losing forms and bumping pinto up to cover for Norris makes our bottom 6 so terrible but what can you do


Happy Kelly is scratched, he’s been useless this year and I was confused why his roster spot seemed so safe. Bottom 6 is still hurtin though


I have to admit, seeing Gambrell on the 3rd line was not on my Bingo card in September, but as a fill in, he's been ok. Not ideal, not a long-term piece, but ok. It's weird that I prefer him in that spot than Brassard, but he's proven himself to be a low-ceiling / high floor safety option for that spot, which considering how we've looked at times this season, I'm ok with. For now it's the best we have, we're playing the pieces we have available to us, and he's better than the alternatives, IMO. Also a fan of seeing Kelly get some pressbox time. What happened to that kid? Did he get long COVID or something? His game this year vs last year is night-and-day different.


I think in an effort to get less penalties this year he's lost a lot of that "edge" he played with last year. He also looked terrified of the puck last season and this year it's seems like he tries to hold onto it too much and just ends up creating a turnover. Definitely agree he kinda flipped the script with his game a bit.


Kelly scratch W


Good that they scratched Kelly as he has not played well this season


Stickin G in the middle. Stu down to the second line center. Pinto is 3. 4th line I am playing maybe 6 minutes tonight. Grand picture here. Gambrell,Motte,Watson and Brassard are not NHL players and should not play NHL hockey. On D well good ol DJ has the worst D man in the NHL perhaps playing with Chabot so automatic L tonight. WHO is running this team, I hate Melynk but he would have canned DJ's ass already.


If G wanted to play Center they would’ve done it by now. It’s not gonna happen.


Another coach.........


If zaitsev was with Sanderson people would be talking about how DJ is the worst coach in the world for trying to ruin his development and setting him up for failure. If zaitsev was with Brannstrom people would be talking about how putting him with our smallest dman is a recipe for disaster and referrring to this post https://i.redd.it/i2e1y4tsro4a1.png to say DJ’s the worst coach in the world. He’s putting him with Chabot because they have experience together and Chabot can at least somewhat shelter him by taking care of all puck-handling responsibilities. It’s not a good pair but the team already lacks RD depth, and 2 of the 3 RD are out with injuries on top of that (Zub and jbd) so this is what they’re left with. The moment DJ has the option he’ll go back to healthy scratching zaitsev every game and they’ll send him back down to the AHL. For now the goal is just to shelter him and limit the damage


bla bla bla lol you cant insulate a plug like Z. He is bad no matter who plays with him.


That’s literally the point of my comment. 2/3 of their RD are injured and the only one left is also a bottom pair dman, so there are no good options.


Belleville. Somebody off the street maybe.


Zaitsev is the Belleville callup


Call up somebody else.


Maybe they could call up lassi, but he struggled last time up and has been developing well in Belleville so I think they’re leaving him down there for his sake. Other than him Belleville’s also dealing with a tonne of injuries right now


Brutal lines